#Jean Baptiste Hugo
barricadescon · 2 months
Jean Baptiste Hugo announced as Guest of Honor at Barricades 2024
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Barricades 2024 is pleased to announce Jean Baptiste Hugo as one of our Guests of Honor for this year's convention. Jean Baptiste Hugo is the great-great-grandson of Victor Hugo. He has extensively photographed Hugo's home in exile on Guernsey, a project about which he said this: “In 2014, I was about to start a series of photographs of Hauteville House, where Victor Hugo stayed in exile for 15 years. I had the intention, picturing in my mind the dark gothic rooms, to use the legendary black and white 400 Tri-X Kodak film, known for its grainy quality and its rich black tones. It just happened that around that same period I started looking into the extraordinary colour possibilities offered by digital photography, having considered it for years , I must admit, as very inferior to black and white film. The introduction I was given to digital colour photography inspired me enough to try and capture as faithfully as I could the colourful atmosphere of my ancestor’s folly on Guernsey and, I am glad I did, as it allowed me to engage in an exploration of colour and texture in a very creative way which I am still pursuing today through other photographic subjects.”
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genevieveetguy · 1 year
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Chien de la casse, Jean-Baptiste Durand (2023)
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flydotnet · 8 months
Répondez, s'il-vous-plaît (it's a fanfic in English don't flee)
WHUMPTOBER 2023 DAY 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?” Broken Phone | Stranded | “You said you'd never leave.”
Up until yesterday, I had no idea what I'd write for this day. We're a third in and some days do have prompts that boggle my mind.
Fortunately, I got out of there by going to Paris on Friday, seeing good ol' Prism, and wow actually I know what characters I'm gonna use for this oneshot! Thanks Prismou!
Don't look into the actual context around this scene too hard. Like for "Egg Basket" from June, it's in reference to a yet-unpublished piece of fanfiction I've been working on with friends. We still can't release any concrete info about it, so for now, you'll have to do with Vague Setting That's Clearly French.
I'm a bit cheeky about it, though, I'll admit, since I purposefully gave this fic a French title to allude to the fact this is set in France with mostly French characters who speak French among themselves. What's funny is that I've never seen "RSVP" in anything ever in my daily life, only "je vous prie de bien vouloir répondre". Maybe it's one of those Parisian sayings I don't get. I just thought it really fit the fic.
Répondez, s'il-vous-plaît
Summary: répondez s'il-vous-plaît (RSVP): French for please reply. Though francophones may use more usually "prière de répondre" or "je vous prie de bien vouloir répondre", it is common enough.
Everyone has their issues, and sometimes, it's bound to bubble up to the surface. JB and Maxine just… didn't plan on finding out their friend's the way they did.
Fandom: Captain Tsubasa (with a good dose of universe mixing and OC/Canon!)
Word Count: 1K words
AO3 version available here.
Today was supposed to be one of those innocuous days where her best friends aren’t playing soccer for a living for a couple weeks, where they just spend the day together talking about whatever and doing what friends do: hang out, drink, eat, walk, pet a dog, pet a horse. Whatever Maxine was meaning for it to be, it wasn’t playing nursemaid.
Instead, it’s turned into a shitshow and she doesn’t know where to direct the anger that’s swelled inside of her. Maybe it isn’t even anger, who knows. It could be frustration, it could be disappointment – all she knows is that, whatever it is, it’s drowning in slimy concern.
She should’ve known something was afoul when Yuzo wasn’t responding to her text messages. He’s usually so uptight about responding to her in time, he’d have had apologized for responding as little as half an hour later, to some of the most useless stuff possible. This man would apologize for not giving his seat in the subway to a barely-showing pregnant woman because he couldn’t actually stand on his right foot, courtesy of a practice mishap.
All in all, Maxine was expecting something iffy by the time JB and she concluded they both didn’t have news from their pal – and she wishes it was just him oversleeping on his day off, or having forgotten to respond by misplacing his phone somewhere, or some other stupid explanation that wasn’t… that.
When JB and she arrived here, they were greeted by a door left open, if just barely, and a passed-out Yuzo hanging on the floor of his own kitchenette. Most odd was that he was dressed to go outside and had in fact not even taken off his coat nor his scarf, not even his beanie, which was still on his head. On the counter, barely put there, was what clearly was a doctor’s notice with a medicine list.
Unfortunately, doctors speak a language only pharmacists can decode, and neither JB nor Maxine is one. She only knows the names of horse medicine and ketamine isn’t going to help Yuzo – at least, not to rise back to his feet, because God knows it can help with other issues.
“Max, what’s happening to him?” JB asks, downright panicked.
This happens to be how she realizes she’s never explained shit to him and instead just sent him on a wild goose chase for the nearest pharmacy.
“I’m not entirely sure, to be honest, but I think it’s, uh…” She sighs. “How did you even make yourself so sick to begin with, you idiot…?”
“It’s my fault, I’m sure of it.”
“Why would it be?”
JB is the kindest man alive on Earth, but this is stupid.
“I was the one who had the flu first! I must’ve given it to Yuzo and now he’s…” he points at the man on the sofa, “like that!””
“JB, you’re not the sole cause why Yuzo’s like this, I’m certain of that. You were nowhere near as bad as that.” She slowly inserts a thermometer inside his mouth as she speaks, cradling his head with her other hand. “Maybe he’s not used to our European bugs yet. He’s not been here for that long, after all.”
“Maybe I should’ve been more cautious?” There he is, freaking out again. “Maybe if I had worn a mask, or told him not to come inside, he’d be—”
“JB, he was going to catch something eventually. We all have caught something on the subway or the RER. Stop worrying about how he got it, it’s not going to serve much use.” She takes the thermometer out and cusses as soon as the number comes into view. “Shit.”
“It’s bad?”
Maxine glances back at Yuzo. He’s frowning in a fitful sleep, everything about him soaking in sweat and what may be tears, his skin white as his blanket and yet so bright where it’s concerning.
“It’s bad-bad. His fever’s over forty.”
She puts the thermometer back where it came from: the mess of things JB found at the foot of the sofa when they came in.
“What?! That’s…”
“I’m gonna get a bucket and some water, he—”
As Maxine gets up, she feels a grip on her forearm that makes her stop dead in her tracks. The grip isn’t very strong, far from it, but it’s vicious: now staring at her, or trying his hardest to at least, is Yuzo, whose half-open eyes with unfocused irises are freezing her blood in place.
He’s trying to tell her something, as far as she can tell, but it’s gibberish to her. She can’t even tell if it’s her Japanese that’s not good enough to understand it (and it wouldn’t surprise her) or if Yuzo really is incoherent in his speech. All she can tell is that he’s calling out to… someone. First it was his mother, but then, it sounded like names Maxine had never heard about.
“JB, can you get the bucket of water and a washcloth, please?” She asks as she lowers back to her boyfriend’s level. “I’m afraid of what would happen if I left him.”
“I’m on it!”
“Thanks a lot,” she tells her best friend before focusing back on their shared companion. “What were you trying to tell me, honey…?”
Unfortunately, she gets no response from him as he slips back into his fitful sleep.
It takes around thirty minutes before, at long last, Yuzo reemerges from whatever hell of the mind he was stuck in. It’s clear as soon as she can actually see something in his eyes, not just haze and a sort of desperate plea.
“Ah, you’re awake!” JB says as he rushes to the sofa, the bag of medicine in hand.
Yuzo flinches at the noise, gritting his teeth.
“I think you’re too loud, his head must hurt.”
“Ah, crap! Sorry, pal!”
Maxine can’t help but sigh with fondness, then focus back on their patient.
“How are you feeling?”
“Hurts,” he replies in Japanese, and that’s how Maxine can interpret it.
“What’s he saying?”
She lifts her eyes to JB, who looks discernibly worried out of his skin, rubbing his arms for warmth.
“He isn’t feeling too good, from what I can tell. It’d be more obvious if he spoke French, but it’s not a surprise he’s fallen back to Japanese.”
“Yeah, true…”
It seems as if even hearing this conversation has awaken something in their friend, whose arms barely manage to lift him up.
“Maxine…?” His voice is hoarse, his barking cough sounds wet. “What’re you doing here…?”
Both JB and she let out a sigh of relief.
“Okay, good, you can actually speak coherent French! That means you’re doing better.”
“What happened, I’m… confused?”
JB runs to her side, smiling a little – no doubt from relief.
“Sorry for that, pal! We found you passed out on your floor earlier. You really worried us, you know?”
Yuzo looks like he’s trying to solve an equation with two unknowns on the fly to very mixed results.
“I don’t know what the doctor diagnosed you with, Yuzo, but it must be terrible. Do you mind if I take your temperature?”
“N-no, go for it.”
They all stand in silence as she does. It takes longer than the first time, and despite how heavy it makes the air as a result, it’s somewhat reassuring. Eventually, it beeps again, and this time, Maxine’s eyes don’t bulge out of their sockets.
“Thirty-eight point nine,” she announces. “It’s not good by any means, but it’s better than before, that’s for sure.”
Yuzo stares at her with
“Hang on, Max! We’ve still got all that stuff!”
As she stares at the bag in JB’s hands, she feels utterly stupid.
“Oh, snap, you’re right.”
It only takes them a couple minutes to get a couple of pills inside Yuzo, who doesn’t even protest – his throat does, but he doesn’t. In the meantime, she observes him, watches the colour on his face slowly come back even if he remains ashen pale compared to usual anyway.
She has questions swirling through her mind, some dating from before today and some so fresh they still feel crispy. She waits to ask them, sits through JB making sure his friend isn’t going to lose consciousness again. For a second, she wonders if he knows, so less puzzled yet just as heartbroken as she was earlier.
“Hey, Yuzo… Can I ask you something?” She eventually says.
He looks back at her
“Earlier, when your fever spiked, you said some things out loud.” Her eyes harden. “I doubt you remember much from it, but I still wanted to ask: do you know what you could’ve said? I think you were talking in Japanese.”
He takes time to process. Jesus, Maxine, you know he’s already struggling with French and a fever, don’t make both harder on him.
“It… depends. I was deep in a dream, I think.”
“You clutched Max’s arm and told her stuff as you cried,” JB adds.
Yuzo changes faces immediately, losing all confidence.
“Oh… I know what I must’ve said.” He takes a pause, gets a coughing fit out (she hands him a glass of water as soon as it’s done). “You said… You said you’d never leave me.” He gulps. “At least, I’m pretty sure that’s what I said.”
“Do you know who you were saying that?”
“My mother… presumably.”
He doesn’t sound sure, but it doesn’t prevent JB from wanting confirmation, even if his face is hesitant.
“You said that to your… mom?”
“I don’t see anyone else I could’ve asked in my sleep…”
“Not even one of your friends or teammates?”
Maxine prefers to make sure because, come to think of it, she’s been dating this man for months and he’s never told her about his family. Every time she asked, he recoiled and she dropped the topic entirely. Which means…
“No, I’ve never been ill in front of them.”
“It’s normal to call out to your mom when you’re sick, though, I do it all the time,” JB continues. “So why do you look so… uneasy?”
In front of them, Yuzo rolls back inside himself, shoulders rounded like a hedgehog protecting himself. It’s bizarre to witness.
“It’s… I’ve never gotten along with my parents.” Despite his hoarse voice, he sounds clear as day, suddenly. “They’ve always held more interest within my brothers.”
“You have siblings?”
This is the first time Maxine hears about potential in-laws.
“Two brothers. One older, one younger. Engineer, doctor.” He shivers. “I wanted to be a soccer player. It didn’t make them happy.”
She doesn’t like where it’s going. Don’t tell her they…
“So when any of us would get sick, it was first them, and then me. I think they didn’t really want me to be born, but they still raised me.”
Her blood is boiling. Who are those people? How can you be so cruel? How could they’ve given the world such a sweet man…?
JB and Maxine are staring at each other, speechless.
“It’s fine, it’s just… How I was raised,” Yuzo continues to try and justify. “
“Actually, uhm… That’s just…”
JB is struggling to find his wording, fretting again (and who can blame him, that’s quite the unexpected package to drop onto their lap); so Maxine, like the good ol’ pal she is, takes the helm once more.
“Can I be very blunt about that?”
She’s sorry, she really is, especially since he looks so troubled, trembling from head to toes and hair risen on his arms; but it must be said. It must be done.
“Fuck your parents and fuck your brothers while I’m at it. They should’ve taken care of you before it got this bad.” She gets JB closer to her. “And neither of us is gonna let you down like they gave up on you.”
“It’s…” Tears prickle at his eyes. “Thank you…”
“It’s no big deal!”
“Just tell us when you’re ill, though. I’d rather not have that scare again!”
“I promise.”
She cups his face again, relief finally coming back to her.
“Now, you should get some rest. JB and I will stay here, don’t worry.”
“Actually, I need to get my sleepover stuff…”
“Well, at least one of us will be here at all times,” Maxine chuckles. “Unless you want us both?”
“No, no, it’s fine,” he replies with a bit of a cough stuck in his throat. “It’s already a lot. Thank you very much.”
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sunsetcurveauto · 6 months
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Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld, Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot
eurydice, sarah ruhl // francis forever, mitski // hamlet, william shakespeare // the worm king's lullaby, richard siken // i swear somewhere this works, trista mateer // walking home, marie howe // amy & roger's epic detour, morgan matson // the epic of gilgamesh // from june to december - summer villanelle, wendy cope // eurydice, sarah ruhl
outhouse, rachel mckibbens // hamlet, william shakespeare // the great believers, rebecca makkai // a little life, hanya yanagihara // introduction to quantum theory, franny choi // concerning the book that is the body of the beloved, gregory orr // the song of achilles, madeline miller // i swear somewhere this works, trista mateer // les miserables, victor hugo // eurydice, sarah ruhl
the epic of gilgamesh // eurydice, sarah ruhl // in the name of love, katie maria // the great believers, rebecca makkai // i swear somewhere this works, trista mateer // the time traveller's wife, audrey niffenegger // hamlet, william shakespeare // on the death of summer and baptismal promises, w.r. // amy & roger's epic detour, morgan matson // road to hell (reprise), anaïs mitchell
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kakusu-shipping · 4 months
Crush List
I use to have a crush list on my first pinned post but I ended up deleting it to save space and sense then have been pretty indecisive about bringing it back just because I didn't feel it was useful information and the concept was too broad and more and more excuses of the like.
Then my OCD got stuck in list mode so here we are anyway.
Long post under the cut, thankyou for your attention
Canon Crushes
Crushes that are canon to my Self-Insert's story (either I have a crush on them or they have a crush on me), some of which are also on the F/O list, but they're still in the crush phase to me <3
Katsuki Bakugo - My Hero Academia
Reedus Jonah - Fairy Tail
Usopp - One Piece
Makoto Katai - Komi Can't Communicate
Souichi Nishimura (Ironman) - Baka and Test
Junta Hayami - Romantic Killer
Franky Franklin - Spy X Family
Chieko - Princess Jellyfish
Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano/Hirano and Kagiura
Baron Humbert von Gikkington - The Cat Returns
Arrietty Clock - The Secret World of Arrietty
Pearl - Steven Universe
The Beast - Over the Garden Wall
Ash's Sirfetch'd - Pokemon Anime
Guzma - Pokemon Masters
Doctor Mario - Super Mario
Metal Mario - Super Mario
Wardell - Animal Crossing
Spyke - Splatoon
CQ Cumber - Splatoon
Chara - Undertale
Flowey - Undertale
Gaster - Deltarune
Phineas Filch - Ace Attorney
Maugaloa Malosi - Overwatch
Luca Blight - Suikoden 2
Just can't be bother to make an S/I
For various reasons including; Already have too many S/Is for this media, There's a ship I like that already has the dynamic my S/I would have with them (including friend's self-ships), Haven't had a good S/I concept yet, etc.
Pantherlily - Fairy Tail
Taurus - Fairy Tail
Mayaya - Princess Jellyfish
Hilling - Ranking of Kings
Marco Pagot - Porco Rosso
Palo Barrrows - The Titan's Bride
Noppo - Drifting Home
Randall - Monsters University
Jasper - Steven Universe
Rose Quarts/Pink Diamond - Steven Universe
Padparadscha - Steven Universe
The Titan - The Owl House
Grime - Amphibia
Maddie Flour - Amphibia
King Andrias - Amphibia
Hugo Oak - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Jamack - Kipo and the age of the Wonderbeasts
Black Hat -Villainous
Bobert - The Amazing World of Gumball
The Nomad - Nomad of Nowhere
Brock - Pokemon Anime
Cilan - Pokemon Anime
Ren - Pokemon Anime
Ingo and Emmet - Pokemon BW
Nanu - Pokemon SuMo
Mega Swampert - Pokemon
Regirock - Pokemon
Regice - Pokemon
Mega Lopunny - Pokemon
Dusknoir - Pokemon
Giritina - Pokemon
Blacephalon - Pokemon
Magnazone - Monster Mind
Bowser - Super Mario
Dimentio - Super Paper Mario
Grilby - Undertale
Damon Gant - Ace Attorney
Bobby Fulbright - Ace Attorney
Junko Enoshima - Danganronpa
Chihiro Fujisaki - Danganronpa
The Ultimate Imposter - Danganronpa
Gundham Tanaka - Danganronpa
Winston - Overwatch
Mako Rutledge (Roadhog) - Overwatch
Akande Ogundimu (Doomfist) - Overwatch
Jean-Baptiste Augustin - Overwatch
Richmond - Suikoden 2
Don't know enough
Either a non-major character I got a little too attached to or Their source material is too small to inspire me or I literally haven't directly interacted with the media they are from
Lapointe - Fairy Tail
Sanji Vinsmoke - One Piece
Usopp - One Piece
Bartholomew Kuma - One Piece
Bepo - One Piece
Kitsune - XXXHolic
Dream Seller - XXXHolic
Otori-San - I Like Otori-san!
Tomoki Inohara - Melt at Night
Satou Jun - Mimasaka-kun to Mayoeru Kobuta
Yuzuru Tachibana - Drifting Home
Metauro - Villainous
Caine - The Amazing Digital Circus
Data - Star Trek
Harvey Hornswoggle - Drawtectives
Animatronic - Drawtectives
Captain Pikachu - Pokemon Anime
Callagan - Pokemon the Power of Us
Pumpkinmon - Digimon
Noblepumpkinmon - Digimon
Tubba Blubba - Paper Mario
Ganon - Legend of Zelda
Meta Knight- Kirby
Galacta Knight - Kirby
Morpho Knight - Kirby
Magalor - Kirby
Roche - Dokapon Kingdom
Gaster - Undertale
Light Field (Snake) - The Nonary Games
Shamura - Cult of the Lamb
Ralph - Detroit; Become Human
Jerry - Detroit; Become Human
Bloodhound - Apex
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thomas-querqy · 1 year
Homos en France, documentaire réalisé par Aurélia Perreau sur France 2 (106′) 🙂
mardi 16 mai 2023 à 21:10
Disponible jusqu'au 22/09/23
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peterschibli · 2 months
Letzte Tage
Berühmte Komödien Nach der Form Charakterkomödie: eine einzelne Person steht im Vordergrund (Der Schwierige von Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Der Geizige von Jean-Baptiste Molière). Typenkomödie: charakterisiert durch ein typisiertes, durch wiederkehrende Masken, Gestik oder Kostüme erkennbares Rollenpersonal (Commedia dell’arte). Situationskomödie: Verwicklung der Handlungsstränge, Verkettung…
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marciamattos · 10 months
Georges-Antoine Rochegrosse, nascido em Versalhes em 2 de agosto de 1859 e falecido na Argélia em 1938 é um pintor, decorador e ilustrador francês.
Filho de Élise Marie Bourotte (1828-1904) e Jules Jean Baptiste Rochegrosse, que morreu em 1874. Em 1875, sua mãe se casou novamente com o poeta Théodore de Banville, de quem Georges-Antoine se tornou o filho adotivo. Apresentando-o aos artistas, homens de letras que recebeu em sua casa: Baudelaire, Verlaine, Mallarmé, Rimbaud que hospedou em sua casa. Assim como a Victor Hugo, Flaubert
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Iniciou a sua formação como pintor com Alfred Dehodencq depois ingressou na Académie Julian nas oficinas de Jules Joseph Lefebvre e Gustave Boulanger, aos 12 anos e terminou os seus estudos nas Beaux-Arts de Paris. Ele subiu ao box duas vezes para a competição Prix de Rome em 1880 e 1881 e fez sua estreia no Salon em 1882, onde conquistou uma medalha. No ano seguinte, obteve uma bolsa para uma viagem de estudos, que lhe permitiu viajar por toda a Europa.
No início de sua carreira, ele praticou pintura histórica e experimentou o simbolismo. Em seguida, ele se volta para o orientalismo ao descobrir a Argélia, onde conhecerá Marie Leblon com quem se casará em 1896. Ela será o amor de sua vida, sua esposa, sua musa e sua modelo. Ele vive e trabalha na casa Cité Chaptal em Paris, que mais tarde abrigou o Théâtre du Grand-Guignol, agora o International Visual Theatre.
Ele descobriu a Argélia em 1894 e se estabeleceu permanentemente com sua esposa em El Biar, nos subúrbios de Argel, em 1900. Todo verão ele viajava para Paris, onde era júri do Salão de artistas franceses. O casal morou inicialmente na Villa des Oliviers 3, depois mudou-se para um pequeno pavilhão. O casal construiu uma villa chamada Djenan Meryem. Eles passam o inverno na Argélia e o verão em Paris. Eles constroem outra casa em Sidi-Ferruch ao longo da praia. Em 1910 mandou criar uma oficina: Dar es Saouar onde recebia os seus alunos
Em 1905, foi professor da famosa Académie Druet, fundada em 1904 pelo pintor Antoine Druet (1857-1921).
Admirado por seus contemporâneos como Théodore de Banville ou Conan Doyle; Membro influente da Sociedade dos Pintores Orientalistas Franceses, membro do júri do Salão dos Artistas Franceses. Ele expôs não apenas em Paris, mas também no Salon des Artistes algériens e presidiu o júri da União Artística do Norte da África de 1925, bem como o Sindicato Profissional dos Artistas Argelinos.
Após a Primeira Guerra Mundial e a morte de sua esposa em 1920, após uma doença contraída no hospital de Argel onde ela era enfermeira, sua pintura tomou um rumo mais pessimista com toques de religiosidade. Ele se casou com sua governanta Antoinette Arnau, voltou para Argel em 1937 e morreu no ano seguinte. Ele será transferido para o cemitério de Montparnasse.
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filmsetseriespourtous · 11 months
Films dramatiques : laissez-vous tenter par « Chien de la casse »
Si vous aimez les films dramatiques, vous pourriez vous plaire avec « Chien de la casse ». Il s’agit d’une réalisation de Jean-Baptiste Durand. Benoît Jaoul s’est occupé de l’aspect visuel du long-métrage alors que le soin de la musique a été confié à Delphine Malaussena et Hugo Rossi. Place au récit à présent. Dans un petit village de l’Hérault, Mirales et Dog, deux amis d’environ vingt ans,…
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opcaoturismo · 1 year
Palácios de Queluz e Sintra com visitas temáticas no Dia Internacional dos Museus
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No Dia Internacional dos Museus, que se comemora no dia 18 de maio, a Parques de Sintra dedica duas visitas temáticas inéditas aos que gostam de ser os primeiros a conhecer as novidades nos Palácios Nacionais de Queluz e de Sintra, onde a investigação constante conduz a novas descobertas e origina novas abordagens museográficas. No Palácio Nacional de Queluz, um projeto museográfico em curso vai fazer renascer o oratório de D. João VI. Durante a visita “Devoção Real: o oratório de D. João VI no Palácio Nacional de Queluz”, agendada para as 10h30, Hugo Xavier, conservador do Palácio, explica como o estudo dos inventários da época está a permitir a reconstituição deste espaço de oração fundamental para conhecer os hábitos da Família Real. Algumas valiosas peças que vão regressar ao seu local original, como uma estatueta de São Pedro oferecida ao rei D. João VI pelo Papa Pio VII e pinturas de Domingos Sequeira, Jean-Baptiste Debret e Arnaud Pallière, foram já restauradas. Os participantes nesta visita poderão aceder às reservas do Palácio para conhecer, em primeira mão, o resultado desses trabalhos de restauro.
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No Palácio Nacional de Sintra, às 15h00, decorre a visita “Retrato de jovem nobre, cavaleiro da Ordem de Calatrava: novas pinceladas de investigação”, conduzida pelo conservador Fernando Montesinos, que vai revelar dados inéditos sobre um dos mais enigmáticos retratos de corte que integram a coleção do monumento. Em 2017, uma monografia editada pela Parques de Sintra respondeu a muitas das interrogações geradas até então à volta da pintura, mas, agora, há novas informações acerca da identificação da personagem representada e da pertença da pintura a uma das pinacotecas mais importantes da aristocracia cortesã da primeira metade do século XVII. Assim, impõe-se uma questão: será necessário proceder a novos "repintes" na interpretação deste retrato? As visitas temáticas integradas na comemoração do Dia Internacional dos Museus são limitadas a 15 participantes e têm a duração aproximada de uma hora e meia. Os bilhetes vendem-se exclusivamente online no site da Parques de Sintra e custam 10€ para adultos e 8,5€ para jovens (6-17 anos) e séniores ( mais de 65 anos). Read the full article
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aritradattta · 1 year
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Friedrich Von Hayek
Friedrich August Von Hayek was a phenomenal Economist . He is marked as one of the greatest economist of all times .
Friedrich Hayek was born on 8th May in Vienna, 1899 . He was the oldest of the three brothers named Heinrich Hayek & Erich Hayek . His Dad, August Hayek was a professor at University of Vienna and also a well-known doctor . Mom, Née Von Hayek was a daughter of a renowned economist named Franz Von Juraschek . Née was cousin of the legendary philosopher - Ludwig Wittgenstein . In 1921, when the book 'Tractatus Logico Philophicus' was published, Friedrich was the first reader to read it . It was seen that, Friedrich was literally so frequent in the intellectual academic bent . Nonetheless, he was failed to get better grades in the respective fields as - Greek, Latin & Mathamatics . On the other side, Hayek read many evolutionary works such as - Jean Baptiste Monet De Lamarck, Hugo De Vries, Gregor Johann Mendel, August Weissman & Ludwig Feuerbach at a very early age .
In 1917, Hayek joined in the Austro-Hungarian army and fought with courage to the Italian front . He was decorated for his stupendous gallantry in the war .
Later, at the University of Vienna, Hayek initially studied Philosophy, Psychology & Economics . Afterwards, in 1921 & 1923 he obtained doctorates in law and Politics . Amidst the rhythm of 1932-1924, Hayek was researching about the macroeconomic data on American economy and the operations of the Federal Reserve . He was motivated by Wesley Claire Mitchell and carried out a doctoral research on monetary stabilization . However, he didn't wind up this research . Thereafter, he got the touch of Ludwig Von Mises & read the great book named 'Socialism' . He started to attend seminars of Mises accompanied by his university pals such as Alfred Schutz, Kaufmann, Gottfried Haberler & Fritz Machlup . In the late 1920's Hayek established & served as a post of Director, with the help of Mises . Then, London School of Economics & Political Science appointed him in 1931 . A year later, Britain was put up with the damage accounting for Winston Churchill's decision .
After the Nazi's aggression costed Austria in 1938, Hayek was reluctant to go to Austria . Six years later Hayek wrote the outstanding book on liberalism - 'The Road to Serfdom' . Hayek was literally influenced by the classical liberal thinker named - Alexis De Toqueville . In 1947, Hayek was nominated as a Fellow of the Royal Economic Society . In the 50's, Hayek left the The London School of Economics & Political Science . The University of Chicago evoked him as a chairship . Nevertheless, his salary wasn't came from the Chicago University fund . It's arrived from a foundation named William Volker Fund . At the University of Chicago Hayek worked with Milton Friedman .
He received the Guggenheim Fellowship in 1954 . He also served as a professor in the University of Freiburg ( 1962 - 1968 & 1978 - 1992 ) & the University of Salzburg ( 1968 - 1977 ) .
He was honoured as the most illustrious award of the universe - Nobel Prize in Economics in the 1974 .
This indescribable person rested in peace on 23rd March, 1992 . While he breathed his last he was in the University of Freiburg . Literally, he was a representative of a devoted orthodoxy professor .
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news4usonline · 1 year
A poignant 'Twilight' explores the LA riots
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LOS ANGELES (News4usonline) – There were a couple of things that triggered the Los Angeles riots in 1992. You had a Black motorist getting the snot beat out of him by four white Los Angeles police officers after a routine traffic stop. This incident blew the already simmering tension between law enforcement and the Black community right out of the water. The beatdown of Rodney King at the hands of those sworn to serve and to protect generated outrage both nationally and globally as footage of that fateful night was caught on videotape.
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From L to R: Lovensky Jean-Baptiste, Jeanne Sakata, Lisa Reneé Pitts, Sabina Zúñiga Varela, and Hugo Armstrong in “Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992” at Center Theatre Group / Mark Taper Forum March 8 through April 9, 2023. Photo by Craig Schwartz Photography This was in 1991. Black people were angry. Folks were ready to tear things up then as the friction between the police and the Black community hit a low point. Adding to that inferno was the unjustified killing of a Black teenager by a local grocer over a bottle of orange juice in South Los Angeles only a couple of weeks after King found himself being pummeled by wildly swung batons wielded like Thor’s hammer. The murder of Latasha Harlins by Soon Ja Du and the fact she did not receive any jail time for shooting the teenager in the back of the head burned a hole in the relationship long forged between the Black and Korean communities. It was also a premeditated and contributing factor to the riots of 1992, an ugly upheaval that would cost Los Angeles more than $1 billion in property damage. With the city on edge and Los Angeles teetering on revolt, the acquittal of Timothy Wind, Sgt. Stacey Koon, Theodore Briseno, and Laurence Powell was the final straw to break the Black community’s back. Kindness would have to take a backseat to disgust. Rage was now the champion over humility. The official date or anniversary of the Los Angeles riots is April 29, 1992. The jury’s verdict of the four police officers sent Los Angeles to a point of almost no return. For those who can remember, the rioting became five days of mayhem, chaos, and utter destruction. Actor Anna Deavere Smith knows firsthand what that period was like. Drawing from more than 300 interviews, Smith first put together a one-woman show three decades ago about the unrest. Today, Smith is reliving her one-woman show in the form of a cast of five people in “Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992,” playing at the Mark Taper Forum through April 9 in downtown Los Angeles. “Being asked by Gordon Davidson to move through the embers of the Los Angeles uprising was a watershed moment in my life as an artist and as a human being,” Smith said. “The can do must do spirit of Gordon, the entire institution and the community, sparked something I had never experienced and have not experienced since. Center Theatre Group provided a way for me, in tandem with other drama professionals and with local intellectuals/activists, to respond to the civic disaster through theatre.”
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From L to R: Hugo Armstrong, Sabina Zúñiga Varela, Lovensky Jean-Baptiste, Jeanne Sakata, and Lisa Reneé Pitts in “Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992” at Center Theatre Group / Mark Taper Forum March 8 through April 9, 2023. Photo by Craig Schwartz Photography “Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992,” traces back to the pivotal moments that would eventually lead Los Angeles down the path of seeing individuals trying to burn the city down and create an atmosphere of criminality, including looting. Adding a layer of depth to the play that resonates deeply are the videos of the shooting of Harlins and the King episode that is played to the audience. The visual campaign of those two dramatic moments of American history serves as a stark reminder of what led to the riots in the first place. Both videos are raw and unflinching. Both hit hard like a Mike Tyson uppercut. The stage play, directed by Gregg T. Daniel, unabashedly hone in on the video beating of King and footage of young Harlins being killed. But the actors make all things go with stellar performances.   Hugh Armstrong, Lovensky Jean-Baptiste, Lisa Rene Pitts, Jeanne Sakata, and Sabrina Zuniga are dazzling on stage as they bring to life or re-create individuals who were major players in the upheaval.     Daniel praises Smith for bringing this project to life.      “This show is about such a consequential time in Los Angeles and Anna poured so much effort into making it a transformative, radical moment in theatre,” Daniel shared. “Her journalistic approach to writing revolutionized theatre when she wrote ‘Twilight,’ and I am honored to work alongside her to breathe new life into this historic and revered play.” The Center Theatre Group, which the Mark Taper Forum falls under, has held a plethora of community engagement activities to coincide with the playing of “Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992.” The next event is on April 4.
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Sabina Zúñiga Varela in “Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992” at Center Theatre Group / Mark Taper Forum March 8 through April 9, 2023. Photo by Craig Schwartz Photography April 4: Radical Hospitality: Moving towards Hope & Outwrestling Despair Dr. Cornel West tells us “Those who have never despaired have neither lived nor loved. Hope is inseparable from despair. Those of us who truly hope to make despair a constant companion whom we out-wrestle every day owing to our commitment to justice, love, and hope.” In this culminating conversation, we return to the spirit and the body to assess how each of us can cultivate a fortitude that allows us to fight the good fight. Among artistic and civil rights giants, we ask how each and every one of us can discover our role in the movement toward liberation. ACCESS Performance – 2:30 p.m., Saturday, April 8, 2023 Center Theatre Group’s ACCESS program is committed to accessibility for all audiences. CTG offers a number of services to accommodate persons requiring mobility, vision, and hearing access. One Saturday matinee for every mainstage Center Theatre Group production is designated as an ACCESS performance. These performances are designed for patrons who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind, and/or have low vision. ACCESS performances offer American Sign Language interpretation, Open Captioning and Audio Description. For more information on the ACCESS program visit CenterTheatreGroup.org/Access. Read the full article
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Sanctus de Johannes Tapissier (1370-1410) (Apt - Trésor de la Cathédrale Sainte-Anne, ms. 16bis)
Ensemble Refactus : Brice Ramondenc Eliott Gualdi Hugo Macé Jean-Baptiste Nicolas
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remixinc · 1 year
Rimon "What They Called Me" from BLEUNUIT on Vimeo.
'What They Called Me' is the visual counterpart to RIMONs sophomore EP 'I Shine, U Shine'. Her debut short film tells the story of RIMON on a journey of self-discovery, struggling with finding and accepting her own path in life. Navigating through tumultuous relationships, consistently losing herself by adapting in the most extreme ways - battling unspoken childhood traumas in the process. A masterclass in self-acceptance; showcasing the value of claiming your own identity.
production BLEUNUIT directors MAKY MARGARIDIS and LOUIS LEKIEN writers YANNICK DE KEIJZER, RIMON co-writers LOUIS LEKIEN and MAKY MARGARIDIS creative direction RIMON, BLEUNUIT starring RIMON, SHAY LATUKOLAN, MVFASA, SARAH PINTO, JOANNA DONNAU poetry DINA BOUADI, RIMON translation Eritrean v/o: NATNAEL YOSEF director of photography EDOUARD LE GRELLE line producer TIPHAINE LAROSSA 1st assistant director ROBIN KNUDSEN choreographer SHAY LATUKOLAN stylist KATE HOUSH hair and make-up SOPHIA SINOT hair and make-up assistant ANAIS BAIVIER hair and make-up assistant MATHILDE WALLEZ 1st camera assistant JULES KOECHLIN 1st camera assistant day 3 SYLVESTRE VANNOORENBERGHE 2nd Camera assistant ELLEN GUBBELS steadycam CHARLY VANDEDRINCK location manager AGATHE CORNILLON location manager assistant ROMANE DUCHEMIN gaffer BENOIT DERICKE bestboy RAYAN IMOULA best boy day 3 MAEL FERUNG key grip THIBAULT SELLIER grip ANTOINE PICCARELLE production designer SOPHIE BOURY production designer ASSISTANT EVA CASSOL editing LOUIS LEKIEN & MAKY MARGARIDIS color grade JOSEPH BICKNELL @company3 original compositions SAMUEL KAREEM BAPTIST sound recordist MORGAN LE GRELLE sound recordist SATCHEL HART additional vocal recordist SAMUEL KAREEM BAPTIST music & sound design IXYXI soundtrack coordinator SIMEON VIOT mix & master original compositions Alain ‘Lunaman’ Croisy production assistants LUCA DE TAEYE, HUGO DEPIN, JULIEN MERCIER stylist assistant GUUSJE ERENS stylist assistant SOPHIE NAPEN stylist assistant MARINE FERAIN stylist assistant LAURYN VANHAVERBEKE stylist assistant AMANDA ADEYEMI stylist assistant LAURYN VANHAVERBEKE photographer KWABENA APPIAH-NTI
Special thanks to XAVIER BOURGEOIS, STIXN ENT, YOUNES, ANA, BRASSERIE ATLAS, REMI CALMONT, Mia Pichon, Beatriz de Sousa, Clémence Iryimanivuze, Line-Teta Blemont, Lune Jusseau, Elisabeth Vincent, Tanja Mala Ngombe, Alexia Lobo, Neeharika, Sadhukhan, Stefani Konstantinesku, Mélyssandre Manem, Marie Merci Nkizamacumu, Zineb Selouane, Marie Callet, Roger Makadi, Medy Kaba, Kénor Ospina, Kriticos, HunterIsBlue, Thirteen, Jérémie Lequime, Raphaël Lallemand, Sandrine Wilmotte, Sophie Lisart, Alejandra Lopez Vasquez, Jean-François Mathy , Alain Montoisy, Pascal Hutsebaut, Didier Ficks, Jean-Luc Vangansen, Rodrigue Levesque, Issa Rghioui, Issa Rghioui, Tanguy Kamp, Seraphin Maroy, Aki Mateta, Andy Ouwens, Omid Farzami, Darrell Cole, Nina Mounah, Twenty second vintage Hasselt, Riot Antwerpen
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logonda · 2 years
Das Metropolitan Museum - New York
Autor: J. J. Rorimer, E. A. Standen Titel: Malerei der Welt - Das Metropolitan Museum in New York Verlag: DuMont Schauberg Erschienen: 1959 Sprache: Deutsch - El Greco - Werkstatt des Giotto - Piero di Cosimo - Andrea Mantegna - Robert Campin - Dirk Bouts - Hieronymus Bosch - Caravaggio - Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn - Velasquez - Jusepe Ribera - Francesco Guardi - John Constable - Constance Marie Charpentier - Gustave Courbet - Pesellino - Giovanni di Paolo - Sassetta - Andrea del Verrocchio - Antonio Pollaiuolo - Carlo Crivelli - Fra Carnevale - Antonello da Messina - Vittore Carpaccio - Sandro Botticelli - Raffael - Hubert van Eyck - Rogier van der Weyden - Petrus Christus - Hugo van der Goes - Hans Memling - Joachim Patinir - Lucas Cranach der Ältere - Albrecht Dürer - Pieter Bruegel der Ältere - Hans Holbein der Jüngere - Bronzino - Tizian - Tintoretto - Veronese - Anton van Dyck - Edouard Manet - Claude Monet - Edgar Degas - Pierre Auguste Renoir - Paul Cezanne - Georges Seurat - Vincent van Gogh - Paul Gauguin - Peter Paul Rubens - Nicolas Poussin - Jacob Isaacksz Van Ruisdael - Meindert Hobbema - Jan Vermeer van Delft - Frans Hals - Francisco de Goya - Jean-Antoine Watteau - Francois Boucher - Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin - Canaletto - Joshua Reynolds - Joseph Mallord William Turner - Thomas Lawrence - Jaques Louis David - Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres - Honore Daumier - Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Read the full article
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samsdei · 4 years
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Gaspard Meier-Chaurand
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