barricadescon · 1 day
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Didn't get a chance to submit a panel but still interested in presenting at Barricades? We are seeking panelists for the following programming:
-Panellists who've read any of the unofficial published Les Mis sequels / Les Mis novels of the profic variety, and would like to talk about it
-Anyone willing to host social / games type panels (think 2023's Preliminary Gaieties)
-Fans with opinions on femme/butch dynamics and gender presentation in Les Miserables, especially the dynamic between Marius, Cosette, and Éponine
If you’d like to participate, please email [email protected] or join our planning server here!
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barricadescon · 3 days
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Call for Con Moderators!
Barricades is run entirely by volunteers, and we are so grateful for everyone who has given their time thus far to make the con a reality! As we approach the con weekend, we are seeking a few more volunteers in specific roles – whether you’ve already volunteered with us or have an interest, we’d love to hear from you! 
We are specifically seeking Discord and Zoom Moderators for the weekend of the con. 
Time commitment: As much or as little as you like! To keep things running smoothly you’d be hosting at least 1 programming item, so anywhere from 1 hour upwards 
When: During the convention, as well as a 1-hour training in the weeks before
Responsibilities of a moderator during the con:
Discord moderation: Keep an eye on designated channels to ensure people follow the rules
Remind attendees of “discord etiquette” and Code of Conduct when necessary
Keeping discussions in appropriate channels, cw/spoiler tags when necessary, etc
Respond to violation reports
Assist with technical issues
Zoom moderation: make sure that the presentations run smoothly
Host and record the meeting
Introduce the panel and manage Q&A
Reminding attendees of “zoom etiquette” when necessary
Help participants with technical questions and issues (where to find the zoom, basic troubleshooting)
We prefer if you have your camera on as a zoom moderator, but it is not mandatory
The volunteer training sessions will be held on June 29 at 10 a.m. EST, June 30 at 3 p.m. EST, July 6 at 6 p.m. EST, and July 7 at 12 p.m. EST. If you’d like to volunteer but cannot make a session, please let us know so we can accommodate. 
If you are interested in volunteering for Barricades 2024, please fill out this form and join our planning discord to connect with us on which training session time works for you!
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barricadescon · 4 days
Scholarships Available!
Registration is currently ongoing for Barricades 2024 for £12. We understand that this may be a financial hardship, so scholarships are available upon request. If you would like a scholarship to cover your cost of attending the con, email your request to [email protected]. You do not need to explain your circumstances; just let us know to put your name on the list, and we’ll release a batch of scholarships every month as funding becomes available.
Scholarships are donation-funded; the registration form lets you purchase a membership for yourself plus a scholarship for someone else, or to make a standalone donation to the fund. Any unclaimed scholarship funds will be donated to Black and Pink, our con charity, after the convention.
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barricadescon · 2 months
All Programming Submission Responses Out!
Thank you to everyone who submitted programming for Barricades 2024! We’re in the process of putting a schedule together and are so excited to share it with you all.
Everyone who submitted programming should have received an email response. If you have not, please check your spam folder. If there is still nothing, please send an email to [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
See you at the Barricades!
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barricadescon · 2 months
Barricades is looking for panelists!
We're looking for fans with opinions on femme/butch dynamics and gender presentation in Les Miserables, especially the dynamic between Marius, Cosette, and Eponine! This panel is focused on the original text, with room for discussion of headcanons and fan interpretation.
If you'd like to participate, please email [email protected] or join our planning server !
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barricadescon · 2 months
Jean Baptiste Hugo announced as Guest of Honor at Barricades 2024
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Barricades 2024 is pleased to announce Jean Baptiste Hugo as one of our Guests of Honor for this year's convention. Jean Baptiste Hugo is the great-great-grandson of Victor Hugo. He has extensively photographed Hugo's home in exile on Guernsey, a project about which he said this: “In 2014, I was about to start a series of photographs of Hauteville House, where Victor Hugo stayed in exile for 15 years. I had the intention, picturing in my mind the dark gothic rooms, to use the legendary black and white 400 Tri-X Kodak film, known for its grainy quality and its rich black tones. It just happened that around that same period I started looking into the extraordinary colour possibilities offered by digital photography, having considered it for years , I must admit, as very inferior to black and white film. The introduction I was given to digital colour photography inspired me enough to try and capture as faithfully as I could the colourful atmosphere of my ancestor’s folly on Guernsey and, I am glad I did, as it allowed me to engage in an exploration of colour and texture in a very creative way which I am still pursuing today through other photographic subjects.”
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barricadescon · 2 months
100 Days to Barricades!
We are 100 days away from Barricades 2024! All submissions for panels are in, and our programming calendar is currently in progress! Stay tuned for the complete schedule, as well as our final Guest of Honor announcement, coming soon!
If you have not yet registered, you can do so on our website . Tickets are £12, and scholarships are available upon request to [email protected].
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barricadescon · 2 months
LAST CALL - BarricadesCon Program Submissions due 3/31
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Deadline to submit progamming for Barricades 2024 is TODAY, 3/31! You can find our submission guidelines on our website here. If you have a panel you'd like to present or an activity you'd like to propose, submit by clicking here.
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barricadescon · 2 months
What is a Fan Convention?
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We’ve said many times that Barricades: A Les Mis Convention is a fan convention, but what exactly does that mean? 
Fan conventions have been around since the 1930s in various forms. At their core, these events are gatherings of fans on a specific topic. At a convention, fans have the opportunity to present and attend panels and other programs, engage with experts, and meet other fans. 
So, what is Barricades? Barricades is a fan convention dedicated to Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. Our convention is exclusively virtual, allowing fans across the globe to gather together. Each year, we invite our community to submit panels to present at the con, as well as organizing specific meetups and activities. At plenary sessions, we hear from Guests of Honor who have been invited based on specific expertise or contributions to the ongoing legacy of Les Mis. This year, our Guests of Honor include Christina Soontornvat and Luciano Muriel, and a third guest to be announced! Stay tuned! 
You can learn more about Barricades and register on our website. Registration costs £12 -  scholarships are available upon request to cover the cost.
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barricadescon · 2 months
Reminder – there are six days left to submit a panel idea for Barricades con by our March 31 deadline!
Less than a week until the deadline to submit programming for Barricades 2024!
Considering submitting programming for Barricades but not sure exactly what you want to do? There are three categories of panel we’re looking for. If you’re not sure which category your idea fits, submit it anyway; the review panel can help you decide where it fits if the idea is accepted. 
Here are the categories of program we’re taking submissions for: 
Academic Track
A presentation on any discussion topic backed up by scholarly research. Possible ideas include close readings of the text itself and panels that place Les Misérables in context with other works, or within the context in which it was written.  Academic panels on subjects adjacent to Les Mis (e.g. the social/political context of events that take place within the novel, 19th century French history, discussions of the themes that feature in Les Misérables through the lens of a specific field of study) will also be considered. 
Fan Track 
The possibilities are endless! Want to tell us all about your favorite fan theories/fanworks? Want to discuss an aspect of the brick in a low-pressure, informal way? Got a favorite adaptation, or staging of the musical? Want to debate which cast recording is the best recording? Are you working on a piece of transformative work or fandom-related project, and willing to discuss your creative process? We welcome submissions from all fans, whether you’ve just joined or been here for decades! Fan track submissions do not need to take the form of a formal presentation; informal discussions, Q&As or questions for other fans are all totally fine to submit. 
We’re also accepting ideas for light-hearted panels and opportunities to hang out with other fans; send us your silliest ideas for a good time!  Want to do a Les Mis meme review? A 19th Century France themed D&D campaign? Want to build a collaborative AU together? To debate who would win an all-ami battle royale? Go to our submissions page and let us know! 
For more information, please check our submissions page and website for further guidance.
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barricadescon · 2 months
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The deadline to submit both Academic and Fan Track programming for Barricades: A Les Mis Convention 2024 has been extended to Sunday, March 31, 2024.
Submissions can address any aspect of Les Misérables. If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration, some excellent programming from Barricades 2022 included: 
Les Mis Survival AUs: Building Character Community and Exploring What-Ifs by KCrabb88 and everyonewasabird 
South African Themes in Liesl Tommy’s Les Miserables by Christie McBride
Codes in Context: Queer Possibilities of Enjolras and Grantaire by Amelia Roberts
Fandom and Activism by starbright-cobweb and Isaac (yetintrepid)
Notification of proposal acceptance is still by April 15. 
For more information, please head over to our Submissions page linked here.
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barricadescon · 3 months
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The deadline to submit both Academic and Fan Track programming for Barricades: A Les Mis Convention 2024 has been extended to Sunday, March 31, 2024.
Submissions can address any aspect of Les Misérables. If you’re looking for a bit of inspiration, some excellent programming from Barricades 2022 included: 
Les Mis Survival AUs: Building Character Community and Exploring What-Ifs by KCrabb88 and everyonewasabird 
South African Themes in Liesl Tommy’s Les Miserables by Christie McBride
Codes in Context: Queer Possibilities of Enjolras and Grantaire by Amelia Roberts
Fandom and Activism by starbright-cobweb and Isaac (yetintrepid)
Notification of proposal acceptance is still by April 15. 
For more information, please head over to our Submissions page linked here.
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barricadescon · 3 months
Guest of Honor Announcement: Luciano Muriel
Barricades 2024 is pleased to announce Luciano Muriel as one of our Guests of Honour for this year's convention!
Muriel is a playwright, novelist and secondary school teacher. He's been awarded with the National Theater Prize "Castelló a Escena" for Vals para el pez piedra, the International Award of Youth Theater of the Editorial DALYA for Stop Amargura, the first prize in the XXVII National Contest «Calamonte Joven» for Angélica, with the Prize “Sapere Aude” of the Ávila Arts and the Youth Humanities Award of Castilla y León for Grantaire, a text that was also selected by the Aid for Youth Creation 2017 program of the National Institute of Youth (INJUVE) for its production.
Muriel's panel will detail the creative process behind the show Grantaire, from the discovery of the character during the first reading of Victor Hugo's Les Miserables to the opening night og the staging at the Teatro Pradillo of Madrid. It will cover questions including: Why Grantaire? Why a dramatic monologue? Why include Amaral songs? What did the awards and subventions entail? Muriel promises all the answers to these and many other questions!
The date and time of Muriel's panel are still being finalized.
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barricadescon · 3 months
Excerpt from The Secret Name of All the Virtues: A Comparative Analysis of the Developments of Jean Valjean and Javert by Raven.
If you have an idea for programming for Barricades 2024, please submit it to https://barricadescon.com/submissions/. Submissions for both academic and fan track programming close March 15.
If you want to see more Les Mis fan and academic content, join us at the barricades on July 12-14, 2024! Tickets available at https://barricadescon.com/registration/.
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barricadescon · 3 months
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Are you a Les Mis enthusiast, whose research has taken a deep dive into academia? A scholar who incorporates Les Mis adjacent topics into your studies? Do you wish to share the discoveries of your sleepless nights with an enthusiastic community?
Barricades invites fans and scholars to submit proposals for the convention’s academic track, which will form the programming of the con. Submissions could address any aspect of Les Mis and its adaptations, and take a variety of forms, including but not limited to presentations, workshops or open discussions. All programming takes place online.
Deadline for submissions: 15 March 2024
Programming submission form available here.
Find out more from our website:
Academic Track Submissions
Fan Track or Academic Track?
Here are some examples from last year of academic track submissions:
Theatres of crime in Les Misérables: Analysing the Patron-Minette by Anna
Cholera in the Time of Les Miserables by Karen Davidge
Hugolâtres and Haters: Reactions to Les Misérables from Victor Hugo’s Contemporaries by Psalm
The Canonical Racialised Language of Les Misérables by Nemo Martin
This is not by any means an exhaustive list; we welcome and encourage submissions that address topics beyond those listed here. If you have a panel that doesn't quite fit in either Fan or Academic Track, feel free to submit as a Crossover panel!
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barricadescon · 3 months
Excerpt from The Canonical Racialised Language of Les Miserables by Nemo Martin.
If you have an idea for programming for Barricades 2024, please submit it to https://barricadescon.com/submissions/.
Submissions for both academic and fan track programming close March 15. If you want to see more Les Mis fan and academic content, join us at the barricades on July 12-14, 2024!
Tickets available at https://barricadescon.com/registration/.
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barricadescon · 4 months
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Barricades is excited to announce that Christina Soontornvat will be joining us as a Guest of Honor in July!
Christina Soontornvat is an award-winning author, engineer, and STEM educator. Her many works for children include picture books, chapter books, and the bestselling graphic novel, The Tryout. She is a three-time Newbery Honor recipient, most recently for The Last Mapmaker, which was also named a Best Book of the Year by The New York Times. Her novel, A Wish in the Dark, is a twist on Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables and set in a Thai-inspired fantasy world that explores the difference between law and justice.
If you'd like to attend the con and hear about Soontornvat's work, tickets are available here.
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