#I think about it
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they would have been besties
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got-that-oh-i-mean · 1 month
the heartbeat sounds of You're Losing Me and the "I stopped CPR" of So Long, London
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cherubdulce · 4 months
I’m going to be completely honest, it’s so frustrating to be a person of color in this community. I always see white shippers mainly interacting with white/light skin shippers then see a black or brown shipper being interacted in every blue moon or the bare minimum. it really says a lot on them as a person especially them being the same people who rb poc racial struggles/psas but just never take action. And even when someone gets vocal about their racial insecurities, some people would still miss the point and take offense. I know discrimination can’t be erased but this is the only community I’ve been that’s so casually racist and it’s just so tiring to see it get repeated. I’m genuinely so tired of white people talking over poc’s voices and make it about them. I’m tired of poc shippers and characters not treated like people whether they’re treated like animals or some sort of trophy for being respectful. Bipoc especially dark skin self shippers deserve so much better and I seriously wish for the better in the future or at least people doing better at actually listening and learning.
white people, I do not want to see “as a white person x , I’m white but x, we as white people x” or anything similar, do not make this about you.
Do not tag this as discourse.
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kristoffs-lullaby · 2 months
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The twewy kids…
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nataliesscatorccio · 10 months
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YELLOWJACKETS 1.04 Bear Down | 2.05 Two Truths and a Lie
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wispforever · 2 years
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do you guys ever think about how he WAS SIX YEARS OLD
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neometalsilver · 11 months
babe are you okay you’re thinking about Sonic reached out to save me before i fell to earth from the ark….if i hadn’t waved him away, he would have fallen with me….but his determination in trying…i’ll never forget that
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souporsaladnatural · 8 months
Hahah aha ha u ever think about how in season 6 there are so many people lying to dean, and cas is the only one he doesnt call out on it. You ever think about how despite how strong family and blood has been to dean in the show, he immediately realizes somethings wrong with sam and distrusts his grandfather. But not cas. Even when told directly by bobby and sam that cas is being suspicious he just. completely denies it. Even though cas' relationship with them has been tense all season. Even though dean can tell that cas has changed. He betrays his own instincts because he simply cannot accept the idea of cas betraying them (him). Two family members have already lied to him this season, but it couldnt be cas. It could never be cas. Ya ever think about that
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clowningaroundmars · 7 months
yall ever think about... mike and jacob.
mike having nightmares about losing his friends, jacob having nightmares about having lost his friends :')
mike staying up late at night after a particularly bad one and finding jacob already at the kitchen bar stirring up some soup
mike doesnt have to say a word, just sits down and they exchange glances.
jacob nods and pulls out another bowl
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thinking about how the ploycule could be a constellation if you drew it out. thinking about it.
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lillybearrie · 10 days
Rae had to tell Isla that Icarus is dead.
Isla got kidnapped by her husband leaving her 2 young children both under the age of 10 alone, her memories got put in a blender, she got put in a stasis chamber by her girlfriend and was dreaming for like 50 years, then when she was woken up by her youngest child who now instead of being like 5 looks to be in his mid to late 20's (which she later finds out is not the case and he's actually much older but shh) and not only is both her husband and girlfriend dead but her first born child fell off a cliff and died!
So in her attempt to protect herself and her children from the gods she doomed her youngest to be completely on his own for a large portion of his childhood and teenage years gor him to only make friends with the mysterious entity that would later kill her husband and very few else until like 4 years ago
We obviously know different but still-
"By the way I've been meaning to ask you Rae, where's your brother?" Rae stops dead in his tracks, if he was being honest he hadn't really thought about Icarus in... he can't really remember how long with everything going on he'd never really had time to think or talk about his dead brother "oh uh mom, they uh I-Icarus fell off a cliff when we were little and well it was before we had elytra so they-" "oh..." "yeah...... I'm sorry"
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springlock-suits · 8 months
Fnaf-tober | Day 14: Give Gifts, Give Life
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I'm running out of caption ideas. Hi. I was going to draw something else for this day but then I read through my fnaf au lore, classic mistake
Edit: Made a different puppet design 👍
Fnaf-tober by miiilowo
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sananaryon · 6 months
Do you think Basira moved in with Melanie and Georgie after the eyepocalypse?
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ionlytalktodogs · 2 years
(Trigger warning for this post)
I can’t explain like. How stressful it is to just walk down the street being physically disabled. Like if you haven’t experienced it you just don’t. You just don’t Understand. Shit that terrifies me:
-The possibility of not being able to run away from something or someone. Maybe if it was really serious I could like walk slightly fast away? But literally any able-bodied person would be faster than me.
-Someone taking my mobility aid and just…leaving. Just grabbing my chair, dumping me out, and making off with it. I’ve heard horror stories like this and I…I literally CAN’T afford another chair. How would I get home even. I’d be so fucked.
-Someone pushing my chair somewhere. Like yeah I have breaks but idk! You could just push me into traffic just to be an asshole and I might not be able to break fast enough! I had someone scream at me and then try to grab my chair and it was fucking terrifying!
-I’m a target because people assume I’m physically weak and I actually am kinda.
-Even when people aren’t literally attacking me, I could fall over. Potholes SUCK and sidewalks SUCK and people do not fucking move out of my way. I could get hit by a car easily because they can’t see me when I’m sitting and abled ppl will not fucking move out of the sidewalk dip oh my god.
It’s just! It’s really scary sometimes! Idk! I’ve had a few moments of these types of things (like I mentioned with the person trying to grab my chair) and I’ve developed quick and brutal instincts but it still freaks me out. I’m so much more vulnerable than an able-bodied person and it’s terrifying.
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madame-mongoose · 5 months
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h;avue you hguys seen,,;, this image
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jacobseed · 7 days
what if there was an au where ghost had to witness and deal with the aftermath of maxi’s dea-
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