qwakque · 8 months
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also a lowk jamiazul lover theyre so overthinking and funny
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linda-rose · 4 months
say what you will about svu's season 20 lmao, but them continuing that storyline in "Facing Demons," with an amazing callback to the title of Cassidy's last episode AND doing it so well by not making it Over The Top but still significant was 10/10. Might be my favorite episode of this season so far.
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starzgaze · 10 days
I have an ideaaaaaaa
So this is more of my random thoughts than anything but liu zhigang with an aloof reader
I just find the idea of him consistently trying to get a reaction out of someone who just does not care(reader does care, they just show it in their own way)
It would be very entertaining if his significant other hated other people except for a couple exceptions and he has to do all of the socializing. And the reader just hates other people just because they can, if they see an area with too many people they are booking it out of there.
Anyways, cheers!
omfg i get this more since i really dislike talking with people if it's like... not necessary or I'm in the mood to do so (which is none of the time) so i jumped on to this ask immediately because the concept is really familiar 💪
i think the concept of being introverted is now horribly diluted that whenever people bring it up, the first thing that comes to mind is someone who's shy or struggles with talking to people but theh they want to talk to people! i mean, that's what liu zhigang initially thought until he met you.
his whole opinion on introverts was completely turned upside down when he learned your reason why you don't talk to people.
"i just don't want to"
this baffled zhigang at first. i mean?? you explaining to him calmly that you don't have the energy to talk with people that doesn't seem worth talking to or you just wanna stay alone is such a bewildering mindset to him. he was used to talking with people and loved riling them up, feeds his ego zhigang says (you rolled your eyes at this). your whole existence completely shattered his image of introverted people and made him realized that maybe he's lowkey stupid for thinking that introverted people are shy beings that wants to socialize but at the same time doesn't want to because they have no idea how to..? like a shy bunny which embarrassed him that he thought of it that way...
liu zhigang feels a bit prideful over the fact that you choose to talk and spend time with him despite telling him that you dislike talking with people. does this mean you see him worthy enough to talk to? well that gives a rise to his ego. though he sometimes think that you have a bit of a high horse, you think that you're better than him huh? you quickly shut that idea down when he tried to brought it up with a swift smack. reactions like these is the reason why zhigang loved riling you up
liu zhigang is the one who deals with people whenever you're actually required to attend gatherings or parties. you used to attend parties alone when you are forced to be there but now you have a +1 you don't have to open your mouth. you appreciate that zhigang carries the whole conversation and understands you don't wanna contribute to the conversation at all, often catching you blanking out. whenever people tries to drag or include you into the topic you just simply look over to zhigang and the memo immediately clicks in his head then he takes over the topic again.
sometimes, zhigang finds it funny whenever you two are in public and you recognize a stranger. the way you squeeze his hand a bit tighter is just so... its really endearing to him but then you just suddenly drag him out of the area with a turn adds the comedic factor i guess. he notices you do this alot whenever you notice something is gonna bother you in the future or accurately, in a few moments, soo you just eliminate the problem by removing yourself from the situation. zhigang included.
despite your introverted nature, liu zhigang enjoys spending time with you. it feels more personal and he likes it more since its an one on one experience (his words). he feels a bit happy that only him will see these covered sides of you that you don't share with people on a day to day basis. zhigang admires that you don't need the approval of other people or the opinions of others since... well you don't even care to talk with them or bother socializing, he likes that.
hehhhee not so many hcs but i hope this is enough to suffice 😓 but yeaahhh!!!!!!!
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seineroses · 2 years
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𝐗𝐈𝐀𝐎 ´-࿐
He absolutely despises you !! How you can easily make him blush, and stuttering like a fool-- an Adepti shouldn't act like that ;(
Normal conversations between you and him would just be..
"Hey lovely boy~!" popping out of nowhere as you startle Xiao, sending a glare towards you
"W-what do you want." secretly hoping he wasnt to mean since he loves you very much and doesn't want to lose you ;((
"I love youu~!" giving a quick peck on his lips before disappearing *once again* leaving him red, as customers from the inn walk past a red and flustered Adepti ;D
He absolutely LOVES your flirty nature! Likes when you peck him all over !!
Likes when you put on lipstick and kiss him EVERYWHERE on his face!
Eyelids? Yes, Ear? Yes, UNDER HIS NOSE? theres a secret little boop
Wouldn't feel an OUNCE of embarrassment walking around with red lip pecks all over his face
Would feel sad theh start fading away :((
"(Name)..the kisses are disappearing could you-"
Would be so out of character, like he would chuckle out of nowhere thinking about your terrible pick up lines and the knights would be staring at him like "😮"
Would definitely grumble seeing you flirt with other knights and pull you to him closer
Would list all of the terrible pick up lines you told him !!
"Are you the sun? Cause you're out of this world! :D"
*slowly writing your pick up line*
Would 100% flirt back with NO SHAME
The two of you would start having flirt battles, someone has to stop both of you cause of the terrible pick up lines being sent back and fort
Would laugh at your poor pick up line, then give a more terrible one
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Cause your an angel !!" poking his face as he chuckles
"If people are boogers, i'd pick you first!"
"Ew!! If you--"
"Alright that's enough you two."
No one knew how both of you got together, even MONA like how??
His face would be hotter than the fire he has been burned on !!
Everytime you would flirt with him something bad happens, but he doesn't stop you, bcuz its nice to know someone loves him <33
"Have you been arrested? Cause it's illegal to look that good~!"
"E-eh? T-thank y-- *gets struck by lighting in broad daylight*"
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¹⁰ // ⁰⁹ // ²².
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darth-sonny · 5 months
how faithful/ loyal are they to their parent (Prime)? Would they listen to Leo? Do theh even know who Leo is?
And can you please give a bit of a rundown of ur badfuture au? Background / order of events, is Kirby still alive?
Do the twins have names? How do the Hamato find out abt them, and how do they respond?
[the "they" in question]
the Twins are as loyal to Prime the same way a dog is loyal to its owner. so pretty darn loyal
However!! unlike a dog's natural and genuine loyalty, the Twin's loyalty towards Prime is completely manufactured and programmed. they weren't given that choice, and they weren't allowed to cultivate that loyalty. like all Kraang, no matter what origin, they WILL be loyal to Prime
would they listen to Leo? probably yes. like Prime, Leo is their progenitor and, therefore, the Twin's (for a lack of a better term) master. parent would be a far nicer word, buuuuuutttt the Twin's are weapons first, children never
and they do Not know who Leo is. they know what he looks like (Prime is fanangaling his body, of course). but Leo as a person? no, they do not
the basic of the Bad End is basically, Prime succeeded in finding the Key and restarting the invasion, and since they're using Leo's body (and have access to his ninpō), the Kraang are far more terrifying than they were before
Kirby does not exist in the Bad End.................................. yet
as I've said before, the Twins do not have e names. they just go by The Twins. the Resistance 2.0 nicknamed them The Popstars due to their (very off-putting) performer personalities, but aside from that, they don't have any individual names to call their own
the Hamatos found out about the Twins in a very eclectic fashion. normal raid, normal mission, all that jazz. Mikey is doing his badass mystic warrior shtick when, all of a sudden, he hears the same screech that Subprime gave out that sealed away their ninpō for the first time, only duble amplified
cue whatever mystic stuff he was doing disappearing in a blink of an eye. the same goes for Donnie. all his weapons, rockets, and ninpō enhanced guns are gone
what the fuck is happening?? is this a new weapon?? is Subprime here??? are there more Kraang who can do that screech???
in come the Twins, bouncing and dancing and singing a song (I recommend this one) and acting so out of touch from what a normal apocalyptic battlefield should be like that it catches everyone off guard and makes their attack that much more effective
their opinions on the Twins are as follows:
I.... genuinely don't know what to say about them.
–Casey Jr.
Why do they exist?
I think they're............. quite.... something.....
They're so creepy....
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shiningnightstars · 6 months
Hello I am here for seeds lore
ask and you shall receive!
seeds and rayla are from my story (which has not been posted anywhere ever </2) "a seed of hope". the concept for the story was based on an article i read when i was like. 11. and it was about how scientists where figuring out how to make it so human children could be born with animal parts (e.g: cat ears, bird wings, etc.)
the story takes place in a time period where this was successfully figured out and therefore parents were giving their children bits of animal genetics through like. putting the dna in them. i would explain the science better but i am TIRED right now so. yeah i think you could probably research it if youre curious?
anyways, of course because humans tend to SUCK. these hybrids were looked upon as just feral animals by many humans. in fact, it started going so far that "zoos" made, not for protection of animals, but for the money and profit off of other's suffering, started popping up, and they would offer insane amounts of money to parents who agreed to give up their children to be raised in these zoos. and it wasnt very great by any means.
at first, scientists had only figured out how to put the dna of other mammals into humans - not, say, reptiles or birds just yet. however, after several more years of studies, they finally figured out how to do hybrids of reptiles with humans/birds with humans. however it was incredibly difficult for them to survive for a long time due to the huge change, and in the case of reptiles, cold-blooded vs warm-blooded. if their animal type can fly, then theres a slim chance of them being able to actually lift themselves off the ground, much less actually glide or even fly. so, naturally, the zoos would pay so much for this stuff. putting these people in cages for being just a bit different in a way they cant control.
flash forward to the present. seeds is 20 now, and has been in these zoos for, well, 20 years. he barely remembers his mom and never met his dad, as they were both bird hybirds like him and, per rules in the zoos, a child born in a zoo is not to meet their father and is only to be with there mother until they can walk and talk on their own.
seeds, being one of the few bird hybrids that can actually fly, hates being trapped in the cages. hes only never escaped because of the chains that tie his wings together and the fact that he was always told bad things about the outside world as a kid. twice a day he goes off to a separate, large open room where the chains are temporarily removed so he can fly freely and show off for the visiters.
one day, however, it is discovered that the keys to unlock the chains were stolen. suddenly hit with the fact he may never fly free again, he immediately went and escaped the zoo in order to find the who stole the keys and get them back.
he managed to, somehow, successfully escape. he got out and promptly began his search, knowing he was gonna have to be quick so that theh dont realize he gone, or at least so he doesnt get caugjt by someone willing to bring him back.
to get a higher vantage point, he climbs up a building in order to see more of the city below. however, for but a moment, he foregts about the chains, and jumps off the building to start flying.... and he jsut falls.
thankfully he is unharmed as he is caught by someone with a pair of big ole ram horns on her head. she puts him down, playfully teasing like "oh i see the little birdy cant fly, hm?"
he is, frankly, caught off guard by this, but once he mentally steadies himself again, he asks her if she might know what haplened to the keys, seeing as shes a hybrid as well, who seems to also be from the zoo. she pulls the keys out, but doesnt unlock the chains. she wants to make deal the next day, waiting a bit longer to see how truly willing he is. he agrees to meet up, and yeah. in exchange for him helping her cause problems from those against hybrid freedom, she will unlock his wings. he agrees, and he is free once more. and the ram girl introduces herself as rayla.
over time they get closer and closer and start to become friends, and eventually partners. seeds finally speaks up about one of the biggest reason he hated the zoo. (heavy tw for sexual trauma, safe to read again once to see the "~~~")
he told rayla about how in the zoo, due to how difficult it was to get bird hybrids, that they would often be forced to have children once they reached 18 years of age. he would never get to meet his children and he never, ever wanted to have sex ever again. not after that. and, once again, hes only 20.
hes struggles with the feeling of being touched at all by someone he barely/doesnt know, and hates it so much.
aaaaand thats about it (the above part, while it is important to his character, it isnt necessary to know so dw!!!). yeah mans has been through stuff. i could go on a whole other tangent about rayla and how her problems are but it is nearly 11:40 at night and i am TIRED. he has a lot of problems i dont know why i did this to him but WHATEVER. i love rayla though fr so i might add onto this post tomorrow about her lmao.
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gepperl · 1 year
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blog-of-ramen · 3 years
Obey Me! |Taking you on dates
Scenario: A few of the Obey Me! Boys and how they would take you out on dates.
Characters: Barbatos, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Diavolo, Simeon
Warnings: none
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✦He would invite you over to the Demon Lord's Castle to help him prepare a meal for Diavolo.
✦I think especially with the first few dates he wouldn't invite you on an 'official' date.
✦But in all honesty it's just an excuse to spend time alone with you.
✦Depending on your skill in the kitchen he would let you help him cook or teach you a thing or two.
✦He'd definitely make you try the dishes and ask for your opinion- definitely taking it to heart and into consideration. He trusts your opinion.
✦Expect a lot of casual touches. His hand on your shoulder or back when passing to get something on the other side of the kitchen. Small corrections of how you hold something. The touches would last just a little bit longer than normal.
✦He will make sure you are not bored and involve you in a lot of lighthearted conversation.
✦Even though it isn't 'official' dates, theh will definitely have this special vibe. He just manages to make every time you spend time together feel like it is the most important one.
✦He will definitely send you home with a ton of food you two cooked that day. It's way too much, even for a whole army of Beels. It would probably dawn on you then that his excuses of "preparing a meal for Diavolo" aren't at all why he actually invited you over.
✦He is very busy though, always being around Diavolo. So most of your other dates would consist of drinking tea together or going on small walks together.
✦Even though I can see Diavolo setting up the most random dates for the two of you sometimes- but if that's the price to pay for spending time with him? Totally worth it.
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❂ Obviously with Beel his go-to dates are dinner dates, just enjoying some nice food together.
❂A big plus is if you two cook the dinner together. It would probably be a bit chaotic but that just makes it more fun.
❂Often he feels like those dinner dates aren't special enough. He gets to eat or cook with you every day, it's not as special as he'd like it to be sometimes.
❂So once in a while he will take you out to all kinds of dates. He always tries to make it a bit original.
❂He always makes sure you enjoy the kind of date and mostly just plans them with you.
❂He isn't all too fond of the idea of a date as a surprising event. The date in itself is so much more fun if it was planned together in his opinion. No stress, no worries.
❂He really likes to go on trips with you for a day or two.
❂One of his favourite type is going on a hike with you. The two of you can spend lots of time together, have fun and enjoy the beautiful nature around.
❂ Also, if you like to work out, he would definitely take you to the gym. He doesn't see it as a date in particular but he enjoys it more than a normal activity.
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✷ Most dates with him would just consist of him going over to your room, the attic or inviting you to his shared room with Beel.
✷If you're not the most comfortable with touch, he'd probably make you- I don't mean he would force you but you would probably grow comfortable with it over time.
✷Most dates would probably consist of big cuddling sessions. He just loves to curl up with you and laze around.
✷He prefers dates at home like for example a movie marathon.
✷He just doesn't like when many people are around. He likes to spend time with you alone. Even though he doesn't mind Beel spending time with you two.
✷There is one thing he really enjoys doing with you. He likes to sit down under the clear night sky with you and stargaze.
✷The stars are absolutely beautiful and then there is you. In his opinion looking at you, the stars being reflected in your eyes, nothing can compare to the beauty of that image to him.
✷He just feels a very deep connection to you while watching the stars together. He doesn't like to do it too often though. He wants it to stay something special between the two of you.
✷If you want to have a more active date, he's unlikely to say no to you. You may need some convincing though depending on the kind of date you want to go on.
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✾Let's not count all the times you had to pretend to be this demon's lover just so he could get a discount at various places-
✾He would probably take you on dates that are super over the top.
✾I mean if he has the possibility to spoil you, why wouldn't he take it?
✾He would either invite you through fancy means like an elegant letter sent by an extravagant bird or he would just nearly kidnap you without a warning to take you on a date.
✾He is unpredictable and every time he sees an article about a fun date idea, be sure he will take you on that date- but with the special Diavolo spice. If you're not much of an adventurous person, he will definitely do his best to not overstep your limits and stay within the range of your comfort zone.
✾But if you're open for it, he will take you on every kind of date you can think of, from fancy dinner dates and walks in the park over taking you on a small roadtrip visiting amusement parks all the way to taking you to a beach to swim with sharks.
✾No matter what kind of date he will take you on, one thing is for sure: You will have fun, fun and more fun.
✾Going on a date with the future King of Devildom of course will draw lots and lots of attention to the two of you. That's something not even he can change.
✾Most of your dates will probably end up on dozens of blogs. But on the upside of that, everyone loves to see the two of you together. And they would never dare to intervene in any of your dates actively.
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✢Most of the time it is probably hard to tell if he is inviting you to hang out or if he is inviting you on a date.
✢He never establishes beforehand that a date is a date or hanging out is just hanging out. He kind of thinks you just know. Either way he just loves to spend time with you.
✢You often get invited to Purgatory Hall just to hang out. Luke really likes to have you around so naturally you would spend a lot of time with him around too.
✢But Simeon really likes to invite you over on an actual date to Purgatory Hall too when the others are out. That's what really makes it hard to tell if it's a date sometimes. But either way you have a nice time.
✢Because of Luke's love for baking there is also always some cookies or pastries around to enjoy with a cup of tea.
✢What he loves most when inviting you on a date, is enjoying your presence and the talks he has with you. You will close to never see him without a smile on his face when you are around.
✢He also really likes to take walks with you. You two would prepare some sandwiches and some tea together and pack some of Luke's Cookies to enjoy a nice picnic together.
✢Sometimes I can see him totally surprise you though. He will take you on a date to an aquarium or a surprise trip to a new place that just opened.
✢For him it doesn't ever matter if you're on a date or not. He doesn't care what you two do. He is just happy getting to spend time with you.
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My first attempt of writing something for obey me, I think next time I'll rather go for a OneShot instead of this headcanon format. I'm not sure yet though because I am really unhappy with this one lmao. I feel so trippy today. Tell me what you think!
Feel free to request something you'd like to read! (I promise I'll put more effort into it T-T)
-Kite ٩( 'ω' )و
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astroismypassion · 4 years
Credit: Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
Finally! The long awaited post! ✨
Will play cat and mouse game. One day acting more invested in you and the next they completely cold. To see how much they actually mean to you. Might put you through trust tests too. They will say things just to get reaction out of you, even if they actually don’t agree with it. They are suprisingly “mental” in inicial interactions and not physical at all.
They are a mix of Virgo, Scorpio and Libra Mars. Veryyy slow-moving. First, “the evaluating stage”. They will pay attention to your micro reactions while asking you deliberate questions to get a reaction out of you. They will search for your inconsistencies. Remeber they value stability and being consistent in relationships the most. And when they actually start catching feelings for you? They would like to be in your constant physical proximity. They will always find a reason to get closer to you. Like move a chair. If you are even closer or if there is a chance, they would actually lean towards you or whisper something into you ear. But it depends on the situation and context. If the attraction is already pretty high, they might linger on your touch when they hand you something.
They look for signs of you paying attention to them. They will analyse if you are really listening to them. Might even bring up a topic from a previous conversation. Theh will be more nervous around. Or like they are suddenly being more timid or quiet. They will carefully listen to every word you say in a group conversation.
One of those placements, that might go for their already existing friends. Or someone they’ve known for some time and/or been friends with. They are the real Taurus Mars of the signs. They are much into what is already known to them. Because with that they are comfortable and secure. They are already almost at home with you. Might offer you little things or food. Or share it with you.
They will be more on the straight-forward side. However, they will look for signs of interest from you first. They already know you are their specific person. So now they are just evaluating, analysing and searching for signs from you if this feeling could be mutual. They dislike potential rejection, because their pride would get hurt. They will get extra moody if someone else shows interest in you or approaches you. Because in their head, you are already “theirs”.
Similar to Libra Mars, they first start in a polite manner. Always kind, respectful towards you. And then they want to suddenly be around you more. Not necessarly directly in your company, like Taurus Mars would be, but indirectly. In group setting, in circle of friends, mutual people you both know etc. They might not talk to you directly at all. With all others yes, but not to you. But they will be paying close attention to your mannerisms, look towards you to get your reaction about a shared joke. They will be paying attention to your reactions. The next stage is analysing and remembering your facial expressions, gestures, mannerisms. Your lips, your forehead vein, your earlobes, your Cupid’s bow over your top lip. Your upper lip being bigger than the lower. Then your habits. Do you style your hair differently every day? Do you chew gum? Why are you keep wearing that blue sweater, is it your favourite sweater?
Those are sly people. Before not knowing you much, they will be politely smile, always say thank you and please to you, greet you warmly. They will be charming and you would feel this natural warmth in them. But when they are getting to know you, they pull back. They are now in the stage of “readjusting” to you. They are trying to figure out what makes you tick, differentiate between your fake laugh and genuine laugh, how you act to others in comparison to them etc. Now, they will pick their “personality” in according to your personality, that they estimated, would suit well to yours based on characteristics, habits and goals. When they start catching feelings, then “the doubting stage” occurs. They try to weigh in all the options, try to figure out if there is anyone better on the market out there for them, or if their best possible outcome is really settling with you. They act a bit more cold, reserved and non-chalant in this stage.
It’s all in the eyes and the gaze. They already must have quite magnetic, seductive, alluring eye contact. But it intensifies. Never openly, directly or even subtle flirt with them. This is a no no with them, especially when in a group setting or at a party. If they find you interesting, they CHOOSE you. They allow YOU to approach them. It’s all about trusting, comforting safety with these people.
They are surprisingly quiet at first. You would not expect it, because of them being a Fire sign. First, “the getting to know you stage”. They are trying to get the bigger picture of who you are. So they might ask a lot for your thoughts. What are your thoughts on this? How do you feel about that? They are trying to gather as much information about you as possible from your answers. But how they start showing interest? By voicing their own interests, hobbies, opinions on things, views, perspectives on culture (music, films, travels, countries etc.)
Actually quite similar to Scorpio, Virgo, Taurus and Libra Mars. A lot of analysing before even taking you into account. After that “growing colder towards you stage”. Then “the thinking stage”. Next, “I woke up one day and decided today is the day, I’m gonna tell my crush I like them stage”. And by tell, I don’t actually mean express their feelings verbally. They will show you through action.
They will want to know what are your interests, hobbies first. What makes you tick. Which things you are into. Based on shared interests they will decide, if they want to develop a friendly bond with you. No matter if Aquarius is on their 5th, 7th or 8th house, they would actually prefer having irregular, from time to time hangouts with you. They most certainly will disappear for a while. BUT they would like to pick up things where they were with you, when they talk to you again or see you. They would like for things to remain the same. And if you can provide them with this type of support, they will start “considering” you. But they will always want to have a sense of their own personal freedom in at least one aspect of the relationship. They would like to have a long distance relationship more than a Sagittarius Mars would.
Might actually act more giving and selfless towards you, especially when you’re in need of something. The last cookie? You can take it. You need a pen, because you lost one? They would GIVE you stuff to show off their caring and giving nature to those in need. You’ll notice they will try to help you in many possible ways.
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ducktracy · 4 years
181. the case of the stuttering pig (1937)
disclaimer: this review contains antisemitic content, stereotypes, and imagery. i in no way endorse any of this, but it’s just as important to bring awareness to these depictions rather than shove them under the rug. please, PLEASE let me know if i make any mistakes or say something offensive, i want to take responsibility for my actions and use this as an opportunity to educate myself. any outside commentary is more than welcome. thank you for your patience and understanding.
release date: october 30th, 1937
series: looney tunes
director: frank tashlin
starring: mel blanc (porky, the guy in the third row), billy bletcher (lawyer goodwill), sara berner (petunia)
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just in time for the halloween season, we explore one of tashlin’s best directorial efforts to date. the case of the stuttering pig (its title derived from the case of the stuttering bishop, a warner bros. film released only 4 months prior) is the first of many warner bros. cartoons to take a jab at the ever popular dr. jekyll and mr. hyde. here, porky and his family (4 brothers and petunia, who serves as his sister rather than a love interest) are terrorized by the nefarious lawyer goodwill, the family lawyer who turns himself into a mr. hyde facsimile, hoping to kill the family in order to snag some inheritance money.
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frank tashlin’s cinematography is in peak form as the cartoon opens to a ghastly exposition--william tell’s “the storm” rages alongside a furious storm. intricate camera angles include an upshot on a giant old house, trees whipping in the wind against the flashing lightning, and a close up of the window shudders snapping against the exterior. the snaps of the window shudders soon melt into the droning tick of a clock inside, an upshot exposing dynamic, drawn out shadows against the walls. tashlin handles the contrast between values exceptionally well. backgrounds are crisp, clear, and pronounced.
cue a vertical pan of porky’s siblings (patrick, peter, percy, portus, and petunia) all lined up against the wall in a row of chairs. each appear apprehensive, obviously on edge. not porky, though. porky’s at the very end of the row, looking on with a hilariously blank smile plastered on his face. 
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suddenly, a knock at the door interrupts the silence. cue the famous tashlin jump cut: we only see volney white’s animation of porky jumping out of his seat, but the next shot reveals all of the siblings hanging from a chandelier, with porky trepidatiously inquiring “who-who-who-who-who-who’s theh-the-the-the-the-there...?” you can still feel mel’s attempts to distinguish his own unique porky stutter from the authentic stutter provided by joe dougherty--this delivery is more dougherty-esque than some of his others. 
billy bletcher’s syrupy sweet vocals ring out from behind the door, the disembodied voice introducing himself as lawyer goodwill. the decision not to showcase who’s behind the door is a smart one. suspense is absolutely rife all throughout the cartoon, and the beginning is no exception. with a peppy “okey deh-eh-eh-deh-do... oh-oh-okey deh-deh... okay!”, porky is followed by his siblings as he happily allows this mysterious lawyer goodwill inside. the suddenly calm, almost wholesome atmosphere inside, reassured by the self-proclaimed friendly presence of lawyer goodwill is disrupted as soon as the door opens, wind howling and blowing the entire family down the hallway as goodwill fights his way inside, his face (and head, for that matter) completely concealed by his hat and collar. tashlin plays on this as goodwill removes his hat, a mere nub placed where his neck should be as a waterfall of rain pours out from the hat. nevertheless, goodwill reveals himself, a portly yet good-natured looking fellow as he tells the children it’s time to attend to “business”.
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lawyer goodwill gathers the kids around to discuss the matter of their late uncle solomon (a pig caricature of oliver hardy, just one of a handful) and his will. the animation is slightly blurred and jittery from the double exposure effects of the shadows--animation historian mark kausler has this to say (transcribed from his excellent commentary that i’m partially parroting):
“they used to hand crank the cameras here. this was before electric drive animation cameras--that’s why the shadows are so flickery, because they had to back the film up and then re-expose it to get the transparency of the shadow.”
uncle solomon’s will states that his heirs will inherit his money. however, if something were to happen to them, then lawyer goodwill gets the cash instead. goodwill exits the house, reassuring that nothing will happen to the kids... “...i hope!”
there’s a gorgeous, moody upshot of the porch as goodwill lumbers down the steps. volney white is at the hand of this scene, easy to spot thanks to his telltale speed: goodwill practically glides across the screen as he heads towards offscreen, only to whip back and put a hand over his hear, nefariously straining to hear if he’s being followed. volney’s pose and expression are as strong as ever--i made a reel of his animation awhile ago if you’d like to check it out!
bob bentley takes over to animate goodwill’s transformation into the monster--his animation is very meticulous and well crafted. a good way to spot him is to see if characters have thicker eyebrows in some scenes than others. goodwill swaps clothes in favor of a hat and cape almost effortlessly, gliding across the screen like butter. the flow isn’t interrupted, not even by the overlay of tables decorated with test tubes, skulls, etc. 
all of goodwill’s potential queries on how to transform into a hideous beast are answered with a bottle of “jekyll and hide juice” (starting at only $9.99! call now and get another FREE at no cost to you! it’s a steal, folks!)  nestled conveniently on his shelf of various poisons. he pours the concoction into a cocktail, acting like a regular bartender as he shows off by pouring the mixture from glass to glass. tashlin’s timing, both behaviorally and comically, are succinct as goodwill finally downs the mixture. he grips the table, taking heaving breaths, staring at the audience, until... nothing. he heaves a dubious shrug. 
instead, goodwill opts to use a milkshake mixer (a relatively new invention whose novelty value would have scored much bigger laughs then than it does today, but still remains amusing at the very least) to mix his concoction, downing it once more.
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bob bentley’s animation of the monster is nothing short of gorgeous. well defined, well crafted, and dimensional. however, it does encapsulate antisemitic stereotypes and caricatures, from the big nose to clawed hands and pointy ears, as well as the desire for money. as skillful as the animation is, and as solid as the cartoon is, these are problems that still need to be addressed. understand that when i’m praising the animation, i’m focusing on the techniques themselves and the technicalities behind it, not the content that’s being animated itself. (thank you anon for taking the time to educate me! it’s much appreciated.) 
billy bletcher snarls in his trademark deep voice, even quipping “you wouldn’t think i was lawyer goodwill now, would you?” he talks directly to the audience, getting right close in their face, jabbing his spindly finger and bulbous nose. he even goes as far as to berate his public by screeching “you bunch of softies! YEAH, YOU IN THE THIRD ROW! ya BIG SOFTIE!” the fourth wall breaking is nothing short of genius. just IMAGINE seeing this in a dark, packed movie theater! the effect would be phenomenal! (especially if you were the guy in the third row! i’m sure all of the third-row-sitting patrons felt quite satisfied at these showings.) the monster vows to dispose of the family, sneering at our inability to help save our heroes.
said heroes are contentedly socializing in the living room, peppy porky talking about how safe and sound they are in their own little house. so, of course, that serves as the cue for a gnarly hand to grab the light switch and kill the lights. i love the detail of the shadow creeping along the wall before you even see the hand itself--little decisions like that go such a long way.
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the lights go out, and all we hear is the pluck of an electric slide guitar. the lights come on, and one of porky’s alliteratively named siblings is gone, with an x cleverly marked in his place. the ritual occurs four times, with porky remarking each of the names of his fallen siblings (”peh-peh-patrick!” “eh-peh-peh-peh-eh-peter!” “eh-peh-peh-eh-peh-percy!” “puh-portus!”). the lights go out once more, and x’s mark where porky and petunia were just sitting prior. definitely an artsy and interesting way to convey the kidnappings--even more so when we see porky and petunia trepidatiously popping their heads out from behind the armchair after the camera trucks in on their deserted spot.
volney white animates the close up of petunia clutching to porky, stuttering (from fear, that is) “g-g-gee, p-p-porky, i’m scared!” her voice here is provided by sara berner as opposed to berneice hansell, who voiced her in her last appearance in porky’s romance. ironically, hansell would take over for petunia again after bob clampett adopted (and subsequently redesigned) her character. you can hear the evolution of her voice here. 
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porky reassures her that they’ll find the brothers as we cue a clever pan from inside to outside the house, spotlighting the basement. the backgrounds are so gorgeous and moody! we find the pigs tied up in stocks, with the monster sneering about how he’ll do away with all the pigs once he nabs porky and petunia. once more, our ever-aware villain resorts to heckling the poor sap in the third row: “and if that guy in the third row comes up, I’LL FIX HIM TOO! you big CREAMPUFF!” again--this is exceedingly entertaining to watch 83 years later on a laptop screen, but imagine what a riot this would be in theaters! frank tashlin understood that the audience was paying to watch his cartoons, and he knew how to make it worth their time. the cartoons catered to the audience rather than the studio executives always make for the best ones--tex avery was especially keen of this, as we’ll soon explore.
back to porky and petunia, both cautiously traipsing down the hallway as porky calls the names of his fallen brothers, both straining to hear any signs of life. while the poses aren’t nearly pushed to the same extremes as they would be in tashlin’s second directorial stint from 1943-1946, they’re still quite nice and accentuated just enough. certainly stronger than the poses present in the other directors’ cartoons. seeing as tashlin was a newspaper cartoonist, his illustrative, comic look translates well into his own cartoons. it’s almost as if his comic art has leapt right off the page, but also meshes well enough with the animation to have a good sense of motion to it. it’s the best of both worlds.
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while porky is unaware, petunia is yanked off screen by a hand protruding from a trick wall panel. suddenly, the villain himself tinkers behind porky, mimicking his movements. porky even manages to grab a hold of his gangly hand, assuming it’s petunia, going so far as to look him straight in the eyes and shush him. the volney white animated villain looks strikingly different than that of bob bentley’s--volney’s is exceedingly more streamlined and design driven, especially around the eyes. he’s not nearly as hairy, grotesque, or dimensional. not that that’s a bad thing! in fact, i love when animators are able to make their styles so distinguishable from the other animators. not only is it fun, it makes identifying animation much easier.
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when porky finally realizes that he’s being stalked by the monster, he does the signature volney white eye take and runs for the hills, er, stairs. tashlin’s speed dominates as porky scales flights of stairs at lightning speeds--it’s dizzying to even watch! eventually, porky jumps right into the arms of the monster, clinging to him (thinking it’s petunia) as he describes what he just saw: “i eh-seh-saw the most teh-teh-teh-eh--awful leh-leh-lookin’ man, all beh-beh-big and beh-beh-eh-bleh-black... beh-beh-BIG teeth...” all the while, porky is grabbing onto the villain’s nose and clinging to him like a baby. the animation is positively hilarious, especially when porky recognizes who he’s being cradled by, actually connecting nose to snout as he lets out a scream and barrels down the staircase once more, the same footage from before just in reverse. a wonderful scene with great dialogue and hilarious animation. bob clampett would borrow this in his own jeepers creepers just two years later, with a ghost in place of the monster.
porky locks himself in the basement, discovering his siblings tied up in stocks (”leh-leh-land sakes alive!”), his attempts to free them interrupted by the sound of the villain knocking the door down. interestingly enough, after we pan to the monster infiltrating the premises, the next shot is the entire family huddled in a corner, indicating that porky did manage to free them after all. the technique is reminiscent of the cartoon’s beginning, where we see only porky jump out of his seat before showing all of the siblings hiding in the chandelier. 
just as it looks like the pig family is bacon, a random chair from offscreen is lobbed at the monster, sending him tumbling right into the stocks. the family is just as perplexed as the viewer, asking in unison “who DID that?”
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“ME!” mel blanc’s gruff, more natural voice rings out from behind the screen. the locked up monster ogles at the audience, pointing a gangly finger as he snarls “who are YOU?” mel’s tough guy new yoik accent snarls back “I’M DA GUY IN DA THOID ROW, YA BIG SOURPUSS!” iris out on a deflated, dejected villain--just IMAGINE witnessing this in real time in the theaters! 
this cartoon is one of the reasons why frank tashlin is one of my favorite directors of all time. it’s got all of the tashlin essentiasl. the effects animation by A.C. gamer at the beginning is lovely, doing a wonderful job of establishing such an eerie mood. the raging, wild storm juxtaposes perfectly with the unsettlingly still atmosphere inside the house. lawyer goodwill makes an excellent villain, topped off with billy bletcher’s vocals and bob bentley’s skilled animation. the constant fourth wall breaking with him... need i say more? it’s such a great way to involve the audience with the picture and really suck in their attention, especially that ending. the animation is excellent, the backgrounds are gorgeous, it’s absolutely rife with atmosphere. this is tashlin’s best effort thus far and one of his best efforts overall.
however, the antisemitic stereotypes and caricatures should be accounted for. while i do say you should watch this one to get an idea of frank tashlin’s mastery as a director, tread with caution and discretion. i absolutely don’t endorse these concepts. so, if you do want to watch it, you can go to HBOmax or click this link, just be advised.
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rainbowratsstuff · 4 years
Do you have a headcanon for a Love (crush/attraction) at First sight prompt for Munkustrap and Mistoffeles when they see/meet Victoria in the 2019 film, and a gradual burn between them when Victoria opens her heart after putting her sad experience of not feeling wanted early in her life behind her? I personally think both tomcats fell for or were drawn to her early on, because BOTH of them seem to be quite invested in convincing her to join the jellicle cats in the “Jellicle Cats” song.
Mistoffelees crushes very easily so falls head over heels for Victoria very quickly. He's also been in love with Munkustrap for a very long time. He's someone who acts without thinking a lot when he's in love, which causes things like that juggling act he did during introduction to the jellicle ball (which I think was a weird outburst from a lot of pent up bisexual feelings from watching his two crushes dance together).
But unfortunately Misto may do a lot of spontaneous actions without thinking, but he'll never actually confess his feelings. He's so shy and nervous and terrified of being rejected. He already feels like a bit of an outcast with the jellicles so he doesnt want to risk someone as kind as Munkustrap possibly avoid him because he doesnt share the same feelings. Or the sweet new cat, Victoria reject him and become possibly weirded out by him when they're still sort of getting to know each other.
With Munkustrap it takes him a lot longer to have and realise his feelings. He hasn't liked Mistoffelees for as long as Misto has liked him but even when he officially started crushing on him, he didnt realise for a long time. I think he might have realised during Mistoffelees song.
He's quicker at realising his feelings with Victoria but it's still pretty slow. He's a very caring and kind person so he never really questions his intense want to help Victoria and bring her into the jellicles (he's also usually the one looking after Mistoffelees). He just assumes it's his kind nature and he'd do the same for anyone.
Victoria is amazed at having cats so kind and welcoming like the jellicles but she's also very afraid this isnt going to last long. She's already been abandoned once and is terrified of it happening again. But she's very trustworthy and pretty naive as we can see with jerrie and teazer and grizabella. She likes Munk and Misto a lot but she's scared of getting too attached to them only for them to leave her. She might not fully realise it but that fear is always lingering, especially after she feels she's been tricked and abandoned again by Jerrie and Teazer.
At the end of the ball she realises how much she loves Munkustrap and Mistoffelees but is still too afraid to go that far yet, she's still so new to the jellicles. It especially gets hard when she sees how close and obviously in love Munk and Misto are as they explore their feelings more.
It takes a long time as they're all pretty scared to confess but it's so obvious they love and care about each other so much. The tribe gets so frustrated at how obvious but oblivious they all are (they also did A LOT of platonic cuddling before they confessed, and other cosy loving little things they'd do together that made a lot of cats assume they were already together) but eventually theh finally reslise they might all like each other and how close they already are so they give being mates a go. It works out perfectly and they all end up confessing soon (Mistoffelees blurts it out awkwardly first than Munkustrap carefully second and Victoria very nervously last)
Other little things:
Munk and Misto make sure to make it as clear as possible that they're never going to leave Victoria and they dont care how often they need to say it and show it for her to believe.
Mistoffelees gets panic attacks sometimes and Munk is an expert in handling and helping him through them as he's been there for him since they were kittens. Victoria doesnt know as much but she helps as much as she can and has a bit more personal experience with these kinds of emotions.
Misto and Vic have planned one day a week Munk can not do any work and must relax and snuggle with them. They will will use force if necessary.
Munk and Vic are Mistoffelees biggest fans and always try they're best to cheer him on and support him in his magic.
Munk and Vic love dancing together and Mistoffelees loves to watch them but is always shy to join in because he knows how clumsy he is. But the other two always insist and love dancing with Musto too.
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low-budget-korra · 4 years
We really need a new Avatar?
Before i started j have to say that i didnt read any of the The Legend of Gengi fan comics. Thats It.
And one of the reasons i didnt read It because im still to attached to Korra and in my head i believe that she will die Young and im not Ready to see that but also i dont think an story about an avatar only , i dont know, 30 years after The Legend of Korra would be interesting.
I think what makes TLOK interesting from the very beginning was that the story took place 70 years after TLA, almost a century which means that we would meet a different reality in that world we already knew.
TLA its pretty political, but dont focus on that which is cool, theres imperialism, genocide, monarchy...
TLOK not only follows that in a way but also focus on social and political stuff there are more common in our world. Things like extremism, comunist, fascism, capitalism...
So what an new Avatar would bring to the table? Like do you guys can see how , just like world history, some themes of TLA e TLOK felt like linear?
I not sure if i abble to express myself as i wanted but still, moving on.
We saw how tecnologys evolve from TLA to TLOK and how those thing makes a difference. But also the social politics evolve a lot from TLA to TLOK. Something that is natural.
But if, lets just say that Korra died young, and the new story of the next avatar will happen like 10-20 years after Korra's death. What this story could told that wasnt already been told in TLA and TLOK?
Because i feel like, at least about the social politics stuff, we would only ser something like what we already saw but like with just small differences.
Now, there's one thing that would be interesting. Honestly, i think fire weapons like pistol, rifles..It will not that long for someone to invent this in that world and that may be a game change forever. (Something that i put in my fanfic , with Korra getting shot at some point - ops, spoilers)
Because now the nonbenders could actually have an even more power than the benders and it would be cool to see how the Avatar would deal with that.
Another stuff that i think would make an new Avatar show being something more than Just TLOK or TLA 2.0 is social media.
Now okay, imagine the Avatar having to deal with his or her image, having people on the backstage help him/her with that, all the publicity, people sharing fake news about the avatar.... Now thats something totally knew that would be interesting to see. But this had 2 problems
1.I dont think theh will be abble to evolve like this in "only" 10-20 years. Like, from war the tecnology is actually better than ours in some aspects and weapons but out of that they still have radio and the movies have just started. So for this "social media" plot works, people from avatar world will need to be walking around with smartphones and shit and i dont think they Will be abble to that since this type of tecnology doesn't see tô be the focus of the nations.
2. If they make that. It Will still be Avatar? I dont know, there's something about this "ancient wisdom" aura about the TLA , that still survive to TLOK but it could survive in social media world?
The thing thats great about both shows is that they mirrors our world , not imitate him
I would love an other avatar but i think that TLA and TLOK complement each other so well, like two sides of the same coin. That i dont think there's a room for another show.
And if it happens it has to bring relevant and different issues for the Avatar to deal with but also without losing the "ancient wisdow aura" of both TLA and TLOK, which isnt a easy task.
I think the only ideas that would actually being something not only new but also meaninfull is things like what if the next avatar is a trans person? Or someone with some disability? That would be nice to see but i dont think this is enough for more than one season. The show cant be only about the avatar fighting prejudice for one of those things or something like that, it must have world building and this would hit in thos problems i mentioned : "How evolve without looking like it is a difference universe and/or didnt just copy versions of stuff that already had in TLA and TLOK?"
Btw this is something that even TLOK suffer from , a lot people dont like the show simple because they didnt like how much that world changed. They miss the "anciente world" vibe from TLA.
We wanted a new avatar but honestly, do we need a new avatar?
Honestly i would like to see an Avatar having to deal with Vaatu growing in Raava, 10.000 after book 2 of TLOK. Because It will not only bring something new like an maybe anti- hero avatar but also the world would change so much that i think it could go full futuristic shit or something that would happened in this 10.000 may bring the world to a time totally new that looks more with "the past" than with the furure
Ps: im not trying to offend anyone. Im just talking about storytelling and world building
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trishvaylar · 4 years
Well, I just bing-watched Season 4 of The Blacklist, and there are a few things I would like to say.
One is that Samar and Aram finally kissing is one of my most beloved moments in the whole show, one I have been waiting for for over two seasons, beginning with Luthor Brexton double episode, when it became cristall clear how much Aram loved Samar.
But that is an aside. Now we come to those main points - one came in Requiem, the other in Bogdan Krilov, and all came to a head in the finale.
I would like to start by saying that this is universall truth - some loving caring Parents do wholeheartedly believe that they have our best interests at heart, theh believe they know what is best for us, but they just may be mistaken.
Katarina expressly told Kate she did not want Kate to love her daughter, but eventually Kate did. That was why she agreed to help Red build his criminal Empire, for she knew how dangerous the world could be to Masha Rostova-Reddington. She saw Katarina's world early on, helping her dispose of the bodies (that is what we have repeated in Season 4 time and again, that Kate was helping Red for over 30 years, and Liz is about 32-33; Kate knew Katarina this long, NOT RAYMOND REDDINGTON), gained her trust, but Kate did not know about Dom, Katarina's Father. Why would it even matter to him, if Red weren't Katarina!?!
Kate grew to love Masha/Liz, grew to care about her, and believed like loving Parents do that Liz would be better off with her child and husband away from Red, away from her real Mother...she believed that Red's presence put Liz and her family in mortal danger, complitely ignoring the fact who Liz was herself, and the fact that Liz' heritage was already something she would have to live with. And deep inside I believe Kate knew Liz would not give up on Red after she would find out he is her Mother, but she ignored it. She hoped that Liz' anger would cut a wedge between them (what Fakerina is trying to do right now). And of cause Kate was afraid that if Liz just found out that Red is her Mother, it would naturally consequence in deepening the bond between Red and Liz, and make her, as Kaplan feared, into someone she is not. But Kaplan forgor or simply ignored to ask what LIZ thought about this.
In the very finale of Season 4 Liz tells Cooper that she lost Sam, Mr Kaplan, her Mom...implying that Red is all she has left. And she confesses that she did run a DNA test at the timeframe of the Freelancer. Cooper did the test again, and voila, The Raymond Reddington shot dead by Masha, is her Father. She said she never looked at the test, she threw it away. What it would have told her? That Red IS her Parent, just not the Father, but the Mother.
And then Bogdan Krilov tells her he wiped her memory twice, first when she was 4, to make her forget she shot her Father, and then just 2 years ago, to make her forget...something else. And the question is - what did he make her forget about Raymond Reddington NOT by Reymond Reddington by an enemy of Red's (an easy assumption based on what Krilov said). So, what crusial event happened at the end of Season 2? Liz shot Connolly, and her memory came back. Tom Connolly taunted her on knowing who Red is to her. So, what if it was Connolly who hired Krilov to make Liz forget something she found out about Red. What could have been so important, if shooting Connolly brought that first stolen memory back? Only one thing, something Connollh never wanted Liz to know OR remember. What it was? Well, I believe THAT LIZ ALREADY KNOWS RED IS HER MOTHER, BUT SHE WAS MADE TO FORGET IT!
So, if one stolen memory came back to Liz this way, what if another comes back almost the same... She does not need to find out Red is Katarina, she has to REMEMBER it! What if at the end she is goaded by Fakerina to try and shoot Red and then she remembers, at that split second she almost pulls the trigger... That would be dramatic as hell... And Fakerina defenitely would regret her desire to pit Liz against Red.
And there is one thing I would like to say about Kate's choices. She so wanted to protect Liz even from her grave that it resulted in Tom's demise. Red never tried to kill him after he realized what that man meant to his Daughter, and Kate effectively set him up...unwitingly, yes, but never the less. Truth be told that our best laid plans sometimes lead us to Hell... the best intentions backfire, bringing on the opposite result. In the end Kate wanted revenge which has nothing to do with protecting Liz. Maybe love blinds us, but hate blinds us completely. Maybe we could be mosters capable of love, but hate turns people into vengfull mindless monsters who couldn't care less about the calateral damage being other people's lives. Funny enough, had Kate's plan with the grand jury come to a head, her own protege, Liz, would have gone to prison along with the others. So I am afraid in the end it was not about Liz or the truth, just about revenge. How ironic, she did something that eventually did not safeguard Liz, but put her and Agnes and Tom into mortal danger, knew what Red had to do, almost forced him into it, that blamed him for doing just that, tried to destroy him and Liz in the process, and eventually brought on her own demise along with Tom's, leaving Liz a single Mom with all the bitterness and loss. And all that with Liz' best interests at heart. Bad turn...very bad turn.
PS: just watched Cape May, Requiem and Rassvet back to back. Have a lot to say, just a little later, when I sort out my thoughts and my emotions.
PPS: I rejoiced at the Hitchins comeuppance, I did! ����
#The Blacklist #Season 4 rewatch #Raymond Reddington #Red #Liz Keen #Kate Kaplan #Keen2 #Rederina #All the proof we need is there #Rederina is Endgame #Many thoughts #I tried to be logical in this #Hope I did not fail #I look at that scene and think #That love sometimes is selfless and sometimes selfish indeed
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kotekie · 4 years
Colress analysis electric boogaloo
Oh look it's back-
Gonna be a long ramble but building of my previous ideas.
More overtly. Colress's views on pokemon 'potential'
I said before I think he thinks potential = power and that he does mean potential just misunderstands it.
But really idk if theres a clear answer. He could just be after power.
I bring this up because as I mentioned before I'm into the whole colress redemption idea. I love redemptions and I find colress's ones fascinating by how much he can be influenced by others and how he adapts around them.
Plus, ties into his relationship with Ghetsis. Because really you can't talk about Colress without bringing in Ghetsis because the two are truely inseparable because they are closely tied.
How does this tie in? Well its his main motivation. The driving force behind his actions. And which one it is will change the key 'motivator' well you basically boil colress down to his core components.
To clarify so I don't confuse anyone. What I mean by key motivator is what one will choose when in the toughest of situations. The line they refuse to cross. Essentially their inner morality and all that.
For example, N's key motivator is that he would never do something to deliberately hurt a pokemon unless it would ease their suffering or help them. This is his key principle/motivator.
It's the underlying trait and morality that the character is built upon. It can change but doesn't change drastically often. During redemptions this key motivator can be called into question and changed.
This ties into Colress and power v potential.
Two are very similar in key motivators. Theh both lend to him committing unethical acts and a seeming lack of conscience. Willing to do whatever to gain the results he wants.
If he truely means power, then in order for him to be redeemed he'd have to gain more of a morality we see in game and come to a revelation about power or change why he persues power.
Within game we don't get a reason other then research why he pursues power. We don't know why he wishes to gain power other then for research's sake. We aren't even sure what he intends to do with the researches results. It seems to be entirely self serving like Ghetsis's.
If Colress is motivated in his search for power on the basis of self serving that would draw a parallel between him and Ghetsis.
Ghetsis is also self serving in his quest for power. Wanting to do so to take over Unova and then the world.
In fact this would tie into the games theme of truth and ideals.
Ghetsis seeking the 'truth' of power that would gain him the world. While Colress seeks the 'ideal' form of power.
On the other hand. If Colress is seeking the potential of pokemon. It alters his redemption arc. Within it he has to realise that a pokemons potential lies more then in the power they possess.
In his current state he still has the capability of unethicalness and still appears to lack a conscience. But this gives more wiggle room for Colress to possibly start off a little bit more moral then his power version.
But the same as before. He still has no real motivator as to why he is researching potential other then research's sake.
But this still ties him interestingly to Ghetsis. The two are the leaders of team Plasma. Ghetsis is still persuing the 'truth' of power and Colress the 'ideal' of pokemons potential.
While the differences between the two may seem small they would lead to different outcomes, scenarios and choices. Small things that lead to divergences into different roads. Different types of relationships with other characters depending on whether it is power or potential.
Even so. It still establishes the paired nature Ghetsis and Colress have. Truth and ideal.
And ye. That's all folks. If you... have any suggestions for me discussion points for poke characters send them in. I mainly focus on Colress but this is really fun so feel free to send some in-
If you wanna see my previous analysis on colress look in the colress analysis tag on my page. Am too lazy to link em and i should probably be asleep ajaksk
(Alsoplscheckout@askburningemmet it'sgotcolressandemmetandsomeothercharactersanditsprettyweirdandiworkhardonitandwouldverymuchappreciateit-)
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telling-our-stories · 5 years
Coming out stories
A heads-up. These are the original stories, however, they are anonymous. This wasn't intentional, I just screwed up and didn't tag. These stories, aren't mine, so if I've posted yours and you want it taken down. Please, just ask me.
I am tired of people who are against the LGBTQ+ community. Its alright to have an opinion. It is not alright to put people down for being themselves. The first pride was a riot, a fight for what they believe in. I'm trying to do the same. I'm trying to gather the stories of the fallen, the ones who are still standing, the people who are willing to fight for everything they are. And I am fully willing to take a stand and fight to prove we exist. To prove that we're here, and we aren't backing down.
Hello, my name is Dustyn. I'm here today to collect stories from the LGBTQ+ community. There's a lot of people who are against us, which is exactly why we need to stand our ground. I'm not asking for a fight, I'm asking for your stories. My story is not yet finished, though I'm a bisexual trans male. Our stories are important, because they show who we are and how far we've come. I've struggled a lot in my life, but I've made it. So have others. Here are some of those stories. We'll start with mine. I've gone through many identities, mostly trying to figure myself out. I'm still doing that. My family doesn't accept me for me, but I have many friends who do. There are so many accepting people in life, and I appreciate all of you who are proud to be who you are. Whether closeted or not, you are all valid and amazing.
"Hello my name is Melissa and i am bisexual. My family didn't really have a harsh reaction to it other than the fact that they didn't understand it at first. That was most of my trouble was people saying that bisexual wasnt valid. Im sorry mine is so short but i think the moral is that you are valid. No matter what you identify as on any spectrum in the LGBTQ+ community. Also even if your outside of the LGBTQ+ community and your just an ally. We love you and you are all valid.”
"Salutations everyone. My name is Talan. I am non binary, panromantic and i am currently between asexual and demisexual. I was raised in a very christian household where my mother and father had very strict beliefs. They believed that being anything but straight and to me being anything other than my assigned gender was a sin, and many people still say that to me. When I came out to my dad he flipped, he took me out of school for a year and put me in online school. During this time in my life I had reached a dark time where i thought that it was never going to get better but trust me it does. I am still living with my dad who does not accept me and at this point we don't talk that much, but it does get better. We have gotten to the point where we can have a civil conversation with each other and im back in school. I have an amazing girlfriend and multiple qpps who i love very much. Everybody at school is very loving and supporting. Remember that family is not chosen for you, you make your own family. If you ever feel down than just know that there are so many amazing and kind people in the world who love you for who you are, no matter what that may be. You are loved."
“I'm glad you reached out to me, anything to help people understand more about the LGBTQ+ community. I am 19 now and I came out to my family at the age of 14. My parents were the typical ones who said it was just a phase and it would not last but here I am five years later and I made it through. There was a point where I had no one to turn to but then i met my amazing boyfriend. He helped me through the good and the bad and showed me that there were things to stay for. I am now in college and pursuing a career in photography at the University of Arizona. I hope that could help a bit!”
"Okay. Well. My coming out experience was definitely not expected in the slightest. I was in the 5th grade. Realizing that I liked both boys and girls was quite the revelation. I had a lesbian friend who was the first ever gay person I met or knew. I remember being backstage of a show I was in and just crying through the words, "I know I'm supposed to love guys, but I love girls too". After that. I didn't tell anyone else, until 6th grade. I was a track meet and a group of people I sat with was talking to my lesbian friend about kissing. I forget the exact conversation, but I spoke up and said I would kiss her. A Christian girl in my class was nearby and heard. She was disgusted. Therfore by the end of the week, I was completely outed to my entire school. It was ugly, but it got better over time I guess. I'm a junior in high school now. I have yet to come out to my parents, but at least I know that I am finally comfortable in my my sexual orientation and gender identify (demigirl, which I didn't figure out until a few short months ago)."
"Hey, I haven't actually come out to everyone yet but I have told a few people and all of their reactions were positive "oh you're bi? cool" and that was it. No "so do you like me?" or anything which was super great. So I was "straight" and when I heard about the LGBT community I was "straight" for about another five days. I did some thinking and realised I'd actually liked girls before, and shortly after came out as bi to a few of my close friends at the time. They were all supportive, bar one who said "you're just looking for attention lmao".Coincidentally, she had also come out as pan and had received the usual "you're attracted to pans?". I go to a Christian school, so it would be pretty disastrous if the news leaked out, but naturally it did. Not everyone knows, maybe about 10% of my grade. I suspect some teachers found out about how some people were LGBT (not many though, there's about 5 of us), because our dean of year gave the "you're too young to know that" talk. Mostly at school we get sheltered from all LGBT news and details at all, and my parents hadn't told me much about it either, even though they are supportive and would be okay if I came out as bi."
"I'm bisexual. I first came out to my elementary friends over the phone 3 years after we went to different middle schools. They were mostly all so accepting and I was so overwhelmed I hung up on them. I spent a few minutes laying on the ground clutching that phone to my chest, I'd never felt so loved. I cried and cried and cried because these people atleast the ones who accepted me see me different now but are okay with it. Two years later, now, I still haven't come out to my parents. I still need a few years but I'm a little bit more open at school now most of my friends accept me. Others were cut off, I can't do that with my family so they still don't know. Not as if they would take me seriously either way. I want to get past college get a place a stable life then maybe I'll be ready, just maybe. Thank you for listening to my story."
"I was surrounded by my Uncle and his husband for years. I always knew that gay people existed. When I was younger I never thought anything different of myself; I thought I was one of the boys.
 It never really clicked that I was the only one who saw it that way.
When I was 7, my mother and sister suggested I take dance I shot them down saying "that's for girls."
They didn't get it.
I wasn't entirely sure what came over me in that moment either but I know it felt right.
As myself and the people I knew grew up I realised I wasn't happy with the way I looked. I tossed it up as your typical dislike.
~every girl went through that at my age didn't they~
All the girls I knew were so happy that they were becoming women and I just sat in the back wondering why I didn't feel the same way.
I still didn't get it.
Once my depressed state got worse I decided to read into ways to love yourself and your body.
I started taking selfies, dressing up, wearing heels and makeup, forcing myself to sing even though I hated the way I looked and sounded.
It got worse.
I broke down when nobody was looking and acted like it was fine; like I wasn't praying that whatever I was feeling would go away for even a second.
And one day I looked in the mirror and I thought "this isnt right. This isn't me. This isn't what I want. Who in the hell is that person staring back at me?"
And I accepted it. That I would never be who I should be. That I would never be happy. Because nobody would love me. Nobody would want me. And nobody would accept me. Because if I was happy then that meant my family wouldn't have had the little girl theh thought they had gotten.
And up until recently no one knew that I broke down every night, that my thoughts got so bad I wanted to drown in my own tears so that maybe it would all be over. Because to me coming out to them was worse than death.
And here I am years later. My family knows but they don't care. They don't try to comprehend that this repression it kills me all the time. So I gathered my money got myself exactly what they told me they would never let me have and I lie. I go behind their backs and I live like the man I really am online. I bind my chest and I hide from their sight and when they ask I say it's just their eyes.
Because if they knew - if my mother knew - they would rather me suffer day after day than be who I am."
"heyo, i read your post and id like to put something to it.
i am a part of the community, havent came out to my parents yet, because i know for a fact id be sent to a psichologist or thrown out. but i am me online
an old friend of mine is a trans guy and found me a few weeks ago. he said he saw that i support LGBT+ and it was so comforting for him. a friend who i haven't talked with for 9 years!after he told me that he lost half of his family for being himself, his dad ignores him since, but he has a boyfriend and got his life together
and that i could be a little comfort for him is really nice. even the people who are closeted can be helpful in the community."
"Well, my mom took it well. I had gotten stuck in my closet and then she got me unstuck and I told her I was queer.
My brother, we were sitting in the car and he told me he always knew, but I had to keep it a secret from my dad or else bad things would happen.
My friends hugged me and started to use my name and pronounsSo coming out to my dad and stepmom, it wasn't even a coming out but a forced outage.
They took my phone away the night of a Panic attack that I still have nightmares over and searched it. They read all my messages.... everything.
I wanted to scream for it to stop, but I knew it wouldn't. They told me that they loved me, but I had to stop being me and I have to go back to being a girl who was cishet
But once you have a taste of freedom of who you really are, you can never go back ...I couldn't hide again. I just had to wait till I could spread my wings and be free somewhere else."
"Ok so for the thing you tagged me in, I don’t exactly have a coming out story yet, and I’m not sure of my identity entirely. I’ve tried out tons of labels and am sticking with queer at the moment just cuz it takes the stress off of picking an extremely definite word to describe me. I came out as queer last year, but I don’t consider it a coming out story because 1) I only told my friends and not my family, and 2) queer doesn’t completely define me. In real life, I’m doing my best to go back in the closet, but I think my “friends” may have told other people who spread rumors around my school, so it’s been difficult. A bunch of people make random references to me liking boys (I’m amab) and it made me uncomfortable enough that I started telling them I’m straight. I’m planning on staying as far in the closet as possible until people get more accepting and I understand myself fully."
"It's not a coming out story (mostly) but it's a realization of sorts.
Yesterday our Social Studies teached asked us to form groups and discuss a contemporary issue that we would present at the front in a few minutes. Long story short I suggested LGBT+ community and rights, which my group mates accepted. I live in a really conservative country (with at least 81% of the entire population identifying as Christians) and that's an extremely taboo topic. It ended up leading the teacher asking us to raise our hands if we believed the lgbt community should be allowed Civil Union, not considering religion an all. I was so afraid to raise my hand, but it was what I believed in and I couldn't live with it if I didn't show it, so I raised my hand. I didn't really do this as a member of the community, I wasn't thinking of myself. I was thinking of a world where this is accepted in my country, where I can go outside and be open and love whoever I wanted to, and I guess the idea of standing up for what I believed in was what pushed me to do that. A big majority of the class was against, and I was just so afraid even though some small logical part of me knew they would not do anything.Today, our Civics teacher had us grouped again to make a live news report and once again, my group (international news) got assigned lgbt+ community because of our listed problems yesterday. I suggested interviewing a member of the community and basically came out to two people I knew were trustworthy (nearly all three other members in that group but thank God I think the third one did not hear) and we agreed that I could be used if I only had my voice recorded and edited to not sound like me. Just a few hours ago I found out that one of my classmates, who I thought was a nice sweet boy, turned out to be a big homophobe. "Sodom and Gomora and Liberals are teaching unnatural things" kind of guy.I guess that broke something in me, because another thing I was really passionate about for when I grew up was this certain job, though no one supported me. I used to want to do that so much the idea of anything else repelled me, sometimes the idea of the other more "acceptable" jobs brought me to tears. Somehow this one admission that I thought everyone should have the right to at least a civil union and finding out my classmates didn't believe in that crushed something in me hard enough that I lost the passion to do that job I wanted. It makes no sense how this connected with that apart from the fact that neither are things I have been or would be supported on, but I guess seeing that this world isn't really safe made me lose hope.I felt scared to raise my hand, almost like I was actually coming out (which I now realize I'm absolutely never doing to many of those people) and the realization that some place I thought was a safe space for me, because all of those people in that class, I thought I could trust them. I've been with them since before I could spell "friend" correctly, they're family to me, I believed I would be safe and accepted, and then came to find out that wasn't quite the case...But well, basically I was terrified then crushed to find out that I could have outted myself to a group of people who would not take my news lightly
Found out some people I thought were friends thought people like me were broken
Found out some people I used to have the biggest crushes on didn't even believe in letting people have a civil union."
"I’m very excited to see brave people like you ready to start a revolution, so I thought I’d share my, sorta, coming out experience.
So I have divorced parents meaning I’d have to come out to four parents. This happened mainly last year. I was pretty sure I was bi, (tho I now identify panromantic demigirl) I knew my dad and stepmom would be great with it, and they were. But when it came to my mother, well, she wasn’t really homophobic, but she had different ideas about how a gay person should behave. She outed me to her after overhearing a convo with my friends. She then told me I was too young, and gave the “its a phase” talk. She knew I was fairly open about it because I lived by a motto to “be so myself that other people feel brave enough to be themselves too” But she believed a gay person should keep it a secret. Nowadays I don’t believe in the process of “coming out” I am open about my sexuality and gender but I don’t do formal coming outs. I always believed that if straights don’t have to, neither should I just because I “don’t fit a default” My mother wants me to come out to my stepfather even tho he already knows. I thought sharing a coming out story that also showed you should never feel obligated to come out. My mother guilt trips me about it, but I remain rooted in my beliefs that I shouldn’t have to come out, which I think is valid.
Hope my story can help anyone and just wanna say you are so so valid, amazing and powerful and should never feel pressured to be open if you don’t want to. Long live the revolution!!!🏳️‍🌈."
"Hello! I read your post about collecting LGTBQA+ stories and I thought Id share my brief experiences as a bi girl from Germany ^^
Tbh I never made a big deal about coming out, as I personally feel it goes to show that we're revealing a wierd secret, and Id like my sexualtiy to be something normal, not a main identifying characteristic. And everyone of my friends or classmates that I mention it to appear to have no problem with that whatsoever, and as far as I know Im not percieved as predatory either.
My family, however, is a whole different matter. While Im sure that my mums side of the family would be perfectly fine and my parents know already, when youve heard your fathers parents talk about eastern europeans and other immigrants using only slurwords and your uncles parents have expressed their absolute disgust about seeing a gay couple enjoy a nice picnic at the park, you get very cautious about who you tell. Especially since I dont want to put the supportive family in the position of having to consider whom they can talk to about this.
Another thing that Ive noticed after my exchange year in Sweden and seeing my first pride, though not having the time to attend, on my way there in Copenhagen, is how little support my country gives to this community from a social perspective. At my swedish school, all the teachers had a rainbow keyband from a *seminar about LGBTQA+ people*, something Im sure Germany would never do, and all of them kept it. There was no question whether you support us or not, it was an acceped part of social life and no big deal; we even did a private introduction round for pronouns!
And then I came back here. During pride month, there were no rainbow decorations, the most I saw of a parade was two discarded paper flags on the ground afterwards. When I vented about this to my ally friend, she only said that "some people and companies just like to stay neutral". Try all of them in Germany, but sure.
I know our community has come far, but I can also see that it isnt fsr enough, and that is the fight I am still fighting.
Hope this helps ^^."
"Alright. Mine isnt that interesting but I'll do my best :)
I came out as bisexual when i was in the sixth grade. It wasnt a huge deal to my mom. She said okay and we went on with our lives. Around the end of that year, i told her i thought i was trans and she said i wasnt. I came out to her again six months later and she said the same thing. There was a lot of yelling. Mind you, she isnt transphobic at all. The third time... she was so done with me. She yelled and so did i. It took four different times for her to accept me, and even then, i had to do the last time over text because i was scared of her reaction."
"So, my name is Ell. I identify as queer and demigender. I don't know what to say here really early than it's important to find others like you when you're not as close to your family as you used to be. Because of your identity. My family is more accepting than most, but still. The community online is so so important to me, and this project makes me really happy. So thank you. "
"I was at sea world and my mom was in the car I was talking about how my dad was super homophobic. My mom says that my dad acts like it’s a disease I said will if it is then I have got it, My mom is understanding and says that she will love me no matter what."
"So, I’m non-binary and bisexual. That’s a big no-no in a latino family like mine, it’s always grow up, get married with the opposite sex, and have kids. I don’t know why I felt that I could just say anything to my mom one day and she immediately objected. “Are you sure you’re not a lesbian or just confused? You can’t like more than one gender. Also, what’s this about a non gender? You’re either a boy or a girl, that’s it.”
Thankfully after a lecture and me apologizing (though I did nothing but tell her more about me) she let the subject go. I’ve never told my dad because I know mom just will get in the way and say I’m lying again, but at least my friends are understanding and almost completely LGBTQ+."
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I just wanted to share this I wrote it for someone whom I hold close to me but I dont have the balls to send it to them
I have a slight conundrum. I wish you noticed when i wasn't around, I wish I was as special as you are but I'm just a creep for writing this I don't even know what I'm doing in this school really i don't belong here and I should leave but its just second nature to be here. Honestly i dont know what I would do without this school.
You're so lovely and I wish I could tell you that in person but I cant. If we were at the same age and you weren't my teacher then I would like to think that you would like me back but I know that isnt true there are so many people better than me in the world it makes me wonder if anyone would even care if I wasnt here tomorrow. Honestly Im useless I cant even find someone my age to crush on. Honestly allot of the time I don't even know why you're nice to me I wonder if it's second nature for you to be nice to me like you have to be nice to me because my parents are paying for me to go to school here I just dont understand how you do it, I act like an utter tool and you still smile at my jokes. I wish I was good enough to be a teacher I love the idea of being able to teach children the wonders of the world. I could teach them about Stonehenge and the log system put in place to move those giant stones, I could teach them about the Great Gatsby or of mice and men or I could teach them about how important it is to not only read to kill a mockingbird but also to learn and improve from it. Society would be so much better if we stopped teaching students history from textbooks and started teaching them history from literature. Literature has so much to offer like the fall of communism or racism or the importance of never going back to a dictatorship and how democracy isnt much better but that much contributes so much to the quality of life we have now. Trail blazers made us who we are and they always seem to never be spoken about. We dont learn about suffragettes in our school and I think thats a mistake. They didn't only bring women the vote they made men less predatory. I cant even slightly imagine how I would behave if i wasnt taught that women were equal. Would I become a trail blazer and work alongside a generation of women or would I treat women the way theh were treated back then. "For if the world treats you well, Sir, you come to believe you are deserving of it." Thats a quote from Alias Grace written by Margaret Attwood isn't that crazy how it was set in a different time but itsn still important just as important as "People generally see what they look for and hear what they listen for." Thats from to kill a mocking bird by Harper Lee both quotes are equally relevant and both quotes are very relivent as relevant as a chapter of a history book would be.
You’re so smart I just wanted to tell you that although you're beautiful thats not the reason Im in this situation its the way you teach you're calm and lovely and smart and thats why. I wrote this because I wanted to share what little knowledge I have of the world with you. This is kind of stupid it's not like you can respond with all the knowledge you poses in a way I am glad, what if the knowledge you poses contradicts what thought come into my mind. Isn't that a weird thing to say. I don't know really, I'm not two personalities in one I can't tell myself whats weird and what isn't not really just like I cannot spell check myself. Sometimes it scares me how capable i am of writing two sided essays or playing the devils advocate sometimes it makes me question what I truly believe in or whether I really own my own opinion. I believe that you are not titled to your own opinion you are only titled to what your really willing to fight for. Ive said that now but that makes me wonder what I'm really willing to fight for. I believe that I an slightly in love with you but if somebody said i wasn't then I would have no idea whether I should fight or give in. I believe I am a good person but I believe having a crush on you is wrong so does that make me a bad person or a good person with bad intentions. I believe in some novel somewhere I will find my answer but I dont know if I have the strength to look for it. I fear the answer will be the answer I wasn't hoping for. There are so maybe questions I have for the universe but only few have been answered through books. I often find that when looking for anwers I come out the other side with an entire new set of questions. Somebody asked me the other day if I had a crush on a different teacher their justification for this question was because of the way I look at her but really Im not in love with that teacher I just want to be them to have all the knowledge of books that they have but then I thought of you and thought do I actually just want to be you and then I thought no I dont I do not wish to poses the knowledge you do because I fear if I knew everything there was ti know about biology then there would be no room for philosophy and literature and that would make me a whole new person. I know you do not know everything there is to know about biology after all there are new things being discovered every day for someone to know everything about one subject would be to much I fear they would not share their information with people but instead be all to driven to find out everything there was to know about everything and once they had completed that task there would be nothing left for them. Would then kill themselves or just sit solemnly in their chair waiting until it was their time to be killed naturally, after all they would have constant thoughts coming into thir head, things to know little quotes of importance. Thats a weird place to leave this letter but I believe it is an appropriate one I dont know if im willing to fight for that but I will still include the word as that is a good word and with that I do not know if this is my last letter to you. I really do hope you have a lovely Christmas and with that i have successfully found a non weird place to stop.
From ?
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