fourleafisland · 20 hours
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10 min warmup thingy
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wonders-of-the-cosmos · 13 hours
Mariner program
The Mariner program was conducted by the American space agency NASA to explore other planets. Between 1962 and late 1973, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) designed and built 10 robotic interplanetary probes named Mariner to explore the inner Solar System - visiting the planets Venus, Mars and Mercury for the first time, and returning to Venus and Mars for additional close observations.
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The program included a number of interplanetary firsts, including the first planetary flyby, the planetary orbiter, and the first gravity assist maneuver. Of the 10 vehicles in the Mariner series, seven were successful, forming the starting point for many subsequent NASA/JPL space probe programs. 
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The name of the Mariner program was decided in "May 1960-at the suggestion of Edgar M. Cortright" to have the "planetary mission probes ... patterned after nautical terms, to convey 'the impression of travel to great distances and remote lands.'" That "decision was the basis for naming Mariner, Ranger, Surveyor, and Viking probes."
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Each spacecraft was to carry solar panels that would be pointed toward the Sun and a dish antenna that would be pointed at Earth. Each would also carry a host of scientific instruments. Some of the instruments, such as cameras, would need to be pointed at the target body it was studying. Other instruments were non-directional and studied phenomena such as magnetic fields and charged particles. JPL engineers proposed to make the Mariners "three-axis-stabilized," meaning that unlike other space probes they would not spin.
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Mariner 1 and Mariner 2
Mariner 1 and Mariner 2 were two deep-space probes making up NASA's Mariner-R project. The primary goal of the project was to develop and launch two spacecraft sequentially to the near vicinity of Venus, receive communications from the spacecraft and to perform radiometric temperature measurements of the planet. A secondary objective was to make interplanetary magnetic field and/or particle measurements on the way to, and in the vicinity of, Venus.
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Animation of Mariner 2's trajectory from August 27, 1962, to December 31, 1962. Mariner 2 · Venus · Earth.
Mariners 3 and 4
Sisterships Mariner 3 and Mariner 4 were Mars flyby missions.
Mariner 3 was launched on November 5, 1964, but the shroud encasing the spacecraft atop its rocket failed to open properly and Mariner 3 did not get to Mars.
Mariner 4, launched on November 28, 1964, was the first successful flyby of the planet Mars and gave the first glimpse of Mars at close range
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This archival image is an enhanced contrast version of the first Mars photograph released on July 15, 1965. This is man's first close-up photograph of another planet -- a photographic representation of digital data radioed from Mars by the Mariner 4 spacecraft. Data was either sent to Earth immediately for acquisition or stored on an onboard tape recorder for later transmission.
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The pictures, played back from a small tape recorder over a long period, showed lunar-type impact craters (just beginning to be photographed at close range from the Moon), some of them touched with frost in the chill Martian evening. 
Mariner 5
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The Mariner 5 spacecraft was launched to Venus on June 14, 1967, and arrived in the vicinity of the planet in October 1967. It carried a complement of experiments to probe Venus' atmosphere with radio waves, scan its brightness in ultraviolet light, and sample the solar particles and magnetic field fluctuations above the planet.
Mariners 6 and 7
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Mariners 6 and 7 were identical teammates in a two-spacecraft mission to Mars. Mariner 6 was launched on February 24, 1969, followed by Mariner 7 on March 21, 1969. They flew over the equator and southern hemisphere of the planet Mars.
Mariners 8 and 9
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Mariner 8 and Mariner 9 were identical sister craft designed to map the Martian surface simultaneously, but Mariner 8 was lost in a launch vehicle failure. Mariner 9 was launched in May 1971 and became the first artificial satellite of Mars. 
Mariner 10
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The Mariner 10 spacecraft launched on November 3, 1973, and was the first to use a gravity assist trajectory, accelerating as it entered the gravitational influence of Venus, then being flung by the planet's gravity onto a slightly different course to reach Mercury. It was also the first spacecraft to encounter two planets at close range, and for 33 years the only spacecraft to photograph Mercury in closeup.
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Venus in real colors, processed from clear and blue filtered Mariner 10 images
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Mariner 10's photograph of Venus in ultraviolet light (photo color-enhanced to simulate Venus's natural color as the human eye would see it)
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This mosaic shows the planet Mercury as seen by Mariner 10 as it sped away from the planet on March 29, 1974.
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jyeshindra · 3 days
Mars: Ambition, drive, power, courage, instincts, anger, passion
Aries & Scorpio (Pluto)
Both are ambitious, driven people. Motivated by goals and desires. They want to take action and are independent people. Do not easily obey or submit to others. Passionate people and can be spiritual as well. They can both resist temptation and focus in on what they want.
Solitary people. Mars likes to operate on its own. Undisturbed and un-influenced. Can be loners or they just like to lead the pack. Both positions are lonely.
They both have excellent instinct and trust their natural talents. They have a strong sense of self built on their accomplishments. They are hard-working and can put their noses to the grindstone!
Scorpio is more subtle and reserved (yin/water) but ultimately has more stability and focus (fixed). Scorpio studies, analyzes, processes, interprets, understands. Pluto is the destroyer, so Scorpio has a lot of concentrated power. If Aries is a cannonball, Scorpio is a laser. 
Scorpio has more endurance (Scorpion). They can weather a lot of different situations and will defend themselves if they have to. But this won’t be their first response (yin). They’ll likely figure you out first, pinpoint your weaknesses, and keep their head above water. But best believe, they know what buttons to push and how to hit where it hurts. Cold people, ruthless at times. More feminine-leaning Scorpios can display this easily. Spiteful people, can hold a grudge if they really are emotionally invested. Eye for an eye kind of people. They will linger emotionally in situations and fester. 
Scorpio’s expression of Mars + Pluto creates this desiring nature. This kind of speaks to a Scorpio theme which is suffering. Scorpio can have a relationship with desire where it is extremes of grasping and staying away. Hot and cold hot and cold. Never satisfied. They are (yin) so they need something to fill them. Something to warm them up. They like to hold onto things. Some Scorpios can be indulgent (Taurus/Venus opposition) but it’s more like Scorpio will indulge their feelings. If they really want something and they’re fixated on it, they will indulge that desire. 
Aries on the other hand can be more dynamic and bold (Fire/Cardinal). They like to explore, try different things, and make progress towards what it is they have set their sights on. Aries is not like Scorpio in terms of endurance. They can burn out more quickly, get frustrated, quit, or just throw themselves at the same wall repeatedly. 
Aries is the baby (Ram/Lamb) of the zodiac so there is this theme of maturation with Aries. They need to master themselves and their abundant fiery energy. Scorpio is more likely to have the introspection available to understand their motivations and why they do things. Aries can be like this as well, but they can also be childish in their approach to matters.
Overestimating their abilities, underestimating their abilities, biting off more than they can chew, taking on too much at once. Their Martian energy wants to do, do, do, do, do, and it’s firing on all cylinders.
On the other hand, because Aries is so dynamic, their Martian energy is geared towards leadership (cardinal). Where they go, other people tend to follow or mimic. Something about their nature (fire) is infectious and inspiring. Their Martian energy manifests as a light for others to follow through the challenges they face.
Aries clears the path (cardinal) and breaks down walls. As it matures, it learns to focus its energy and apply itself in the right ways. It picks the positions that are suited for it. It does not only think of itself, it thinks of others too.
Scorpio learns to balance their control and surrender. They learn to investigate themselves and kill off the parts of them they no longer need. Ultimately, Scorpio achieves an inner peace and builds their inner security so there is no need to fixate or obsess. They channel that focused energy on the things that give back to them. On what makes them emotionally content.
Both energies are incredibly inspiring though, Scorpio + Aries. These people can bear a lot and are fierce protectors of the people they love. Aries may be more demonstrative (yang) while Scorpio will be subtle and quiet in their affections (yin).
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beautifulmars · 3 days
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HiPOD: Lithified Lobes
This observation features a possibly multi-layered lobe that might be ejecta from craters on southwest rim of the crater in which they occur. They could also be landslide deposits that pre-date those impacts, meaning that the ejecta had to have eroded away before re-exposing landslide lobes. Either way, the erosional expression is suggestive that the materials are perhaps lithified. (Black and white is less than 5 km across; enhanced color is less than 1 km.)
ID: ESP_075321_1550 date: 21 August 2022 altitude: 255 km
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ahead-trade · 5 hours
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An awe-inspiring view of Valles Marineris on Mars reveals the vastness and intricate details of one of the most colossal canyon systems in our solar system. It’s so deep you can see mountains there in the middle
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mention-big · 3 days
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cassketti · 10 hours
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Marth or smn
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copperpipes · 3 days
Someone sent an ask about green and black beetles and it got me thinking about DC's Martians' designs because of how I designed blue beetle and the fact that green beetle is martian. So I redesigned martians :]
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I have lots of beef with american alien concepts (xenomorph too but less for various reasons) especially intelligent alien species' designs. Yes, i understand the audience needs to empathize with our alien heroes, Cameron, but then they stop being alien. Aliens don't need to be appealing visually, psychologically or socially to us at all, if you are intending to write them seriously.
But of course, all this applies only if you want your writing and design to be realistic or close to reality.
I have several noted points about DC's Martians I'd like to question and or correct in my design, I'll be going off of young justice's martian designs because those are the least human canon designs of them and the most interesting ones. (They can mostly be seen at the beginning of season 4 of YJ) here's the green beetle without the suit and miss martian for reference:
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In the show martians are shown to not only have a variety in color but also body type (in some places) which is rare even in an animated show with just humans so big kudos for the animators on that, big fan.
AND martians have webbing between their fingers, arms and torso in this design which could point that they were a water dwelling species in the far past, so also a very big fan of that.
To the redesign:
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I had a few ideas.
First I got rid of the teeth on the outside and turned them into a beak because that would be the same thing. Proportionally they are also quite different from the original.
I have some issues with martian abilities. The density shifting is ridiculous (leave it to the ghosts who can bend reality) flying would be unnecessary with the gravity on Mars, there shouldn't be a reason why they could do that. Telekinesis too, for what? What would be its purpose? For survival? They would have found a way without it and otherwise it is physically impossible. *huff*
But some are forgivable, like shape shifting and camouflage if you don't have bones which i solved and telepathy which could just be a very specific frequency only they could emit and hear, that could be adjusted depending on who they were speaking with (with the reading thoughts bit just make them loose the ability to lie, problem solved.) Of course that would also mean their vocal cords wouldn't be made for human speech, but that technology can solve.
The weakness to fire could just be because Mars is also a lot colder then earth.
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Our biochemistry should be similar enough tho, carbon based n' all. @wazzappp i thought maybe you would want to see this :>
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numerologica · 3 days
Hello A
Could you explain about the mutual reception in astrology? I read that Sagittarius Mercury and Gemini Jupiter don't count as mutual reception since it's in opposition. So I'm glad that you can explain about this. Thank you
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
(¹) The 12 Zodiac Signs
(²) Personal Planets in Astrology
(³) Social Planets in Astrology
(⁴) Generational/Spiritual Planets in Astrology
● As you may know, each zodiac sign is ruled or governed by planets:
ᴀʀɪᴇs ⟶ mars
ᴛᴀᴜʀᴜs ⟶ venus
ɢᴇᴍɪɴɪ ⟶ mercury
ᴄᴀɴᴄᴇʀ ⟶ moon
ʟᴇᴏ ⟶ sun
ᴠɪʀɢᴏ ⟶ mercury
ʟɪʙʀᴀ ⟶ venus
sᴄᴏʀᴘɪᴏ ⟶ mars & pluto
sᴀɢɪᴛᴛᴀʀɪᴜs ⟶ jupiter
ᴄᴀᴘʀɪᴄᴏʀɴ ⟶ saturn
ᴀϙᴜᴀʀɪᴜs ⟶ saturn & uranus
ᴘɪsᴄᴇs ⟶ jupiter & neptune
● MUTUAL RECEPTION is when 2 planets are in each other's signs of rulership, so one planet is in the sign ruled by the other and vice versa.
Don't worry it's not that complicated, let me give you some examples:
(¹) Mars in Gemini & Mercury in Aries : naturally Mars rules Aries and Mercury Rules Gemini, if you combine them they form mutual rulership. These planets are in their respective signs of rulerships. Mars in Gemini is occupying Mercury's ground and Mercury's occupying Mars ground.
(²) Moon in Leo and Sun in Cancer : naturally the Moon Rules Cancer and Sun rules Leo, if you combine them they form mutual rulership. These planets are in their respective signs of rulerships. The Moon is occupying the Sun's ground and the Sun is occupying the Moon's ground.
(³) Jupiter in Capricorn and Saturn in Sagittarius : naturally Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Saturn rules Capricorn, if you combine them they form mutual rulership. These planets are in their respective signs of rulerships. Jupiter is occupying Saturn ground and Jupiter is occupying Saturn's one.
(⁴) Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Libra : naturally Venus rules Libra and Mars rules Scorpio, if you combine them they form mutual rulership. These planets are in their respective signs of rulerships. Venus is occupying Mars ground as well as Mars is occupying Venus ground
(⁵) Mercury in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Gemini : naturally Mercury rules Gemini and Jupiter rules Sagittarius, if you combine them they form mutual rulership. These planets are in their respective signs of rulerships. Mercury is occupying Jupiter's ground as well as Jupiter's occupying Mercury's ground.
(⁶) Uranus in Pisces and Neptune in Aquarius : naturally Uranus rules Aquarius and Neptune rules Pisces, if you combine them they form mutual rulership. These planets are in their respective signs of rulerships. Uranus is occupying Neptune's ground as well as Neptune's occupying the Uranus one.
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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bxtxnx · 1 day
[VOL. I] WHAT ANNOYS ME IN NATAL CHARTS: harsh aspects with the sun, mars or neptune.
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The Sun, Mars or Neptune in a square or opposition I can find particularly frustrating and annoying. With these planets in harsh aspects, it's like you just never do the right thing at the right time.
The Sun and Mars are the part of us that takes action and does things, so when they are in a square or opposition with another planet, you just end up doing things when the time isn't right.
With the square, you end up actually acting to your own detriment. If Mars or the Sun are in a square with Saturn for example, you often end up doing something related to your career that actually hurts it and sets you back. This can be applying for jobs at the wrong time (when you have the most unfavorable transits going on) or you apply to the wrong jobs that are either bad or just a huge waste of time.
With the opposition things are pretty similar, but the issue stems from another place - it's like there is a misalignment. If your Scorpio Sun is opposing your Taurus Saturn, the issue is that you can't apply your Scorpionic characteristics and skills to use in your career - for example, you can't do the necessary research to find the right career path for you. You try, but it just doesn't work.
Neptune also brings pretty similar issues in this context - there is a lack of clarity and you may actually make wrong decisions and do the wrong things. Because Neptune is illusion and lack of clarity. So, in a square with let's say your Sun, Neptune muddies the water, makes you act in the wrong way, go on the wrong path or just makes you unable to figure out what you need to do. If it's involved in an opposition, Neptune causes you to be unable to think outside of the box and come up with more creative solutions. Or it just makes you unable to follow your intuition.
In the end, all of these things can result in the same thing - you try to achieve something, do something that will bring you results and rewards, but your actions aren't enough. Or aren't right. You end up doing the wrong thing or acting at the wrong time and all your effort is wasted. People say "Hard work pays off", but for people with Sun, Mars or Neptune squares and oppositions, it doesn't always do, because they haven't done the right type of "hard work". ☽
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Valles Marineris on Mars (One of the most colossal canyon system in our solar system)
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8infinite-space8 · 14 hours
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Pathfinder on Mars.
Date Created:1997-12-12
Credit: NASA/JPL.
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beautifulmars · 2 days
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HiPOD: A Channel on a Crater Wall
The objective of this observation is to examine a small channel on an old crater wall. The channel has cut through the rim in two places, and this scene, located north of the Hellas region, is also visible in Context Camera data. (Image cutout is less than 5 km across.)
ID: ESP_075323_1555 date: 21 August 2022 altitude: 255 km
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angelicstea · 3 days
Having Mars conjunct Ascendant in Synastry is absolutely wild bc why is this guy who's in an open relationship so obsessed with me and wants to continuously sext me every day
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