#Bruce Wayne X Reader
c1nnam00n · 3 days
seeing a dead fandom get revived after DECADES
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l0vergirls · 1 day
here's what i think it would be like if you had gotten with bruce first (yandere batfam!)
cw: yandere (like very slight i think), teensy bit of manipulation.. just a tiny bit...,
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when you said you'd marry rich, you didn't think it would actually happen.
it was always said in jest; something you definitely would have loved to happen though understood your chances were slim to none.
then again, anything can happen in gotham.
like you getting engaged to bruce wayne, of all people. he's a stand up guy, really, with his charity balls and what not. but there's the matter of his rather unique family.
you'd understand if they lashed out a little, considering you're young enough to fit in with them, but they didn't. and you're not sure which you would prefer.
they're always eager to speak to you, talking to you about anything and (almost) everything. they're all a bit touchy as well, hands drifting from your shoulder to your waist, though you try not to look into it too deeply. especially when their charming smiles almost demand you not to mention it.
on one of the many nights you spend with bruce, you try bringing this up.
"um, about your kids..."
"they can be a bit... handsy sometimes. too close for comfort."
you feel strong arms wrap around you, and you instinctively hug him back, resting your head on his chest.
"that's just... how they are," no, it's absolutely not, but you don't know that. bruce had put off your meeting his kids for a while, long enough that he can excuse their out of character actions, "i know they can be a bit much, but they mean well, darling, i swear."
oh, well, now you feel like a dick.
you knew of everyone's complicated backgrounds, of what they get up to at night, so why would you dare try to make them feel guilty about it? after all, it wasn't their fault they were dealt a bad card in life.
you knew what you were getting into anyway; so what if they were a bit strange? aren't all rich people?
"i'm sure they do, but it's a little..."
"they just love you, sweetheart. we love you." more than you know.
bruce wonders what you would think when you find out his children love you like he does.
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devilfic · 3 days
started thinking of cooking with a (shirtless) bruce in his kitchen, innocuously picking up a piece of food for him to try, and watching him bend down and eat it from your fingers as he holds eye contact the whole time. "'s good," he says, followed by a smile, hair falling into his eyes, "gimme some more."
"wow, not even a please?"
and he takes your extended hand in his, tugging you close over the heat of the stove. he leans in so his nose brushes yours, "pretty please?"
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c-nstantine · 2 days
Find Anything Bruce Wayne Here!
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
→The infamous Wayne couple do an interview fueled by the internet
Maxing Out His Card
→ Maxing out Bruce’s black card
Wonder What She Thinks Of Me
→Being the other woman in Bruce’s life
When He Cheated
→ Bruce fucks up in this one
→ Beyonce’s Lemonade album but in the world of Y/N and Bruce Wayne
It’s Quiet Uptown
→ It’s Hamilton & the Batfam; It’s sad
→ Bruce and Y/N’s private tape leaks and madness ensues
In The Bonnet
→ It’s a dumb blurb of Bruce being down bad
Sundress Season
→ It’s getting hot and Gotham so Bruce wants one thing
The Wedding of the Century
→ Y/N and Bruce get married
Hard to Get
→Bruce has a crush on Y/N Fox
We Could’ve Been
→ Bruce goes to a wedding that isn’t his
Getting a Sweet Treat
→ Catches Duke with a sweet Treat
T-Shirt and Hair Tied
→ Bruce just wants to fuck his wife in his t-shirt
Invited to the Cookout
→ Clark makes the mistake of putting raisins on the potato salad
The Key to Marriage w/ Bruce and Y/N Wayne
→ They sit down for an interview and discuss their marriage
→ Bruce’s reaction to Y/N’s photoshoot
Bruce Being a Thigh-Man
→ Y/N wears a high-slit in a dress and Bruce loses his mind
Bruce Being Cockblocked
→ Bruce’s kids keep hindering his sex life
Phone Calls
→ Bruce is the side man in this one
→ The disc that started this
Smile for the Camera
→ His wife wants to make a sex tape
I Know
→ Bruce is having an affair with his assistant
New Beginnings
→ I Know pt. 2
→ A quiet night in for Bruce and Y/N
Forever Don’t Last
→ Bruce breaks up with Y/N but it doesn’t go well
Don’t Touch My Hair
→ Sometimes having black hair is stressful
In High School
→ a brief story of Y/N and Bruce in high school
The Difference
→ Bruce & Y/N come from different social backgrounds
In the Before Times
→ What Batmom did before getting with Bruce
Retired DILF!Bruce HCs
Bruce x Single Mom!Reader HCs
Jealous & Feral!Bruce Wayne HCs
→ Jealous blurb
Bruce & His Controversially Young GF HCs
Bruce & His Sugar Baby HCs
Battinson & His Wife HCs
Battinson w/ a Megan Thee Stallion type GF
Menace Bruce
Bruce Listening to His Kids Music
Batmom and Bruce Working Out
Black Wife Effect
Ass, Tits or Thighs
Binging Shows w/ Bruce
Bruce’s Aftercare Blurb
Angry!Bruce & Angry!Clark
DILF!Bruce Pic
BatFam on Social Media
Bruce Punching Lex Luthor Blurb
Sex Tips Blurb
Dad Fit Blurb
Nude Cooking Blurb
If Joker Killed Batmom blurb
Blurb #012
Blurb #019
Blurb #026
Blurb #028
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gilverrwrites · 3 days
Coming Out of Retirement
Reader/Bruce Wayne Ft. Almost all of the BatFam. (Sorry Alfred) Reader is an ex-con who has renounced their life of crime and settled down as a stay-at-home parent and trophy partner, until the itch to get back on the streets re-emerges. To celebrate this new found life of heroism, their BatFamily arranges a suprise.
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3.1K Words CWs: Mainly fluff, but, non descript mentions of sex (implied dom Bruce), mild arguing, competition, self-doubt, public kissing. Limelight. A singular batarang may or may not get thrown. It might have been Daman.
Adorning your name with the suffix ‘-Wayne’ has done wonders for your image. Rarely were you billed as a criminal in the media, very few events failed to send you an invitation, people who would previously have shunned you in the streets now unsubtly eager to get into or stay in the billionaire families’ good graces. It did not, however, fully erase your criminal past. The extensive list of felonies that came with the rest of your name meant that few people were willing to take a chance on hiring you. When you’d told your husband, Bruce that after months of searching, your only legitimate job offers were loading crates at the docks or sweeping floors at a high school he’d baulked. Those were perfectly fine jobs, vital even, but not particularly fitting for the meticulously curated image the Waynes had carved out over centuries.
Instead, he’s found you a job at Wayne Enterprises, and by found, you mean made-up a job, something to do with analysis and CAPEX, fancy words for sitting behind a desk, a desk that made your skin crawl. Truth is, no job would have scratched the itch you were trying to scratch. A day job was simply the compromise you’d come to with your husband. What you’d really wanted was to get back out onto the streets, not to commit crimes, but to stop them. Bruce didn’t like the idea, citing that it would be emotionally challenging for you to fight against your former allies and friends. Additionally, civilians wouldn’t trust you. You’d argued that those issues would improve with practice and time. That your skills were wasted being a stay-at-home parent and trophy partner, and he knew it, he always knew when you were right, he just hated to admit it. So, you’d come to the mutual agreement that you would work a ‘normal job’, and if, after 6 months had passed, you were still aching to get back in the game, then and only then would he approve.
From there it became a bit of an unspoken game between you. He kept your body and mind as occupied as possible, hoping to keep you distracted. Nights off from patrolling were spent in bed with you, bending and stretching and everything else-ing your body to his will for as long as his near infinite stamina could manage. He’s named you as the primary point of contact for Damian’s school, which had you driving to and from the academy to deal with his many infractions on what felt like a daily basis. If that wasn’t inconvenient enough, it also put you behind on the ungodly amount of paperwork he had sent to your desk each morning.
That didn’t stop you. Instead, you found ways around it. Your early morning runs were really combat and target training with Jason. Your fortnightly visits with your eldest, Dick, really were check-in, as wells as a chance to practice patrolling on the streets of Blüdhaven. Even Babs had loaned you a few updated gadgets for your dusty old utility belt. Tim had given you back-door access to most of the files on the bat-computer, and you spent your lunch hour reading up on the who’s who of Gotham’s current criminal underground between rushed mouthfuls of protein-heavy salads and coffee. Some faces you knew, had been on a first-name basis with, others were complete strangers, indicators that you’d been out of the game too long.
It was funny when you thought about it, even in marriage you were still finding ways to thwart each-other.
Bruce knew all of this, of course, he wasn’t the world's greatest detective for nothing, but he kept it to himself. The same way you kept his tactics to obstruct your plans quiet.
Until today. A sleepy Sunday morning in which Jason had kept you training for twice as long as usual, before joining you for the walk home, chatting your ear off about the things he’d noticed in his latest re-read of Pride and Prejudice, right up until you’d made it inside where a note had been left for you on the fridge. The words ‘CAVE ASAP’ had been scrawled on it in Bruce's handwriting.
When you’d shown it to Jay he’s just shrugged and followed you to the entrance. You might have been concerned, had you not known that today was the six-month anniversary of your deal, the closing date. You were concerned, however, when you were met with 6 smiling faces awaiting you, 7 if you include Jason, 8 if you include Bruce's nonsmiling face.
“What is this?” You query. “Whose watching the city?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve enlisted a couple of friends to keep an eye on Gotham, they’ll signal us if anything comes up that they can’t handle.”
Something feels different, something other than the unusually large crowd. Your eyes scan the room until they land on a new instalment to the cave, four glass cases, holding four suits that seemed both completely new, but somehow familiar.
“That’s good, but you didn’t answer my first question.” You finally respond to Bruce, pointing to the pods to indicate that you now require further clarification.
“It’s been six months since we made our deal, and it has become abundantly clear that there is no derailing you from getting what you want.”
“Which is one of the many reasons you married me~” His straight face breaks at your jest.
“Is this how they always flirt?” “This is tame, you don’t want to see their real flirting.” “Shhhhh.” Muffled voices whisper amongst the cluster of children, and you’re admittedly impressed it took this long for any of them to say something.
“This is by no means a full sign-off.” Bruce continues, “There will be rigorous tests for you to pass before it becomes official- ”
“Don’t worry, it’s not personal.” Dick butts in, and you're grateful for the reassurance. You’d been concerned that your villainous past might make you subject to extra scrutiny, even if you’d clearly proven yourself reformed many times over. “We all had to go through the testing phase.”
“Yeah, some of us did better than others.” Tim's statement is clearly directed at Steph who responds with an unamused glare.
“Yes.” The budding conversation is stifled by Bruce for that singular word before everybody bursts out with a chorus of “WELCOME TO THE TEAM!”
From there you’re rallied into a seemingly never-ending parade of hugs, each accompanied by some form of “congratulations”; “Knew you’d win out.” “You got this!” “You thought he kept you busy before, good luck.”
It was Barbara who finally informed you what the suits were. “We wanted to surprise you with an updated suit, but none of us could agree on one design.”
“So, we split into teams and made our own.” Duke finished.
Your celebratory lap quickly descended into a clash from there. Each team trying to point out their own design, to get you to look at theirs first, to try them on. You knew each of them loved you in their own way, but you hadn’t quite got the knack of demanding respect in the same way Bruce had. He could silence their quarrelling with a well-timed look. You had to shout above them to be heard, but your voice reached their ears in waves of twos and threes, eventually, they all settled. Finding spots to sit or lean on as they watched and waited for your next move.
“How about I go through them each, one at a time, left to right?” A sea of heads nod back at you. “Great, whose is this first one?”
“Mine.” “Ours.”
Damian has a strong personality, self-assured, sharp. You love those parts of him, many don’t. Tim included. With time, they’d grown on each other, formed a brotherly bond, if anything due to the forced proximity, but their relationship was still strained at times. Damian hadn’t killed Tim, but that didn’t alleviate all of the tension between them, so it meant the world that they’d shelved their issues long enough to do something nice, even if the end result wasn’t exactly, your style. It was cool, no doubt about it, but it was certainly a ‘Robin’ suit. Primarily red, with a green cape, a lot of built-in gadgets you’d never seen before, and “Are these knuckle dusters?”
“Yes, made with steel, much like your old ones but these are coated in a gold alloy.” Damian informs you. It doesn’t go amiss that they seem to match the gold pieces from his own costume.
“We know you don’t really like capes, so it’s detachable,” Tim interjects, pointing at different pieces and areas of the gear, anyone could tell he was in his element, one of many. “The left glove has a built-in dispenser for pellets, and the right glove has a travel-size holographic computer that’s connected to the mainframe. Think of it like a smartphone but for comms and information only.”
“Yeah, Bruce doesn’t like it when we use it to watch TikTok.” Duke jokes, and is rewarded with a few cautious laughs.
“Wow!” You smile, fiddling with the edge of the forest green gloves in question. “This is all so advanced. I- ”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah blah blah!” Steph's voice cuts in before you can thank your Robins. You can tell she’s excited by the way she bounces on her toes, Barbara right behind her, both grinning, both ignoring Damian's stink eye. You can forgive them, you always do. “Us next!”
“The gadgets are all updated versions of the stuff I loaned you for Blüdhaven, I’ve been tracking the way you use them, and based on the feedback I’ve removed the features you didn’t use much and refocused the excess power on ramping up the stuff you do use.” Barbara tells you through the door as you change.
The girls had really hit the nail on the head in the style department, and you had to applaud yourself for that one really. The girls hadn’t just taken inspiration from your previous get-up, they’d seemingly taken the very blueprints and modernised it. The silhouette was identical, right down to the patched-up adjustable waist you’d had to add due to your fluctuating diet whilst in and out of Blackgate. Only now, everything was made from black reinforced leather with matte panelling. Pops of your signature colour reflected in the stitching as well as the gloves, utility belt, and a pair of shiny docs.
This is incredible, you refrain from saying, careful not to spark any more flames in what was clearly already a competition. “This is nearly identical to my old suits; how did you manage it?”
“Bruce had one of your old suits tucked away in the trophy room,” Steph informs you, shooting Bruce a smug look, in response he remains still, face completely unmoving. “He thought we wouldn’t find it, but we did.”
You don’t focus much on how or why he had it. It was likely ‘borrowed’ from a GCPD evidence locker, brought here so he could study it, help him better understand an adversary. But you did wonder why he’d kept it for so long. When you cast him a curious glance, he stares back at you, sporting the same poker-faced expression he’s given Steph.   
Your lips part, ready to ask but a voice interrupts, Damian; “It’s unoriginal.”
“Yeah.” Tim agrees. “And old fashioned.”
For a moment you’re offended, considering that it’s based on your own design.
“At least they didn’t make a Robin suit.” Jason jumps in, possibly to defend, probably to stir the pot.
“That’s enough.” You declare, holding your hands to garner attention. “They’re both great, in their own ways, now whose next?”
It’s obvious whose next, if the sequins didn’t give it away, their grinning faces did.
“We figured everyone else would have you covered on the tech and practicality side of things.” Duke explains as Dick retrieves their joined project from its pod and hands it to you.
“We wanted to make something that speaks to your soul.” Dick finishes. Their statement clearly rehearsed for maximum intrigue.
You don’t say the first response that comes to mind, but Tim does, near abouts. “And their soul is a reject from Abba’s wardrobe?”
“I said enough.” But he was right. They were all right, in a way, it wasn’t techy or practical, but it certainly appealed to something inside you. A desire to stand out? To dress like the superheroes of your childhood Saturday morning cartoons?
It was by far the smallest suit, with skin-tone tights to keep your arms and legs warm. A near plunging neckline, with a flared collar that was meant to be worn popped. Looking closer you could see that the sequins weren’t sequins at all, but little meal plates coated in some kind of iridescent polish, surely there was some form of pragmatic reason for it, but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“Maybe not for stopping a bank robbery.” You ponder aloud, swaying your body to see how well the shiny metallic layer reflected light, the dimness of the cave not offering much to work with. “But certainly, for a disco, do places still do discos?”
“No.” Four voices reply in deadpan unity.
“Don’t even humour them.” Jason is having none of it, the look on his face reads that he can’t believe you even tried it on. “I was supposed to be on their team, but I refuse to put my name on that monstrosity.”
“Hey.” Duke and Dick respond in unison, furrowed brows and inadvertently pouty lips don’t suit their faces.
“I supposed that explains the last one.” You redirect before another argument can break out. The final suit, Jay's suit, isn’t really a suit at all. More a mishmash of things seemingly cobbled together from the nearest army surplus store. Big military-grade boots that feel clunky on your feet, a black spandex turtleneck, a thermal-lined leather jacket with stray threads that clearly had previously secured a multitude of now-missing embroidered patches, and camo trousers that had been dyed to match your colours.
“How you have the audacity to claim our suit is a Robin suit, when yours is clearly devised from your own wardrobe astounds me, Todd.” Damian comments coldly, deploying his patented glare.
“It only looks like that because it’s cool, and I only wear cool stuff.” Jason fires back.
“It’s not cool, it looks like something an edgy teenager thinks is cool.”
“At least mine has- ” “Yours isn’t even- ” “This isn’t the 80s!”
A slew of arguments and insults are thrown back and forth, voices talking over each other. The distinct sound of a batarang being launched rings throughout the cave until Barbara silences everyone with the loud clapping of her hands and the declaration that; “We have to let them decide.”
Seven pairs of eyes fall on you, all awaiting vindication, and more importantly: bragging rights. It was an impossible situation; you’d known that from the beginning. There was no conceivable way you could pick one without hurting feelings, or more likely, causing a war. It would be akin to picking a favourite child. Fortunately, you’re saved by The Bat.
“Actually,” Bruce’s deep voice intervenes, cutting through the charged silence, finally speaking up for the first time since your unconventional fashion show had begun. He presses a button on the console beside you and another case ascends from the floor, revealing a 5th suit. “There's one more.”
His smile is smug, the same that often graces your son's faces, particularly Damian's. A smile that says he’s already won. That or he’s simply enjoying seeing his family engage in some healthy, almost non-combative competition. Either way, it evokes a communal groan from the children.
It seems Bruce had had a similar idea to Babs and Steph. The suit resembled your old one, with some noticeable differences. It was all shades of matte black, from head to toe, excluding a very subtle, scattered layer of glitter embedded in the thermal lined fabric. Glitter of your signature colour, you could tell it had been included to appeal to you, but also to have minimal effect on your being able to blend into the dark.
It also included an embellishment of lightweight armour, gloves that seemed to be a direct knockoff from Tims, and a utility belt. But the thing that stood out most, the thing all the others lacked, was a single, shiny symbol adorning its chest piece. Your symbol. So taken with it, you can’t help but run your fingertips across the cool metal, accidentally dislodging it.
“Oh sh- sugar.” You correct yourself, careful not to swear in front of impressionable, or teasing ears. “I broke it already!”
Your husband chuckles, low but soft as he fastens it back into place. “I haven’t finalised that piece yet. I thought maybe you’d want to change your alias, something not associated with your past.”
“Oh.” The insignia suddenly feels much heavier. No matter how much you, Bruce, or anybody else had reassured you during your relationship, you’d always suspected, just a little bit that Bruce might resent your former life, might be ashamed of it, and the confirmation hit you like a ton of bricks. As tempting as it is to agree to the proposition, to make him happy you can’t. “Bruce, my past is a part of who I am. I can’t change that.”
“I know. I thought better of it later, that’s why I had it made.” He places his hand over the top of yours, pressing you both against the metal symbol. “I knew you’d rather reclaim this one.”
A smile spreads across your face then, and he mirrors it with his own. You can’t help it, the relief of having his approval, the warmth of his acceptance, he always gets you, eventually. You also can’t help leaning in for a kiss, one which he happily welcomes, cupping your hips and pulling you closer as your lips press together. The embrass is short-lived, the moment sullied by the distress of your children.
“I’m outta here.” “I’ll join you.”
“Appalling sight parents.”
“Guess Bruce won then.” “Lame, ours was better.”
When the cave is cleared out, you waste no time pulling Bruce back in to finish your kiss, attacking him with multiple smatterings across his jaw, cheeks, and lips. He laughs, weak to your ambush, greedily enjoying every second of it until you pull away.
“I should go find them, say thank you. This was all very thoughtful.” Nothing would go to waste; you were already planning how you might integrate pieces of each suit into one. One that would reflect who you were, adorned with pieces of the people who had supported you through it, whether intentionally or not.
You can tell Bruce wants to keep you here, but he nods, reluctantly agreeing until the screen behind him flashes red, an alarm begins beeping incessantly. “You’ll have to thank them later.”
Time to put your new suit into action.
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artist-tend · 2 hours
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 9 hours
i've been having a couple of downer days recently, and i kept looking for a verse i haven't read thrice yet for some comfort, but you're age! gap verse has been a pleasant escape even though its not what i was looking for. you're writing never fails to make me feel better ari 💕💕
Here's how they met 💜
Bruce sighed. He was starting to hate talk show appearances, but at least this one had never been too bad. Angelique was chatty and fun but not grating. Her show ran as school let out. So grannies watched after their naps and kids watched getting off the bus. She ran a little something for everyone.
He assumed he was here for the grannies.
"I'm so sorry I'm late the shoot ran over and I couldn't get away."
The voice caught his attention. Not the fake starlet over dramatic gushing, but genuine distress. And he half turned to look. You looked like you came from a shoot. Straight off the pages of a glossy magazine.
"No worries, Miss Y/L/N we got your call in enough time. We'll just touch up your face and you'll be good to go," the manager greeting you, said.
Bruce smiled a little. Clearly, you were a frequent guest. You thanked him profusely and trotted off. Not needing to be told where to go. And as you go, there's several crew members you can greet by name. You've either been here a lot or worked with them before. Or both. But, it's endearing.
He turned back around listening to Angelique get her updates on where production was. "-And Y/N is in hair and makeup as we speak."
"Oh, bless her heart," Angelique said. "That's what I get calling her last minute." She turned to Bruce and held out her hand, "Are you ready?" she asked.
"As I'll ever be," he chuckled taking her hand, "You know these sorts of things aren't my forte. My oldest on the other hand-"
"Don't you worry about a thing," Angelique reassured him, patting the hand she was holding before letting it go. "Y/N is an old pro- Ah! speak of the devil!" She swooped over and kissed you on either cheek. "You look absolutely divine, is that one of yours?"
"You know it is," you tell her laughing, returning the gesture. "As if I could walk in and NOT wear my own design, you'd never let me live it down."
"So true. Darling," she said grabbing your hand and pulling you over to Bruce, "I want you to meet Bruce. You'll be on stage together today. You know it's charity week and I though it would be great to highlight all the work you do for school arts programs along side the Wayne foundation," she said.
"Hello," you tell him, holding out your hand.
"Pleased to meet you," he said, taking the hand you offered warmly. Giving you his most charming smile. You did look good. And he could tell they hadn't done much to your face or your hair. "I'm a big fan of your work," he commented.
Your smile didn't falter but your eyes narrowed slightly. And Bruce cringed internally Shit. She thinks I mean the Playboy spread, he thought. "Your last movie, the drama, especially. The range of emotion and the depth- It really was incredible."
"Thank you," you tell him. "It was challenging but I really enjoyed it."
Bruce felt his face heat when Angelique coughed and he remembered hearing that you had the ability to make someone feel like they were the only person in the room. He'd forgotten for just a second. In just that brief moment that he was waiting for an appearance. "It showed I uh- my kids made fun of me when I cried at the end-"
"Aww, Angelique gushed, "This is amazing. you guys keep up this chemistry. It'll go totally viral." She bounced on the balls of her feet and kissed your cheek again, "I'll have someone bring you a coffee, sweetie. You're going to start wilting soon."
And before you could say anything or Bruce could offer to go and get it for you himself, Angelique had bustled off to find and assistant to give marching orders to.
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enjoy-control · 2 days
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withlovedayasu · 1 day
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⟡ — will you write me a love letter, honey?
i’m dayasu !! a writer, who looking for friends ⟡ 9teen, she/her, single, esfp, bisexual, russian
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FANDOMS ⟢ dc comics, trigun, link click, haikyuu, steven universe, my hero academia, my adventure time, genshin impact, honkai star rail, love & deepspace . . . !
MUSIC ⟢ arctic monkeys, mother mother, mitski, i don’t know how but they found me, teddy hyde, matt maltese, 6arelyhuman, ricky montgomery, maroon 5, deftones, i hate kate, sir chloe, the dresden dolls . . . !
FAVS ⟢ bruce wayne, dick grayson, neuvillette, navia, gallagher, lu guang, wolfwood, legato, bokutou . . . !
KINNIE ⟢ wolfwood, bakugou, kageyama, amethyst, marceline, gumball . . . !
LIKES ⟢ talking abt fixations, cats, chocolate, writing, nuts, stickers, music, initiative, “princess”, feedback . . . !
DISLIKES ⟢ awkwardness, fatshaming, bullying, lateness, past, mistakes, math . . . !
GAMES ⟢ genshin impact, honkai star rail, cookierun: kingdom, love & deepspace . . . !
DNI ⟢ racism, sexism, homophobia and etc . . . !
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꒰ ⟡ . . ꒱ HSR / GI WRITING ACC ₊
BFY : writing acc, a lot of content and a little of shitpost !
꒰ ⟡ . . ꒱ DC WRITING ACC ₊
BFY : writing acc, a lot of content and a little of shitpost !
꒰ ⟡ . . ꒱ SIDE ACC ₊
BFY : only shitpost, maybe some fandoms posts :D but still mostly stuff about me !
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i don’t bite, if you wanna be friends or mutuals just let me know 💌 my dm’s open for everyone <3
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kurogxrix · 6 months
me when the READER in the X READER has a name:
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like babe the fic ate but i do NOT look like an Aurora🙁
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holy-minseok · 7 months
We need mean!reader, angry!reader, misunderstood!reader, creepy!reader, gross!reader, toxic!reader, nonforgiving!reader, selfish!reader, narcissistic!reader, dark!reader, FEDUP!reader. That bitch is way too nice, passive, and sensible. ✋🏾😂
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c1nnam00n · 3 months
me seeing that my fav character barely/doesn’t have any fanfics OR imagines
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8K notes · View notes
Bruce: I raised five perfectly functional children
Y/N: *tearing up* You have five other children we don’t know about?!
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devilfic · 3 days
❝right place, right time❞
vignette. strawberry candies.
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parts: previously plot: while at your place, you discover that someone has hurt judith. you turn to the only person who can help. pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: surgeon!reader, secret identities, slow burn, mostly bruce-centric, fluff, a bit of angst, bruce dealing with kids, mention of guns (no shooting), mentions of alcohol and smoking, bruce will get on this old lady's good side if it kills him. words: 3.2k. a/n: while outlining the next chapter, I thought up a sweet little filler chapter that takes place all in one day before and during the events of chapter 9. warning for the POV change after the first scene.
"Judith, what happened to you?"
The old lady feels your thumb brush the bandage above her eye and closes her fingers around your wrist, dragging it away, "It's nothing. It's nothing."
"Hell if it is," you rush her inside your apartment, shutting the two cops out with a kick to the door. You lead Judith to your couch, sitting her down as you kneel before her. Other than the bandage on her eye, she looks the same except for something small. You've noticed her nervous shakes before, never peculiar, but they were hard to ignore today. They rock in her lap as she keeps them folded, "Did you fall?"
She looks insulted at that, kisses her teeth at you for it. She'd had very few falls in the past, as sturdy and stubborn as a bull. But even as you examine her demeanor, you know it isn't that. Uneasiness sets in your chest. "No, I... I ran into some boys on my way home from church. That's all."
Your uneasiness begins to bubble into wrath, "Who?"
"It doesn't matter, child."
"Judith, I'm serious." Her eyes bore into yours, trying to show herself immovable, but you can feel yourself begin to tremble at the thought that Dimitri might have-
"It was some kids on the corner." She finally relents, looking away from you. "They wanted my purse, that's all."
"The corner where? By the liquor store?" Her eyes cut away from yours, guiltily, "Judith, what were you doing walking that far? You never get off the bus that early."
It was why she started taking the bus in the first place. People lingered on the streets that late, waiting for any easy target to snatch from or snatch up. With the rise in dropheads, people would take whatever money they could get, however they could get it.
The men on the corner usually kept to themselves though, nursing paper bag bottles and hiding out from the rain underneath the overpass. They usually cast a sneer and let you keep on walking if you ever found yourself around their side of town. You'd never gotten close enough for them to want to attack.
Judith frowns, "I missed it. I thought I'd walk."
"What did I tell you about walking home alone? If you have to, you call me, or you call one of the deacons, or a cab-"
"I did call you," Judith snaps, making your blood run cold, "and you didn't answer. So I called again. And then I figured you were busy or working late, so I walked on home. I'm old but I'm not senile."
Your frown deepens, "I didn't mean it that way."
"I even came to your door and you weren't there. So I handled it myself."
"You were right. I was working late." Your fingers brush your pocket where your phone lies dead, "I'm sorry I wasn't there."
Proud as she is, she doesn't look you in the eye, but you feel some of her anger melt away over time. Her hand finds yours and squeezes it, "It's not your fault. It's mine. I should've known better."
You want to bite your lip until it floods your mouth with blood. You couldn't imagine what might have happened if she'd been hurt worse, left to fend for herself in the dark. If they'd been angry, looking for someone to take it out on, and she'd been in the wrong place...
And Judith with all her pride. You can tell she barely wanted to talk about it, had hoped you might not notice. "Listen, Judith," you begin, feeling her watching you from her peripheral, "I'm not gonna be around for a while. I won't be far, I'll still be in the city, but I won't be... here."
"You're finally getting a real place?"
You laugh, "Sort of. It's temporary. Look, I won't be right here anymore so I need you to take care of yourself. I'll come running if you need me but-"
You're silenced by her two, chilly hands cupping your cheeks in between them. Stern as ever, Judith fixes you with a strong look, "I'll be okay. Don't you worry."
"You sure? I don't wanna have to call the nursing home on you."
One of Judith's hands takes your cheek into a pinch and pulls, hard, "I said I'll be fine." Despite the pain, you smile all lopsided at her and she eventually releases you.
You make her tea, but all the while your eyes keep finding the white gauze above her eye, itching and itching at you until you think you might scratch yourself raw. You couldn't let this one go.
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This feels decidedly more sinister, posing on an old lady's fire escape instead of yours. Bruce can see through the lace covering the window that Judith is still up, putting on a pot of tea, and he hesitates in knocking on the glass. He couldn't exactly walk through the front door, and if he came in through the rooftop, he'd risk being seen by neighbors in the hall. This was the only way, and it just might scare the living shit out of this woman.
Gently, he curls his fingers in and knocks.
Judith does not move from the stove. He knocks again, a little louder this time. Still, no reaction. He's seconds from asking you to call Judith to get her attention, looking away for just a second, when his eyes drift back to the window and there she is.
She's got a cast-iron skillet up above her head and the meanest mug he's seen this side of the east coast. It could put Penguin to shame.
They both stare at each other for a while.
When Bruce makes no move to leave, Judith yells through the window, "Go away, demon!"
Bruce had never gotten to know his grandparents on account of them all being dead. There was no old woman at Christmastime to spoil him with gifts and candies, no lovingly crafted wrinkles and sweet smelling perfume to remember a grandmother by. He had never been the type of person to walk old ladies across the street, either. He knew his place.
There was no way to make himself small enough for her to not see as a threat, and so they each watch the other, waiting for them to make a move. He certainly wouldn't be first.
After a good few (painstaking) minutes, she points the pan at the window and asks, "What do you want?"
"A friend sent me."
Her brows furrow, and then an even deeper frown overtakes her face (if that was even possible). "I don't want your help."
"Our friend is worried about you. And worried about anyone else those guys on the corner might hurt."
"Leave or I'll call the police!"
Bruce considers his options. On the one hand, she might call and they might show and think that he'd just scared the woman creeping by her window. He'd get a slap on the wrist and a reminder to take the roofs next time. On the other, he might get a trigger-happy recruit who'd need disarming and a detective who'd need explaining.
He figures he might take his chances with this one, if only to be a true glutton for punishment, "What did it look like?" Her eyes narrow in confusion, "Your purse. What did it look like?"
"I said I don't want your help."
Bruce hides a grumble in his throat. He has half the mind to just leave. He'd take the verbal lashing from you if it meant ending this conversation sooner.
But there would be a million more grumpy old ladies, and he'd be no better at talking to them then. "You used to keep a lighter in there. It was your husband's." Judith stills. Bruce feels himself getting a bit more confident, recalling what you'd told him, "He always kept it on him. I can get it back for you."
She doesn't say anything for a while, still holding her pan at arm's length. He feels a bit silly talking at her through the window, curtains still partially drawn, and he doesn't suppose he looks any cuddlier shrouded in shadow. But all she does is stare at him.
Bruce feels more elated than he expects to when the pan lowers.
"I doubt you'll find it," she starts, and he can almost barely hear the next part through the glass, "it was silver with our initials engraved on it. C and J."
Judith is looking away when she says it. It feels as good a time as any to get going, but he lingers there until she's looking at him before making his escape. He'd like her to know he heard.
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It's not hard to find them.
A group of about five men are standing on the corner, all of them just as you'd described. They look inebriated enough to not even stand straight, and Bruce wonders how they'd had the brainpower to handle a woman like Judith just walking by.
Bruce hangs in the shadows, perched on a ledge above them as a train rumbles by above his head. One of the men flicks open a light to light his cigarette, and Bruce's eyes zero in on it. He can't see initials from this far, but its silver glints under the streetlight just so. It's enough to go off on.
Bruce drops from his ledge, catching only one of the men's attention as he lazily turns his head over his shoulder at the sound. He's slow to recognize him, but quick to gather close to his friends on the brick wall, "Fuck!" He shouts, slurring a bit, "Let's get out of here!"
The one furthest from him starts to run, but Bruce's grapple gun wraps around his legs and yanks him onto his back, dragging him further into the alley and closer to him. The others look loyal enough not to run off without him, but their fighting stances are weakened by their stumbling.
"Fuck you man, we didn't do anything." One argues, raised fists wobbling in front of his face.
"Yeah!" The others chime in.
The one held captive at Bruce's feet is whimpering and clawing at the wire digging into his ankles, pulling at it to no avail. Bruce places a boot on his chest and forces him back down, "I hear you've been stealing from old ladies."
"What? No way, man. We don't do that shit."
Bruce digs the heel of his boot into the space between his ribs, feeling him squirm in anguish, "Last night you did. You took her purse. Where is it?"
"I'm telling you, we didn't do that shit. We... we weren't even here last night." The man under his boot is pushing at it, desperate to get away. Bruce has the sinking feeling as he watches him, like a rat with his tail caught in a trap, that he's telling the truth.
"We're not the only ones who hang out on this corner, we swear," one of the bigger members of the group pipes up, looking worried for his friend, "some assholes beat us here yesterday. We hung out by the docks instead. Honest."
Another chimes in, "Yeah. Ask boss inside. He lets us hang all the time. He knows we weren't here last night." He gestures toward the liquor store and Bruce watches them for a moment longer, eyes probing. They had every reason to lie: they were all drunk off their asses, and his reputation preceded him. Even with the five of them, he'd have it handled.
But that sinking feeling comes back.
Bruce gives it a little bit before he finally takes his foot off the man's chest, and he watches him scramble to his feet, running back to his pack. Before they can run to safety, Bruce grabs the one with the lighter and snatches it from his grip, checking the sides. All silver, no initials. He tosses it back with just as much kindness.
"You know who they are?" Bruce asks, holding him by the scruff.
"You gotta promise not to rat boss out," he stutters, looking back at the store, "he knows the guys. One of 'em's his nephew."
A flash of irritation rushes down Bruce's spine. These things were never easy.
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Bruce catches the store owner on his smoke break, seconds from lighting a cigarette before he makes himself known. The store owner shrinks back, and before Bruce can even ask, his voice comes out in a tremble, "Where is he?"
Bruce gets the feeling it would be better to say nothing.
When he doesn't answer, the store owner starts to beg, inching closer to him even as his expression contorts in fear, "You didn't hurt him, did you? He's just a kid!"
"Your nephew is the one hurting people."
The owner winces, but doesn't refute it. "Please tell me you didn't hurt him."
"Not yet," Bruce sidesteps the man, circling him in the low light, "and I won't if he stops robbing old ladies."
"He'll stop. I promise. I'll handle it."
"You knew what he was doing and you didn't stop him before."
"I... I've tried, okay? He doesn't listen-"
Bruce grabs the man's shirt and shoves into the side of a dumpster, the sound reverberating through the near-midnight air as he stares down at him. His name tag reads "Brian", and the sweat that slicks his brow is starting to coat the collar of his shirt. "Where is he now?"
A click sounds from behind his head. Bruce doesn't turn at first, but he already knows what's pointing at him from behind.
There's a kid there, no older than 17, holding a gun to the back of Bruce's head. He trembles like his uncle, "Let him go."
Being held at gunpoint doesn't get any less frightening, even if it happens to you every night.
There's still this primal urge clawing under Bruce's skin to duck and hide, something he shakes off the second he grabs the gun and forces it out of the kid's hand. The thing clatters to the ground and he kicks it away not a moment later, taking the teenager and shoving him into his uncle's arms. Bruce almost feels sick at the scared look on his face. As if he hadn't been the one about to pull the trigger.
Bruce leans down to pick up the gun and goes to unload the chamber, but there's nothing. His gaze coasts back up to the kid's and he feels his stomach churn at the sight, the thought. This kid had seen Bruce and still thought, even if it was a long shot...
Bruce holds the thing by the barrel, "You know how to use that thing?"
"Yes!" But Bruce doesn't believe him.
"Not loaded, but it's enough to scare old ladies, isn't it?"
The kid forces himself to look tough and mean, falling flat to Bruce regardless, "How the fuck would you know?"
"Her purse. Where is it?"
"What? What are you talking-"
"If you don't have it, your friends do. Do you want me to look for them too?"
A flash of fear. The kid hardens his expression but he's too late, "There wasn't even anything in it."
Bruce glances at Brian. He hasn't taken his eyes off him. He looks as if he'll jump between any blow he might throw at the kid. His eyes glide back to the kid's and he forces his voice to soften, "There was a lighter in it. Engraved. She wants it back."
Recognition replaces the fear. The kid is hesitant to move or say anything at first, but when his uncle places a hand on his shoulder, it's enough to push him forward. He swallows down his pride for just a moment, "It's in the store. Upstairs in my room. I... we spent the cash already but all the other stuff's in there."
Bruce stares at him, and without another word, the kid runs back into the store. Bruce listens for the sound of feet pounding against the staircase to make sure he wouldn't try to book it, but he returns just as quickly as he'd left, shoving the purse into Bruce's hands as if he couldn't wait to be rid of it.
A quick ruffle around in it reveals the lighter and a pocket Bible, among strawberry candies and pens. True to his word, the wallet looks and feels empty.
He wants to leave it at that.
But one more look at the kid and Brian and he's shoving the empty gun into Brian's chest, gritting through his teeth, "You clearly love him. Don't let him do something he'll regret."
Brian goes rigid. Fixes his jaw tight. He says nothing in response, but it's enough.
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He'd meant to leave it at the window, but Bruce is surprised to find Judith still awake in her recliner, fingers twiddling with another copy of the Bible. No wonder she only mentioned the lighter.
Bruce knocks and Judith does jump this time, genuinely surprised. He holds the purse up and she moves as quickly as she can, prying open the window a crack. Just enough for him to slip it in.
He's careful as he slides it through and she snatches it from his grasp, digging through it until her fingers grasp the lighter. Bruce takes advantage of the opening to speak to her, quieter this time, "The cash is gone, but they didn't touch anything else."
She says nothing. She holds the lighter in her hands and it shakes, her lip trembling just so. Bruce feels his chest swell with nervous feeling. Three years of this and he was as if a novice all over again.
He's about to leave when he feels a hand tugging on the bottom of his cape and when he turns, he sees the window propped wide open and Judith's hand fixed into the material of it. She isn't crying but she's misty-eyed, holding onto him with all her strength. He forces himself still. He awaits a "thank you" or even a firm nod of approval, but in her other hand, she holds out a candy. One of the strawberry candies. His brows furrow. He can't make out where it's from, but he knows he can't refuse.
He plucks the candy from her palm and tucks it into his utility belt. Judith releases him, saying nothing more, but as he begins his descent down the fire escape, he feels her eyes watch him all the way down.
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You stare at the candy in wonder, eyes twinkling. Bruce cannot understand why you're so excited, "This familiar to you?"
"You've been given the Judith seal of approval, just one step down from getting invited over for tea." Bruce frowns. "Oh, come on. Don't tell me you've never had one of these before. Everyone's grandma has 'em."
"I didn't know my grandmother."
Your eyes soften, chuckling nervously, "Ah, well. To be fair, your grandmother was in another tax bracket. She probably would've given you... I don't know, gold-flaked truffles."
Bruce narrows his eyes at you, though a smile creeps up not far behind, "Colorful imagination. Is that what you want for dessert tomorrow night?"
"Don't you fucking dare."
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c-nstantine · 2 days
Find Anything Black!Batmom Here!
Thomas Troubles
→ Baby Thomas is causing trouble
Batmom giving birth
→ Damian not knowing why y/n’s baby is brown
Batmom Being Pregnant
→ pregnant batmom things
→Reactions to batmom being a milf
Winter Wonderland
→ winter at the manor
Keeping Up With Her Kids Love Lives 1 2
Strummin’ My Pain
→ Duke and Batmom jamming out 
Songs that remind me of Black!Batmom and Bruce 1 2 
T-Shirt and Hair Tied
→ Bruce just wants to fuck his wife in his t-shirt
Invited to the Cookout
→ Clark makes the mistake of putting raisins on the potato salad
The Key to Marriage w/ Bruce and Y/N Wayne
→ They sit down for an interview and discuss their marriage
Smile for the Camera
→ His wife wants to make a sex tape
For the man who has everything
→ Dick doesn’t know what to get Bruce for Christmas
Sense of normalcy
→ Batmom and Jason at four stages of his life
“Oh My God! My Parents are Swingers!”
→ Dick finds out about his parents’ extra-marital activities
Don’t Touch My Hair
→ Sometimes having black hair is stressful
Batmom Finding out about Damian
→ The bullshit Bruce be on
→ Black History Month in the Wayne Household
Winter Wonderland
→ Winter at Wayne Manor
In High School
→ a brief story of Y/N and Bruce in high school
In the Before Times
→ What Batmom did before getting with Bruce
My Baby Boy
→ Batmom finds out Jason is still alive
Batmom & the pets HCs
Batmom Dying HCs
Being Pregnant w/ Bruce’s Baby HCs
Vampire blurb
Batmom singing Megan Thee Stallion lyrics
Blurb #003
Blurb #005
Blurb #028
Batfam at a Cookout Blurb
Tiktoks about Black!Batmom
F My Baby Dad Blurb
Batmom Gets Pearls Blurb
Batmom Gets Mugged blurb
Juneteenth Blurb
Batmom and Bruce Working Out Blurb
Picture Day Blurb
Black Wife Effect Blurb
Batfam Sick Blurb
Mother’s Day Blurb
Black!Batmom Knitting
Binging Shows w/ Bruce
Bruce Missing a Phone Call
Jim Gordon Instigating Blurb
Elevator Blurb
Hot Mom Blurb
Black!Batmom & the Renaissance Tour
Batmom’s reaction to the Red Hood
Bruce is Dead in this One
Announcing the Twins Blurb
Birth of the Twins Blurb
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martiniluvr · 1 month
18+ minors dni
what’s better than a 2 for 1 special? a 3 for 1 special! please cheer.
warnings: smidge of overstim 🤫
jason “move your hand” todd who pins your arms above your head to keep you out of his way. his face is inches from yours as he fucks you harshly into the mattress, enjoying the way you whine at every intrusion. your spine arches off the bed as you struggle under his grip, your sensitivity overwhelming you. “c’mon, ma,” he rasps, a cocky grin on his lips as you start to shake. “thought you said you could take it.”
dick “let me hear you” grayson who makes you beg for what you need. his hands rub your thighs lovingly as you glare at him and buck your hips in frustration, your aching cunt devastatingly empty despite the slow circles he’s rubbing on your clit. “you gotta tell me what you want, pretty girl,” he tuts gently, teasing his cock along your leaking entrance as you clench around nothing. “use your words for me.”
bruce “I’ll buy you another one” wayne who doesn’t bother waiting until you’re naked to fuck you. the delicate fabric of your gown snags on an old painting as he drives his cock into you while you’re pressed against the wall, filling you at an angle that makes you cry out with each thrust. “sorry about the dress, sweetheart,” he says between the sloppy kisses he’s peppering down your neck. “we’ll get a new one.”
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