#💤 – graphics
zero-templates · 1 month
𝒞 。 Pride flag graphics﹒001
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like and reblog to use, no credit needed : read my pinned before interacting or using
reposts allowed with permission and credit﹒don't claim as yours﹒don't repost on tumblr﹒25 x 16 pixels
other flags : 001 / 002 / 003 / 004 / 005﹒pixel flags
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magicalboything · 1 year
can im requezt a red ✩ black ✩ rainbow pixelz 4 rentry :]] ?. ( if u can ofc :33 )
red -- black -- rainbow
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˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙ i highly recommend this carrd if u need more pixels ~★
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hope-4more · 21 days
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lots of kaomoji graphics! (part 2)
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anemone-ships · 29 days
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HEEHEE happy six month anniversary to us!! 🎉
i can’t believe it’s been that long since i unexpectedly started spinning this silly guy in my brain with little cartoon hearts floating above my head. :) he’s grown to mean so much to me in that time, and i can't wait to see him on the big screen again next year! thank you for making my life a little brighter, mike 💚
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letdreams · 4 months
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LEE DO HYUN? não! é apenas Haneul “Patrick” Cha, ele é filho de HIPNOS do chalé 20 e tem 28 anos. a tv hefesto informa no guia de programação que ele está no NÍVEL II por estar no acampamento há 7 ANOS, sabia? e se lá estiver certo, Patrick/Pat é bastante SIMPÁTICO mas também dizem que ele é INSEGURO. mas você sabe como hefesto é, sempre inventando fake news pra atrair audiência.
A vida de um órfão nascido nos Estados Unidos não deveria ser diferente de qualquer outra parte do mundo. Pra falar a verdade, Haneul mal podia se lembrar se um dia já teve alguma família além da casa de caridade, bancada por uma igreja protestante, onde foi abandonado. Quem seriam seus pais? Onde estariam? Por quê o abandonar em um lugar como aquele? Não poderia responder, não quando a falta de tais figuras não fizeram falta em seu crescimento, somente o nome e a data de aniversário, no dia de São Patrício, indicando a sua presença naquele mundo. O furacão, apelidado carinhosamente pelas cuidadoras, sempre foi o último nas aulas (último a chegar, a aprender a ler, a terminar as atividades) e o primeiro a arranjar confusão, mesmo com a personalidade gentil.
Porém, tudo dá uma reviravolta quando, em um passeio pelas Cataratas de Niágara, o guia turístico tentou jog��-lo nas quedas d’água. O grupo dos órgãos estava longe de ser visto – mas um sátiro, que estava a sua procura, conseguiu salvá-lo. Não houve tempo para despedidas, apenas correr e se infiltrar em um trem com destino a Long Island, do outro lado do estado. E foi assim que, com apenas doze anos, Pat chegou ao Acampamento Meio-Sangue, fazendo dele sua moradia integral. Tudo era novidade, olhinhos brilhando para cada apresentação e nem por um instante chateado com a demora da reclamação de seu parente olímpico. Na verdade, nem mesmo uma semana depois e o símbolo de Hipnos surgiu sobre sua cabeça quando induziu as harpias do acampamento para poder chegar à cozinha sem ser pego após o toque de recolher. Ops.
Patrick fez do acampamento sua nova família e seu chalé era seu refúgio, onde poderia encontrar-se com pessoas que compartilhavam do mesmo parente olímpico, numa família disfuncional, da qual cuidava com muito zelo. Mas a vida ainda lhe pregaria muitas peças, insatisfeita com a pacificidade: numa missão com os melhores amigos, tudo pareceu fugir do controle e a última visão que teve, além dos gritos do filho de Tânatos, foi a boca da quimera vindo em direção ao seu rosto. Como num estado de sono eterno, Haneul se viu repetindo, eternamente, a vida que teve até ali, preso numa realidade feliz que achava bastar – enquanto seu corpo, aos 16 anos, permanecia em coma no hospital. Um homem de aparência particular visitava-o, quebrando a lógica das visões, mas sua presença era efêmera e quase nunca notada. E foi somente quando percebeu o ciclo sem fim que finalmente pôde escapar, um milagre relatado onde um paciente quebrou o efeito da morfina e acordou de um coma induzido após três anos.
Seu corpo estava livre dos graves ferimentos (de um ataque de cães, dizia o boletim médico) mas viver tanto tempo acamado fez com que precisasse de amparo e fisioterapia, encontrando refúgio, mais uma vez, no orfanato onde foi criado. O antes energético agora estava silencioso, passando dias a fio observando as crianças e sua mente no mundo semideus, na última missão que realizou, nos amigos e… Porque nenhum deles foi à sua procura. Era difícil conciliar uma mente de 16 anos no corpo de 19, mas pouco a pouco Patrick voltou a se integrar. Os perigos ainda eram constantes mas, após anos de treinamento, não bastaria mais que alguns minutos para se ver livre de possíveis ameaças.
Aos vinte e cinco, finalmente se viu restaurado para ir à procura mais uma vez do lugar que chamou de lar. Incentivado pelas mulheres do orfanato a procurar seu caminho e não mais ficar preso emocionalmente a tal lugar, voltou ao CHB de cabeça em pé e riso nos lábios ao descobrir que haviam queimado sua mortalha nove anos atrás. Ainda é um mistério para si o motivo de ter permanecido tanto tempo em coma, com visitas esparsas de Hipnos em seus sonhos. E a sensação gélida que sentiu em seu estômago ao acordar foi a mesma que teve ao ver Rachel proferir a profecia no meio do refeitório, três anos depois, como se algo inevitável estivesse pairando sobre suas cabeças. O silêncio dos deuses, a inquietação com o oráculo, a volta dos semideuses… Pat mentiria se dissesse não estar com medo.
Hipnose, capacidade de induzir e controlar o subconsciente de uma pessoa.
Sentidos aguçados e agilidade sobre-humana
Arco e flecha: arco e flecha comuns, de bronze celestial. Em algumas delas, especiais, são banhadas com gotas do Lete, do chalé de Hipnos, para causar sonolência no oponente.
Pat participa da equipe de arco e flecha, a única atividade que se empenha nos dias livres.
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cherryshh · 5 months
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💤 ; 000 RENTRY GRAPHICS . . .
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⋯ ⋯ ﹒ OO1 made by mizzy
⋯ ⋯ ﹒ OO2 rb ◞ ♡ 2 use
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﹒☆ ﹒☆ ﹒ made for day OO1 of @kiochisato 's event ; a character with a sanrio pj. (( layla / hoshinowaguma )) + will post d2 today
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shokupanda · 10 days
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💤 time to snorkmimi with my blahaj (the last of my finals are done!!!) (ill go back to posting in a bit but for now i will mostly slemb) (made this quick thing bc wow i forget drawing can be fun bc of all the graphic design busywork)
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zero-templates · 11 days
𝒞 。 Soft pride flag graphics﹒
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like and reblog to use, no credit needed : read my pinned before interacting or using
reposts allowed with permission and credit﹒don't claim as yours﹒don't repost on tumblr﹒25 x 16 pixels﹒pixel flags
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magicalboything · 1 year
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i wanna be, a magical girl <3
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kimbasprite · 2 months
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Disney Princess Challenge Lookbook #4: Briar Grimm, aka Aurora, Sleeping Beauty.
[Challenge Rule Graphics Here] - [💤Generation 4, full episode]
Genetics: Skin Overlay | Skin Detail Blush | Face Kit Details | Full Body Blush | Eyebrows | Eyelash | Eye Reflection | Lipstick
Outfit 1: hair | top | pants | shoes (dream home decorator)
Outfit 2: hair | dress (realm of magic)
Outfit 3: hair | top (cottage living) | shorts (cottage living) | shoes (dream home decorator)
Outfit 4: hair | outfit (realm of magic) | shoes (nifty knitting)
Thank you to the amazing CC creators! @okruee @twisted-cat @miikocc @aharris00britney @glitchsyndrome @thepeachyfaerie
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hope-4more · 19 days
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made by me ^_^
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noxeros · 3 months
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🐾 your purr-fect match!
(pt: your purr-fect match!)
🐈 skye light blue graphics!
🧶 all art used is official; psd colors (link); free to use with or without credit!
💤 for anon!
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(id: a line divider of paws colored as a rainbow gradient)
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hpsnooze · 10 months
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Rules & Guidelines 2023 🛌💭
Do you like sleeping? (Who doesn't?) Do you like reading/writing/drawing your favorite characters sleeping? Auror Harry hitting the sac with Draco after a long day in the field? Post-War Pansy curling around Hermione when she gets a nightmare? Or maybe Neville conked out in History of Magic again?
Well, look no further! HP Snooze Fest is here for all your sleeping needs 😴 We are a non-anonymous self-posting fest focused on sleeping and dozing. Simply upload your work to the collection or post on Tumblr between Oct 1-Dec 31.
💤 Schedule
Prompts Released: Sep 1 (here) Claiming Opens: Sep 1 (here) Self-Posting: Oct 1-Dec 31 (here)
💤 Rules
Participants must be age 18+! There will be explicit and dark content as part of this fest. Please follow the age restriction.
MUST FEATURE SLEEPING! We have a list of 50 snooze-worthy prompts to choose from, each one related to sleeping in some way.
All mediums welcome! Fic, art, podic, craft, bookbinding, playlist, moodboard, ASMR video... you name it, we love it!
Any length welcome! No length restrictions. Microfics, oneshots, and multi-chaps are all welcome.
Any ship, any rating, any content!* We follow SALS, KINKTOMATO, and DLDR. We love all ships, kinks, and content (explicit, dark, Dead Dove, etc). We will not tolerate ship bashing, kink shaming, or any targeted forms of harassment.
Tag your works! Please use the standard archive warnings (Graphic Violence, MCD, Rape/Non-con, Underage) and include common trigger warnings if applicable.
Must be a new work! It may be a WIP but must not yet be published before the beginning of the fest. Works may be part of an ongoing series (ex: a prequel/sequel to an existing work).
No AI-generated content! All works must be human-made (or creature-made, we suppose). Computers do not count as alive.
Can combine with other fests! If they're cool with it, then so are we. The more fests the merrier.
Self-prompting is allowed! Don't see a prompt you like? No problem! Just choose the self-prompt option during claiming. As long as your work features sleeping in some way, go wild!
💤 Submitting
On AO3: Claim a prompt (or multiple), then upload your work to the collection on AO3 and fill out the 'Fulfill a Claim' field. You may claim a prompt and upload a work as soon as prompts are released on Sep 1. However, works will remain hidden until Oct 1 when the official posting period begins. Optional, tag your work with 'HP Snooze Fest 2023'.
On Tumblr: Mention us @hpsnooze and tag your post with #hpsnooze2023. We will reblog!
💤 Links
Have a question? Ask us!
AO3 Collection: HP Snooze Fest 2023 (hpsnooze2023)
Prompt List: AO3 & Tumblr
Happy creating and happy snoozing! 😴
*Content restriction: We cannot accept explicit art depicting underage characters (under the age of 18) for legal reasons.
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deertism · 10 months
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🍒 — padparadscha graphic pack
💤 — reblog if using , free to use with credit
🔗 — 01 ; 02 ; 03 ; 04 ; 05
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drustvar · 1 month
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. 💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? 🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
for ophely and her pet boyfriend
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yes,,,, them,,, ♥
For Dobbin: 💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. -He loves babybel cheese but specifically the wax wrapper. Doesn't gaf about the ACTUAL cheese inside.
-Likes to make things with clay. All his sculptures are kinda lumpy and unrefined, but in a way that charming (think robot chicken and the graphics in Hylics) -Natural body odor is somewhere between battery acid and Raid bug spray. 💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? VERRRYYYY light sleeper. Sleeping heavily and not being able to wake up as soon as demanded of you can cause a lot of problems for a lowblood who got stuck as an indentured servant... 🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming? Noooo not at all. He is meant to be on land and he is happy to stay there. Going topside was something that scared him really bad when he was working on a pirate ship. For Ophely: 💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know. -Despite being a magic user, when she was young her weapon of choice was a simple pistol with a custom made (and rather shittily made) monster energy can grip. She still has it. It's name is Magic Missile. -Hates suede. I can't stress enough how much she hates suede. Although she loves crafting exact replicas of historical fashion if it involves suede at all she'll ditch the whole project. -Talks shit online but is scared to order at Mcdonalds 💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits? - She used to be a very heavy sleeper, in fact she would regularly abuse sleeping pills / sopor just so she could sleep more and astral project / lucid dream / what the fuck ever. After some things happened she stays away from that kind of stuff though.
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming? Yes, she can! She kind of had to since she grew up in a swamp and had a semi aquatic lusus. She isn't by any means a very refined swimmer but she can doggy paddle well enough. She likes to tease her kismesis (who is an ACTUAL sea dweller) that she's a better swimmer than him.
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puddinzducky · 9 hours
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welcome to my blog ! `·..୨୧˖ 🍮꒰ 🎀 ꒱ ‌♡ 𓂃
this post is to give u general info, plz read ! over time, this will be edited. ty ! (◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)
。。。table of contents
☆ . get 2 kno abt me
☆ . content and tws
☆ . resources
☆ . dni
☆ . other socials
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☆ . get 2 kno abt me
hei i'm ducky !! i like gacha, object shows, cute things, the cutecore aesthetic, gyaru, horror, jojifuku fashion, 2000s stuff, techno, plasterbrain, vocaloid, utau, lucky star, k-on, ducks and more.my fave song is pineapple crush, obv.my fave games/app(s) are gacha life, everskies and spotify.i kin twilight sparkle, madoka kaname, teto kasane, shirousa, komi, hello kitty, mio, sayori, asuka, cherry cookie, princess peach, cream puff cookie, leafy nd cinnamoroll.
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☆ . content and tws
i didn't know what to do with this blog, but now i'm using it 4 mostly posting graphics and pixels. i have a lot of them. i like archiving stuff like a 2000s otaku loser.my content may contain blood, flashing imagery, semi-horror imagery and bright colors. if u have eplipsy, plz click off.
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☆ . resources
i usually get my graphics from tumblr. but there's a tumblr post that contains more sites.
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☆ . other socials
i have other socials.
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☆ . dni
i don't have a dni.
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