swee7dream · 1 day
Hiiii, would it be ok to request something really soft and cozy with cg!Taeil? No pressure, I just love your writing and I'm curious about how you'd write him
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genre: so much fluff!
restless nights with taeil lead to the familiar voice of his flowing through the air
!!! non-sexual agere, only cg name used is daddy.
cg!taeil gn!reader
"hi baby. lets get ready for bed now?"
taeil says, as he comes near you who is sitting on the couch watching tv.
"can i finish this episode?? pleaseee daddy?"
you bat your eyelashes up towards him, in hopes to extend your tv time just a bit longer. knowing taeil, he gave into your pleas. he takes a seat right next to you, placing his arm around your shoulder to keep his baby close.
the two of you stayed like this for around 10 minutes, until the end credits started to roll. you thought you were slick and stayed put, hoping the autoplay would start the next episode without taeil noticing. but he knows you way too well, you've tried to do this multiple times (he won't admit that it works on occasion) taeils already a step ahead of you, and has the remote already in hand, turning off the tv.
with swift yet careful movements, he carries you to the bathroom so you could get ready for bed together. taeil brushed your teeth with a fruity flavored toothpaste, since the usual mint made your mouth feel weird. after you rinsed, you watched him brush his own teeth. it was so mesmerizing, something about him. he was doing a simple task, yet he looked so so handsome doing it.
"whatcha thinking bout?" he questioned, with his toothpaste filled mouth. you could barely understand him!
"uhh.." your words were cut off with giggles, he did look a bit silly right now!
he ruffled your hair a little, before rinsing out his mouth. with a pout, you turned back to the mirror to attempt to fix your hair. taeil let you rub the moisturizer into his face, in exchange, you let him rub it into yours! many, many, giggles were shared.
when you and taeil were in appropriate clothes for rest, he once again carried you to your shared bed. he placed you down, and handed you a stuffed animal you seemed to be attached to currently. getting comfortable, he pulled you closer and began to fall asleep.
————— ୨୧ —————
eventually, taeil began to stir. it was still pitch black outside. he noticed you weren't in his arms anymore, pretty common since you tend to move in your sleep. he also noticed your uneven breathing. and the way you kept moving your position slightly.
"baby? are you uh- awake?" taeil whispered, just in case you were just sleeping weird.
"hmmmpph.. yea.." you replied and turned to him, sounding somewhat upset.
the room was pretty much dark, except for the nightlight which lit the room a little bit. despite that, he could see the remnants of a number of tears and the distress in your expression. taeil looked at the colored alarm clock on your bedside table, the time read 1:46am.
"have you been awake this whole time?" he asked.
"dunno daddy... just.. just can't sleep." you started to feel tears again.
you hated not being able to sleep. it wasn't anything serious, just the occasional nights where your mind wouldn't leave you alone! it also wasn't anything bad, usually you couldn't stop thinking about taeil, or whatever show you were into at the time.
he pulled you close, and started to rub your back.
"i can talk you to sleep if that'll help?" taeil asked, he knows it helps sometimes.
you nodded, along with a hum to show your agreement.
so taeil did just as he said. he talked. talked about what he did today, about what his plans are for the week, about his members, anything that came to mind. he even started to talk about you! just different things he adores about the way you are.
he talked about how cute it is when you mispronounce words, the way your face lights up whenever you're at the playground, and also about how you uplift his mood when you're around. he talks about your hugs, how they make him feel so warm inside.
you cut him off, "you really think all those things daddy?"
he really thought you were asleep already. turns out you listened to every word he said to you.
"yeah, of course i do. everything i said about you is true."
"i love you, daddy."
"i love you more my baby."
he planted a kiss to your head. its been almost 45 minutes since he woke up from sleep, and taeil realized that talking you to sleep wasn't gonna work tonight, so he did the next best thing.
"do you want me to sing you a lullaby?" he asked.
obviously, you said yes. who wouldn't want taeil to sing them to sleep? cmon, his voice is so beautiful theres no way you could turn it down.
he cleared his throat, and started to sing. you were unfamiliar with the melody as well as the lyrics, so you put two and two together and concluded that he was probably singing an unreleased song. it was so beautiful, and that was emphasized with taeils soft vocals.
his voice flooded through your ears, and finally, your eyes began to feel heavy. after hours of trying to sleep, taeil saved the day (night?) with his angelic voice.
you were forever grateful for taeil. you probably wouldve been up all night long if it weren't for him sending you to dreamland.
by the time taeil finished singing a second song, he found that you were long asleep. smiling to himself, he is so glad that he's able to help you when you have troubles. he wants to be there to help you all the time, even if its not about falling asleep at night. for a good while, taeil takes the time to stare at your sleeping face. you looked so peaceful at this hour, yet he felt so terrible knowing you were up, alone, trying to sleep. he wishes you came to him earlier. but nonetheless, you were asleep, and in a few minutes, taeil would be too.
author note: cmon, what could you possibly expect to get out of requesting cg!taeil if hes not using his godly singing voice to sing baby to sleep? anyways, i used some of my mutuals hcs for taeil as inspo for this! i hope you enjoyed anon, and im sorry it took longer than i usually take for reqs!
as always, feedback is always appreciated 💕
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swee7dream · 2 days
hello! Can I request Taeyong age gap theme, if you’re comfortable with? even if not, I’m fine with any plots hehe 🤍 good day to you !
hi nonnie! thanks for the request but i don’t write age gap stuff.
it might get a little confusing but age regression is completely platonic and about inner child healing, not romance with an actual large biological age difference. even outside of agere i’m not comfortable writing about age gap relationships just as a personal boundary.
sorry for disappointing but i hope you can find a writer who executes what you’re looking for! have a good day also <3
(a taeyong fic HAS been added to the backburner tho!)
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swee7dream · 2 days
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u are so welcome. artms dropped virtual angel td too so check that out (or else /j) huge flash warning for the mv tho !! i legit got a headache from watching it
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swee7dream · 3 days
Hiii, I was just wondering if I could request hc's for what cg names you think NCT would use? Thanks!
I love your blog btw, it's a huge comfort when I'm regressed or want to regress and can't :)
cg!dreamies' favorite nicknames ! cg!nct dream x f!reader
genre fluff, agere content warnings feminine nicknames, one mention of blood dni if you sexualize age regression author's note thank you so much for the request and kind words, nonnie ! leaving huge kiss on ur forehead. 127 + wayv soon ( now that i'm out of school ! cheer ! )
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mark lee (ᓀ‸ᓂ)
mack ! the result of his tiny struggling with the letter r - 10/10. very cute no notes from him
also, consider: minnie
was a bit feminine for his liking at first but didn’t say anything
over time it’s a name he’s grown attached to and is lowkey overcome with cuteness aggression when you call him that
“what rhymes with heart?” mark breaks the comfortable silence in his room, notebook next to his seat on the bed as you draw with your belly to the floor, feet swinging up in the air. “um… part? bart? lart?” you think. “heart… fart. hehe.” “…part.” he repeats in a mumble, scribbling the idea down. “fart!” “i’m not using the word fart in this song, baby.” “minnie so boring!”
huang renjun ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა
jun! specifically jun(e) bug.
likes having matching names with his tiny so he calls you lovebug! junebug and lovebug.
you also call each other just bug, for obvious reasons.
that would be his only “title” so to speak
uncomfortable with any of the traditional ones and cringes at the other ones because he is nothing if not the number one HAY TER
“bug has gotta go to the restroom, okay?” “okay!” you reply, hopping off your seat and walking down the hallway, not even noticing renjun matching your pace at your side. when you two bump into each other at the door frame, you just blink at each other. “wait, which bug gotta go bathroom?”
lee jeno ૮ .◜◡◝ა
nono :3
liked it until you began to say it nonstop as an excuse to tell him no to things like changing into your pajamas or drinking water
so used to jaemin that when you started calling him puppy he didn’t even blink
you don’t even call him that often, just when you’re in that in-between of a play pretend and not
never calls himself that though.
“puppy, help.” you pout. jeno drops his head to the side, hands still balled up to his chest, immersed in his role of doggy at the vet. “got’a cut.” you hold up your pointer finger, blood beginning to gather and spill out of a slit in your fingertip. “paper cut, gumdrop?” “yeah…” “let me see, sweet girl.”
lee donghyuck ʕ˙Ⱉ˙‧:ʔ
titles were an attempt. he really tried it lol
but you just couldn’t! he’s not a daddy or a mommy or a sibby ! he’s just your channie
you also tried hyuckie but when you skipped your ‘h’s it sounded like you were saying yuckie and as funny as it is to you, it always was met with haechan’s :l
you still call him that, but only when he’s being annoying and not paying attention to you!!! something about needing to sleep or something
whatever. as if
“channie!” your shout wakes hyuck in a split second, the balance he found falling asleep in his desk chair lost. his feet hit the floor with a thump as he turns to meet your eyes. “what’s wrong?” he breathes out. “lunchtime! made sammies!” you grin, acting as if you hadn't almost given him a heart attack.
na jaemin ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
any! he honestly doesn’t care, he finds all of them adorable
nana and jaemie are a given, i feel
he’s so nana shaped! :D
he likes other names more, though.
even if you don’t call him it yourself, if you are comfortable with it he will refer to himself as daddy. ‘daddy this, daddy that’ 25/8
you considered using your washi tape to shut him up once but didn’t want to waste it
his hands have a mind of their own to pinch your cheeks to death when you’re really little and you can’t help but let a ‘mama’ slip.
it’s like a reward /ref
“meow…” still waking up from a nap, you point at luke grooming himself. “meow?” jaemin’s eyes raise from the potatoes he’s peeling at the kitchen sink to see you laying on the couch, cheek pressed into the cushion. “meow, mama.” you repeat, wiggling your fingers to encourage luke to come closer. a lazy smile appears on your face when he does. “lukey’s a meow...”
zhong chenle (ᯟ︿ᯏ)
point blank. no other options
when you’re Little the ink on his birth certificate magically erases ‘chenle’ and writes in its place ‘daddy’
if you call him chenle he will turn around (a full 360 degrees) and then just ask: “who’s that? is somebody else here? that’s so crazy what”
he’s goofy like that
refers to himself by his title more than you do. which is saying a lot considering he likes you saying it so much he basically makes you say it every time you ask for something
chenle drops his head down do your lips brush against his ear when he heard you mumble something he couldn’t understand. “talk to me, dollface.” “sleepy…” there’s a pause in between the two syllables as you rub your cheek on his sleeve like one of jaemin’s cats. “wanna home.” “you wanna go home?” “yeah.” “okay bye.” he sing-songs, gently lifting your head off him. “no…” you sigh. “daddy, can we go home please?” “of course, princess, let me go get our coats.”
park jisung (∩˃o˂∩)
jiji/didi + sungie + bubby
where did bubby come from? jisung doesn’t know. honestly, you don’t know either. you just said it one day and it stuck.
at the very beginning of figuring out how your regression would work with jisung added to the mix, you looked up a list of cg names and just went down the list, giggling at his very physical reactions to each one
best reaction? daddy. he literally looked like a cartoon character getting hit by a giant piano
you had to take a break. bro dissociated for a solid minute
“didi okay?” you pouted, waving a hand in front of his face. his eyes were out of focus and you haven’t seen him even blink for the past few seconds. “didi, wake up!” you whine, pulling at his fingers to no avail, leaving you to stand before him with your arms crossed until you stomp away. “gonna watch pj masks by m’self!” your decision snaps jisung awake, chasing after you immediately. “no, wait! don’t start it without me!”
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author's note off-topic but yves (re)debuted recently ! highly suggest for everyone to give her ep a listen :D
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swee7dream · 3 days
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jaemin is SO nana shaped just look at him!
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he's so nana coded
and yes, chenle is so desperate it's actually embarrassing. when his tiny calls him daddy he literally starts seeing unicorns and rainbows and singing birds and life is good again even if sm is making him go bald. but he won't admit that unless he's been drinking
Hiii, I was just wondering if I could request hc's for what cg names you think NCT would use? Thanks!
I love your blog btw, it's a huge comfort when I'm regressed or want to regress and can't :)
cg!dreamies' favorite nicknames ! cg!nct dream x f!reader
genre fluff, agere content warnings feminine nicknames, one mention of blood dni if you sexualize age regression author's note thank you so much for the request and kind words, nonnie ! leaving huge kiss on ur forehead. 127 + wayv soon ( now that i'm out of school ! cheer ! )
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mark lee (ᓀ‸ᓂ)
mack ! the result of his tiny struggling with the letter r - 10/10. very cute no notes from him
also, consider: minnie
was a bit feminine for his liking at first but didn’t say anything
over time it’s a name he’s grown attached to and is lowkey overcome with cuteness aggression when you call him that
“what rhymes with heart?” mark breaks the comfortable silence in his room, notebook next to his seat on the bed as you draw with your belly to the floor, feet swinging up in the air. “um… part? bart? lart?” you think. “heart… fart. hehe.” “…part.” he repeats in a mumble, scribbling the idea down. “fart!” “i’m not using the word fart in this song, baby.” “minnie so boring!”
huang renjun ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა
jun! specifically jun(e) bug.
likes having matching names with his tiny so he calls you lovebug! junebug and lovebug.
you also call each other just bug, for obvious reasons.
that would be his only “title” so to speak
uncomfortable with any of the traditional ones and cringes at the other ones because he is nothing if not the number one HAY TER
“bug has gotta go to the restroom, okay?” “okay!” you reply, hopping off your seat and walking down the hallway, not even noticing renjun matching your pace at your side. when you two bump into each other at the door frame, you just blink at each other. “wait, which bug gotta go bathroom?”
lee jeno ૮ .◜◡◝ა
nono :3
liked it until you began to say it nonstop as an excuse to tell him no to things like changing into your pajamas or drinking water
so used to jaemin that when you started calling him puppy he didn’t even blink
you don’t even call him that often, just when you’re in that in-between of a play pretend and not
never calls himself that though.
“puppy, help.” you pout. jeno drops his head to the side, hands still balled up to his chest, immersed in his role of doggy at the vet. “got’a cut.” you hold up your pointer finger, blood beginning to gather and spill out of a slit in your fingertip. “paper cut, gumdrop?” “yeah…” “let me see, sweet girl.”
lee donghyuck ʕ˙Ⱉ˙‧:ʔ
titles were an attempt. he really tried it lol
but you just couldn’t! he’s not a daddy or a mommy or a sibby ! he’s just your channie
you also tried hyuckie but when you skipped your ‘h’s it sounded like you were saying yuckie and as funny as it is to you, it always was met with haechan’s :l
you still call him that, but only when he’s being annoying and not paying attention to you!!! something about needing to sleep or something
whatever. as if
“channie!” your shout wakes hyuck in a split second, the balance he found falling asleep in his desk chair lost. his feet hit the floor with a thump as he turns to meet your eyes. “what’s wrong?” he breathes out. “lunchtime! made sammies!” you grin, acting as if you hadn't almost given him a heart attack.
na jaemin ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
any! he honestly doesn’t care, he finds all of them adorable
nana and jaemie are a given, i feel
he’s so nana shaped! :D
he likes other names more, though.
even if you don’t call him it yourself, if you are comfortable with it he will refer to himself as daddy. ‘daddy this, daddy that’ 25/8
you considered using your washi tape to shut him up once but didn’t want to waste it
his hands have a mind of their own to pinch your cheeks to death when you’re really little and you can’t help but let a ‘mama’ slip.
it’s like a reward /ref
“meow…” still waking up from a nap, you point at luke grooming himself. “meow?” jaemin’s eyes raise from the potatoes he’s peeling at the kitchen sink to see you laying on the couch, cheek pressed into the cushion. “meow, mama.” you repeat, wiggling your fingers to encourage luke to come closer. a lazy smile appears on your face when he does. “lukey’s a meow...”
zhong chenle (ᯟ︿ᯏ)
point blank. no other options
when you’re Little the ink on his birth certificate magically erases ‘chenle’ and writes in its place ‘daddy’
if you call him chenle he will turn around (a full 360 degrees) and then just ask: “who’s that? is somebody else here? that’s so crazy what”
he’s goofy like that
refers to himself by his title more than you do. which is saying a lot considering he likes you saying it so much he basically makes you say it every time you ask for something
chenle drops his head down do your lips brush against his ear when he heard you mumble something he couldn’t understand. “talk to me, dollface.” “sleepy…” there’s a pause in between the two syllables as you rub your cheek on his sleeve like one of jaemin’s cats. “wanna home.” “you wanna go home?” “yeah.” “okay bye.” he sing-songs, gently lifting your head off him. “no…” you sigh. “daddy, can we go home please?” “of course, princess, let me go get our coats.”
park jisung (∩˃o˂∩)
jiji/didi + sungie + bubby
where did bubby come from? jisung doesn’t know. honestly, you don’t know either. you just said it one day and it stuck.
at the very beginning of figuring out how your regression would work with jisung added to the mix, you looked up a list of cg names and just went down the list, giggling at his very physical reactions to each one
best reaction? daddy. he literally looked like a cartoon character getting hit by a giant piano
you had to take a break. bro dissociated for a solid minute
“didi okay?” you pouted, waving a hand in front of his face. his eyes were out of focus and you haven’t seen him even blink for the past few seconds. “didi, wake up!” you whine, pulling at his fingers to no avail, leaving you to stand before him with your arms crossed until you stomp away. “gonna watch pj masks by m’self!” your decision snaps jisung awake, chasing after you immediately. “no, wait! don’t start it without me!”
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author's note off-topic but yves (re)debuted recently ! highly suggest for everyone to give her ep a listen :D
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swee7dream · 3 days
the bond between a girl and nct dream is stronger than the gravitational force of the earth
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swee7dream · 3 days
Hiii, I was just wondering if I could request hc's for what cg names you think NCT would use? Thanks!
I love your blog btw, it's a huge comfort when I'm regressed or want to regress and can't :)
cg!dreamies' favorite nicknames ! cg!nct dream x f!reader
genre fluff, agere content warnings feminine nicknames, one mention of blood dni if you sexualize age regression author's note thank you so much for the request and kind words, nonnie ! leaving huge kiss on ur forehead. 127 + wayv soon ( now that i'm out of school ! cheer ! )
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mark lee (ᓀ‸ᓂ)
mack ! the result of his tiny struggling with the letter r - 10/10. very cute no notes from him
also, consider: minnie
was a bit feminine for his liking at first but didn’t say anything
over time it’s a name he’s grown attached to and is lowkey overcome with cuteness aggression when you call him that
“what rhymes with heart?” mark breaks the comfortable silence in his room, notebook next to his seat on the bed as you draw with your belly to the floor, feet swinging up in the air. “um… part? bart? lart?” you think. “heart… fart. hehe.” “…part.” he repeats in a mumble, scribbling the idea down. “fart!” “i’m not using the word fart in this song, baby.” “minnie so boring!”
huang renjun ૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა
jun! specifically jun(e) bug.
likes having matching names with his tiny so he calls you lovebug! junebug and lovebug.
you also call each other just bug, for obvious reasons.
that would be his only “title” so to speak
uncomfortable with any of the traditional ones and cringes at the other ones because he is nothing if not the number one HAY TER
“bug has gotta go to the restroom, okay?” “okay!” you reply, hopping off your seat and walking down the hallway, not even noticing renjun matching your pace at your side. when you two bump into each other at the door frame, you just blink at each other. “wait, which bug gotta go bathroom?”
lee jeno ૮ .◜◡◝ა
nono :3
liked it until you began to say it nonstop as an excuse to tell him no to things like changing into your pajamas or drinking water
so used to jaemin that when you started calling him puppy he didn’t even blink
you don’t even call him that often, just when you’re in that in-between of a play pretend and not
never calls himself that though.
“puppy, help.” you pout. jeno drops his head to the side, hands still balled up to his chest, immersed in his role of doggy at the vet. “got’a cut.” you hold up your pointer finger, blood beginning to gather and spill out of a slit in your fingertip. “paper cut, gumdrop?” “yeah…” “let me see, sweet girl.”
lee donghyuck ʕ˙Ⱉ˙‧:ʔ
titles were an attempt. he really tried it lol
but you just couldn’t! he’s not a daddy or a mommy or a sibby ! he’s just your channie
you also tried hyuckie but when you skipped your ‘h’s it sounded like you were saying yuckie and as funny as it is to you, it always was met with haechan’s :l
you still call him that, but only when he’s being annoying and not paying attention to you!!! something about needing to sleep or something
whatever. as if
“channie!” your shout wakes hyuck in a split second, the balance he found falling asleep in his desk chair lost. his feet hit the floor with a thump as he turns to meet your eyes. “what’s wrong?” he breathes out. “lunchtime! made sammies!” you grin, acting as if you hadn't almost given him a heart attack.
na jaemin ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
any! he honestly doesn’t care, he finds all of them adorable
nana and jaemie are a given, i feel
he’s so nana shaped! :D
he likes other names more, though.
even if you don’t call him it yourself, if you are comfortable with it he will refer to himself as daddy. ‘daddy this, daddy that’ 25/8
you considered using your washi tape to shut him up once but didn’t want to waste it
his hands have a mind of their own to pinch your cheeks to death when you’re really little and you can’t help but let a ‘mama’ slip.
it’s like a reward /ref
“meow…” still waking up from a nap, you point at luke grooming himself. “meow?” jaemin’s eyes raise from the potatoes he’s peeling at the kitchen sink to see you laying on the couch, cheek pressed into the cushion. “meow, mama.” you repeat, wiggling your fingers to encourage luke to come closer. a lazy smile appears on your face when he does. “lukey’s a meow...”
zhong chenle (ᯟ︿ᯏ)
point blank. no other options
when you’re Little the ink on his birth certificate magically erases ‘chenle’ and writes in its place ‘daddy’
if you call him chenle he will turn around (a full 360 degrees) and then just ask: “who’s that? is somebody else here? that’s so crazy what”
he’s goofy like that
refers to himself by his title more than you do. which is saying a lot considering he likes you saying it so much he basically makes you say it every time you ask for something
chenle drops his head down do your lips brush against his ear when he heard you mumble something he couldn’t understand. “talk to me, dollface.” “sleepy…” there’s a pause in between the two syllables as you rub your cheek on his sleeve like one of jaemin’s cats. “wanna home.” “you wanna go home?” “yeah.” “okay bye.” he sing-songs, gently lifting your head off him. “no…” you sigh. “daddy, can we go home please?” “of course, princess, let me go get our coats.”
park jisung (∩˃o˂∩)
jiji/didi + sungie + bubby
where did bubby come from? jisung doesn’t know. honestly, you don’t know either. you just said it one day and it stuck.
at the very beginning of figuring out how your regression would work with jisung added to the mix, you looked up a list of cg names and just went down the list, giggling at his very physical reactions to each one
best reaction? daddy. he literally looked like a cartoon character getting hit by a giant piano
you had to take a break. bro dissociated for a solid minute
“didi okay?” you pouted, waving a hand in front of his face. his eyes were out of focus and you haven’t seen him even blink for the past few seconds. “didi, wake up!” you whine, pulling at his fingers to no avail, leaving you to stand before him with your arms crossed until you stomp away. “gonna watch pj masks by m’self!” your decision snaps jisung awake, chasing after you immediately. “no, wait! don’t start it without me!”
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author's note off-topic but yves (re)debuted recently ! highly suggest for everyone to give her ep a listen :D
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swee7dream · 3 days
he’s so cute :(
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240530 JAEMIN IG Update
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swee7dream · 4 days
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swee7dream · 5 days
SO CUTEEEEE. wonbin and baby court case battle when
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cg!wonbin absolutely loves playing doctor with you, but it’s currently banned due to him pretending to be an angry patient and threatening to sue you, which then made you burst into tears and proceed to cry for the next 10 minutes.
though wonbin felt really bad, he couldn’t help but giggle at the absurdity of what had just happened.
also, there was that one time you accidentally poked him directly in the eye while giving him an eye exam. maybe it’s best that neither of you play doctor anymore.
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swee7dream · 5 days
bless up cg!renjun hcs i beg 🙏🙏
- @aeriaeri
sick days with cg!renjun huang renjun x gn!reader
author's note hello beloved ! hope this lives up to your expectations :3 dni if you sexualize age regression warnings none
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do NOT let renjun find out you’re sick
he will literally end you
not actually but like
you will feel like he will because he’s beating the words per minute world record as he scolds you
he told you staying up late like you have been lately is bad for you
he told you not eating just because you don’t feel like cooking would end badly
but noooooooooooooo
you never listen
and so you get the straitjacket treatment from renjun, wrapped up tight in blankets under layers and layers of clothes
you’re on a strict diet of vegetable cream, soup, and water. want something warm? tea. cold? no way.
literally looks like he’s on the verge of tears the whole time
hates seeing you moaning and growning and just overall in pain :( his poor baby :(
leaves mask-covered kisses all over your face because they’re the only bits of exposed skin on your body
yes, he’s wearing a mask. he doesn’t wanna get sick because if you get him sick then how can he nurse you back to health? what if he gets sick as you’re getting better and then gets you sick again and begins a neverending cycle? he won’t have it
refuses to let you watch tv all day even if you’re sick unlike some people
reads you books aloud. picture books and chapter books, classics and fresh off the printer. if you’re ever sick and jun is not around-
first of all, the minute you text him to let him know he’ll gasp so loud the people around him will think somebody has died or something more serious
because it is serious to him
but basically, if jun is away and you gotta deal with a yucky sickness on your own, you can rely on a collection of audios of jun-voiced audiobooks and lullabies that he gave you as a gift after the first time you were left alone
about that time, he cried.
not even being dramatic, he actually cried
hearing your Little voice shiver over the phone, your teeth chattering... if he closed his eyes he could see you curled up in a fetal position with a clogged nose and no strength to even use the restroom.
he was heartbroken
he honestly felt like a failure to leave you alone when you needed him most
once you were no longer under the weather you tried to console him, telling him there was no way he could’ve known you were going to be sick while he was gone and that after a nap you slipped out of Little Space and managed to nurse yourself to health but he wasn’t having any of it
he’s so stubborn sigh ..
but since then, every time you get sick with him around you can always hear a hint of a smile in his scolding because yeah, you might be sick, and yeah, it's probably because of your poor health decisions when Big, but at least he’s here to take care of you this time
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swee7dream · 6 days
forgot to add a plz and thank u to my renjun rec😭 i got a lil too excited sending it in i forgot my manners LMAO
- @aeriaeri
girl ur okay loooooool i hope u like it ! if u don't just lie to my face thx
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swee7dream · 6 days
bless up cg!renjun hcs i beg 🙏🙏
- @aeriaeri
sick days with cg!renjun huang renjun x gn!reader
author's note hello beloved ! hope this lives up to your expectations :3 dni if you sexualize age regression warnings none
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do NOT let renjun find out you’re sick
he will literally end you
not actually but like
you will feel like he will because he’s beating the words per minute world record as he scolds you
he told you staying up late like you have been lately is bad for you
he told you not eating just because you don’t feel like cooking would end badly
but noooooooooooooo
you never listen
and so you get the straitjacket treatment from renjun, wrapped up tight in blankets under layers and layers of clothes
you’re on a strict diet of vegetable cream, soup, and water. want something warm? tea. something cold? no way.
literally looks like he’s on the verge of tears the whole time
hates seeing you moaning and groaning and just overall in pain :( his poor baby :(
leaves mask-covered kisses all over your face because they’re the only bits of exposed skin on your body
yes, he’s wearing a mask. he doesn’t wanna get sick because if you get him sick then how can he nurse you back to health? what if he gets sick as you’re getting better and then gets you sick again and begins a never-ending cycle? he won’t have it
refuses to let you watch tv all day even if you’re sick unlike some people
reads you books aloud. picture books and chapter books, classics and fresh off the printer. if you’re ever sick and jun is not around-
first of all, the minute you text him to let him know he’ll gasp so loud the people around him will think somebody has died or something more serious
because it is serious to him
but basically, if jun is away and you gotta deal with a yucky sickness on your own, you can rely on a collection of audios of jun-voiced audiobooks and lullabies that he gave you as a gift after the first time you were left alone
about that time, he cried.
not even being dramatic, he actually cried
hearing your Little voice shiver over the phone, your teeth chattering... if he closed his eyes he could see you curled up in a fetal position with a clogged nose and no strength to even use the restroom.
he was heartbroken
he honestly felt like a failure to leave you alone when you needed him most
once you were no longer under the weather you tried to console him, telling him there was no way he could’ve known you were going to be sick while he was gone and that after a nap you slipped out of Little Space and managed to nurse yourself to health but he wasn’t having any of it
he’s so stubborn sigh ..
but since then, every time you get sick with him around you can always hear a hint of a smile in his scolding because yeah, you might be sick, and yeah, it's probably because of your poor health decisions when Big, but at least he’s here to take care of you this time
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swee7dream · 6 days
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240527 HAECHAN
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swee7dream · 7 days
ahhhh that comment is so funny 😅😅 haechan did you fart!!?
it was so random too idk why that person said that 😭😭😭
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swee7dream · 7 days
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swee7dream · 7 days
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