elwenyere · 48 minutes
Rally Point (Challengers, Art/Tashi/Patrick)
Word Count: 1.7k
Rating: E
Tags: 5+1 Things, Character Study, Tashi-Centric, Explicit Sexual Content
Author’s Note: This started out as a Tumblr ficlet; then Tashi wanted more from me, and who am I to say no?
Summary: 5 times they can't all get what they want + 1 time they get what they need
“I want you to be my coach,” Patrick says, and it’s infuriating: the way he can still shatter her.
“I want you to be my coach” - like the last thing he’d said before leaving hadn’t been “I’m definitely not your student.” Like he hadn’t shoved her tennis back in her face just hours before she lost it. 
And as he keeps talking - about Art, of course, and about what Tashi could bring out of Patrick to match what’s good in Art - she tries to decide whether it hurts more to imagine he remembers or that he doesn’t. 
She slaps the stupid cigarette out of his mouth.
Read the Rest on AO3
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elwenyere · 7 hours
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Happy Pride
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elwenyere · 7 hours
do you know what happened to yavannie? :(
Hello Anon! Yav wrote a short post about it on her new blog. You can find that here: https://www.tumblr.com/heyitsyav/752171271602749440/a-couple-of-people-have-asked-so-long-story-short?source=share
I missed her a lot too, and I'm very happy she's back. <3
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elwenyere · 19 hours
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New England Treasure - Jeremy Miranda , 2015.
American , b. 1980 -
Acrylic on panel, 16 x 14 in
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elwenyere · 20 hours
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the world needs to see this tweet
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elwenyere · 21 hours
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SAM WILSON APPRECIATION WEEK: Day 6: Favorite quality/trait
Sam’s love for his family
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elwenyere · 22 hours
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Marilyn Monroe by Douglas Kirkland, 1961
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elwenyere · 23 hours
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My name is Max. My world is fire and blood.
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elwenyere · 1 day
Tremors (1990) + cody/rex?
Or: mad max fury road + jango/obi-wan?
(such a fun prompt idea! unfortunately all movies fled my mind as soon as I tried to think of one lmao)
i need you to know that it took me longer than it should to write this one because i just couldn't chose lmao
i ended up going with tremors though :> pre-relationship, missing scene very early in the war, ~600w, pov cody.
The lieutenant’s voice barely breaks the silence. 
“That could work.”
Cody turns to look at him, his shell scraping against the curved belly of the boulder. The lieutenant’s still sitting next to him, bucket off and between his legs, a beat-up datapad with a cracked display resting on it.
Now and then it shivers, whatever’s been boring its way through the shifting dirt all around them getting too close for comfort, and the datapad’s weak blue light slides down the lieutenant’s face and shivers in turn, painting his shell in the same colour. He almost got caught in one of the creature’s last tries, and his armour paid the price: the thing cracked the pauldron and vambrace on his left arm, left a deep gouge on the back plates. One of the medics looked him over: Lieutenant Rex made it out of that skirmish just fine. He shed the damaged pieces of armour, and they now lie on the boulder next to him, pale as bone in the pale light of the planet’s small moons.
At first he kept poking at them, lips pressed tight, and at first Cody didn’t quite get why: armour is just armour, and it’s not as if the thing had messed up his bucket paint or something like that.
But Ghost’s spent the better part of that day on that rock, twiddling their thumbs and waiting for backup or death, whichever came first, and Cody’s had very little to do except think—and he might have spent most of that time trying to find a way to survive, to kill the creature, but Cody’s Kamino bred, designed to hold a lot of moving pieces in the back of his mind at the same time.
It didn’t take him too long to realise that the lieutenant is a fastidious man—he just didn’t like the creature fucking up his shell. It might be vanity; it might be something else, Cody’s still working out that one. But it happened, and now he’s annoyed, and Cody’s found out the lieutenant’s mind functions better when he’s annoyed, and if he has had an idea that he thinks might work… well. 
“Lieutenant,” Cody starts. “What could work?”
Lieutenant Rex blinks up at him. The creature threw him against the boulders after he got it in the maw, and there’s dry blood on his face, under his nose and staining the corner of his mouth. A flash of memory: the dying sun, red and still warm, and the way it had painted the blond stubble on his jaw in bloody orange, hiding the blood stains and making his dark eyes look darker. 
“It’s just an idea, sir,” the lieutenant replies, voice careful. 
Oh, that won’t do.
Cody tilts his head. He says nothing—he knows he won’t have to. By now, Lieutenant Rex knows him well enough to know what that means.
And there it is: Lieutenant Rex scowls, jaw tight, his deepening annoyance cracking the easygoing mask he’s so good at turning his face into before he gets it under control. 
The lieutenant clears his throat and shifts closer, his knee knocking against Cody’s. Cody turns to face him, maneuvering the best he can in the narrow space, leans forward when Rex starts talking, and Cody’s very good at holding off distractions, at thinking about many things at once, so he listens carefully and resolutely does not fixate on the way his lieutenant’s eyes reflect the moonlight, or on the steady press of his knee against Cody’s, or on the confidence with whom he outlines his plan, or anything else.
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elwenyere · 1 day
Last Line(s) Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
I was tagged by @tellallthetruth-but-tellitslant, @goddammitjim, and @oathkeeperoxas. Thank you for the tags, my dears!
My last lines are from a small Challengers thing I'm writing to work through some Tashi-related thoughts and feels. Here's a wee snip:
“What am I, Jesus?” she asks, though she knows the answer is yes. Her father had been a preacher before they’d discovered her talent, so she’s seen it: the way the force of her will becomes gospel, the hope others have for salvation. And she hopes too. She wears the crucifix from confirmation - looped, now, near the Cartier trinity - and she prays for something outside her, some power higher than hers to exist.
Thank you again for the tag, friends! Open tags for anyone else who would like to play. <3
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elwenyere · 1 day
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🌈 .。.:*☆
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elwenyere · 1 day
I have tennis recommend for you, this documentary is like, PEAK
(If you don’t know the outcome of the 2008 Wimbledon match (aka perhaps the GOAT match of Men's Singles tennis) don’t look up spoilers! But even if you know it, it’s still an EXCELLENT time about perhaps the greatest friendly sports rivalry in the history of men's sports)
Thank you for this rec, Anon (and sorry it's taken me a bit to respond). The Federer/Nadal rivalry is one of the touch points in my (very casual) knowledge of tennis, so I'm excited to learn about this documentary!
Watching Challengers has also reminded me of David Foster Wallace's 2006 essay on watching Federer, which includes some descriptions of warmup behaviors and styles of play that clearly inspired the depictions of Art, Patrick, and Tashi in the film.
And something odd on the Swiss’s serve, if you look very closely. Holding ball and racket out in front, just before starting the motion, Federer always places the ball precisely in the V-shaped gap of the racket’s throat, just below the head, just for an instant. If the fit isn’t perfect, he adjusts the ball until it is. It happens very fast, but also every time, on both first serves and second.
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elwenyere · 2 days
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You can get a print of this on my redbubble or commission something new from me!
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elwenyere · 2 days
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“Try it, bitch”
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elwenyere · 2 days
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Billie photographed at her 'HIT ME HARD AND SOFT' album listening party in NY (15/05/24).
📸: arturoholmesphotos
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elwenyere · 2 days
A general reflection that "I'm upset because this isn't the direction I wanted the narrative to go" is totally fine as a complete sentence, and you don't need to have socially righteous reasons for your disappointment every time.
You can be annoyed without being ethically outraged. You can uncomfortable without having witnessed a moral wrong. Sometimes a newly canonified ship isn't the one you had your heart set on, and it's a-okay to be sad about that without inventing a rationale for why the ship in question is an objective affront to human dignity or a failure of "good" representation.
Of course, there are cases where there is more at stake in our experiences of hurt or distaste than just the contravening of our personal preferences. But there's also a value in accepting that we will be bummed out for reasons that have no wider moral purchase than our own dissatisfaction, and if we do actually care about living out a liberatory politics, it's praxis to learn to tell the difference.
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elwenyere · 2 days
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gay 👏 pirate 👏 brunch 👏
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