samcky · 3 days
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Sam and Bucky (part - 59?)
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supposethismatters · 2 days
Enemies to lovers is about someone who has significant reason to hurt you but… actively chooses not to: It’s comforting.
The more it personally costs them to have you the more you know they want you: It’s flattering.
They lower their defenses understanding that you could truly harm them yet they have faith in you: It’s affirming.
Enemies pay attention to you in a way strangers, friends, and allies never do. Hyper aware of your motives, your skills, your every move for potential threats. But even with the intensive scrutiny we are judged worthy of their loyalty and vulnerability and love: It’s absolving.
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marvelsgirl616 · 18 hours
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😠 | 😠
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kookiekult · 22 hours
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jemgirl86 · 17 hours
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SamBucky Summer Bingo 2024
Square: Angst with a Happy Ending
4K Words
Summary: Sam was well aware he was flat out pouting, maybe even close to throwing a full-fledged tantrum, at least what could’ve been considered a full-fledged tantrum for him, but he simply did not care. In fact, considering the fact that he wasn’t actively cussing Bucky out at the moment, he figured he was behaving better than anyone should’ve reasonably expected.
Or: Bucky is leaving, and Sam is telling it like it is.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 days
Just Sam and Bucky, having a lot of feelings today, okay?
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Hi, can I make a short ramble request?? Pls, tell me the beauty of why sam's the sun and bucky's the moon?? I have minimal understanding of what this dynamic means and I wanna know how, welp.
Have a good one ahead of you!
Hi, anon, you’re always more than welcome to do so! <3
The sun/moon dynamic is about opposites attract. The sun character is usually upbeat and optimistic, while the moon character is more reserved and moody. That’s what I think it is on the surface anyway.
I don’t think that’s necessary why the sun/moon dynamic works for sambucky, though. Sam is the sun because he burns bright, is warm, and, well, has more boiling beneath the surface than he lets on. Bucky is the moon because he’s quiet and he’s resilient and he’s steady and optimistic, and yeah, okay, he reflects Sam’s light. Like, he lets himself be lighter around Sam, and he gives Sam the space to let out everything he always tries to hide and hold back. Bucky wears his heart on his sleeve, he is quiet and moody sometimes, but you can look at his face and just see him. You can’t just look at Sam’s face, he burns too bright.
But, well, that’s the whole point of the moon, right? To reflect the sun’s light and light up the sky when it’s dark? That’s why I think the sun/moon metaphor works for them. Bucky takes in some of Sam’s fire and use it to make the dark days a little lighter, for both of them. And Sam lets him.
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wenellyb · 16 hours
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You see them going through this amazing arc of not wanting to be around each other to not be able to do it without each other
- Anthony Mackie
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cobrafantasies · 10 hours
Until Morning, You're Mine
SamBucky | Rated M | 2,434 words | Complete | AO3
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Written for SamBucky Summer Bingo 2024 by @sambuckylibrary, prompt: Summer Fling
Summary:  After the cookout, Bucky finds Sam on the boat and talk of a summer fling is brought up.
The sunset is beautiful when it’s highlighting the waves of Louisiana water. It’s even more stunning when its orange glow is illuminating Sam’s backside like a halo. That’s where Bucky finds him. On the boat when the sun is tucked half under the horizon. 
Bucky steps up next to Sam on the deck. They stand quietly together as Bucky’s mind reels back through the day’s event of the cookout. He’s so happy that he smiles to himself. And he wants to tell Sam how much he enjoyed today. How grateful he is to be welcome here but the words are stuck in his throat long enough that Sam fills the silence first.
“Good memories,” Sam says, more to himself. He’s staring out at the water, not even glancing over.
“I’m sure,” Bucky says as he copies Sam’s leaning stance over the wooden edge.
Sam peers over and grins once. “You know, I used to sneak some dates out here back in the day.”
Sam nods proudly. “Got to second base out here once.”
Bucky’s heart twists at the image. He’s not sure if it’s jealousy or want. Or perhaps a cruel combination of both. If he’s being honest he’s not even sure what all the “bases” are, but just the thought of someone getting to even touch Sam like that is enough to make him green with envy.
“So teenage Sam had some moves?” Bucky tries to joke but his voice embarrassingly cracks slightly. 
“Oh yeah, I was smooth at all ages. Bet you’d fall for it too. Anyone ever bring you on a boat at sunset?”
Read on AO3
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samcky · 3 hours
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Sam & Bucky (Part 60)
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supposethismatters · 2 days
Enemies to lovers is about someone who has significant reason to hurt you but… actively chooses not to: It’s comforting.
The more it personally costs them to have you the more you know they want you: It’s flattering.
They lower their defenses understanding that you could truly harm them yet they have faith in you: It’s affirming.
Enemies pay attention to you in a way strangers, friends, and allies never do. Hyper aware of your motives, your skills, your every move for potential threats. But even with the intensive scrutiny we are judged worthy of their loyalty and vulnerability and love: It’s absolving.
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marvelsgirl616 · 19 hours
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He’s so pretty ❤️
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siancore · 16 hours
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Rating: T
Written for the @sambuckylibrary Summer Bingo.
Square fill: Long, Separate Vacations.
Words: 1.2K
Content: Language
It was silly, Bucky realizes now, the little spat he and Sam had had. Something childish that they, at the ripe old age of sixteen and seventeen, were too old to be acting like. Summer was too long to be wasted on being upset with one another because of childish, silly things. Still, Bucky is nervous about reaching out to Sam. He is afraid to even look at Sam's social media for fear that the other boy has unfollowed, unfriended, and blocked him.
Sam had said he was glad that they were going on long, separate vacations -- and even though Bucky had tearfully agreed with him, it was breaking his heart day-by-day, piece-by-piece.
His vacation is three days in. Three long days without hearing from his best friend. Bucky cannot enjoy the time spent with his family because he is fretting for Sam. Longing for Sam.
He chances a look at Instagram and sees that Sam has not blocked him. He scrolls through the pictures that his friend has posted. Sam is there hugged up with Sarah, Maria R, and Rhodey. He is wearing a bright smile. The Louisiana sun reflects in his pretty brown eyes, causing flecks of amber to shine through.
He is stunning. Bucky is so gone on him. He wishes they hadn't have had their stupid fight before Bucky and his family left for New York. There is so much he wants to say to Sam. So much more than what his stupid mouth will form; more than his heart will allow.
Just then, he is drawn from his pining by a notification on his phone. He follows the notification, opens his messages, and feels a familiar fluttering in his tummy: Sam has sent him a DM.
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Sam has reverted to their old ways of being playful, it seems, and Bucky is happy for it. A little teasing and flirting between friends might be just what he needs.
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Fuck it, Bucky muses. What harm can it do to just be real with Sam in this moment?
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Bucky feels like his heart is going to leap out of his chest. They often flirt with one another; they often engage in playful banter. But Bucky feels a shift in their friendship right now, even though there are so many miles between them, and there is still a lot left to be said. Without giving it too much thought, Bucky closes the message thread and then calls Sam. He answers on two rings.
"Hello?" says Sam.
Bucky's tummy does a little somersault when he hears his friend's voice.
"Hey, Sammy," he replies. "I'm sorry about our fight."
"Me, too," Sam replies. "It was silly."
"Yeah, it was," Bucky agrees. "Let's not fight again, okay?"
"Sure, if you stop bein' annoying," says Sam, but Bucky can hear the smile in his voice.
He grins back and says, "Well, only if you do."
They both share a little laugh and then the line goes silent for a moment. Bucky speaks once more.
"Yeah, Buck?"
His heart feels like it's in his throat, but he continues to speak. He is determined to tell Sam how he feels.
"I meant it, y'know," he starts. "What I texted you. I do miss you. I miss you so much."
"I know," Sam replies softly. "I miss you, too."
Bucky smiles widely and then lies down on his bed before he says, "I wish you were here."
"Yeah?" asks Sam, and it sounds as if he is getting comfortable, too.
"What would we do if I was there?" Sam asks, and Bucky has to tell himself to calm down.
"Well, I'd take you wherever you'd wanna go. My treat."
"Sounds nice."
"I'd introduce you to my family," Bucky adds. "My Grandma would love you."
"All grandmas love me," Sam proffers with a grin and Bucky can hear it.
"True, but my Grandma would love you most."
"How do you know that?" asks Sam, and his voice is sincere.
Bucky clears his throat and then says, "She keeps sayin' so. I mean, she says she's gonna love you when she meets you."
"How does she know about me?"
"I talk about you all the time," Bucky admits.
"It's been three days," Sam reminds him. "You couldn't have spoken about me to your grandma that much in three days."
Bucky lets out a small laugh and says, "Maybe I talk about you all the time when I FaceTime with her. Maybe she asks about you, too. Maybe you're all I wanna talk about."
"Oh," says Sam and Bucky can practically feel Sam's blush through the phone. "That's, umm. That's cool, but probably not necessary."
"I can't help it. I like you, okay?" Bucky blurts out, not being able to stop himself. "I like you so much, Sam.
Bucky cannot stop now once he has admitted that to Sam.
"That's why I talk about you all the time to my Grandma," he offers. "That's why it's only been three days away from you but I feel like I'm losin' my mind here without you. That's why I wish I we could spend the summer together instead of apart. It's because I like you. I like you, y'know, more than a friend should like another friend. I like you more than I've ever liked anyone else in my whole life."
His heart is threatening to leap from his chest. His face is warm. His palms are sweating. He finally said it out loud. He finally said it to Sam. In that brief moment, Bucky feels panic rise up inside. He doesn't get the chance to wallow in it because Sam is saying his name softly on the other end of the line.
"Buck?" Sam whispers.
"Yeah?" Bucky replies.
"I umm, I like you, too," says Sam with such earnestness that Bucky thinks he might cry.
"For real?"
"Yeah," Sam replies. "For really real."
Bucky lets out a nervous little laugh and says, "Cool. That's uh that's so cool."
"Yeah," Sam replies after a little nervous chuckle of his own. "So, what does this - what do we do now?"
"Count the days until we see each other again and make out about it?" asks Bucky with all of the hope and bravery his seventeen year old heart can muster.
"Damn, okay," Sam replies with a giggle, sounding somewhat flustered. "I'm down for that."
"Yes, really."
Bucky feels like he just might float away. He feels like his chest is full and there are a thousand little butterflies inside of his tummy. He feels like everything is right in the world. He wants to kick about and giggle and tell Sam how pretty he is and how badly he wants to kiss him. He wants to run out into the living room of his Grandma's house and tell her that his Sammy likes him back. Instead, a realization comes to him.
"Crap!" says Bucky as he covers his face with his hand. "This really is gonna be a long ass separate vacation."
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princessbucky · 2 days
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SHHH.. they’re planning to kill John
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ao3feed-sambucky · 3 days
Falling Twice
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fwICpK0 by Six2VII Bucky has a crush. He employs an unwilling participant as his wingman. Words: 1323, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 47 of Couch Sessions Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Alpine the Cat (Marvel), Figaro the Cat (Marvel) Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fluff and Humor, Cat Cafés read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/fwICpK0
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