stevetonyweekly · 6 hours
SteveTony Weekly - June 2 - Week 22
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Happy June and HAPPY PRIDE! It’s my kids’ favorite month, and mine. Here are the fic I read and enjoyed this week! 
All I Want by Sineala 
Steve's not used to anyone spoiling him. But he's willing to let Tony try.
my thoughts: i am such a sucker for Sineala’s writing, and for Tony spoiling Steve and STEVE LETTING HIM. This is all of my favorite things in a short little delicious fic. Read it. 
then sirens, then bells (the broadcast remix) by isozyme 
“I tire of this,” Amora says, and with a casual gesture the entire team is pinned in place, frozen in mid-air. Steve has the unsettling, half-familiar feeling of someone rifling through his head like it’s a card catalogue. A mind-reader as well as a witch, then.
A female voice whispers into his mind’s ear. It’s very tragic in here, dearheart, but I think your armored friend is, somehow, more psychically toxic than even you.
What’s wrong with Tony? Steve thinks, but the presence is gone, leaving his memories of war stirred up like flying insects rising off a lake in at dawn.
The Enchantress opens Tony's mind to anyone and everyone near him. Steve knows he should let Tony keep his secrets, but he's not noble enough to stay away.
my thoughts: tony and magic and telepathy, two things tony HATES? Yes please! I love the way Tony tries to stay away and Steve won’t (can’t) let him, and just the angst before they work their shit out. Lovely. 
Don't Look too Closely (all the angles are oblique)by shaenie
“I’m removing Captain Rogers from this base, but not from active duty. I want him as SHIELD’s liaison to Stark Industries first and foremost. He’ll report directly to me,” Fury says. “As it is, your identity as Captain America is not public knowledge and it will remain that way until I say otherwise. That said, if you think you can get Tony Stark to work with you if you disclose that information, you have permission to do so.”
my thoughts: I spent all of Monday reading this series and I’m mad about two things: 1. I took so long in my stevetony fan experience to read it, and 2. I read it so quickly once i started. It’s so lovely, the vaguely unhealthy dynamic and need between the two of them, and yet how good they both are for each other. 
Also it’s hot. SO hot. 
Company by FestiveFerret
Steve gets his hotel room number wrong.
my thoughts: me once again in love with Ults Steve and his ridiculousness? More likely than you’d think. 
Who Wouldn't Go? by isozyme for Nigmuff
“But it’ll help you?” Steve asks.
“Yes,” Tony replies, even as he knows this is going to break his fragile, smitten heart. Steve, on his arm, coming up with some sweet story of how they met, having to pretend to Steve afterwards that it had all been an act on Tony’s part as well, cock-blocked Tantalus hoist on his own petard.
“Then I’ll do it,” Steve says. “Anything for -- for a friend.”
my thoughts: i love it. That’s all. I love it. 
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stevetonyweekly · 23 hours
SteveTony Weekly - May Podfic
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Ok, so I didn’t listen to a TON of podfic this month because--and if you follow me on Twitter you might have already seen this--I’ve been listening to my favorite series audiobooks BUT! Here’s what I did enjoy. Leave a comment and kudos if you, too, enjoy these works! 
[Podfic] in all and any of your skins by M_Samro 
[Length: 12:27]
Podfic of theappleppielifestyle’s little fic, because it’s so funny and sweet and playful.
Author summary:
Steve has a thing for Tony.
Steve has a thing for Iron Man.
This is a problem, until it really isn't
[Podfic] Fair Shot by hopelesse for isozyme
Podfic of Fair Shot by Isozyme.
Front Line reporter Ben Urich spends a mission embedded with Tony Stark and Captain Steve Rogers on an Ultimates mission.
not gruesome, just human, by isozyme (podfic) by cookiemom6067 for xiyi
“I need to crash on someone’s couch for a while. Your couch. I need to crash on your couch,” Tony says.
Steve’s mouth opens. If he asks why Tony’s going to bolt, he can feel the certainty of it under his sternum. He doesn’t have a sternum anymore, just a tangle of metal under his skin. Too many things have punched through it to get to his heart. There hasn’t been enough bone left to reconstruct anything made of flesh in a long time.
“There’s borscht on the stove,” Steve says.
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stevetonyweekly · 7 days
SteveTony Weekly - May 26th - Week 21
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How’d we enjoy last week’s list from meidui? I’m so excited to read them, there were new things on there! I’m back this week with a few new fic recs for you! Enjoy and be sure to kudos/comment the ones you enjoy! 
Here's the Real Question: Captain America or a Great White Shark? by ViciousRhythm
How Bucky got Steve laid (and then engaged) because Shark Week
we’ll live in spaces between walls by soliloquent
“Steve looks furious and defeated, and he’s breathing like he just ran a marathon. He glances at the door over Tony’s shoulder, slightly shivering, looking for an escape like he’s on a battlefield. Perhaps he is.
This is not about the laundry anymore.”
or: In the heat of a tense discussion in a cramped utility room at the Avengers Tower, fresh-out-of-ice-Steve’s deep-seated insecurities come to the surface. Tony witnesses a new and vulnerable side of him and realizes he has more in common with Steve than he thought. 🧺
A Bit Busy at the Moment by stardust_and_sunlight
"BUCKY?” Steve yelled. “I need your help!”
“I’M A BIT BUSY AT THE MOMENT!” bellowed Bucky, two people on his back forcing him down and more approaching.
“Tony just asked me out!” Steve shouted back, and then froze as it hit him. “Oh my god. Tony asked me out. Tony asked me out and then I hung up on him.”
Modern Love by fictionforlife, Neverever
Tony drifts into a relationship with Steve after a one night stand. He thinks that Steve is modern and well adjusted to the 21st century but finds that Steve is old-fashioned in unexpected ways.
tomorrow can wait (come whatever) by mistymountainking
The picture isn’t damning, Steve reminds himself. They aren’t engaged. They aren’t dating. They’re just friends. The pose is damning enough, but he’d be an idiot if he didn’t admit, at least to himself, that it’s his face that sells it. His face is why The Picture™ has been the #1 trending thing on Twitter for going on twelve hours, and why Clint whistled Wagner’s bridal chorus at him when they walked back into the tower last night.
He looks like he’s in love. Which is fair, because he is. With Tony.
His fiancé.
Steve and Tony are photographed mid-battle, which is par for the course. By the time they get home, the whole world thinks they're engaged, which is...not. But it's not a big deal—they'll figure things out eventually.
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stevetonyweekly · 14 days
SteveTony Weekly - May 19 - Week 20
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Hi friends! My daughter's graduation activities start today (!!!!) and in anticipation of an extremely busy week, I asked @meidui to pinch hit with a guest rec list. Check out her fantastic recs, say hi, and before sure to comment/kudos the fic you enjoy!
Therapy Works (if your therapist isn't a Hydra agent) by @16woodsequ
Tony accidentally stumbles onto the fact that Steve isn't holding things together quite as well as he makes it look. As awkward as it is at first, Tony's been there, and he finds himself reaching out to him.
But the more he tries to push past Steve's walls the more he realises just how deep his issues go. And they all seem to be pointing in one direction.
Should he really be surprised to find SHIELD is at the root of it?
My Thoughts: in sequ we trust when it comes to steve whump!! poor steve is all messed up from shield's abuse and has a list of psychological/emotional issues longer than his pre-serum ailments, and the way it shows is SO SO SO detailed and devastating and believable, and tony being tony is trying to mend what's broken. this is being updated every thursday until it's done and there's so much meat in every chapter that even if you don't usually read wips, this is 100% worth following along 🥺
Just for the Conversation by @msermesth
Tony's fine. He's back on the Avengers, Steve seems to have forgiven him, and he’s building Resilient to change the world.
Then why is he so jealous of Steve’s new boyfriend?
(Or: that awkward moment when you realize you are in love with your old best friend while having a three-way with him and his boyfriend, who just happens to be your counterpart from another universe.)
My Thoughts: if you love multiverse fics like i do this is for you, it's the perfect cocktail of multiverse shenanigans 😌 and don't worry if you haven't read any of the comics before, the author's note is very helpful and you don't need much background to enjoy jealous tony and a steve sandwich <3
Fortune Favours the Bold by @bladeofthenebula27
Omega Steve Rogers is betrothed to an old rich alpha nearly three times his age, and decides on an act of passionate rebellion before his wedding.
My Thoughts: neb writes the best omegaverse fics ever so you automatically cannot go wrong, but the mistaken identity in this fic is so pleasing and steve's internal dialogue is >>>
When It Comes to Trying by @softanticipation
Steve is weird about food. Tony takes notice.
(Or, because I was once told that whenever characters share food together, it means something.)
My Thoughts: i love rereading this fic and it hits the spot every time <3 it starts in the shawarma restaurant post-battle of new york and doesn't shy away from how tony gradually goes from ""disdain"" to adoration and steve adjusts slowly and fits in better with the team, and there's flirting and steve is so sweet and tony gets so gentle with him!! and the focus on food is executed so well i want to eat the whole fic
late night talking by @omg-just-peachy
Steve realizes he can't sleep without the light of the arc reactor.
My Thoughts: if you look up "comfort fic" in the dictionary all 700 words of this fic is there!! the established relationship is established relationshipping and clingy steve waiting on tony is so sweet 🥺
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stevetonyweekly · 21 days
SteveTony Weekly - May 12 - Week 19
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Here are my recs for the week!! I really enjoyed a gen series too, so check that out if you enjoy your fic without romance! 
Taking the First Step by Judy_The_Dreamer
While going through Tony's closet, Steve discovers a special trunk he wasn't prepared for. It turns out to be the answer to all his prayers.
my thoughts: I love how soft this ends. There’s a rough note with Tony’s anger mid-way but Steve’s just so gone on him and it ends so sweet.
Mercy in You by Sineala
When Tony comes back from a very bad D/s date, in pain and abandoned by his dom, Steve offers to help Tony out and give him all the aftercare he so desperately needs.
my thoughts: I know i’ve rec’ed this before. I’ve read it about a million times, i think. It’s my favorite service top steve ever. He’s so besotted with tony and so careful with him. 
Fangbait by FestiveFerret
There's only one reason Tony would go to a bar like this, dressed the way he is: fangbait.
Turn Around (Three Times Before Lying Down) by kellifer_fic
Everyone knows that Tony Stark is a playboy, billionaire philanthropist, but what they don’t know is that he’s also a werewolf. When a government agency known as SHIELD finds out, they use this information to force Tony’s hand and bring him into a new elite lycan field team, codename The Avengers Initiative.
Suddenly Tony finds himself playing host to a bunch of lycans, a misplaced God of Thunder and an experimental supersoldier that isn’t as dead as everyone assumed. Can his week get any worse?
my thoughts: found family with shifter dynamics and how prickly tony is with steve until he gets It. Fantastic. 
most ardently by quiddd 
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a genius playboy in possession of the world’s largest tech conglomerate must be in want of a skinny little artist with an attitude problem.
my thoughts: i’m not huge on Pride and Prejudice, y’all, but this is so well done and lovely, and I adore how much of a dick Tony is and how he tries so hard to be what Steve wants and needs. 
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stevetonyweekly · 27 days
SteveTony Weekly - April Podfic
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I’m so late delivering this to y’all but!! Here are the podfic I listened to in April. 
[Podfic] Code Icarus by M_Samro for FestiveFerret
[Full length: 5:31:49]
Podfic of FestiveFerret's wonderful slow burn fic. The best exploration of Steve's leadership abilities and the Avengers' team dynamics that I've read.
Steve Rogers hates falling, but he hates being caught even more.
[podfic] Bedtime Stories and Nightmares by reena_jenkins, scifigrl47 for Opalsong
"Tony Stark was comfortable with his life. And why shouldn't he be? He's brilliant, rich, powerful, a super hero. He's got a team he trusts, a job he enjoys, his work and his creations, and he's sleeping with Captain America. Tony's life is just fine, thank you very much. He knew that it would change, life always changes, but he wasn't in any way prepared for how it was about to change.
Tony never intended to be a parent, and even if he had, he could never have anticipated this particular change."
[Podfic] Dating the Long Way Around by Hananobira
Tony Stark was pretty sure the Universe had it out for him. Call it karma, or the natural balance, but on occasion, he had a sneaking suspicion that for every good thing that happened to him, something bad was waiting around the corner.
That being the case, his first real date with Steve Rogers would probably lead to something disastrous. But in that he was, in fact, going on his first real date with Steve, he wasn't sure he cared. Steve was certain he didn't.
It's a Thursday night in New York City, what can possibly go wrong?
[Podfic] Some Things Shouldn't Be a Chore by Hananobira
Steve takes things like personal responsibility and respect seriously. Tony's got people he pays to take care of that kind of thing, and anyway, he's pretty sure that he's going to die of some exotic disease in his workshop, because Dummy's still a little spotty about what is 'clean' enough to put on an open wound. The rest of the Avengers are in this for personal gain, except for Clint, he just enjoys being a dick.
And some things shouldn't be a chore.
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stevetonyweekly · 28 days
SteveTony Weekly - May 5 - Week 18
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Happy Sunday, friends. I completely forgot to post the podfic list on the 1st, so look for that tomorrow--but for today, here’s this week’s recs. Enjoy and be sure to comment and kudos as you do. 
The Other Side of the Coin by FestiveFerret
Tony's a brat. It's just the truth. There's always that voice in his head that tells him to push, refuse, disobey. And that means no dom has the time or patience or skill to take him down into the subspace he craves.
That is, until he meets Steve Rogers.
my thoughts: I’m a huge fan of D/s dynamics done well, and Tony’s brattiness makes so much sense with his personality, I really loved it. 
Even My Phone Misses Your Call by rainbowninja167
Steve makes it all the way to Ohio before conceding that the post-Chitauri road trip might’ve been a mistake.
Or, ten times Steve has to call Tony to come pick him up.
my thoughts: the way they slowly came together is just. It’s so well done and so sweet. 
Or Call Me Something Else by FestiveFerret
There are things Steve Rogers doesn't like about the future - see: Instagram - and there are things Steve Rogers loves about the future - see: hot, wild, no-strings-attached sex with Tony Stark. That is, until Tony drops the "b" word, and Steve realizes that what he thought was casual fun was something much more serious to the other man.
my thoughts: it’s so lovely and also slightly painful and Steve realizing that the whole time they were dating is never going to be a trope I’m tired of. 
Go Down For Your Gold by Kiyaar
Steve comes back from the dead to find Tony married to Tiberius Stone.
Thing is, it shouldn't hurt this much. It shouldn't. Tony was never his to begin with.
my thoughts: i knew this was going to hurt me so I’ve been putting off reading it. And it was even more painful than I anticipated. I adored it. 
only the gentle survives by meidui
Steve goes to Strange days before the funeral, who notices but doesn't mention his bloodshot eyes, whose mouth presses into a hard thin line as he shakes his head.
“We don't make attempts to revive the dead,” Strange says, solemn and not unsympathetic. “There is a natural order of things, and we uphold it. I’m sorry.”
my thoughts: @meidui promised to write this and it was so worth the wait. Steve’s patience and love and the way he is so very gentle in his grief is everything to me. 
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stevetonyweekly · 1 month
SteveTony Weekly - April 28 - Week 17
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Hello, friends, hopefully you had a great week! Here’s what I read this week--I revisited a favorite by Sineala. Check it out and be sure to leave comments/kudos if you enjoy it! 
Safe Haven by gottalovev, zappedbysnow
It's been three months since the Battle of New York. Four since Steve woke up in the future. Everything is still too fast, too bright, too glib. And then, as if it wasn't enough, Steve is dragged through a portal into an alternate universe. Other Him is happy, though, and that feels like hope.
my thoughts: I love Steve realizing he could and should be happy. The hope that he was given by someone else is just--so lovely to me.
Cicada Days by Captain_Panda
The serum's failing. Overwhelmed by the implications, Steve runs.
Tony Stark catches up to him. And then he puts his foot on the gas pedal.
Because nothing says summer love like a road trip.
my thoughts: come for the angst and stay for ironbound the shark. This has been on my tbr for a while because i KNEW it would hurt me, and it did. And it was lovely.
he's written mine on my upper thigh by meidui
If Tony really wanted to set boundaries, he wouldn’t be picking up Steve’s call this late at night.
If he didn’t want this ill-advised romp with Steve to go any further, he wouldn’t have been on his couch reading a book Steve left behind the one night Morgan is away at a sleepover; he would be on a date with someone his age, someone who isn’t his goddamn babysitter.
my thoughts: i'm obsessed with the way that meidui writes babysitter!Steve. He's so needy and lovely and unapologetic in his devotion to Tony, and Tony 'trying to do the right thing' Stark needs to just get onboard.
the only love i haven't screwed up by meidui
When Steve wakes up from the ice, there’s somebody waiting for him. He's handsome, and older, and he tells Steve that they're soulmates and he's waited all his life to find him.
my thoughts: the way that this soulmate fic plays out is heartbreaking and lovely.
Thrust Issues by Sineala for phoenixmetaphor
A battle gone wrong leads Tony to the unexpected and pleasant discovery that Steve is much more well-endowed than he could ever have imagined. But when Tony learns that Steve has never actually been able to sleep with anyone because of his size, Tony does what any good friend would do: he offers to relieve Steve of his virginity. Personally. Tony's determined, Tony's methodical, and Tony has a plan. He's going to get Steve laid. Tony just needs to make sure Steve never finds out that Tony's in love with him.
my thoughts: Sineala always hits just right with her Steve and Tony and I absolutely adored my reread of this one, how Steve is trying so hard to make this MORE and how Tony just--cannot fathom that Steve would ever want to date him. The 'you're straight' scene is honestly so fantastic.
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stevetonyweekly · 1 month
SteveTony Weekly - April 21 - Week 16
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Hi, all! Here’s the fic I read this week. Enjoy it and be sure to comment/kudos as you do! 
What Rough Beast by immoral_crow
Steve Rogers, super soldier. It’s amazing really that it takes them all so long to work out just what the serum can do… but given enough time all things become apparent. This is a story about love, and loss; the things we would do to be true to ourselves and true to our hearts; and the prices you must pay to do that.
(There is a more detailed description at the end, in case you want more warnings and spoilers)
you are all I was hoping for by xWinterDreamsx 
His life had been so much emptier without Tony in it, and he missed him. He missed him so much that he felt better being in his company for even a little while.
Rocky Road by sayah1112
Tony Stark has been kidnapped... again.
This time is different that the others, though, because his kidnappers are not interested in a ransom. They mean to kill him.
His only hope rests upon the smashed smartwatch on his wrist that doesn't seem to want to work. When a call finally goes through, it's to the last person in the world he wants to talk to.
His ex-boyfriend, Grant Stevens, who he put in his phone as FuckHead.
Senseless by Scavenge4Dreams
Blinded, deafened, exhausted, injured and afraid, Tony raised himself up into a defensive position, the knife coming up just like Nat had taught him.
“That had better fucking be you, Steve Rogers- it had better be you. Fucking disarm me. If you let me kill you, I swear I will be very, very pissed.” Tony snarled, sure it was Steve approaching. Had to be. Had. To. Be.
What if it wasn’t?
Maybe Tomorrow by scifigrl47
Tony Stark may well be the richest man in America. In the depths of the Great Depression, that's no small claim. When a plot is hatched for him to take in an orphan for a week, everyone knows it's a publicity stunt. No one knows it better than Officer Steve Rogers, but he's got a job to do, and he's going to do it. Doesn't mean he's going to approve.
Yes, it's an Annie AU.
Yes. That Annie.
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stevetonyweekly · 2 months
SteveTony Weekly - April 14 - Week 15
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Hi, friends! Here’s the fic I read this week. I hope you find something you like. Enjo a specific trope list being shared tomorrow as well! 
237 Years by treesramblings
“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I lost control like that. Please forgive me.” She bows before him even as her instincts scream to touch, take, eat.
“It’s okay, Miss Stark. My name is Steve Rogers. I’m—I’m so happy to meet you.”
She inches forward, trying to control herself, and sticks out a hand. He grasps it and his skin is warm, almost feverish, and Toni’s eyelids flutter.
“It’s nice to meet you, too. Natasha Antonia Stark. You—You can call me Toni.”
His smile is blinding and almost reminds her of the sun.
“Hi, Toni.”
my thoughts: this short little fic destroyed me so I’m sharing with y’all so it can do the same to you. Please come tell me what you think after you read it. 
Triskelion Crescent by seventymilestobabylon 
Steve Rogers runs a flower shop. Tony Stark owns a real estate company (eh, and it probably does other stuff too, like it's got "Industries" in the title) that's sniffing around Steve's neighborhood of Triskelion Crescent with an eye to building new developments. Triskelion Crescent fights back.
my thoughts: the story format was EXCELLENT, and the plot twist was heartbreaking, and i loved everything about this fic. EVERYTHING. 
sambar and scaffolding by seventymilestobabylon for eternalbreath 
Steve ran away from SHIELD when they unfroze him and then accidentally ended up in the same cooking class as Tony Stark. 100% fluffy nonsense birthday fic for my lovely friend Renay.
my thoughts: i have a soft for Tony calling Steve Brooklyn, and also for them cooking together. This was like catnip. 
Talking Bodies by itsallAvengers
Coincidentally, the physical effects of romantic and sexual desire match up very closely with the physical effects of fear. But it's not a problem-- it's not like anyone is going to be able to hear the way your heart speeds up, or see the minute dilation of your pupils, are they? They'd have to be some sort of Superhuman to do that.
And what's worse than a Superhuman hearing that quick pulse and seeing those dilated eyes and concluding that you're in love with them?
A Superhuman hearing that quick pulse and seeing those dilated eyes and thinking you're terrified of them.
my thoughts: I want to wrap steve up in a hug and protect him. He’s so sweet and careful and still just jumps to all the wrong conclusions. I also really loved how his abilities were highlighted. 
Theory of Mind by seventymilestobabylon 
Or, five things Steve didn't let Tony buy him, and one thing he did
my thoughts: I love this. The way that Steve and Tony just don’t communicate well is really highlighted, and how desperately they care for each other is so tender. 
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stevetonyweekly · 2 months
SteveTony Weekly - April 7 - Week 14
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Welcome to April, y’all. Here’s what I read this week--hopefully you find something to enjoy! 
all I ever knew of love by mistymountainking
For six months, nobody knew that Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were dating.
Which means no one knows they broke up six weeks ago.
a prompt fill for ishipallthings on tumblr, who asked for Steve/Tony + exes AU.
I really love the idea of Tony being the one frightened to go public, and especially the reasons behind it in this one. The pining was delicious and the angst made it all hurt in the best way possible. 
Some Kind of Personal War by sara_holmes
And Tony realizes that working out who the Winter Soldier used to be and who he is now are two entirely different things.
This and the next on the list need to be read in order, they’re a series featuring BuckyCap, Winter Soldier Steve and Tony trying very hard to help. All three are so in character it’s amazing, especially considering the twist to roles. I love the slow development to Steve and Tony’s relationship and how very earned it felt. 
I'll Draw this Line (and hope you take my side.) by sara_holmes
Steve Rogers is the Winter Soldier. He has his missions, he had his orders, he has his place in the world. If people would just stop reminding him about that time he was Captain America, it would be a lot easier to stay in that damn place.
Continuing the story from Steve’s POV, makes SKOPW seem like a walk in the park. This one hurts so much, y’all. But it’s definitely worth it to watch Steve’s journey. 
The Wrong Side of These Sheets by Demerite 
Tony keeps sleeping with his team mates. Or on them. Or next to them. Really, he just happens to sleep a lot in very close proximity to members of his team.
It's possible that Steve has come to the wrong conclusion about this, and Tony's complete and utter inability to act like a mature human being around Steve probably doesn't help matters.
At this point even Coulson wants to take action about this, because things are becoming, quite frankly, ridiculous.
MISUNDERSTANDINGS! BEDSHARING AND MISUNDERSTANDINGS and poor Steve being so confused and sad. It’s short and sweet and perfect. 
here to stay by meidui
Tony likes these damn kids even though they're a handful. Not his handful as much as they're Steve’s, mind you, but still.
He offers his help where Steve comes up short and he really is getting on great with the kids, but for some reason, Steve seems to tense up whenever he gets too close.
Steve being so protective and worried and Tony trying to make sense of it and help is everything to me. That they find their way without hurting each is even more. Read it. 
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stevetonyweekly · 2 months
SteveTony Weekly - March Podfic
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Here are the podfics I listened to this month! I’m really enjoying podfic on my daily commutes--check them out and be sure to comment and kudos if you enjoy them! 
[podfic] The Act of Creation Will Be Your Salvation by reena_jenkins, scifigrl47
"When Tony Stark was seventeen years old, he built his first AI. On that day, he ceased to be his father's creation, and became a creating force in his own right.
That one act likely saved his life, and not always in the most obvious ways."
Smaller Without You [Podfic] by miss_marina95, paraka
The doctor pulled out the teacher's chair and sat across from Steve, his hands folded and his face solemn and kindly. "It happens once in a while," he said. His voice was soft and gentle, and irrationally, it made Steve angry. Such ugly news ought to be delivered in a more fitting tone. "The most likely cause is that your intended mate died before you were born or shortly after they were born, before the bond had time to fully form. It's called a Type C or a Type--"
Steve wasn't interested in the terminology. "Is that why I'm... like this?" He gestured down at his frail, sickly body.
"Probably," the doctor said. "There are some further tests we can give you, down at the hospital, to determine--"
"Why bother?" Steve growled, slumping back in his chair and crossing his arms. "My mate is dead and no one else is going to want me, not like this." Tears stung his eyes and he blinked them back furiously.
"It's also possible, though less likely, that you're a Type A -- firstborn of the pairing -- but that your mate has simply not yet been born," the doctor said.
Reputation [Podfic] by miss_marina95, paraka
Steve thinks Iron Man is trading sexual favors to Tony Stark for perks for the Avengers, and he's determined to protect his teammate.
[podfic] Ready, Fire, Aim by reena_jenkins
There's no "I" in "Avenger."
The Winged Soul [Podfic] by badfinch (Badfinch1), inukagome15
It wasn't until he was three that he realized he was different and no one else could see the wings. [Podfic version]
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stevetonyweekly · 2 months
Hey I just saw that previous anon ask and wanted to say that your rec lists are something I look forward to each week, thank you for the work you do
Thanks, friend! I'm glad you are enjoying them!
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stevetonyweekly · 2 months
hi! I just wanted to say, I just read that PASSIVE aggressive ask, and I’m very disappointed that someone is bringing that negativity to you and this page. While I don’t know your current situation (and you don’t owe us an explanation about anything !!!), I just wanted to let you know that your weekly recommendations, even if they are just ONE, make my week and give me something to look forward to. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for ANYTHING!!! Thank you for all you do for the SteveTony niche, take care of yourself, and know you are valued and appreciated.
I completely understand if you do decide to go on a pause, just know you will always have people supporting you, if not through sharing recommendations then through supporting your work and you as an individual.
Sending so much love and light your way💕
Thanks, friend. That means a lot. I mentioned in a rec list mid-March that between work, my kids and grad school, life is just extremely busy. Not BAD at all--but busy. I love this list and I dont want to pause it but if I have to I promise I'll eventually come back.
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stevetonyweekly · 2 months
is there a reason why you don't comment or even leave kudos on some of the fics you rec?
Oh wow. Ok. A few things.
1. I read almost exclusively on my ereader which means I dont always go back and kudos/comment.
2. I run a rec blog that takes about 1.5hrs of time per list because I know I'm abysmal at kudos/comments.
3. I am already really low on time and between writing for the fandom and running the rec blog for the fandom, something has to give?? It's not perfect fandom etiquette but it's what I have spoons for.
4. Why are you stalking my comment/kudos habits?? That is...a bit more interest than I feel like you need to have in me, or that I'm comfortable with.
At the end of the day, I am a human with failings and limited time and I'm doing my best. Questions like this when so much of the rec list feels like shouting into the void AND I'm already debating pausing it while life is crazy busy is...discouraging and a little bit irritating.
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stevetonyweekly · 2 months
SteveTony Weekly - March 31 - Week 13
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Here’s what I read this week!! Check it out and be sure to comment and kudos as you’re reading! 
Never is a Promise by manic_intent
Steve had to admit that he had some reservations about how the New Century handled the social balance between alphas and omegas.
arei’s thoughts: I love this and the way that it twists A/B/O dynamics. The relationship builds so nicely.
Citation Needed by elwenyere, FestiveFerret
Historian Tony Stark has one year to get his book about WWII weapons technology under contract before he goes up for Full Professor at Stanley College. There's only one chapter left to finish, which is supposed to explain Peggy Carter's involvement with something called "Project Rebirth," but there are two problems: his trail of evidence goes cold every time he encounters references to an enigmatic soldier named Steven Rogers, and his stress levels shoot through the roof every time he runs into the endlessly frustrating new hire in Fine Arts, Dr. Grant.
arei’s thoughts: this is so lovely because the identity porn and Tony being so very--Tony. And the way  it all came out, I just love it so much. 
Counterpart by sara_holmes
coun•ter•part [koun-ter-pahrt] [noun] 1. a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function. 2. a copy; duplicate. 3. one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another.
Just because Hydra used the DNA of a Captain America from another dimension to create a lab-grown, six-year-old super-soldier, it doesn't mean that said six-year old super-soldier is biologically Steve's, right?
(Where Steve wants to ban Clint from bringing things home from alternative dimensions, until he doesn't.)
arei’s thoughts: i’m a big fan of this fic and a lot of it is down to Steve’s characterization and how much he struggles with having a child thrust upon him. It’s so very in line with the headcanon I have of Steve that it was nice seeing it here. 
Wish List by scifigrl47
It's Valentine's Day, and that's a busy day when you run a high end restaurant. Or a food truck parked outside of a high end restaurant. Some things fall through the cracks, and your friends might just start to worry things are falling apart.
arei’s thoughts: I really love scifigrl47 and this verse in particular is a favorite--this is utterly gorgeous and super sweet. 
play it back slow by meidui
“I’ve finally got you right here. I don’t wanna go full steam ahead and crash this thing before I figure out how to drive it.”
“I thought you liked running risks,” Steve says, only very distantly aware that he might look like a disheveled mess right now and doesn’t have a lot of authority.
“Not on you,” Tony says firmly, and Steve knows that’s final because Tony doesn’t often use that tone.
arei’s thoughts: this was so soft and lovely. Tony’s determination to take things slow and Steve’s desperation to…not…it was just so lovely. 
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stevetonyweekly · 2 months
SteveTony Weekly - March 24 - Week 12
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Happy Sunday, my friends! Check out this week’s five recs, and be sure to kudos and comment on the ones you enjoy! 
non functional requirements by lazywriter7
“Morning Tony.” Someone greets from close to the front row. Gwen, who’s waiting for her Macbook to complete its primeval, laborious booting up procedure, feels her shoulders sag even further down. God, not this shit again.
“Did your coffee machine explode again?”
“Implode, and no.” The lecturer – Tony – cracks a brief smile. The band t-shirt he’s got on is mostly just wrinkles, his hair flattened straight down the sides like it hasn’t been washed in a couple days. Really gives Gwen such an inspiring picture to look up to for her own prospective career in academia. “And just for that not-so-subtle commentary on my opening salvo today, I’m gonna teach this entire lecture using a metaphor.”
Gwen Stacy isn't having the greatest day, and that's before her System Designs Engineering professor starts explaining the material through the lens of his strained-sounding relationship. With his boyfriend in the audience.
arei’s thoughts: I really loved this. It’s outsider POV, and Steve is the ‘bad’ boyfriend in this, but they’re both trying--sometimes failing--to make things work. The way they lean into each other and learn from their mistakes is lovely. 
An Educational Experience (The Good Things Come To Those Who Wait Remix) by valdomarx 
Ults Tony has a nice day.
aka Tony talks Steve through sucking his cock.
arei’s thoughts: it’s no secret that I adore Ults and this one is so lovely, Steve is so grumpy and pining so damn bad if he’d get out of his own way, he could be SO HAPPY. And then it’s just hot. Check it out. 
take a long line by ShanaStoryteller
Steve knows that Tony Stark is going to be a problem from the first line in his file.
Designation: Alpha
arei’s thoughts: I love the a/b/o dynamics in this. The way that Steve kind of fumbled them on account of his coming from a different time, and the way Tony was so anxious to care for EVERYONE around him. The scene where he tries to feed Steve a sandwich is quite possibly the cutest thing I’ve read in months. 
Even the Score by Sineala 
After Tony risks his own life to save Steve from the deadly Bloodwash gas, he's in bad shape, and he needs immediate treatment. Thanks to the treatment, he doesn't quite remember what's going on, but he does remember that people have been trying to kill him and that he can't trust the government. Since the Secretary of Defense did try to murder both of them today, Steve can't exactly tell Tony he's wrong about either of those things -- but, unfortunately, Tony doesn't remember who Steve is. And, even more unfortunately, Steve taught Tony to fight.
arei’s thoughts: I love this fic. It’s a very simple plot and premise pulled from the comics but it’s just so well done, and I love seeing Tony competent and dangerous even without the suit. Sine’s characterization in this--on both Steve and Tony’s parts--is just so lovely and well done. 
pretty baited trap by Areiton
The first time Tony walks into the Trisk, he’s following Tiberius, his eyes downcast, a perfect five steps behind his Alpha. He’s wearing a suit, cut in traditional omega style, because he’s an asset, a part of the display of wealth and power as much as the car they arrived in and the expensive watch Ty is wearing, the deliberate slight of being late and the bottle of wine that hangs from three fingers, careless, like it’s not worth several thousand dollars.
It’s the same display Ty has put on a dozen and more times since they Bonded. The only thing that changes is the location, the Alpha that Ty is trying to impress.
Where Tony ends up. His role in the evening’s proceedings. Those are already determined. This is a business deal and he is the pretty baited trap.
arei’s thoughts: well, I wrote this one but. I’m adding it to the list because I kinda love it. It’s very soft, and a little dark, but the devotion that grows between Steve and Tony is…lovely. 
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