spoken-tacenda · 1 day
update: I lost to that flower girl, varina or whatever her name. FUCK YOU, DRAGON MAN
I just installed wuthering waves (terrible academic decision, I know) and I desperately want the dragon man.
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like he is so pretty??!?!?!?!? and he has this dragon thingie?!?!??!?
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spoken-tacenda · 2 days
OK but if the pencony arc actually happened to me, I'd be traumatized for life. tf you mean it was a dream and then a dream within dream and then another dream and then not a dream? bro?????
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spoken-tacenda · 6 days
I just installed wuthering waves (terrible academic decision, I know) and I desperately want the dragon man.
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like he is so pretty??!?!?!?!? and he has this dragon thingie?!?!??!?
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spoken-tacenda · 7 days
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my God! a whole minute of bliss!
is that really so
for the whole of a man's life?
-White Nights, Fyodor Dosteovsky
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spoken-tacenda · 10 days
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the preface to the picture of dorian gray is my roman empire.
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spoken-tacenda · 14 days
تو ایرانی هستییی؟ کدوم شهر؟
واقعا پست هات خیلی نازه
منم دارم واسه کنکور میخونم
امیدوارم تو هم به هدفت برسی
من از تبریزم
سلاممم. بله بله ایرانی ام :>
اجازه بده شهرمو نگم دیگه ولی ممنون از لطفت ^_^
امیدوارم هر چی میخوای بهش برسی 3>
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spoken-tacenda · 16 days
tip: do not let your desk get cluttered to the point it feels like it's gonna make you cry.
it's been said before, I know, but it doesn't make it any less important. your desk state correlates heavily with your own mental state.
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see this picture? yeah, that was me at the peak of my depressive episode; I was crying in the stairway from sheer stress.
and you know what? my desk worsened it. I constantly felt as if I had a lot to do in such little time. Everything seemed suddenly worse than it actually was.
I'm not saying cleaning up your desk is going to magically fix your life, but it'd definitely help your progress.
stay safe and sane out there, darlings.
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spoken-tacenda · 17 days
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my God! a whole minute of bliss!
is that really so
for the whole of a man's life?
-White Nights, Fyodor Dosteovsky
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spoken-tacenda · 21 days
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last year, around this time, I was at one of the lowest moments of my life. yet, here I still stand, having celebrated my 19th birthday.
my "why do I continue to exist?" has turned into "why shouldn't I live to see another day?" And of course, there are days where I barely can gather the strength to do even the simplest of acts, but I don't condemn myself for living anymore.
life begins anew the moment you decide to start anew because no moment is the same as the last.
and as one of my favorite quotes that comes from hsr goes: "may this journey lead us starward."
*pictures belong to me btw :)*
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spoken-tacenda · 1 month
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the urge to once and for all decide between my two moods of cutesy pastal and oldsey neutral is choking me.
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spoken-tacenda · 1 month
I fucking love this poem from the bottom of my heart.
“This is the house that built me and I’m gonna burn it down. This is the river I crawled from and I refuse to drown here. And bless the strippers but fuck the men. And bless the berries but fuck the farm. And bless the daughter but fuck the family. What is a home if not the first place you learn to run from? You’ve got to bite the hand that starves you, and in doing so Praise the place that birthed you. Birthed you fucked up. Birthed you ugly, and interesting, and ready to scream.”
— Courtney Love Prays To Oregon, Clementine von Radics
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spoken-tacenda · 1 month
some days, I contemplate turning this entire blog dark red. and I actually might. who knows.
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◇ red academia ◇
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spoken-tacenda · 1 month
in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter.in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter.in a year, this won't matter. in a year, this won't matter. in a year-
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spoken-tacenda · 1 month
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◇ red academia ◇
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spoken-tacenda · 2 months
genuinely what the fuck cause I went to sleep and everything was fine but now my country's at war? bro???
so apparently, out of all the fuckery I haven't had the chance to experience yet, god decided it's a good thing to start with war.
it's tough being an iranian <3
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spoken-tacenda · 2 months
so apparently, out of all the fuckery I haven't had the chance to experience yet, god decided it's a good thing to start with war.
it's tough being an iranian <3
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spoken-tacenda · 2 months
okay so confession: I've been trying to buy some "aesthetically pleasing" stationary and stuff lately so I can photograph how my day goes in PEACE and actually tell you guys about it. but I keep spending that money on books and coffee so sorry for no personal update as of late.
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