sarafangirlart · 10 hours
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Medusa with the head of Perseus, Luciano Garbati.
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sarafangirlart · 11 hours
Andromeda: thanks for saving me 🥰
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Forever heartbroken over what we lost.
Euripides Andromeda fragments
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sarafangirlart · 11 hours
It really is a fuckin ridiculous thing to put in Apollo’s mouth though 💀 I didn’t even think about the Leto thing, you’re right it completely contradicts it
Yeah lol
Tho I guess one could argue that he didn’t really believe it and just said what would get Orestes out of trouble, still really stupid tho.
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sarafangirlart · 11 hours
Perseo l'invincibile 1963 having the hardest Medusa design of all time
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sarafangirlart · 13 hours
Good!Kronos AU: List, in order, of which of his children he’s the most scared of from least scared of to most
Zeus (😈😈), Hades, Hestia, Demeter, Hera, and Poseidon
Not at all saying that Zeus, Hades, and Hestia weren’t powerful in of themselves but if the castle were to suddenly destroy itself for no reason or if one of them suddenly turned against him, let’s just say he’s not as worried as he would be if Hera, Demeter, or Poseidon suddenly turned against him
Kronos: I'd say I'm a fearless King, but that-
Kronos: *Points at Hera and Poseidon being a chaotic sibling duo with Demeter cheering them on*
Kronos: they scare me
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sarafangirlart · 24 hours
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Scene from The Iliad, Book five: Gods On The Battlefield.
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sarafangirlart · 1 day
Okay I am kinda curious why isn’t Apollo criticized for what he said in the Oresteia like if we gonna criticize Athena then we can do the same for Apollo
A lot of ppl’s first introduction to Greek mythology is Ovid’s retelling of Medusa, so when they go to read more mythology, that part in the Oresteia confirmed their grievances with Athena, while ppl’s first introduction to Apollo is when Leto was being persecuted while she was pregnant so it’s hard for ppl to imagine Apollo to make such a ludicrous statement about motherhood.
Also misogyny, and the woobification of Apollo and the other male gods.
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sarafangirlart · 1 day
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Perseus demanding that Eros help him with his love for Andromeda in two different sources is so cool. That painter is a coward for not letting Andromeda be as dark skinned as her ppl but I like that Philostratus actually writes a personality for her, I especially like the point that she’s as sturdy as a Spartan girl, it adds credence to modern interpretations of Andromeda being a warrior princess. Perseus being described as handsome af for several lines is so funny but so real.
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Forever heartbroken over what we lost.
Euripides Andromeda fragments
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sarafangirlart · 1 day
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George Miller petting his OCs after putting them through hell
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sarafangirlart · 2 days
Ares is a cop 😔
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sarafangirlart · 2 days
Quintus Smyrnaeus, Fall of Troy 14. 386 ff :
Still from Olympos thundering Atrytone [Athena] wielded her Father's power unshamed, and still the welkin shrieked around. Her ruin of wrath now upon Aias hurled she: on his ship dashed she a thunderbolt, and shivered it wide in a moment into fragments small, while earth and air yelled o'er the wreck, and whirled and plunged and fell the whole sea down thereon. They in the ship were all together flung forth: all about them swept the giant waves, round them leapt lightnings flaming through the dark. Choked with the strangling surf of hissing brine, gasping out life, they drifted o'er the sea.
But even in death those captive [Trojan] maids rejoiced, as some ill-starred ones, clasping to their breasts their babes, sank in the sea; some flung their arms round Danaans' horror-stricken heads, and dragged these down with them, so rendering to their foes requital for foul outrage down to them. And from on high the haughty Tritogeneia [Athena] Looked down on all this, and her heart was glad.
Ok, so much to unpack here, first off, good for the Trojan women to get their revenge, it reminds me of something Anya Taylor-Joy had said:
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Second off, I always found it so interesting how Athena felt remorse for destroying Troy, it doesn’t make up for the horrible things she’s done and allowed but it’s so cool nonetheless. The fact that she’s glad that the Trojan women dragged the danaans down with them is also interesting, bc it’s one of the many examples that Athena can be violent and love violence, sure she’s more levelheaded than Ares (tho tbf a feral cat is more levelheaded than Ares) but she can still be just as bloodthirsty as him, except unlike him, she actually wins her battles.
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sarafangirlart · 2 days
Every time I think of the Trojan war I get unreasonably depressed, one minute I’m like “omg Hera and Athena are so fun together!!!” Then I remember the Trojan women and can’t stop thinking about them.
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sarafangirlart · 2 days
So yes, it is pretty weird if you ship them, it’s like shipping Theseus with Ariadne. Only worse, bc Theseus didn’t enslave Ariadne.
Even if Agamemnon didn’t rape Cassandra, he still killed her friends and family (or helped kill her friends and family) and destroyed her home.
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sarafangirlart · 2 days
Ovid, Metamorphoses 4. 1, 272 & 389 ff (trans. Melville) (Roman epic C1st B.C. to C1st A.D.) :
"The Theban women throng the novel rites [of Bacchus-Dionysos], honouring the god divine, and offering incense in his holy shrine. Not so in the judgement of Alcithoe daughter of Minyas : to her Bacchus' [Dionysos'] wild rites were inadmissible. She still denied, rash girl, that Bacchus was the son of Jove [Zeus], and had her sisters too as allies in that blasphemy. The priest had now ordained a feast day: servant girls must be excused from work, and with their mistresses must swathe their breasts in skins, let down their braided hair, garland their heads, and carry in their hands the leafy staves; and fierce, he prophesied, would be his wrath if Bacchus were defied. The women, old and young alike, obeyed. Weaving, work-boxes and unfinished work they put away, and, burning incense, called on Bacchus by his many names . . . The Ismenides [i.e. women of Boiotia] cry and celebrate the rites commanded.
Only the Minyeides remain indoors and mar the festival by their untimely spinning, as they draw the strings of wood and thumb the twisting threads, or ply their loom and keep the work-girls busy. Then one, as her deft fingers drew the thread, suggested, ‘While the others have ceased work and throng those spurious rites, let us as well, busy for Minverva [Athene] now, a better goddess, lighten our useful toil with talk, and tell some tale in turn to while the tedious hours away and give delight to idle ears . . . [She relates the tale of Pyramos and Thisbe.]’
The tale had ended; a brief interval had followed; then, her sisters falling silent this time Leuconoe began her tale . . . [She tells the story of Klytie (Clytia).]
The miracle held them fascinated; one denies such things could happen; others say true gods can do all things--but Bacchus is not one of them. When they were quiet, Alcithoe was called. Running her shuttle through the upright warp . . . [and begins the tale of Salmakis (Salmacis) and Hermaphroditos.]
The tale was done but still the girls worked on, scorning the god, dishonouring his feast, when suddenly the crash of unseen drums clamoured, and fifes and jingling brass resounded, and the air was sweet with scents or myrrh and saffron, and--beyond belief!--the weaving all turned green, the hanging cloth grew leaves of ivy, part became a vine, what had been threads formed tendrils, form the warp broad leaves unfurled, bunches of grapes were seen, matching the purple with their coloured sheen. And now the day was spent, the hour stole on when one would doubt if it were light or dark, some lingering light at night's vague borderlands. Suddenly the whole house began to shake, the lamps flared up, and all the rooms were bright with flashing crimson fires, and phantom forms of savage beasts of prey howled all around. Among the smoke-filled rooms, one here, one there, the sisters cowered in hiding to escape the flames and glare, and, as they sought the dark, a skinny membrane spread down their dwarfed limbs, and wrapped thin wings about their tiny arms, and in what fashion they had lost their shape the dark hid from them. Not with feathered plumes they ride the air, but keep themselves aloft on parchment wings; and when they try to speak they send a tiny sound that suits their size, and pour their plains in thin high squeaking cries. Houses they haunt, not woods; they loathe the light; from dusk they take their name, and flit by night." [N.B. The Greek word nykteris "bat" was derived from the word "night" nyx.]
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sarafangirlart · 2 days
Even if Agamemnon didn’t rape Cassandra, he still killed her friends and family (or helped kill her friends and family) and destroyed her home.
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sarafangirlart · 2 days
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Io is not having a good time.
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sarafangirlart · 2 days
Sometimes I think that I’m being too nice to Athena considering all the bad stuff she’s done but then I remember how she was demonized in the Percy Jackson show while Poseidon wasn’t.
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