ruedhood · 22 hours
i will have to say now after a brief look into the Super Sons (2019) that i will Not be reading it. do not expect me to read an issue from this.
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i do Not support whoever the FUCK this damian "Ian" Wayne is. please take him away. he looks Scary. that is not the damian that i know
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ruedhood · 23 hours
no batman and Friends for this year's DC pride 😞😞😞 we will get bi nightwing next year Trust
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ruedhood · 3 days
ive read WF3 : World's Finest Three ( Superboy/Robin) and Oh My God, its fun !!!!
its action packed and it gives a glimpse of how Tim Drake's Robin and Kon's Superboy met. kinda crazy on how they bickered at first meeting and they didn't know how much they would mean to each other in the future.
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it shows a fun part of Tim and Alfred being rich men and turning up their nose on flying coach, which is Crazy to them apparently.
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It also shows how Superboy was uh, Prone to being manipulated by people around him given the fact that he is being Paraded like a trophy hero.
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but the sad part aside, it shows that even with minimal communication and a good amount of teenage bickering, Superboy and Robin make a kickass team together. they also kicked each other's ass but Still, they teamed up.
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in conclusion, this comic is a fun read. it only has two issues and it features Poison Ivy and Metallo as the Villains of this mini series.
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ruedhood · 5 days
oh my god im a fucking DUMBASS. a friend told me its Fun that i started reading Detective Comics and i was like ????? no i didnt. they told me I DID and i was confused bc the only new comic that ive been reading are DC comics and that is how i learned that the Full Government Name of DC comics is fucking DETECTIVE COMIC COMICS??????
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ruedhood · 5 days
i heard from the Streets (my feed) that Batman is gonna wear Nightwing's suit????? in nightwing's comic run???????
FIRST OF ALL, good luck trying to fool the world that somehow nightwing gained like 50 pounds of pure muscle in the span of a week. he will look like he got dipped in the lazarus pit jason style.
SECOND OF ALL, the whole point of nightwing is dick made his own identity, and someone else wearing it defeats his whole purpose. wtf man
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ruedhood · 6 days
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ruedhood · 7 days
if we all collectively grab batman and shake him real hard we can scramble his mind and he will cease the stupid thoughts
I am gonna head butt Bruce and hopefully kill his bitch ass.
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ruedhood · 8 days
i finally finished Red Hood : Lost Days and its a good read !!! its a 6 issue series that touched up on what has happened between the time where Jason uh, Died, and the time before he came to terrorize Gotham as the Red Hood.
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It shows a good glimpse of what Talia was thinking when she decided to care for Jason. it shows her compassion for Batman, her love that she knows would never be reciprocated in ways that she wants.
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She does not Love jason, but she loves the man that raised him, and that's enough for her to guide Jason, that's enough for her to make sure Jason has a chance to survive on his own when it became clear that simply bringing him back to Bruce would not be an option anymore.
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Throwing Jason into the Lazarus Pit has been an act of love and kindness that she showed in the only way that she knows, in the only way that she can do.
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The rest of the series is action packed and full of insights on Batman's relationship with his robins and the difference of it to Bruce's relationship to his wards. its a Good read i would totally recommend it !!
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ruedhood · 10 days
tim has the indominable human spirit because personally I would've gone crazy from just getting sent to paris to be trained by assassins
Tims “main event” timeline is actually so wild bc he became Robin through bc of his hyper-fixation when he was 14, trained for 6 months in Paris. Something about lady shiva? Stuff happened. He’s in boarding school. His roommate has a drinking problem. Then his mom died, his dad almost died, went into a coma, woke up, went into rehab, dated his nurse, married his nurse, lost the family fortune forcing Tim to drop out of boarding school and move into an apartment downtown and go to public school. He meets Bernard. His dad learns he’s Robin. Tim quits being Robin. Stephanie becomes Robin for a bit? Tim goes back to being Robin. His dad is murdered by captain boomerang. Stephanie died? Jason comes back to life? There’s a school shooting and his public school is closed. He goes to a different high school. Bruce tried to adopt him and he invents a fake uncle. Stephanie is alive. Jason playfully tries to kill him/commit acts of psychological warfare? Damian shows up. He’s no longer Robin. Bruce goes missing in time/dead? Jason tried to kill him again? Red Robin era. He dropped out of high school. Bruce is alive, Tim was right. Oh Tim just realized he’s bisexual and he has to save his crush from the pain cult. They’re boyfriends now. He lives on a boat. He’s 18/19
All the while he was in teen titans and young justice. His best friend died. He did cloning experiments? He watched Santa die?? He traveled the multiverse several times? Stephanie was pregnant at some point? He dated so many girls? His future self is evil and loves to psychologically torment his present day self? Wild
When did you have the time Tim? When?
I know this timeline isn’t 100% accurate but it’s pretty damn close
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ruedhood · 10 days
good news i finished Tim Drake : Robin, bad news i need More i want More i crave More i should've had a DC interest back when this was on going because i would've been the biggest hypeman ever.
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Tim Drake unaware king, he doesn't know he lives in a place that would be the Top One Spot for hiding twenty bodies stitched together like the second coming of human centepede.
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this also shows timbern loserboyxloserboy they are both losers about each other. they are so whipped with each other. i bet they sleep with the other in their mind and they twirl their hair while thinking of the other. Losers.
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it also showed the 'vigilante is accused that they are dating their Own Vigilante Self' and its Funny
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in conclussion, read Tim Drake : Robin so you can see him as a badass vigilante and the most loserboy boyfriend ever. he Cannot lie to bernard, he is Whipped.
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ruedhood · 11 days
i have finished reading Robin Son of Batman and Oh My God this is a recommended read !!!
i loved how damain's growth was shown in the whole series. i also love how despite the fact that he is a prickly little kid on this series, his pricks are actually Soft and Harmless. he was easy to form camaraderie and easy to accept help.
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he has travelling companions too !!! like he is a boy in a trip. kinda crazy how no one was shocked that there is a kid frolicking worldwide with no supervision but to be honest if i saw a kid with a demon bat as a companion i would steer clear too.
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his pets are there too !! in conclussion, please read robin son of batman. it has a sneak peak to we are robin and a bit of red hood / arsenal , as well as a glimpse for grayson. its a fun 13 issue series !!
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ruedhood · 12 days
kinda crazy how jason's arguably Best red hood design which is This
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and its from the fucking GOTHAM WAR. its not that i Hate gotham wars but the plot leaves little to be desired. frankly i wish they keep this jason design for future red hood appearance because he served cunt in this design
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he is so fucking cool in this design that i almost forgot there was a time where his red helmet had his face embossed on it.
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ruedhood · 14 days
made the mistake of starting Three comic runs at the same time why am i like this
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ruedhood · 15 days
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most relatable part of tim drake : robin so far is tim walking back home like a lovesick fool after his date with bernard. i would also walk home like a loser if i had a date with my hot boyfriend
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ruedhood · 15 days
just Woke up to the news that bart allen is not ginger at all ????? since When ????? did i just imagine bart having a poofy ginger hair?????
i think one of the biggest shocker that ive learned Today bc im a fakeass and i dont read justice league stuff is that Barry Allen, Mr The Flash, is not ginger.
Like wdym both Wally West, Mr Kidflash, and Bart Allen, Mr Impulse, are both ginger and somehow Barry Allen is not???? i thought they pass on ginger genes like male orange cats.
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ruedhood · 16 days
i think one of the biggest shocker that ive learned Today bc im a fakeass and i dont read justice league stuff is that Barry Allen, Mr The Flash, is not ginger.
Like wdym both Wally West, Mr Kidflash, and Bart Allen, Mr Impulse, are both ginger and somehow Barry Allen is not???? i thought they pass on ginger genes like male orange cats.
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ruedhood · 16 days
reading tim drake: robin and OH MY GOD
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i know having a terrible haircut is a part of the experience of being gay but he should've sued his barber for this.
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