mushies-stories · 3 days
Writing With Color: Helps with writing about culture, ethnicity, and religion. Overall, it gives advice on how to write about diversity.
Name Generator: As the name says, it helps you build names for your characters. Very useful if you cannot think of names for your characters!
KathySteinemann: The 'archive.pdf' section helps you with synonyms in case you struggle to find the right word for your sentences (also to avoid using redundant words).
Spwickstrom: Similar to the previous one, this one provides grammar tips. Extremely helpful when finding phrases, verbs, conjunctions, adjectives, and so on.
Servicescape: The perfect website if you're experiencing writer's block. It provides writing prompts. It helps you spark creativity when it comes to writing.
reblog to help other writers !!
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mushies-stories · 3 days
The symbolism of flowers
Flowers have a long history of symbolism that you can incorporate into your writing to give subtext.
Symbolism varies between cultures and customs, and these particular examples come from Victorian Era Britain. You'll find examples of this symbolism in many well-known novels of the era!
Amaryllis: Pride
Black-eyed Susan: Justice
Bluebell: Humility
Calla Lily: Beauty
Pink Camellia: Longing
Carnations: Female love
Yellow Carnation: Rejection
Clematis: Mental beauty
Columbine: Foolishness
Cyclamen: Resignation
Daffodil: Unrivalled love
Daisy: Innocence, loyalty
Forget-me-not: True love
Gardenia: Secret love
Geranium: Folly, stupidity
Gladiolus: Integrity, strength
Hibiscus: Delicate beauty
Honeysuckle: Bonds of love
Blue Hyacinth: Constancy
Hydrangea: Frigid, heartless
Iris: Faith, trust, wisdom
White Jasmine: Amiability
Lavender: Distrust
Lilac: Joy of youth
White Lily: Purity
Orange Lily: Hatred
Tiger Lily: Wealth, pride
Lily-of-the-valley: Sweetness, humility
Lotus: Enlightenment, rebirth
Magnolia: Nobility
Marigold: Grief, jealousy
Morning Glory: Affection
Nasturtium: Patriotism, conquest
Pansy: Thoughtfulness
Peony: Bashfulness, shame
Poppy: Consolation
Red Rose: Love
Yellow Rose: Jealously, infidelity
Snapdragon: Deception, grace
Sunflower: Adoration
Sweet Willian: Gallantry
Red Tulip: Passion
Violet: Watchfulness, modesty
Yarrow: Everlasting love
Zinnia: Absent, affection
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mushies-stories · 9 days
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here's a bunch of spongebob titlecards i hoarded
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mushies-stories · 1 month
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mushies-stories · 2 months
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JOHN PRICE Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (2023)
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mushies-stories · 2 months
Ok but Dilf! Price seeing you lost in Home Depot while you’re trying to find a door handle or something or make a copy of a key and he notices you lost as hell and he asks
“You lost sweetheart?”
With a smirk, and your brain short circuits because he’s so sexy looking down at you like this 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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mushies-stories · 2 months
Our home
Drabble -Fluff
John Price X GN!Reader
Summary: your newly moved in and John has been spending a lot of time at work, so much that you were starting to really feel neglected. John will make it better though, he has too.
Warnings: crying?
Authors note: hiiii i adore super sweet and adorable price :D thats it, this is comfort and fluffy.
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John had been working later the past few weeks and you were really starting to feel abandoned. He would come home after you were already fast asleep. Though you had tried to stay up later the first week, it became evident he was not going to be coming home anytime soon. He woke so early you barely get to have a sip of coffee with him in your plush robe and messy hair before he's out the door. Leaving you with a kiss to the forehead and a little pout on your lips. 
You were growing more and more fed up with not having a moment with him, you had moved in to be closer but he's been working so much you feel like you're living alone again. You try to convince yourself you're being dramatic, that he’s a captain and he's busy. His work was important and you shouldn’t feel like he's ignoring you… he’s not leaving you behind, no, never… right? You can't help but have those thoughts, that he has already grown tired of you. 
It was when you noticed it had been nearly a month, he had stayed late every night, came home to you sleeping and left before you hardly had time to wake up. The whole day you couldn't help the moping. You shuffled around the house on your day off with nothing to do. You had no motivation to call up a friend or even go to a store. All you wanted was for John to come home early for once or even on time.
You finally got tired, watching a dumb movie on the couch and fell asleep. A blanket half haphazardly slung over your middle while you curled up into a little ball. 
Hours later John was quietly closing the door and taking his boots off when he looked over and saw you. You were asleep on the couch with the movie's home screen lighting the room.
He smiles softly when he crouches in front of you, a hand coming up to stroke your hair. “Love.” he says softly, making you stir in your sleep. “C’mon love, lets get ya ta bed, eh?” his thumb strokes your cheek gently.
You shake your head a little and swat his hand away. “D’wanna.” is all you mumble. 
John cocks a brow at you. “Why not, what's wrong with our bed lovie?” he asks, his fingers continuing to try and soothe you awake.
You nuzzle into the couch a little. “To empty.” your voice is quiet, justice above a whisper. 
Confused John shakes his head before sliding his arms under you then lifting you to his chest. You let out a squeaky yelp and cling to his shirt. He takes you to the bedroom while you try and blink your eyes awake. “What ya talkin’bout? Cause yer pretty self ain't in it, that's why.” he retorts and sets you down on the bed. 
You can't help the tears that immediately form in your eyes when you look up at him. He didn't get it…”No that’s… it’s empty because of-” you hesitate a moment, a tear rolling down your cheek and look down at your lap, avoiding John's eyes.
He doesn't like that. Slowly long fingers are tilting your chin up so your eyes are locked with his. “What is it love, what's wrong?” he asks, voice smooth and calming. He didn’t understand why you were so sad all of a sudden but he didn’t like it.
You blink a few tears away which he swiped at with the pad of his thumb. You let out a shaky breath. “You… it's so empty and you aren't here John.” you finally confess. Your tears fall uncontrollably now and you can’t help the little hiccup that escapes you. You hadn’t even realized you had been this affected until you couldn't stop crying. 
John hates seeing you this way, he never liked when you cried and the fact that he caused it? No he couldn’t have this. You were his world, how could he sit here and watch you suffer because of him.
“Love, I'm sorry, ya know I don't mean to be gone so much.” he sank to one knee in front of you and placed his hands on your thighs, looking up at you. “I love ya so much doll, ya know i do, don't ya?” he asks, eyes focused on your blurry ones. 
You nod a little. “I know…” You tell him, voice hushed and shaky.
He mirrors your small nod with a little smile. “Sometimes i need a little remindin is all. Need you to tell me to slow down sometimes because my work has always taken everything over.” he lets out a short breath. “But i need ya too love, i think about you all day. Been trying to finish up this last bit of preparation and paperwork before this next mission. I'll be gone for a while and i just want to spend as much time with ya before i go.” he explained, the exhaustion and stress written clear across his face.
The way John looked at you, so much care and concern, you knew he didn’t mean to make you feel this way. You smile a little and bring a hand up to his jaw, caressing the softness of his beard. “I'm sorry, I just started to really miss you.” you admit. “i know you work hard, i don't want to add any more stress an-”
“Dove, please dont say stuff like that.” John cuts you off before your head can spiral too fast. “Ya’ve done nothin wrong. Ya need to tell me these things, tell me when yer hurting so i can help. I need ya to be okay above all else, got that?”
Your smile widens a little. “I will, I promise.” you say and lean in to press your soft lips to his, giving him a gentle kiss. “I love you John.” you tell him when you pull back to look into his eyes again. “I don't know what I'd do without you.” 
With his hands now traveling along your thighs, John smirks up at you. “Probably better off.” he jokes, a little. 
You swat at his shoulder and shake your head. “Don't say that.” you scold with a half-hearted scowl. “You're good for me John, you can't tell me otherwise.” you say adamantly. 
He smiles at you, big and genuine. “Well, how’sbout this, tomorrow i'll go to the barracks, delegate a little and come home early?” John offers, his hands now kneading your plush thighs. His calloused fingers
Your eyes light up. “Really?” 
He nods. “Really, the boys can handle it for one day.” He says.
You wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle a little into his neck. “I'd really like that.” you say, voice going shaky again. Your tears were from joy and relief however. John was so kind and he listened to you, never blamed you and treated you so wonderfully. You were glad you were here with him, in his home and his life. 
John welcomed your embrace by wrapping his own arms around your back, pulling you into his lap on the ground. You giggled when he peppered the side of your head with kisses. “So, what do you want to do tomorrow, whatever you want, love.” 
You think for a moment but only one thought comes to mind. “I want to stay here, at home. I want to spend that day relaxing and enjoying some peaceful time together… maybe we could make dinner together too?” you offer, pulling back enough to look up at him a little. 
“That sounds wonderful love.” He agrees and kisses the top of your head.
Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough you thought.
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mushies-stories · 2 months
Johnny and his sweet S/O 18+
John 'Soap' MacTavish X F!Reader
summary: literally just a little smut drabble. Johnny cums in his boxers while eating you out :D
Happy Easter to those who celebrate!
Warnings: 18+ smut! oral(f), fingering, cum tasting
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“Johnny! Please… please mm’so close.” You whine and moan. Your fingers tug gently at what little hair you can grasp at while Johnny’s tongue is doing wonders on your clit. He sinks two thick fingers into your sopping hole. The action causes your back to arch and force your pussy closer to his face. 
Johnny groaned into your heat. His sweet little girlfriend was whining so prettily for him. His cock was trapped, throbbing and leaking precum in his boxers. They felt so tight and with the way his cock rubbed against the mattress below him it was hard to keep himself from cumming. Your sweet sounds only egged him on more, wanting to make you cum all over his tongue was making his cock ach for release. “S’good Bonnie, perfect pussy.” he mumbles against you, his hot breath and rumble of his voice making your body shiver. “Gunna cum dove, make a mess f’me?” You nod dumble, just able to make eye contact with him before another pleasurable shock hits you and your eyes are screwing shut, mouth open in a little ‘o’ as soft gasps leave your pretty lips. Doubling down on his efforts he picks up the pace just a little, making sure to suck your clit and swirl your tongue around it. 
Within moments your high crashes over you. You feel your pussy gushing over the stimulation and you can't hold back any of the lewd sounds you were making. Sounds that were like music to Johnny's ears, or cock really. All of his senses were clouded with you. Your moans and whimpers, hands urging him forward, the taste of your slick all had his cock twitching and coating his boxers white. He pulled his fingers from your cunt and replaced them with his tongue. You mewled and whined at the over stimulation but he couldn’t stop, not until he was satisfied and his cock stopped twitching. 
When he pulled away he couldn't help but smile at the mess he made of you. Your pussy was dripping and the mess you made of his bed was evident. Your eyes were half lidded and legs twitch a little when he pulled them down from his shoulders. “Did so good f’me Bonnie, sweet thing cummin so much.'' He kisses your thigh and leans back on his knees before getting off the bed. 
You look at him curiously and sit up, only mildly aware of the mess you made. “Where are you going?” you ask him with a little tilt of your head.
He gives you a sheepish grin, a little embarrassed to admit that he already came. “Well Bonnie, ye already made me.. Well y’know.” he says, voice a little quieter than usual. 
You adjust to be on your knees, looking up at him with big doe eyes, a small smile plays at your lips. “Really?” you ask sweetly, eyes trailing down a little to see a little dark patch on his jeans. To say you weren't a little proud of yourself, you’d be lying. 
Chuckles he shakes his head a little in shame. “Aye.” he admits. His hands go to his belt and slowly undoes his pants enough to shimmy them down a bit. He slides his hand into his boxers and feels how much he really came. You watch him with blown pupils as he gathers some of his seed on his fingers to show you. Your breathing hitches at the sight, he came a lot, and you didn’t get to feel it. Unconsciously you leaned forward, closer to his hand until your tongue could dart out and lick along the bottoms of his middle and index finger. Your eyes flutter a little when you look up at him, the taste of him making you moan when you swallow. “Fuckin hell Dove.” he groans, cock twitching at the sight. 
You give him a little pout of your lips. “Next time I want to feel you cum Johnny.” you whine.
At that, Johnny felt the blood rushing down fast. “Ya? Need to feel me t’fill you up Dove?” you respond with another dumb nod. “Looks like we're just gettin started then aye?” Johnny smirks down at you before crawling back over your body, finishing what he started and giving you what you really need.
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mushies-stories · 2 months
Showering with TF141 for the first time headcanons
Warnings: little suggestive, 18+
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John Price
Showering with John the first time made you feel like you had been doing it wrong your whole life. 
He has separate shampoo, conditioner and body wash. None of it smells too strong but over is a more masculine scent. He even suggested that maybe you bring some of your own shower supplies over to keep at his place.
He let you take up most of the warm water, the selfless and generous man he is. ^v^
Pampers you. John washes your hair and body without question. 
Thinks grooming each other is not only romantic but also is a strong form of bonding and closeness. He craves your attention and presence and showering together is perfect for that.
He uses a loofah to scrub your body, standing a little closer while he washes your back. His hands are firm but gentle as they caress your body and lather it in soapy suds. 
You lean with your head and back to his chest while his hands massage over your breasts and stomach. Teasing you just a little, fingers grazing along your nipples a little too much as he presses you closer against him. 
When his hand dips between your thighs and he runs his fingers between your folds you can’t contain the little moan you let out. He smiles into the crook of your neck and does it again and chuckles when your back arches, pressing your ass against him.
“Feel good love?” he teases. his hand abandoned your heat to rinse the rest of the soap off your body. With little sighs of protest from you. 
When he washes your hair, his hands are too gentle and so delicate that you could hardly believe they could ever be used for violence. He takes care not to snag any tangles and works them out with his fingers. Your eyes flutter shut when he starts to massage your scalp.
He makes sure not to get the soap in your eyes.
Is more than delighted when you take to washing him as well. Smiles and hands over the loofah. 
Maybe it's just me.. But… I imagine John standing in front of you with your back against the cold shower wall, his arms caging you in while you trail the loofah along his skin. 
It actually takes everything in him not to get to hard and fuck you. He had time for that later. Once you finally moved in he couldn't see a reason why he couldn't shower with you every chance he could get. 
Lets you use his bathrobe and laughs at how big it was on you. Make a mental note to buy you one of your own in your favorite color, but fluffier. 
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
At first Simon wasn’t sure if showering together would be that good of an idea. He already took up a lot of space. When you finally convinced him and managed to actually fit you both in he was a little surprised. 
You fit but he didn't get as much of the water, otherwise he would take it all.
To your horror Simon uses a 2in1 shampoo and conditioner BUT he does have separate body wash. 
Nothing too extreme or strong for scent. Body Wash is like  irish spring or something but even lighter.
He was going to just take care of himself real fast then focus on you but you stopped him, hand on his arm and reaching for the bodywash yourself. You ask him with those sweet eyes of yours if you can help. He nods silently and lets you do as you please. 
The only thing he has is a sad looking rag so you opt to just use your hands, rubbing the soap over his chest and shoulders, making him turn around so you can reach his back. 
(if you are brave and so desire, you may try and cop a feel, go ahead. Just be ready to get your wrist snatched as he whips back around with a glare.)
But overall he enjoys the attention, it's soothing and relaxing and he's groaning when you wash his hair. Your fingers raking across his scalp helps his mind slow down a little.  
Insists on repaying the favor, being as nice and gentle as you were, caressing your body in his large hands. He had an easier time washing your body than you did his, making sure to reach every little crevasse of your body.
He's tried really hard to be gentle with your hair. He doesn't want to pull on any tangles and ultimately fails. But he kisses your head every time he snagged his fingers in your hair.
“Sorry lovie… not meanin’ta tug so much.” he mumbles an apology. 
Simon decided he didn’t really mind showering together, you actually made it a much more enjoyable process, not just something for necessity. 
After the shower he gives you one of his white shirts that covers just below your ass to lounge in, just to see your still damp body through the thin fabric. 
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John 'Soap' MacTavish
Johnny was the one who dragged you into the shower with him with one clear goal. To make you smell like him before you go out with your friends, he had to get up early and decided to stay home.
Only problem.. Mans uses 3in1… granted its extra scented and you won't be able to mistake it was meant for men. But still, your cringe at the thought of using it. Even though you complain the whole time he’s lathering your body up and chuckles at you. 
He doesn't even have a rag, just a true dude really, roughing it in the shower. Just uses his rough calloused hands that sends chills down your spine instead.
Is handsy, can't stop himself from groping your breasts and lingering a little too long between your thighs. Even nipping and kissing your shoulder once he washed your body off. 
You have to bat his hands away to make sure you're not late, knowing you still have to get ready. 
“M’sorry dove, just so pretty and naked for me.” he groans into your ear, holding your back to his chest, hands cupping your breasts. “Sure ya gotta go? Can't just stay’er with me?” he pleads with you. 
You firmly, while giggling from his kisses on your neck, tell him you can't.
When he washes your hair he puts a little too much in and you have to squeeze your eyes shut and rely on Johnny to help you to the water. Teases you when you cling to him in your blinded state.
Honestly he wanted to ask you to wash him too but he knew you were running late so he did it himself quickly so you could get ready. 
Overall you don't mind his playfulness or his touchiness, with more time you would even indulge in it, but with better shower supplies. 
Drapes the towel over your shoulders and wraps you in his arms to keep you warm from the cold air.
good thing you at least had your makeup and outfit with.
You promise to buy a few new things for him, so you feel better about showering at his place. Then you'll make sure to give him the same treatment, with much more time. 
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Kyle, like John, has separate products. The scent of his body wash is stronger but with a... spicy?? under-tone to it.
Showering with him is a little slow, and lazy. He normally likes to shower right when he gets up and this time you just happen to join him, wanting to spend as much time with him before he leaves for the day. Not like he was complaining.
Keeps you close so you both can enjoy as much of the warm water as possible. Holds you to his chest most of the time  
Goes to wash himself before you stop him and take the body wash from him with a small smile. His heart flutters when you softly ask if you could help, which he responds to with a tired smile and a nod.
He lets himself relax, enjoying your hands lathering his body in suds. You were gentle and a little hesitant at first but soon gained full confidence when he handed you the shampoo and asked you to wash his hair too. 
You do so happily. You scratch and massage his scalp, making him groan with delight as the relaxing sensation. 
Before you even think of washing yourself, he's doing the exact same thing and stealing the bodywash, telling you it was his turn.
He’s respectful, only gripping onto your hips a little and cupping your breasts for only a moment. He has work and can't give you the attention you deserve. 
But that doesn't stop him too much, still not able to resist grabbing your ass and pulling you in for a lazy kiss.
When he washes your hair, he practically has you falling back asleep while you lean against him. He decided he could just eat on his way to base, making sure you were clean and happy was currently his top priority now.
Takes a moment to hold you under the showerhead, relishing in the warm water and you against him before reluctantly turning the water off.
He only has towels, but they're big and cover most of your body.
While he dresses, you crawl back in bed. Naked and clean. Kyle smirks and tells you that you better be right there, just like that when he gets home tonight. And you happily obliged. 
“Just like that, got it? Want ya naked and ready yeah.” He instructs with a glint in his eye.
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mushies-stories · 2 months
Important thing to remember: the only reason the number of deaths in Palestine are going down is because there isn't enough people to kill.
Read that again.
The only reason the number of deaths in Palestine are going down is because there isn't enough people to kill.
The genocide is still happening. The cruelty and inhumanity is still happening.
People are not numbers.
It is time we stop treating them as such.
Free Palestine.
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mushies-stories · 2 months
Drinking- how TF141 handles a clingy drunk reader for the first time
PART ONE- Price and Soap
PART TWO- Ghost and Gaz
Warnings: drunk reader, little tiny bit suggestive... think that's it?
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
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Kyle had gotten off work a bit early, the mission going faster than expected but just as tiring. The only thing on his mind was seeing you, he needed to feel your soft body against his.
He called you from his car, figuring it was early enough and you'd still be awake. He was correct, but when you answered the phone you didn't sound like your usual self. Your words are slow and a little slurred. “Baby, ya okay?” he asks.
You hum a response. “M’okay, just been drinking a little.” you tell him. 
“Sounds like it, you alone at home love?” he asks, a little nervous. It wasn't like you to get drunk by yourself, or really that often at all actually.
“Yeah… but could you come over, please.” your voice was a little shaky and it twisted something in Kyle's gut. 
“Of course lovie. Be there in just a bit, eh?” he tells you. His drive was faster than normal, you sounded off and it worried him. His only thought was to get to you and the elevator ride up to your flat seemed endless. 
When you entered he saw you sitting on the couch, wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, glass of red wine and an almost empty bottle next to it. 
Your head turned when you heard his steps and the sound of his shoes being kicked off. “Kyle.” you say quietly. Standing you shed the blanket and take a few shaky steps towards him. 
He rushed to meet you, wrapping his arms around your waist and holding you against himself. Your own arms wrap around his middle, gripping the back of his shirt. “What's wrong love, why ya crying?” he asks, voice tender and soft. His warm eyes looking over your tear stained cheeks before wiping a tear away. 
You give him a small shrug. “I'm just so tired, and work was stressful. I just wanted to relax a little and I knew you are normally at the base late...” you admit. 
Kyle hums softly before kissing the top of your head. “Well, drinking is no way to feel better, right lovie?” he asks, making sure you look at him by guiding your face to look at his. “Next time, just let me know, be over as soon as i can.” he tells you. 
You give him a small smile. “I will, I'm sorry I know I was overreacting.”
“None of that love, let's just get ya to bed.” he says with a sweet smile. You lean into his touch and nod. 
He figured after such a stressful day you should take a hot bath. Topped with some essential oils he found it was ready. You both relax in the warm water. Kyle behind you so you can rest your head on his chest. 
“Thank you kyle.” you mumble. Eyes closed and soldering his arms around you, you sigh constantly. “I love you.” you add, a little slower and sleepier. 
Kyle smiles down at you. Perfectly content in his arms, just as he wanted. Here to keep you safe and happy. “Anything for your lovie, I love ya too.” he says. Just above a whisper, the last coherent words you heard before drifting off. 
When you had dozed off Kyle gathered your body in his arms and brought you to bed then wrapped you in a fluffy towel. The whole time you barely even stirred in your sleep. He crawled in next to you and wrapped you in his arms once again, this time pulling your head to his chest, arm holding you back so your firm against him. 
He kisses your nose. “Goodnight love.” he says. That night you both slept soundly. Kyle happily content with your bare body against his own.
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
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Simon had called after getting back from a long mission, wanting to see you instead of going home alone. All he needed at the moment was your arms wrapped around him. 
To his delight you had picked up, even in the late hour. To his disappointment however, it sounded like you were out with friends.
That didn't seem to mean much to you. Judging by your excited time when you answered. “Si? You home already?” you ask, smile evident in your tone. 
He smiles to himself. “Yeah, sound busy though doll, see ya tomorrow?” he offers. 
You make a sound of displeasure. “But I gotta see you tonight Si, please? I'll get an uber right now!” Simon just chuckles and tells you to stay put, he will come and get you. 
Not even twenty minutes later and you're in his passenger seat with his hand on your bare thigh and a drunkenly sweet smile plastered across your face. You loved admiring Simon, even with most of his face concealed. Everything about him made you drawn to him. 
“See something ya like love?” Simon chuckles and glances over to you. His hand on your thigh squeezes the soft skin.
You nod and giggle. “Always see something I like around you, Si.” 
He snorts before paying attention to the road, eyes focus on getting home. You babbled about your night with your friends and he nodded along, humming in response when he needed to agree with you, all the while his hand rests on your warm plush thigh and a small smile plays at his lips. 
You were adorable. The way you stared at him the whole time like he was the moon, the way your hands laid atop his and gripped it when you talked. 
He loved the attention. From you, and only you that is. Loved that you just wanted to see him, needed too. 
When you got back to his place, he carried you in. insisting that the stairs were too much for you and it would be faster. “S’alright love, just let me bring you up. Be much faster.” he explained.
The whole way you kissed at his neck, making sure to lift his mask enough so you could pepper them to his jawline. “Lovie, none of tha. S’to late and you.” he glanced down at you and your blushing cheeks, warm from the alcohol. “Are much too hammered.” he chuckles, stepping into his flat before closing and locking the door. 
“But Si… I missed you so much, you were gone for a whole week.” you pout softly up at him after he set you down on his bed.
One of his hands comes out to cradle the side of your head, making you look up at him and hold his gaze. “Don't worry lovie, when your pretty little head is pounding tomorrow, I'll make sure to do everything I can to help you forget about it.” he promises. 
I shiver rolls down your back and you smile dumbly up at him, the thought of what to come already turning the little gears in your head. Simon however forces you to push the thoughts aside and get ready for bed instead.
With you in only his shirt, his mask set aside and his protective arm wrapped securely around your middle, you start to drift off. “Love you Simon, can't wait for tomorrow.” 
Simon kisses the side of your head. “Love you too doll, can't wait.”
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mushies-stories · 2 months
Slater's Guide to Military Terminology and Information
A guide for fanfiction readers and writers in the Call of Duty fandom (from a former competitive COD player herself). AKA a guide of how I write military speak and literally every vaguely military thing I've researched and learned that can be used in a story lol
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Location Terminology
LZ: Landing Zone, used for aircraft
AO: Area of Operation, where an exercise will take place
Target Area: Area with specific target, such as a person or object
Alpha/Beta/Charlie etc. (Site): Separate locations within the AO delineated by separate names
Movement Callouts
Advancing: Moving Forward
Pushing: Moving forward, often used in writing as quickly moving forward specifically towards an enemy
Strafing: 1. (COD game) moving sideways while continuously facing the same direction [oftentimes while shooting at an enemy] 2. (Real life) Shooting at an enemy from a low-flying aircraft
Retreating/Falling back: Moving away from an enemy, oftentimes because you do not have the ability to fight them any longer
Holding: Staying put in a single place
Cover to Cover: Moving from a position that is concealed from enemy fire to another position concealed by enemy fire
Breaking Away: Splitting off from a group
Pursuing: Following an objective or target
Pinned Down: Unable to move due to an enemy's maneuvers or fire
*EXTRA* Anaconda Maneuver: A reference to a large-scale military maneuver performed in 1861 by the American Union Army in the Civil War, which is simply "We'll take 'em from the front AND the back at the same time!!".....which is really fitting cause its called the Anaconda maneuver lol
Enemy Callouts
"Movement!" - There is someone moving in front of me
"# Tangos" or "# Combatants" or "# Enemies" or "# X-Rays" etc. - There are # number of enemies
"Taking enemy fire!" - I am being shot at by the enemy
"Contact!" - I see the enemy, they see me, we are firing at each other
"Taking heavy fire!" - I am being shot at by the enemy and it's a desperate situation; can also mean that the enemies have armor-piercing weapons
"Visual on enemy/objective/target/hostage" etc - I see the enemy /objective/target/hostage etc
"Taking small-arms fire!" - (Specifically for aircraft) Our aircraft is being shot at by regular sized guns from ground troops
"I have eyes on..." - I can see...
"# Military Aged Males" - Terminology used to describe men who are roughly 18-40 years old. They're usually plain-clothed, but because they fall into the correct age range to be drafted into the military/have military training, they are specifically flagged in case they pose a threat
“# Unknowns” - Used to describe unidentified possible combatants in a place of interest. They do not always mean that that person is a soldier. Sometimes, they can be civilians.
Common Radio Speak
Note: Preceding any radio communication, radio callsigns are often used to identify one's self. Radio callsigns are mad complicated, so I won't explain them specifically, but for more info on their usage, check the "Dialogue Examples" section at the end of this post!
"Please Advise" - Please tell me what I should do in this situation
"Send Traffic" - Tell me what you want to tell me.
"Go for [Callsign]" - I'm here, listening to you
"Repeat your last" - Repeat what you last said
"[Callsign] to Actual" - 'Actual' refers to the commanding officer
"How copy?" - What/how are you doing?
"Negative" - No
"Affirmative" or "Affirm" - Yes
"Copy" - Copy that
"Planting charges" or "Planting mine" or "Planting anchors" - I am planting explosive charges/mine/anchors
"Advancing/pushing to second deck" - I am moving to the second floor
"Jackpot" - We took the object or person we were looking for into custody
"Possible jackpot" - I have possibly found the person or object we came for
"Engaging" - I am going to start fighting the enemy
"3, 2, 1 - Enter! Enter!" or "3, 2, 1 - Breach!" - used when forcefully entering a building or doorway
"All Units" or "All Stations" - Precedes a message that is relevant to all personal on a mission
"Requesting [something]" (ex. backup, air support, recon overhead etc) - I request backup
"Be advised" - Be aware of something
"Check Fire" - Watch where you're firing; this can also mean you've accidentally shot a teammate or civilian
"Standby" - Hold on
“Secure the area” - Make sure there are no enemies in the area/kill all the enemies in the area
“Occupy the area” - forcefully stay in one place, defending it from enemies
Common Miscellaneous Acronyms and Nicknames
PID - Positive Identification
MTC - Mission Time Clock, refers to how much time a team has to complete a mission
RTB - "Returning to Base"
CO - Commanding Officer
NCO - Noncommissioned Officer
FOB - Forward Operating Base
MIA - Missing in Action
KIA - Killed in Action
AWOL - Absent Without Official Leave
EOD - Explosive Ordinance Disposal
IED - Improvised Explosive Device
SERE (Training) - Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape
DMZ - Demilitarized Zone
VIP - Very Important Person, a person one is escorting through a certain area or otherwise protecting
SpecOps - Special Operations
MedEvac - Medical Evacuation
Op - Operation
Infil - Infiltration
Exfil - Exfiltration
Payload - 1. supplies, objects, or weapons that are being delivered somewhere 2. A bomb that is being dropped
Wilco - “Will Comply”
Radio and Military Related Slang/Jokes
GOFO - "Grasp Of the Fucking Obvious"
Chest Candy - Ribbons/awards that a soldier earns
Whiskey Foxtrot - Stands for military letters W and F, meaning "What the fuck?"
"Out here" - used on the radio to signal that you've finished talking, usually preceded by a radio callsign
Charlie Foxtrot - Stands for military letters C and F, meaning "clusterfuck"
FUBAR - Fucked beyond all repair
"Got your six" or "Bringing up your six" or "Watch your six" - "I've got your back" or "I'm bringing up the rear" or "watch your back"
Plebe - a new recruit, someone without any experience
Oscar Mike - Stands for the military letters O and M, which is used to mean "We Are On the Move"
Mike-Mike - Stands for millimeter, which is often used to describe the size of grenades (i.e. 40 Mike Mike)
Barrack's Bunny - someone who has sex with many people throughout the barracks
Sandbox/sandpit - slang for a desert area
Chair Force - refers the USA Air Force
Civvies - Means "Civilians" or "Civilian clothing"
Mandatory Fun - company organized events/dinner
"Drop 'em" - drop from a aircraft or kill someone
GRUNT - Stands for "general, replaceable, untrained", refers to low ranking infantrymen
Jarhead - refers exclusively to marines
Flyboy - derogatory term for Air Force members
"Rog'" - Roger that
"Squirters" - people who run out of the back door of a building that is being attacked
"Danger close" - an attack being send from an aircraft that is dangerously close to friendly soldiers
"Watch your shots" - another way of saying "Check your fire"
“Fuckin’ A” - means “Fucking Affirmative”
“Repo Quickly” - (not 100% sure but I think it means) Reposition Quickly
“Rush” / “Bum-Rush” - Move towards someone extremely forcefully and quickly (kind of “rushing” towards them, typically without finesse)
Munitions: ammunition, weapons, and equipment used in the field
Tactical Equipment: Equipment used in the field to gain an advantage, but that are not necessarily lethal. Examples include flash grenades, gas grenades, heartbeat sensors, and trip mines.
Lethal Equipment: Equipment used in the field aside from firearms with lethal intent. Examples include, grenades, Semtex (sticky grenades), poisonous gas, Molotovs cocktails, trip mines etc.
Ammunition: Bullets, rounds, shells that are loaded into a firearm. For grenade launchers, the grenades may be called ammunition.
Other Interesting Military Devices
Spotter scopes: binoculars that can have both a regular and thermal setting. They are used to survey an area for enemies. They also show you how far you are standing from the targets (usually in meters).
Anchors: Used to rappel down the sides of cliffs
Field ladders: Used to scale buildings
Sledge hammers: Used to break down doors and plant anchors
Thermite charges: a substance that burns at over 2000 degrees celsius and is used to burn through walls, doors, and locks
Door and wall charges: explosive charges used to explode walls and doors
Electro Magnetic Pulses: disables or interrupts electronic devices and communications
LIDAR: Light detection and ranging. A device that uses lasers to model tunnels underneath the ground. However, it can reflect off of certain circumstances, including snow
Thermal scopes: scopes that detect heat. Fun fact! They have an infinite range, meaning they can detect heat from any distance. However, they cannot see through walls or thick concrete.
Bullet Proof Vests
Note: Many people describe them incorrectly and it physically hurts my heart, so let's break it down.
Types of Wearable Protection
Kevlar Vests: A vest that is made out of Kevlar fabric, which offers protection against handguns and other relatively common arms. THEY ARE NOT FASTENED USING BUCKLES!!!! I see people in fan fiction constantly say "he secured the buckles on his vest" ALL. THE. TIME. Standard issue vests have buckles TO ADJUST THE SIZE, NOT TO PUT IT ON!! THEY ARE SECURED USING VELCRO AROUND THE WAIST! Legit, might be my number 1 pet peeve lol
Flak Jackets: A fabric vest made to withstand explosive casings and shrapnel. THEY DO NOT PROTECT AGAINST BULLETS!
Plate Carriers: A type of vest without protective padding. On their own, they do not provide any protection. However, armor plates must be zipped into the pockets onto the front and back of the vest. These plates are usually made out of steel. They can withstand heavier fire. The plates can be replaced when they break.
Firearms (Long Section Lol)
Basic Terms in Firearm Usage
"Effective Fire Range" - the greatest distance a bullet can be shot from and accurately damage a target. This is important when considering which firearms a character should use in a certain environment. Is their EFR long? Short?
Rechambering (and Rechambering Speed): When reloading, the previous cartridge must be expelled. In bolt action weapons, the bolt must be pulled back. More rounds or another mag will be inserted. Then, either the bolt will be pushed back in, or the charging handle will be pumped, which pushes a new round into the chamber. On a revolver, this comes in the form of the "hammer." On pistols, this is the "slide."
Fire Rate: the frequency a bullet can be shot from the gun
ADS: stands for "Aim Down Sight", which means aiming down the barrel, using iron sights or another type of sight
Hip-fire: Firing a weapon without aiming down sight
Different Fire Types
Fully Automatic vs Semi-Automatic vs Bolt-Action: 1. Fully automatic guns (in simple terms) fire continuously at a high rate until the trigger is released or until the magazine is empty; automatic rifles are usually magazine fed; they expel the bullet cartridges by themselves 2. Semi-Automatic guns fire one bullet each time the trigger is pulled; they expel the bullet carriages by themselves 3. Bolt-Action rifles fire once every time the trigger is pulled; the cartridge must be manually expelled by the user by pulling back the bolt on the side of the gun
Pump-action: Shotguns that use a sliding handguard to rechamber the bullet. Oftentimes, I just call the handguard the "slide"
Select-Fire Rifles: A gun that can be fired on both a "full-auto" and "semi-auto" setting; remember, full-auto = high fire rate while semi-auto is a little slower; the fire rate is switched by flipping a lever on firearm; Assault Rifles, Small Machine Guns, and Light Machine guns are usually select-fire
Types of Firearms
Sidearm: A less powerful gun or other weapon that you carry alongside your main firearm; (Real life) sidearm usually just means pistol; (COD game) sidearms can include pistols, knives, shotguns, and other melee weapons, like batons and tonfas
Shotgun: A type of gun that fires shotgun shells, which are a type of ammunition that contains pellets that spread upon firing. They have a typical range of 35-50m of effectiveness. They are extremely destructive at close range, and can even sever limbs if fired close enough. Their range is limited, however.
Lever Action Rifles: Rifles that are magazine fed, lever action, and with multiple fire rates. Small Machine Guns and Assault Rifles fall into this category. They have a high rate of fire and have a typical range of effectiveness of 150-300m. They fire the same type of bullets as pistols.
Bolt Action Rifles: Rifles that require the user to manually eject the cartridge via pulling back the bolt on (typically) the right side of the gun). They have a slower rate of fire. Sniper rifles and Marksman rifles fall into this category (depending on the model). They have an effective range of about 500-800m. They are very precise, and can often immobilize a target with a single shot.
*EXTRA* Armor Piercing Sniper Rifles (ex. .50 Cal Rifle): Rifles that use armor piercing rounds, which can pierce both vehicle armor and body armor. A single shot will immobilize any target. They can be both bolt action or lever action, with an effective armor piercing range of 200-600m and can be shot up to 2,000m away. These rifles are often large and heavy, with a length of over 4ft long and with over 25 pounds of weight.
Types of Ammunition
Shotgun shells
9mm Parabellum (for handguns and some rifles)
7.62 (for lever action rifles)
5.56 (for lever action rifles)
.50 Cal (for Sniper Rifles only)
There are way more, but I won't list them here
Simple Types of Modifications to Use in Your Story
Sights: A device affixed to the barrel of a gun to allow it to be aimed more accurately. Types of sights include red dot sights, holographic sights, scopes, and thermal optics. Without a sight mod, a gun comes equipped with Iron Sights.
Barrels: In general, the longer the barrel of a gun, the more accurate it becomes. Barrels can be swapped according to the range needed for a certain mission. Two types of barrels are rifled and unrifled, which affect how the bullets travel out of the gun.
Bi-pod: A stand that is affixed to the bottom of a gun (oftentimes a sniper rifle) to allow the user to set it on the ground with the barrel raised.
Types You Should Avoid (WARNING!!)
Sawed-off barrels: Often associated with the Wild West. Yeah, you can't just do that. They will not be used in proper military settings either.
Semi-automatic to Full-auto modifications: Civilians (USA) cannot own full-auto weapons that were manufactured after 1986. You can own rifles made before 1986, but it requires a special license and also costs $20-30k. Modifying a rifle to have a full-auto setting is ILLEGAL.
.50 Cal Modifications: In a non-military setting, you will NOT find armor piercing guns. It is illegal.
Certain Ammo: Dragon's Breath shells, explosive rounds, and Bolo shells are also illegal, and should not be found in civilian OR military settings.
Silencers: If I remember correctly, silencers are illegal for civilians to use in most places.
Facts about Fire Fights
Over 90% of the rounds expended during a fire fight are used for COVER FIRE! Meaning that they aren't necessarily fired for the purpose of hitting the enemy, but rather, allowing the user to move to a different position.
Most people will not just "spray and pray" lever-action rifles. Even with weapons that have a high fire rate, most soldiers will precisely pull the trigger.
Gun kick increases with fire rate, which decreases precision.
As range increases, effectiveness decreases.
Sniper Rifles are used a long distance, often from a prone position.
You wouldn't think it's like this, but the longer the barrel of it is, it's usually easier to shoot (barring marksman and sniper rifles).
Call of Duty Video Game Slang
Camping - sitting in one place without moving, killing enemies as they come to you
Pushing - running into enemy territory
Killstreak - rewards given to the player for killing several enemies in a row without dying
Killcam - the recording of a player's death before they respawn
KD - Kill Death Ratio
"I'm going negative" or "I am negative" - I have a KD below 1, which means I've died more times than I've gotten kills
"I'm going positive" or "I am positive" - I am a KD over 1, which means I've gotten more kills than the amount of time I've died
"I'm carrying" - I have a significantly higher kildcount than everyone else on my team
"I'm throwing" - I'm doing worse than anyone else on my team
"Shotgunner" - a player using a shotgun
"Knife guy" - a person who is only wielding a knife
"He's one shot" - if he gets hit another time, he'll die
"I downed him" or "I knocked him" - he's down and needs to be revived
"I broke him" - he's out of armor plates
Dialogue Examples
"Bravo 0-7 to Watcher 1, taking heavy fire from the East. Requesting air support!"
"Copy, 0-7. Air support inbound on your location"
"Bravo 0-7 to Baseplate Actual."
"Baseplate Actual to Bravo 0-7, send traffic."
"Negative on target ID. Holding on first deck. Please advise."
"Copy. Return to entryway. Regroup with Alpha team."
"All units, be advised, there are civilians in the target area. I repeat, there are civilians in the target area. Check your fire."
"Bravo 0-7 to Overlord Actual, I have visual on Target Area. I repeat, I have visual on target area. Three military aged males in the east corner, no visible weapons. Two unknowns in the center of the plaza. Please advise."
"Copy, all units, weapons free. Fire at will."
"Bravo 0-7, advancing to rooftop. Deploying field ladder."
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mushies-stories · 2 months
Drinking- how TF141 handles a clingy drunk reader for the first time
PART ONE- Price and Soap
PART TWO- Ghost and Gaz
Warnings: drunk reader, little tiny bit suggestive... think that's it?
John Price
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The first time he saw you drunk was when you had called him to pick you up from a night out with the girls. You had planned on just taking an Uber home but the more you drank the more you wanted John. so you called him and asked sweetly if he would come get you, telling you just needed to see him.
“Please John… i jus’really need to… to see you.” you whine over the phone.
John doesn’t mind in the slightest. Your slurred words and the pout in your tone made him rush to leave his flat. 
When he found you he couldn't help but mirror the grin that had blossomed on your own face when you saw him. He wastes no time in striding over to you, quick to place a hand around your hip and help support your body as you hug him. Your arms loose around his neck. 
“Missed you s’much.” you mumbled into his neck. 
He chuckles and pats your hair. “That so love? Well I missed ya too.” he tells you. “S’about time I bring ya home, yeah?” he strokes your hair and kisses the top of your head before leading you to his car. 
Back home you don't even have time to get your fingers on the door handle before John is there and swooping you off your feet, caringing you inside with no complaint for you, only drunkenly happy giggles and little kicks of your feet. 
The whole car ride you looked at him and talked about how much you just wanted to be in his arms. You can't wait to be laying in bed wrapped up and warm with your perfect man.
He brought you back to his flat and to his bed. Setting you down at the end gently and with another little kiss to the top of your head. “Just a moment, sweet girl.” he says and leaves the room. He comes back with a glass of water and instructs you to drink some. His hands rub your back and shoulders gently, soothing you and making you hum softly.
Picked out one of his shirts for you to sleep in and helped you change. chuckling when you almost fall back onto the bed when he slips your pants off. “Almost done love, don't fall asleep just yet.” he tells you with a loving smile. 
When he finally got you dressed and everything situated for bed you were grasping for him the moment his knees the mattress. He barely had time to turn the bedside lamp off before you were leaning into his side and gripping his shirt. 
“Alright sweet girl, c’mere.” John pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you with a kiss to the crown of your head. 
You sigh happily against him and let your body relax, sinking into his. “Love you s’much John.” you mumble before letting his warmth soothe you into unconsciousness. 
John fell asleep with a small smile. Your heartbeat eases him into sleep. “Love ya to dove, my lovely girl.” with one more kiss placed on your hair he lets sleep take him. 
John 'Soap' MacTavish
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You had gone out with Johnny one night to a bar he liked. He wanted to teach you how to play pool and show off at darts. 
It was when Johnny says something about taking it slow after you stumble over your own foot. Blaming the alcohol and your little tolerance, Soap joked that you already had too much. 
Of course in retaliation, you wanted to prove him wrong by ‘out drinking him’. Needless to say, it did not go as planned and you certainly did not win your bet.
In no time you were a giggling mess, trying to play pool but missing every shot and when Johnny came up behind you to keep you balanced you couldn't help leaning into him.
“Johnnyyy, I love you so much.” you slur up at him with a cheeky, drunken smile. 
He chuckles at your drunken state. “That so? Well I love ye too Binnie.” he says and kisses the top of your head. “How’s’bout we get on home?” he offers, already steering you towards the exit. 
Johnny doesn’t live too far from the pub, meaning you had walked there but… Johnny has to carry your drunk ass back. 
He was being a stubborn tease at first, just helping you wobble along the sidewalk and shaky legs. After some whining and adorably drunk pouty faces, he gives in and lets you climb onto his back. 
While he teased you at first about being such a lightweight, he had to admit that you were rather adorable and really, clingy so that made up for your lack of drinking skills. 
The whole way home you kissed his neck, peppering little kisses and nips along the exposed skin. “Dove, keep doing that and I'll be hard all night.” he chuckles. The grip he has on your thighs tightens a little in warning. 
You giggle and lick a long strip up the side of his neck. “Maybe that's what I want Johnny, want you hard all ni-Ah!” you're cut off with a yelp when Johnny hoists you up with a little jump.
“Watch it shrimp, yer way too drunk to handle any of tha tonight.” he scolded softly. 
You pout like a wounded puppy but concede, it was never going to be a winning battle, you were very drunk after all. But that doesn't mean you can't nuzzle into his back and feel his huge muscles right? 
The rest of the walk was peaceful, you kept your hands to yourself, or rather his large arms. Back home he helped you get ready for bed, brushing your teeth, taking your makeup off and making sure you drank some water. 
He found you his softest t-shirt for you to sleep in. but wouldn't give you any shorts or pants, insisting you wouldn't need them since he was warm enough for the both of you.
You fell asleep with him holding you close, your back to his chest. He kissed your shoulder before nuzzling into the crook of your neck, to which you sigh happily about. “Night Johnny, love you.” your words are slow and in a blink your breathing steady and fast asleep. 
“Love ye too dove.” he smiles to himself, noting how you fell asleep so fast even though not even 30 minutes ago you were pawing at him.
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mushies-stories · 2 months
"life as a 22 year old mother of 3" "life as a married 19 year old couple" *video of mother daughter and grandma making reference to how they were both moms at like 16* *21 year old girl flex video about how she's a mother of 4* *couple whose entire personality is having 10 kids before turning 30* "married my highschool sweetheart at 18 and now i have 8 kids at age 25" "what i do in a day as a 19 year old housewife"
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mushies-stories · 3 months
little drunk crybaby
Stu macher X Reader one shot
Summary: You see Stu flirting at a part and even though you 'just friends' you feel hurt by it. Stu chases after you, hoping you'd finally tell him what he's been wanting to hear.
Warnings: drinking, drunk reader, fluff?
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Stu had quickly become one of, if not, your best friend on campus. Meeting in history you gravitated towards him instantly with his quick jokes and dumb faces. He even manages to make the professor laugh once. 
Soon you were going to frat parties and staying in his bed on the nights you couldn't manage to make it home. The more comfortable you became with Stu the more you stayed over. He never touched you or pushed himself on you, keeping it to random general compliments that he would also throw at Billy in a teasing way. He never really brought girls back either, if anything once in a blue moon he would go home with someone and you'd have the whole bed to yourself.
It really wasn't fast before you were falling for him either. You weren't sure when or how it happened but one night it clicked and it changed everything.
Stu was talking to a girl. A tall beautiful blond who was hanging on to every word he said. Something in the pit of your stomach decided you didn't like that, or maybe it was the alcohol that was starting to take a pretty heavy effect on you. For a half hour he talked to her, leaning close to her in the doorway to the kitchen, moving closer whenever someone needed to get by, which was a lot. From your spot on the couch you could see the entire interaction and you’d decided you would much rather go home and complain to your roommates than watch Stu macher all over a hot blond. 
“Where are you going?” Billy asked when he saw you heading to the front door.
“Home.” you stated, walking past him on wobbly legs. 
“Maybe that's not such a good idea? You can barely stand.” he pointed out with a smirk and a raised brow.
You just waved him off and kept walking, looking straight ahead and avoiding running into anyone. Once you reached the sidewalk you took a moment to remember what way you needed to go, you turned right and headed slowly down the street. 
What you didn’t see was the mischievous grin on Billy’s face when he watched you walk out of the door. You also didn’t notice the look he and Stu shared before Stu bid the hot blond farewell and jogged down the front steps after you.
After a minute of slow, unsteady walking you heard Stu call for you. “Y/N! Where are you going!” His footsteps were getting closer as he jogged to get to you. 
You kept walking and looking straight ahead, the ground shifting in your eyesight. “Home.” you stated, again. 
Now keeping pace with you Stu could see your face and just how drunk you were. “C’mon, you're way too drunk to walk home alone, you’ll get snatched in a second.” he teased, attempting to slow you down by resting a hand on your shoulder but you just shifted away from his hand, causing you to wobble a little. 
“Why would you care?” you snipped at him, attempting to pick up the pace but slowing down almost instantly, head spinning. 
Stu’s brows furrowed at your words, acting as if he didn't understand why you were probably acting this way. “What are you talking about?” He kept an eye on your body as you walked, in case you were about to fall. “Why wouldn't I care?” 
Your face was burning, a mix of alcohol and embarrassment. “You looked busy… so why don't you just go back to that girl?” you mumbled out. 
Stu couldn't help the grin that began to grow. Tonight was actually a plan of his making. Stu had liked you the moment he met you in class but you confessed how comfortable you were with him as a friend from the start and didn’t want to tempt fate, until Billy said something about the way you had been staring at him without him even knowing. Billy noticed your affections before Stu even did, he thinks before you even knew too. So, he decided to see if he was right, he just wasn't sure how to go about it. Making you jealous enough to express some kind of emotion other than platonic friendliness seemed to be the best option. He didn’t really think he would see you so upset you were about to cry. He almost felt bad, but really it made his heart swell up at the thought of you crying over him. It showed him just how much you liked him.
Stu stopped you, both hands holding your shoulders in place as he stood in front of you, looking down at you as you struggled to keep focus on his face, your drunken pout never leaving your lips. “We are going back to mine and getting you some water.”
You turned your head to the side. “Don't you need to get back to the party?” you said sharply.
Letting out a low sigh Stu just shifted so his hand was on your back, beginning to lead you down the street, his house being just down the block. “Let me get you inside, then you can pout all you want, okay?” he said. You shrugged your shoulders and nodded your head as you let him lead you. You were too drunk to be running around at night anyways.
Stu basically carried you up the steps and helped you not fall off the couch when you flopped down. He disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water and handed it to you. “Drink.” He ordered. “And tell me why you're mad at him.” he said, a small smile set on his lips as he sat down next to you. 
You took a few sips and looked at the floor. “Didn’t you say I could pout…” you grumbled. 
Stu snorted. “Yeah, I did.” Stu agreed with a tight nod. “But that’s not really gunna work for me sooo, let's hear it, why are you so upset with me?” He asked again. He turned his body a little and rests his elbow on the back of the couch, watching take a sip of water and collect yourself.
You sigh and shake your head softly. Did you like Stu like that, or were you just drunk, or was it really just both and now you're drunk and feeling all of your emotions. You closed your eyes and took a long breath, exhaling slowly when you opened them. Stu was waiting, patently letting you think. “I didn’t like it, seeing you so close to her.” you confessed, easier than saying why.
“Why?” Stu asked simply. 
“Because…” you trailed off, looking at the glass of water in your hands. “It made me feel…sad.” you croaked, feeling tears prick the corners of your eyes. 
Stu shook his head in understanding. “Why would it have made you sad?” he continued to question you. You tried to choke out a reply but the words couldn’t come out. You shook your head and took another sip from your water, not wanting to answer. Stu scooted closer to you, arm resting on the back of the couch behind you now. “Did it upset you because you want me to be that close to you?” he asked simply. 
You looked up at him, a tear rolling down your cheek. Such a cry baby he thought. An adorably drunk cry baby. You nod your head softly. “Yes.” you mumbled. 
Now grinning, Stu took the glass from your hand, leaning over he set it on the side table. He came back to bring a hand to the side of your face, cradling your cheek tenderly in his hand. With the pad of his thumb, he swiped a falling tear. “Now, why do you want me to be this close?” He asked, head tilted just a little and an adoring smile on his face. He was loving this, seeing you so flustered and cute. 
You hesitate a moment, looking into his eyes and searching for a reason not to tell him. They didn’t give you one, not with the way he was looking so fondly at you. “Because… I like you.” you finally admit, feeling more tears escape and cascade down your face. “And that girl was… well she wasn’t ugly.” you mumbled and sniffled. “It’s not like you haven't slept around but tonight when i watched you with her i just…” you cut yourself off, biting your bottom lip to keep from sobbing. 
Stu frowned a little. He wanted to make you jealous and yeah, a few tears were cute but… his heart ached seeing you fall apart. “Hey, it's okay.” he tried to sooth you, wiping more tears away and now holding your face in both of his hands to make sure you don't look away. “Please don't cry, it's okay baby.” Stu said softly. 
The nickname caught you off guard a moment. You wanted to say something but you feared that it might just come out a choked sob instead. You brought your hands to hold onto his forearms, your head was fuzzy and the mix of alcohol and embarrassment made your whole body hot. 
With a soft sigh and sweet smile Stu held your hands with his own. “Since I first saw you I wanted to make you mine. But somehow, I actually got thrown in the friend-zone and like a lovesick puppy I waited.” Stu confessed with a sheepish grin.  “Glad to see you finally came to your senses.” he joked lightly. 
You practically gawked at him. “You… you like me?” you asked, brows knit in disbelief. Your tears were subsiding, his words shocking you. 
He chuckled and nodded, glad to see you were calming down a little. “For a long time, and even though you're drunk, I'm holding you to this little confession.” he said grinning. “I mean, you were so cute when you cried like a baby over me I’ll never be able to forget that.” he said with a dreamy expression. 
Your face was on fire at his teasing. “Stu, don't be mean!” you pout, pulling your hands away and crossing your arms. “I did not cry like a baby.” you turned your head away from him with a huff. 
Stu wrapped you up in his arms and dragged you to his lap. He held you close and buried his face in the crook of your neck. You let out a little yelp from his sudden movements and your hands came up to hold onto his forearms. “No denying it now baby, you're all mine now.” he kisses your neck before pulling away to look into your pretty glossy eyes. Your warm cheeks and flustered expression were everything he ever dreamed of. 
Before you could even form words was standing with you in his arms and marching to his bed. “Stu! Careful!” you squeal, you head spinning with how fast he was moving. 
He smiled down at you and gently set you down on his bed. “Sorry.” he says, scratching the back of your head. “Just got me all giddy now. But I think it's time we get you ready for bed. Let me get you a shirt to sleep in” he ruffled the hair at the top of your head before turning around to his closet. 
You watched him with a lazy drunken smile and butterflies in your tummy. You knew some part of you would have at least a little recollection of tonight's events when you woke up. 
Suddenly you couldn't wait for tomorrow.
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mushies-stories · 3 months
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mushies-stories · 3 months
think they good FOR the most part haha. all fics you can get to but the getting back I'm to lazy for.
Master lists are messed up I’m sure but that’s a tomorrow problem xD also new designs and name incase anyone was confused
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