#Stu macher
ray-winters 3 days
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Some of my fav pics from playing Billy Loomis in SCREAM鈥橠 馃馃徎馃懟馃敧
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wolfpeppersss 2 days
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Wip 馃構 Will post finished soon ;p馃敧
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bbreakingbenjamin 1 day
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饾懟饾拤饾拏饾挄'饾挃 饾挊饾拤饾拏饾挄 饾拏饾挄饾挄饾挀饾拏饾拕饾挄饾挃 饾拵饾拹饾挀饾拞 饾拏饾挅饾拝饾拪饾拞饾拸饾拕饾拞饾挃 饾拪饾拸 饾拤饾拹饾挀饾挀饾拹饾挀馃槒馃幀
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amomentsescape 2 days
Slashers x secret admirer!reader.
How would they react to all the small gifts left for them? Would they track the person down? Would they confront them? Would they stalk them? How would the slashers react if the gifts stopped for a period of time?
Slashers with a Secret Admirer
Slashers x Secret Admirer! Reader (Separate)
Includes: Freddy, Michael, Jason, Thomas, Bubba, Brahms, Norman, Billy, Stu, Vincent, & Bo
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Freddy Krueger
Oh, he knows
There isn't a way for you to be discreet when he can literally enter your mind every night
That's how the admiration started for you in the first place
Seeing him there, taunting you in such a creepy and yet powerful way
Something drew you in
And the feeling is mutual
I mean, why else hadn't he killed you yet?
He keeps his eye on you whenever he can, sometimes ensuring your dreams are happy and not all nightmares
Some are still terrifying though
He knows you like the thrill
You've tried to surprise him with gifts and letters a couple times, but he knows about them before he even receives them
You really can't keep anything from this guy
And don't even think about taking anything back
You started this whole "game" between you two
There's no way out now
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Michael Myers
He immediately assumes the worst
The moment he sees the gifts and letters left for him, he quickly believes that someone is out to get him
You're trying to play mind games with him, but it won't work
Nobody will ever best Michael
He watches you for a while, plotting his moves carefully and thinking of the best way to get back at you for your taunting
There really wasn't anything about your gifts that seemed threatening to him
In fact, he quite liked a couple of the things you gifted him
Well, as much as Michael could like something other than killing
And this is partly what angered him so much
How on earth could you know him well enough to gift him such items?
He was going to get answers one way or another
And it was going to be soon
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Jason Voorhees
He's honestly just baffled
How did you even find him in the middle of nowhere?
And even worse: what were you plotting?
No one has ever shown him kindness before besides his mother
This type of attention is so foreign to him that he just assumes you have the wrong person
This was all just some weird accident
But he's happy to play pretend for a while
And if the gifts suddenly stop, he can't help but feel disappointed
You must have finally figured out that he wasn't the one you were trying to impress
He won't be the type to try and figure out who you were
It all just seemed too sweet to be real, and he just wanted to play into the fantasy for a while
It was nice while it lasted
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Thomas Hewitt
He quickly guesses that this is just some poor joke being played by someone in the family
No one comes out here
If they do, they're dead
And if a person was really wanting to surprise someone, there was no way he would be that someone
But after days of keeping his eye out, none of his family seemed to be acting suspicious
So this is just odd
He goes on and lets the gifts keep coming
It honestly gives him something to look forward to each week
But after a while, he becomes too curious on who you are
So he does what he does best: he sets a trap
Nothing to hurt you, but he just has to know who this secret admirer is
He doesn't want to go another day without feeling this level of kindness ever again
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Bubba Sawyer
A gift? For him?
This has to be Christmas, right?
He prances around the house every single time, flaunting whatever new item you sent his way
He truly believes that you must be his guardian angel looking out for him
That's the only explanation
But as many know, Bubba isn't very patient
If he's craving something sweet, he immediately takes the candy, no questions asked
So don't expect to be a secret for very long
He's going to do whatever it takes to "catch" you
That way, the gifts and fun will never end!
You sort of dug yourself into a whole with this
But don't worry
He'll treat you just as sweetly
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Brahms Heelshire
He doesn't react as badly as one might think right away
He just assumes the gifts are from his parents
But after receiving his first letter, he realizes this is more romantic in nature
And this is quite a dangerous game you're playing
Since he immediately becomes obsessed
He'll kindly play this game with you
He'll leave the doll near the main window, coaxing you to come take a deeper look
He'll start to leave the door unlocked or a window cracked open in hopes you'll be tempted to take a trip inside
But unfortunately, Brahms is as shallow as he is dangerous
If you are a beauty, he will gladly whisk you away into his home
But if you aren't what he pictured you to be, he will dispose of you
You've created this idealistic image in his mind, and he needs it to be perfect
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Norman Bates
He probably reacts the most "normal" out of anyone else
He's surprised of course, but he happily takes the gifts and finds a little drawer at home to keep them
He likes to pull them out whenever he is feeling down
With how shy he is, he won't be the one to step up and try to confront you or figure out who you are
He kind of likes the mystery
Although, he does hope one of these times you will finally reveal who you are to him
If the gifts suddenly stop, Norman will become a lot more upset than he could have predicted
It can be so lonely where he is, and he finally thought maybe he was making an actual connection with someone
He may make a trip to the nearest town in order to people-watch for a while
He secretly hopes there will be some sign that will make you known to him, but that's clearly wishful thinking
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Billy Loomis
He's flattered, don't get him wrong, but you are certainly not the first nor the last to admire him from afar
He's gotten several secret admirers in his day
I mean, look at him
He'll gladly take your gifts or letters with pride, but they'll likely get thrown in with all the other trinkets he's gathered over the years
If the gifts suddenly stop however, he'll act like it doesn't phase him at all
But he becomes curious on why you stopped
And this curiosity soon becomes obsession
Every killing he goes on, he'll raid the house, trying to find any sign on who his secret admirer is
Why would you stop? What's wrong with him?
The questions are enough to drive him insane
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Stu Macher
Almost anyone can tell something has changed with Stu
He holds his head a little higher, smiles a little wider, and talks a little louder
He walks around school with his eyes peered, hoping that eye contact will be enough to figure out who his secret admirer is
But when he's not at school, he's making a list on any person he thinks it could be
He makes sure to convince Billy to hit those people's houses first during their "nights out"
He may even go as far as interrogating all of his victims, eventually killing them when he realizes they know nothing about his secret admirer
But he shakes this off quickly
He has full faith that he'll learn who you are
There's only so many houses in Woodsboro after all
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Vincent Sinclair
He's honestly completely in awe at this situation
It had always been Bo who had the secret admirers
People have been fawning over his brother since they were younger, but now he's the one being sought after?
This can't be real
He does his best to keep all of this from his brothers
He's worried that them finding out will ruin the whole thing somehow
And he truly loves how it feels to be wanted
If the gifts stop at any point, he'll be devastated
He won't go as far as to seek you out
But he will certainly mourn you and your attention
He knew it was too good to be true
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Bo Sinclair
Similar to Billy, this isn't his first rodeo
But unlike him, he's not as kind about the situation
Your gifts are disposed of as quickly as they are received
It's not that he isn't appreciative, it's just that he seeks confidence and hates games
If you're interested in him, then why not just step up and make a move in person?
If you're not willing to do that, then it's mostly a waste of his time
If the gifts keep coming, he'll eventually hit a point where he becomes annoyed
He'll break the gifts and trash them right outside the door, leaving them there in hopes you'll take the hint
And if you do, then he's satisfied
He doesn't need the attention because he knows he can get whoever he wishes
He doesn't have time for silly teenage games
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slasherbat 2 days
Happy Pride Month to these guys
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erod-doi 18 hours
Billy and Stu Take Off!
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kumtana 10 hours
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happy pride month from the first husbands of horror
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silenceofsheep 2 days
scream wip
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kohsette 2 days
made a scream version of that fucking papa louie meme that鈥檚 invaded my fyp
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mooredanxieties 15 hours
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Hannibal (2013)
Scream (1996)
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catharticartist 2 days
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I鈥檇 forgotten these little pieces I did at work the other day I think they鈥檙e still under the till?
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stuillytwinks 2 days
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me in the shower
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jannibalthemannibal 2 days
Watching Scream the second time and finally noticed all those little glances and subtext interactions between Billy and Stu is the second best experience of a movie. The first is watching Scream the first time.
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amberfreemansknife 18 hours
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I love being silly
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theultimateawesomeness 12 hours
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Happy gay month to these 2 aka billy and Stu
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smashlovesscream 3 days
i don鈥檛 know what kind of car stu has, but all i know is it鈥檚 a really cheap car because his parents don鈥檛 trust him (he鈥檚 crashed it multiple times)
It'd probably be a hand-me-down from his dad (who took care of it) to him
bro does NOT care about his trucks/cars, Billy is looking at the dash and EVERYTHING IS FLASHING AND LIT UP
"Stu... Did you change the oil?" "Yeahh.. Of course." Stu's grip tightening on the steering wheel
"Oh my fucking god. I'mgonnadieinatruckwithyou." Billy's voice in a high pitch as he sinks down in the passenger seat.
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