marvelousmarvelaus · 3 years
That "This means War" AU where it's agents Steve and Natasha who find themselves in a 'war' trying to convince retired Airman Sam to fall for them first.
Not realizing he's totally onto the fact that they're so totally secret agents and Avengers, and just sort of soaking up all this attention because hey, it's flattering, he's not the one doing the chasing this time.
Steve cheats with his run around the park to catch Sam's attention because damn it man, anyone would give attention to that ass and that goofy jock exterior you're trying to present.
Natasha amps it up with the super cool car and oh so casual flirting.
Sure, HYDRA's attempt to kill off a giant portion of the world puts a slight damper on it, but not for long.
After all, there's plenty of last minute trips and exotic destinations to manifest "There was only ONE BED", "Accidentally trapped in the rain oh noooo" and "I borrowed your clothes oops" scenarios into.
No matter who wins, Sam totally wins.
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marvelousmarvelaus · 3 years
That AU where a pandemic of some sort hits a building, a city. Where everything is locked down to be contained by the local police/army, but that's just shooting people who try to leave, that's not solving the problem.
The Avengers thinking they can find a cure, a fix, especially with Helen Cho willing to help them help people in any way she can. But they need a way in.
It's deadly, it's fast spreading, they don't know how to contain the issue, they don't know how to get someone on the inside to figure out what's wrong, to get blood and scans without risking them.
They refuse to risk anyone with suits on until they know more. So Mr Perfect Human with a perfect immune system who can't get sick ever goes running in against requests/orders while everyone is distracted.
Sam who's lecture/yelling about how Steve's an asshole for risking himself while simultaneously talking him through things they need done medically to start figuring this out.
Natasha is impressed by the level of guilt and lecture Sam can lay out while still being very detailed for medical things. "My mother is a great teacher, even if she won't share her cookie recipes."
The eventual group finding a way to go in and help, and Steve having been up three days at that time playing the only non-sick nurse to everyone there just "Hey, guys!" in the most cheerful tone like he didn't risk his life running into danger that way.
They relish far too much making him take the full on decontamination shower complete with having to sit in a decon chamber orders of Helen Cho.
(No one's going to admit to replacing his civilian clothes with "The Captain America Adventure Show!" themed clothing, but honestly that was a joint effort)
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marvelousmarvelaus · 5 years
Imagine a few of the Avengers getting into a situation that they’re a little in over their heads on. Scott, Sam, and Wanda to their annoyance finding themselves tied up in some office listening to evil plans despite Sam’s insistence they shut the hell up.
 They’re not ending the world, more of the pesky mook variety, so Wanda’s reluctant to use her magic on them, biding time instead.
 Cue villain’s typical monologue and ‘you really think you can escape from me?’ rant, which has Scott replying ‘we have hope’.
Which is drastically misunderstood until suddenly all the mooks in the room find themselves in a fight with something they can’t see, and the leader on the floor with a now full sized leather boot against his chest.
“I told you we have Hope. Hey, honey, got a pocket knife? I’ve been trying but these guys didn’t cheap out on the rope budget.”
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marvelousmarvelaus · 5 years
Imagine Scott and Hope playing Santa for the Avenger kids. The kids that are too smart and like to try and catch Santa either to prove he’s not real, or to prove he is real.
Janet and Hank, along with Ava get roped into helping when the Avengers are spread out, with the wombats being charged with putting together the right set of toys provided to them for each household. And the occasional new pet that they’re loathe to part with.
Cassie totally knows it’s her dad or his girlfriend leaving her Christmas presents the year she turns 10 and one of them leaves tiny bootprints across a cookie in their hurry, but she doesn’t care, because they love her, and they give awesome gifts.
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marvelousmarvelaus · 5 years
Imagine Scott Lang and May Parker being facebook friends.
It started with her finding his name via the news and sending him a veiled message about smacking her kid when she finally found out about Peter’s secret activities and Germany.  Within weeks they’re sending 5 minute crafts and pintrest recipes back and forth.
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marvelousmarvelaus · 5 years
Imagine the great dumpling debate among the Avengers. It’s one food they can all make reliably, but no one considers the same thing a dumpling.
 Steve says dumplings only exist in the concept of a good chicken soup, and have no filling to them they’re only bread.
Bruce is offended on behalf of the dozens of different types of filled dumplings he’s had across India.
Clint says a dumpling isn’t a dumpling if it doesn’t have soup inside it. Thor says dumplings are cooked into a good stew, thank you, and small.
Natasha and Tony get quite loud over the subset of dumplings starting the great “That’s not a dumpling, that’s a Pierogi!” war of 2013.
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marvelousmarvelaus · 5 years
Imagine Scott and Hope actively trying to out-woo the other for fun.
Hope gets a great start by beating Scott to the punch and sending him two dozen red roses (Which he struggles to keep an oversized ant from eating).
Scott returns fire by leaving a mechanical ant sculpture on her kitchen table, made from parts of too many appliances Scott now has to replace (but it's worth it!).
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