mana-jjk · 45 minutes
i know we’re talking about THAT chapter right now, but i need another day to cope y’all <3 anon i promise i’ll answer but angst actually kills me lol
so instead !!
i’m here to present my case that toge would absolutely be the first choice of a pseudo-god parent. not for any religious reasons, if there was a better name i’d use it, but i think jjk definitely has a need for that system.
with how common mortality is, the high demand in sorcerers, the uncertainties of their lifestyle… i mean just look at megumi. not exactly the same, but in any case, they need to know that their kids will be okay if anything ever happens.
i personally headcanon that nobamaki would have twin boys because it’s actually adorable to me. they expected at least one girl at first, they even had their names picked out. mai and saori, after two of the most important people in their lives. but around the time it got closer, maki started second guessing naming the name mai, wondering if she’d ever be able to associate it with anything but her sister.
then two healthy baby boys came into the world, masaki and takai, elegant and beginning, new world. not exactly a copy of maki and mai, whose names corresponded with hope and each other, but a homage. an act of service to what they never got to see together.
anyway, toge was absolutely their first choice for a godparent.
individually, their relationship with him is one of their strongest dynamics for both characters.
yes, nobara loves yuuji and megumi in her own way. yuuji might have been the second pick if he wasn’t so head empty, eating cursed fingers. i truly do not think megumi would have been entrusted with any of her children lol, that boy is emo and emotionally stunted (in a nice way).
maki and yuuta friendship is so good, but he’s still kind of pathetic. his favorite food is sesame oil and cabbage y’all, there’s no way. panda would’ve been the second pick if he wasn’t such an instigator.
on the other hand, nobara understand toge so well that it freaks out even the second years. after being kidnapped, she was first hand witness to his dependable side and kindness. he’s like a big brother to her, and i know without a doubt that their dynamic only got stronger after that. they are the besties, shopping buddies, gossip squad, unserious duo. he takes care of her, he notices when her self-esteem is lower and immediately addresses it. he was the one to catch her during training, encourage her, and tease her. i cannot stress enough how bestie coded they are.
i might love maki and yuuta friendship, but maki and toge are my absolute favorite to think about. i know the general consensus in their dynamic seems to be toge being a gremlin and maki screaming at him, but i really think they interact in a different way. i’m still waiting for a couple translations from phantom parade, but i truly believe maki genuinely respects and loves toge, vice versa. when we first met yuuta, maki’s first reaction was to bully him lol, but it wasn’t until toge spoke up that she stopped. in the light novel, it’s said repeatedly by nobara that maki respects him. maki herself goes on to openly admit that he’s the most considerate out of all of them, and says that his only flaw is that he can be pretty mischievous. nobara also notes how close the second years are to each other enough that they share a braincell. when you look at the art of them together, there’s only one where maki looks irritated, and it’s only because toge is laughing at her tourist glasses. it’s kind of crazy to me that the dynamic in fanon between toge and maki is actually the canon interactions between panda and maki. i could talk all day about this, but i genuinely see a more placid maki when she interacts with toge and need more of that dynamic. they love each other !!
so yes, they have a really strong relationship with toge, i would venture to say one of the strongest for both characters. emotionally speaking, toge is also shown to be extremely mature.
he doesn’t show much in his body language, but he can read others very well. despite not being able to speak outside of safe words, he’s also good at settling the people around him. most importantly, he’s one of the few characters we’ve never seen lash out. despite being villainized by yuuta lol, smacked by nobara, on the end of gawking by kamo, pushed to near death, permanently disabled, and more, he’s confronted each situation with emotional maturity. the fact that he told yuuta that his arm being torn off wasn’t yuuji’s fault, speaks volumes about the character. yuuta too, when he was afraid, toge tried to comfort him but also backed away when he saw him being scared. silencing himself in itself speaks to his maturity.
as a babysitter, he’s also very well off ! with being the best cook of the second years, he also made sure panda was eating too by feeding him. when left alone with children, he was seamlessly connecting with them to the point where they understood him fluently. his first reactions are always to emotionally and physically protect the first years and yuuta. with his abilities, he also knows more than most the importance and correct way to control abilities. is this not your dream babysitter?
more than that, i truly believe that if anything ever happened to nobamaki, he’d love and raise them as his own with zero hesitation. he’d raise them the way they’d want to and never let them believe that any set of parents loved them even a little less.
with that being said, yuuta gets the default second spot as a godparent purely because toge was the automatic first choice. eventually, when nobamaki have a little girl named saori, they are her godparents too.
i know he holds those babies like he’d tear himself apart for them. it’s a learning curve with one arm at first. he’s scared his prosthetic will get in the way or hurt them. but for some reason the babies seem to adore his prosthetic arm too. tiny fingers wrapped around robotic joints, toge could swear he feels the warmth even through false flesh and phantom pain.
some of their first words end up being onigiri ingredients, it’s only because “mama” came first that nobamaki can see the humor in it. they have to consciously teach their kid that they are capable of saying yes instead of shake. what they don’t realize is that sometimes they talk in onigiri too.
yuuta sulks a bit that his spot is only be default, but he proves himself as a very good godfather and babysitter. he does not feed them cabbage, thank you very much. but they usually ask toge to cook instead, much to Yuuta’s’ devastation.
it’s probably through babysitting that the baby fever reared its head in both of them. watching yuuta hesitantly toss takai in the air after his insistence that mommy does it all the time, and freak out over his health frantically. toge letting masaki cling to his leg in public, always one tiny hand clutching the robotic fingers. yuuta showing masaki how to use a wooden sword in cool moves just likes mommy. toge acting like the damsel in distress for takai to play his games. watching yuuta get swatted by the wooden swords, allies enemies in an instance, toge watching with a tiny smile he doesn’t bother to hide.
they’re good with kids.
at night, it almost hurts to say goodbye. but their own little girl isn’t too far away.
i need more domestic fluff right now y’all, this in physically paining me you don’t understand. toge is so parent coded i will actually scream cry sob throw myself on the floor. inuokko would be such good guardians no matter what and i love them.
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mana-jjk · 15 hours
y’all we finally have an actually educated answer to this question !! thank you @nectardaddy for helping us out because i knew vampire reddit was not cutting it this time ;; (yes i’m still getting recommendations from them)
i love that you drew in your experience and explained everything so well !! the last perfect contribution would be having someone who speaks japanese and their take on this !! but i can definitely see what you’re saying regarding the different movements.
there’s honestly no way that toge could have ever been placed in regular schools among non-sorcerer students. his exposure to other kids and even adults was more than likely extremely limited. i would even venture to press that his non-expressiveness facially speaking might be from a lack of exposure socially speaking.
with how engrained his cursed speech is, how intentional every movement has to be, it might even be second nature at times to mimic that movement in different words.
but thank you for sharing your expertise !! the fun in analyzing characters is having everyone build on it, so don’t apologize ! i know we all appreciate it 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。 especially since i talk out of my ass sometimes lol
Do you think Inumaki has a lisp or some kind of bad pronunciation because hes used to saying a limited ammount of words? (Idk how those actually work lol)
omg hi anon !! 💞
this question has single handedly led me to vampire reddit and lisp quora and now i’m getting the weirdest recommendations in my emails (;ω;)
so i’m far from being a speech therapist, and this is based off of the little research that I’ve done and my own headcanons lol.
i think that if toge does have a lisp, it would be because of his fangs. vampire reddit has informed me very helpfully that due to fangs, the consonants in english would be limited due to how the teeth would interrupt the movement of lower lip. so f and v sounds might be impacted, however that is in english ! i am not entirely sure how it would translate to japanese.
i tried to mimic the words he uses, and can’t notice any movement that might be impacted in that case. but i also read that s sounds and th are likely to be slurred.
the only case in which we hear a slur is during this iconic scene -
Tumblr media
i don’t think gege intended to convey that toge has a slur, more than likely this scene was a mixture of damage to his throat, blood loss, confusion, exhaustion, and hesitance. especially since they took his fangs away <\3
but canon is merely a suggestion to me lol
personally, i do think toge would have a slight speech impediment when combining his prominent fangs and lack of speech.
it’s a personal headcanon i have that toge’s clan limited his speech by limiting the language taught to him. he’s been speaking in his onigiri language since before he could remember and does have an understanding of his cursed speech. but if they wanted to limit accidents, it would be in limiting the words he knows.
the research i found also showed that if someone has difficulty interchanging with the t and d sound, it’s likely due to confusion. toge undoubtedly knows japanese, however he’s probably out of practice in speaking it outside of his cursed speech and safe words.
when you listen to him using both, his voice is very clear and particular in enunciating the sounds. in the case with yuuta, his voice was muffled, broken, and slurred. maybe even with a concussion that affected his speech.
so yes, i do think he has a slight impediment, but one that’s only noticeable when he speaks words outside of his cursed and safe vocabulary.
otherwise, everything he does is with clear intent, something you need to have when fostering something dangerous.
toge is probably aware of that, maybe even a little embarrassed of it. probably refrains from trying new words, partly because he doesn’t have the consistency or clarity to ensure there is no misinterpretation.
yuuta’s name was the exception, and continues to be the exception. he says it softly every time, and even though he could correct it, he doesn’t. saying it with a soft drop at the end seems to fit far better than the correct click of a t.
i’ve seen some interpretations of toge giving pet names to yuuta in the forms of potential safe words, but i think the way he says his name is the term of endearment.
the careful manner he sounds out in every syllable, the almost reverence he has, the quiet whisper of his voice as if it was meant for yuuta’s ears only.
there’s a gentleness to the cruelty of his circumstances, if only in the the way his words hold significance far beyond just any understanding.
any way, i think reddit thinks i want to be a vampire now and i’m just imagining yuuta googling this question and blushing at all the emphasis of fangs.
i hope this answered your question !! feel free to keep sending these asks so i can convey the full extent of my insanity <3 ! ( *`ω´)
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mana-jjk · 13 days
Anon who asked about ur fav inuokko artists here- omg i finally have more stuff to blankly stare at tysm!!
1 month wait was so worth it!! I hope it went well with getting ur degree :D
hi art-anon !! i hope you enjoy the artsist <3 maybe someday i'll do another post with my favorite inuokko fics !
i appreciate you immensely ! very proud to be one degree up, especially after the crazy amount of procrastination i practiced lol. but i'm a summa cum laude student in grad school now, enjoying what free time i have left <3
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mana-jjk · 19 days
jjk spoilers!! references to child abuse !
despite what others may assume, toge is kind of an expert at reading people.
just because he lost an arm doesn’t mean he can’t pick up on body language, just because he has to hide his face doesn’t mean he can’t analyze facial expressions, just because he can’t talk outside of his safe words and curses doesn’t mean he hasn’t picked up on every single intricacy layered within their speech.
actually, it’s because of all of these reasons and more that he’s had to become proficient.
growing up in the inumaki clan, constantly being watched, under consistent scrutiny of the jujutsu kaisen world, there was a culture of hidden intentions and double meanings.
If you wanted to survive, you either had to layer your own words, or understand how to pick those words apart. And well, considering how intentionally clear toge had to be with his limited vocabulary, he didn’t have much of a choice to begin with.
so he learned.
as a child it was harder, to understand that the attention he so craved, more often than not came at his own expense. they didn’t smile at him because they enjoyed his presence, they were laughing at him. more than that, even as they hurt him, he came to learn that every sharpened glare and raised hand shook with an undertone of terror at his very existence.
it should have made him feel powerful, to see their eyes shine with fear, their hands tremble at every whispered breath. in the aftermath, covered in bruises and wondering when he lost the ability to cry, all he felt like was a monster.
gojo wasn’t nearly as hard to read as he seemed to think he was. under the protection of his limitless and six eyes, with the idea that if no one could touch him, no one could see him, he faltered in his own persona. the sag of his shoulders, the faraway look in his eye, the faltering breath at even the suggestion of his once friend. none of it was as telling as the fractured smile he sometimes offered. his voice honey soaked in lies, not malicious, but with the idea that they lived and died within his straining grasp.
panda was actually a bit harder to read, in that there was something distinctly different about him than one might find in a human. he’s honest in a way, yet still with an undertone of manipulation. not in a necessarily bad way, but growing up as a cursed corpse required a different understanding of human characteristics. it’s easy to see his mannerisms and see them catered to the situation. how to distract, how to endear, how to appear as close to human as possible to settle the natural uncanny feeling the lack of a heartbeat gives. he doesn’t necessarily need to eat, sleep, or even breathe. but he does. he’s not trying to be human, but he does try to assimilate as best he can. almost to where one might forget he’s not even ‘just’ a panda. he’s one of his best friends, a kindness in his honesty and manipulation all the same, but he speaks like an elder sometimes too.
maki, despite her best intentions, might as well be an open book for all her body language gives her away. she may curse and cuss and snarl like a wolf baring its teeth, yet for all the intentions it’s far too obvious that open wounds hide behind her overt aggression. she makes herself the biggest in the room, the most obvious threat, likely intention and instinct all at once. because even when they first met, distrust shining in her eyes and a grinding of her teeth, she still pushed him behind her on their first mission together. she doesn’t want to trust because she already gives her health, sanity, and life, how could anyone possibly expect her to give her heart away too? but even then, behind gnashing teeth and twisting expressions, there is never hurt without intent. the only care afforded to her in the beatings that made her stronger, the only care that she knows how to express. she softens under his own quiet acceptance, relaxes like an alley cat afforded their first kindness. too independent to ever be kept, too starved for kindness to ever truly leave. even as she punches his shoulder, it’s on the unmarked skin. even as she complains at physical contact, she still lets him lean against her. even as she has been hurt and burned, she still loves them, even if her own broken pieces can’t yet admit it.
he’s an expert at reading them, at knowing how to care for them. he can’t judge their mannerisms or judgment, their aggression and lies and all the ugly pieces they bare. in a way he’s the worst of them all, in how much he refuses to yield. constantly hiding, constantly lying, constantly basking in the pieces they afford to him, yet never having the courage to truly bare his own.
and then there’s yuuta, because somehow it’s always yuuta.
it’s almost funny how obvious it is that he wasn’t raised in their society. almost funny how it seems he wasn’t raised to have an inkling of what it means to hide. where gojo hides his pain, yuuta wears his own on his sleeve as if hiding it away was a sign of disrespect. where panda carefully caters his persona to be the most pleasing to any given situation, it’s almost endearing how yuuta seems to act most under accidents and a lack of intentionality, surprising himself just as much as the people around him. where maki hides her pain and her fear and her wants, yuuta seems to act like he’ll die if he doesn’t convey the full extent of his desperation in every manner and facet. he’s honest in a way that more often than not betrays him, that would have been taken advantage of by anyone else in the world.
toge didn’t realize how exhausting it was before until that honesty was directed to him. because even in his terror, in his distrust of toge, yuuta left very little to interpretation. when he was disheartened, it was in the down curve of his face, the slump of his body, the self-deprecating words. when he was happy, it was from the flush of his ears to the excited fidget of his hands. when he loved, it was in the inability to ever let toge believe it could ever be anyone but them. always them.
in a world of double meanings, growing up with the only affection afforded for a specific intention, masked faces and padded movements that required a serpent’s eye to decipher, it was almost too easy.
it was almost funny how simple communication, honesty, truth, how it could fester so much affection from toge.
it burned in a way to see yuuta change with time, to watch him learn how to manipulate the elders in turn. burned even more to know that toge was partially at fault for that change, to know that he was aiding in the corruption of something so endearing to him.
yet that honesty never faltered, at least never with him. the transition of talking to the elders to the brightening of his face as soon as toge entered his vision was almost like whiplash. somehow, it only made it mean more. to know that yuuta, his yuuta, was capable of masterful deception and willful manipulation, yet continuously chose to treat him with nothing but complete honesty. as if lying to toge would cause him physical pain.
little by little, his honesty seemed to affect toge in turn. as if the feeling of safety only yuuta seemed to provoke was all he needed to unravel and share the broken pieces of his heart and soul.
truthfully, it didn’t seem to change much between them.
after all, toge might be hard to read, but yuuta was well-versed in the extent of his own dedication and how far he was willing to go for those he loved. and what toge didn’t seem to realize, with all his ability to analyze and overinterpret, was that he was loved.
period. i’m planning to make my friend watch jjk 0 and i need her to understand the inuokko supremacy or else ?? we’ll find out <3
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mana-jjk · 22 days
aaaaaaa !! it’s so good !! the way the second chapter sent me to the beyond i’m crying, poor yuuji is so dumb and toge is so cute and they’re all so squishy and adorable !!
thank you for making this, the itch in my brain has been scratched ;;
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mana-jjk · 22 days
Share ur fav inuokko artists/arts pls......
sorry for the month long wait anon ;; i had to buckle down to get my degree and graduate lol
but anyway, you probably know these artists immediately because they’re so talented and a staple in our community !!
for obvious reasons i won’t be posting any of their art, but i will tag them and share the links to where you can check them out yourself !
i love their deception of inuokko !! they can be such little creatures who tease each other and their dynamic is so fun lol
but i also love the cozy vibes and atmospheres they convey, literally want to steal their clothes sometimes too. i’m also a huge fan of tan yuuta and fluffy hair toge agenda !! it’s really hard to convey character dynamics, but looking at their art is like reading a story about them and i always have new ideas after seeing their new content !
do i have to explain ? ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ you would think talented people might have an area of weakness, but no they’re a triple threat with art, analysis, and writing like ?? especially pairing them together to make written and visual content for us ??
i love the texture of their art if that makes sense, it’s so appealing i want to eat it. but like, with my eyes, in a positive way. the colors also make me feel like a toddler watching cocomelon because i could sit there for a day just mooning over the expressions, dynamics, colors, background, and so on. especially being a huge fan of the soft expressions inuokko have for each other like omg ;;
this account is 18+ so keep in mind !! but omg their comics are so much fun and feed my unhinged yuuta agenda. they’re also so high quality and keep us sustained ! y’all, they made a GAME ! like ?? they are ensuring we do not starve and i have to give them so many kudos for that.
i love how pretty toge is and how sweet yuuta looks until the switch is flipped and the dead fish eyes come out, i think they have such a good handle on their dynamic and it’s just so much fun to scroll through their art ! the bar is in space and they put it there, we thank them for their service !!
@sensushimi on Twitter: https://x.com/sensushimi?s=21&t=DQOzVQHmSufn5IQXoFJsNw
some of their art is 18+ but we cannot talk about inuokko without mentioning them, like they are such a staple to me it’s not even funny. this was the first artist i found when looking into inuokko content and they’ve released banger after banger. again, i want to eat their art with my eyes and fall apart into tears because how the hell is it so good ? ;;
the fluffy hair, the warm hands, the cozy atmosphere, i get so excited to see notifications and want to interact with them so badly but i’m way too shy on twitter lol but every time their inuokko interact, they look so soft and squishable that i get cute aggression and fall apart lol
@araramyeon on Twitter: https://x.com/araramyeon?s=21&t=DQOzVQHmSufn5IQXoFJsNw
again some art is 18+ ! but another staple of my time with inuokko, their comics are so funny and charming and give so much of their dynamic it’s so cute lol i love how much of a troll their toge is without being too overtly out of character. and i also love yuuta being mischievous and innocent all at once ;;
i also enjoy the pathetic yuuta content because he’s just a lil loser who loves his boyfriend fr and their art gives me so much of that content lol their eyes are so shiny and expressive that i want to eat them in a good way
@svifian8 on Twitter: https://x.com/svifian8?s=21&t=DQOzVQHmSufn5IQXoFJsNw
not just their inuokko but the entire second year inclusion is some of my absolute favorite !! they’re always so natural and cute together that i actually will burst into tears. their toge and yuuta are both so squishy and pretty and the colors are so pretty i have no thoughts only heart emoticons !!
their fem!inuokko in particular is my favorite, i have it bookmarked just so i can go back and moon and cry over it every single day. they’re so pretty in all of the art and the dynamic is so good and the ideas i get by just looking at them is enough to send me to tears you do not understand !! i am on my hands and knees
i don’t want this to get too long, so hopefully this was helpful to you anon !! again i apologize for the delay, i had to prioritize education for some reason (*´-`) but feel free to send more asks, i love dumping my thoughts everywhere non-coherently <3
i do want to say that even if i didn’t mention a specific artists, including any that might be reading this, please know that i and everyone else appreciates you beyond words !! content creation is so incredibly hard, and whether you are an artist, editor, or writer, this community would not be what it is without you. you are essential, appreciated, and so talented that words cannot begin to describe the impact you make.
anyway, guess who got accepted to graduate school lol, some poor school has no idea they hired someone who just has queer brain rot about characters <3 my official graduation is next week tee-hee
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mana-jjk · 2 months
“maybe in another universe, things will be different - ”
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the intrinsic tragedy of alternate universes where nothing changes - always fighting wars, always hindered by their own abilities, always characterized by the fear of how possible it is to lose one another.
if it meant doing it all over again, just to become the same person, would you do it? i think they would, if only because living with that pain is the only way they learned how to love
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mana-jjk · 2 months
Do you think Inumaki has a lisp or some kind of bad pronunciation because hes used to saying a limited ammount of words? (Idk how those actually work lol)
omg hi anon !! 💞
this question has single handedly led me to vampire reddit and lisp quora and now i’m getting the weirdest recommendations in my emails (;ω;)
so i’m far from being a speech therapist, and this is based off of the little research that I’ve done and my own headcanons lol.
i think that if toge does have a lisp, it would be because of his fangs. vampire reddit has informed me very helpfully that due to fangs, the consonants in english would be limited due to how the teeth would interrupt the movement of lower lip. so f and v sounds might be impacted, however that is in english ! i am not entirely sure how it would translate to japanese.
i tried to mimic the words he uses, and can’t notice any movement that might be impacted in that case. but i also read that s sounds and th are likely to be slurred.
the only case in which we hear a slur is during this iconic scene -
Tumblr media
i don’t think gege intended to convey that toge has a slur, more than likely this scene was a mixture of damage to his throat, blood loss, confusion, exhaustion, and hesitance. especially since they took his fangs away <\3
but canon is merely a suggestion to me lol
personally, i do think toge would have a slight speech impediment when combining his prominent fangs and lack of speech.
it’s a personal headcanon i have that toge’s clan limited his speech by limiting the language taught to him. he’s been speaking in his onigiri language since before he could remember and does have an understanding of his cursed speech. but if they wanted to limit accidents, it would be in limiting the words he knows.
the research i found also showed that if someone has difficulty interchanging with the t and d sound, it’s likely due to confusion. toge undoubtedly knows japanese, however he’s probably out of practice in speaking it outside of his cursed speech and safe words.
when you listen to him using both, his voice is very clear and particular in enunciating the sounds. in the case with yuuta, his voice was muffled, broken, and slurred. maybe even with a concussion that affected his speech.
so yes, i do think he has a slight impediment, but one that’s only noticeable when he speaks words outside of his cursed and safe vocabulary.
otherwise, everything he does is with clear intent, something you need to have when fostering something dangerous.
toge is probably aware of that, maybe even a little embarrassed of it. probably refrains from trying new words, partly because he doesn’t have the consistency or clarity to ensure there is no misinterpretation.
yuuta’s name was the exception, and continues to be the exception. he says it softly every time, and even though he could correct it, he doesn’t. saying it with a soft drop at the end seems to fit far better than the correct click of a t.
i’ve seen some interpretations of toge giving pet names to yuuta in the forms of potential safe words, but i think the way he says his name is the term of endearment.
the careful manner he sounds out in every syllable, the almost reverence he has, the quiet whisper of his voice as if it was meant for yuuta’s ears only.
there’s a gentleness to the cruelty of his circumstances, if only in the the way his words hold significance far beyond just any understanding.
any way, i think reddit thinks i want to be a vampire now and i’m just imagining yuuta googling this question and blushing at all the emphasis of fangs.
i hope this answered your question !! feel free to keep sending these asks so i can convey the full extent of my insanity <3 ! ( *`ω´)
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mana-jjk · 3 months
tw: lisa frankenstein spoilers, jjk implied spoilers, violence, implied suicide, horror themes, im not kidding this is a hilariously violent movie, bullying, non-explicit loss of limbs, you know the works
i watched lisa frankenstein and immediately thought of inuokko because i am entirely not normal !! the greatest part is that this story would work both ways so just sprint with me right now
my preference for insane yuuta is entirely prevalent btw
option 1:
yuuta’s entire family moves after the sudden death of his childhood friend to give him a fresh start. he struggles to find a place to belong in school, and struggles even more in the bad relationship with his parents. his little sister is one of his last positive relationships and tries her best to keep him included. he spends most of his time in an abandoned ceremony, at a grave of a boy who died at his age, accused of witchcraft.
he has a parasocial relationship with him in that he’s absolutely obsessed with the concept of a loner, rejected by society, just like him. and spends hours just talking to him, taking care of his grave, and staring at his statue like a weirdo !
after a party gone wrong, where he drank spiked punch and after being pestered about a girlfriend, he goes back to the cemetery in time to see the beloved grave get struck by lightning. hence toge rising from the dead, confused but recognizing yuuta’s voice from being the only person to talk to him. his throat is damaged from being hanged, some of his skin has been damaged enough to see the bone, and he’s missing an arm.
yuuta hides him in his room, and toge hears everything. one night, after a particularly bad one-sided argument between yuuta and his father, toge thought he was going to hurt the only person to be kind to him. so for the first time since he died, he used his abilities and killed the man. immediately after he was remorseful and afraid yuuta would hate him, but he got the exact opposite reaction. yuuta was so touched that someone would go to such lengths for him, and strangely delighted by the gruesome scene. enough to where he wanted to recreate it.
so yuuta starts picking off the people who bullied him, harvesting what toge needs to be put together again. they diy a lab with lightning and every time toge looks more and more alive until you couldn’t tell him apart from any other person. he gets more confident in school too, becoming friends with maki and panda who see him as a little weirdo. in the process, yuuta falls in love with him beyond the parasocial relationship of before, especially when toge accepts his new murderous habits so easily.
eventually they’re found out after yuuta ends the second parental figure and his sister walks in on him. she’s devastated, traumatized, and runs out of the house covered in blood. he decides then to join toge and so they can start a new life together. a few months later, they’re not even a thought in anyone’s mind, except for his sister who keeps their existence a secret, living with their uncle gojo.
option 2:
toge has just moved in with a distant relative after the last of his immediate family was murdered. the trauma of witnessing their deaths led to his already selective mutism to complete silence. he is bullied at his new school, especially since he doesn’t defend himself. his classmates maki and panda take him under their wing, but he spends most of the time at the cemetery.
it’s quiet there, abandoned and full of greenery. there’s also a grave of a boy who died of a broken heart after a life of sadness. he spends a lot of time there, just sitting alone and keeping company to this lonely boy. he leaves behind a handmade charm, hoping to give him a little peace. it’s something he hopes someone might care enough to do for him someday. he’s already planning to request his very own burial at this peaceful place.
panda invites him to go to a party, but after being harassed about his voice and separated from his friends, he ends up stumbling home, half-drunk from an awful concoction. it’s there that he finds yuuta, fresh from the grave. he’s missing an eye, ear, leg, and covered in cuts that crisscross across his face and chest. in his hands, he holds the charm toge made for him. after a mini freak out, he cleans him up and hides him in his room. yuuta talks in slurring words but his eyes are full of wonder at the kindness he gives him. he follows him like a hobbling lost puppy, nearly getting him caught several times.
it’s when one of the biological, older, slightly bum kids who has been harassing toge since he came that he moves to protect him. he doesn’t even hesitate before he’s bursting out of the closet to strangle him. afterwards, they take his leg and toge sews it onto yuuta, who almost looks up at him like he’s waiting for approval. toge knows it was wrong, should tell him not to do it again, but part of him couldn’t help but feel protected for the first time in his life. and yuuta, who was so kind to him, was still suffering, wasn’t he? so maybe he couldn’t help but notice that one of his bullies has striking silver eyes.
it’s not hard to lure them, and yuuta takes care of the rest. diligently, toge replaces the lost parts until yuuta looks just as alive as he does. in return, yuuta encourages him to stop hiding his face, enough to where others begin to notice him. the moment yuuta is complete, he swings toge around until he laughs and then kisses him.
they aren’t actually caught before they leave, they both want to start over, and hearing that toge is a suspect is enough for them to book town. he decides to join yuuta, it works as now everyone thinks he’s dead. the only person with their suspicions is maki, who visits his grave with panda regularly, and sees the charm she knows toge made.
listen to me very carefully when i tell you we NEED more dark inuokko, and by that i do not mean sadness. i physically cannot read angst without a happy ending. i mean unhinged, crazy, mutually obsessed inuokko that don’t burn each other, they just burn the world around them. THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT !!
also please watch lisa frankenstein, scream about this with me in my asks, and share your dark inuokko fic ideas !!
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mana-jjk · 3 months
jjk spoilers under the cut !!
i just think yuuta is definitely helpless, but not as much as everyone seems to think
he never learned how to properly knot a tie, his relationship with his father had turned distant after the accident with rika. he could have looked up videos or even asked gojo, but what would be the point?
sure it would look a little weird and he’d give himself away as ignorant to more than a few people. but, it was truly hard to put the effort in to care even a little.
then toge was looking at him with those lovely violet eyes, teasingly raising an eyebrow at the sad mess around his neck.
it only took yuuta to smile helplessly for toge to huff a silent laugh and come close enough for his scent of lavender and sweet lily to tickle his nose.
nimble hands undo the mess, and in less than a moment, tug a perfect tie under his chin. patting his chest with a note of satisfaction and crescents in his eyes.
it took his breath away.
so, no one could really blame him for… playing it up a little.
kind of like a school girl trying to get attention, he didn’t exactly lie, but he did maybe emphasize his struggles a little.
maybe he mentioned not understanding how to use a smart phone just to see his nimble fingers mischievously changing contact names. maybe he stared at the kitchen as lost as possible until toge was sitting on the counter and guiding him through how much spice to use. maybe he struggled a little too openly on controlling cursed speech just to see toge pull the scarf from his own face and hear his voice.
he wasn’t exactly proud of himself for it, but he figures anyone would be weak if they could see the way toge would blink his long eyelashes and lovely eyes at him. ever so attentive, ever so understanding to his struggles.
in that manner, he also doesn’t notice that toge slowly becoming aware.
there’s only so much someone can insist they need help seasoning cabbage. but still, it’s hard to reconcile that someone like yuuta would want to spend that much time with him.
he’s used to his presence being a dirty secret, a useful foot soldier, a reliable front-runner, the sacrificial pawn if it comes down to it.
useful in battle, unwanted in their society.
so to have someone as kind and devoted as yuuta, insist he needs someone to physically correct his signing, to turn bright red when toge gently moves his hands, to look simultaneously guilty and pleased to have his hands linger.
as if his time, as if his touch, was worth something more. as if he were something to steal away and monopolize for the world. as if toge was someone to want attention from.
when yuuta leaves, toge finds himself waiting to hear a knock on his door, waiting to hear a wavering voice call for his attention.
it doesn’t come.
even when yuuta comes back, it’s not entirely the same.
yuuta has only gotten more confident with time, no longer feels as if he needs inane excuses to ask toge to be with him. even going as far to trap his legs by crossing his own around them, smiling so pleasantly as if he wasn’t holding him captive.
it’s nice, it flusters toge, and he couldn’t be happier that yuuta has finally found his voice. but he also misses the pathetically endearing boy from only a year ago. he misses toge’s own ability to act as a dependable figure.
but, yuuta never seemed to bother to learn how to knot his tie.
toge struggles to do it again, only one arm to properly move and frustrated tears beading in his eyes.
but yuuta acts as his second arm, seamlessly moving under toge’s own touch, staring at him with eyes warm like honey, not looking away for a second from his face.
when it’s done, it’s not as perfect as only a year ago. but yuuta admires it as if a work of art.
“it’s perfect,” he says, even if it’s anything but, and presses his lips to toge’s forehead as if this little act was enough.
as if he was enough.
anyway, i just watched lisa frankenstein so please expect a post about inuokko au very soon because i am so entirely not sane about them crying on my hands and knees
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mana-jjk · 3 months
toge and yuuta started holding hands long before they started dating
it was probably just a casual touch that made yuuta aware of it, fixing his form on a sign, bandaging a cut on his finger, fixing the scarf around his neck, just a brush of cold skin against his own clammy, flustered form.
endearing icicles for his fingers, a teasing look on his placid face when yuuta yelped like a kicked puppy. ready to pull away, satisfied with the small reaction he earned.
yet it’s instinct in the way yuuta’s warm hands clamp over his, eyes wide and so genuine it hurts. blowing on his hand shakily, rubbing his palm as if trying to strike a match.
“wh-why didn’t you t-tell me you were so c-cold?” he’d demand in the least demanding voice, always so passionate yet never with the backbone to truly assert himself, “didn’t y-you tell me not t-to suffer a-alone?
it’s an extreme reaction, extreme examples are the only way a lonely teen can communicate, but it’s enough to still toge in place.
the truth was that he never thought to let it bother him. he was always more tired, sluggish, and susceptible to cold than his classmates. even used to struggle with fainting spells from his anemia, it wasn’t something to be upset over. it just was.
“i d-don’t mind,” yuuta would say with that pathetic smile, as if his mere presence didn’t turn toge’s world on it’s head, again and again, “i’ve always r-run a little w-warmer than everyone e-else.”
he curls his hand around his, thick with callouses and still only slightly larger than his own. it’s a little awkward, feels unnatural, and yuuta’s hand is clammy in a slightly gross way. but it’s warm and he doesn’t want to let go.
he doesn’t have the words to thank him, or even to swat his attention away, nonsense words and the subtle flush of pink across his barely exposed ears.
a few days later, toge tries to call his bluff by sticking his toes under his exposed thighs.
yuuta chokes on his spit and whips his head around, before clutching his ankles and dragging him closer. he grabs his hands, making a noise akin to revelation, and squeezes feeling back into them.
toge would almost be on his lap, if not for his tucked feet and bunched knees, his hands clutched to yuuta’s chest and trying not to burn tomato red.
after that, it’s natural.
toge slips his hand into his sometimes, other times a cold breeze is enough for yuuta to grab his.
eventually, his hands become more confident, less sweaty and softer. toge pretends he doesn’t see the hand lotion he carries, the handkerchief he uses to wipe his hands before grabbing his, and even an antiperspirant.
it’s as everything else yuuta does, wholly and completely devoted.
when he leaves, toge has to get used to losing his favorite heater. panda and yuuji are both more than willing to engage in physical contact, but it’s not the same. somehow, the cold chips away at him more than it ever has before.
then yuuta comes back, and if toge thought he was unnaturally confident before, he just about goes into shock the first time he drags him by the loop of his belt to grab his hands.
shameless devotion describes him to a T. practically suffocating him in the way he wraps his entire self, practically fused at their hands, actually pulling him to sit on his lap with zero regard for the noises of disgust.
they are sickeningly in love and shameless thank you for coming to my ted talk !
btw toge’s nose gets cold and it reminds yuuta of a cat and his favorite pastime to press a small kiss on it and toge flusters so bad he looks like he caught a case of frostbite
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mana-jjk · 3 months
I’m interested in your Genshin X JJK thoughts? 👀
anon, full disclaimer, i might kiss you
jjk manga and some genshin game spoilers !!
i’ll try to explain for anyone who hasn’t played genshin, but i have assigned a lot of roles mentally !!
so how i’ll explain this is the character, vision, weapon type, and region of origin with explanations on what they are at the end !
sukuna - king of the eclipse dynasty of khaenri’ah
the last ruler of the fallen kingdom of khaenri’ah, corrupted by the abyss but retaining his sanity. he wants revenge on the gods that destroyed the kingdom, somewhere along the line he started to enjoy bloodshed too much.
kenjaku - fatui
creates and distributes delusions and experiments on both humans and monsters. he holds influence in the nation of snezhaya, enough so where the gods are weary of him
vision users:
maki - pyro, polearm - inazuma
disowned by her clan, she inherited her vision from her deceased sister only recently. freelance adventurer that used to take every commissions on her own, but has settled with grief to remain with her friends. hasn’t been able to step foot on inazuma since she exposed corruption of her clan, leading to their downfall. she’s has a grudge against the gods for only deeming her worthy after she lost her sister.
panda - geo, claymore - liyue
one of the last remaining guardian yaksha to remain. his siblings were corrupted by karmic debt, and transferred their last remaining in order to save panda from a similar fate. he’s on a new mission to explore the world for his siblings and himself. he expects to live longer than his companions, and it’s only been recently that he’s discovered how upset he is by the idea.
toge - cryo, catalyst - snezhaya
born under a military dominant clan that he ran away from when he was still a child. he got his vision early and was unable to properly control it, something his family wanted to exploit. he escaped overseas and wandered the nations alone until he met maki and panda. they travel together, accepting commissions on his behalf to avoid detection.
yuuta - attached to a delusion and collects dead visions, sword - wanderer
has no memories before he fell into the abyss as a child with his childhood friend, rika. she was fatally injured early, and to protect her, he accepted an offer from a stranger in the abyss who promised power. he was given a delusion, but the very proximity sapped rika’s remaining life and killed her. he thinks her energy is trapped in the delusion and carries it with him. later, he discovers the ability to briefly awaken dead visions. he carries them on his back, intent on protecting his friends.
yuuji - pyro, catalyst - mondstat, descendant of khaenri'ah
believes he was born and raised in mondstat, but is one of the last citizens of the fallen kingdom. the abyss appears to make him stronger, and he chases the voice that taunts him. he’s only started to understand the voices of monsters and it leaves him conflicted. he continues to help his friends fight against the abyss order.
nobara - electro, claymore - liyue
one of the strongest blacksmiths who has a desire to the see the world. she doesn’t particularly care about the gods affairs, but she grew up in a tiny village. she accepts commissions only when they require travel, forever inquiring about her childhood friend who disappeared.
megumi - hydro, sword - inazuma
powerful with his vision, he relies on hydro animals for company and protection. after maki completely tarnished their family name, he took care of the affairs so that neither of them had to call it home ever again. he believes the gods are hiding powerful secrets that he’s intent to uncover. his sister has been missing for a while now, he believes she fell into the abyss. he plans on jumping into the first opening he can find.
gojo - anemo, catalyst, god of freedom in mondstat
a god who goes and comes as he pleases, resurfaced recently and has been forming contact with various vision users.
yaga - geo, sword, god of contracts in liyue
one of the oldest gods who specializes in creation of rock formations. they protect the land, especially as he takes steps back from being involved.
utahime - electro, catalyst, god of eternity in inazuma
keeps relatively to herself, believes in giving the people independence. recently became aware of the corruption within clans and has stepped in again.
tengen - dendro, bow, god of wisdom in sumeru
the oldest god of them all, has been losing awareness and is expected to fade sometime soon. all eyes are waiting for the emergence of their successor, especially after the last died an untimely death
higurama - hydro, claymore, god of justice in fontaine
the youngest and most recent archon, still trying to figure out his scrambled memories.
yuki - pyro, claymore, god of war in natlan
a hands-off god who hasn’t been seen in years, some say she’s wandering the nations searching for something or someone
getou - cryo, polearm, god of love in snezhaya
feels betrayed by celestia and the gods around him. waging a war against the divine to completely change the world, even if it means delving into horrible things.
• yuuta learns how to use the visions through the friends he meets. toge is the first to teach him how to wield cyro, it’s his favorite to use. the memories of toge surrounded by frost, teaching him to control with no regard for himself, is what he channels every time he uses the vision
• nobara and maki visions work off each other explosively, it’s invigorating for both of them, and it’s the first time maki smiled after everything that happened
• gojo and getou were once close friends and confidants in the days before the war, neither of them have connected with the other gods following everything that happened.
• choso was a part of the abyss order until he found yuuji, now he follows him and his friends to keep them safe
• unknown to toge, when he was a child, getou helped him escape. he never was able to turn a blind eye to a suffering child, he nearly took him in, he still doesn’t know why he helped him onto the boat.
• usually delusions sap the life of their users, for some reason it seems yuuta is immune to this effect. the people in range when it’s activated, however, are not.
• yuuji hasn’t felt himself since he found the upside down archon statue beneath the city. it’s almost like something is poisoning him, or calling him. megumi doesn’t seem immune either.
• they’re all employed by the adventurers guild, and regularly meet in different taverns and restaurants, even if they eventually split off.
• maki hears her sister’s voice every time she activates her vision
• yuuta doesn’t care about politics or divine beings, all he cares about is staying with his friends. he fights gods, not for their agendas, but because they are in the way of their happiness.
there are seven types of visions in different elements, think of geo as earth, pyro as fire, anemo as air, cryo as ice, electro as voltage, dendro as plants, and hydro as water. visions are given to those with powerful ambition who had the capability of standing on even footing with archons.
the different regions are based on actual countries/architecture, and each of these regions has an archon (the essential god of the region and element assigned to a vision. ex. mondstat has the god of freedom, anemo)
the abyss is a different realm that houses corruption and monsters that leaks through the cracks into the human world
i hope that explains everything !! thank you again for asking anon, i always have so many thoughts !! 👉👈 💞✨
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mana-jjk · 3 months
jjk would work so well as a slice of life instead of fearing for their lives everyday, this is the one series i always beg for filler ;;
help !! not his brain fjfjdj no but he’s definitely an interesting character. his hatred for non-sorcerers in canon has kind of transitioned to people with passive attitudes. the way he’ll mark down papers for just not sounding critical or passionate enough definitely goes on rate your professor lmao.
gojo is so unserious and sometimes that makes getou want to strangle him, but it also breaks him out of spirals so !! the gays are working as intended
god the passive aggressiveness and tension in the reunion is enough for shoko to consider just giving up on the male species entirely. also getou has a firm belief against posting his kids on any kind of social media, so there was a moment of “YOURE A FATHER?” the dumbassery of men is profound
omg yes, these girls might have done some bad things, but that’s because they were never allowed to be kids. i just think they both deserve to have happy school memories, friends, and each other ;; they finally get to see each other grow up !!
toge and yuuta are just good, they’re my emotional support and deserve everything in this world
and of course !! i love nobamaki!!
• nobara notices maki first, after spending days agonizing over new designs she was in a really grumpy mood but yuuji forced her to come with him to the sparring event at the new club megumi’s cousin forced him to join - he’s carrying signs and everything, she’s so embarrassed to be near him
• she complains the entire time, especially during the male portion. it’s hot, stinky, and humid, it smells like man, she wants to leave, and megumi only had a 10 minute portion before he got beat by one of the more experienced club members
• she immediately stops talking as soon as the second portion begins and the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen is stepping into position, pulling her headgear into place. the black and white hakama looks striking against her, the wooden naginata sword in her hands accentuating the corded muscles in her arms.
• it’s the longest she’s ever gone without talking, eyes shiny and enraptured, shoving yuuji away violently when he starts poking her in concern.
• she forces megumi to introduce them, practically vibrating in place while also trying to look cool. the hardest thing she’s ever done in her life was not immediately melting into a blushing mess at the way maki pulled her headgear off, wiped the sweat from her face, and quirked an eyebrow at her
• for maki’s part, she didn’t really register nobara at first, she’s used to maintaining a very disciplined focus, and while the other girl was cute, she didn’t have time to pay attention to anything outside of that focus. panda has always told her it’s not a very welcoming mindset to have, but how can she possibly focus on anything but proving herself?
• megumi is an unwilling, unamused wing-man for nobara. he and maki, as the family disappointments, are used to keep up with each other, so he has a vague idea of her schedule. which nobara exploits, obviously.
• maki gets used to having these kind of clingy freshman around, their bickering becomes background noise to the club practices megumi isn’t even involved in. she doesn’t like to admit it, but it feels nice to have someone so unashamedly impressed by the work she puts in. it’s nice having the headgear to hide the sharp grin she gets when she hears nobara crying out encouragement in the otherwise quiet gym.
• maki really starts to acknowledge her as a friend by that point, but it’s the first time she sees her sketchbook that she’s the one who’s impressed. she’s not particularly into fashion, design, or even drawing, but when you open nobara’s notebook, the first thing you know is how extreme she is.
• while some might assume a book full of vague figures and ruffly clothes, they never seem to expect the extent. Specific fabrics, stitches, dynamic poses, equipment, inspiration, swatches, and even unconventional materials are not only drawn, but stitched together into her journal. chain mail samples, paint colors mixed together in raised textures, and even brand designs are thrown in every free space. it’s like looking into the mind of a mad woman, except she knows exactly what she wants.
• one of the pages includes an onna-musha design with a model that looks suspiciously like maki. it makes her smirk a little and she teasingly compliments her taste.
• her cheeks turn pink but nobara doesn’t fiddle her thumbs or look away shyly, her chest puffs in pride, an almost manic look in her eye as she pleads for her to model her designs. it’s the in the way nobara’s eyes sharpen in focus as she carefully helps her dress, the pride and passion that practically drips off of her once she sees the complete image. it’s that fire, in that moment, that seeps through her perfectly composed form, where maki finally sees her
• it’s in the way, that even sensing the atmosphere shift, nobara bares her teeth in a grin and meets her head on in every way. never asking her to hold back, never afraid of the fire and anger that constantly turmoils, never trying to do anything but embrace the flames in their entirety. she’s simultaneously beautiful and ugly in all the same and different ways, unafraid of blood and sweat and grit, yet oh so practiced in perfumes and glossy lips and fluttering eyelashes. unafraid to show maki her passion, and never ceasing to demand the same in return. that’s when she realizes it, oh so slow to the uptake that nobara knew from first sight.
• it doesn’t take them very long after that, first kiss in the middle of nobara’s makeshift workshop and their first date under the moonlight of a 24/7 ramen place.
• nobara dresses like every day is a fashion week, her perfect makeup, stylish taste, and even higher expectations. yet she sits in the stool of warm light with chipped nails and a snorting laugh, looking at maki like she’s anything she’s ever wanted.
• it’s easy, easier than anything she’s ever done before, and for once she lets herself relax, head propped on her hand and quirking an eyebrow and not even pretending it doesn’t send a wave of satisfaction to be there, with her.
this took so long omg but um gorls <3 they’re dating and girlfriends and nobara steals maki’s jackets and leaves lipgloss stains on her face with too much satisfaction
i keep looking through the college au and coming up with more questions.
does geto teach a philosophy Gen-ed that everyone has to take?
are nanako and mimiko there? what are they up to?
I have to know more about ijichi's suffering
how close does toge get to dropping out? how often? will he ever actually do it?
do gojo and geto do that thing where they both casually mention their husband but nobody puts together that it's the other professor? (are they together in this au or is there more angst?)
i’m loving the questions !! <3 thank you for taking such an interest ! 🥺
getou’s philosophy:
• so getou has a PhD in philosophy and does research on the side of his position as a professor.
• he’s one of the few philosophy professors, so he teaches up to 4 - 5 classes a semester. this can include higher levels, major-specific, sub-categories, etc. but he always specifically requests a introduction to philosophy class, a requirement in most majors.
• it’s either that, or they take a speech class with Yuki Tsukumo and her teaching assistant, Aoi Todo. Who, yes, as an icebreaker, make you proclaim your type in men/women/other.
• yuuji took that class lol and now they’re trying to recruit him as a TA, no one could believe he would be the first to be recruited for that
• anyway, back to philosophy, getou has way too much fun being as evil and instigating as possible. you have to speak to get a grade in his class, and he will purposely misinterpret what you say.
• student: i just think in the case of the trolley problem, i wouldn’t hesitate to save more people.
• getou: oh? so you assign value to numbers? are human lives stastics to you? if they throw their money out will you also change your mind? i bet you don’t even care if there was a child on the other side huh? murderer
• you leave his class traumatized lol
nanako and mimiko:
• they are here and are still adopted by getou! they didn’t have the best home life, and moved around foster care for a lot of their lives until they accidentally bumped into getou while they were running away.
• he helped them call their social work and were moved into a better situation, though they begged him to stay in contact.
• a complicated and usual amount of time later, enough for adoption process in japan, he has officially adopted them.
• in present day, nanako and mimiko insisted on transferring colleges to the one getou got a job at so they could stay together.
• mimiko is currently a fashion design major and nanako is her biggest inspiration. she exclusively makes clothes for her or inspired by her and because of that she’s struggling a bit in college, despite being the top of her class.
• nanako is a digital marketing and social media major and part-time model who loves showing off mimiko’s designs. she also likes to bicker with nobara by saying her sister is on a whole different level than her. mimiko doesn’t care but likes the support her sister gives her lol
• mimiko will eventually change her major to graphic design, to someday design toys for children. she likes making clothes because it makes nanako smile, but she loves making toys that she and nanako used to cherish while hiding in the closet from their bad foster parents.
• like i said, nanako likes fighting with nobara, but actually has a lot of fun around her. she also loves panda and thinks he’s so fun and would be a great model. they always get chaotic around each other and turn into instigators.
• mimiko ended up finding an unexpected friendship in toge, he was quiet and she couldn’t understand sign but he always carried a little notebook that he would write notes in for her. they would watch nobara and nanako bicker, and toge would make her laugh by making doodles of them in the pages, and then clap when she drew a better quality version in turn. the way he ruffles her hair reminds her a bit of an older brother. (this is my agenda and i’m dying with it)!!
save ijichi:
• poor ijichi is an education major trying to get his master’s degree. being a teaching assistant was one of the requirements for him to graduate, and being gojo’s teaching assistant is the only position available.
• gojo did not want a teaching assistant, he likes to talk like a squirrel, go on tangents, and essentially not follow a schedule or explain to anyone. having a teaching assistant contradicts that so.
• lol
• gojo enjoys going on a tangent, losing everyone and then pointing at ijichi to answer a trick question.
• he also enjoys playing pranks on him, think of jim from the office. but his pranks are so nonsensical and childish that it gives everyone whiplash. once gojo accused him of passing notes and made him read a note out loud that gojo wrote, it only had a picture of a cat wearing sunglasses on it.
• the students feel so bad for him, when yuuta took the class, he always stayed after just to bow as deep as he could to apologize for his cousin’s behavior.
• every day ijichi tells himself he’s going to get a backbone, then gojo starts laughing and a cold chill runs up his spine
• gojo also leaves all the grading to ijichi but routinely complains about how lenient he is as a grader
• this man is fighting for his life
• in truth, gojo plans to give him a glowing recommendation that’ll guarantee him a high-paying, prestigious job, but he can’t let ijichi think he’s too nice, right?
toge drops out:
• so i think that toge would end up dropping out at the end of his second year in college. he’s just started his major courses, so the majority of his credits are transferable should he choose to come back.
• but it’s after yuuta comes back, and toge expects his mental state to get better. in some ways it does, he’s happy when he’s with them, but when it’s time to go to class he’s right back where he started.
• it’s probably kusakabe, one of his professors, that puts the idea of dropping out in his head. just a passing reference to how the professor dropped out several times before finding what he wanted to do.
• and the idea stayed like an infection, it was all toge could think about when he was finishing up his semester. even worse when their past upperclassmen, who did drop out to open their own bar, came for a visit.
• hakari was so open to questions about it, and kiara looked so happy talking about their business. and all he could remember was how bored and unhappy they were, and how they were thriving.
• and then gojo suggests it.
• “i never really cared about your grades,” he said, “you looked lonely, but you aren’t anymore. but somehow, you’re just as unhappy as the day i found you. all i want for you is to be happy, and i don’t think you’re finding it here.”
• the man was always so uncanny in how he could read anyone’s mind. this time in particular, he offered a solution that toge had never thought about.
• “have you ever thought of culinary school?”
• ‘my parents would never - they’re already threatening to disown me -’
• “let them, i always figured you’d take his last name anyway,” toge chose to ignore that, “but you aren’t alone anymore. so why don’t you try being happy?”
• when toge told yuuta, similar to only a year ago when they were in opposite positions, yuuta asked him softly, “what do you want to do?”
• the answer came easier than he thought
• by the start of the next semester, gojo had helped him enroll in a culinary school nearby.
gojo and getou:
• so these men are the most annoying people to exist at this university, and the board regrets hiring both of them everyday.
• both of them are alumni of the college, and this matters because they had been dating when they were students, but broke up very dramatically just before gojo graduated early.
• they went their separate ways for almost a decade and only really started talking again when getou got hired at the university.
• they only started talking again when shoko forced them to meet her, she wanted her friends back.
• she regretted it only a few months later when they started dating again lol
• so they’re still dating, but everyone thinks that getou is dating manami suda because they were often together.
• but no one mistakes gojo trying to flirt with getou so he has a reputation as a homewrecker. even worse is that getou flirts back so everyone thinks they’re terrible people
• and they think it’s so funny so they only enable people into thinking so, yuuta couldn’t look gojo in the face for a month
• only nanako and mimiko know what’s actually happening and they’re both disgusted and not ready to have gojo as their step-father. megumi knows too but he’s suffering so much that everyone just leaves him alone
• yuuji is so distraught that his gojo-sensei is a horrible person, he and nobara do a confrontation and find out that they were dating the entire time.
• everyone suffers after that because now they find amusement in PDA
• but yes after everything, they do a different storyline every new class like theater kids do
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mana-jjk · 3 months
casual contact with the people she loves !! i know in my heart of hearts they are besties who love each other 🥺 she absolutely throws her shoe at anyone who doesn’t clap at their entrance i know this
no because yuuji will just accidentally be in the vicinity and suddenly he’s carrying a department store and i love that for him !
But your tags on my latest post (the one with Toge stealing Maki's skirt) literally made me shake your hand because, while I didn't include it because I was too tired, I'M A FIRM BELIEVER OF THE NOBATOGE FRIENDSHIP!!! They're fashion besties and bully the others into carrying their bags Nobara does.
I'm just thinking of the first time they went shopping together, and the first time Nobara notices Toge looking at feminine clothes— She knows he pranks Maki by stealing her skirt, she also knows he usually ends up wearing it for the rest of the day— But this time, when she sees him look at the skirts and dresses behind the glass, she realises something else.
And she gets it.
So what she does is simply take Toge's hand in hers, and lead them inside the shop. "We're almost the same size, so I'm gonna use you as my lab rat," she hums with a smirk. It's a lie, they both know; still, Toge's thankful.
Every time someone side-eyes Toge, Nobara growls at them before Toge notices anything (he actually notices everything, but is still thankful for Nobara). Nobara insists on making Toge try outfits that aren't her style, but are definitely his.
And when it's time to go, when Toge thinks it's time to put the clothes back, that the fun is over, Nobara takes it in her hands and puts it in her shopping bags instead. "You pay for food, okay?" Toge can't hide the blush spreading on his cheeks and nose, and simply nods with a small "Salmon". Nobara knows Toge doesn't want to be pitied, and gifting those clothes for him would feel similar; so, she compromises.
They both know the clothes cost more than any amount of food they could order for the two of them. Still, it works.
"You look pretty in a dress, you know," Nobara tells him when they're walking back to the school. "Next I'll use you to test makeup looks."
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mana-jjk · 3 months
the way this is all the encouragement i need ヽ(;▽;)ノ 
and what if i said that i have an inuokko fic in the drafts with memory loss, pining on both sides, one-sided inukamo, some low-key unhinged yuuta and enabler toge content with three different endings 👉👈
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mana-jjk · 3 months
i have the flu right now y’all so um sick inuokko xoxo gossip girl (i’ve never seen gossip girl don’t correct me)
• yuuta has no idea how to take care of himself when he’s sick, i kind of headcanon that rika’s cursed energy kept him semi-healthy so i don’t think he was sick very often
• when he was little, his mom used to make him okayu, but it’s been a long time since he’s even seen her
• so in a word, sick yuuta is a little pathetic lol
• he gets confused and a little delirious, which translates to being majorly clingy and forgetting that most of the time he’s contagious
• maki does not play about getting sick, she needs to be at peak 24/7 so she’ll literally get a ruler to keep him 6 feet apart, but she will throw some medicine at his face
• panda can’t get sick, but he does find sick humans pretty gross. so he’ll let yuuta cling to him, pat his back, but as soon as the mocos comes out, he’s nudging him away to go spray Clorox on himself
• toge probably gives in the most to him, he has no life preservation instincts when it comes to his friends. as soon as yuuta sniffled pathetically, looked at him with lost, wet eyes, he was a goner
• he forces him into blankets, bundling up and letting him lean on him. at some point, yuuta always ends up laying his head on his lap, toge’s fingers brushing through his slightly gross, sweaty hair.
• he panics a little when yuuta bursts into tears at the first taste of his okayu, he thinks it tastes even better than his mom’s.
• yuuta gets extremely weepy when he’s sick, sometimes he’ll just sit there and suddenly he’s the embodiment of T^T
• toge patiently wipes the tears from his face with his thumb, putting a hot towel on his head to fight the ensuing headache with a fond if not exasperated noise, trying not to blush at the way yuuta looks at him with round eyes as if he came down from the heavens
• when yuuta feels better, he’s always mortified of how he clung to his friends, and apologizes profusely afterwards. secretly though, he’s so relieved to have not been alone, to not have his desperate hands starving for affection brushed away again
• toge is kind of the opposite when he’s sick
• having anemia and tearing his throat open so often leaves him a little more susceptible to colds and infections, he’s usually stocked up on medicine but they’re always a little worse than he expects
• he’s already afraid of little noises escaping him, so the moment his throat starts getting scratchy, he locks himself in his room in a self-imposed quarantine
• maki and panda are used to this, know how this little bit of control is essential to him, so they leave him be for the most part. dropping off snacks and soup they heated on the stove outside his door
• he’s never really had anyone take care of him when he was sick, so he doesn’t really know any better to feel the loneliness of it
• so he was entirely befuddled at how insistent yuuta was that he not be alone
• unlike maki and panda, yuuta stands outside his door with a tray of steaming food that he coerced them into helping him with. slightly falling apart onigiri, a little watery okayu, and perfect honey chamomile tea
• toge tries to shoo him away, but yuuta is so insistent and he’s so tired that he eventually just gives up
• part of why toge is hit so hard by sickness, is because he never allows himself to actually go through it. he’s always stifling himself, always hiding in some way or another and it’s enough to push yuuta into being a little more forceful than usual
• toge refuses to let him on the bed since it’s full of his germs, so yuuta sits on the floor right next to it. toge ends up glaring at him half heartedly, hiding under the covers to try and keep his sickness in a bubble
• but yuuta just smiles at him sheepishly, and sneaks the food into his hands, talking quietly about the endeavors it took to make
• eventually, toge falls asleep listening to him talk, but something even he doesn’t know is that eventually, silently, tears escape behind his closed eyes.
• yuuta holds his hand through it, doing what little he remembers from his parents, and everything toge does for him
• toge scolds him when he’s better, worried that he passed his illness on to him, but yuuta never promises to not do it again, not when he has full intention
anyway, forgive the typos because i literally cannot see right now, being sick and living alone sucks absolute ass
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mana-jjk · 3 months
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picrew credit: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1721661
i’m posting so much today but this is how i see inuokko daughter btw she’s a carbon copy, hyperfeminine toge look-alike but her expressions perfectly mirror yuuta sometimes that it gives toge a double-take
flowers are her favorite, she prefers having long hair so she can bother her papa (toge) into fixing it for her, and her tou-chan (yuuta) had to buy a super fancy phone with a lot of storage because he’s the dad that takes pictures of their child doing the most mundane things every day
he shows toge the pictures as if he wasn’t there living them in real life, to which toge indulges him by teasingly pinching both his and their daughter’s cheeks
she’s not ashamed of her sigils, she doesn’t see them as the curse of a clan, but the legacy of her papa who always used them to protect the people he loves
let’s hear it for the picrews that let fools like me who can’t draw create references !!
i have so much to respond to omg but i have two assignments due by midnight and i literally cannot focus until i get this out
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