Show Review (05-02)
Art and Labor: works from the art collection
          Earlier this semester I was able to attend the exhibition called ‘Art and Labor’ at the Houghton House. This show was like a melting pot of many different cultures having labor as the topic. There were paintings, photographs, sculptures,… It was a whole wide range of different art forms. The messages that the room contained were very powerful, from the struggle of Prussian laborers depicted by Käthe Kollwitz to Arthur Rothstein’s photographs of workers in migratory camps. There were also Chicano, British, and American works of art.
          Kollwitz’s works were definitely some of my favorites. She was a very important German artist from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. She focused her art on women and the working class. The print Riot, done in 1897, shows the struggle of the working class and the women in her society. Her etching is marvelous, it really took me out of breath. For some, it might seem quite simple, but apart from the difficulty of the medium, it is hard to send such a powerful message and create such tension as she does.
          The artwork is fairly small but does not lack detail. We can only see one face out of all the people depicted in the image. I believe this is due to the artist not wanting us to focus on the characters but on the action itself. The laborers are rioting in front of a building, kept out by a tall fence. In the foreground we find a woman picking up stones from the street to give them to the rioters. One of these rioters is asking for a stone. This action shows the movement in them, as well as the arms of the rest of the rioters behind him, in protest. Also in the foreground, we find a strong working-class woman walking towards the riot. At first, it took me a little to see, but then I realized she was holding two kids in her arms. One of the kids is covering his/her face with an arm, probably sobbing. This again allows us not to focus on the characters but in the bigger picture. It gives us a sense that this riot is not a punctual thing, but part of a general societal revolution. 
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Art and Labor: works from the art collection
Earlier this semester we were able to go to a temporary exhibition on labor at the Houghton House. I really enjoyed going into the gallery and reading about the different artists and their creations. Even if the gallery is not very big, the wide rage of cultures that met in one single room made it very powerful. From the struggle of Prussian laborers depicted by Käthe Kollwitz to Arthur Rothstein’s photographs of workers in migratory labor camps. We also get a taste of the Chicano painter Frank Romero, the British artist Sue Coe, and the American artist Elizabeth Catlett who frequently depicted working class women. The sculpture in the photos is called Study for Black Figures, done by Ronald Gonzalez, professor of sculpture at Binghamton University.
(The photos are in the order in which they were mentioned)
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Assignment #4 final crit.
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Student show 2019.
I really enjoyed seeing all the hard work that our fellow studio students have done this semester. It was the first student show that I have been to so far, and I will definitely not miss the rest. The variation of styles specially on paintings were great to admire. Also, it was great to see everyone show their friends what they had done, especially to those student who never come to the art campus, I think they enjoyed it a lot.
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Sculpture part of assignment #4. ‘M’ Soccer ball.
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Painting #2, assignment #4.
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by Tom Hill
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For the sculpture part of the assignment #4 I had the idea to make 3 like these. They were going to be baloons that represented my grandma, my mom and I. Turns out it already takes days to make just one of them. One day, I was watching the Champions League (best soccer event in Europe) and I still had no idea how to go around the 3D part of the assignment. Before the game started the Champions League song came up, with the “soccer ball” that is so characteristic of the tournament. This ball has a star pattern that reminded me of the pattern I created with the Ms. Soccer is a huge part of my life, so why not do an sculpture around it? I decided to go after this idea. (04-30-2019)
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Assignment #4. Type for 3D design.
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Different types for Assignment #4.
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Assignment #4, painting #1 progress.
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Assignment #4. Paintings after Stuart Davis.
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Exercise #7 (04-30)
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Poem and chosen words for exercise #7.
(La Canción del Pirata by Espronceda. Spanish Romanticism 1830).
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Presentation of Assignment #3.
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