loveforangst · 2 months
Hero weakly glared at those perfectly polished shoes, barely an inch away from his face, as they rhythmically tapped on the bloody floor.
Tap tap tap.
The usual sickly sweet lullaby echoed in his ears distracting him from his racing heartbeat and he found himself unwillingly calming down, his resolve leaving his spirit along with the blood from his veins. "Shut up.." he murmured as his eyes closed, his body preparing for another nightmare filled sleep.
The smiling Villain carefully cleaned the tools that were ever so helpful during their wonderful playtime, humming the song he knew the Hero loathed. "Now now, no need to be so rude, " he peered at his shiny reflection before placing a scalpel on the tray, "after all we're having so much fun together aren't we?"
Hero didn't have the energy nor will to respond to his taunts and simply flexed his fingers on the cool tiles as he felt his consciousness slipping-"AaAgh!!!" When an all too familiar sharp pain shocked the nerves in his hand and forced him to shoot his eyes open, spotting the previously clean scalpel deeply lodged into his flesh. "Aren't we?" Villain's eyes had lost their playfulness and his smile fell into a bemused frown.
"Y-YES!" Hero coughed out, his eyes painfully closing once again when Villain yanked out the scalpel, a trail of fresh blood following it.
Villain sighed and brought the tool close to his face "Was that really so hard?" His smile returned in the form of a playful grin, eyes becoming crazed as he slowly licked the blood off the scalpel "Now I have to clean it, again, " he shot a pointed look to Hero even though he knew he'd already passed out. "And you know how much I dislike cleaning"
The Villain cackled by himself in the spotless room, in exception to the dark red stain, that only increased in size and surrounded the man on the floor, as he thought of what tomorrow's playtime entailed.
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