What character from beverly hills teens you wish to never see again? ( if the show made a comeback)
Idk about "never see" cuz I don't have that strong of an opinion on any of the characters (except those girls from Valley High in that one episode, but that's just cuz their voices were grating af), but I would trim the cast down a bit and get rid of the more uninteresting characters entirely. Or at least give them more of a presence/personality.
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I really wanna do a rewrite of the entire show going by episode by episode, but I don't know how. Some day though because I absolutely love this show
Go for it, man!
The only thing I know I'd do is give Pierce and Radley the slowburn romance they deserved.
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I keep forgetting Blaze is a character
Honestly? True. She is among the blandest characters and the fact that she's just Larke with slightly darker hair absolutely does not help
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I have to wonder whether BHT is meant to be taking place in the future (as seen from ‘87,of course),mostly due to the advanced tech. My own head canon is that it takes place in the universe of For All Mankind,but YMMV.
That's definitely a possibility, especially since scifi was such a prominent subject back in the 80s!
Personally, I've always interpreted it as the show being like "look how rich these kids are, they got robot servants and robot hands to do their hair!" But the idea of it taking place in this pseudo 80s-esq future is way cooler.
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Every friend group should include…
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I love this dumb show
(via lazarus171)
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gay rights
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so they really used that “something romantic is happening” track every time bianca and larke interacted in a time to remember, huh?
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I don't know why they never shipped Larke and Bianca together. What did they see in Troy?
Troy is boy and therefore girls with different hair must fight over him.
fr though, there is so much tension between larke and bianca that it might as well be canon
like bianca wakes up everyday and says to herself "I'm gonna dedicate all my time and energy into one-upping this single girl, and this is totally not a ploy to get her attention". okay, lesbian.
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everyone must have some diamond-studded balls of steel giving wilshire a hard time when he could easily snap them all in half
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Hey. I don't know if this would interest you, but there is a Beverly Hills Teens discord server.
Thanks for the invite, but group chats aren't really my thing
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I am so glad I'm not the only human who watches this show let alone crazy over Pierce I just bought a cel with him on it.
ah that's awesome!! I've yet to obtain a cell myself, but I will one day #piercethorndykeIIIonlybhtcharacterever
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Song Affluenza by Conan Gray,,, Pierce... That's it that's the message
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I really wish bht had spent more time exploring Pierce and CAD’s relationship, because it’s genuinely interesting.
Technology isn’t something the beverly hills teens have much care or respect for. Not even robot servants with actual sentience are safe from a rich teen’s wrath.
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(poor thing)
And CAD isn’t much of an exception. For one, the teens, including nice guys™ Troy and Larke, refer to him as an “it”. To them, CAD is simply a computer that plans Pierce’s dates and keeps his secrets. But, it’s proven time and time again that Pierce sees CAD as something a lot more than that.
In the episode “From Rad to Worse”, Chester transfers a portion of his smarts over to Radley so he can finish his homework in time. However, the sudden bump in intelligence transforms the kind and carefree Radley into a cold, pretentious asshole. He takes CAD away from Pierce, dubbing him as a “foolish toy”, and launches him off the cliff. Once again, this proves that everyone sees him as merely an object, a cool little gadget to carry around and show off to your friends.
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So what does Pierce do when he witnesses this? Does he just shrug and say, “Oh well, I guess I’ll have to get a new one.” Maybe the other teens would’ve, but not him.
PIERCE: “I’ve got to catch him!”
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Now, I just wanna point out that in the episode where they got stranded on island, when he and Troy were supposed to gather firewood, Pierce only bothered to carry small twigs while Troy was lugging around logs. When confronted about it, Pierce simply said it was because, “Thorndykes don’t strain themselves.” Yet here, Pierce BOLTED all the way through a baseball field, stole a player’s glove, and dived onto the grass, possibly ruining his outfit, just to save CAD.
PIERCE: “CAD, are you alright? Speak to me! Tell me you’re okay, please!”
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PIERCE, after CAD turns back on: “Oh, CAD, CAD, CAD!”
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And he’s not even the least bit bothered when CAD starts getting all snarky with him, instead declaring that he’s just happy he’s alright.
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This display of affection, along with Pierce referring to CAD as “he” instead of “it” proves that Pierce does not only view CAD as a living being with thoughts and feelings, but as a friend, despite all their bickering.
It’s moments like these that make Pierce my favorite character. Beneath that pompous persona lies a kind, yet vulnerable person who just wants to be seen as someone “cooler” than he actually is, and I think his weird friendship with CAD would’ve made a great catalyst for exploring that side of him.
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darling (condescending, with a bit of gay subtext)
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