joazlagundino 2 years
Small Wins
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Dear Neil,
Sometimes we are caught in the middle of being discreet or flamboyant about our wins in life. Reasons? It could be that we are afraid to be judged as proud, boastful and the like. The thing is that whatever it is that keeps us happy and at the same time grounded, we shouldn't mind at all what other people think.
There's nothing more fulfilling than being able to pay off dues and payables. God knows how much blood, sweat, and tears were squeezed out for us to be able to get these payables over. But I couldn't be any happier, and of course prouder of how far we've been holding on to this adulting stage.
You know, it never pains to ask for help when there is a need of it. Being helpless is the worst feeling of all - more than break-up I guess? But nah, I am hoping that all of us will learn to dwell on celebrating small wins and taking one step at a time.
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joazlagundino 2 years
The Will of the Wind
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[Air Situation Display showing the weather engulfing more than 30 nautical miles of radius from the aerodrome (airport) reference point in the National Capital Region]
Dear Neil,
Today, we expected the landfall of Typhoon "Karding." I am currently on duty at the Control Tower. The winds were reaching a maximum gustiness of 30 knots and we were slowly feeling some movements at the cab. Then came a reflection, our lives cannot, and will not, always be a calm season.
In life, we experience sunny days. Sometimes we also experience rainy days. We tend to feel overwhelmed about problems that we forget to see the rainbow after the drizzles, or the pot of gold at its end. That's just how life works. In most cases, we have no complete control of how life will throw punches at us, or even cast stones. But one thing is for sure, we can always choose to see the goodness there is in every persecution or hardships.
Surely, this typhoon will leave a lot of debris, or a lot of damaged properties and livelihoods, and god-forbid casualties. But we must fret not because the resilience that has grown in our system over the years will leave us not without an option, rather be filled with hope for better days. Together, let's wait as the rainbow unfolds tomorrow, or in the next days to come!
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joazlagundino 2 years
Blood and Water
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Dear Neil,
There's this saying that "blood is thicker than water" which connotes the value of ties in between families and its members. Recently, I received one of the most horrific emails I have read in my email and I kind of expected it actually. Let me share you a story about how blood will always emerg in times of crisis, and that water is likewise as valuable.
Talking to my brother who works as a seafarer and sharing him about my financial fiascos was never a part of my vocabulary or routine. For a while, I have been living independently, paying off my dues and not relying on anyone. I wanted to keep it that way so I won't burden anyone with my own problems. Truth be told, living like this is my adulthood is way herder that I thought. I have a pretty nice salary for a middle class working i dividual, however, my remuneration goes to a lot of chunks - say my payables, support to family, dues, support again to other people and the like, and just recently I was so drained in my finances because of many reasons. One of the worse news broke in and I might not be able to be given any second chance of ownership of a thing if I left it unsolved. That's when my mom talked to me about sharing this news to my brother because basically, he has all the means to help me. At first I didn't want to because pride was clearly on top of my throat. Eventually, I caved in and without hessitation messaged my brother.
I know that some of us struggle to open up and share, or the most involve, someone in the midst of crisis. But I reflected and contemplated that at the end of the day, I will always fall back to my family whom I share blood with. With tears rolling down my cheeks I exclaimed, "Thank God for family!"
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joazlagundino 2 years
100 Days with Neil
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September 23, 2022
Dear Neil,
There's a hundred days left before 2022 will soon come to an end; a hundred days to think and reflect. In the next 100 days, am I going to be proud of myself? Or am I going to wallow in self-pity? I am the captain of my fate and the leader of my own life. So, where do I begin?
I have dreams and aspirations... a lot of them actually. Some of these dreams already forgotten, and some I believe still live deep within me. Today, I choose to live upon this, rather these dreams as I enjoy the present while cherishing the past. I am starting this journey of a hundred days with me; a project and a process of improving myself for the next 100 days.
I am very much excited and I can't wait to end this year with a better version of myself. See you, Neil, after 100 days!
"1 year from now, you would thank yourself for starting today..."
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joazlagundino 3 years
Crash course
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(The photo used is for click-bait purposes only. It isn't necessarily connected to the article. Peace y'all!)
This year, I believe that we should be critical of things we see on social media. I used to patronize unverified posts and news on social media that I miss out the point of skepticism and value for truth. When emotions are at the hype, we tend to trade rational thoughts with unnecessary conclusions. We judge more often than understand and look at all possible angles. What I am trying to say is, why not get a crash course on self-reflection and bettering one's self? Maybe that's what we really need. Too easy to see someone else's dirty lawn that we miss looking at how messy our life is. Okay, end of story.
PS Got some cool advice on how to look tall in pictures. I look 6 feet but I'm totes not in real life. Haha. Photography crash course, what can I say?
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joazlagundino 3 years
Empty halls, empty parking bays
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I remember seeing the airport terminal full of passengers and families get to send their love ones off. Time indeed has flown swiftly and a year wasted to an enemy which can't be seen by the naked eye. The busy drop-off points to the junctions of carpark entrance now close to a ghost town. Aircraft parking bays now almost unoccupied with each shuffling placement. When will this ever end?
Air transportation is considered as the most expeditious and convenient form of passenger and cargo transport, hence the economy boost. The aviation industry is one of the industries greatly affected by the pandemic. Borders had been closed to accepting travellers and with the onset of the pandemic, a lot of airmen and ground staff working in airports and airlines had to be retrenched. Sad and wrenching as it seems, it didn't end there. A new strain of the virus has been observed and recorded in various regions of the globe and hope is too blurry.
As I write this entry, I am reflecting from the sight I see on the 12th level of where I stand. I wish to see terminals packed-full of passengers and spectators. I am never losing hope from humanity. The vaccine is on its way and everything will get into a better direction. Things may not get back to where they used to but we will start anew. Let's travel soon? 馃洬
PS Working in the aviation industry is quite challenging and we are in the verge of economic crisis. We hope that once things get better, we maximize our travel funds and get to the places we'd rather be.
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joazlagundino 3 years
No pain, no gain
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It's been almost 3 weeks since I decided to get back into shape. I enrolled in a crossfit training program at the gym near where I am currently staying. The holidays made a quite unnerving impression of what it seems to be the grind I'd get into for the coming months. But who cares, no big deal, I want more pain. Just kidding.
Today was cardio day and I really enjoyed it. I'd have to jettison lifting some several pounds of weight since I have back probs. I took this routine to my advantage since I love running and jumping. I currently weigh 67 kgs; a 2 kg over my target which is 65. Almost there plus abs to sizzle the summer away. I wanted to talk more but way too tired after the 6 cycles of marath.....on.....zzzzzZZZ
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joazlagundino 3 years
11:11, Making Dreams Happen!
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It was June of 2019 when my heart's long desire of acquiring a property for my family, and myself to include, has been given color. Working, and eventually living, in the Metro has actually given me the hard thought of not being able to be assigned in my home province; a thing that I really don't mind to be honest. I have adjusted quite easily with the lifestyle and this concrete jungle's business.
This was a decision that has pushed me to my limits. It was a great sacrifice having to spare half of my salary for the monthly amortization, and the other half for my monthly utilities and dues. It was never easy. I had to budget what was left of my meager allowance and still have to shed some for my family's needs. But with God's grace and provision, I was able to pull it through with paying the downpayment.
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This morning, I was scheduled to inspect my property for the first time. I was both excited and nervous with the thought that my hopes and expectations will not match what I will see. But then I was amazed with how it turned out. There were minor issues which I really didn't bother worrying about since everything was scrupulously done; not really bad for the first scrutiny.
I still have a long way to go but I am very much thankful for this challenge. It was a blessing which I have prayed so hard and asked for in fervent devotion. Not much know that I juggled with being a Financial Advisor to a Health Coach in order to pay for bills after bills, all of which have not quite succeeded and there's no one to be blamed but I. I had to take side hustles in order to keep the line connected and drop a grain on my plate. When things went wrong and seemingly blurry, I thank my family for all the support.
One goal ticked on my bucketlist. I'd still have to pay for this property till God-knows when but the fact that I have something to call my own, to call my home, and a roof to take refuge into, I am more than ready to slay the best of the future! Hoping to not get lazy with stuff and hustles, I still have to remind myself to double the effort coz it's hard being born without a silver spoon in my mouth.
Well I don't want to keep this long. I probably will be writing more about this in the next inspections to come, or so I thought. How about house warming? Eh, not yet.
PS So glad to have an amazing and hands-on agent-cum-friend for all the assistance. It was a journey with ease since Shawn's been very helpful from my site tripping till forever.馃檹
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joazlagundino 3 years
How have you been keeping that cup of coffee hot in this pandemic?
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All dressed-up in my gym clothes, I opted a sweat-full of a Saturday in the gym to no avail. The gym was closed till the 3rd and I didn't know. Worried about spoiling the momentum, I decided to go to the mall to settle bills and do a little bit of "window shopping" until I got tired.
I used to enjoy the busy sights of caf茅s. Packed-full with patrons, curious, studious and lurkers, the presence of adrenaline from each cup of joe or frappe is a sheer manifestation of a grit from the midnight rush. I don't know if I will ever behold such. This pandemic has clearly made us realize a lot of things; one is that we should enjoy simple things while we can, and so much more. This grail of my favorite caramel macchiato will always be a reminder that I should take a break from things I can't control.
If there's something I discovered from myself from the previous year, it was the fact that I had consumed quite a number of mugs of caffeine. I realized that stress had been the greatest perpetrator of my buzz-kill migraine attacks more than caffeine, which surprisingly is something that soothes the after effects of the throbbing pain in my head. I therefore should consume a tolerable amount more often in moderation. How about another cup? 馃榿
PS I know here in my country, malling is a big bat of an eye since we're still under MGCQ. But hey, I always make sure to observe proper health and safety protocols.
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joazlagundino 3 years
This year, I decided to celebrate new year's eve alone. Despite a family very much willing to pop-end 2020 with me, I boldly chose to introspect. The year 2020 has passed so swiftly with a lot of plans kept uncolored and a lot of goals left undone. From significant deaths to natural disasters, cupped with a pandemic; all things were way too overboard. But I rest in God's unwavering love and protection. I wish healing to those who are hurt, comfort to those who are suffering and blessings to those who are in need. We will all get through this year ahead, I believe!
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Welcoming 2021 with a positive attitude, a teachable heart, and a thriving spirit. 馃帀馃檹
Happy New Year, everyone!
PS I have decided to write about my everyday musings, reflections, realizations and whatever that comes in my mind. I want to revisit every moment through this digital platform and hopefully be able to see progress and growth for the coming days ahead. Wishing everyone a more purposeful year! 馃檹
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joazlagundino 4 years
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Rising Up, Trusting the Process
All this time, God wanted to tell me "Son, I am not done with you yet. You know how much I love you." It took me a long time to finally realize this statement from Him.
I really don't have the right words to tell how much grateful and happy I am today for all the realizations. This life is indeed full of surprises and in each and every beat of the day unravel. I clearly can't remember how many times I was told to trust the process either from friends or from books and posts I read. Today is just the realization of it!
It took me three tries to pass the panel interview; three tries to finally ace the live traffic evaluation. Three tries, I almost gave up. Thoughts were battling deep inside me. Am I fit? Am I worthy? Trusting the process is easy said than done. I didn't really know what to do and where to pick myself back up again. They say that the glory of success is not in never giving up but in rising every time we fall. I have fallen several times. I didn't quit. But more importantly, I stood up and learned from my mistakes and grew from them.
This isn't the end but just the beginning. Today marks the day that I should start worrying about messing up at work coz my license is already at stake. Every single thing that I do lies on a sound mind and safety is at the weight of my shoulders. I shouldn't be complacent, rather, keep on improving myself. And today, I won't miss out to say thanks to my family, friends, close friends, close close friends, workmates, supervisors, slantbars and everyone who have been with me in this unorthodox- not your typical journey of success-story. I can never thank each one of you enough. I am so much humbled and overwhelmed at the same time.
I did it, finally. But I wasn't alone. I had my support system which played a really great help in eliminating things that don't help me grow. I am in no position to inspire someone else, yet. But one good advice I could say is to really trust the process and let God be in control of our life. He is not yet done with you yet. Be excited always because each day, nothing same happens to you. Just trust.
This is AO, your guardian angel of the skies. :)
PS I am so happy I haven't changed outfit yet. I want to feel this moment. I want to enjoy every single second of this day. So let me be!
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joazlagundino 4 years
Family: Our Greatest Life Support
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Family is the smallest unit in a society. A sum of it assembles a village or even cities and nations. A family is a treasure.
We were surprised by my brother's early disembarkation in the cruise ship he has worked on. He was supposed to come home by December but he was a month earlier. We didn't miss this chance to bond as a family when I went home for the holidays.
My brother working as a pastryman and I working in the metro, it really is very hard for our parents not being able to see and talk to us in person. Since we are only two siblings and both of us are away from our parents, we make it a point to really spend quality time when we are complete. The love of our parents make us complete.
We wouldn't have chased our dreams and be in the position we are right now if not because of the support that my parents gave us. Surely, it has been hard for them seeing us go far and work in order to reach our goals. Surely, it has been hard for them celebrating their birthdays and other special occasions without us by their side. Surely, it has been heart-wrenching whenever we share our sentiments and heartaches to them and their shoulder tap isn't available at hand. But one thing remains the same, we always got their backs. We always got their "yes" even if we are unsure, and we always got their "you can do it" inspite of our self-doubts. They are our life support. We could've sank if it weren't for them, for being our life saver.
The almost 2-month long vacation has finally come into an end and my brother's going to embark yet another cruise of a lifetime. Until he comes home and we will again have quality time together sharing how time has placed each segment of steps towards achieving our dreams.
When you send someone off for a long journey, no second glances, don't look back so you wouldn't have to worry about sepanx. Happy sailing, bro! See you in 8 months. :)
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joazlagundino 4 years
Adulting 101: Celebrating small
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The hype and the pressure goes out. At the last quarter of the year, this famous cafe offers this sticker card you have to stamp with in order to get a soft-bound notebook which to me doesn't even compensate the price of the sticker-per-beverage in total. But who the hell cares, you want it, you do whatever it takes to seize it.
I was never fond of collecting these stamps until such time that in every sip I took of this favorite iced beverage dictates me to complete the set of twenty for the coveted journal of the year, not Anne Frank nor the Wimpy Kid could even comprehend. The thing is, I got them all empty circles stamped.
Fresh from the memories of my childhood innocence, I remember collecting stickers of various kinds for my scrapbook and what-nots until such time I outgrew the thought. When I started working, I realized that this kind of hobby or passion for some others, gives incomparable joy to the ones who do so. I used to judge people and tagging them as bandwagon or social climber until I found myself one day patronizing this international cafe with their, I must admit, exquisitely indulging beverages.
However four days late, I believe I still have to celebrate this little feat. Forgive me if I may sound boastful or arrogant but I just ticked one box on my list of goals for the year. Would've wanted to write on the first page, on the first day, on my supposedly first out of town 'gala' (which didn't materialize) but I really care less, I got what I have been spending for since last year and I don't feel any single guilt at all.
It's 2020, I choose to be happy with other people's victories or successes. This year has no room for hatred nor jealousy. Let's all be happy!
PS I have started this thing and now I am wondering if I'll be able to keep up for the coming years. One thing's certain, I am now ready to blot on to the pages of this planner I just owned.
#Starbucks #StarbucksPlanner #2020Planner
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joazlagundino 4 years
Kindness is free of charge, you think?
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"If you are to choose between being right or being kind, what would it be and why?"
I once asked this question to a friend out of sheer curiosity. It wasn't a surprise to me that we shared differing thoughts about the question. Being kind or being right? I would always choose to be kind. Early this morning, I saw a viral post on my newsfeed featuring a lady who works in a fastfood restaurant giving a meal to someone who wasn't able to afford a decent one. This simple gesture melted the hearts of netizens. This simple act seems to me an act of kindness; doing something out from the heart with the purest intentions making someone else feel better. In this world, we will face a lot of troubles and problems but not as much faces that we get to meet each day. Sometimes we wear that sweet smile or sometimes we would mask it with a poker face. More often than not, we are placed into situations which would test our temperance and would push us through the wall, leading us to weighing more on people rather than on the situation. I sometimes fall prey in being too judgemental before I could even think twice, next thing I would be cursing myself wishing I hadn't think of that way.
Kindness, a word which is pressed to me a couple of times this week. From this nextdoor guy to the fastfood lady, I realize maybe it is one virtue I have to uphold for this year. In Ephesians 4:32 it urges us to be kind to one another and be forgiving. My dad would always remind me that it doesn't cost a fortune to do good things to other people and showing kindness won't seem to waste time as well. Why would I choose to be kind always? Well, being right doesn't always mean it is the right thing to do. We mingle with people with problems and battles we know nothing about. A simple act of kindness would somehow ease their load and would make them feel they aren't alone. It is one of the few things in this world that doesn't come with a price tag. Why not show it everyday?
PS Should I be kind to my foes? A glass of water was dropped with ink turning it red. It was then placed under a dripping faucet then what came next it a surprise. The clean water from the faucet kept on filling the glass until such time that the water on the glass became crystal clear. That should answer our question.
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joazlagundino 4 years
Learn to rest when you can...
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Thursday, my cough is howling in the eve. I mentioned from my previous post that I was ill, and still am but not as worse as the previous nights.
I had planned what to do on the first day of the year and the coming days thereafter. From spending a day in Tagaytay while sipping a hot caramel macchiato overlooking the Taal lake and eventually obtaining the most coveted SB planner/organizer, I succumbed and resorted to just staying at my room and rest. I wasn't really feeling well. After a slack for an hour or two, I had a quick meet up for lunch and coffee with one of my closest workmates and friend at a mall nearby. We had ribs and quesadillas afterwhich we had coffee. My friend noticed I was already turning red which hints my body temp is again acting out. I went home and took some rest.
Growing up, I didn't really mind playing under the scorching afternoon sun during summers. I would be scolded often for sneaking out of the bed after my mom sung a lullaby then found me screaming out with neighborhood kiddos chasing the wind with our kites flown high. I never had much sleep in the afternoon all to see me knocked down in the evening wetting the bed come morning. This realization hit me hard as I reached the adulting zone; rest and sleep when you have time. My 2019 ending was a bit of spank in the head reminding me that I am not omnipotent and all-powerful, hence, I am human. All those night-outs and parties, samgyup and milktea dates took a toll on my health and here I am suffering the consequences of such. What a shame, really. And so, here's a piece of advise to my fellow millennials; rest when you can, sleep when you can. We are all preoccupied with a lot of work stuff and what-nots that we try to neglect the temple to which everything comes into fruition. Our body is a complex machine that needs to cool down or else it would get burnt out. We rest when we can in order to remain healthy and maximize the potential of this body. Above all, we need to eat healthy as well. Though having a healthy lifestyle costs more than living with junk, we might as well want to invest in our health before it's too late. Having health insurance would be equally fine. But yes, as cliche as it may sound, health is wealth really. We better have that "prevention is better than cure" kind of mindset right now.
A year from now, I would look back to this post and see how far I have committed myself to living a healthy lifestyle. I really hope I would.
PS -From my Twitter-
"Been a week since I moved in to a new dormitory and yesterday, this guy from the next door offered me his box of brownies. He was telling me to get two but out of being shy I took only one square. Kindness received on the first day of the year was definitely a feat. :)"
#HealthIsWealth #2020vision #HealthyLifestyle
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joazlagundino 4 years
Goal-focused, this is my YEAR!
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Wednesday, gloomy at 8. I woke up to an ill mind and body as I welcomed the year. Fresh from a roughly two-hour of sleep after midnight duty, I found myself in the loo and gazed out of the window only to find myself amused by the sparkling colors; 'twas definitely drizzling outside. I rose my hands in awe and uttered in a soft chant, "Thank you, Lord. It's a happy day."
Half of this world celebrated with joy and hope the year 2020, leaving their worries of the past year. So did I. I had so much to be thankful for for the past year. But not all days were bed of roses, I had my fair share of heartaches, uncontrollable moments, breakdowns, shutdowns and everything in between. I almost gave in and wallowed in self pity. But one thing is that I have overcome; I was able to overcome. Behold, I am facing the year ahead with so much hope and positivity.
What is my vision for this year? Literally, I am thankful that I have pretty good eyesight, 20/20 so to speak. But figuratively, this year, I just want to fully rely everything to the One who has never failed me since day one. I must admit I did most of the things and decisions of last year on my own thoughts and ways. I rarely confided and asked His guidance and I really felt so empty ending the year. I would ask myself "Did I make the right choice?" several times since I am unsure if what I did would materialize; things I normally don't feel like when I know I have put Him on top of everything else. I've never felt this empty and the void seems to be engulfing my faith, feeding my insecurities and quest for self-worth. You get what I mean when you feel like everything isn't just happening as planned. Frustrating, right? But then it rained, it drizzled.
It rained on the first day of the year and I am reminded yet again that He will wash away my fears just as how He cleared the fog brought by the spectacular explosion of colors the past night brought in. It rained on the first day of the year and I am reminded yet again that the clear skies can sometimes dim out and grow dark in order for us to see and appreciated the light that comes through when the clouds breakthrough. It will rain and will cause us to suffer in every single way but together let us claim for victory and triumph this year! We deserve nothing but the best and He will get us through this year unscratched, unscathed and thriving in this race called life. Let's live this year full of hope and faith. We will get though. This is my vision; to get through and to breakthrough!
What is your vision? It is up to you. Tomorrow, we will wake up and the first thing that comes out of our mind will be just a prism of the vision we aspire to be. True enough that when we have a vision, we would have a goal and that's to hit the bull's eye. Without any hesitation and second guessing, let's be focused on that goal and achieve it!
PS I thought I'd never write again. Yet here I am.
#2020vision #ThisIsMyYear
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joazlagundino 7 years
42nd SSEAYP Memoirs : JAPAN
JAPAN, Land of the Rising Sun I will never be able to express my gratitude in words to the Creator for gifting me with this kind of journey. Much to say, I never imagined that my first out-of-the-country experience would be none other than Japan, the land of the rising sun. Are you effin' kidding me?
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(View from our room at Hotel New Otani, Tokyo. I was preparing for the induction program.)
Known for being patriotic and loyal to their country, Japanese people have shown us how much they respect their native land. While it is very much evident that Japan is one of the best performing countries in the world, I've never seen such industrialization and modernization imposing threat to the environment and the surroundings. Hence, modernization while taking care of Mother Earth can both coexist.
When it comes to disaster preparedness, it has been a part of a Japanese citizen's system since this nation is shaken by earthquakes and sweeping tsunamis most of the time. They're taking it seriously and religiously, I tell you. If you take a glimpse of Rinkai you would agree with me.
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(Rinkai disaster park)
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(Strolling and enjoying the cool breeze of Tokyo.)
But you know what, what I have observed with the Japanese people aside from their loyalty, respect, and discipline is their undying traditions and culture. You take a bow when you greet someone - how many of us even share a smile when we do? Their dances and songs, oh come on, Soran Bushi - my ever favorite dance which I still can remember the steps, Hana wa saku - a song that narrates the blossoming of flowers, I have appreciated so much.
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(Authentic ramen!!! Finally got a taste of it. Itadakemasu!)
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(The proverbial Tokyo Station shot before heading to Yamagata Prefecture.) Food you say? Healthy foods being served is given but the tastes aren't compromised. Soba noodles, sushi, imoni soup (Yamagata's best) and nato were some of the delectable picks I had. Oh-oh, ramen on the evening of a pouring rain at Tokyo reminds me of so much memories I had at Hotel New Otani.
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(Bento box!!!)
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(Selfie with the Soba Master. Indeed, I鈥檝e got Japanese blood running through 聽my veins. Ha-ha)
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(Kyodo, the Japanese form of archery. Honestly, I failed my attempt on this. *sigh)
I have so much to say about Japan and Yamagata Prefecture. I was able to live with the Inoue family of Yonezawa during my stay in the cherry capital of Japan. I was captivated by their hospitality and kindess that before my stay concluded, we went to church that day. I was treated very well when we had a visit at Konori Gakuen High School. I learned 'kyodo' (the japanese version of archery) from the anime-looking senior high students. Before we wrapped the school visit that day, we went to a hotspring, dipped our frosting feet on it and ate boiled 'tamago' (egg). Needless to say I'll never run out of words to relay as to how SSEAYP brought me to Japan and changed my life forever. I would love to be back and keep coming back. Oh, wait! I hear the Tokyo Olympics 2020 ringing!!! #JaFUN
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(Inoue family, the most generous and loving family I lived with in Yonezawa. Osho-oshina!)
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