jenwritesstories · 2 years
In case someone doesn't know how to make a "keep reading" on mobile:
I've seen some nerve-racking 10k fics that don't have the cut and in their worst, they're also full of media like "this is a picture of what you're wearing, this is the view you're seeing from your hotel room, here's a gif how x looks at you in this scene" = Tumblr app struggles to load that wall of text and media and then Tumblr app crashes and when asked to put the cut, people are like "I'm on mobile and can't put the cut" so here's a little tutorial video for you guys.
I know this is a problem with all characters but tagging some popular ones to gain exposure for this post.
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jenwritesstories · 2 years
Friendly reminder that this blog is pro-choice and if you don’t think everyone should have full control of their own body, then kindly unfollow me right now and go to hell
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jenwritesstories · 2 years
Physical Contact With Loki (Headcannon)
Loki Laufeyson x reader
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Loki isn't used to touch. Growing up he didn't have many friends and the few he did have never touched him. He also didn't have any lovers, the only touch he received was from Frigga.
He's touch starved.
The first time it happens is when the two of you are hanging out. Being the only mortal that Loki likes means that he enjoys spending time with you. As you two are sitting side by side on the couch in your living room. You didn't purposely move your leg to lean against his, and he realized that when his head snapped to you only to find you still completely consumed in your book.
When he realized that it was unintentional he let himself relax. He had to remind himself that you weren't going to hurt him. After a few minutes, unbeknownst to him, he actually moved closer to you. Now, instead of just your knee leaning against his leg, your entire left leg was pressed against his right.
The next time it happened was when you begged him to go to a scary movie with you. Being a horror movie enthusiast was tough sometimes since none of your friends enjoyed them. Loki couldn't resist your puppy dog eyes. The whole time whilst getting your food and drinks he was complaining about how rude Midgardian's are and how he'd love to teach them a lesson. The movie theater you went to was one you hadn't been to before; so when you walked into the large room only to see that the seats weren't normal and were basically oversized love seats, you were surprised. Not wanting to let Loki see your shock, you just continued right on to your chair number.
You sat down first and Loki sat himself right beside you, his side pressed against yours. You tried to keep yourself calm and your heartrate down, but it wasn't easy. You were thankful when the movie started so he couldn't see how your eyes kept darting to where the two of you were touching. Your thoughts were forgotten when the movie began. You liked to think that you weren't someone who was easily frightened, but this movie proved otherwise. By the fifth jump scare you couldn't help but to latch yourself onto Loki's arm and hide your face behind it. Loki tensed at the sudden contact and you quickly retracted yourself and apologized. Your apology was cut short when he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you against his chest.
"I'll protect you."
You refused to acknowledge the butterflies that erupted in your stomach and instead wrapped your free arm around his torso.
The third time was when you had a rough day. You came home and threw your bag on the ground, not caring where it went. You plopped yourself down on the couch and let the tears start falling, completely forgetting that Loki was staying over.
You shot up and wiped the tears off your face. "Oh, hey. Sorry, I forgot you were gonna be here."
"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting down beside you. Seeing him so worried made you start crying again.
Loki didn't hesitate to pull you onto his lap and run his nimble fingers through your hair.
"It's been a really bad day." You sniffed as you pulled away to look at him.
"Do I need to kill someone?"
The fourth time was when he was staying at your house and he had a nightmare. You woke up to him screaming and you ran to his room. Without giving it a second thought, you gently woke him up. He freaked out a bit when his eyes shot open, but you continuedly reassured him that he's safe and that you're there with him. After he started calming down you slid into the bed beside him and held him against your chest. Much to your surprise, he quickly wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly, as if you were going to disappear. You alternated between running your hand through his hair to rubbing his back. As you started letting yourself drift back to sleep you heard him whisper.
"I love you."
You smiled to yourself. "I love you too."
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jenwritesstories · 2 years
Secret Girlfriend
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
TW: Friends spying, a little angst?
SUMMARY: Steve thinks Bucky has been acting weird lately, and after asking him what's going on, he takes matters into his own hands and follows him.
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Bucky Barnes was a private man. After the years of torture and brainwashing he's endured, he likes having his space, and rightfully so. While he was private, Steve liked to think that Bucky wasn't keeping any secrets from him. He understood Bucky not telling him every little thing, but he thought that they were close enough that Bucky would come to him if anything major happened.
That's why Steve was getting more and more concerned about his friend when Bucky was sneaking out of the tower in the middle of the night. He tried confronting him about it, but Bucky simply said that he would go for walks to help him sleep. Steve let it go for a while, but he started noticing a change in him.
He was on his phone all the time and he added a passcode, something that made Steve even more suspicious. He would also get calls frequently when him, Steve, and Sam would hang out and he would leave to answer it. He had cancelled plans on them randomly, saying something had come up.
Over time, the rest of the team started noticing as well. Natasha was quick to call him out on it, but Bucky played it off coolly, saying that they're overreacting and nothing's going on.
Steve had finally had enough and decided to follow him. Sam, Tony, Natasha, and Wanda tagged along too, curious as to what he's up to.
They followed him at a distance where they were sure he wouldn't notice. They had to be careful because Bucky is a trained assassin and would be able to catch them if they do something stupid.
When Bucky walked onto the NYU campus, they were all completely baffled.
"Is he taking night classes?" Wanda asked.
"I don't know, let's see which building he goes in." Steve muttered.
Bucky kept his head low as to not draw attention to himself as he entered the building where he disappeared to every night.
"That's a dorm building." Tony stated.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Steve asked, frustrated. "And why does he feel the need to hide it?"
"Mr. Stark?" The group turned around to see 19 year old Peter Parker approaching them. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah kid, everything's fine. We followed Barnes to see where he disappears to every night and he walked into a dorm building." Tony explained, patted Peter on the shoulder.
"He comes here?" Peter questioned.
"We're just as confused as you." Sam added, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Can I join? I wanna see why he comes here."
"I mean sure, but I don't know if we'll find anything out. We can't go into the building or we'll draw attention and we don't want that." Steve sighed.
"Well there's activities that dorms host. Sometimes there's trivia nights, art nights, book clubs, all kinds of things." Peter said, trying to come up with a plausible explanation.
"I mean, maybe he is doing something like that. He has said he wants to feel like a normal person again. I just don't know why-"
"Guys look." Natasha cut Steve off and nodded in the direction of the building Bucky disappeared into.
Bucky was exiting the building with a girl by his side, their fingers interlaced and a smile on both of their faces.
"Oh my god. Tinman has a girlfriend." Tony said, dumbfounded.
"That's y/n!" Peter added when he saw the girl. "She's super nice."
"How did he manage to get a girlfriend yet me and Cap are single?" Sam groaned.
"The real question is how did he meet a college student." Natasha said.
They watched the pair walk into one of the science buildings.
"What's in there?" Wanda asked Peter, hoping for some insight as to why they might go there.
"There's open labs there. Y/n goes there all the time to finish her labs or use the anatomy models to study." Peter said. "Come on."
He led the group into the building and there were more people there than they expected. Much to their surprise, nobody cared that half the Avengers were in front of them. They kept to their business and just gave polite smiles.
Peter continued down the building stopping a few feet outside the room y/n always goes to.
"This is her usual room. There's windows by the doors so don't get too close for too long."
The door was open halfway so their conversions could be heard. The group managed to get a spot where they could see what was happening without getting spotted.
"We started the cardiovascular system today." Y/n told Bucky as she grabbed one of the heart models and brought it to the lab table they were sitting at.
"Is that a good thing or bad thing?" He questioned, picking up the model and inspecting it.
She shrugged. "It's super interesting but there's a lot to it."
Bucky nodded. Y/n pulled out a labeled diagram of the heart and began finding the structures on the model.
"This is the right atrium and right ventricle." She told Bucky, pointing to each.
Bucky wasn't trying to learn anything, but y/n teaching him about it helped her learn better, so he happily sat there and listened.
"Are you tired, doll face? That's the left side." Bucky pointed out, making her laugh.
"Well yeah, but if you look at it as if it's in your body, it's they're on the right side." She explained, holding the model up in front of Bucky.
"Well that's stupid." He remarked, making her laugh again.
She stood up and made her way between his thighs, wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiled and placed his arms on her waist, pulling her closer.
"Thank you for always coming with me. I love having you here." She smiled.
"There's nowhere I rather be." He assured her and placed a soft kiss on her lips.
"Are you gonna stay the night?" She asked, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
Bucky nodded. "Course. But the team's getting suspicious of me. They know I leave at night."
She frowned. "Does that mean you have to stop seeing me?"
"No! Definitely not." He quickly assured her. "Just means that I'm gonna have to introduce you to them."
After the team heard his response they looked at each other and silently agreed that they should leave.
**** The next day ****
Bucky made his way back to the tower later than normal. He had showered and gotten ready at y/n's dorm so he went straight to the common room where everyone was.
"Hey Buck." Steve greeted his friend.
"Hey." Bucky replied, pouring himself a cup of coffee.
He sat down on the open seat before speaking up.
"So you guys get a good show last night?"
This made them stiffen.
"I don't know what you mean." Natasha said, not falling into his trap.
"I saw you." Bucky deadpanned. "You were right outside the room we were in."
Steve sighed. "I'm sorry. We were just worried. You've been acting strange and we wanted to make sure you were okay."
Bucky was silent for a few moments. "I wanted to wait until she was ready to meet everyone."
They gave him puzzled looks.
"We're the Avengers, for fucks sake. It can be intimidating to come here and meet everyone. Not to mention she's worried that I'm gonna think she's using me to be friends with you guys."
"Why would she think that?" Wanda asked.
"Because she knows me. Knows how I get into my own head. So she assured me there's absolutely no rush for me to bring her here or introduce you to her. That she's fine with what we have."
“I’m sorry Buck. I should’ve just trusted you.” Steve sighed, running a hand over his face. “I just worry about you sometimes. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Bucky nodded. “It’s alright. I’m sure it did look suspicious.”
"You should invite her over for dinner. We'll be on our best behavior. At least that way you don't have to sneak around anymore. She can hang out here whenever she wants. If she's important to you, she's important to us." Steve suggested.
Bucky was quiet for a few moments before nodding. "Alright. I'll ask if she wants to come over tonight. Only if she's comfortable with it."
"Look she can get anxious so don't interrogate her. Don't ask about her family either." Bucky lectured as he paced back and forth in front of the rest of the team. Everyone was sitting in the common room as they waited for y/n to arrive.
"Chill out Barnes. We aren't going to scare her away." Natasha laughed.
As Bucky was about to tell Natasha to piss off, his phone buzzed. "She's here." He breathed out before heading down to the lobby to get her.
A few minutes later he reentered with the girl they saw the previous night.
Once they were stood in front of everyone Bucky began the introductions.
"Y/n, this is Steve, Sam, Natasha, Wanda, Tony, Peter, Vision, and Clint. Guys this is y/n."
"It's really nice to meet you guys! I'm a big fan." Y/n beamed, a wide smile adorning her face.
"It's nice to meet you too. We had no idea Barnes had a girlfriend." Tony said, making her laugh.
"Yeah, he's a private person."
It didn't take long for the group to start asking her questions, all of which she happily answered. Wanda quickly took a liking to y/n. She was thrilled to have another girl around (aside from Natasha, but she never wanted to do girly things with her).
Wanda grabbed her hand and dragged her to sit on the floor in front of couch and Wanda sat behind her and started playing with her while begging y/n to spill all the details about how her and Bucky met.
Peter, Clint and Tony sat down near them to hear her answers while the others stayed a little ways back.
"Look Buck, I'm really sorry about following you. I shouldn't have done it and just trusted you. I guess I was just afraid of losing you again and assumed to worst. But I'm happy for you, she seems great." Steve told his friend with nothing with sincerity in his voice.
"Yeah man. I'm sorry too." Sam chimed in. "We had no idea what was happening. You've never acted like that before so we assumed the worst, like he said. But I'm happy for you too. Y/n's a keeper."
Bucky accepted their apologizes with a nod before looking over at y/n and smiling. "Yeah, she's definitely a keeper."
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jenwritesstories · 2 years
Marvel Masterlist
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Loki Laufeyson
His (1/2) (2/2)
My Girl
Scary Clowns
Physical Contact With Loki
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Bucky Barnes
Secret Girlfriend
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jenwritesstories · 2 years
About me
Name: Jen
Age: 23
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Fandoms I write for
Teen Wolf
I don’t currently take requests. I’m having a hard enough time writing my own ideas. I will eventually take requests, but at the moment I do not.
With that being said, feel free to send any ideas or quotes or anything you’d like to see in a fic. I love getting ideas, I just don’t want the obligation that comes with taking requests.
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
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Seizure First Aid. 
Learn it. Share it. Know it. Use it. 
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
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I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
Reblog if you are small account and appreciate every like and reblog.
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
Scary Clowns
PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Taylor Willow)
RATING: PG-13 (implied smut)
TW: Scary clowns harassing Taylor, Protective Loki, Threats, Fluff, Implied smut
SUMMARY: Taylor gets an unpleasant surprise whilst working and Loki is there to save the day.
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Loki had been on midgard for a little over a year and a half. At first he loathed the realm. He thought the people to be rude, gross, and just stupid.
That was until he met Taylor; a 23 year old, brown-haired, green eyed barista. He had no idea that when he went into the small coffee shop The Bean that he’d meet her.
She was working the cash register. While most people cowered away and steer clear of him, Taylor gave him a bright smile and asked for his order. When he was confused as to what the coffee's on the menu were, she was more than happy to explain what they were and even gave him recommendations.
After that day he found himself coming into the shop almost every day. On the days where business was slow he would stay beside the counter and talk to her until customers came in.
When he witnessed a few older men checking Taylor out and saying some crude remarks about her, he felt anger like never before. He made sure that once Taylor couldn't hear or see anything, to make sure those men knew not to come near her again.
After a couple weeks, he decided to stay with her while she closed the shop. He stayed out of her way while she did the cleaning and the closing duties and walked her to her apartment.
It’s been 4 months since the first day they met. They’ve gotten considerably closer and Loki knew he fell for the young girl. How could he not? She was the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen; and he’s seen a lot.
Loki was currently reading his book the house that Stark let him live in. Granted, he made major adjustments to it with the help of his magic. He usually heads to the shop at 5 since it closes at 7. That gives him ample time to talk to Taylor while also not staying there too long. He looked at the clock on the wall that read 4:36 and continued reading, at least until his phone rang.
This alarmed him for a moment since he rarely uses the device, and very few people have his number; Taylor was one of the few.
When the caller ID read her name, he could feel his heart speeding up as he answered.
“Taylor?” He asked as he put the phone to his ear.
“Loki?” She replied quietly from the other end.
“What���s wrong dear? Why are you so quiet? Aren’t you working?” He shot out questions, his anxiety starting to rise.
“Can you come now please? There’s like 4 people dressed as creepy clowns outside the doors. They keep banging on the windows.” Taylor whispered, a small gasp coming out as Loki hears some noise in the background.
“Are the doors locked?” He asked as he was rushing out the front door.
“Yeah. They’re locked. I’m hiding in the back.”
“Good. I’m on my way darling. Don’t fret, I won’t let anything happen to you.” Loki assures her, jogging down the street. Taylor didn’t reply but she stayed on the phone. Loki could hear her letting out soft whimpers and it only made him run faster.
When he finally got to the shop he saw the punks Taylor was talking about. They were all dressed as creepy clowns and had some type of weapon with them.
“Taylor?” He called softly through the phone.
“I’m out here. I’ll handle them and then I’ll meet you in the back alright?”
“Be careful Loki. I don’t want you to get hurt.” She hurriedly said, making Loki smile.
“Of course, my love.”
When he hung up he made his way over to the person closest to him and roughly pulled them from the window. Before the person could react, Loki made a dagger appear in his hand and grabbed them by the neck.
“Woah woah dude chill. It’s just a joke!” The person yelled, pulling the mask off.
Loki rolled his eyes. “Scaring an innocent girl to death is what you consider a joke?” He seethed, pushing the guy harder against the wall.
“She rejected my friend man. It was just a little fun. We weren’t gonna hurt her.” The guy pushed.
Loki rolled his eyes. “You’re going to tell your friends to leave and never come back. Forget about her. If I see any of you around here again, or talking to her, looking at her, if you do so much as think about her, I will show you what I find fun. And it will be painful for you.”
The guy nodded and profusely apologized. Loki let him go and he scurried to his friends. After giving them a quick recap of what just happened, the other three looked at Loki who was still gripping his dagger, and took off.
Loki quickly made his way to the back of the shop and Taylor was waiting for him. She didn’t hesitate to jump into his arms and cry.
“Shh, it’s alright my love. They’re gone. They were just some idiotic boys.” Loki cooed.  It took a few minutes for her to calm down and when she did, she simply held him closer.
“Thank you Loki.” She whispered.
“Of course, my love. I will always protect you.” He assured her. “Now what do you say we go back in, you finish your shift, and then we can head to my place and partake in what you midgardian’s call a puzzle.”
“Really? You’d bring me to your house?” Taylor asked, pulling back slightly to look at his face.
Loki smiled. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Taylor shrugged. “It’s your place, I’m sure you don’t like people being there.”
“You’re not people. And I happen to enjoy your company more than I would like to admit.”
Taylor gave a big smile. “If you’re sure you’re okay with it then I’d love to.”
The pair made their way back to the front of the coffee shop and Loki unlocked the doors. As usual, Loki took the stool at the side of the counter and started talking about his adventures on Asgard. This was something he typically did when something was bothering Taylor and she needed a distraction. She loved hearing about Asgard.
There weren't very many customers for the rest of the day, to which Taylor was thankful. She wasn't sure how much more stress she could take in one day. Loki, being the lovestruck gentleman he is, did all the closing for Taylor by using his magic.
"I'll never not be amazed when you do things like that." She mumbled as she looked at the clean shop.
Loki chuckled. "I'll have to show you more of what I can do." He replied playfully, suggestively raising his brows as he made his way over and stood directly in front of her.
"Loki!" Taylor screeched with a laugh as she lightly shoved him on his chest. "Is that why you want to bring me to your house?" She laughed.
He caught her wrists before she could drop them and held them against his chest.  "While I would absolutely love to see you laying in my bed wearing nothing but one of my shirts, I invited you over because I enjoy your company. I fully intend on cooking you dinner, perhaps we watch one of the mundane movie you mortals love, and then, if you would like me to ravish you until you forget your own name and all you can say is mine, I certainly wouldn't be opposed to it." Loki's voice dropped an octave, causing Taylor to gasp.
For a few moments they just stood there looking into each other's eyes. Finally, Taylor leaned up on her toes just enough to press her lips beside his left ear. "Well Mischief, what are we waiting for?"
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
Surprise? (Blurb)
Loki Laufeyson x female!reader
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Most of the Avengers had been away on a mission that took a rather long time. It took four months for them to successfully finish it before returning to the infamous tower in Manhattan. Because it had been a rather tiring mission, Tony made the executive decision to stay an extra week to just relax. Since they were in Amsterdam it was a rather fun extension.
Because of their impromptu ‘vacation’, when they returned everyone was in rather good spirits. After everyone unpacked their belongings, most of the team made their way to the common rooms to catch up with some of the other agents and the few members that stayed back.
“Where’s y/n?” Natasha asked.
Peter and Wanda, both of which didn’t go on the mission, looked at each other before shrugging. “Dunno.”
“Has anyone seen Loki?” Thor’s voice boomed.
Again, Wanda and Peter gave each other knowing looks before shrugging.
“I was really looking forward to seeing y/n, I got her a gift.” Natasha said but shrugged.
They all decided to head to the theater to watch a movie since their briefing was tomorrow and everyone wanting a relaxing night.
Tony was leading the group into the tower theater when everyone stopped dead in their tracks.
“What the hell?”
Y/n and Loki pulled away from each other at the sound of Tony’s voice. Y/n quickly slid off of Loki’s lap and looked to him for some help, only to be met with his signature smirk.
Y/n looked back to the group and gave a cheeky smile. “Surprise?”
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
My Girl (Blurb)
Loki Laufeyson x female!reader
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Loki was surprisingly calm for someone who had just been captured and locked in a cell by the Avengers. Most of the team had expected threats or at least an attempt of intimidation, but what they received was nothing.
He sat in the cell with his eyes closed and his head leaning against the glass wall behind him. He truly looked unbothered. This made the team uneasy.
“What’s your deal?” Steve finally asked, arms crossing over his chest.
“My… deal?” Loki questioned, eyes remaining shut whilst speaking.
“Usually you have a lot to say. Threaten us. Talk about how you’re going to rule the world. But you’re silent. Why?” Steve explained, eyeing the Asgardian prince as if he’s about to disappear right in front of him.
Loki’s infamous smirk made its way to his face before he shrugged. “I have nothing to say.”
“I find that hard to believe.” Steve scoffed.
Again, Loki shrugged. “I’ll be out of here soon enough.”
Before Steve could question Loki further, he was tackled to the ground with Asgardian handcuffs around his wrists.
“Oh that looked painful.” Loki sarcastically grimaced as he stood at the front of the cell and watched.
Steve’s attacker made quick work of tying his legs together just to ensure he wouldn’t be moving anytime soon. She let Loki out of the cell and he easily picked up Steve and tossed him into it.
Steve looked at the pair with furrowed eyebrows. He took in his attackers appearance before finally asking, “Who are you?”
To this, Loki smirked and wrapped his arm around her. “This is y/n, my girl.”
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
PAIRING: Bucky Barnes x OFC (Layla Evans)
RATING: PG-13 (cussing)
TW: Cussing, Layla has a bad day, Fluff
SUMMARY: Layla is a nursing student who happens to be close friends with the Avengers. Bucky is head over heels for Layla and when she has a bad day he does something about it
A/N: I’m aware that in nursing school you don’t actually practice on your classmates LOL just go with it :)
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To say that Bucky had a crush on Layla would be a huge understatement. Anytime she would be around him he'd get flustered and could barely speak to her. The whole team knew about his crush on her and would tease him about it after she left.
She didn't live at the tower since she isn't part of the team, but everyone loves her so she hangs out in the tower often. There were quite a few days where she'd spend the night either in Natasha or Wanda's room because they wanted to spend more time with her.
Today was no different. Layla made her way up to the Avengers floor around 3 p.m. after she finished school. She's a nursing major and today she had clinical's and it really kicked her butt.
Sam, Steve, Bucky, and Natasha were all in the kitchen standing around the counter talking when Layla walked in. Sam was the first to notice her and smirked, knowing how flustered Bucky gets.
"Layla!" Sam yelled and ran over to the small girl, engulfing her in his arms.
Eve let out a breathy laugh and returned the hug. "Hey Sam."
When he finally let her go she made her way over to where the others were and gave them a weak smile.
"Hey guys." She said.
"Tough day?" Natasha asked, noticing Layla’s demeanor.
She nodded. "I just want today to be over." She groaned as she buried her head in her hands.
"What happened?" Steve asked, leaning against the counter behind him.
Layla let out a sarcastic laugh. "What didn't happen?" She sighed. "We had to partner up to do clinical's today. I got stuck with this guy who was obviously blatantly flirting with me which made me super uncomfortable to begin with. I never flirted back so I guess that made him mad and when he tried to put an IV in my arm he kept missing the vein and I'm pretty sure he did it on purpose. Then, when I tried to take his blood pressure I couldn't hear it so I had to just guess and I was wrong. I forgot my wallet in my car and didn't have time to get it so I didn't eat lunch and in the middle of a lecture my stomach started growling and everyone heard. My phone didn't charge overnight and died around 10 a.m. And to top it all off, on my way here I stopped by Dunkin to get my favorite coffee and they said they were out of all coffee."
"Jesus." Sam said. "You really did have a rough day. Is your arm okay?"
Layla didn't reply, instead she rolled the sleeve of her shirt up and showed them. "I bruise every time I get my blood drawn or an IV. He had to poke me five times before he got it so now my arm is going to bruise so bad and it's gonna look like I shoot heroine or something."
Steve looked at Bucky and furrowed his eyebrows when he saw that Bucky looked pissed off. Natasha turned to look at Bucky when she saw Steve.
"Alright." Natasha said. "How about we get you a shower and into comfortable clothes and Sam will order pizza and we can have a movie night."
Layla looked up at Natasha with glossy eyes. "Can we get three pizzas?"
Natasha laughed and nodded. "Yes, of course. Now come on." She gently wrapped an arm around Layla’s shoulders and guided her down the hall and to her room.
About ten minutes later Natasha walked back out.
"The pizzas are ordered and should be here in about 20 minutes." Sam announced and everyone nodded.
"Buck, what's wrong? Why do you look so mad?" Steve asked.
"I want to know the guy who did that to her." Bucky said, his metal arm having a deathly tight grip on the edge of the counter.
"Woah there big guy." Natasha said, earning an eye roll. "I don't think you beating the shit out of the guy is going to help the situation. She just needs some moral support."
"You know I can't talk to her." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Dude, Layla is the nicest person ever. Even if you go in there and stumble over your words and make a complete fool of yourself she's still going to be nice and understanding." Sam said.
"I don't want to make a fool of myself though. I want to be able to say something to make her feel better and I doubt her realizing just how nervous she makes me will help her." Bucky argued.
"Listen to me and listen well, because I'm only going to say this once and it might just kill me. Layla has told me so many times that she likes being around you and how much it means to her when you say something nice. Your opinion means the world to her. As much as I hate to say it, you're probably the only man I'd really approve of her dating because I know you won't hurt her. She's been through a lot, including an extremely abusive relationship that left her in the hospital." Natasha paused to take a breath.
"I'm done seeing you be a nervous wreck around her when you could literally say the dumbest thing in the world and she'd still want you. So you're going to go into your room, grab a shirt that she can wear because it'll smell like you and make her feel safe, you're going to sit down and talk to her, and then you're going to bring her out here so we can all eat pizza and watch some movies. Do I make myself clear?"
Bucky gulped but nodded before doing as she said.
Bucky grabbed one of his grey t-shirts and made his way into Natasha's room where he heard the shower still running.
He noticed some clothes on the bed that Natasha left out and picked up the shirt that was laid there and put it in the closet and replaced it with his before exiting and waiting outside the room, not wanting to scare her.
It took about 10 minutes before Layla emerged from Natasha's room, causing Bucky to straighten up. He sucked in a breath when he saw her in his shirt, a blush forming on his cheeks. It was way too big on her and she had to tuck the front into the plaid pants that Natasha let her borrow. Her hair was put into a wet braid that laid over her left shoulder.
She was shocked to see Bucky but she gave him the best smile she could muster up.
"Hey." He quietly said.
"Hi." She replied softly.
"Can, uh, can we talk?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.
She nodded and followed him further down the hall to his room. He sat down on the black couch and she followed suit.
"Is everything okay?" She asked, starting to get worried.
"I like you." He blurted out, without thinking. His eyes went wide and he realized there's no going back now, so he just continued. "I have liked you for a while. I know I never, uh, really talk to you much, but you just make me so nervous and I never wanted to say the wrong thing and embarrass myself. But I've never seen you so upset, you're usually so happy and you make all of us so happy and bring this positivity into the tower when we need it most; when I need it most. You don't realize how much you've helped me without even trying. When you said that guy from your class was flirting with you and did this on purpose," He pointed to her arm, "I wanted to rip his throat out. I still do, but Natasha said that you don't need me to do that, and that you need me to be here, so I am. I'm here. I know you don't like me back, and that's okay, but I just need you to know that no matter what, I'm here and always will be."
By the time he finished, Layla had tears running down her face. A mixture of stress tears and happy tears. She knew that if she tried to talk it'd just come out as a sob, so she just flung herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Bucky was definitely taken off guard, but quickly reacted and wrapped his arms around her and sat her on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist.
After a few silent minutes she calmed down enough to reply. "I like you too."
He held her a little tighter and rubbed her back.
"I can still kill him." He offered, making her let out a loud laugh.
"As tempting as that sounds, I think I'll do it the next time we have clinical's." She said, sitting up and looking at him.
"Something tells me you might get kicked out of school if you did that." He teases, making her laugh.
She shrugs. "He made me look like a druggie." She pouted and looked at her bruising arm.
He chuckled and shook his head. "You're cute."
She looked up at him and smiled. "You're cuter."
He let out a loud laugh. "That's not the word most people use to describe me."
"Well I'm not most people." She argued. "You're the cutest cutie pie." She grinned, his face reddening.
"I'm gonna have to disagree and say that's you."
She giggled and shook her head. She noticed his gaze drifting from her eyes to her lips and took the lead and leaned in and kissed him.
Bucky immediately responded and pulled her closer, not wanting to let her go.
"You two better not be fucking in there!" Sam yelled, pounding on the door.
Both of them broke apart and laughed.
"Fucking Sam."
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
His (2/2)
PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Eve Dayton)
TW: Possessive Loki, Clingy Loki, Unrequited love, Jealous Loki
SUMMARY: Loki didn’t want to bring Eve to the tower for one reason; he didn’t want the others trying to tear them apart. He finally caves knowing that Eve hates her dorm room. What Loki didn’t expect was someone else on the team falling for his girl.
Part One
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Loki was furious. He thought bringing Eve to the tower would be bad because the team would try to split them up, but someone falling in love with her? Unfathomable.
Loki went back to his room where Eve was taking a nap. Since she wasn’t feeling great he insisted that she eat something and go back to sleep.
When he entered the room he smiled to himself as he saw her curled up on his large bed, in his black, satin sheets, hugging his pillow while wearing his shirt.
It was about 20 minutes later when she finally woke up. She smiled at her boyfriend and motioned for him to come closer. He happily obliged.
When he got close enough she wrapped her arms around his torso and laid her head against his chest, sighing in contentment. Loki ran his hand through he hair and smiled to himself.
"How are you feeling, darling?" He quietly asked.
"I feel a little better. My stomach is still upset though." She mumbled against his chest.
He hummed in response. "Do you want to get up? Perhaps take a shower and we can go out to the kitchen and I can make you some soup. I read that midgardian's eat soup when they are feeling down."
Eve nodded but didn't move. "I love you." She whispered, hugging him a little tighter.
Loki let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. "I love you too, my angel." He softly replied.
After some time, he helped her up since she was feeling a bit weak and got her in the shower before finding her some comfortable clothes (a pair of her favorite velvet shorts and one of his {few} t-shirts). He sat on the bed, thinking about what he had overheard.
On one hand, Barnes hasn't made a move. Hell, he's barely talked to her. But he was watching her; watching them. He was thinking about her and longing for her.
Loki knew in the back of his mind that Eve wasn't going to leave him. She genuinely does love him, and the trust she has put in him and the way she cares for him is the proof. But he couldn't help but to feel as if one day she'll actually realize what he's done and be repulsed by him.
He knows he shouldn't do anything, but he needs to make sure Barnes knows that she's his, and it's not up for debate. That's when his famous mischievous smile adorned his face. He knew exactly what to do.
When Eve stepped out of the bathroom in just her towel, Loki stood up and gave her a hug.
"Loki," she giggled. "I'm gonna get you all wet."
Loki laughed. "Sometimes I think you purposely say things in hopes of earning a sexual response."
This made her laugh more. She hugged him back though. With a wave of his hands he had her dressed in the clothes he earlier picked out.
"I'll never get bored of your magic." She hummed as she looked up at him. Loki gave her a warm smile and leaned down to give her a kiss.
"Did the shower help at all?" He asked, hoping her stomach uneasiness has faded.
She shrugged. "It did while I was in it, but now it's back. I think I need to eat."
Loki nodded. "To the kitchen we go." He said, picking her up bridal style.
"Loki! I can walk you know." She laughed.
He shrugged. "Perhaps I just enjoy my love needing me."
Eve smiled. "I always need you Loki. More than you'll ever realize." She said softly before kissing his cheek.
"I can say the same, my love." He smiled.
Once they reached the kitchen, he set her down on the counter and grabbed a can of chicken noodle soup. While he could have used his magic to prepare something, according to Eve whenever he did so the food tasted weird.
Since Eve was a regular mortal, Loki had become quite familiar with the typical electronics and appliances on Earth, so he had no problem pouring the soup into a pot and turning to stove on; he is a god after all.
"I forgot to ask, did you ask your teacher about your essay?" He asked as he stirred the soup.
"I did, and oh my god, Loki." She sighed. "You don't know how painful that was." She added dramatically.
He laughed. "Do tell."
As she recounted her encounter with her English professor, Steve, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, and Peter entered the kitchen since they finished training.
"And then she was rambling about how her husband had an affair with their neighbor and her kids knew. She said that literature is her therapy and, don't get me wrong, that's great, but I just wanted to know if I used a word correctly." She explained exasperatedly.
"Who was this?" Sam chimed in, leaning against the other counter.
"Oh hi guys." She smiled. "It was my English professor." A few seconds later she started coughing.
"It sounds like you might be coming down with a cold, love." Loki frowned, placing his hand on her forehead.
She sighed at the coolness of his palm. "I hope not. I have a lot to do."
After she ate the soup and drank 2 glasses of water -per Loki's request- the pair went to the common room where the others were and took their usual spot on the love seat.
Loki was now hyper aware of the fact that Bucky was basically staring at Eve like a lovesick puppy.
Loki gritted his teeth and pulled Eve onto his lap, so her back was against the arm of the seat.
"What was that for?" She asked quietly, running her hand through his hair.
He smirked, knowing that Bucky had enhanced hearing and could hear everything they were saying. "I just enjoy having you close."
She let out a small chuckle. "We were close before."
"Perhaps I just want everyone here to know you're mine."
Loki swore he heard a gasp from Bucky, but he didn't even spare him a look.
Eve smiled. "I think everyone knows I'm yours."
Loki smirked again. "I don't think everyone knows, but I have no issue in showing them."
Eve laughed. "Well I can confirm I am all yours. Wouldn't want it any other way."
Loki's smirk faded into a soft frown. "So you wouldn't leave me for someone else? Someone who is a good guy?"
Eve furrowed her eyebrows. "Loki, I'm not gonna leave you. I don't care who it is, you're the only one I have eyes for. And you are a good guy. You've done questionable things, but you've had your reasons. I love you and that includes your past. Just like you love me with my past."
Loki sighed and leaned his forehead against hers. "What did I do to deserve you?"
Eve laughed. "You saved me from those jerks at school."
Loki let out a soft chuckle and leaned in to give her a soft kiss. When they turned their attention to the tv, Loki took a glance at Bucky and saw his fists clenched. He let a satisfied smirk adorn his face and pulled Eve tighter against his chest.
"I love you." She whispered.
Loki smiled. "I love you too."
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
His (1/2)
PAIRING: Loki Laufeyson x OFC (Eve Dayton)
TW: Possessive Loki, Clingy Loki, Unrequited love, Jealous Loki
SUMMARY: Loki didn’t want to bring Eve to the tower for one reason; he didn’t want the others trying to tear them apart. He finally caves knowing that Eve hates her dorm room. What Loki didn’t expect was someone else on the team falling for his girl.
Part Two
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He didn't mean to fall for her. He really didn't.
Loki made it very clear that the only reason he was bringing his girlfriend, Eve, to the tower was her dorm being too stressful for her. He didn't want the team to know her; he didn't want them trying to separate her from him.
For the first couple months, Eve remained in Loki's room most of the time. Since the god could use his magic to make sure she had everything, there was little reason for her to leave. Eventually though, Loki knew she didn't want to be locked up and told her that, if she wanted to, she could roam the tower. He made sure to threaten every single person on the team.
That's how Bucky found himself falling for Eve. She was so shy and quiet around the people she wasn't close with, but the way she would just radiate happiness when she was around those she was close with, it made him smile.
Aside from Loki, Eve was comfortable around Natasha, Wanda, Peter, and Sam. All of which went out of their way to befriend her.
It was a common occurrence for Bucky to sit in the same room as her and watch as she talked animatedly to Wanda or Natasha, or sometimes she would convince Loki to play a video game and the room would be filled with her laughter as Loki would struggle. It was surprising to the entire team that Loki didn't mind losing since Eve was having a good time.
There were times that Bucky would walk into the common room at night and would see Eve laying her head on Loki's lap as he reads to her and run his nimble hands through her long hair.
Many members of the team had caught the two attempting to bake, only to fail miserably and make a mess. But again, it didn't matter. Eve had the biggest smile and Loki was a sucker for it.
When Bucky asked Sam, Steve, and Natasha to meet him in the kitchen, he wasn't sure what to do.
"Buck? Everything alright?" Steve asked as the three of them approached the pacing soldier.
Bucky briefly looked at the three before diverting his eyes back to the ground and running a hand through his hair.
"I have a problem."
"Gonna need you to be a little more specific than that." Sam retorted, crossing his arms over his chest.
Bucky sighed. "It's Eve."
The three looked between each other. "What about her?" Steve hesitantly asked.
"I think I love her." Bucky said quietly.
Sam let out a humorless laugh. "Seriously dude? Eve? Out of all the girls in this city, you fall for the girl that's, not only taken, but dating the god of mischief."
Bucky glared at Sam. "I didn't mean for this to happen."
Natasha pinched the bridge of her nose. "Does she know?"
Bucky shook his head. "We've barely even talked."
Natasha nodded. "Good. She tells Loki everything, and I mean everything."
Steve gave her a questioning look. "Why do you say it like that?"
Natasha shrugged. "She trusts Loki more than anyone. I'm pretty sure Loki is the only person who knows her entire past. She told me a couple things, but she kept it vague. Anytime that a guy makes a move on her at school, Loki knows. When she's feeling insecure, she tells him. They're as close as a couple can be."
Bucky sighed again, sitting on the stool and putting his head in his hands.
"So he shouldn't tell her because she'll tell Loki. God knows what he'll do if he finds out." Sam concludes, earning a nod from Natasha.
"Look," Steve spoke up. "You said yourself that you've barely talked to her. I'm not saying what you're feeling isn't real, but is there a possibility that you're not actually in love with her and she's just the first girl in a long time that you've had an interest in? Could just be attraction."
"I don't know Steve. The jealousy I feel when I see her with Loki makes it hard for me to even focus. And when she smiles or laughs I can't help but to smile. I see her and him play video games or cool or go for a walk and all I want is for that to be me. It's fucking torture having a room across from his. I can hear her screaming from nightmares and I have to just not do anything because I know he's there." He ranted.
"Bucky." Natasha mumbled softly , feeling sympathy for the super soldier.
"I don't get it." He continued, his voice changing to a harder tone. "I know I've done bad things, but it wasn't me. He's killed hundreds of people and tried to rule the Earth and he gets her? What is so amazing about him that she can overlook all the evil he's done?"
"He loves her."
All four of their heads snapped to the doorway. There stood Tony with a knowing smirk.
"It's pretty obvious if you ask me."
"We didn't ask you." Sam replied with a roll of his eyes.
Tony shrugged. "Reindeer games has done a lot of bad things, that's common knowledge. But for her he's this lovey dovey romantic who will do anything to protect her. I hate the guy as much as the rest of you, but he's a sucker for her. She knows what he's done yet he chooses to be good for her. Don't take it personally, manchurian candidate, every girl wants a bad boy who's only good for her."
Natasha sighed. "He's right. It's not you Bucky."
The group dismissed shortly after Tony barged in, but none of them knew that Loki was listening the whole time. He was practicing his invisibility spell. His plan was going to be to scare Tony, but when he heard Eve's name he stopped to listen.
And he isn't happy.
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
some fucking resources for all ur writing fuckin needs
* body language masterlist
* a translator that doesn’t eat ass like google translate does
* a reverse dictionary for when ur brain freezes
* 550 words to say instead of fuckin said
* 638 character traits for when ur brain freezes again
* some more body language help
(hope this helps some ppl)
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jenwritesstories · 3 years
god i really just want to find a fic where loki or bucky or sam or ANYONE is trying to go down on the reader and she’s super insecure about it because that’s something i struggle so hard with and yet it’s something i want so much but i literally cannot get eaten out and every fic just makes it seem so easy and !!!! i wanna scream! it’s such a stupid little thing but for me it’s kinda big
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