erdariel · 3 hours
Mnää ja mnjöm on hyviä äännähdyksiä
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erdariel · 3 hours
I think so much about the food people ate pre-Columbian exchange. Huge parts of cuisine extremely important on both sides of the pond just didn't exist.
You've probably heard a little about what was brought over from the New World, corn, potatoes, cocoa, cassava, peanuts, chili peppers, avocadoes, cranberries, pumpkins, and the like. Imagine cooking without chili! Without potatoes! Modern Indian cuisine contains enormous amounts of potatoes and we just didn't have those for the vast majority of history. The best of the nightshades all on one contiguous hunk of land. Hell, tomatoes! Almost forgot about those.
But we don't often look at what the Old World had. Wheat! Barley! Rice! A profusion of incredible grains, really, the finest poaceae has to offer. Carrots! Tons of rosaceous plants like apples and cherries and pears and peaches and apricots! Grapes! Soy and Bamboo! Okra and watermelon! All these things were simply never found in the Americas. The grains one is the wildest for me, the variety of grains available across Eurasia and Africa was truly astounding.
You know what binds together the food of all cultures across the world? Onions. Onions are fucking everywhere. There's probably onions growing near you right now. Allium Gang Unite.
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erdariel · 3 hours
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Big bed
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erdariel · 3 hours
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The Kelpie Pond by Jaimie Whitbread 
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erdariel · 3 hours
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Kittens are so funny when that off button hits and they just zonk out
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erdariel · 3 hours
Remember to make space for the heteros this month too - yes, really.
Lesbians who became straight men
Gay men who became straight women
All straight drag artists (note that not all of them are cis!)
People with complex identities who thusly encompass multiple orientations (like genderfluid and multigender people who, yes, are sometimes straight, or even simultaneously with other labels)
Hetero aro and ace people. Especially. Seriously.
People with fluid orientations
Gnc people who find joy in their straightness
Many queer people are also straight. Queerness is note solely reliant on gayness. These people too, are a part of pride. Remember that.
[All discourse attempts will be swiftly blocked. Exclusionists fuck off]
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erdariel · 4 hours
That is very, very interesting
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erdariel · 4 hours
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Prefered cards in Europe
by dalmatian.mapper
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erdariel · 4 hours
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erdariel · 4 hours
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erdariel · 5 hours
Y'all want to know what thought is fucking with me today?
Parrots can learn the concept of questions. I don't know about the claim that chimpanzees that were taught sign language never learned to ask questions, or the theory that it simply wouldn't occur to them that the human handlers might know things that they personally do not, or that whatever information they have might be worth knowing. But I don't even remember where I read that, and at best it's an anecdote of an anecdote, but anyway, parrots.
The exact complexity of natural parrot communication in the wild is beyond human understanding for the time being, but you can catch glimpses of how complex it is by looking at how much they learn to pick up from human speech. Sure, they figure out that this sound means this object, animal, person, or other thing. Human says "peanut" and presents a peanut, so the sound "peanut" means peanut. Yes. But if you make the same sound with a rising intonation, you are inquiring about the possibility of a peanut.
A bird that's asking "peanut?" knows there is no peanut physically present in the current situation, but hypothetically, there could be a peanut. The human knows whether there will be a peanut. The bird knows that making this specific human sound with this specific intonation is a way of requesting for this information, and a polite way of informing the human that a peanut is desired.
"I get a peanut?" is a polite spoken request. There is no peanut here, but there could be a peanut. The bird knows that the human knows this. But without the rising intonation of a question, the statement "I get a peanut." is a firm implied threat. There is no peanut here, but there better fucking be one soon. The bird knows that the human knows this.
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erdariel · 5 hours
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Victor Molev (Russian,b.1955)
Great ghost of Caesarea, 2016
Oil on canvas
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erdariel · 7 hours
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Happy Pied Month! Oystercatcher? More like acetercatcher!
Reference photo by JJ Harrison
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erdariel · 7 hours
So sick of heteronormativity and amatonormativity rn. I hate that "can men and women be friends" is even a question. I hate "there's no platonic explanation for that". I hate the way people assume I must secretly be romantically interested in my friends because "why else would a man talk to a woman?" I hate this cage that we've built for ourselves.
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erdariel · 7 hours
Could somebody who knows more stuff about physics do me a favor and explain to me the mechanical process by which Hawking radiation escapes from a black hole as though you were explaining it to a child? This isn't my usual area of interest and my mind is thoroughly boggled.
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erdariel · 8 hours
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erdariel · 8 hours
pride month!!!
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