dharnwjs · 5 months
I see all of this Wally Clark fics and yeah of course hes cute and everything but why are there no Simon Elroy fics???? Like hello?? No one else saw this moody man the first episode and thought wow i could appreciate him in ways hes never thought of. The actual actor is so arsty in a way i know I'd fumble the bag with him but Simon Elroy????? Brothers i could bag him by just paying attention to him imo. And youve seen how he behemothly defends Maddie or how he got jealous when she talked about homecoming dance?? Oh man.
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dharnwjs · 1 year
The way we once were//Jake “Hangman” Sersin X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Penny has a new boyfriend, and you are happy that your aunt is happy. A night on the town doesn’t seem to bad even with the blonde pilot, but what happens when things get too heated
Warnings: Penny and Maverick are together, mentions of alcohol, Jake flirting with Reader, tension between Jake and Reader, allusions to smut
Next chapter(coming soon)//last chapter
Chapter 3: Night out
“Amelia, Y/n you guys ready?” Penny called out in the house
Amelia answered, “yeah mom!”
You grabbed your stuff following the young girl as she walked to where Penny was. Your aunt grabbed her stuff smiling back at you.
“Let’s go, don’t want to leave Pete waiting.” Penny said
“Pete? You mean Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell?” You asked
Penny blushed, nodding back. A smile covered your face glad that they were reconnecting. Your aunt deserved to be happy and there was no one better for her then Maverick. Amelia leaned closer to you, making you lean down.
“Get ready for mom to act like a schoolgirl.” Amelia whispered and you laughed
“Come on, we’ve got to go!” Penny called making you and Amelia move
You walked up to the car and hopped in. The three of you headed to the Hard Deck, a motorcycle was parked in front of the bar. You smiled seeing Maverick, and quickly got out of the car.
The man’s eyes flickered between Penny, happy to see her and you, his eyebrows furrowed. You had gotten to be so big.
“Hey Maverick.” You called smiling
“Y/n?” He met you in the middle
You nodded and wrapped your arms around him. It didn’t seem like he changed…just had a few more wrinkles.
“God you’ve gotten so big.” Pete pulled away looking you up and down
“I know, you haven’t changed.” You laughed. “It’s good to see you, Maverick”
“It’s good to see you too,” he answered
Maverick looked over at Penny reaching his arm out and pulled her into his side.
“Let’s go sailing!” Penny exclaimed
You wooed and nudged Amelia, your cousin just laughed and rolled her eyes. You followed Penny to her boat, Maverick helped the three of you on. The blue water went on for miles, it was calm and nice reminding you of summers when your parents would visit penny and she’d take you on her boat.
“You remember how to sail, Y/n?” Penny called
You stood up, “last time I sailed, I was 14”
Penny chuckled, “come on, Y/n”
You walked up to the helm, grabbed the wheel as Penny stepped away. She walked over to Maverick, placing a hand on his back.
“You doing okay, Captain?” Penny asked and Maverick nodded
Your eyebrows furrowed, “Captain?”
“A highly decorated Captain.” The Captain answered
That was Maverick, he never wanted to leave the sky.
“I bet you could be a two star admiral by now Maverick.” You smiled and said
Sailing on the blue ocean, laughing with family, not worrying about your mother. Today couldn’t be any better, and the other three could agree.
“So Y/n how’s California?” Maverick asked
“Eventful.” You laughed out. “A lot more navy out here”
Maverick nodded, “yeah, well that’s Miramar for you.”
“Well we’re all glad you’re here.” Penny added and your cousin nodded
“Me too.” You whispered under your breath
As much as you wished you could stay out here all day, Penny took over control and brought the boat back to shore. You said goodbye to Maverick and took Amelia back to the car as Penny and Maverick said their goodbyes. You sat in the front seat but quickly turned around looking at Amelia.
“Amelia.” You whispered her name
The teen quickly looked up at you, humming a bit.
“So I’m going out tonight-“
“Like on a date?” She perked up
“Kinda, me and this guy are going to dinner and would you help me pick out some clothes?”
“Of course.” Amelia squealed
You laughed at the girl who was more excited than you. Had you acted like this when you were her age? You were happy even if you didn’t think of it as a date. You did like Jake but your dating life had been hell and so you were just playing it easy. It wasn’t even a date, Jake had said so and so your heart calmed a bit.
Penny got into the car and started driving and the second you got home, Amelia grabbed onto your hand and pulled you into the house.
“Come on Y/n, hurry!” Amelia said pulling you through the house
“Slow down, I’m not going until 7.”
“That’s in an hour!” Amelia gasped
You put the clothes out and watched as Amelia carefully examined each one before picking it up. Finally she landed on this outfit (one in playlist idea).
“Thank you Amelia.” You leaned down hugging the 14 year old
You hurried downstairs hearing a honk. Penny walked up to you, her eyebrows furrowed.
“Who’s that?”
“Oh just a friend. I’ll be back.”
Penny oohed, “okay be safe.”
“I will.” You answered and closed the door
Jake’s car sat where he parked last time. You walked up to it, hoping into the passenger side.
“Hi darling.” He smiled
You smiled back, “where are we going, SuperMan?”
“Well I found this nice Mexican place that has really good margaritas.” Jake answered
“Ooh, I could go for a margarita.”
That’s how you found yourself at that booth in that restaurant laughing at Jake’s joke.
“What was it like, being on TV every morning?”
“Oh, um well I mean it was really cool. I made such great friends with the other hosts, I do miss them.” You sighed
Your eyebrows furrowed, you really did miss them. Sarah was always there for you, she was the first one to introduce herself when you started working and she was the first you said goodbye to. But you didn’t just miss her, you missed all of them.
You missed Evan who did the weather, you missed Jenny who sat next to you, and you especially missed Hugo who could always make you laugh. You took a sip of the margarita you had ordered.
“Y/n are you okay?” Jake asked pulling you back to reality
You nodded before saying, “so you going to tell me the real reason you joined the navy?”
Jake laughed, “you still don’t believe me?”
Your nose scrunched up, Jake chuckled. He didn’t know how anyone could break up with you, your laugh was intoxicating, your smile could brighten up any room. Your last boyfriend didn’t know what he was missing.
The food was amazing, and you and Hangman fought over who would pay (Jake ultimately won). The night was pretty and you were glad Jake room you out to dinner. The moon was so bright and the stars were shining beautifully in the sky.
“The night sky looks so beautiful!” You said breathy
“Do you have to go home now?” the question made your eyebrows furrow
You felt like a teen sneaking around to be with your boyfriend or in college when you and Rooster took midnight drives. It made it worse that Bradley and Jake were friends.
“No why?”
Jake winked at you, “I was thinking of having some fun.”
“Ooh if you thinking of going to my place, it’s not really mood worthy. So your place?”
Jake clicked his tongue, “I share it with another guy.”
You sighed then looked back to the backseat. Jake smirked knowing your idea, his hand landed on your thigh making you clench them together. Once the car stopped you quickly jumped into the backseat, Jake followed after you.
He pressed his lip against yours, you kissed back wrapping your arms around him but quickly pulled from him.
“This is a one time thing.” You said inches from the aviator’s face
“Yeah okay.” He said against your lips before pushing you back
He quickly pulled away, patting his pocket before cussing in a low voice.
“I’m on birth control, don’t worry.” You told him
Jake relaxed and sighed, connecting his lips to your again. Your back hit the seat and you giggled, seeing the pilot on top of you.
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dharnwjs · 1 year
The way we once were//Jake “Hangman” Sersin X Fem!Reader
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Chapter summary: you get closer to the Blonde pilot trying to fight her feelings and you have an unexpected run in with an old friend
Warnings: mentions of break up, mentions of alcohol, Rooster and Reader having a cute relationship, some sexual tension.
Next chapter//last chapter
Chapter 2: reconnect
Hangman was back the next day, the usual people shuffled in. This time Hangman was alone as he made a b-line for the counter.
You stood there, bored as you waited for someone to come up to order a drink. A smile covered your face as you saw that same pilot from yesterday.
“What will it be SuperMan?” You asked standing up
Hangman sat on the stood telling you what he wanted. You slid his drink over to him before Hangman started to speak.
“So where are you from?” He asked
“Um I was living in Virginia for a while, for collage and then I just got stuck there.” You answered sighing
You thought back to Virginia, wondering how you got stuck there for so long.
“What did you do in Virginia?”
“I was a morning talk show host for the local news,” you answered smiling
Hangman’s eyes went wide, before furrowing.
“No way! So you were on TV?” You nodded your head
“Yeah, 6 O’clock every morning. I mean I’m getting more attention right now then I did on tv.” You laughed
Hangman took a sip of the drink, before laughing at your joke. You felt embarrassed, your job seemed lame compared to what Hangman’s job was.
“Why’d you leave?”
“I was fired, I broke up with the station manager’s son who then got his father to fire me.”
That asshole, you said in your head scrubbing harder. As if Hangman could read your mind he said:
“That asshole, he was just jealous. I’m so sorry that happened”
You nodded, “and now I’m here, just trying to get away from my parents”
You were glad Hangman showed up, it took your mind off your parents (mostly your mother) nagging that you should come home.
“I didn’t catch your name last night,” there it was, the reason why Hangman was here
You chuckled lightly, “Y/n”
Hangman nodded, “Jake”
You felt your cheeks heat up and you quickly shook your head. You didn’t want to fall in love especially not with a guy from the navy. You turned from the pilot and got drinks for other patrons before walking back up to Jake.
“What are you doing after this Y/n?”
Your eyebrows furrowed together, your heart raced knowing what he was getting at.
“I was going to go home, get some take out and unpack some of my belongings,” you answered sighing
“Well if you ever need help, I might know a guy.” Jake joked
You nodded, “thank you, I’ll take you up on that. I have a bed frame that I don’t even know how to start”
Your eyes locked with his for a bit, getting lost in his blue eyes before you eyes flickered to his lips. You cleared your throat and looked away seeing the clock, so happy that it was the end of your shift.
“Well it’s the end of my shift, I’ll see you later Jake.” You smiled and said goodbye to him
Jake responded, “yeah see you later”
You hurried away, trying to push Jake out of your mind. You quickly gathered your stuff and headed to your car making a stop at the store. You were just going to grab some food for dinner, and go to Penny’s.
Right now you were staying at Penny’s as you got your apartment ready. You needed to get the bed frame done and a bed into your apartment but still hadn’t even started it
You walked down the aisle, basket in hand as you stared at the food not noticing the person in front of you. You bumped into that person immediately apologizing.
“I’m so sorry,” you quickly said
“It was my fault.” The person said back
The voice was familiar, your eyebrows furrowed looking up to see Bradley.
“Bradley?” You asked. “It’s so amazing to see you”
Rooster said back, “Y/n what are you doing here?”
“I’m living here now, yay!” You exclaimed sarcastically
“What happened to your job?”
Your hand rubbed your neck as your best friend asked that question. It was a nervous habit that your mother always got mad at.
“I got fired, you remember Tyler, well I broke up with him and he got his dad to fire me.” You said
Rooster’s mouth opened and his eyes went wide, “no way!”
You nodded standing there for a bit, it was weird seeing Bradley again after all these year but he hadn’t changed. He was still a foot taller then you, he still had that pornstache and his sent hadn’t changed. He still smelt like fresh linen, it was comforting and always reminded you of college.
“How’s your parents?” The pilot asked awkwardly
You sighed, “my mom has been nagging me to come home but I know if I go back, I’m just going to get lectured”
Bradley nodded his head giving you a sympathetic look before mumbling out an ‘I’m sorry’.
“But Penny offered me a job at the Hard Deck, so that’s where I’m working right now”
“That’s good, we need to hang out sometime and catch up.”
You nodded laughing, it had been forever since you last seen him. You were wondering what his life had been like these past few years.
“Yeah, well I’ll have to come to the Hard Deck sometime.” Rooster smiled and said
“Yeah, I’m hoping to see you there.”
You and Bradley said goodbye to each other, moving forward with your day.
Bradley had invited you out the next day, he had told you that he wanted to introduce you to some of his friends. You sat in the passenger side of his Jeep, laughing and singing “Great Balls of Fire” with your best friend.
“Come on, baby you drive me crazy. Goodness gracious great balls of fire!” You yelled out
You felt amazing, and young again. It was like college again, this time you and Bradley’s hangout wasn’t in the middle of the night. The song ended and you turned to Rooster and laughed running your hand through your hair.
“Don’t you remember when we’d do this in college?” You asked
Bradley nodded, “you would belt out the lyrics, how could I forget”
The car stopped, there was blue as far as the eye could see in front of you. Rooster quickly turned off the car and opened the door, you followed Bradley down into the beach where a a group of people stood. They were all men but there was a woman as well.
“Hey Rooster, finally you decided to join us!” The woman called
“Yeah nice to see you too, Phoenix.” Bradley said back as they stopped in front of the group
All the others looked at Bradley, their eyes flickered to you. The woman whose callsign was Phoenix smiled at you.
“Um everyone, this is my friend Y/n.” Rooster motioned to you
“Natasha Trace, but call me Phoenix.” Phoenix reached out her hand
You shook her hand before looking at the men. They introduced themselves one by one, there was Bob, Payback, Coyote, and one pilot you already knew. Hangman reached out his hand, a sly smile covered his face.
“Nice to meet you darling.” Jake said
You replied, “yeah you too”
You found Rooster’s friend’s fun, but that was just Rooster’s thing. He always had good friends, you really liked Phoenix probably because now you had another woman to talk to. You sat with Phoenix, watching as the men roughed around with each other.
“So how’d you meet Rooster?” Phoenix asked
You hummed a bit staring at the brunette pilot.
“We met in college, he was my dorm neighbor. He brought me a nice little care package that I’m pretty sure his mom made and from then we were inseparable.”
You were always there for him. When Maverick pulled his paper, you were there with open arms and when his mom died, you were the shoulder he cried on. It worked the other way as well, through all your bickering with your parents and them nagging for you to come home and run the family business, Rooster was the one who listened to you.
Natasha nodded, “well Rooster told me a lot about you so if you ever need to talk I’m here”
“Thank you, it’s been so long since I have had a girl I can talk to. I mean besides Penny but she’s family”
“Yeah I totally get it, I mean I’m in the same boat”
You and Phoenix talked, whispering and laughing about the men.
“I think we’re going to be good friends,” you laughed
Just then, Hangman joined you and Phoenix.
“What are you two laughing at?” The man asked
You looked up and your cheeks went red seeing him shirtless. He was ripped, you knew he would be as Jake was a pilot.
“Nothing, nothing.” Phoenix said shaking her head
Hangman suppressed a smile, seeing as you quickly looked away and cleared your throat. A ding made you quickly pick up your phone, your eyes went wide.
You mumbled a cuss word before telling the two pilots.
“I got get home, Penny wanted to take me somewhere. I don’t want to make Rooster drive me back though,” You sighed
“I can take you home, it’s no problem,” Hangman answered pulling on his shirt
“Really?” You asked
“Yeah of course.” He flashed you his smile
You stood up and said goodbye to the group. You followed Jake up to his car, getting into the passenger seat. Hangman started driving.
“Thanks for that Hangman.” You thanked him
“You’re welcome, darlin’.” He winked at you.
The car ride was silent for a little bit. There was tension and you could feel it, so you said something.
“So what made you go into the navy?”
Hangman sighed wondering what he wanted to say, if he wanted to use a line on you or be honest. You looked over at him, seeing what he was thinking.
“I joined because I wanted to be a hero.” He said with his million dollar smile
“Okay, lover boy.” You said back
“You don’t believe me?”
You just shrugged, looking out the window and away from Jake. You hadn’t felt this happy in a long time. The car stopped in front of Penny’s house.
“Thanks again.”
You went to reach for the door but Hangman grabbed your arm. You looked back seeing his hand wrapped around your wrist.
“When are you free?”
You smiled, “you asking me on a date?”
“What if I was?” The Pilot shrugged
You leaned over to him, “I’d say no”
Jake let go of your wrist and you got out of the car, about to close the door.
“Then how about just dinner between two friends?”
“This Friday, pick me up at 7”
You smiled and closed the car door, turning and walk up to the house watching as the car peeled away.
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dharnwjs · 1 year
The way we once were//Jake Sersin X Fem!Reader
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Summary: you move back to California taking a job at the Hard Deck trying to get your life back in order but when you meet a certain aviator, you are thrown into a mess you didn’t want to be in
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, reader doesn’t have good relationship with parents, Rooster and Reader are best friends, and basically just flirting and fluff.
Author’s note: hi guys I know I literally haven’t posted in like year but I’ve had bad writer’s block. I finally got over it and started writing this series, I hope you guys like it
Next chapter
Chapter One: SuperMan
From what you had seen, California couldn’t be any better. The sun high in the sky, and long days at the beach getting a tan, it was amazing and plus you had a job with good pay. You had told your aunt that you were moving to California and she offered you a job at her bar which meant free alcohol.
Today that’s exactly where you were, the bar hadn’t opened yet and you were just hanging out with Penny and Amelia. Amelia sat at the counter doing her homework, you sat close to her supervising the girl as Penny was somewhere else.
“Whatcha working on”, you asked looking over at the homework Amelia was working on
“Math homework, it’s algebra”, Amelia sighed “I hate it”
“Don’t worry, I was never good at math”, you smiled and said to her
She smiled back, putting down her pencil and looking at you.
“So how was Virginia ?” The girl asked
You shrugged and sighed thinking about Virginia. You had gone there for college, the University of Virginia where you met Bradley who was now your best friend.
“It was nice, the winters were cold. We’d get snow in January and it was perfect to just curl up with a blanket and hot coco,” you answered bringing your shoulders in
Amelia giggled at that, as you continued speaking.
“I didn’t see much of Virginia though, the summers were so hot that you’d just go to the pool or the beach, and in the winters I was in college all the time or working.” You said
“And how was college?”
“It’s school, a bit better then like middle school and high school. You’d go to class and get it done and at night I’d hang out with my friends and party, and the-“ you paused before adding. “You don’t need to hear all of it”
Just then, Penny walked in. She smiled at the two girls. She walked around the counter standing in front of her daughter and niece.
“How are you getting along here, Y/n?” Penny asked
“It’s hot,” you replied making your aunt laugh and nod
Penny turned to Amelia and quickly spoke to her daughter.
“Get your stuff together, I’m going to take you home,” Penny grabbed her coat
You bid goodbye to your cousin as you wiped down the counter and swept the floor getting ready to open up the bar. You smiled at the sign behind the counter and couldn’t wait until you could ring the bell. Penny came back a few minutes, hanging up her coat in the back room.
“Hey this place looks nice, you didn’t have to,” Penny said
“Oh I’m working here now, I’ve got to do the chores.” You answered
Penny laughed before walking up to the door, she unlocked it and turned on the open sign. You stood behind the counter bobbing your head along to the music. The bar started to fill, and talking swirled with the music. The men took a liking to you, not use to seeing a new face working at the Hard Deck.
It felt nice as guys watched you from around the room, back in Virginia you weren’t that popular. Bradley was the popular one and so when you hung out with him, people thought you were popular but here in California. You had already had guys asking for your number.
It was getting later in the night and that’s when the Top Gun students started to show up. They came in packs, usually three’s and four’s usually in their clean pressed uniforms. They laughed and talked ordering drinks and playing pool.
Your whole family was wrapped around the navy, your mom marrying an officer and your maternal grandfather was a admiral but here in Miramar, it was a lot more concentrated. You couldn’t go far without hearing a jet or seeing a navy officer. You handed a beer to a costumer as a certain blonde haired pilot walked in.
Hangman laughed at Coyote’s joke, before him, Coyote, and Payback quickly headed to their usual spot. The three men started their game of pool, a few feet away from where you stood behind the counter laughing at a joke one of the guys you were talking to just made.
Hangman looked up catching a glimpse at you, you were beautiful but new. Hangman’s eyebrows furrowed, he was sure he hadn’t seen you before. So as Coyote was taking his turn, Hangman made an excuse.
“Are you guys thirsty? I’ll go get us a drink,” Hangman passed his pool stick to Payback and walked over to the counter
He leaned against the cold wood, staring at the back of your head before opening his mouth.
“I’ll have three beers, miss.” The pilot said
You jumped at the voice and quickly turning around looking at the blonde haired, blue eyed pilot as he shot you a smile. You nodded and quickly handed him three beers but he didn’t move.
“I’d remember a face as pretty as yours but I don’t say I do. You new here?” He asked
You smiled and looked up at the pilot.
“Matter of fact I am, just moved here a few days ago.” You answered cleaning the glass you held
“I’m Hangman” he told you
“That’s your name?” You asked knowing that it wasn’t
Hangman laughed and flashed his million dollar smile again.
“No it’s my callsign. I’m a pilot”
You nodded, “a pilot, huh? I’ve always wondered what it’s like”
You batted your eyelashes, playing with the pilot.
“Being up in the sky is just amazing. The thrill of it makes it so addictive that you just want to go back. But the danger.” Hangman talked, you gasped at the last part. “One mistake and I’m gone, a fiery ruin on the side of the mountain”
Your eyebrows furrowed together, “oh my”
Hangman nodded and took a sip of one of the drinks. You shook your head.
“Yeah I know but the danger makes everything else meaningful, it keeps you in check. It’s intense but makes you see the beauty of the world and the things passing you by so much that you want to chase down all the pleasures of life.” Hangman’s voice dropped an octave
Your eyebrow cocked, he had rehearsed it well and probably used it on a few other girls.
“Those are some good lines Hangman. I bet you have girls just fawning over you”
The pilot shook his head, clicking his tongue.
“Nope, just you.” He answered
“And who says I’m fawning over you Hangman?” You asked getting closer to him
You could smell his cologne, and feel his warm breath. He smelt nice like cedar and leather, everything felt like it stopped. Your eyes staring into his blue eyes as your breathing became heavy.
“Hey Hangman, we’re parched over here!” Coyote yelled pulling you and Hangman out of the daze you two were in
He rolled his eyes and looked back at you. Hangman smiled and chuckled.
“I never got your name, darling.” His voice was husky
Darling, it rang through your head and made goosebumps cover your skin. You bit your lip and looked down.
“You’ll have to come back to find out SuperMan.” You answered and stepped away from him
He nodded and grabbed the drinks, giving you money before turning and walking back to the two other men. Payback looked back, his eyebrows furrowed.
“How it go, Hangman?” Payback asked as he bent over the table
“Crash and burn?” Coyote added
“Not yet.” Hangman answered staring over at you
This was going to be so much fun.
A/n: sorry it was short I just needed to get the ball rolling :)
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dharnwjs · 1 year
Rave’N//Xavier Thorpe X Fem!Reader
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Summary: you always hated dances and the Rave’N was no different but sneaking away with Xavier makes it not so bad
Warning: NSFW, MDNI, P in V, oral (f! Receiving), praise kink, unprotected sex (no glove, no love)
A/n: hey guys I’m back! Sorry I hadn’t posted in like two months I had so much going on but I just finished Wednesday and let me tell you that was a ride so I decided to write some Xavier smut. I hope you like it
Dances were never your forte, even at regular dances or family gatherings you found yourself off to the side watching everyone. The only reason you came was because your friends wanted you to come along and usually you wouldn’t be caught dead with a siren but you couldn’t leave your friends alone and so Kent led you into the Rave’N.
Miss Thornhill greeted you two, Kent pulled from you and walked over to Bianca who glared over at you, being in Ophelia Hall meant that you didn’t have the best relationship with her. Sighing you walked the opposite way from him towards the concessions grabbing a drink and taking a sip. Music swirled in the room, you swayed and followed along with the music closing your eyes.
Xavier rolled his eyes looking at Bianca who was too involved with her friends to notice him, so he left. His eyes darted over to the snack table but they landed on a girl who stood off on the side slowly grooving to the music. Xavier made his way up to you standing right next to you.
“I can see you like the music”, Xavier said to you
You jumping at his voice, eyes opening in a flash.
“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare you”, he reached out his hand placing it on your shoulder
“It’s ok just wasn’t expecting anyone”, you laughed taking a sip of the drink you held in your hands
He laughed as well standing closer to you as his eyes looked around the room. He sighed and shoved his hands in his pockets before speaking.
“You’re Y/n right?”, he asked
You nodded drinking some more of the yeti-tini.
“I’m Xavier”, he responded
“Yeah I sit behind you in like every class”, you laughed before looking back at Bianca watching as she laughed with Kent
You sighed stepping closer to Xavier, talking more to him. The more you two talked, the more you got bored and the more your mind started to wander. So as he spoke you let your hand wander to his tie, biting your lip staring up at him. You softly pulled his tie making him turn to you
“We should go have some fun”, you flirted a bit
Xavier caught on and smiled down at you. He took his hair out of his ponytail running his hand through his hair as Xavier looked you up and down.
“My room’s free”, he said in a low voice
You giggled setting the drink and walking around him. Xavier’s eyes followed you, his tongue darted out to wet his lip before he started to move. Xavier picked up his pace as you rounded a corner, losing you for a second. You grabbed his arm making him turn, he looked down smiling at you.
“Lead the way”, your hands ran down his chest
Xavier laughing again and grabbed your hand before pulling you down the hall. The sound of hushed giggles filled the halls as Xavier shushed you.
“We’re going to get caught”, he shushed you as he stopped in front of a door
He opened the door, you walked in and he quickly closed the door. Your eyes darted around the room, seeing the one side that was barren and on the other wall were drawings and a few paintings which you guessed was Xavier’s side.
“Welcome to my studio”, he said making you look over at him
He threw his coat over somewhere before walking back to you. His hands gripped onto your hips as your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer. He stopped a inch from your face, feeling his warm breath against your lips. You wondered how his lips felt and how they tasted. After what felt like forever, Xavier closed the gap his lips crashed against yours.
He tasted sweet, and just like he smelt. You didn’t want to pull away but you did panting as your lips parted from his. Xavier stepped away, his hands ran up and down along your body. His breath hitched as he cussed softly making you giggle but neither of you could get enough.
Quickly your hands went for clothes, almost ripping off his tie as Xavier hurried to take your shirt off. After he pulled your shirt off, you focused on the buttons on his shirt. Xavier leaned forward pressing kisses along your neck, the boy who stood in front of you shrugged off his shirt.
His shirt dropped behind him on the floor as Xavier grabbed your waist again pressing his lips against yours as slowly both of you moved to his bed your back hit his bed and Xavier crawled over you.
“You look so good under me”, he whispered in your ear before nipping down your neck
“Please Xavier”, you begged trying anything to get any bit of friction
He chuckled and moved down to your pants pulling them off but leaving your panties on. His thumb ran over your clothed core earning a moan. Slowly the boy hooked his hands under your waistband pulling off your panties revealing your cunt.
Xavier’s hands ghosted down your legs, he kissed your inner thigh pulling your legs over his shoulder as he kissed closer to your pussy. He licked up your slit moaning at your taste.
“Fuck”, you moaned out as Xavier continued
He gripped harder on your legs pulling you closer as his tongue lapped up your core. Your hand shot down grabbing his hair bucking your hips up in rhythm.
“Xavier”, you moaned out as your back picked up off the bed
His eyes stared up at your face watching as it contorted in pleasure. Xavier brought his hand to your pussy slowly pushing a finger inside you curling his finger and hitting your g-spot. It all felt too good and your hands gripped harder on his hair and the sheets, your eyes screwed shut and mouth open moans pouring out.
“So close”, you moaned out feeling your high getting closer
You whined as you felt Xavier pull away, trying to pull him back as your eyes opened and you propped yourself on your arm.
“Don’t whine darling, I want to feel you cum around me”, he told you caressing
You nodded and watched as Xavier undressed himself, his cock snapped against his stomach. You bit your lip as he turned back to face you. Giggling as Xavier crawled back on the bed and over you pressing his lips against yours.
You could taste yourself on his lips, his hands ran down your legs again pulling them up and over his arms. His hand ran in between your bodies guiding his dick to your entrance pushing inside you and bottoming out.
“God so big”, you almost yelled as Xavier dug his head in your shoulder
He slowly started to move, the way he stretched you out was blissful. His hips drew back and snapped forward hitting deep inside you.
“You feel so good”, he moaned in your ear as his breath caught in his throat
You fingers dug into his shoulders making the boy hiss. Xavier sat up on his knees, your hands left his back as he grabbed onto your legs thrusting harder into you. As he picked up his pace you gripped onto the sheets trying to tie yourself to reality.
“God Y/n”, Xavier moaned out
His hand snaked down rubbing circles on your clit. You gasped feeling your brain turn to mush.
“You like my cock don’t you?”, Xavier asked in a mocking way
“Yes”, you answered mumbling
“What was that?”, he asked and slowed his pace
“Yes!”, you yelled and Xavier picked up his pace
As he pounded into you, everything seemed to go blurry. You were so cock drunk but you didn’t care, Xavier felt so good as he pumped in and out of you. Xavier cussed as he felt your walls squeeze around his cock.
“Gonna cum”, was all that you could push out
“Cum for me princess, cum around my cock”, Xavier’s words pushed you over the edge
Your back picked up off of bed as his name fell from your lips. Leg’s shaking as you came, Xavier continued his place groaning more as he got closer to his own release.
“Fuck I’m going to cum”, Xavier growled and quickly pulled out
His hand quickly wrapped around his cock pumping him a few time. Xavier threw his head back as he reached his high, cumming in long ropes painting your stomach. The boy let go and relaxed panting along with you.
You were finally able to open your eyes, they landed on Xavier who sat over you his chest rose and fell. Your legs were still on his shoulders and his hands gripping on your thighs. Xavier opened his eyes observing your stomach covered in his seed.
He slowly pulled your legs off of him as he collapsed next to you. His head rested on your shoulder as his arm wrapped around your chest.
“That was fun”, Xavier’s voice was low
“Better then standing around for an hour”, you added and laughed
Your hands ran over to Xavier’s face pushing some hair out of his face.
“You think we should go back? Bianca and Kent might get suspicious”, you asked
His nose scrunched up as he shook his head, “nah let’s stay here for a little longer”
You giggled playing with his hair, feeling his warm breath on your neck. Maybe the Rave’N wasn’t so bad after all
0 notes
dharnwjs · 2 years
Two of a kind pt.5//Austin Butler!Elvis X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Y/n is an up and coming singer and actress and when she meets Elvis Presley, her life turns upside down. Y/n tries to navigate the world of fame, family, and her feelings
Warnings: Elvis gets jealous, one mention of reader not eating, one mention of Elvis wanting to fuck the reader
A/n: I’m so sorry that it took me forever to post last chapter. I was sick and school was so busy, I wanted to post this chapter earlier to make up for the last one. I hope you like it
Next part(coming soon)//last part
Chapter 5: Jealously
You stood in your dressing room behind a wall that you set up to have some privacy. Elvis laid on the couch, he had finished filming and decided to come and watch you.
“And then so the camera start rolling and I say my line and she says hers and then my mind goes blank-“, Elvis had been jabbering on about how his filming went
Every once in a while there was grunt from you as you tried to fit in the dress for Laurey. You were filming the box social and you had a wear a ridiculously tight dress that you had to loose some weight to fit in, mama hadn’t been helpful as you remembered her hurtful words. Elvis fidgeted waiting for you to come out.
“-so I just stood there and so we tried it again but I mean she just couldn’t stop laughing”, as Elvis let out his deep laugh you yelled over to him
“Close your eyes!”
You peered over the divider you were using as a wall. Elvis closed his eyes but you knew this trick.
“Elvis”, you said again and he put his hand over his eyes
“I’m not looking okay”, he said as you walked out
Standing in front of the mirror, your face fell. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the dress it’s just that white was never your color.
“Open your eyes”, you said and smiled again
Elvis pulled his hand from his eyes watching as you moved the skirt around. His breath hitched in his throat.
“Whatcha think?”, you asked facing him
“Woah”, he muttered not taking his eyes off of you and not being able to say any more
You looked at him confusedly before looking down at the dress. Now white really didn’t seem like your color.
“You hate it!”, you exclaimed
“No!”, Elvis quickly shouted and stood up
Standing there, your eyes were wide. Elvis walked up to you, looking down at the dress and back up.
“You look beautiful, give me a spin”, the smile crossed both Elvis’s and your face taking a step back you spun around
Elvis just watched you, not realizing that instead of looking at the dress he was staring at your face. He took your hand pulling you closer. His face leaned in, you could feel his breath on your lips.
Slowly your eyes fluttered but a knock on the door pulled you out of the daze
“Y/n you’re on in a minute”, the voice made you look from Elvis
He sighed as you turned, rolling his eyes and clicking his tongue. Elvis looked away, he was mad but he shouldn’t be. You were his best friend, that’s all you were.
“Coming!”, you called and walked to the door, throwing it open and running out to the set
“Wow Y/n”, Gordon said as you stopped in from of him “you look beautiful”
You grabbed your dress again and looked down, thanking him. You only had a few more scenes to film, at least for today. The first scene was after Jud lost the bidding for Laurey’s hamper.
“Action!”, the director yelled
“Are you making threats to me? Are you trying to tell me if I don’t allow you to slobber over me like a hog, why, you’re gonna do something about it?”, you yelled at Jud “well, you ain’t a hired hand for me no more. You can just pack up your duds and scoot! Don’t you as much as set foot inside the pasture gate, or I’ll sic the dogs on-“
Before you could say anything else, the man who stood before you grabbed your shoulders. You gasped at the rough jerk, making a gasp fall from your mouth. Your heart was racing before but now it felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. Jud’s gripped loosened just a bit as things went quiet for a second.
“You said your say. You brought it on yourself. I can’t help it. I can’t never rest. I told you how it was-“
Your hands shook and you didn’t think you could remember your lines. His hands fell from your shoulder and you took a step back, it didn’t feel like acting anymore.
“You wouldn’t listen. You ain’t never gonna get rid of me. Never.” Jud left on cue leaving you by yourself
Tears welled up in your eye as Will ran up.
“Hey Laurey, have you seen Annie? She’s gone again”, Will said standing close to you but you weren’t able to see, not with the tears blurring your vision
“Will”, you gasped “will you do something for me? Will you find Curly and tell him I’m here? I wanna see Curly awful bad. I gotta see him”
“Why don’t you turn around and look, crazy woman?”, Curly replied
Slowly you turned around seeing him and with a ‘Oh, Curly’, you ran up to him. Pressing your face into his shoulder, hot tears fell from your eyes gripping onto his shirt. You didn’t know if the tears were real or not.
“Well you found yours. I’m still looking for mine”, The line was said but you couldn’t hear
The sound of blood pumping through your ear was the only thing you could hear.
“Well, now what on earth is ailing the belle of Claremore”, Curly said confused and pushed you from him holding onto your shoulders
“By gum”, he continued. “If you ain’t cryin’”
“Curly, I’m afraid, afraid for my life”, you pushed your self closer to him arm wrapping around Curly
“Don’t you leave me”, you wailed
“Gosh a-mighty”, he responded and you pulled from him looking at his face
“Don’t mind me crying. I can’t help it”, that wasn’t a lie
Curly wrapped his arms around you pulling you closer. “You can cry your eyes out”
Hands gripping hard, you didn’t know why you were crying but you wished it was Elvis that you were holding on to. He would stroke your back and whisper in your ear ‘it’s okay’ and ‘let it all out’ before pushing you away just enough for him to lean down and kiss you.
“I don’t know what to do!”
Elvis walked out of your dressing room making his way to watch the scene.
“Well, here I’ll show you”, Curly took you by the hand walking and turning you around
His hand wrapped around your waist pulling you, his lips pressed against yours. Elvis stopped, watching as Gordon kissed you, his fist clenched.
You took a step back, looking a little dazed before rushing forward again kissing him again. Elvis was mad, hating how Gordon kissed you and all he wanted to do was pull you away. He turned on his hells heading back into the dressing room, not being able to stay for much longer or else he’d do something he didn’t want to do.
Elvis flopped back on the couch sighing and closing his eyes. ‘God why am I jealous?’ He wondered and rubbed his face, ‘we’re just friends’ Elvis had to remind himself as he calmed down. Sitting there, he could still hear the scene going on.
“And that’s a wrap!”, the director called
Elvis walked out of the dressing room. Everyone clapped as you hugged Gordon, both of you laughed. Rod walked up to Gordon and you, concern covered his face.
“Y/n I didn’t mean to make you cry”, Rod said as you wiped the tears from your eyes
“Oh it’s okay, Rod just too many emotions”, you answered as your hand rested on his arm
That’s when Elvis walked up to you. A smile covered your face as Elvis reached where you stood.
“E I want you to meet some people”, you looked at him as he wrapped his arm around you pulling you closer to him. “This is Gordon MacRae and this is Rod Steiger”
Elvis smile and nodded shaking both of their hands. Muttering a ‘you too’ after Gordon said it was nice to meet him.
“Y/n tells us that you that you’re working on your own movie”, Gordon said to Elvis trying to make conversation
“Yeah I am. We’re filming not to far from here”, Elvis answered coldly before leaning down to Y/n
“I think it’s time to go”, he whispered in your ear, lip grazing against the shell of your ear
“Well I’m going to go get changed, I’ll see you tomorrow”, Y/n smiled and said to the two
“Well see you tomorrow”, Gordie answered
“Bye Y/n”, Rod added
Elvis followed you a bit, you stepped into the dressing room. Elvis tried to step in as well but you just pushed him back.
“I have to change”, you told Elvis
“I’ll be in the car then”, he sighed and started to walk away
Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched him. Elvis was acting really weird today, but you didn’t know why so you closed the door and hurried to pull off the dress you were in. When you got your clothes back on, you ran to the car where Elvis was.
“Hey E”, you smiled and hopped into the car
He didn’t say anything, humming a response and drumming against his thigh. A concerned expression covered your face as Elvis started the car and started driving. The car ride was quiet for a long time as you fidgeted looking over at Elvis every once in a while.
“What’s wrong E?”, you asked in a sweet voice
“Nothings wrong”, he shook his head
You pouted and added, “something’s wrong, you’re never this quiet”
“I’m fine”
Elvis was stubborn but you were even more. There was something wrong and you were going to figure out what.
“Well you’ve been like this since the scene with me and Gor-“, you paused and gasped knowing what was wrong
You had watched Elvis storm back to your dressing room during filming. You were stupid for not seeing it before.
“Oh my god! You’re jealous!”, you yelled
Your best friend looked from you, clicking his tongue as his hand gripped harder on the wheel.
“I’m not jealous”, he responded as you rested your head in your hand
“You’re cute when you’re jealous, E”, you answered
You watched as a annoyed smile covered his face. He closed his eyes for a second and shook his head.
“I’m not jealous Y/n! It’s jus-just forget it”
You knew you hit it on the nose at that sentence. Elvis’s cheeks felt hot as he stared at the road.
“It’s okay to be jealous”, you continued to be mean to him
“You’re annoying, I hope you know that”, he spat at you
“But you love me”, you said in a innocent tone before adding. “That’s why you’re so jealous”
The car stopped on the side of the road. Elvis opened his door and got out slamming it, you watched as he walked in front of the car.
“Where are you going?!”, you called to him
“I’m taking a walk, I can’t deal with you right now”, your best friend called back
You sighed and cussed under your breath before getting out of the car and heading after him.
“Elvis”, you didn’t use the nickname you had for him “I’m sorry”
He didn’t listen but shake his head. So many things were racing through his head right now, anger because he was jealous, jealousy because of Gordon, sadness because you were just his best friend. Elvis wanted to do so many things, turn around and kiss you, push you into the backseat and make you scream his name, or against the hood of his car and fuck you senseless for being so mean to him.
But he just stopped where he was, you stepped in front of him. The smile you had in the car was gone and you looked up at Elvis.
“E, I’m sorry I was just joking. I went-“, you started to blabber before Elvis grabbed your face and pushed his lips against yours
Everything seemed to stop as the world melted away. Your hands ran up to his face, cupping his cheeks as the kiss deepened. Neither one of you wanted it to stop, but it did as Elvis pulled away.
“It’s okay”, Elvis’s voice was deep as your forehead rested against his
“Are we still friends?”, you asked
He chuckled, “of course”
“Well then, can I have another?”
He pressed his lips back against yours. This one was shorter then the first but more passionate, you giggled pulling away.
“Let’s go home now”, Elvis giggled as he grabbed your hand leading you back to the car
“I hope you’re still not jealous”
@finelineskies @heathetherlamont30 @starry-night-20
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dharnwjs · 2 years
Two of a kind pt.4//Austin Butler! Elvis X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Y/n is an up and coming singer and actress and when she meets Elvis Presley, her life turns upside down. Y/n tries to navigate the world of fame, family, and her feelings
Warnings: none
A/n: this chapter doesn’t really have a lot of Elvis, this is about Y/n and her first movie. There will be more Elvis in the next chapter also there’s a few inaccuracies “Love me Tender” and “Oklahoma!” were released a year apart and not shot in the same place
Next part//last part
Chapter 4: Oklahoma!
“Come on Y/n”, your date laughed as he pulled you onto the dance floor
You held onto his hands, looking down as you followed his lead. Letting him spin you across the dance floor, dancing like no one else was there closing your eyes.
“Wow you can dance”, his lips brushed against your ear, his voice was low
Your eyes opened, looked back expecting to see Elvis there before remembering.
“I’m going to go get us some punch”, you smile and pulled from the dance quickly walking across the floor, getting to the snack table
As you closed your eyes, the music drowned everything else. Finally being able to breath, your mind wandered back to the musician you grew to know. He had been on your mind so much since that night that you should’ve made him pay rent.
“I think fate keeps pulling us back together”, this voice was really familiar
You cracked an eye open before opening them full seeing Elvis by you.
“Is it fate or just dumb luck?”, you asked turning to face him
He laughed and looked down, his eyes slowly following up your body before locking back with yours. Elvis gulped, “you look pre-I mean beautiful”
“Thank you”, your hand grabbed your dress and moved it “you look dapper”
He blushed and looked at the man you were dancing with.
“You came with Charlie?”, he asked almost disappointed
You followed his gaze and shrugged. “He’s a good dancer, I mean not as good as you but not bad”
You joked making Elvis laugh, “well I mean no one could beat dancing with you”
Elvis sighed as he looked back at Dixie. Your eyebrows furrowed as you grabbed a drink taking a sip of it.
“Something troubling you?”
“The Colonel wants to be my manager but he says that I have to break up with Dixie because I should look like I’m available”, you could tell this was punch in the stomach for Elvis
He loved Dixie, you could tell but he also loved music and singing. Your hand rested on his shoulder as his head dropped.
“I’m sorry Elvis, this must be hard-“
Dixie interrupted as she stomped up to him, eye you as she did, “Elvis come back”
“Hey Darlin’ I was just getting done punch for us”, Elvis answered smiling, he sounded happy again
“I want to dance some more”, she complained and pulled Elvis away
You smile sadly, laughing a bit watching as Elvis looked back up at you. The rest of the night breezed by, You had found Charlie later that night making out with another girl and so instead of feeling sorry for yourself. You had pulled another guy onto the dance floor and started dancing with him. Finally the night was over and you started walking home, not wanting a ride from Charlie.
Hissing at the feeling of the road under your feet, heels in hand, you started the walk home. A smile covered your face as you danced a bit.
“Do you need a ride home?“, the voice startled you a bit
You jumped and looked up, Elvis sat in his car slowly driving next to you. Quickly you suppressed the smile on your face, looking down and continued walking putting your heel to your toe and walking in a straight line.
“Maybe” you shrugged
“Oh, just get in”, Elvis said impatiently and stopped the car
You laughed and quickly got in, the car sped down the road. Looking over at the man who became your best friend, you could see his soft feature turned rough as he concentrated on the road.
“Where’s Dixie, I hope you didn’t kick her to the curb”, you said but watching his face drop even more you knew you said the wrong thing
“Opposite actually, I offered her a ride home but she said she’d rather walk”, Elvis sighed before adding “where the pretty boy you were with?”
You shrugged and looked away, “Charlie decided to find another girl and so we went separate ways”
“I’m sorry”, Elvis answered as he looked over you
“Don’t be, I didn’t like him in the first place. I’m sorry for you, you and Dixie were high school sweethearts”
The next few months had been crazy. You and Elvis both starring in your debut films, Elvis with “Love Me Tender” and you with “Oklahoma!”
the producers didn’t want actors who could sing but singers who could act and you love the musical so when you audition it wasn’t a surprise that you got the lead. The story was about Laurey Williams played by you and the two men competing for your hand, Curly McLain (Gordon MacRae) and Jud Fry (Rod Steiger).
“Oh Elvis I’m scared!”, you exclaimed as you opened up the lipstick tube
“Why darlin’?”, one of his hands rested on the steering wheel as the other drummed against his leg
Elvis had said that he could drive to to the set seeing how it wasn’t too far from where he was shooting his movie. You looked at the mirror applying your lipstick before answering.
“It’s the first day, what if they don’t like me, what if I mess up my line or forget my cue”, you explained as tears started to fill your eyes
Elvis reached over, his big hand grabbed yours and gave you a reassuring squeeze.
“Hey”, he said in a calm voice “it’s gonna be okay, you’ll be amazing”
“Ya think?”
“Oh I know so, you’re the Y/n Y/l/n one of the greatest singers I know. You’ll blow them away”, he smiled and squeezed your hand one last time
He pulled his hand away as you hid your face blushing hard.
“And of they don’t like you, I’ll bust their noses”, he added, your head whipped back to him
“Elvis!”, you yelled and hit his shoulder
He laughed a bit eyes flickering to you before back at the road. You shook your head at his joke.
“I don’t know why I’m your friend”, your arms crossed and turned away from him
“Because you love me”, he answered
The rest of the ride was pleasant, you and Elvis joked and laughed until the car came to a stop.
“Here you go, Ms. Williams”, Elvis winked to you as the door opened
People stared and pointed, you closed the door to the pink Cadillac, “thank you Mr. Reno”
You turned walking towards the building. A man smiled as you walked towards him, knowing him to be the director Fred Zinnemann.
“There’s my Laurey”, he laughed and took your hand shaking it
“It’s so nice to be here, thank you again”, you said back as your hand fell from his
Fred’s eyes darted somewhere else, smiling and holding his hand out.
“Ah Y/n meet Gloria she’s playing Ado Annie, Gloria meet Y/n she plays Laurey”, a woman smiled at you as Fred introduced you two
Gloria was starstruck, “wow you sure are pretty”
You blushed at that comment, “thank you”
She took your arm leading you from the director.
“You’re the perfect Laurey, not only are you pretty but you can sing!”, Gloria continued to talk her hand resting on your arm as she almost pulled you. “I just know we’re gonna be good friends”
People moved around you setting up for scenes.
“Gloria!”, someone called behind you
Gloria stopped and you almost fell forward, both you and your new friend turned around. Another man walked up to you, he held a smile that could light up a room.
“Where you hurrying off to?”, he asked as his eyes flickered from Gloria to you
“Oh nowhere, I was just trying to show our new guest around”, Gloria spoke but you didn’t listen too focused on the man before you
“Who’s this gal with you?”, he asked nodding to you
“Oh Gordon this is Y/n, she’s playing Laurey”, Gloria answered for you as he reached out his hand
You met him half way giving your co-star a smile, curtsying a bit.
“How do you do Mr?”
“MacRae, it’s lovely to meet you Y/n I look forward to working with you”
He brought your hand up to his face pressing a kiss to your knuckles. Gordon and you stayed like that for a second, slowly pulling your hand as you stared into his eyes getting lost in his brown eyes.
“Come on Y/n”, Gloria pulled you out of the trance you were in
“It was nice meeting you, I can’t wait to work with you”, you called to the man you just met before Gloria pulled you away
“I hate this dress”, you groaned as inched your neck where the collar rested “it’s so itchy”
“Oh it’s not that bad”, Gloria responded
Today was the first day you were filming. You stood in the dressing room smoothing out the dress you were in, Gloria sat close by watching you. You and her had become close, hanging out a lot on the set.
“Y/n you ready?”, the director called
“Yeah coming”, you called back and hurried
You were filming the first scene with Laurey, Curly, and Aunt Eller. Quickly you hurried out of the dressing room and in the house they had set up waiting for your cue.
“Yeah you too!”, Curly said
“Yeah”, Aunt Eller agreed giving you your cue
You quickly walked out of the house holding a cage and a smile on your face.
“Oh, what a beautiful mornin’”, you sang and hung up the cage “oh, what a beautiful day”
Looking over, you saw Gordon standing there forgetting for a second that he was playing Curly. The smile had faded from your face.
“Though you were somebody”, you said before singing again. “I’ve got a beautiful feelin’. Everything’s goin’ my way”
He took a few steps closer to you, you turned to face him.
“Is this all that’s come a-callin’ an it already eight o’clock this Saturday morning?”, you spoke your line
“You knowed it was me before you opened the door”, Curly replied
“No such of a thing”
“Why, you did too. You heared my voice. You knowed it was me”, he argued
As you messed with the birdcage listening to the words, your mind wandered to Elvis. God! How he annoyed you but you still loved him. Curly reminded you of him, your best friend.
“I heared someone singin’ like a bullfrog in a pond”
You walked from the porch standing by Aunt Eller. Curly followed you continuing his lines.
“You knowed it was me, so you set in there thinking of something mean to say. I’m a good mind not to ask you to the box social”
You suppressed a smile wondering if Elvis would get mad or laugh if you told Elvis of Curly reminding you of him but for the sake of the scene you pushed that thought out of your mind.
“Oh you two”, Aunt Eller interrupted
“If you asked me, I wouldn’t go with you! Besides, how’s you take me?”, you walked up to Curly looking up as your hands held onto your dress. “You ain’t bought a new buggy with red wheels on it, have you?”
“No I ain’t”, he admitted
“A spankin’ team with their bridles all a-jinglin’?”
“No”, Curly said more harshly
The scene went on and you didn’t miss your cue. The first song came up and you sat on the bench watching as Gordon sang, wondering how you got to be here staring in Oklahoma!.
“In that shiny little surrey with the fringe on top”, and with that the song ended
“You’d sure feel like a Queen sitting up in that carriage”, Aunt Eller commented
Curly stood up, “only she talked to me so mean a while back, Eller I’m a good mind not to take her”
“I ain’t said I was going!”, you yelled at him
“Well I ain’t asked ya”
“Where’d you get such a rig at?”, you stood up getting In Curly’s face. “I’ll bet he’s went and hired a rig at Claremore thinking I’d go with him”
“I did not hire it. I made the whole thing up out of my head”
“What? Made it up?”, you asked as he laughed stopping yourself before two words flew from your mouth
‘Oh Elvis!’, you wanted to shout and hit the man standing in front of you. He wasn’t even here but all you could think about was him. How he made you mad sometimes, the man in front of you wasn’t Curly anymore nor was he Gordon MacRace.
As you stared at the man in front of you, all you could see was Elvis with that smile on his face that made you want to punch him or kiss him.
“Dashboard and all”, those few words brought you back to reality
He bent over laughing as you looked around running up to the table and grabbing the prop before going back up to Curly.
“Get off the place, you”, you started hitting him not hard enough to hurt but hard enough for the camera
Curly grabbed the stick smiling at you as you tried to pull what you had in hand away.
“Aunt Eller, make him get hisself out of here! Tellin’ me lies”, you yelled
Never missing a cue, the scene ended. You laughed and bowed looking over at Gordon.
“You did amazing”, Gordon smiled and said to you
“Not too bad yourself Curly”, you said back before turning to Charlotte who played your aunt
She pulled you in a hug laughing and squeezing you tight.
“Amazing my dear”, Charlotte whispered in your ear
This year was going to be fun, on the set for your first movie.
@finelineskies @heathetherlamont30
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dharnwjs · 2 years
No Huggie, No Kissie//Austin Butler
Summary: Austin comes back home to find his girlfriend won’t return his love until he gives her a wedding ring or a fic based off of Georgia satellite’s song “keep your hands to yourself”
Warnings: none, fluff? (Idk if you’d call this fluff)
A/N: this is a short fic, I’m working on Two of a kind pt3 sorry it’s taking a long time school has been busy and I’m not feeling the best
Y/n smiled at the clicking of heels, Austin was back. She picked up the rag by the sink, drying her hands off as something pressed against Y/n’s back.
“Austin”, she laughed as he pushed his face into her neck
“Darling missed you”, he mumbled
Y/n turned around, Austin grabbed her waist pulling his girlfriend closer. She hit one of his hands making Austin’s eyebrows furrow and pull his hand away.
“Ow what was that for?”, Austin asked but put his hand back
He pushed his face closer, trying to kiss Y/n. She pressed her pointer finger against his lips, slapping Austin’s hand again. Her boyfriend quickly opened his eyes, lips pulling away from her hand.
“Can I get a kiss?”, Austin asked and tried again but got the same results
He huffed as Y/n pulled from his grip. She giggled and walked out into the living room.
“Are you okay baby?”, he asked arm wrapping around her waist but Y/n pushed Austin away
She quickly turned around, holding her left hand up, her pointer finger pointed at her ring finger. Austin stared confusedly before laughing awkwardly.
“No huggie, no kissie until I get a wedding ring”, she answered and turned away
“Oh no honey, don’t do this to me. Don’t put my love on a shelf”, Austin begged
“It ain’t gonna work-“, Y/n shook her head as Austin grabbed her waist again “and keep your hands to yourself”
She hit his hands away and sat down on the couch, grabbing the book she was reading. Austin sighed and sat down right by his girlfriend, pouting a bit.
“Tell me why darling, tell me why you won’t let me love you”
“‘Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free’ no huggie, no kissie until I get a wedding vow”, she answered smiling at Austin
He sighed, hand running up Y/n’s thigh earning another harsh smack on his hand. Austin hissed and pulled his hand away.
“I told you to keep your hands to yourself”, Y/n added harsher then before
He looked away, Y/n turned her attention back to her book. A smile came to her face as she read, the couple in the story were in love and he had just gotten down on one knee. That was all Y/n wanted but she was stuck telling people that she was still unmarried. Austin watched as a happy expression covered his girlfriend’s face.
“Honey, I’ll live with you for the rest of my life”, Austin smiled pulling one of her hands from the book
He smiled and pressed his lip against her hand before Y/n pulled it away. Austin’s smiled fell, she had never been like this before and it had only been a few minutes but Austin was going crazy.
She clicked her tongue and shook her head. Y/n looked up from the book as her hand caressed his cheek, Y/n’s face was super close to Austin’s. Staying there for a bit, he could feel her warm breath on his lips.
“No huggie, no kissie until you make me your wife”, Y/n answered and pulled away “now either get down on one knee or keep your hands to yourself”
Austin sighed and slipped off of the couch getting onto one knee, slipping off the ring that sat on her pointer finger knowing it was Y/n’s favorite. She watched as Austin did what he was doing, eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.
“This’ll have to do for now. Y/n Y/l/n will you marry me?”, Austin asked slipping the ring on her ring finger
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dharnwjs · 2 years
Two of a kind pt3//Austin Butler!Elvis X Fem!reader
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Summary: Y/n is an up and coming singer and actress and when she meets Elvis Presley, her life turns upside down. Y/n tries to navigate the world of fame, family, and her feelings
Warnings: MDNI, NSFW, Virgin!Reader, Virgin!Elvis, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), p in v
A/n: this was my first time writing smut in second pov, sorry it’s not my best. If you want to be in the tag list ask me and I’ll add you
Next part//last part
Chapter 3: Lonely
“I’m going to miss you so much”, Dominique whispered in French not wanting anyone else to hear
Your arms wrapped around your brother. You stood in front of the car, Elvis and the rest of the band sat in the yellow car. Mama was inside, you hadn’t seen her since when she slapped you.
“I’ll call you every night, I promise”, you answered back in French holding onto his arms
“Vos pieds quitteront le foyer mais pas votre cœur”(your feet will leave the home, but not your heart), he whispered pulling you back into a hug
One of the guys in the back leaned over to the wheel and honked the horn opening the window and yelling at you, cutting your goodbye short. You got into the car sitting by Elvis and bid goodbye to your brother as the car rolled down the street.
You had been so excited when Elvis said that Colonel Tom Parker was looking for people to travel with Hank Snow. You’re heart nearly jumped out of your chest when Elvis told you that the Colonel wanted you to come. Elvis’s smile faded as he saw your frown.
“Is he your boyfriend?”, He asked breaking the silence
You quickly turned to look at Elvis, eyes darting down at your hands picking at your nails.
“Oh no, my brother”, you answered “it’s just I’ve never been away from him”
Elvis nodded, staring at the road in front of him.
“So I’m guessing that girl was your girlfriend”, you said talking about the girl who pulled Elvis close and pressed her lips to him before leaving making sure you watched
You know it was towards you, she was scared that you were going to take her man. A huge smile covered Elvis’s face as his cheeks flushed, you had gotten an answer before he could say anything.
“Yeah, Dixie she’s my girl”, Elvis answered
The days had been hectic, driving all day then preforming at night. You couldn’t complain, you had gotten to know the musician better.
“Your attention, please!”, Y/n looked out of the window as she heard the Colonel in a loud speaker “I have good news. Our next four nights are sold out…. Thanks to the dazzling performances of our tremendous showman Hank Snow”
There was a pause as you looked at the car in front of you, seeing Hank sitting in the back of his car then peered at his son. You liked him, he was cute like a puppy but Jimmie was smitten by you.
“And I’ve noticed a mild interest in our newest act Elvis Presley”, The Colonel added making you smile
It wasn’t hard to see that Elvis was a hit, the way he moved his hips were almost hypnotic. It also wasn’t hard to see how homesick he was, how his face fell when someone talked about home. Later that night you were able to sit down, the phone in the motel room pressed against your ear.
“Mama’s been worried about you, I hope you know that”, Dominique said through the phone “all she says to me is that she hopes you’re okay”
A small smile covered your face, “really?”
“Yeah, well how’s traveling?”
You sighed and looked out the window seeing all the girls standing by Elvis room.
“Well I mean it’s good”, you shrugged as your face fell “I mean it get lonesome you know. I miss you and I miss home”
“I miss you too but this will be your big break I just know it. Get some rest Y/n, tomorrow is a big day. Love you bye”, Dominique quickly hung up
You sat there for a second, still holding the phone to your ear.
“Love you too, bye” you mumbled and slowly put the phone back on the holder
Laying back and closing your eyes, you tried to sleep but couldn’t. Your words swirling in your head, lonesome that’s what you felt right now but you had an idea. Quickly you pulled yourself off of the bed and changed into a dress, pulling a scarf over your hair and some sunglasses on before walking out the door.
The girls who stood around Elvis’s room were gone as you stopped in front of his door knocking a few times getting no answer so you knocked some more.
“Quit knocking at my door Scotty”, Elvis said pulling it open
You smile as he held a confused look. Your eyes flickered down seeing his shirt that was unbuttoned.
“Y/n, why are you dressed up?”, he asked
“Go get dressed, let’s go out”, you answered
“We can’t, we’ll get recognized”, Elvis said back as you rolled your eyes pulling a hat and another pair of sunglasses from behind your back
“I’m tired of you being lonely-“, before you could say anything else Elvis interrupted
“I’m not lonely”, he shot back
“It ain’t nothing to be ashamed of, let’s just go be less lonely together”
Elvis shut the door and you shuffled over to his window peering in before he pulled the drapes close making you mumble under your breath. A few minutes later the door opened again and Elvis stepped out wearing the hat and glasses you gave him.
“Let’s hit the town”, he said smiling as you grabbed his hand
The two of you made your way from the motel finding yourself in town. The bright lights were amazing as you walked on the sidewalk until Elvis started pulling you.
“Look there’s a dance hall”, he said as he pulled you through the doors
“Elvis come on I’m a bad dancer”, you lied
“Come on Y/n don’t have two left feet”, Elvis said back pulling you onto the dance floor
His hand held yours as Elvis started to move, you followed his lead. Slowly stepping forward and backwards, giggling a bit.
“Now give me a spin”, Elvis said and spun you around. “See you’re amazing at this”
You pulled from Elvis, grabbing your dress and moving your body getting into a groove. Elvis followed, smiling and joining your dance.
“Wow Y/n, you can dance”, Elvis made you laugh facing him again
You’re hand gripped onto Elvis’s hands letting him spin you around more.
“I’m going to throw you okay?” he asked and before you could say anything his arm wrapped around the back of your waist throwing you forward.
The sound of cheering pulled you from Elvis and that’s when you realized that a lot of people had stopped dancing and circled around Elvis and you watching you two dance. The song came to an end and you turned to one side with Elvis bowing before turning to the other side and doing the same as people cheered.
“That was amazing”, Elvis laughed as you stopped in front of his motel room
“Yeah it was”, you said back feeling the tension between you and him
Your eyes locked with his icy blue eyes. There was a few seconds of silence before you pulled your gaze away clearing your throat.
“Would you like stay for a little longer?”, he asked and opened the door
“Um yeah”, you smile and stepped in
Elvis closed the door pushing you against the door as his lips crashed against yours. His hands held yours on either side of your head making you gasp at the roughness, Elvis pushed his tongue into your mouth deepening the kiss.
“Elvis”, you gasped, pulling from the kiss
“What mama”, you could feel yourself get wetter at his words as he kissed down your neck
“I don’t know what to do”, you answered
“It’s okay darling, we’ll learn together” he whispered into your ear pulling your legs around his waist
Elvis didn’t break the kiss as he walked over to the bed laying you on your back. You felt something hard press against your clothed pussy making you moan in the kiss.
“I need you Elvis”, you said against his lips before Elvis almost ripped off your dress
You laid on Elvis’s bed almost naked. The boy kneeled in between your legs, he licked his lips his eyes stared at your breasts. You slowly unhooked your bra pulling it off of your body. Elvis’s eyes were fixated on your body, his hands slowly hovered over your body before they started kneading at your breasts.
“Fuck you’re beautiful”, Elvis mumbled just loud enough for you to hear before he leaned forward taking one of your nipples into his mouth
His fingers played with your other nipple, as your hand gripped on the sheets harshly. Your eyes rolled back from the pleasure, Elvis kissed down your body stopping where your panties were.
His hands ran up and down your legs kissing your inner thighs. Elvis hooked his thumb under the waistband pulling them off of you exposing your cunt to him. The cold air against your pussy made you gasp, Elvis started off slow licking up your pussy learning what you liked and what made your breath hitch.
Your hand ran down to his hair, pulling at Elvis’s roots. He gripped harder at your legs sucking at your clit, his pace got faster bringing one of his hands up to your entrance. Elvis ran his finger through your folds gathering the arousal that dripped from your pussy before pushing his finger inside you.
“Elvis” you gasped as he slowly moved his finger in and out of you
Moans poured out of your mouth, he groaned slipping another finger in.
“Shit mama”, he said
Your stomach felt weird as Elvis continued curling his fingers hitting your g-spot, a knot that you didn’t know was in your stomach tightened.
“Don’t stop”, you yelled, walls clenching around his fingers
His name fell from your lips as you reached your high. Elvis pace slowed helped you through your high before pulling his two finger out, examining the juice on his finger. God, he was amazed licking his fingers the taste alone made his cock twitch. Sitting on his knees Elvis looked down seeing that he was still clothed.
“Won’t you help me”, Elvis pulled at his shirt
You giggled and pulled him closer, undoing his shirt and threw it in the same direction as your dress. Elvis fumbled to take off his pants crawling back over you.
“You ready mama?”, Elvis asked his hand caressed your cheek “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want it”
“I want this Elvis”, you said back
He nodded wrapping his hand around his hard-on bringing it up to your entrance, slowly pushing into you. Your eyes screwed shut, hands gripping onto Elvis’s shoulders as he bottomed out. He wiped the tear that escaped your eye.
“Tell me when”, his voice was deep in your ear
You laid there for a second, getting use to his size before nodding for Elvis to move. You swore that you could feel every vein, gasping as he pulled his hips back before snapping his hips back into you.
“So big” you cried
Elvis’s head dug into the crook of your neck, hearing him as his breath hitched in his throat.
“This pussy is going to be the death of me”, he said hands gripping onto the sheets next to you his thrusts were slow
The pain slowly faded and pleasure was all that was left. Fingers digging into his back, leaving red marks on his back.
“Faster please”, you begged him and how could Elvis say no
Elvis pulled his body from yours, hands gripping harshly on your waist. His thrusts got faster making your moans get louder. Your eyes rolled back into your head as Elvis hit your g-spot. His hand running down between your bodies rubbing your clit pushing you to the edge.
“Fuck Elvis!”, your back pushed off of the bed “I’m gonna cum”
“Cum with me mama”, he whispered as you clenched around him pushing both of you to the edge
Elvis groaned as he came, filling you up before slowly pulling out falling on the bed. Your eyes were closed as you felt something press against your chest, quickly running your hand through Elvis’s hair as he rested on your chest.
The sun shown through the curtains, making you groan. Your hand ran up to your face running your eyes before they opened, seeing Elvis still laying against your chest. A laugh bubbled from your chest as you got out of the bed throwing your dress on again and making your way out of Elvis’s room heading to your room.
As you got ready to drive again, heading to the car Elvis grabbed your arm pulling you away.
“Y/n”, he sighed “I really like you, you’re a nice girl but I’ve already a girlfriend and I don’t want to ruin anything”
You nodded knowing he was talking about last night. A smile covered your face but there was a hint of sadness.
“No one will know”, you answered standing on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek
Elvis smiled, rubbing his cheek before you walked back up to the car.
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dharnwjs · 2 years
Two of a kind pt2//Austin Butler!Elvis X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Y/n is an up-and-coming singer and actress and when she meets Elvis Presley, her life turns upside. Y/n finds it difficult as she tries to balance fame, family, and her feelings.
Warnings: Mentions of death, the reader’s mother hits the reader once, angst.
A/n: this chapter doesn’t have a lot of stuff going on, next chapter is when things get more interesting and I promise you there is smut in the next chapter. Also if you want to be in the taglist just ask me and I will add you
Next part//last part
Chapter 2: Beale Street
you walked down Beale street, you loved this place. It was the only place where you could feel free, your home was ran by your mama which you never had a good relationship with. Not since you were six and daddy was still home.
You stopped on one street staring over at the other, a window was open… Club Handy. A smile covered your face, Big Mama Thornton was in there you could see her through the window.
What you would give to be up there with Big Mama Thornton and B.B King singing the blues. The sounds of guitar was clear as you stood there listening to Big Mama Thornton.
Elvis stepped out of his car, closing the door and looked up at Club Handy as well. Your eyes flicked down as you heard the slam of a car door seeing a man across the street. Your eyes furrowed together, was that? No that could be, you couldn’t forget him. The boy in the pink suit.
“Elvis!”, you called hoping to catch his attention
He turned looking at where he heard his name being called, smiling as he saw you. You waved at him, smiling as well. Elvis waved back before crossing the street and stood in front of you.
“What’a surprise to see you here”, Elvis said once he was close enough to you
“I could say the same thing”, you answered staring up at the man as you listened to the music floating from the open window
“What brings you down to Beale street?” He asked as you turned your head back towards Club Handy
“Big Mama Thornton?”
You nodded, as a young girl you’d come here sitting under the window and listen to her.
“Her songs I relate to”, you added before humming one of her songs
‘Born Under a Bad Sign’ Elvis watched you. His eyes locked on you, his heart skipped a beat as you started to sing.
“Born under a bad sign. I been down since I began to crawl. Oh, if it wasn’t for real bad luck. I wouldn’t have no luck at all”, you sang making the singer laugh
“Well I think it was good luck that brought us two here”, Elvis winked “could I get you a coke?”
You laughed at the joke you made taking a sip of her drink. Elvis laughed his deep laugh, the one that made your heart skip a beat.
“I don’t think I have met anyone like you”, his eyebrows furrowed together as he stared at you
You blush and turned from his gaze. Tapping your foot on the ground from nerves.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone sing like you”, he added “I mean every song seems to have so much emotion in it”
“You have a way with words and other things as well Mr. Presley”, your eyes flickered down to his lower half pausing for a bit “I think you got your big break at the Hayride”
The smile on your face twitched as you thought about the Hayride. That was supposed to be your big break but compared to the other singers, you didn’t sound half as good as them.
“I’m still looking for mine”, you said looking out the window feeling a large hand on your shoulder
“You’ll get it, your songs are amazing. I don’t know one person who doesn’t like your songs”, Elvis reassured you
“But when I do, I wanna be up there singing with Big Mama and The King”, you said trying to suppress a smile
Elvis nodded, smiling as a thought popped into his head. He drank the last bit of the coke before turning back to you.
“I think I know how you can get your big break”
“4 days Y/n? I can’t believe you!”, you stomped down the hall as mama yelled at you “first you write that awful song then you’re leaving for 4 days without asking me!”
“Can’t you be happy for me once mama?”, you asked as tears filled your eyes
“What would your father say if he was here?”, mama sighed crossing her arms and shaking her head
Dominique stood in the living room, opening his mouth to say something.
“Mama-“, he said but was interrupted
“Daddy died when I was ten!”, you yelled “and before that I don’t have a good memory of him! Not one good one!”
She gasped and what you said, mama stomped up to you raising her hand. All of the sudden your cheek stung, the room was quiet for a second. Dominique’s mouth hung open, mama had never hit you.
“Your father spend years making sure you had a good life and this is how you repay him! By telling him that he did wrong!”, mama yelled
You sniffled, a tear ran down your cheek. The room was quiet again, mama stared at you her fists shaking with anger. Dominique didn’t know what to do, you looked back up.
“You’re never happy mama with what I do. I’m leaving”, you said shaky and pushed past her walking to the door
“Y/n!”, your brother called rushing after you
You threw the front door open and walked up to your car jumping in and speeding away. Tears blurred your vision not knowing exactly where you were going but just driving not until you stopped in front of the building. The sound of a door slamming shut made Elvis jump, he was almost asleep but not anymore.
“Elvis!”, he heard his mama call “someone here to see you”
He groaned and threw his legs off of his bed before opening his door and walked to the front door where his mama stood.
“Who is it mama?”, he asked groggily and opened the front door seeing you standing on the porch
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” He asked
“I need to talk to you…alone”, you added the last part motioning to Gladys who stood behind him
“Yeah, let’s go to my room”, he grabbed your hand leading your through the house and up to his room
You sat on his bed as Elvis started to close the door. Rolling his eyes as his mama yelled to him.
“No funny business up there!”
“For the last time mama, we are not dating!”, Elvis yelled back and closed the door
If you weren’t in such a sour mood, that would’ve gotten a laugh out of you but you just sat there. Rubbing your cheek that still stung and tried not to cry, tapping your foot against the ground.
“What’s wrong?”, he asked as you jumped up of the bed and started pacing
“I can’t deal with mama anymore, my daddy was not a good guy. He lied to us and died when I was ten leaving me and Dominique to take care of mama but she believes that he can do no wrong even in death. That daddy wasn’t the man he was, I was the only one who saw him for who he was!”, you ranted before turning away from Elvis
Tears filled your eyes again, he took a cautious step forward. Elvis fidgeted as he thought for a bit.
“I hate that I can’t let him go, and that I see him in my dreams”, a tear fell from your eye “I hate how I still love him”
“It was about him wasn’t it?”, Elvis asked in a soft voice
You turned your head looking at him as your eyebrows furrowed.
“‘Dreaming’, it was about your father wasn’t it?”
You slowly nodded your head wiping the tears away. Memories filled your head, daddy was a conman he went to jail and when he can back you hoped he wasn’t the same but you were wrong. He was the same man you knew him to be, mama didn’t want to believe but he was. Some nights you had dreams about him, before the move and everything started crashing down. How he’d call you ma chérie or would wrap his arms around you hugging you tightly to his chest.
Mama had been furious when she found out about the song, still not forgiving you. You didn’t know you were crying until Elvis pulled you into his chest.
“Let it all out”, he cooed
Your hands gripped hard onto his shirt. You mumbled incoherently sobbing into Elvis’s chest, leaving a wet spot on his shirt. He held you closer letting you cry, you didn’t know how long you stayed like this but the hug was warm and tight and you didn’t want it to stop
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dharnwjs · 2 years
Two of a kind pt1//Austin Butler! Elvis X Fem!Reader
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Summary: Y/n is an up-and-coming singer and actress and when she meets Elvis Presley, her life turns upside. Y/n finds it difficult as she tries to balance fame, family, and her feelings.
Warnings: none although there will be smut and angst in later chapters
A/n: this chapter has Elvis in this but it’s more about Y/n, I had to put some background in and so the first part is Y/n’s background
Next part
Chapter 1: the hayride
Bordeaux, France, 1942
“‘Everything is very small where I live. I need a sheep. Draw me a sheep’ so I drew.”, a young boy said
Y/n sat on the couch her older brother’s, Dominque, arm was wrapped around her as they read “The Little Prince”. Their mother smiled as she stood in the kitchen washing dishes listening to her children. All of the sudden there was the sound of the front door slamming. The two kids looked up as their father ran into the kitchen.
Y/n could hear them whisper something but couldn’t understand. Their father ran out of the kitchen and to his room as their mother walked up to them.
“Mama, what’s happening?”, Y/n asked softly
“Y/n, Dominique I need you to go to your room and pack up”, she told them
Y/n and Dominique nodded before running into their room. Y/n stuffed clothes, toys, and her life into her suitcase and all of the sudden you found herself in America. Not understanding anything and scared beyond your wits.
“You are no longer, Y/n Dubois. You are now Y/n Y/l/n”, her mother told Y/n as they stepped off of the airplane
Memphis, Tennessee, 1943
“The cat sits on the window”, Y/n read
“Perfect!”, Dominique praised her
They sat at the table in the living room as Y/n’s mother played the piano. Her father was in his room taking a nap. Knock! Knock! Knock! Y/n’s mother got up and made her way to the door as the two kids stared.
The door opened and two men stood on the porch. They smiled at the woman before saying something Y/n couldn’t understand and held up a piece of paper.
“I’m sorry I no understand”, she answered in broken English before they pushed her out of the way and stomped into the house
Y/n could hear fighting in the back of her house until the two men walked towards the door. Her father fought against the men but was failing.
“Daddy!”, Y/n yelled and rushed forward her mother held her back
“Marie, keep the kids inside”, he yelled back as he walked out the door. “Everything‘s going to be okay, it’s going to be alright”
That was the last thing, Y/n heard from her father.
You stood in the back, strumming cords on your guitar and humming the lyrics. You didn’t want to show it but god! Were you nervous. Who wouldn’t be? You were next on the Louisiana Hayride.
The door opened and two boys ran in and down the stairs towards the only other person in here. The boy in the pink suit hunched over the sink, damn he looked worse then you.
“Are you ready?”, You turned your head hearing a familiar voice
Your brother stood a few inches from you. A smile covered his face and your heart calmed just a bit.
“I don’t know, is mama calm now?”, you asked
Dominique shook his head, “I don’t know she seemed pretty mad”
You sighed looked forward again as your eyebrows furrowed. Dominique walked forward sitting by you placing his hand on your shoulder.
“I thinking it’s amazing”, Dominique smile as you looked over your shoulder. “You put your heart and soul into it and people are going to love it”
The door opened again making both of them look forward. The man from Capitol Records Nashville scoured the room his eyes landing on you.
“Y/n” He called “hurry, you’re next”
You nodded and hurried over to the stairs, Dominique following behind you. Your eyes looked down seeing the next singer through the cracks.
“Come on now, Booby. Jesse’s shining bright tonight”, The woman by him said
They all looked up and through the cracks, he caught your eye. Just for a second before you was through the door and up on the stage.
“You got this, Y/n”, Dominique whispered to you seeing your nerves as You tapped your foot against the ground
“Our next singer is up and coming Gal from Memphis, Tennessee. Her song “Dreaming” all has us dreaming to hear her. So give a warm hayride welcome to Miss Y/n Y/l/n”, the announcer said as you walked onto the stage
A warm smile on your face as you waved to the cheering crowd. You looked behind seeing your two bandmates before looking forward.
“Y/n how are you this evening?”, he asked you as your hand gripped the neck of the guitar tighter
“I’m doing great, it’s such an honor to be here”, you answered eyes glossing over the crowd before looking at the announcer
“Well we’re glad to have you. We’re ready to hear your song so whenever you’re ready”
You close your eyes for a second and took a deep breath before strumming the first cord on your guitar.
You said that you’d be here forever
And you said “everything will be alright, my dear”
Your lips pressed against the microphone as you sang. Your fingers plucking at the strings pausing in your singing for a second to open your eyes.
You said that you loved me
And that everything would be different this year
Oh but that was a lie
What could I do but cry
When the last thing you said was goodbye
I thought I would die
Every thought and worry flew out of your head as you sang. The sad song filled up the room, you watched as some of the crowd swayed along to the lullaby.
At night I see you there
Your arms wrapped around me
But I wish it was you, it’s written in my prayer
The person you used to be
Ooh, I must be dreaming
You looked over at the wing, looking for Dominique but he was gone. Probably in the crowd with mama but your eyes landing something else. The boy in the pink suit, he stood out in the wings his piercing blue eyes stared into yours as his mouth dropped opened. A smile covered her face as you looked back at the crowd.
You came back with open arms
Using your same old charm
But you can’t fool me
With how you treated us so cruelly
The beat picked up as your fingers strummed harder against the guitar. You felt like you were floating, the music seemed to pick you up off the ground as tears threatened to fall.
But at night I see you there
Your arms wrapped around me
But I wish it was you, it’s written in my prayer
The person you used to be
Ooh, I must be dreaming
Ooh, I must be dreaming
Cause you’re here holding me dear
Saying “you have nothing to fear”
But when I woke, you weren’t here
Take me back to that dream
where you were redeemed
You stopped singing as your hand fell from the guitar, pausing for a second feeling the weight in the room. You pulled your hand back to the guitar strumming the same old sad tune, as a tear rolled down your cheek.
Ooh, I wish I was dreaming
And with that, you took a breath and strummed the ending. It was quiet, quiet enough to hear a pin drop. Your eyes flickered in the crowd watching as a few wiped the tears from their eyes and started clapping. The sound of cheering filled the silent room make you smile and laugh, your heart felt like it was going to burst.
“Thank you everybody”, you called into the microphone before walking off the stage
Dominique stood there in the wing again, pulling you into a hug and swinging you around.
“That was amazing”, he laughed and put you down
You giggled and held onto his arms. Elvis stood close to the curtains watching you. His heart pounding in his chest, it sounded weird to him to say that he was a fan of you but he was. Every song that you sung felt like it had so much feelings in it.
As Dominique walked away, Elvis sighed and turned towards you as his heart pounded. You looked up at the boy who stood in front of you as he smiled down. You could see the heavy amount of eyeliner he had on and smell the Cologne he wore.
“Hi”, he said almost distractedly
“Hi”, you answered smiling
“Um, you did amazing out there”, Elvis stumbled over his words making you smile
“Thank you”
“You sounded amazing, I’m such a big fan”, Elvis said as you giggled
You stood there for a second not knowing what to say as you just admired the boy. He shook his head and reached out his hand.
“I’m Elvis by the way”, he said
“Y/n Y/l/n ”, you answered but before you could say anything someone called for Elvis
“Elvis come on, you gotta get on stage”, one of the men called to him
Elvis said goodbye to you before walking out onto the stage. You stood there watching the boy, his leg was shaking as he talked. Elvis started singing as the microphone squeaked.
“Get a haircut, fairy!”, you heard someone call from the crowd getting a few laughs
You watched as Elvis tapped his foot against the stage. He had a tight grip on his guitar tapping his pointer finger against it, Elvis’s eyes scanned over to the crowd before flickering over to the wing making eye contact with you just for a moment before taking a deep breath.
“Welllll”, he began, releasing the word from deep in his chest
Elvis started singing, no belting out the lyrics. His hips moved almost in a hypnotic way bouncing and wiggling seemingly like he was in a trance. Breathing became harder as you watched from the wing, all of the sudden there was a scream from the crowd. More screams followed, your hand clamped over your mouth stopping the scream that was about to escape your mouth.
You were trying to have some decency but your heart raced and your thighs pushed together. Half of your mind screamed that you shouldn’t like this and that you should turn away but the other half told you to stay and watch.
“I wanna play house with you!“, he called into the mic before turning away
Your hand clenched onto the curtain, keeping you from running on stage. You could barely hear what he was saying, Elvis turned back to the mic and continued singing. One girl stood up causing a chain reaction and all of the sudden the front of the stage was swarming with girls.
Elvis’s hold on his guitar dropped shaking his whole entire body now. The room was filled with Elvis singing and playing his guitar but there was a chorus of girls screaming. ‘If only mama could see you now’ you thought knowing how your mama would react but that thought flew from your mind as he leaned towards the crowd, lips pressed against the microphone.
The girls swarmed grabbing his arm trying to pull him off of the stage. His eyes lit up with panic, tugging his arm back but it was to no avail, the girls had a grip on his jacket. Quickly Elvis pulled his arm out of his pink jacket slipping his other arm out of the other sleeve before being pulled back. The curtains dropped down shielding Elvis from the girls.
Elvis’s eyes darted back at his bandmates then over at you in the wing. Your heart skipped a beat and you turned on your heels, you couldn’t stay cause if you did. No she didn’t want to think about it, your cheeks flushed as you quickly headed from the stage finding mama and Dominique.
“We have to go”, you said grabbing onto Dominique’s hand leading him and mama out to the car
You sat in her seat staring out the window. The car ride was silent for the most part.
“I still can’t believe you sang that song, Y/n”, your mom said in French looking back at you.
You pulled your head from the window, rolling your eyes and sighing, “don’t want to fight tonight mama”,
Your mama pursed her lips together, turning her head with a ‘hmm’. Dominique looked over at his mama, who held her arms crossed over her body.
“Mama, be nice”, he said in soft voice
The car pulled up to the house, you jumped out of the car slamming the door and running inside. You sat on your bed strumming a few cords on your guitar, thinking about the Louisiana Hayride but the boy in the pink suit slipped into your mind. She wished to see him again.
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dharnwjs · 2 years
The closet//Austin Butler! Elvis
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Summary: when Gladys dies, no one can calm Elvis down except for Y/n or the whole scene with Tom and Elvis in the closet but it’s Y/n instead of Tom
Warnings: angst just a huge amount of heart breaking angst (I’m sorry I had this idea and wasn’t expecting it to be so sad)
The house was filled with people, the sound of sobbing echoed through Graceland. Y/n stared at the casket, watching Gladys as she laid peacefully in it. Quickly closing her eyes not wanting to cry but her heart hung heavy as she heard her boyfriend.
Someone needed to be strong in a time like this, for Elvis and Vernon but she was hurting too. Gladys was like a second mother. Always taking care of Y/n, the girl had so many memories of Gladys and Graceland. Each room seemed so live but now they stood silent and there was a hole in her heart.
“I’m sorry Y/n”, the guests said to her
“I think he needs to hear it more”, Y/n would answer and point to Vernon who sat on the stairs crying
A sad smile on her face as she walked around before sitting with Vernon. He looked over at the girl, then looked away as tears poured from his eyes. Y/n slowly put her hand on his back.
“I’m so sorry Vernon”, her voice was shaky. “Gladys was such an amazing woman”
The Colonel walked up to the grieving two leaning down to Vernon.
“There are some fine folks from the press waiting outside”, Tom said “a few questions, pictures, and they’ll leave us alone”
“I c-c-can’t get him to do anything. I-I”, Vernon stuttered and pointed up the stairs
“He trusted her like nobody else and now she’s gone, and who does he have now?”, the Colonel’s voice was soft
Vernon took a few shaky breaths looking between the girl and the Colonel.
“He trusts you two”, he said to the two next to him. “C-can one of you talk to him?”
Y/n looked at the Colonel who looked at the girl. She shook her head, Y/n didn’t know if she could stomach going up there.
“Oh no, it’s not my place.” Tom refused
“Can you do it. Colonel?”, Y/n asked shakily “we need your help now”
“You should go up there”, he said back to the girl. “You know him better then anyone else”
A smile twitched on the Colonel’s lips, Y/n looked down forcing the tears back before nodding.
“I’ll talk to him”, she answered a smile flickered on her lips before going away
Her head turning to face up the stairs as she got up, forcing her feet to move. Her stomach churned as she walked up the stairs, Elvis’s crying got louder until Y/n was standing in front of Gladys’s closet.
Her knees felt weak and like she was going to throw up but quickly took a deep breath and opened the door. Elvis sat in the back corner, face pressed into one of her dresses. He looked to see who it was before pressing back into the dress.
“Elvis”, she said in a soft voice. “I know it’s hard, your dad is doing to best he knows how”
Y/n took a few cautious steps into the closet, feeling tears as they formed in her eyes.
“But he is overwhelmed”, Y/n sighed “he needs your help out there Elvis”
Elvis let out a loud sob and grabbed onto the dress harder.
“I can’t go out there. I just want to stay in here forever”, Elvis took a deep breath at the end of his sentence not looking up at his girlfriend
Y/n sighed again looking up, not letting the tears that welled up in her eyes to spill. Once Y/n got control over her emotions she kneeled in front of Elvis.
“No one could ever replace her, but you listen to me”, Y/n’s voice became more confident “from this moment on, anything she would’ve done I will carry out, in her name”
Elvis’s eyes flickered back to her watching as she sat in front of him. She reached out her hand softly placing it on his leg but Elvis pulled from her touch.
“When you are overseas. I will stay here at home and I will work and I will worry”, she told Elvis who stopped sniffling and looked at her
They sat there for a second, in silence. Elvis’s face was red and puffy, tears streaked down his face. Her gaze said enough, no words were needed. Y/n once again reached out her hand placing it on his leg but this time Elvis didn’t pull away.
“Trust me”, she finished as her hand ran up his body getting closer to his hand
Her hand tangled with his, he squeezed her hand as Y/n continued to talk.
“Now, you go and you stand by your daddy. You comfort him, you comfort your friends and your family and even your fans.”
She let go of Elvis’s hand running up to his face, caressing his cheek. He sighed and closed his eyes leaning into her touch. Elvis’s grip fell from his mother’s clothes.
“Because if you don’t do that, all that your mama has sacrificed for you will be for nothing”, Elvis nodded as his eyes opened again “we need you Elvis, all of them, I need you”
Y/n’s voice cracked on the last part as he slowly scrambled onto his knees. More tears fell from his eyes as his arms wrapped around her, the singer’s face dug into her shoulder. Y/n gripped onto the shirt on his back, her eyes stung with tears finally letting them fall.
“Please don’t leave me Y/n. No matter what happens-“, Elvis took a deep breath between his sentence again “don’t ever leave me okay? I don’t know what I’d do without”
“I won’t, I promise Elvis”, Y/n voice was shaky as she pulled from the hug
Her hands on Elvis’s cheek, Y/n’s vision was blurry as she stared at her boyfriend in front of her. She pulled him back into a hug letting him cry more.
“I can’t loose you too”, Elvis said through his tears
“I’ll be here, I’ll always be here”
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dharnwjs · 2 years
One last night pt2//Eddie Munson
Summary: Y/n figures out the reason behind her boyfriend’s late night encounter but she finds Eddie at her window again hopefully with an explanation
Warning: Angst, a tiny bit of smut if you squint, mentions of death, mentions of running away
Author’s note: this is crazy, I didn’t know how many people liked my story so I decided to add a pt2. Sorry, it’s a little short.
Y/n sat in her room, tears stained her cheeks. A box sat on the edge her bed as photos were scattered around Y/n, all of them of her and Eddie. She took a shaky breath and picked up one staring down at it. Y/n had been up in her room all day, only coming down to answer some of the police’s questions but all she wanted right now was Eddie to hold her and tell her everything was okay.
The moon hung high in the sky, lightning up the ground before Eddie. His heart racing slowly making his way back to the house, Eddie shouldn’t be here not when the police was looking for him but he had to see Y/n one last time. He quickly jumped on the garage roof looking through the window, Eddie’s heart broke as he watched his girlfriend cry putting photos into a box.
He slowly brought his hand to the glass knocking, making his presence known. Y/n looked over at the window, a smile covered her face running over to her window as Eddie fell into her room.
“Eddie”, Y/n almost yelled stopping in front of him
Eddie stood up and looked at Y/n who stood right in front of him. She held her hand close to her slowly reaching other hesitating a bit before Y/n’s hand pressed against his cheek. Eddie leaned into her touch closing his eyes.
“You’re here”, she whispered before pulling him closer
Their lips pressed together, Eddie’s hands grabbed onto her waist kissing Y/n back. His body took over picking his girlfriend and walked over to her bed slowly placing her on the bed crawling over Y/n. The kiss got deeper as Eddie pressed his body against Y/n, not keeping his hands to himself.
“I was so scared Eddie”, Y/n said against Eddie’s lips before kissing him again
“I’m sorry darling”, he said back running his hands under her shirt before snapping back into reality
Eddie wanted to continue, god! Did he really. All he wanted was for Y/n to hold him and stroke his hair but he had been in her room longer then he was supposed to be.
“I have to go”, he said and pulled from Y/n but she wrapped her legs around him
“Eddie please no”, Y/n’s voice cracked
“I’m sorry darling, I have to go”, Eddie whispered against his large hands on her thighs as Y/n sat up
“Take me with you then”, she begged not wanting to lose her boyfriend again. “We can run away, just you and me”
He sighed and looked down before looking back at Y/n.
“I can’t drag you into this princess, what if you get hurt?”, Eddie managed to say and started to get off of the bed
“Eddie please don’t leave I’m begging you!”, Y/n exclaimed crying
Eddie got closer to window, screwing his eyes shut so no tears would fall.
“I thought I knew you, you killed Chrissy and then you’re going to leave me like this!”, Y/n yelled doing anything to get him to stay. “Can’t you even tell me why?”
Her boyfriend hesitated for a second, looking over his shoulder.
“Find Steve, ask him and he’ll tell you why I’m doing this”, Eddie answered before stepping out of the window closing it and walked from the house
And just like that, he was gone. Y/n fell forward sobbing more then before. All she wanted was one last night.
Tags: @drm2003 @notreadyyet @janemfmunson
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dharnwjs · 2 years
Gag reflex//Steve Harrington
Summary: Steve learning that his girlfriend has no gag reflex leads to some other things
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, praise kink, oral (m receiving), deep-throating
Steve shifted in his seat, his eyes glued on her as Y/n sat by him on the couch. Sucking and chewing on the straw, Y/n’s mouth going lower until half of the straw disappeared into her mouth.
Her boyfriend asked her to come over wanting to hang out with Y/n He had rented her favorite movie and gotten her favorite candy and drink but Steve had stopped watching the move long ago opting to watch Y/n instead, as she practically shoved the straw down her throat.
“Darling”, Steve said making his girlfriend turn and look at him
“Hmm”, she answered the straw still in her mouth
“You’re going to puke if you continue to do that”, he pointed at the straw
Y/n pulled the straw out of her mouth, shaking her head.
“Oh no, I’ve got no gag reflex”, she assured Steve with a smile before chewing on the straw again
Steve thought he might come undone right then. His pants felt uncomfortably tight as he thought of Y/n’s lips around his cock taking him down her throat. Steve’s hand reached over at grabbed the drink.
“I have a better idea then just chewing on your straw”, he said in a low voice and put the drink on the table besides him
“What?”, Y/n asked as his eyes flickered down then back at hers
She followed his gaze, finding herself staring at his groin where even in the low light Y/n could see the outline of Steve’s cock. Slowly she slipped to your knees in front of him looking up at him innocently, Steve leaned forward placing a hand on Y/n’s cheek.
“Good girl”, he purred before sitting back up, Steve’s hand slowly pulled from her face
Y/n’s hands ran up his thighs running over Steve’s groan getting a small moan from his lips before she undid his pants pulling them down. Steve’s cock popped out snapping against his chest, Y/n wrapped her hand around his cock licking her lips.
“Fuck”, Steve hissed as she started pumping him
His hand ran up to her hair gripping harshly and pulling Y/n’s face closer to his dick. She gulped, he was bigger then Y/n expect, feeling him was one thing but actually seeing him was another.
“You can take it, I know you can darling”, Steve groaned
Y/n licked up the side before wrapping her lips around his cock. Bobbing up and down Steve’s length as he threw his head back moaning. She swirled your tongue around his shaft, Steve pushed her all the down holding Y/n there as her hands gripped harshly on his thighs.
Her nose was pressed against his base staying there for a long time until Steve’s grip loosened, quickly pulling off of his cock taking a few deep breaths. Steve looked down at his girlfriend while Y/n caught her breath before pushing his cock back into her mouth.
“Fuck Y/n! Such a good girl”, Steve moaned snapping his hips up to meet Y/n’s mouth
The girl smiled at that, feeling her own arousal pool between her legs deep-throating Steve again as his grip tightened on her hair.
“I’m gonna cum”, he kept Y/n all the way down on his cock as Steve came down her throat
Steve pulled out of Y/n’s mouth panting a bit before looking down. She swallowed all that was in her mouth as he tapped Y/n’s lower lip.
“Open”, he commanded and Y/n did as he said sticking out her tongue showing her empty mouth. “Good girl”
She giggled at his praises, as Steve hand softly grabbed her chin.
“It’s my turn”
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dharnwjs · 2 years
No Requiem//Billy Hargrove
Summary: Reader is Billy’s biological younger sister and after his death, Reader and Max write letters to their late brother but Reader feels differently about Billy then max
Warnings: angst, mentions of Billy’s death, mentions of parents leaving, one mention of Billy hitting the reader.
Authors note: this is based off of “No Requiem” in DEH. I was listening to the song and had a good Billy fic idea and as I was writing this I almost cried. Tell me what you think
Dear Billy
I don’t know why I’m writing this to you, probably because Ms. Kelly and Max wanted me too. Ms. Kelly said it would help me grieve but the thing is, I’m not grieving— why should I? Why should I pretend that we had a good relationship?
Max has been having a hard time since your death and Dad left. I stayed knowing Max needed someone, everything’s been a shit show. Everyone’s been treating you like a hero since you died in that “mall fire” but I don’t know why. “He was such a good son/brother/friend” that’s all I hear and it takes everything in me to not start laughing because they don’t know you like I do.
Everyone tells me that it’s okay to be sad and to be not okay. You know I could just give in and pretend that I’m not okay but why should I play the grieving girl and lie that I miss you and that my world is dark without your light? Why should I fall apart for you? Say that I have a heavy heart? Because while everyone else holds a good image of you in their mind… all I can see is the brother who gave me a black eye, the same brother who broke Max’s skateboard.
I spent nights wondering the same things over and over again and I finally came to the the conclusion that I will sing no requiem for you.
I just wish it was like before mom left, because I miss my older brother who would take me surfing and wipe my tears away when I got hurt but that Billy died long ago. So loosing this Billy wasn’t hard because this Billy didn’t care about his own sisters and so I won’t weep for the monster that I knew you to be. I won’t let another person tell me that I’m wrong and that you were a good person cause if you were then why’d you put me through 8 years of trauma?.
I will not mourn for the Villain, I will not hold a heavy heart for you, or keep you close. Cause I cannot play the grieving girl and lie that I miss you and my world is dark without you. I will sing no requiem for you tonight.
Love, your shitty little sister
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dharnwjs · 2 years
My requests are open, I’ll write smut, fluff, angst. These are the following fandoms I’ll write for (these include the actors that play the characters)
Stranger things
Elvis (2022)
Bill and Ted
Stand by me
The lost boys
The outsiders
Just asked me and I’ll try to write it ASAP. School has been hectic this past week
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dharnwjs · 2 years
One last night//Eddie Munson
Summary: after Eddie tries to sell weed to a now dead girl, he visits his girlfriend before going on the run
Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, p in v, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex (bag it before you tag it), praise kink, a little bit of angst at the end
The night was dark, Y/n sat on her bed a book in her hands. Eddie’s van came to a halt in a driveway, the driver’s door opened as a face popped out looking to see if anyone had seen him, Eddie quickly got out of the van closing the door before running around the side of the house.
He jumped up onto the roof of the garage slowly making his way over to the window. Light poured from the room, Eddie smiled as he saw Y/n sitting on her bed. He pushed open the window knowing that she always left it unlocked for him.
Y/n looked up from her book to see her boyfriend, Eddie. She quickly threw the book onto the floor, jumping off her bed and running up to Eddie who quickly pulled his Jean jacket off before Y/n wrapped her arms around him.
Eddie stumbled forward falling onto Y/n’s bed as she giggled. His face was pressed into the crook of her neck, Eddie pushed his head from the bed.
He ran his hand over Y/n’s cheek and up to her hair as his lips pressed against hers. As quickly as Eddie started kissing her, he stopped and moved down to her neck.
“Eddie”, Y/n giggled
He placed a few kissing down her neck before moving back to her lips. His hand left her cheek and lazily fell onto her waist, Eddie savored the way Y/n tasted. He could smell his sent on her shirt realizing that Y/n was wearing one of his.
“You’re wearing one of my shirts?”, he whispered looking down at the shirt holding the fabric between his fingers
“Yeah, do you not like it?” Y/n asked
“Oh baby, I fucking love it”, he answered pushing his lips against hers again
Y/n ran her fingers through his hair, Eddie had always been eager but this was new. Y/n couldn’t complain though, she loved it how aggressive he was with the kiss. Eddie pulled from Y/n staring down at her, giggling as he looked at his girlfriend. Y/n giggled as well before Eddie quickly sat back on his knees.
The metal-head reached his hands behind his back grabbing his collar and pulled it over his head. Y/n ran her hands over his body, Eddie quickly threw his hellfire shirt over by his jacket before crawling back over Y/n. Eddie nipped at her neck earning a moan from the girl who laid under him.
Eddie pulled his head away as he heard a car quickly looking at the window, his heart started pumping faster then before.
“Eddie are you okay?“, Y/n asked confused, she had never seen Eddie like this
“Yeah, I’m fine”, he answered looking back at Y/n kissing down her neck
The D&D leader was horrible at lying and Y/n knew he wasn’t okay. Eddie pressed his body against Y/n’s and the small girl could feel his heart as it pumped in his chest.
“You’re heart is pumping, are you sure you’re fine?”, Y/n asked
“Oh is it? Must be because of how beautiful you are”, Eddie answered kissing down to her collarbone hoping that Y/n would believe his lie
It was lucky that Eddie had a way with words because Y/n didn’t ask any follow up questions but clawed at her clothes wanting them off. Eddie laughed and helped her out of the shirt she stole from Eddie before his hands slowly ran down to her waist where a pair of black shorts barely held onto her hips.
His breath hitched as he pulled them off seeing his girlfriend wearing a pair of red laced panties, his favorite pair. There was a wet spot on her panties that made Eddie’s dick twitch. Quickly the metal-head hooked his arms under her legs kissing and nipping down her inner thigh, marking her as his. Eddie got closer to her clothed core, Y/n whined feeling her boyfriend’s warm breath on her clit.
“Eddie please”, she whined grabbing his hair
Eddie laughed again pulling off her panties, pulling her closer as he licked up her slit. Y/n moaned as he did, Eddie’s hand gripped on her waist. He drew circles around her clit sending shivers up her spine, Y/n threw her head back hand clamping against her mouth.
“Shit, Eddie”, Y/n moaned in her hand and grabbed at his long curly hair
Her hips found a rhythm with Eddie’s mouth. Bucking in time with his tongue, Eddie pulled her closer latching his lips onto her clit. Y/n’s legs closed around Eddie’s head letting Eddie know that she was close. This was how he wanted to go, suffocated between Y/n’s legs was the perfect way to die for Eddie.
“Mhmm baby”, Eddie moaned against her pussy
“‘M gonna cum”, Y/n said as Eddie sucking on her clit
“Cum for me princess”, Eddie’s words pushed Y/n over the edges
Her back picked up off of the bed as she came. Eddie lapped up her juices, he pulled from her pussy as her back slowly rested against her bed. Eddie slowly went back up to her face kissing Y/n. She could taste herself on Eddie’s tongue, moaning as she started grinding against Eddie.
“Needy aren’t you”, Eddie whispered in her ear
“Yes, I need you baby”, she whined and started grinding harder
Eddie cussed under his breath and fumbled with his pants pulling them and his boxers off. He brought his cock up to Y/n’s pussy running it through her folds before pushing inside of his girlfriend. They both gasped as Eddie bottomed out.
Eddie leaned forward, kissing Y/n as he slowly started moving in and out of her. Eddie grabbed Y/n’s hands and put them by her head fingers interlocking as his thrusts got faster. She squeezed her eyes and moaned, loving how Eddie felt in her.
“Eyes on me darling”, Eddie tapped her face, Y/n slowly peeled open
“Fuck!”, she exclaimed, a smile covered Eddie’s face
He groaned as his mouth latched onto one of her nipples, his hands let go do hers as one ran down to her breasts playing with her other nipple. His eyes never left her face, watching how her face contorted with pleasure and how she moaned his name, wanting to remember everything.
“You love my cock don’t you pretty girl?”, Eddie asked pulling from her breast
Y/n nodded, her mind was turning into mush as Eddie continued hitting her g-spot.
“Use your words” Eddie cooed in her ear
“Yes Eddie”, she managed to say
Moans poured from her mouth, Eddie leaned down again kissing Y/n harshly before kissing and nipping down her neck, leaving purple marks. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck pulling her boyfriend close, their bodies pressed against each other. Eddie cussed as he felt Y/n’s walls close around him.
“‘M gonna cum”, Y/n moaned, her back arching off of the bed
“I want to feel you around my cock”, Eddie said pushing her over the edge
His name fell from her lips as she came. Eddie’s pace got faster chasing his own high, feeling his dick twitch telling him he was getting closer.
“I’m gonna cum”, Eddie groaned
“Cum inside me”, Y/n’s words pushed him over the edge
With a few more thrusts, a cuss fell from his lips as he came filling Y/n up. Eddie slowly pulling out and Y/n whined at the emptiness, he fell on the bed next to his girlfriend quickly pulling the covers over them. Y/n rested her head on Eddie’s chest, his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
“I want to let you know that I’m sorry”, Eddie broke the silence
“Sorry for what?”, she asked at looked up at him. “Sorry for what, Ed?”
He shook his head as Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed together, her heart started to pump.
“You’re scaring me”, she said pushing off of the bed
“Nothing”, he answered and smiled “go to sleep, you need the rest”
She nodded and yawned, her eyes fluttered as she rested against his chest listening to his heartbeat.
“I love you Eddie”, Y/n said sleepily
“I love you too, princess”, he answered before mumbling something else “I hope you can forgive me”
Y/n heard as she drifted off to sleep, she would’ve asked him about it the next morning but when she woke up, Eddie was gone. As Y/n got dressed and went into the living room, she found the reason for Eddie’s late night visit.
“A body of a Hawkins high school student has been found in the Forest Hills Trailer Park”, the TV spoke
Y/n’s hand clamped her mouth as she gasped.
“Eddie”, Y/n mumbled into her hand
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