breeyn 21 hours
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I've wanted to do a crow skull for a while, I'm pleased I finally got to
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breeyn 1 day
i can鈥檛 believe stede turned ed from this to this within 24 hours. the power of stede bonnet
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breeyn 3 days
One more Viago appreciation post because he's still a cutie patootie! 馃挄
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breeyn 3 days
How are they even more Mulder and Scully in these real life photos than then even are in the show
gillian anderson at the 1998 golden globes save me. save me gillian anderson at the 1998 golden globes
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breeyn 4 days
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x files studies but this time I tired to achieve that VHS feeling. I very vaguely remember watching some episodes as a kid, and I think this is as close as I've ever got to recreating that memory of a small, grainy tv in a dark room
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breeyn 4 days
Lil sneaky peek of test skull
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breeyn 5 days
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Stede's dagger, lino print. My second attempt at this medium and I'm pretty pleased with the results.
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breeyn 6 days
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Fun fact: this piece summons spiders.
I named him Teddy Buckland; I figured giving him a non-threatening name would make him less terrifying as I work through my arachnophobia. When I finished making him, I hung him high on a wall so he was out of my eyeline and would stop jump scaring me. That first night, a big fuzzy grey spider appeared over top of him on the ceiling. In the interests of therapy, I ignored it.
The next day, a second spider had appeared. Steeling myself and doing the calming exercises my therapist gave me, I ignored that one too.
Next day, a third spider had appeared. I realized Teddy was amassing a congregation come to worship him like the ewoks worshippped 3PO.
This was untenable.
Thankfully the piece went to the gallery the next day, and whatever is happening now is their problem. I did warn them - this piece summons spiders. They did not sound enthused about this.
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breeyn 13 days
sound on!! bbgirl watching his crush <3
audio pulled from that one bts clip of taika directing s1 ep1
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breeyn 20 days
This piece was a massive labour. Not necessarily one of love, but definitely of something. Trying to confront my overwhelming phobia head-on
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Golden orb weavers have gold silk. Humans have figured out how to extract this and create golden fabric with it. I have to imagine spiders are a bit wtf about this.
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breeyn 23 days
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Today marks a long-held dream achieved: my first ever solo show opens 馃枻馃枻馃枻
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breeyn 25 days
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breeyn 26 days
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big stretch
This is for the fellow tummy enthusiasts (don鈥檛 worry there鈥檚 two more on the page that I鈥檒l post when they鈥檙e completed)
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breeyn 27 days
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Lil detail from a much bigger piece - these chrysanthemums took ages, but I'm not unhappy with how they turned out. Made of acetate that I shaped and painted, the middles are sequin film and beads
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breeyn 1 month
ofmd-adjacent fic recs
one thing i love is when fandoms can give you little off-shoots to get into and in this case i've really gone all-in with kiwi media, specifically the rhys/taika-verse. so here are a few of the excellent fics i've read with different characters played by them:
Peril & Proximity by triedunture, E, 11k, Anton/Viago from WWDITS - very sweet fic where Anton and Viago keep having to save each other from dangerous situations Hewitt To Me One More Time by @thehitcherismydaddy E, 80k, Murray/Telephone Commercial Guy from FOTC - I think this is the first time I've read something where a character that doesn't even have a full scene in canon gets fleshed out so beautifully. I started reading this before I'd finished watching Flight of the Conchords, and it made me so much more attached to Murray as a character, I've been rewatching the show obsessively Heartbreak in Stages by tinkerty_tonk, M, 11k, Anton/Viago - a telling of Anton and Viago getting together that stays very true to the style and humour of the film! The Burger Ring Door by @thehitcherismydaddy E, 44k, Psycho Sam/Minister from Hunt for the Wilderpeople - yet another amazing feat by this author of crack fics that turn into a gut-punch (in a good way). When I watched this movie I never would've guessed I'd be reading fic of the two most random comic-relief characters that don't even meet in canon. I think of this story often if I'm being completely honest!! Water Flowing Underground by @gaypiratebrainrot E, 22k, Ed/Stede(KIND OF) - I included this as OFMD-adjacent because it's certainly different from straight-up ofmd fic (I think) due to the meta implications. I generally don't go for RPF, and this isn't even quite that so I recommend it even if you don't like RPF. It generates very interesting discussions as well as being a heart-wrenching story with A+ smut, but also be sure to read all the tags before diving in
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breeyn 1 month
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"Love Me Now," Watercolor, 2023.
Them. Just...them.
Original painting still available <3
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breeyn 1 month
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New outtake just dropped
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