boniface-fiction · 3 months
god said i’m her favorite lamb in the flock and i have the softest wool and the sweetest eyes and the most trusting gait and my cries are the prettiest and my bell is the shiniest and when the blade hits my skin it meets no resistance and my blood runs like honey and not like tar just btw
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boniface-fiction · 3 months
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boniface-fiction · 3 months
A persons fanfic tells you a lot about them, i , a fanfic writer, realize in terror
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boniface-fiction · 3 months
The divine right of kings but it's a curse
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boniface-fiction · 3 months
A Writer's Guide to Character Development
I don’t know about you guys, but I can only answer “what’s your character’s favorite flavor of ice cream” so many times before I realize those lists are not going to help me actually write the character.
So, instead, I like to drabble practice. Answer these ten key questions about your character (answer in character). Then, after you know them a little better, write ten scenes (NOT part of your planned story) with the ten prompts below. Set it in your world, but it can be whenever you want—pre-story, or post-story, or mid-story. You could even write two scenes for one prompt, contrasting where your character starts the story and where they end up, or write one in first person and then write it again in third.
Just has to cover events that are NOT plot points. The point of the exercise is to come up with scenes you can toss out as soon as you finish them. You might end up using some of the lines or scenes you come up with, but for now you’re just playing around. 
What does your character tell everyone is their greatest fear? What is it actually? Is it the same? Why or why not?
What is their greatest strength and greatest weakness? 
Name the most important people to this character. All of them. Family and close friends and lovers.
Does your character have enemies? Who and why?
What is your character’s favorite holiday and why? 
How does your character like to present himself/herself? How do they dress? How do they act? Are they friendly or standoffish? Do they like to make a scene, or are they a wallflower?
What is their love language? How do they express it, and how do they best receive it?
What is their highest virtue? What is something that peers would praise about your character? What do they value most in other people?
Are they messy or neat? Why or why not?
If your character could change one thing about their life, what would it be and why? And, conversely, if they could only save one thing from their life, what would it be?
Your character has had a bad day. What happened?
Your character’s loved one is sick. What do they do?
It’s your character’s birthday.
Someone is hiding something from your character. How do they uncover what it is?
Your character has just heard the news. A character they loved is dead. Describe the rest of their day.
Your character is on their own for dinner.
Your character has the day to himself/herself. No responsibilities, nothing. What do they do?
In the middle of the night, your character hears a noise in the house.
Your character knows they will die at midnight. What is their last day like?
Your character suddenly develops amnesia. Their loved ones try to jog your character’s memories by taking them to familiar locations and reminiscing. 
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boniface-fiction · 6 months
Accidentally opened Instagram and saw this
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Obviously Eat the Rich and We’re Returning to Medieval Europe now I Guess? but also heyyy new fan fiction forced proximity excuses just dropped.
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boniface-fiction · 7 months
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boniface-fiction · 7 months
opening your writing doc and immediately scrolling back 3 pages like "alright what the fuck is this story about again?"
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boniface-fiction · 8 months
Hey man I know you’re trying to start a new life on this humble fishing boat but I just saw your ex-boytoy on Worldstar . Yeah he was getting his shit rocked by the pirate queen of China. she really cooked his ass here look
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boniface-fiction · 8 months
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Team Beard Winning + Babe <3
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boniface-fiction · 8 months
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"Ed, wake up! Wake up! I'm here. I'll never leave you, I'll never leave again. I'm here. I'm here. You're safe. Come back to me."
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boniface-fiction · 8 months
The way I SQUEALED when I saw merman!Stede 😂😂😂
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boniface-fiction · 8 months
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a very quick poem i just wrote, made from excerpts of texts my mum has sent me this year.
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boniface-fiction · 8 months
Anyway if you see this you have to reblog and tag with a delight from ur day -- even the littlest thing counts
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boniface-fiction · 8 months
Our Flag Means Death | Heaven On Their Minds
because Con O'Neill's talk about how he and Taika both see Izzy's role as Judas from Jesus Christ Superstar has haunted me since I first heard it (and I have Opinions and Feelings about both OFMD and JSC)
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boniface-fiction · 8 months
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''...Just an angel who goes along with Heaven as far as he can.''
This scene has been following me for some days now. I love this theory where Azriraphale has his memory erased to '' better fulfil'' his Archangel Supreme duty. Then we'll have Crowley, who tries for a long time to make him remember again everything. But what if the big battle comes and his angels still can't remember anything until it's too late? ... Crowley is just happy to be able to see HIS angel one last time ...
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boniface-fiction · 9 months
I'll meet you in the graveyard,
Though my body rests below.
I'll meet you in the graveyard
And we'll tell tales of long ago.
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