angelmichelangelo · 2 days
You have been blessed by the almighty Rapple
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Have a nice day
i am cherishing him gently in my hands 😌
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angelmichelangelo · 2 days
we’re really gonna see the 2012 turtles again… what if i just laid down on the ground and never got back up again
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angelmichelangelo · 2 days
EMMY EMMY HAVE U SEEN THE TEASERS FOR THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY COLLECTION ??? currently trying not to spin around in circles at my work desk but Ciro Nelli from the 2012 production team spoke about his comic in this and how its the basis of what could have been the 2012 tmnt movie that surrounds the boys moving past teenagehood and dealing with it. i'm sure you've seen it so sorry for the recap but BASICALLY when discussing the 12 boys he said "I knew I missed them, I didn’t realize how much though." ... CAN YOU HEAR ME CHEWING THROUGH MY ARM RIGHT NOW I CANT and thats literally just for 12 theres gonna be at least 1 story for each iteration up to rise AND RISES FOLLOWS THE BAD FUTURE TIMELINE !!!! I NEED TO SCREAM ABOUT THIS PLEASE SOMEBODY SCREAM WITH ME !!!!!!
I DID NOT IN FACT SEE IT!!! IM SPINNING AROUND IN A CIRCLE LIKE WHAT ?! that is honestly so fucking cool. im going to cry, 2012 means so so much to me and to finally have like, even a CRUMB of new content for it after all these years… im so ecstatic, holy SMOKES. i remember back in the day ciro had professed his disappointment that the 2012 was never made, but to know now he’s FINALLY going to be able to make that content, even if through a comic instead? im so happy for him. im so so happy. his art is really good so im excited to see the 2012 boys again OHMY GOSH its really happening!!!! AHHH!! this is so exciting !!!!! im assuming we also get something for the 2003 boys as well?? WOW. for a franchise that has been going on for 40 years now, the tmnt hq really do know how to feed us well. i knew they’d have something special in mind but holy cats dude, not this. this feels so heartwarming to know they’re doing this for us :’) makes me proud lol
just know that when i read that comic i am going to be going ape mode on here. i won’t shut up about it and there WILL be fanfiction to follow, no matter what. ive been desperate to know how the 2012 turtles moved past their loss of splinter into adulthood and now we will finally know. i have full, blind faith in ciro and the team to not fuck this up lmao
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angelmichelangelo · 2 days
wait I'm curious
I feel like this is a common enough experience but I don't know how much
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angelmichelangelo · 3 days
do you think Mikey's would inspire any family members or acquaintances to start exploring different gender/pronoun options?
potentially! i mean if it’s anyone, it’d be leo lol - it’s always pretty heavily circulated in fandom that he’s The trans turtle in every shape and form which i dig. but it is actually a very comforting thought to imagine leo watching mikey be so happy and free in his identity and for him to approach him and talk to him about how own feelings (bonus ouchie points if it’s during his angsty ptsd arc)
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angelmichelangelo · 3 days
Would you headcanon Mikey as queer?
OH BOY YES. listen. LISTEN. if you're new here im sorry for what im about to subject you to and if you're a long time follower then. well. yall knew what you signed up for lmao
if i could have any wish in the tmnt franchise it would to have a perfect representation of woody in each and every version just because their relationship in the idw verse is just. oh anon it's so magical. woody appears with a pizza and mikey quite literally says it's 'love at first sight' and yes maybe he's talking about the pizza but i chose to ignore that because what they have is so so special ;__;
2003 mikey definitely has that peppering. he idolises a lot of men in his life, he has crushes on guys... it's all there. it's all there, anon! i'd say the only mikey that does not give off any queer vibes to me is 2012 and that's purely because the writers were very much obsessed with giving them all female love interests so if i just.. blow that all to hell (which i do with most of the 2012 writing) then yes i would give him a woody to fall in love with or heck, if i can't have that, then maybe even mondo gecko because why not.
mikey gender and queerness all seem to go hand in hand together very well and he's just a VERY good rep for all of that, in my opinion at least. VERY extroverted guy that is FORCED to be very introverted because of his lifestyle?? is that not a closet metaphor or am i crazy. im not crazy.
yes to mikey being queer. i will die on this hill forever <3 plus renet should be lesbian so yeah
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angelmichelangelo · 3 days
Would Mikey start going by a different name/nickname? Maybe change depending how they're feeling? I always saw 'Mikey' as gender neutral but maybe on days when they're feeling more feminine they'd prefer 'Angelo' or 'Michelle.' And 'Michael' for masc days
yes absolutely! (i will forever praise rottmnt for including more than just their standard nicknames because that is just how siblings are, and hence why we got Angelo as a nickname which i LOVE) but yeah! i'd imagine he goes by mikey/mike more often but definately flirts with the idea of other nicknames to suit him best :)
raph still calls him a knucklehead. that transcends* across all genders lol
*pun not intended
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angelmichelangelo · 3 days
What do you headcanon for 2003 Mikey regarding gender?
for me, i'd imagine he's probably genderfluid! mikey is such an easy going, go with the flow kind of guy, he's the type of person turtle that does not conform to any kind of social structure (in more ways than none!) pronouns aren't really their thing and his brothers are sure to support her and try out different ones to see what make them most happy! again, i know it probably was never intentional in the show BUT! there's evidence there of it being a Thing so yeah. mikey eats gender stereotypes and conformities for breakfast >:)
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angelmichelangelo · 3 days
I personally headcannon 03 Mikey as transfem :D
ooh yes! that makes a lot of sense! part of me knows that his love for women's fashion and clothes in the series was... probably a bit of an outdated joke buuuut we can all pretend that this was the real reason behind it all lol
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angelmichelangelo · 3 days
what if mikey never really even came out? like the guys sort of picked up on it through things mikey said
that's always the impression i get! as much as they all love each other, they're still a bunch of teenagers, and talking big emotions isn't always their forte, so i'd like to think mike just drops subtle hints and whatever they pick up on makes his day. like yes mikey nearly got eaten by an alien but imagine the pure gender JOY of hearing donnie call him his sibling instead of his brother :3
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angelmichelangelo · 3 days
hey anybody wanna talk about 2003!mikey gender with me im rotating the thought around my head like a big rotisserie chicken right now
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angelmichelangelo · 3 days
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Donnie needs to adjust to the fact that the “peanut butter” in the PB&J duo is very sticky
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angelmichelangelo · 3 days
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2012 Mikey!
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angelmichelangelo · 9 days
any artists that are available for commissions rn please hmu! :) thanks 👍🏼
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angelmichelangelo · 17 days
YES KAPPAS CONSTELLATION RENAISSANCE !!!! i would kindly like to request for either 2012 or rise with the angst prompts: 'You’ve always taken me for granted' and 'Where do you think you’re going?! I’m not done talking to you!'. so glad to have to back brother!!! <3
thanks for the prompt :] read here! <33
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angelmichelangelo · 17 days
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Whenever the sun rise duo interacts I feel my heart melt a bit
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angelmichelangelo · 17 days
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2012 raph doesn't want to talk about it 😔
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