virgo-vestalis · 1 hour
Hestia to me
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She is as gentle, warm, and calming as the flames in the hearth that she represents. She is the feeling of sitting by a fire in a cozy chair wrapped in a soft blanket, drinking hot chocolate out of a favorite mug while reading a favorite book. She is the joy of dinner dates, of coffee with friends, of holiday gatherings, of shopping for new furniture, of putting clean sheets on the beds, of having fresh flowers in the vase on the dining table.
She is the feeling of coming home after a journey, of seeing loved ones after a period of absence.
She is home itself. She is the security and comfort of home, the safety of those who dwell within.
She's like the loving aunt who always remembers your favorite treats. When a homemaker rests at the end of another day of housekeeping and treats themselves, she approves.
She loves seeing our family happy together. She smiles when our household asks for her blessings.
When we leave for yet another traveling adventure, she blows us kisses and sends us off with her love. And when it's time for us to return, she is here to welcome us home.
She is an eternal fire, forever radiating warmth and ease.
She is love. The love of family. The love of home.
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virgo-vestalis · 15 hours
if you have a problem with talking to your deities out loud, as i do, i strongly recommend writing letters. for me i don't feel comfortable talking at all, no matter to who, and sometimes when i am just thinking i don't feel that connected to my deities. this strong need to write a letter came to me when i wanted to ask lady hestia for help, but i just couldn't muster the words. it's like she was guiding me to just write. you can then keep the letters, notes and use them in the future, what words, epithets you used and which felt powerful, maybe in your first letter you didn't specify and now you learned from it. and i will not even start on decorating the letters and treating it like pen pal kind of thing, where not only you get a letter for you deity, but also offerings in the envelope, coin, acorn, tea bag, small flower.
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virgo-vestalis · 16 hours
for lady hestia
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{for my previous post}
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virgo-vestalis · 17 hours
““Hestia must remain a virgin because of her embodiment of stability. Her role as virgin tender of the fire is important for understanding ancient Greek conceptions of the family. The Greeks were patriarchal and patrilocal, meaning men wielded greater control in politics, law, and economics, and that women left their natal families upon marriage to join their husbands’ families. There was always a certain distrust of wives, strangers in the paternal household who could still have loyalties to their own families, or who could form greater bonds with their children than with a husband and his clan. Furthermore, there was a general anxiety present in same-sex familial relationships. Sons inevitably enforce the notion of the father’s mortality, and sons or grandsons often cause a (grand)father’s death in literature, like Oidipous and his father Laius. Mothers and daughters might form close bonds, but those bonds are inevitably severed when the daughter leaves her family to join a husband’s household, as with Demeter and Persephonê. Thus, the closest familial bonds are between mother and son, and father and daughter. However, as with the mother–daughter bond, the father–daughter bond is constrained by the daughter’s need to leave home upon marriage. In human life, then, a father’s closest familial ally is temporary. The lives of the gods, however, were not so constrained, and in Hestia existed the ideal paternal ally: the daughter who did not marry but who clung to the paternal hearth, ultimately loyal to the paternal line. Just as the hearth is the solid center of the household, the virgin daughter, on the divineplane, is the solid center of the family. Hestia, being both, is more than just a hearth goddess for the Greeks: She is the personification of stability.””
— Artemis by Stephanie Budin
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virgo-vestalis · 19 hours
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Things you can do on the first of the month - along with or instead of blowing cinnamon through your door
An extremely popular practice right now is to blow cinnamon through your door on the first of the month. It’s popular for good reason, as doing this can bring in prosperity for the new month.
However if you cant partake in this practice due to pets, allergies or any other reason - or simply would like to change/add more to your first of the month ritual, I’d like to offer some ideas!
First let’s talk about the significance of the first of the month and blowing an herb into the home. The first day of a month is a starting point. You can set the tone for how the rest of the month will unfold energetically. One is the number of beginnings and potential! Do not worry if you miss it or simply don’t feel up to it on the first you can of course still do the same practices any day of the month.
The act of blowing the cinnamon into your home is to symbolize that energy flowing into your household. This can be achieved through different means and different herbs all based on preference.
Want to change it up? - Alternative actions:
Cinnamon in your coffee
Put or refresh prosperous herbs & crystals in your wallet
Herbs & crystals in the mail box
Burning bay leaves
Prosperity front door wash (don’t forget the doorknobs!)
Cinnamon sticks in / on the mailbox
Burning a green or yellow candle
A small luck or prosperity ritual/working
Drinking mint tea
Sweeping! (Clear out that old stagnant energy!)
Prosperity herb scented hand / body soap
Make / feed / refresh money bowl
Blowing cinnamon in a house would be activating it using the air element - try a different element (burning, burying or putting in water)
Can’t use cinnamon? - Some other plants for prosperity:
Bay leaves
Black tea
I hope this takes some pressure off and gives you new ideas!
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virgo-vestalis · 1 day
my devotional acts for lady hestia
warm drink in the morning, i usually go for chamomile with honey
putting some time in the morning to make my breakfast, something warm always work for me
baking sweets and sharing, i am not a fan of a lot of sweet treats
making my bed as one of the first things i do after waking up
spraying a raspberry scent around my space, it reminds me of her
looking around my space and cleaning up with the "if it will take less that 5 minutes i do it now" mindset
try to make little time for journaling, what am i thinking of, what i am planning to do
usually in the morning before work i will make a little digital offering in the form of a collage
looking for ideas for decoration that i can make myself
checking my clothes and socks for holes, and then planning some time for mending
playing stardew valley while having a warm milk and cookies
taking time for a full skin care routine
taking care of my hair
veiling or covering my hair when im outside
crafts like cross-stitch, crochet & knitting
making my own wearables
lighting up one of her candles
dimmed & warm lights everywhere
pushing myself to properly rest and take time for myself
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virgo-vestalis · 2 days
Hestia Prayer
Hestia, hear my breath as it circulates through me and as I exhale into others.
Hestia, listen to my wanderings and stumbles. Guide my feet as I try to find my way. 
Hestia, Hestia, may I carry my home inside of me. Let my fire be lit by the journey’s lessons. 
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virgo-vestalis · 2 days
☽Prayer for the Autumnal Equinox☾
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( for me , today is the Autumnal Equinox, and I really wanted to write a prayer to the gods as a way to thank them for everything they're doing for us , I hope they like it <3 I often struggle with writing my own prayers and I'm sure there's tons I could've worded better but I still wanted to share it with you , I hope you guys like it too )
I call upon you first , Lady Hestia, gentle keeper of the hearth and home, first & last of the deathless Kronides , whose flame burns ever bright , bringing us comfort and warmth . As we retreat into our homes you watch over so kindly , spending more time with family and friends in this time of unity , I honor you as the heart of all that sustains us. May your flame burn steadily in our homes and hearts, bringing warmth, unity, and love as the days grow colder. I honor you for the peace you bring to our lives . May your sacred flame burn brightly within us , o merciful goddess.
I call upon you, Lord Helios, radiant charioteer and god of the warming sun , whose golden light has blessed the earth through the long summer months. As the days grow shorter and your warmth begins to wane, I thank you for the life-giving light you have bestowed upon the world. May you , O Helios Hyperion carry us through the darker days, and may we never forget your blessings , and gratefully await the arrival of your blessed sister in the cold , long nights of Mother Nyx.
I call upon you, Lady Demeter, nurturing mother and goddess of the harvest, who gifts us with the bounty of the earth , nurturing mankind with your own fair hands . As the fields are reaped and the fruits of the season are gathered, I honor you for the sustenance you provide , allowing us to thrive . May we take this time to reflect on the gifts of the earth you gave us and may we store up the strength to carry us through the cold, just as your blessings are stored in grain and fruit. May we be nourished by your gifts, and may we honor the cycles of growth and rest that you govern.
I now call upon you, Lady Selene, shining queen of the night, who graces the dark skies with your silver , shining moon resting atop your fair head . I offer my thanks for your watchful presence as the moon above , great Pasiphae . As the nights lengthen and your presence grows stronger, I honor you and am thankful for your guidance through the inky night. Be with us in the quiet moments of darkness, with your all-seeing eyes . Guide us through the quiet hours, serene and watchful . May we find peace under your watchful gaze.
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I give my heartfelt thanks to you, great theoi , for your blessings, your protection, and your presence in my life. May this season bring togetherness, reflection, and peace, as we prepare for the winter to come. Blessed be your names, today and always. Khaire
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virgo-vestalis · 2 days
Hestia is....
a hot drink on a chilly morning.
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virgo-vestalis · 2 days
low energy devotion acts for lady hestia
{something i do when i either feel very bad or just don't have much energy}
sometimes veiling takes a tool on me, being judged and whispered about when im in public, so in times when it's really hard i just get my hair in a bun, out of my face
slow down when eating, i have a habbit of forgetting to eat and when i actually eat i do it in seconds, but when i catch myself i try to simply slow down, give thanks to lady hestia
have a pinterest boars dedicated to decor you want to have, want to make
and also a pinterest boards dedicated to food you like or want to make, cozy hobbies you want to try, maybe crafts that you already know how to make, i feel so connected to lady hestia every time i find a new craft i can make {and use as decor later}
journaling, even if i just write one sentence in a week, maybe i don't write at all i just open my journal and take in the energy i already put in it
i feel like lady hestia likes when you write for her, no matter what it is, poetry, short stories, journals, prayer, tumblr post, everything
setting my phone aside and not looking at the time, slowing down, taking as much time as i need, letting my body clock decide when to pick up work and when to do have cozy time
nap, sleep, staying in bed for those additional 5 minutes
treating drinking my morning coffee as a ritual, even if im doing something while drinking, it's like every sip of my hit beverage is a step in the ritual
wearing jewellery that reminds me of her, i try to keep the ring dedicated to her on the altar so everything i need to pick it up ismts full of her gentle energy
letting myself be bored and not do anything, instead of stressing what to do next just to do something
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virgo-vestalis · 2 days
Small acts of kindness make the world a better place
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virgo-vestalis · 2 days
Flameless Hearths & Devotions
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Ideas for Hestia devotees/worshippers who are unable to use a fireplace or flames in their worship. Welcome for all who find this helpful!
Using flames safely and/or discreetly:
(For the occasional need)
Use a tea light or lighter outside; on a fire-safe surface such as concrete or gravel.
Burn objects over your sink or a bowl of water.
Outdoor fire pits or grills. 
Creating your hearth:
Your hearth should feel like a central, focused place that represents your home. Someplace where you feel calm and safe. Traditionally, this was often in the kitchen; but it can be anywhere in your home. It can also be in multiple places, or small and contained. 
My shelf altar. I keep it clean and tidy. It contains items that remind me of home, and offerings to Hestia. It represents hearth and home, and is a space I can visit when I wish to feel connected to her. 
My dedication wall. I used to have a wall with a dried marigold garland, soothing poetry, devotional poetry, artwork and prayers on it. This is an excellent way to have a discreet (if you so choose) dedicated space that doesn’t take up much surface area. 
My stovetop. Each time I put the kettle on for tea, I feel connected to Hestia. I offer the first sip to her. I simmer pots of water with herbs, spices or other scented things (such as orange peels) to spread a beautiful aroma around my home. 
Don’t have a stove? An electric kettle and microwave will do!
My oven. Each time I bake (both the preparation and the baking itself) I feel connected to her and give a portion as an offering.
My woodstove or outdoor firepit. It is worth noting that because I have these things (and use my woodstove as a primary heating source) I do often use these as my hearth and burn offerings here. 
Flame and candle alternatives:
What feels right to you? What matches the energy/warmth of fire and flame?
Electric candles, especially ones that flicker and have warmer colors.
Electric tealights in candle holders. 
Dollhouse fireplace
Solar charged lanterns
Fairy lights in a jar
Himalayan salt lamp
Wax or oil warmers (with heat bulbs).
Electric fireplace
Flame ambiance videos
For me, certain smells embody home. And this is wonderful, because we can control them–even without candles or incense!
Essential oil or reed diffusers 
Wax or oil warmers
Scented electric candles
Scented sachets
Room/pillow sprays
Pot of water on the stove with scented things
You  may also like:
Resources for Hestia devotees - a masterpost
Hestia small devotional acts
Bedridden devotion to Hestia
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virgo-vestalis · 2 days
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virgo-vestalis · 2 days
warm cozy house,
dimmed lights,
food prepared with love,
wifey greeting you home,
cuddles and watching movie,
laughing in between kisses,
falling asleep in each other’s arms.
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virgo-vestalis · 3 days
Mabon Resource Masterpost
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A collection of categorized links for your Mabon needs! What is Mabon? [X] Mabon is celebrated between September 21st to September 29th (March 21st to March 29th in the S. Hemisphere) and is also called: the Autumn Equinox or the Second Harvest Festival.
The Basics:
Ways to celebrate Mabon
What is Mabon?
Celebrate Mabon
Mabon altar ideas and correspondences
The Autumnal Equinox: Finding balance as the cycle ends
Solitary Autumn Equinox
Secular celebrations - autumnal equinox
Autumn equinox rituals honoring Hestia
Autumn equinox - Spoonie witch friendly
Low spoon Mabon ideas
A lazy witch’s Mabon
Mabon ideas!
Mabon Crafts:
Floating acorn cap candle
Mabon burlap wreath
Mabon wreath
Apple bowls
Mabon Recipes:
Mabon stew
Mabon pomegranate chicken
Grandma’s pumpkin bread
Easy pumpkin muffins
Mabon apple twist bread
Fresh apple autumn cake w/ honey cinnamon glaze
Stuffed apples for mabon
Lavender cider tea
Mabon Spells:
Mabon spell
Mabon charm sachet
A Mabon ritual
An autumn ritual
Autumn blessings
Mabon Tarot Spreads:
Mabon spread (3 card)
Harvest wisdom (3 card)
Mabon/Harvest spread (4 card)
The balance (5 card)
Fall harvest tarot spread (7 card)
Mabon delicate balance spread (9 card)
Mabon sigil
Mabon bath
Crystals for the Autumn Equinox
Mabon masterpost
Last updated September of 2024, please inform me of broken links via askbox!
Imbolc / Ostara / Beltane / Litha / Lammas / Mabon / Samhain / Yule / Bedridden ideas
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virgo-vestalis · 3 days
Autumn Equinox Rituals Honoring Hestia
Create a seasonal protection spray and ward your home, or just use the ingredients as a spell jar:
🍁 Ingredients: rose petals, dried apple slices, pink salt, cinnamon, sage, bay leaf, cloves. (optional for spell jar: crystals: black tourmaline, amethyst. seal with black wax or cord.)
🍁 if doing a spell jar: write a protection charm/prayer on a piece of paper and put it inside. If making a spray, say it out loud while warding. For example: "Blessed Keeper of the Hearth, protect all who dwell here whether they be near or far away, safe they will be with the ingredients of this spray."
🍁 add the sigils of Hestia-Vesta.
Create a simmer pot to cleanse your house:
🍎 Ingredients: apple slices, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, orange/blood orange slices, star anise, vanilla extract (optional), pumpkin pie spice (optional)
🍎 Add all ingredients to a pot on a stove with enough water (around 6 cups depending on the size of your pot)
🍎 Cast a cleansing spell/prayer as it boils and you start to smell the aroma. Let the rising vapor be an offering to Hestia and ask Her to help you cleanse your home with it. Reduce heat to a simmer and add more water to replace the water that has evaporated for as long as you want. Remember to practice kitchen safety!!
Some foods you can make and charm with intentions:
Cinnamon oat bread - for success, abundance, prosperity, and wealth (this is my favorite recipe - just add cinnamon when combining all ingredients)
Pomegranate glazed salmon - for abundance, fertility, rebirth, honors Persephone's return to the Underworld, and invokes Hestia Polyolbos
Mashed sweet potatoes or butternut squash - for protection, harmony, friendship
Pumpkin ricotta pasta - for wealth, prosperity, love, fertility
Apple cider - for health and healing
Eat anything that's in season and feel the energy of the Earth (warmed and heated by Hestia at its molten core) warm your soul. Thank Her for these gifts.
Please feel free to add and share any more ideas you have!
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virgo-vestalis · 3 days
In Hestia’s name, may you always have a home and a roof over your head.
May you always be comfortable and warm with a full belly.
May you always be in good spirits and good company, never knowing the pervading loneliness that envelopes the soul.
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