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What is wrong with you?
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Ten cuidado con lo que deseas, se te puede cumplir y lo hizo
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What is the worst thing your ex did to you?
Mine lied to me, made me move on with him while he was still seeing one of his ex, messaging with more ex'es and I don't know how many new girls including a 14-15 years old girl (he is 28, disgusting). He became an asshole when I met his new friends from work, made me move on to another place (before I knew he was cheating) to see if our situation could get better but guess what... One day I decided to look at his phone (I know that was not ok) and I don't regret it, I discovered all of this and little more. After I moved on 2nd time I told him that I wanted to be his friend but when I discovered all the mess finally found something that made me wake up and escape from him.
I could keep saying and explaining all the bad things he did to me but the worst thing is what I personally did to myself. I was sad, I was hurt, I'm mad mostly with me, I'm working on that, actually it's been a while since that happened but today I felt like I couldn't with it, I know tomorrow and the rest of the year I'll be alright but I just needed to let this go, I haven't talk to anyone about this and I couldn't keep it anymore, at least here.
If you feel in a bad situation don't hesitate to ask for an advise, if you don't know what to do, here I am if you need it.
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I feel nothing
I know that if anyone notices I'd die but right now I don't feel anything, I just did it and I know I'm shit and do not deserve this job but I can't stop thinking I just need to keep moving and be safe, that is SO selfish I don't even recognize myself.
I just want to go back and do the right things, I'm so sorry. I'm weak. I'm lazy. I'm shit.
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Muchas gracias hermoso, me ayudaste mucho. Fue bueno el haberte conocido y aunque me hubiera encantado que llegáramos a algo más definitivamente no en este tiempo. Me atrevo a decir que si nos encontramos más adelante no me la pensaba dos veces para intentarlo contigo. Espero que te vaya excelente y que nos volvamos a ver pronto y sí se de algo lindo 🥰
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You spoke too early, I met you, liked you (still like you), and now wish you back. I'm grateful I met you and I'd love to have more than a passenger love
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De eso no hay duda 😄 Déjalo pasar, no te pierdes de nada
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It was easy
... Suspiciously esy.
Anyway, that moron is not going to ruin me anymore!
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Bueno, ve viendo el momento para volver a recorrerlo
No te pegues
Sé todo lo que tuve que pasar para superarlo y que esto sería volver a caer en lo mismo pero no puedo ignorar el hecho de que ya no habrá tantos factores en contre. Pase lo que pase gano: si me va bien qué bien y si me va mal ya me sé el camino ✌
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“You don’t walk away if you love someone. You help the person.”
— Hillary Clinton (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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“What if I slept a little more and forgot about all this nonsense.”
— Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis
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No te pegues
Sé todo lo que tuve que pasar para superarlo y que esto sería volver a caer en lo mismo pero no puedo ignorar el hecho de que ya no habrá tantos factores en contre. Pase lo que pase gano: si me va bien qué bien y si me va mal ya me sé el camino ✌
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who needs a boyfriend when you’ve got 643 photos of your husband saved to your computer
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I know this sounds totally stupid but I want to love again. I can’t stand to be alone. I really want to be in love again. It‘s not that I’m lonely or sad but I really miss these feelings. I miss having a person who I can always talk to. I miss feeling a body lying next to me. I miss all these couple-things.
But I don’t know how to meet someone new and I don’t know if the thoughts about you will ever go away.
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