themanthemyththeboi · 6 years
“ugh god…I love..tucker”: an essay
Alright bitches here’s a Tucker appreciation post because recently I’ve been super vibing with him
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First of all, he’s literally had one of the best character arcs in whole goddamn show. He started off being completely content with being mediocre, then circumstance forced him to take lead by drawing parallels with Wash’s character arc and HELLO??? That was so good? Season 12 Tucker struggling and actually trying and doing his best brought TEARS TO MY EYES!!! He’s so full of himself all the time that seeing his earnestly try this and get frustrated and eventually find his way is !! GODTIER MMM THATS GOOD SHIT!!!!
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Speaking of which!! Tucker’s character contrast is actually GOD !! KILLING ME!! He has a sort of, goes along with shitty stuff because he doesn’t want the responsibility of leading. He constantly bitches and says he couldn’t care less, but he cares SO MUCH HE CARES SO MUCH!!! He puts on this bravado and just LAYERS ON liberal amounts of sarcasm, but like!!! He cares so much more than he likes to admit!! Like look at the way he gets along with his teammates:
I’m literally going to quote ALL OF SEASON 15 TUCKER AND CABOOSE INTERACTIONS because it’s super obvious that after the chorus trilogy they care about each other so much??? Where they used to have a stupid tucker shut up Caboose vibes now Caboose actually listens to him and literally half of Tucker’s angry outbursts during the season are because someone was bullying Caboose like MMMMM HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT THATS MY FUCKGIN!!! FOOD I EAT THAT SHIT UP can we just TALK about that line where they’re in the prison and Temple is taunting Caboose with church dying and Tucker just ERUPTS “I’ll give him a real life example if you open this FUCKING CELL” OOF!!! ooofffff I lfuxking LOVE THIS FUNKY!! MAN
I FEEL like I don’t even need to explain Wash but like UGH DAMN all of season 12 WAs just GOLDEN GOLDEN GOLDEN because after being separated Tucker is doing his “what would Wash do” thing and UM??? YEAh and then after that rhey’RE FRIENDS AND THEY TRUST ESCH OTHER AND HAVE EACH OTHERS BACK and idk I just really love the fact that despite tucker spends the majority of their time together bitching and complaining about wash he was so FUCKING READY to murDER THE FUCK out of Temple for torturing Wash in season 15 and also fanon tucker for getting up at like ass-o-clock in the morning to sit with Wash until sunrise like hhhhhhhh hoNEY I LOVE YOU COUNTRYU BOY I LOVE YOUUUU
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ALSO ALSO ALSO!! He’s!! Smart!! And capable!!!! He was the one who figured out the whole Red vs Blue thing was a hoax and he’s actually NOT A DUMBASS!! It actually scares me how close Tucker was to becoming a freelancer?? If he cared more and had the initiative he had now, he might’ve been a freelancer because he’s ACTUALLY A REALLY GOOD SOLDIER and also?? Little tidbit I love how uncomfortable he is with praise?? GOD GIVE ME A LITTLE “IM PROUD OF YOU” FROM WASH AND I FUCKing pERISH!
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In conclusion I would give my life for Lavernius Tucker who, among other things, is a good friend, father, and is doing his very best. I love that funky, funky aqua man.
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themanthemyththeboi · 6 years
It’s not pink, it’s
Lightish Red
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themanthemyththeboi · 6 years
I love this
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@jomeimei421 @blueberryshortcake
[based on this post]
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themanthemyththeboi · 6 years
i mean it when i say the first five seasons of rvb were gold
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themanthemyththeboi · 6 years
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sense8 meme -  [1/1] season > season 2
“Courage. It is contagious. ”
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themanthemyththeboi · 6 years
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the cluster members | sense8
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themanthemyththeboi · 6 years
I started watching sense8 and I would die for every single one them
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themanthemyththeboi · 6 years
Tucker: So, do you recognize any of these men?
Kimball: I didn't get a good look at his face, but I heard him. He was singing along to the music at the bar.
Tucker: Do you remember what song he was singing?
Kimball: I think it was that song 'I Want It That Way'.
Tucker: Ah, Backstreet Boys, I'm familiar. Okay... *to suspects* Number One, can you please sing the opening to 'I Want It That Way?'
O'Malley: Really? ...Okay... 🎵You are...my fire?🎵
Tucker: Number two, keep it going.
The Director: 🎵The one...desire?🎵
Tucker: Number three?
Temple: 🎵Believe...when I say🎵
Tucker: *Enthusiastically* Number four!
Wyoming: 🎵I want it that way!🎵
Tucker: 🎵TELL ME WHY🎵
All: 🎵Ain't nothin' but a heartache🎵
All: 🎵Ain't nothin' but a mistake🎵
Tucker: 🎵Now number five~🎵
Felix: 🎵I never wanna hear you say🎵
Tucker: WOO!
All: 🎵I want it that way🎵
Tucker: Aah, chills. Literal chills.
Kimball: It was number five. Number five tricked my people into a war and committed planetary genocide.
Tucker: Oh, my god, I forgot about that part.
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themanthemyththeboi · 6 years
Wash, watching Sarge bring Caboose on every Red Team family trip: You know Caboose is one of us "dirty Blues" right
Sarge: You don't have all the facts
Wash: Which are?
Sarge: I love him
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themanthemyththeboi · 7 years
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themanthemyththeboi · 7 years
I won’t apologize for this.
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themanthemyththeboi · 7 years
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themanthemyththeboi · 7 years
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themanthemyththeboi · 7 years
Presenting Youth: A RvB Animatic
I hammered this out in two days and my hand is so tired… hopefully more to come soon!
Notice; as of 03/09/18, part 2 is now up! Go check it out!
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themanthemyththeboi · 7 years
a handy list of all the times we lost our shit
- “You…are the Alpha”
- that moment when the Director turns around and hIS EYES—
- “Hahaha…that was CLOSE! Nice throw Tucker” *felix’s shit-eating laugh*
- “don’t mind me, I’m just getting in position for this kiss”
- “I’m doing this for me”
- “Eh I guess I’m just feeling kind of…lazy.” “Nice”
- “Oh hey Tuc—“
- “I forget you”
- “Lopez! Todo el mundo está bien? Y Simmons? Cómo está mi amigo maroon?”
- “Well the thing most people forget about it anyways. Is that no matter how many friends you do lose…you can always make more.”
- “I’m Felix, that’s Locus, and we’re the good guys.”
- an entire room of Tex’s threateningly cracking their knuckles in unison “you have no idea what kind of trouble you’re in”
- “Caboose?? Rookie what the hell are you doing up here you’re supposed to be guarding the flag”
- “signed the former director of Project Freelancer….Dr. Leonard Church.”
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themanthemyththeboi · 7 years
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locus, the whole time this is happening:
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themanthemyththeboi · 7 years
Even if he was okay and he really didn’t die, that scream of “No!” from Church when Caboose was shot by Gamma still broke my heart.
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