thatsv-blog ¡ 5 years
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These are my nails. They are bape and supreme which are two form of designer. My nails represent how African American find name brand and designer as such an important thing. It’s suppose to represent how the more designer you own, the more money and power you have. African Americans take more pride in how they look and how they are perceived. Some people sell drugs to her own some type of designer to look like they have a higher status.
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
Thank you
Our documentary on “What is a Group?” Enjoy :)
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
Our documentary on “What is a Group?” Enjoy :)
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
The group I was with was my roommates. This is a primary group because we live together 
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
Concept Map
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
My status set
Daughter, sister, aunt, niece, student, athlete, friend, girlfriend, roomate, bestfriend, grandchild, employee, African American, and citizen
Daughter- obedience
Sister- confidant and supporter
Aunt- role model and protector
Niece- Patient and a good leader and influence
Student- maintain good grades
Athlete- leadership
Friend- Loyal and trustworthy
Girlfriend- supporter uplifter
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
In the article "Our National Obsession with Toddlers and Tiaras," it explains how society likes to normalize children’s interaction during beauty pageants as well as how the children are expected to conform to society's expectations about pageants.
There is a television program that captivates the actions and attitudes of the lower class and middle class children that socialize differently is called, "The French Prince of Bel-Air." This is a perfect example because that main character, Will Smith, moved in with his upper class family after living and growing  up into a lower class of West Philadelphia. There were multiple episodes in which Uncle Phil constantly made comments and mocked  the conditions in which Will grew up in. Will transitions from his old lower class living to the upper class living and learn to conform to his new environment while still keeping in touch with where he originally came from. 
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
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Alienation of others
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
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This is an example of chaos because there are so many things that are going wrong all at once.
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
I agree
Sub-Culture : Hip-Hop
Phenomenon: Hip-Hop is the most popular music genres right now.
• Artificats- Stereo
•Technology- Smartphones , YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify.
•Food- Hennessy
•Beliefs - Hip-Hop artists to express their feelings and what they believe in through their music.
•Values - The beat of the songs , money the receive off it.
•Norms- Designer Clothes , To not steal another artists’ lyrics or beats.
•Language- English, Street Talk, and profanity.
•Symbols- Microphone , Pen and Paper (write their own raps)
•Attitudes- Thinking their the best to ever do it in the industry.
• Behaviors - Aggressive , Good Vibes.
•Laws - Name dropping in songs.
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
Yeah you right
African-Americans -Artifacts: Designer Clothing -Technology: Iphones / Black Twitter -Food: Fried Chicken -Attitudes: Upscaling -Behavior: Don’t deal with personal issues so they act out in response -Laws: Loyalty is important in the African-American community especially being targetted by other races -Beliefs: God/Church Life -Values: Family, homies, self-appearance, money -Norms: homicides, drug dealing -Language: English/ Our own slang
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
They really are hard workers
Subculture: Hispanic Americans
Material ___
Food-rice and beans
Technology- cell phones
Artifacts- Spanish Galleon
Nonmaterial ____
Belief- Catholic
Values- family Oriented
Folkways- culture music(Latino music)
Mores- escapes plagues
Symbols- Jesus candles, crosses, rosery
Attitude- loud
Behavior- hard worker
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
I agree with everything
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
What do African American idolize?
Sub-Culture: African-American
Artifacts- idols
Technology- utensils
Food - rice
Beliefs- slavery
Knowledge- Black history
Values- money
Norms- respecting elders
Moroe- snitching
Language- English
Symbols- Black fist upwards
Attitude- empowerment
Behavior- how they talk
Artifacts- Books
Technology- compass
Food- ram
Beliefs- a higher being
Values- prayer
Norms- praying multiple times a day
Language- Arabic
Symbol- moon and a star
Attitude- peaceful
Behavior - respecting their kind
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
I agree with everything
Culture: African Americans
Artifacts- Designer clothes/ shoes
Technology- IPhones and Black twitter
Food- Anything seasoned
Activities- Upscaling
Behaviors- Supressing issues
Laws- Loyalty
Beliefs- Always feel as though targeted
Values- Family, Friends, self appearance
Norms/ mores- Talking behind someone’s back
Language- Slang
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
Sub Culture- Cherokee Native Americans
-Artifacts: Trubal jewelry (necklaces, headwear)
-Technology: Sphere fishing
-Food: Corn(crops)
Non- Material
-Beliefs: Polytheism
-Values: Family and Silence
-Folkways: Praying before eating and praying for others
-Language: Iroquoian tribal language
-Symbols: Animals( horses, bisons, elk, bears)
-Attitudes: Welcoming (never took life for granted)
-Behaviors: Nutualism
-Laws: Absolutely NO STEALING
Phenomenon- DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) Culture
-Artifacts: New Balance tennis shoes
-Technology: IPhones,
-Food: Mumbo Sauce
Non- Material
-Beliefs: The best athletes originate from the DMV area
-Values: Loyalty and family
-Folkways: Sneezing and not saying bless you
-Mores: Child molesting and murder
-Language: English and Urban slang
-Symbols: Gang signs
-Attitudes: Respecful
-Behaviors: Civilized and respectful until provoked
-Laws: If apart of a gang, leaving a gang to go to another is unlawful
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thatsv-blog ¡ 6 years
The conflict theory is where society is in conflict amongst each other because they are competition for the same resources that may be limited. This theoretical theory came from the German philosopher and sociologist Karl Marx. He believed that society is constructed of different social classes that are in competition for the same resources. This theory also demonstrates those to benefit from this conflict. There are several organizations and those that are apart of the richer class believe the benefit of society being in competition is achieving a social structure that is not equally beneficial for them to maintain power.
The premise of this theory is that the different classes and groups in society refuse to expand on their resources thus created these resources to become limited in society cause competition and conflict. This theory illustrate how society does not care about equally but instead would rather gain and have access to the resources they want. Those who do not want an equal social structure are those who are in an organization or those who are in a higher position in society abuse their power to maintain their positions. This theory is also embedded in today’s society where the rich and the government benefit from these resources being unequally distributed and would rather keep these resources instead of giving it to those individuals in society who are poor and less fortunate.
The problem in society that the conflict theory directly emphasizes on is those are apart of the wealthier class. Those individuals do what they find necessary to keep them in power and to gain more in the process. Consequently, for those who are less fortunate or apart the lower classes of society have to struggle to maintain stability. This conflict amongst the higher and lower class will continue until each class comes to a consensus to equally distribute resources instead of only benefiting those who can afford them.
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