#young Zevlor
alifelongpassed · 3 months
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Younger Zevlor.
Just Zevlor things
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annanuna-arts · 3 months
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russica · 3 months
My BEST piece of art to date. Thanks to the wonderful Meggdrasil for being my inspo, my guide, and for lending me her CSP brushes! (And that pic is indeed a young Glen McCready!)
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Thirty-five years before she was abducted by mind flayers, Ilona Fairshield encounters Lieutenant Zevlor and falls in love. The fourth vignette is NSFW but the rest are SFW.
Fuck me, this is boring.
This was not the first time on her trip that Ilona Fairshield thought that. It was perhaps the seventh time? I think? She agreed to move to Elturel for the time being, leaving her home in Baldur’s Gate. Aunt Rena and Uncle Andrick need help in the bakery, and I’m a baker and a very modestly skilled decorator. Until Auntie fully recovers from her illness, then there I’ll be. First time away from home. Away from Mum and Dad. Away from all my friends—
“What’s that?” she asked as she heard shouting from outside the wagon. She and her mother arranged to have her travel as a passenger in a caravan, which both ladies were assured was safe.
Apparently not.
More shouting.
Getting closer…
“Everyone out! Hand over your valuables! Do this and no one dies!”
Oh gods. Please. I don’t want to die…
Ilona squeezed her eyes shut, silently saying a prayer to any deity who would listen.
I want to live. I want to see my family again and go home and—
“DIE YOU FIENDS!” A baritone voice boomed, the sound of horses becoming louder by the second. “THE HELLRIDERS ARE HERE!”
The Hellriders?
Swords clanging and bashing.
I-Is that a smite?!
“YOU WILL NEVER HARM A TRAVELER AGAIN, YOU BASTARD!” The same baritone voice shouted, prompting her to open her purple eyes. “I’ll check on the passengers!” Within moments, a young tiefling man with long blond hair and fire in his eyes looked over the shocked passengers. “My name is Lieutenant Zevlor of the Hellriders. You’re safe now. Is anyone hurt?”
Ilona caught his gaze, and she swore her heart skipped a beat. “Fine. I think we’re all alright, aren’t we?” Everyone nodded in response.
Zevlor smiled. “Good. I would ask you to remain calm. I’ll be back in a moment.” He turned and leapt from the wagon, walking ahead to the front of the caravan.
Lieutenant Zevlor.
The most beautiful, amazing, perfect man I’ve ever met.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
Everyone is expecting me to marry a dwarf---an ally of the clan ideally.
But what if…
“May I sit next to you, miss?”
Oh hells, it’s him!
Nodding quickly, Ilona watched as Zevlor sat next to her.
“Ready back here!” He shouted, and in a moment, they were moving again. Zevlor glanced down at Ilona, smiling warmly. “Don’t worry, miss. I’ll protect you all. No bandit is a match for me and my fellow Hellriders.”
She swallowed thickly and smiled in return. Though mine is probably a bit more nervous than his…oh gods. He’s so handsome. “Yes, I…I would think so since you just dispatched a bunch of them.” Ilona held out her hand. “Ilona Fairshield of Baldur’s Gate. Pleased to meet you, Lieutenant.”
He grinned but did not shake her hand. Instead, he took her hand and raised it to his lips. “A pleasure, Miss Fairshield. But please, call me Zevlor.”
Moving her hand back to her lap, she nodded. “Zevlor. That’s such a lovely name. And please, Ilona.” I think if he calls me Miss Fairshield again, I may melt.
“Ilona it is, my dear.” Zevlor said with a wink before turning his head to speak to another passenger.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
The first handsome gentleman I see outside of the Gate, and I fall for him. Completely and utterly like the sappy romantic that Mum says I am.
“Lieutenant! A lady left a note for you!” One of the cadets shouted at Zevlor, whose party had returned from yet another bloody raid.
A lady?
Which lady?
He approached the cadet and was given the note.
Ilona Fairshield.
That sweet little lady with amethyst eyes.
“Thank you.” He said gruffly and as discreetly and quickly as I could walked to his quarters at the barracks. After he removed his armor and got down to his smalls, he opened the note.
Dear Zevlor,
I wanted to write to thank you once again for saving our lives. Having you with us made the journey a happier one.
I am staying with my aunt and uncle at the following address and will be employed at Fairshield Family Bakery. If you ever wish to call on me at either place, then it would be most welcome.
If, however, I misread any signals from you, then please disregard the latter half of this letter and accept my heartfelt apologies and thanks, again, for saving my life.
Ilona Fairshield
Several thoughts ran through Zevlor’s head:
She likes me.
I like her.
She’s very sweet and funny.
She’s got great tits.
I must go see her.
He grimaced.
But not tonight.
Officers’ dinner with the commander.
But I can send a note…
He grabbed the nearest inkpot, quill, and paper and quickly wrote:
Dearest Ilona,
I will call upon you tomorrow, sweetheart.
“He’s here!” Cousin Yara called from downstairs. “Father wants to speak to him first before you go.”
Oh for fuck’s sake!
As quickly as she could descend the stairs without falling on my ass, she approached her uncle as he reached for the front door. “What do you mean to say to him?”
Andrick gave her a cold stare. “That in our clan we don’t marry outside our race. It’s fine if you two want to be friends but calling on you as a suitor is not appropriate.”
She raised an eyebrow. “I’m twenty-five. Legally an adult. My parents promised me a love match, which you are very much aware of, Uncle. Lieutenant Zevlor is a fine gentleman and soldier who saved my life and the lives of my fellow travelers. Treat him with respect. Please.”
Mum always said never to be afraid to speak your mind.
His gray eyes narrowed. “How dare—”
Andrick suddenly stopped speaking when he saw his sadly still ill wife open the door, smiling at Zevlor, wearing a white shirt, waistcoat, trousers, and boots. “Good evening, Lieutenant. Welcome to my home. I’m Rena Fairshield, and I hear you’re taking my niece out tonight.”
Thank you, Auntie.
Zevlor bowed to her. “Thank you, Madam. And yes, that is correct. I wish to show your lovely niece some more of the city.” He glanced at Ilona and winked. “She’ll be safe in my company, I assure you.”
That’s it, Lieutenant. Charm the pants off them. Well, charm them to get me to take my pants off? But I’m not wearing pants I’m wearing a dress…oh fuck it.
“I—” Her uncle began but was silenced again by his wife.
“I hope you both have a pleasant evening. Come, Andrick. Sit with me awhile.” She tugged on his arm, and he reluctantlyfollowed her.
Ilona grinned and quickly stepped outside and closed the door behind her. Zevlor got on one knee and opened his arms, which she without any thinking at all goodness me leapt into him. “Hello.” She giggled, giving him a peck on his oh dear he is blushing so much cheek.
“Hello, my dear.” Zevlor drawled. “I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”
She blushed. “Have you now?”
“I have.” After kissing her cheek once more, he rose and offered his hand. “Ready to see Elturian nightlife, Ilona?”
She took his hand, watching as he effortlessly crossed in front of her and down the two steps to the sidewalk. He’s helping me down the bloody stairs. How is he real?!?!? Ilona giggled nervously. “Goodness, you’re…you’re…so…” Perfect. Amazing. Wonderful. “Gentlemanly.”
That’s the best I could do?
“I mean, you’re—”
Once she stepped onto the sidewalk, he got on one knee again, taking both her hands in his. When she looked into his eyes (those flames…beautiful flames…) she did not see the cockiness and self-assurance when he was speaking to her aunt and uncle. He’s…soft. Vulnerable. “Is it too much? If it is, then please say so. I don’t wish to offend.”
“No, no! I’ve…honestly, you’re the first man to ever flirt with me, so I’m sorry if I’m acting like a silly schoolgirl.” Ilona whispered. Maybe the ground will swallow me whole?
“Please don’t apologize. You’re worth my every attention. My every affection.” He kissed each hand and then got to his feet. “But should you ever feel uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to tell me. I’ll not have my lady be so nervous around me that she looks as if she wishes to flee.” He then laughed, bent to kiss her curly reddish-brown hair and guided her towards his favorite restaurant so I’m told. It’s traditional Elturian tiefling cuisine, which I’ve never had.
This is the start of something marvelous, isn’t it?
Zevlor stopped touching my very beautiful Ilona and froze. “What’s wrong? Am I hurting you?”
Shit. I should’ve blunted my nails. Godsdamnit.
She blinked. “No! No, no. I just…could we…ummm…blow out the candles before we go any further?” Her expression (joyful a moment ago) was now forlorn.
With a clawed finger, he tilted her chin upwards. “Why would we do that? I want to see you, pulchra.”
She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths before speaking again. “I-I know, Zev. But I’m just a fat little dwarf, and you’re—”
A deep, guttural growl emerged from the tiefling, the fire in his eyes burning more intensely. “You are my fat little dwarf.”
Don’t scare her away! What are you doing, you love-addled fool?
“I am?” She chuckled breathlessly, her perfect body relaxing once more. His other hand settled on her soft waist, kneading her through her nightgown.
Stay calm, Zevlor. Be calm.
“If you wish to be, Ilona, then…”
It was one of the few moments of Zevlor’s life when his words deserted him.
Her purple eyes twinkled as she giggled. “If I’m your fat little dwarf, love, then what am I going to call you in return?” She gently moved his hand away and then, to his shock, pulled her nightgown over her head. Ilona crossed her arms over her generous bosom and blushed.
“Call me,” he murmured, a smile tugging on his lips. “Your most devoted supplicant. Your knight in shining armor.” Zevlor uncrossed her arms and cupped her perfect, large, so fucking soft breasts. “Your man…” His tail wrapped around her waist. “Who loves you and wants to make you feel good…”
With one last squeeze of her breasts, he kissed her suddenly, swallowing her sweet little moans. His tail released her, and he stood quickly, shucking off his trousers and no smalls. I never wear smalls.
Her mouth hung open as she stared at his manhood. “Well fuck, Zev---how’s that thing going to get in me?!”
He raised a teasing eyebrow. “Very carefully.”
“Naughty!” Ilona giggled, watching Zevlor crawl over her. He was lean but muscled, defined but not overly so. She’s perfect. His face was barely an inch above hers when she reached for him, sighing, “Won’t you kiss me, love?”
He planted a sweet kiss on her lips before trailing several more down her jaw and neck. “Always, pulchra…my lady…my love…my queen…”
Waking gods, hear me---let me spend every day and night with her until I draw my last breath.
Ilona stared at her reflection in the mirror as she applied her lipstick.
Everything must be perfect.
Zevlor’s taking me to the annual Hellrider Ball.
He’s going to look so handsome and dashing in his dress uniform, while I hopefully don’t make a fool of myself.
Her aunt very, very, very generously paid for a dark blue gown, matching flats, and earrings for her to wear.
I hope he likes it…because I love it. I feel pretty for the first time in my life.
But more than that, I love that I’m going to be with him.
Zevlor’s reaction to her was everything she hoped for and more. So much more. They had agreed to meet at the venue, and when he saw her, he got on one knee and bowed his head.
“A goddess walks among us tonight,” he whispered, kissing the back of her hand. “And I daresay I am the lucky man who will be at her side.” He reached into a pocket and held a small box in his hand. “For you, darling. A sign of my eternal devotion.” Opening the box, she gasped at the decorated locket. Fuck me, how much did this cost?!
She then opened it. A lock of his hair and a portrait. Oh gods. We truly are courting, aren’t we? Ilona blinked back tears. “It’s so beautiful, Zev. I love it. I shall treasure it forever. Will you…?” Hastily handing him the locket, she turned and allowed him to drape the locket at the top of her bosom and close the clasp. “I love it.” She spun to face him, her lips crashing into his. “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
“And I love you, pulchra. Now that I’ve greeted you properly,” he just winked and pinched my ass!!!! “Let’s go inside.” Zevlor rose and took her hand, holding it gently in his. “You’re going to be the belle of the ball, my dear. Everyone is going to ask to dance with you.” He whispered in an excited but also there’s some hint of…jealousy in there?! ZEV?!?!
She laughed and squeezed his hand. “Well, it’s a good thing the only person I want to dance with is you, love.”
That seemed to soothe him as he nodded. “I only wish to dance with you too, darling. However, as an officer it will be expected of me to have dances with certain people.”
Okay? Sure? “That’s fine. I imagine being an officer means you have to woo people and be social and such.” I guess?
Once again, he nodded, giving the butler his name and hers so they could be introduced. He then glanced down at her and rolled his eyes. “You have no idea. When we are called, we’ll enter, stop, you nod, I salute, and then follow me. Alright?”
Holy shit, no wonder he’s an officer. She giggled and gave him a little salute. “Yes, saer!”
“Lieutenant Zevlor and Miss Ilona Fairshield!”
After he saluted and she nodded politely like how a lady should I suppose, he guided them towards a very sour-looking older tiefling in uniform.
“Commander, may I introduce Miss Fairshield? Darling, this is my commander---Rask.” Zevlor was charming as ever.
However, Rask was less so. “Zevlor, I thought you were courting a young tiefling lady. After all, there are none better than our queens.”
Uh oh. Not good. Not good at all.
The younger man puffed his chest and scowled. “There is none better than Miss Fairshield. With all due respect, commander---I would’ve hoped that a man of your years and reputation knew how to treat a lady. Please excuse us.”
As they walked to the other side of the ballroom, he kept a firm grip on her hand. “I’m sorry, darling. I had no idea Commander Rask would react in such a way. I’m…I’m so ashamed and embarrassed. How dare he treat you in such a way!”
“Zevlor, please don’t be upset. Don’t let him ruin our evening when it’s barely begun.” She glanced at the dessert table and gestured to it. “All that looks awfully tasty. Can you get us a plate and meet me outside on the balcony, love?”
The fire in his eyes, both physical and metaphorical, dimmed as he exhaled a long-held breath. “Of course, sweetheart. I’ll be there presently.”
He stayed by my side the rest of the evening.
We had a few dances. He swept me off my feet.
And then after the ball, he swept me into his bed!
To Zevlor, the seven months he spent with Ilona were pure bliss.
Then a series of events changed everything.
First, an encounter with raiders went badly, killing two of Zevlor’s soldiers.
Then, Ilona’s aunt passed away, succumbing to her illness.
Which then resulted in her uncle telling her, “Your help is no longer needed. Return to Baldur’s Gate.”
At the same time, Zevlor’s transfer request was refused.
When Ilona left for Baldur’s Gate, the couple promised to write.
What neither of them knew was that her uncle, acting on behalf of the clan elders, and Commander Rask conspired to thwart the couple. Any letters from Ilona to the barracks where Zevlor was stationed would be destroyed as would his letters to her.
I don’t want to let her go…
But if she truly does not wish to…then I must…
I’ll find someone else…eventually…perhaps…
She probably met someone else…
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silvandar · 4 months
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Spent the last 6 hours drawing Young Zevlor Hellriders sparring partner au 😅
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obsidian-jaw · 11 days
have a young Zevlor fic. as a treat.
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rolanpilled · 10 months
BG3 Patch 5 Spoilers
New content from the ending scene of BG3. This is all from the perspective of a redeemed Dark Urge who romanced Shadowheart and Halsin, and recruited every "good" ally possible.
people at the party: all your companions, scratch, owlbear, volo, and a bard in the middle playing a song (his name is milil)
lae'zel is the only one who isn't here physically, she sent an astral projection instead because she's been busy fighting vlaakith
astarion explains why he ran away (ashamed) when the sunlight hit him, he's become a "hero" who adventures and has accepted himself
(romanced halsin) you can hug halsin, he's missed his friends and you. you can do both the hug and the kiss, it's really sweet. he's turned the shadowlands into a community, repursing reithwin and moonrise towers into homes for people
jaheira's daughter rejoined the flaming fist, she's been working on rebuilding the harper network. the upper city was entirely destroyed by the battle but has been mostly rebuilt. she jokes that you might be a parent soon
wyll gives you a choice between three stories, a stegosaur/dinosaur battle, an impossible lich, or a young dragon. he lost his warlock powers but has been managing the best he can, and has become a RANGER ("a true hunter of monsters"). duke ravengard is commanding the flaming fist and help rebuilding the city, and he's very proud of his son
minsc and boo guard the streets while jaheira is "occupied with harperish manners". they "went to give a tickle" to the zhentarim, then got locked up in a zhentish cell, awaiting execution? idk if i'm reading incorrectly but he seems to be implying that he actually GOT executed but withers brought him back just in time lmfao
gale has become "professor gale dekarios of blackstaff academy, educator of the esteemed school of illusion". tara is with him. he surrended the crown of karsus to mystra, who cured him of the orb in exchange (his tattoo is gone), though his students still think he's explosive (he implies that he uses it as a threat to keep his class under control). he tells his students about your adventures together. he also implies you're welcome to visit his tower
shadowheart (main romance) - the game told me that we settled down together to live a happy, peaceful life on a farm in the countryside. shar still hurts her (if parents are saved), especially when she can sense that SH is enjoying herself, but it's been getting less frequent because she's been "losing interest". there's a new hug and kiss scene for her too, so i'm assuming this is for ALL companions and not just halsin/SH/whoever
withers will speak to you about karlach, explaining that she won't be able to come back. he jokes about her, which is rare for him, and you're given to opportunity to grieve her loss. in "a dozen tendays" (assumedly how long bg3 is), "an entire life was lived, she lived several centuries" (not exact quote).
milil, the bard playing in the center, does NOT want to be there. he's pissed that no one recognizes him (he's pissed specifically that i'm a bard and don't recognize him), i had to pass a deception check to recognize him and he cheered up and offered to change the song he's playing
there's a chest called "Chest of Grateful Words" filled with letters from your allies!
"Official Guild Letter"
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"Letter from Barcus"
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"Letter from Art"
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"Letter from Valeria"
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"Letter from Ravengard"
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"Letter from Sebastian"
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"Letter from Florrick"
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"Letter from the Gur" (unascended Astarion)
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"Letter from Alfira" (durge, killed quil grootslang)
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"Letter from Dammon"
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"Letter from Elminster"
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"Letter from Nocturne"
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"Letter from Voss"
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"Letter from Hope"
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"Letter from Mayrina"
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"Letter from Nine-Fingers"
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"Letter from Zevlor"
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"Harp-stamped Letter"
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Baldur's Mouth Gazette
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If you find anything interesting I missed, please let me know.
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poetryvampire · 1 month
Well, I feel like utter trash tonight so
Rating BG3 men on how well they'd take care of you on your period
This is dumb and not well thought out and probably a bit bias let's gooo
Gale 🔮 Sweetheart cannot read the room bless him. Is so ready to help easy the pain, he's cracking open dusty books, going through all his herbs, spends all day trying to craft the best potion for your needs. Very sweet but honestly Tara sitting on your lap is doing a fine job. Once you get him to cuddle you're golden 6/10
Wyll ⚔️ Cmon. Are you kidding me? He's got you babe. Need something picked up? Done. Craving something? Made. Just want to lay around in bed all day? Hell yeah he's right there with you, you couldn't get out of his arms if you wanted to.Also a fan of romance novels? Wyll would 100% read to you. Like voices and everything, really amps up the mellow drama. He's happy to keep you laughing or get sultry with it. Makes a great opening act to spicy times. 10/10
Halsin 🐻 Woof. Very happy to help chase away those cramps by some good old fashioned pounding you into the earth. You're not gonna be able to feel anything after he gets his paws on you. Not put off by blood that's nature ba-by. Also pls consider bear sized teddy cuddles. 7/10
Astarion 🍷 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 9/10
Rolan ✨️ As usual baby boy is too awkward to live. Not like super knowledgeable about them but wants to help you the best he can. Won't ask you directly though. Is a very quick study and takes note of what you need and like. If you need space or want to be glued to him hes already in place.If you're the kind of person that's laid up with cramps for a day or two he just happens to have those days off to be with you. You'll go for a hot water bottle and the kettle is already on. Honestly after awhile he knows your cycle better than you do. 8/10
Zevlor 🔥 If there's one thing this man knows it's being sore. It just comes with being a swordsman and an older gentleman. He is a god of working out sore muscles. Feeling achy? He goes all the way. Expect a long bath with a full body massage. He's gonna work out every inch of you and praise you like his personal god. Very patient really gonna go for the slow burn from sensual to sexual. Doesn't even expect anything back just wants to make you feel good. Will turn a downer day into a wildly romantic night. 11/10
Haarlep 😈 Couldnt give less of a shit. It's not that he's put off by it, he's had lots of experience with them but it doesn't do anything for him either. As for your suffering? He's a little empathetic, poor mortal with your poor weak body. That being said he does like you and to cuddle once in awhile so if you need some comfort he'll be there. 3/10
Raphael 👿 Jfc listen, he's waaaaay into it but will Not admit. In fact goes out of his way to let you know how off putting it is. He'll tell you how its nice to know you could still bare his young, like if he let's you. Loves the thought of breeding you and just the simple humanity of it that gets him. He cannot keep his hands off you but again will not admit why and will get mad about it. Like, how dare you look so good now of all times it's so rude. Guess I have to fuck you even though your pathetic little body keeps getting blood on my sheets smh -3/10
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avocado-writing · 8 months
Could I request headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his short gn s/o asking him to sit down so they can kiss him?
writing as if reader is a short race like a gnome or a halfling bc I don’t see them get a lot of love 😌
We’ve heard the comments he’s made in game. This man can be an arsehole. (This has caused you to kick him in the kneecaps before).
“if you’re that desperate for a taste, darling, I’m sure you’ll find a way up here 💕”
But if you turn to walk away he reaches out to grab your shoulder and gets to a knee so you can kiss him properly
You tell him he’s a twat. He agrees and kisses you again ❤️
He has started having a chair by his tent for this very reason.
Whenever he sees you approaching he grins and sits down because he’s hoping for a kiss 💕
You put your hands on each of his knees and go up on your tiptoes to press your mouth to his, and you can feel him smile into the kiss
”isn’t that old adage true? Good things come in small packages, my darling.”
you have to agree. You are pretty great.
Fan of holding your hand and twirling you with ease before you come in for a kiss.
Loves that you’re a bit shorter so he can feel likes he’s big enough to protect you 🥹
”come down here and let me kiss you, my blade” “oh, light of my life, you don’t even need to ask.”
do grab onto the horns to hoist yourself up a bit if needs be. he doesn’t mind 💕
Is the only companion who can lift you up and kiss you. (Though with that Str 10 it’s a stretch)
usually he does this against a tree, but only if he’s getting carried away.
is more than happy to acquiesce when you ask him to come down to your level, sitting on a tree stump and opening his legs so that you can fit easily against him ❤️
his big hands cupping your face… is there any better bliss 😌
He’s always over the forge! You stand there and pout that he’s not easy to kiss because he has to finish up what he’s doing first. It takes ages and you want kisses now >:(
So he makes you a stool to stand on ! It’s easier than you having to wait for him to sit.
you wander into his forge and climb up, he walks over and gives you a big smooch 💕
“Heh… too tall for you am I…”
you go to walk away and there’s a quick “no come back!!”
so eager to reach down to kiss you when he’s stopped teasing, such an enthusiastic kisser lol
might use Floating Disc to raise you up to his height, or maybe a little bit taller so that he can tilt his head up to you ❤️
He takes a knee to kiss you like he’s swearing an oath.
If he’s sitting to kiss you, puts his hands on your hips to guide your body to him
i also have this vision of, if you’re a str-based class, you grab onto his horns and lift yourself in a pull-up to kiss him. This makes him blush like a young man finding his first love. ❤️
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cinnasalmon · 4 months
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Might actually shade it later but this was really to help me out of an art block ayeee thanks young-ish zevlor !
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gnomishcunning · 6 months
a quick list of things i think zevlor deserves
a soft hand to caress those high cheekbones, follow the long line of his ears, maybe scratch at the base of his horn.
a sweet voice to tell him he’s a handsome man, he has beautiful eyes and noble horns; but also that he’s a good man, too - he’s doing everything he can for his people, he’s honorable and strong and amazingly kind and thoughtful with everything he’s gone through
(and it doesn’t matter if he retakes his oath or not, he’s a good person either way)
a good cup of tea, something warm and spicy and soothing, maybe with a dab of honey. something that calms the soul late in the night, that’d help ease him to sleep
a hearty meal, something meaty he can sink his teeth into that’d warm the belly through the night, something he doesn’t feel guilty about eating when his people are scavenging to survive
a good book to occupy the early evening hours as the grove winds down, or some uninterrupted time to work on the autobiography he has sitting near his bedroll. he won’t let his people’s story go untold.
someone either sharing his space. this man sleeps all alone in a secluded rocky chamber, far from all the other tieflings - he deserves a warm presence at his side at night, so he can fall asleep knowing someone has his back.
or even better, someone who can share his bedroll. someone who can curl up around him, someone he can hold through the night, so the night terrors stay a little further away, and so he can wake up to whispered comforts and maybe soft kisses
honestly? a good old-fashioned make out session. overly-eager kisses, horns bumping foreheads, that awkward but adoring laughter that occurs as two people learn to maneuver with and around each other. something sweet and clumsy that helps him feel young again.
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aurora-darling · 3 months
can't stop thinking about how Zevlor would worship, and I mean WORSHIP, you if you were a do-gooder.
give food to the refugees? man would be on his knees begging you to let him please you.
take care of the sick? he's whimpering over how kind you are while licking your thighs.
defend a tiefling or call them beautiful? he's pleading to nuzzle his cock into you, saying how kind you are. a kindness he hasn't seen in years, decades maybe.
act like a complete sweetheart and bring him water on a hot day or warm bread on a cold night? he's fighting stronger and faster. you made this man feel young again. he dominates you that night, screwing you into the floor. whether it's a bed, or table doesn't matter he needs to fuck you.
stand up for yourself, especially someone or something way taller than you? man is hiding his hard cock in his armor. he watches you ride him that night, calling you his pretty little hellion.
act completely feral on the battlefield to protect the innocent? he is devouring your thighs with kisses and eating you for hours until you allow him some pleasure. he wants his face to smell like your sex, and obey your every command.
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dark-and-kawaii · 10 months
༺ 𝒯𝒾𝑒𝒻𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 & 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓇 𝒟𝓇𝓊𝒾𝒹 𝒞𝒽𝒾𝓁𝒹𝓇𝑒𝓃 ༻
A cute idea I came up with right after writing the first part. I love the thought of these men having cute little Druid babies that turn themselves into kittens. Enjoy ♡
PRT 1 (Click Here) - Zevlor - Rolan - Dammon -
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- 𝒵𝑒𝓋𝓁𝑜𝓇 -
In the quiet darkness of your bedroom, Zevlor and you lay curled up together, finding solace in each other's warmth. Zevlor, with a gentle smile on his face as he slept, had his tail gently resting against your hip as he held you close. Your shared bed a place where the two of you could find peace after a long day.
As the night wore on, a muffled cry broke the silence, piercing through your sons room. Your son, a young tiefling druid, had been plagued by a troubling nightmare that caused him to shift into a small kitten in his sleep. Unable to shake off the remnants of his nightmare, and now stuck in his wildshape form he wandered towards his parents' room. His tiny paws padded silently through the moonlit corridors, seeking the loving presence of his parents. He soon reached your bedroom door, filled with a sense of urgency. In his feline form, he struggled to leap onto the high bed, his little paws desperately pawing at the loose sheets hanging down instead, an attempt to stir his parents' slumber.
Faint squeaks of distress escaped his tiny, furry throat, tugging on Zevlor's slumbering consciousness. Stirring awake, he blinked away the remnants of sleep, realizing the source of the commotion. As Zevlor turns his gaze towards his son he notices his struggles and the worry etched on his feline face. Understanding the turmoil his son was in, and with his own concern he swiftly acted, “There there, I have you little one.”
With a graceful twist of his tail, Zevlor coiled it around the frightened kitten known as his precious son, wrapping him in its comforting embrace. Lifting him with delicate care, Zevlor brought his son into the warm cocoon of his shared bed, drawing him towards his chest and into the sanctuary of his embrace.
You, roused by the commotion, opened your eyes to observe the scene with tender eyes. Understanding the depth of your son’s distress, you shifted yourself closer to both your son and Zevlor, your arms wrapping around his to help create a castle of love around your son. His feline form slowly dissipating as he felt the love and reassurance from both you and his father.
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- 𝑅𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓃 -
The past week you’ve been bugging Rolan to have another child, claiming he makes the best father… which he does, but in actuality you wanted a child to carry out your Druid bloodline. Rolan on the other hand was content with the two he already had, in all truth he’s not even sure how he ended up with two, he barely wanted one and now you’re asking for another. So, Rolan did what he knew best and tried to keep you distracted by showing off some magic up in his tower as he worked.
The air around them crackled with auras of magic, Rolan’s audience was none other than his dearest family. You, with a smile warm as a summer's eve, his daughter, on your lap, beaming with sparkling joy, and his son, sprawled on a desk while Lia and Cal watch next to you.
"Daddy is so cool!" Your daughter tittered, clapping her hands wildly in appreciation and childish glee. “Usually he has performance issues,” Cal snorted back to his niece, “but I guess he’s past those days since he had yo-“ Lia elbowed Cal in the ribs while shooting him a look of disagreement, “Let Rolan have his moment! Besides, she has no idea what you’re talking about anyway!”
Rolan only sighs, “Don’t listen to them sweetheart.”
You looked on fondly at the scene; your daughter's overjoyed excitement and Rolan's faint smirk of pride making her smile. But of course, you couldn't let him off so easily, poking at him was just always too easy.
"Oh Rolan, it's always the same trick. I was hoping for something new today," You wink at your tiefling husband, pulling your daughter extra close. His son piped up in agreement, "Yeah dad, do something else."
Rolan turned around, responding to his son with a wry smile. "Patience! I’m working up to it-" As he spun, his careless movements knocked over a potion bottle conveniently close to where his son sat. And in that moment, the area was shrouded in a haze of green smoke.
When the smoke dissipated, sitting there was an infernal kitten where their son had been. “ROLAN!” You let out a gasp, quickly covering your mouth with your hand. The little tiefling girl, by contrast, erupted in laughter, shouting, "kitty!" The son turned kitten meowed in response, looking quizzically at his surprised family.
“Gooood job, Rolan. That’s definitely a new one for the books.” Cal clapped slowly at his brother. Lia just held her head, shaking it tired of Cal’s remarks.
Rolan pointed at their now feline son. “Brilliant! See, no need to try for another child, you have your Druid bloodline right here!" He was swiftly met with a death glare from you, his wife, yet the quip in his smirk did not falter. "I’m only teasing, love…partially."
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- 𝒟𝒶𝓂𝓂𝑜𝓃 -
Dammon and you found yourselves enveloped in a rare moment of silence. Your three children, seemingly lost in slumber. With a sense of anticipation and romance, Dammon took it upon himself to prepare an exquisite dinner for the two of you. The enticing aroma of your favorite dishes wafted through the air, setting the mood for an lovely evening. Soft candlelight bathed the table, casting dancing shadows that added a nice touch to your surroundings.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been able to do something like this, let’s not waste the rest of the night, shall we?” Dammon rose from his seat, a warm smile illuminating his face. He extended a hand towards you, his eyes shimmering with affection. "May I have the this dance, my love?" he asked, his voice filled with tenderness and a slight blush across his cheeks.
Stepping outside and into your small garden, the moonlight bathed you both in a gentle glow. Your bodies moved in perfect harmony, your feet gliding across the ground as if guided by unseen forces. Dammon's tail swayed gracefully in time with the rhythm.
Your children on the other hand were indeed not sleeping and instead joined the two of you outside, hidden by the magic of their druidic lineage, had transformed into three adorable kittens. Their tiny paws treaded silently across the grass as they approached their dancing parents, their eyes wide with wonder.
As Dammon and you twirled and spun, your laughter and joyous whispers filled the air. The kittens, their tiny tails swaying in unison, watched their parents in awe.
Just as their father wrapped his tail around your leg before pressing his forehead against yours, your eldest son of the three, couldn't help but wiggle his tail, imitating his father's playful gesture and wrapping his tail around his brothers’. Your youngest daughter, the mischievous one, attempted to spin in circles, her tiny body mirroring the dizziness she felt from watching the dance. The middle son, the most observant of the trio, took in every delicate movement while his brother messed with his tail.
With an accidental stumble, your youngest daughter or rather kitten, tumbled out of her hiding place, landing with a soft thud into the opening. The sudden noise caught Dammon and yours attention, your dance interrupted by the unexpected sound.
Dammon's lips curled into a playful smile, his arms crossed over his chest as he raised a single eyebrow.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" he said, his voice filled with a mix of amusement and affection.
You, unable to hide your own smile, stepped towards the kittens, your eyes filled with love as you extended a gentle hand, beckoning them closer to join the two if you.
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viennacherries · 6 months
I encroach upon ye with a request
Zevlor breeding kink with like, his long term partner who can’t get pregnant for one reason or another (whether you write them as amab or an afab person who is sterile/lacking a functional uterus is up to you)
Zevlor deserves to be really a little bit feral about his partner yk?? Let the man loose himself, it’d be good for the self-loathing imo (/hj)
hi bestie!! my first time trying to write zevlor so i hope u like it! mwah
Zevlor/Tav | NSFW | 2,898 words
“Tav…” He can hear the grumble in his own voice, watches as it washes over her and she shivers. “Come here.” She shakes her head slowly, a teasing smirk flitting across her face. When she speaks, it's a breath. “Come and get me.” ~~~ Tav and Zevlor want a baby, but things are rarely that simple.
Read it on AO3!
How long has it been now? Several months, at least. And yet he can't give her the one thing she yearns for more than anything. The gift of motherhood. 
Zevlor is certain it’s something wrong with him, because of course it must be. Perhaps it’s a punishment from the Gods for his failures against his kin. Perhaps they’ve deemed him unworthy and made him barren as penance for his sins. Him, an oath-broken paladin who couldn't resist the call of a false deity and sacrificed his people in his hubris, and her, the Hero of Baldur’s Gate who had been ready to sacrifice everything for a whole city of people she owed nothing to. He is broken and flawed in every way she is perfect and faultless. 
And, Hells , does it hurt. Because there's nothing he wants more than to make her happy. There’s nothing he wants more than to start a family with her, to see her hold their child in her arms and to place a kiss to both of their foreheads. There’s nothing more that he wants than to be a father and navigate the turmoils of parenthood with her by his side. 
And yet he keeps failing her. 
The worst part is, he’s fucking enjoying it. Laying with her every night, pumping his seed into her while she begs him to fill her. His infernal hindbrain lavishes in hearing her plead for his spend, in holding her down and filling her repeatedly, in watching his cum spill out of her and fingering it back inside her cunt to make sure not a drop is wasted. Some nights she’ll beg him to fuck her again and again, over and over until they’re both sore and exhausted, and he fucking loves it. 
But other nights, he’ll wake while the sky is still dark to a cold bed, and hear her sobbing in the other room. He’ll reach out his hand and be met with a small damp circle in the centre of the sheets, and he’ll know her cycle has come again. He’ll rise and find her, holding her while she sobs, and wonder how much longer he can stand to see her like this. 
And then they do it all again. 
He’s training in the low sun of the afternoon when she finds him, he feels her eyes on him and catches her leaning against a post from the corner of his vision. She looks radiant as always, wearing her favourite blouse and a skirt he doesn't recognise. 
He usually trains while she runs errands. It’s nothing as intensive as when he was a Hellrider; his joints complain far more these days. A young man he is not, but he still tries to keep himself in shape. Tav can more than hold her own, but he prides himself in feeling able to protect her, needs to know he’s strong enough to keep their family safe. So, when she travels into town for groceries, or visits the children at school to teach them about the Battle for Baldur’s Gate, he takes himself to the drill field on the outskirts and sharpens his sword. 
They’ve made their home in the burgeoning community Halsin has built in the Reclaimed Lands, and she’s absolutely thriving. Retirement from the adventuring life suits her. That's not to say she’s idle, but seeing her able to relax and travel for pleasure rather than a need to outmarch death fills him with joy. 
It’s been a few days since he’s seen her, her trip to the Grove taking longer than usual on this occasion. He’s a soldier, though, so of course he finishes his set before he turns to her (plus it sends a thrill through him, knowing she’s watching him, though he won't ever mention that to her). He wipes his brow along the back of his arm, spears his sword into the earth, and opens his arms wide to her. She giggles as she throws herself into his embrace and he swings her around in circles. That’s the other benefit to keeping up his training, being able to lift and carry her and hear the elated squeals she lets out. It makes him feel a far more youthful man than he is. 
Before he can ask how her trip went, she's kissing him deeply and smiling against his lips. Yet another way being with her makes him feel young; the way her every touch sends heat through his body as though he’s a virginal adolescent. Hells, he loves her so much. 
When she pulls away she’s grinning, and he can't help but return it. “Good journey, I take it?”
She laughs, and the sound is so weightless and musical it makes his head spin. 
“ Great trip! I have something for you - for us!”
He raises an eyebrow in question. She often brings him back little trinkets and treats from the Grove but it’s rare she’s this excited to give him them. 
Scratch bounds up to her before he can ask any questions and practically clings to her, and her beautiful laugh is back again. Whatever queries he may have had are forgotten as she kneels, cackling as Scratch smothers her face in sloppy kisses.
Usually she’ll bring back a brace of rabbits or pheasants that she’s hunted on the trek back, but she tells him excitedly as she brings out the meat for dinner that she managed to snag a deer. She stopped at a small trading post, where they butchered it for her and she traded them everything that wouldn't keep. She holds the venison steaks up proudly and he applauds her as she takes a deep bow, laughing her way through it. She also foraged some fresh herbs and wild garlic, and the traders gave her some asparagus and carrots in return for the doe. 
As usual, he offers to cook, and as usual he’s swatted out of the kitchen, so instead he vows to do the dishes and takes the time to set the table. He feels so lucky to be privy to the mundanity of domestic life with her, so he takes pride in setting their cutlery and placing the table mats down. He lights a few candles, too, because he’s nothing if not a romantic. Tav deserves candlelit dinners. 
He’s still not used to the way she looks after him. A lifetime of bachelorhood and swordsmanship doesn’t prepare a man for gentle touches and lovingly cooked meals. Zevlor considers himself a reasonably talented chef, and he’s not some invalid that never learnt how to do his own laundry, and yet Tav always insists on doing these things for him. He’s quite sure he’s never known a love like it. He’s so used to being relied on, and it took a long time to wrap his head around the idea of letting Tav carry some of his burdens. They lean on each other, they give each other balance and stability. 
Still, it’s always a competition to see who notices the washing on the line is dry first, and they’re often racing one another to take it down. 
Dinner is delicious, as always. The vegetables are roasted in honey and garlic, and she’s cooked the venison in butter which has it tender and flavourful. She even pours them both a glass of wine, and it pairs beautifully. 
When they’ve both eaten, the dishes washed and the candles extinguished, she’s practically vibrating with excitement. 
“My dear,” he says at last, as he watches her shuffling from one foot to the other, “are you going to tell me what has you so agitated?”
She grins and grabs his hand, standing in front of him, and the words burst from her almost immediately.
“It’s me, Zev. I’m the problem.”
He feels his face twist in confusion and sorrow. It’s not hard to deduce what she’s talking about, but he’s not quite sure why that fills her with such glee. 
“Tav… I’m sorry, I-”
She interrupts him with a finger over his lips. “No, no you don't understand. I spoke to Nettie. She says I can have children, I just don't ovulate at regular intervals. She said the reason we've not been able to conceive is because I have a hormone imbalance, not because either of us are sterile.” 
He lets her announcement wash over him. The thought that all of their issues have been poor timing and unfortunate happenstance is… Almost unbelievable. He’d resigned himself so fully to the idea that he was the issue, finding out that isn't the case makes his heart stop in his chest. 
“How do you-”
She interrupts again, “Nettie gave me a brew when I arrived, to balance my hormones. It’s why I stayed in the Grove a few extra days, so she could test them for me. She says everything is as it should be now. She says…” A blush rises over her cheeks, though the ecstatic smile over her features doesn't falter. “She says if we try now she suspects we’ll have no problems.”
He feels his own blush rising to his face, mostly due to the fact that Nettie now knows far more about his sex-life than he’d hoped to share with anyone ever . He opens his mouth to speak but she’s talking again before he can. 
“And, just to be safe, she brewed me a concoction with Mandrake. She said it tastes foul, but that it boosts fertility.” A smirk rises on her face, and she rises on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. Her breath is warm on his ear and he shivers. “I mixed it into my wine.”
The groan he lets out is involuntary, and it resonates low in his chest like a purr. The sudden switch from confused and sad to elated and turned on has his head spinning, and as she walks him backwards towards their bed he feels his cock rush to attention. 
A single hand in the centre of his chest pushes him back and down, and he sits staring at her from the mattress. She takes two steps backwards and slowly begins unbuttoning her blouse. 
“Zev…” His name on her tongue is like honey. He’s certain she does it on purpose and it drives him wild. “I want you to breed me, darling. Want you to fill me with your babies.”
He clenches his jaw and digs his nails into his thighs. He knows exactly what game she’s playing. She loves to unravel his sensibilities until he’s squirming - until he can't help but rut into her like a wild creature. She knows just how to toy with him to bring his infernal heritage to heel til she gets exactly what she wants. 
She chuckles at his reaction, because obviously she does. “You want that, love? Want to mount me and fill me up?”
The noise he makes at that is closer to a growl than anything else, and he nods tensely. She giggles and lets her blouse drop from her shoulders, and hells, of course she isn't wearing a brassiere. The realisation that she’s been planning this, waiting for this, drives him insane. Suddenly the new skirt makes far more sense. It takes all of his restraint to stay seated where he is.  
Tav brushes a thumb over each of her nipples and lets out an exaggerated keen, which has his cock twitching and straining against his trousers. 
“Tav…” He can hear the grumble in his own voice, watches as it washes over her and she shivers. “Come here.”
She shakes her head slowly, a teasing smirk flitting across her face. When she speaks, it's a breath. 
“ Come and get me .”
Every shred of control he has snaps and he’s on her in an instant, pulling her against his body in one long stride. He hikes her legs up around his waist and holds her there, drawing her as close to himself as he possibly can and bringing their lips together in a bruising kiss. She tightens her legs around him and moans into his mouth and, fuck, he wants her so badly. He spins and drops her down onto the bed, and she gasps as she lands on it. 
She looks a picture like this; skirt sitting high on her thighs with her tits hanging heavy on her chest. An image of her sitting like this, round and full with his child, fills his mind. He imagines her breasts full, imagines her body swelling with pregnancy, and Gods if it doesn't make his cock ache. 
“You…” His voice comes out strained, gravelled and thick. “Are such a tease . I try to be polite and you push…” He moves to stand closer, her head level with his stomach. “... and push…” He puts one hand on her shoulder, easing her backwards and hovering above her. Her legs fall open and he stands between them. “... and push …” He rolls his hips against her core and she throws her head backwards with a moan. “... until I can't help but fold you over, hm? Is that what you want, my love? You want me to use your body til you’re good and bred?”
Hells, she’s making so many needy noises and he’s barely touched her yet. She nods hurriedly, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning up to suck a bruise onto his neck, and fuck he loves when she marks him. He moans and tips his head to give her better access, and he feels Tav smile against his skin as she nibbles at him. 
He slips a hand under her skirt and moans at the realisation that she’s not wearing underclothes either. 
“Hells, Tav, you’re so needy for it. You sat there like this the whole time we ate, desperate for me, hm?”
“ Yes , Zev, Gods . Need you.” Her voice is breathy.
He wants to be teasing, wants to wind her up the way she does to him, but he’s not strong enough. Hearing her beg for him has his face full of heat and has his head swimming. “Can I taste you, love?”
She starts to give her assent, but he’s dropping to his knees before she even finishes getting the words out, lifting her skirt and burying his face in her core. The scent of her drives him wild, and the taste of her musk on his tongue as he drags it through her slick has him moaning into her. Her hands lace into his hair as he sucks her clit between his lips, teasing and tasting her until she’s writhing and keening and cumming into his mouth. 
She drags him back up, kisses him deeply, and the feeling of her tongue massaging against his is so erotic that he can't help grinding against her again. He can feel the wet heat of her cunt leaving a damp patch on the front of his trousers and he knows he can't wait any longer to have her. 
He manages to pry himself away and strips unceremoniously, letting himself languish for a moment in the heated way she stares at his body. The scars and infernal ridges littering his body have always, to him, been unattractive, but she looks at him every time like she can't bear to look away. No one has ever looked at him the way Tav does, and it lights his whole being on fire. 
There's no more conversation needed. He lays himself over her, folds her legs up towards her chest and sinks deep into her heat, and she throws her head back and whines as he fills her. With her legs pushed up like this he can fill her entirely, and the way she clenches around him has him gritting his teeth and grinding deeper into her body. 
“I’ll keep you here all night, if that's what you want, love. Fill you til you’re certain you’ll burst. Can't wait to see you full with my child.”
She tries to reply, but he chooses that moment to fill her with a deep thrust from tip to root, and her eyes roll back into her head as she frees a leg from his grip, digging a heel into his rear and pulling him deeper. With every thrust of his hips she keens, louder and louder until her cries reach a crescendo, and then she’s sobbing her way through her second orgasm and clenching her walls around his cock. 
The wet, tight squeeze of her cunt means it doesn't take long for him to reach his own end, spilling himself inside her just like she asked, kissing her lovingly through it. Every twitch of his cock makes her sigh and clench him harder, milking him of every drop of his cum until he’s laying boneless over her. 
Their heavy breaths mingle together as they share deep, meaningful kisses. When he tries to remove himself from her, she wraps her legs around him and shakes her head. 
“You said you’d keep me here all night. I hope you intend to keep that promise. I want… I want you to stay inside. I want to feel you get hard, and then I want you to fuck me full again.”
And hells, her words have his spent cock twitching valiantly, aching to take her again despite it being too soon, so he tells her yes as he leans in to kiss her again. 
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madwomansapologist · 6 months
Could I request a one shot where Karlach, Rolan, and Zevlor finding out that human Tav is surprisingly similar to them despite being quite different?
For Karlach, she's outgoing & boisterous while Tav is shy & quiet. But Tav told Karlach she appreciates her kindness considering what she has went through as she can understand how hard it is & to remain hopeful even during the darkest times since Tav needs to be the one leading them & stay strong for all of them. She also mentioned she has a similar problem that she's touch starved but her family isn't so she never got to hug or kiss her family so she offered to squeeze Karlach as hard as she can while hugging her.
For Rolan, he's prickly & harsh while she's polite & soft spoken. Tav told Rolan she can understand why he's so protective of his siblings because Tav lost her family when she was too young to save them from her burning home. She also understands how it feels to not be good enough so she keeps trying to help to be as useful as she can to others to compensate her flaws & weaknesses although she does want to help people.
For Zevlor, he's stern & intimidating while Tav looks harmless & approachable. She told Zevlor that she's in a similar position as she never wanted to be a leader as she never thought she's meant to be one but she admits it was her decision & it didn't help that she felt that it's best she leads because she's the only one who would make such choices & they unexpectedly listened to her despite her inexperience. Unlike him where he didn't have much of a choice due to having experience. She also understands wanting a quiet life without judgement as she was discriminated by her fellow humans but life doesn't work that way.
so different, and yet so similar
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Navigation | More Tiefs4Life | AO3
synopsis: Don't matter how different you're from them, there is still little things that connect you two. Kindred spirits, even if it doesn't look like.
warnings: nothing.
note: thanks for your request, hope you like it! maybe it's because english is not my first language but i think the expression "touch starved" is so pathetic. please stop creating new nouns, focus on pronouns because y'all have such a little ammount of them 🙏🥺
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For Karlach, you where so put together. Everything was in the right place, every movement was the one you needed, every word had a purpose. You led the party with caution, always aware of the dangers lurking by.
No music would ever matter without a listener. What is dancer without a watcher? A book is just paper until someone reads it. Some people need to performe, and some people need to observe. And while Karlach burns brighter than the sun, you watch the sparks flying.
So completely different. In situations Karlach yells, you shut. While she runs, you stand still. When people talk, you are way more comfortable just listening. And still, you both are so similar.
Karlach knows how fierceless you can become to make sure your party will keep on enduring. She sees how, even when you have doubts and fears, you shut them down so you can lead. You are strong, and when you're not you pretend to.
So timid, yet so loudly brave. Karlach likes all those sides of you.
Upon learning about how cold your family was, a certain grief took over her heart. She always thought nobility had good, easy lifes. And it's mostly true. She just wished it was yours and Wyll's case too. She would rather you both acting superior than knowing how young you two were when your families discarded you like trash.
"You just wait, soldier. I gonna hug you so fucking hard your bones will turn into dust."
You're one prone to whisper. That was the very first thing about you Rolan hated. What a mask you chose for yourself. To always pretend to be sweet, polite, caring. To always be the fucking hero.
And that made things even harder for him after Cal and Lia were captured. You chose to ignore his snark comments, try to stop him from drinking, to say you're sorry. It made Rolan look like he was wrong. Like he was the Big Bad Tiefling turning the Sweet Adventure's life into hell.
And yet, you didn't use that against him. You never did. All you wanted was for him to stop being so angry at himself. To not treat himself as if he was weak, or less deserving of being alive.
You told him about your family. About how you lost them. "That's what fault looks like," you told him. "You did nothing wrong."
You have really high standarts to think you did something wrong. To think you had to carry not only the burden of grief but of despair. You save people. Constantly. Even when they don't want you to save them. Even when it costs too much for you. If you're not good enough, who is?
It was way harder to hate you after that.
"Oh, shut up. As if you were nothing but perfect."
Everyday there was a moment when you were sure that was it, you were about to go crazy. Looks like you were always trying to stop someone from ending up dead. No eternal darkness for you, no suicide mission also, you can kill your enslaver but that's it, don't fall for your urges, please don't try to kill someone while they're sleeping.
For Zevlor, it was alluring. You, so sweet and caring, leading some of the most troubled people he ever meet. He wasn't sure how you got yourself into that position, but he was glad you did. You saved his kin, after all.
He wasn't expecting for you to defend him at the ilithid colony. If you knew everything he did, or what he didn't, than you were the best person to judge him. You're leading you group through darkness, all of you still alive, so why couldn't he?
Instead of judging, you accept him. You told Zevlor he did his best. That you more than anyone knew how tempting it was to stop fighting. That you more than anyone knew how tempting it was to surrender.
"You should've hate me. You should've want me dead. Another debt I never will be able to pay you for."
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
GENERAL TAGLIST: @lovelyy-moonlight
BALDUR’S GATE 3 TAGLIST: @citrusbunnies
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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fatale-distraction · 9 months
BG3 NPC Social Media Headcanons Part…4???? Part 4
Here’s some more!!
Zevlor: starts out pretty normal. Support group stuff for former Hellriders. Typical awkward selfies from an older guy trying to keep up with The Youths and their social media. Then he makes the mistake of posting an old photo of himself and his old Hellrider squad, and a current gym selfie. All of a sudden he has five million followers and gets hundreds of thirsty-ass yes daddy fmu grandpa DMs he doesn’t know what to do with. He has to ask Tav to turn off private messaging and help him moderate comments for awhile. He’s pretty flustered but also kinda flattered. But damn these young people today are horny.
Dammon: literally a modern day blacksmith. Always posting progress pics and vids of his latest projects. Mostly replica weaponry, but he does some pretty cool art too. He also really enjoys welding art and has a professional set up in his garage. Lots of thirsty comments and DMs. About half of them are from Tav, Karlach, Lia and Cal.
Auntie Ethel: no one really knows, but it must be pretty bad because she’s constantly being banned and has to create new profiles. Another MLM mastermind, but her accounts never last long enough to figure out what she’s actually even selling.
Lorroakan: Oh my god the biggest fucking douchebag ever. Constantly suspended for harassment, and then he goes and makes videos about how the site admins are assholes and violating his right to free speech. Rolan and Aylin are constantly dunking on him, often in tandem, with some truly incredible roasts. They’re works of art, frankly. The only reason Lorroakan has so many followers is to see him constantly being wrecked.
Mizora: thirst-trap galore, but she NEVER gets suspended or banned. She’s always EXACTLY within the TOS. Constantly hitting up Wyll on new accounts because he’s blocked her on so many different ones.
Wulbren: he has zero followers because NO ONE LIKES HIM. Tav is the gender-neutral king of the Wulbren Sucks Donkey Ass club regardless of whether they’re dating Barcus.
Aradin: hasn’t had a social media account since Aylin made him piss his pants for doxxing her.
Omeluum and Blurg: have a cute educational video series doing experiments, teaching about Underdark stuff, and educating people about the so-called “evil” races like Illithids, Bugbears, Drow, Deep Gnomes, and Goblins. Such wholesome content. These guys are the best. They have the cutest bromance selfies.
Lakrissa: idk why but she gives me American Ninja Warrior vibes. Always posts videos of herself trying out new tricks at the ninja gym, archery range, sword fighting club etc. Super sassy motivational videos. Shows up for Karlach’s jackass and parkour videos.
Alfira: the PUREST music channel!!! Not only does she post awesome songs but she’s also super motivational to other artists and really open about her process and struggles. “Not every song is going to be a banger. It’s okay to just have fun and be silly with it sometimes. Some of my best songs have come about from just letting go and feeling my emotions.” She and Lakrissa have the cutest selfies.
Duke Ravengard: pretty typical politician social media, but he makes cute posts with Wyll and does a lot of outreach to troubled youth and current and former Fists.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
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