#yandere vyn ritcher x reader
kiskyz · 1 year
Yandere Vyn Profile
Template made by @cinnamonest can be found here! Thank you<3
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
Vyn is very aware. Like very. Very. This is thanks to his voice tapes from when he does his self-psychological checkups. He realizes throughout the recordings, his feelings are changing from just an innocent crush to something darker. He doesn’t know how to react at first. He should try to stop his condition from worsening, but he’s curious. He wonders what brought along this change, and if it’s really all that bad.
You don’t notice any behavior change when he meets you the next time, and you never notice. There is a change though. He’s very subtle. He slowly starts to use psychology techniques on you, to have you isolate yourself. The only person’s change in behavior is you.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
Vyn isn’t very likely to kidnap you unless his feelings get to the point of not wanting anyone to see you. If he eventually does kidnap you, it's after a long build-up of events. Events he didn’t predict. Despite it all, he is confident in his abilities to manipulate your mind and in turn have you under his control.
He also may kidnap you simply because he thinks it’ll be entertaining. 
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape?
It’s nearly impossible to escape from Vyn; if you do, it’s most likely a result of Vyn letting you. He knows you and your mind like the back of his hand, he can tell the minute you even start to consider it. When you first think of an escape plan, you get a certain feeling of hope and anxiety. You have this certain expression that he has grown to almost, like. He finds your escape attempts humorous. You can’t believe you can really outsmart him? The way your mind thinks of uses for so many random items has him appalled. The human mind can get incredibly creative when put into dire situations.
After you fail at your escape Vyn comes to you with a smile. A smile you absolutely despise. It makes you feel so humiliated, so condescending, you want nothing more than to rip his face apart. You can also tell how excited he gets. The whole time you're being dragged away to punishment, he has a bit of a skip and a giddy expression. Disgusting.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Do you really think you can do such a thing to a psychologist? A skillful one at that.
He may go along with it, he wants to see how you do. After he reveals that he knew what you were doing the whole time, he’ll begin to teach you how to manipulate people better. His inner professor comes in very unexpected situations. His criticism really brings you back to college.
But yeah no you’ll fail. He’ll see through all your attempts in a heartbeat.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
Vyn is relatively lenient, at least it may seem like it. He seems to have trust in you, but he truly trusts himself. He trusts his own manipulation. You don’t realize how many privileges you don’t have in reality since you're the one taking them away. The only privilege you truly have is the illusion of free choice.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
Despite his thoroughness, you will still break rules whether by accident or on purpose. His rules, or rule, are very simple. Just ask him for permission. Although you wouldn’t describe it with the word “permission” more like his suggestion. You may ask him if you should go somewhere and he’d advise you not to.
His punishments vary, but they mostly always have something to do with physical pain. He also has very creative punishments. He most likely came up with these punishments when he was bored at work. As he sits in his chair waiting for his next patient he wonders how truly effective is sensory deprivation. How can he make it even more effective? Punishments are a learning opportunity for both you and him. If you're in his home office one day, you may see a notebook on his desk filled with past punishments.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
Vyn never feels threatened by “rivals.” He thinks of rivals as just idiotic people who have guts. All that said and done, he still has to drive it into them that they have no chance with you. Depending on his mood he may “gently” tell them you’re taken or give them a little psychological breakdown! He doesn’t often do the ladder because it takes a decent amount of effort but he definitely enjoys it more. Sometimes these psychological breakdowns lead to an unfortunate death.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
It’s hard to make him mad. The only way you can make him mad is to do something serious that he didn’t see coming. He always is amazed when you do something unpredictable, it reminds him of why he began to like you. Yet if this action is breaking free from his manipulation, he is furious. If you ever outsmart him on the psychological level his poker face cracks. 
There are different levels to his anger and you rarely see the worse. His anger is usually covered up unless it’s for something petty. He loses himself when he loses his temper. When he gets this mad, he excuses himself from the room to try and calm himself. He can’t trust himself in that condition.
Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
He views all people as beneath him whether he realizes it or not, and you are no different. He sees you as under him. You are indeed very smart, but at the end of the day, you are just an empathetic person. You sometimes are blinded by personal feelings when dealing with certain cases. He doesn’t make it a big deal though. You would never even know he thinks of you as anything below him.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you? 
He is very determined whether he even knows it or not (he does.) Although he doesn’t have to try that hard to get you to love him, he does. Psychology knows a lot about love. He knows what can make someone fall for another. What he does may even be considered as PUA techniques just with a different outcome. When he eventually gets you to love him back, he wants to see how far he can push it. Maybe he can make you love him as much as he loves you.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
His knowledge of psychology is what really differentiates him from others. It’s almost a sort of cheat code in a sense. Although other yanderes may be able to manipulate their s/o, he is on another level. The chances of you even realizing what is happening are very, very low, and even if you do learn of it, he knows how to speed up the Stockholm syndrome process.
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pitayabites · 2 years
Yandere Vyn Headcanons
Oh no, everyone's favorite psychiatrist has turned yandere (nobody is surprised)
Warning: Gaslighting + Abuse of power + Mind break?
I do not condone these behaviors in real life
Probably the most canon yandere
Love at first sight was a concept that he despised
The sweet irony that you caught his attention
You’ll take responsibility for it, won’t you?
Humans are multifaceted and he is no exception
But with you, he can only have one face
And it MUST be perfect
If you express interest in a specific character in a show or a game, he’ll watch it and take note of the character’s personality
He will subtly change his personality to match the character if it means you’ll share that love with him
He’ll change everything about himself if it means you’ll spend even one more minute with him
He loves the way your eyes lights up when he performs a card trick or uses mind games to guess what you’re thinking
But if you get impressed by someone else in front of him
He will go out of his way to master whatever impressed you even if it's something small like a magic trick
He won’t lose to anyone in front of you
He’ll keep trying to impress you if it means you’ll have eyes on him
And ONLY him
You can rant about anything, no matter how minuscule
After all, it’s his job
And he has two doctorate degrees to prove it
He’ll quietly lead you to open more about yourself
And before you know, your original conversation about work stress has turned into telling him your entire backstory
Make no mistake, no matter how long it is, he will make a mental note of everything
After all, he wants to know everything about your heart and mind
But he pays special attention to your deepest fears and insecurities They may come in handy later
Soon you would often come to him to vent out your stress
You feel bad for constantly bothering him but he assures you that he is more than happy to help you
You don’t realize it, but you’re starting to rely on Vyn more and more
You ask for his opinion on everything from which tea set to buy to how to tackle a big case
He will drop everything he was doing, even his lectures, if you texted him asking for help
After all, nothing is as important as you
He hates it when other people steal your attention away from him
Especially if they are harassing you or they’re a PUA (pick up artist)
At a glance nothing about his face changes
But if you look closely, all the light is gone from his golden eyes and is replaced by a dead glare
In his head, he is thinking of the easiest way to get rid of this vermin
This disgusting creature who had the absolute nerve to even look at a being as perfect as yourself
Now he isn’t the type to get his hands dirty, but that doesn’t mean he will let this kind of behavior slide
He has a very good reputation and can easily guide the police to arrest the filth
But where’s the fun in that
He can find out of the guy’s background and set up his little puppet show
An anonymous letter to his boss of a recording of his scandalous actions
A list of comments from the guy’s past victims to his family and friends
He will take away everything precious from this low-life one by one
And he will sit back with nothing more than a smirk and a cup of black tea
Now he can clearly see the amount of garbage that surrounds your pure soul every day
He needs to take you away somewhere safe and to keep you with him forever
So he relies on what he knows best, psychology
He will use your compassion against you
His job is so mentally taxing, he’s always there for you, can’t you always be with him?
He knows you will drop everything if he asks for your help, and he abuses it
He will demand more and more of your time to the point you started neglecting work because of him
He’s so sorry (he’s not) that he keeps clinging onto you like this, it’s alright if you want to leave him (he won’t let you leave so easily)
You rush to assure him that he is not a burden to you and you will always prioritize his mental well being first
But because you missed so much work, it piled up and begins to overwhelm you
Artem tries his best to help but he is preoccupied with an even bigger case
The stress of it all was starting to get to you
You lost sleep and skipped some meals in an effort to catch up on your work
But you knew you were fighting a losing battle
So you turned to the one person that you always went to for help
Dr. Ritcher!
Even though he’s not a lawyer, he can still help you collect witness testimony and organize your paperwork
He agreed to help as a thank you for helping him through his "mental crash"
However, he started to plant seeds of doubt into your mind
He constantly criticizes your inferences of the evidence or your plan to defend your clients
Because of the trust you have in him, you start to doubt your judgment and ability as an attorney
But it doesn’t end there
He will present you with evidence or a witness statement that you swear wasn’t there in the first place
Vyn will give you a concerned glance and says that you have been with him while collecting these materials for your trial
He even shows you the police signatures for it
In reality, he’s forging both the evidence and the signatures but hey, the end justifies the means
This kind of mental strain continued for what felt like months but in reality, it was only a few days
You questioned your sanity as Vyn tells you of events you couldn’t recall doing or when Vyn points out all the flaws in your case files
Combined that and your overwhelming schedule and lack of self-care, you mentally break down
Luckily Vyn was there to send you straight to a mental hospital
He ran assessments after assessments with you and you tried your best to answer
But you were so tired…
Vyn later came back and told you that you had severe depression and needed to be transferred to the emergency care department to monitor your state 24/7
You try to insist that you don't have depression but Vyn counters with his no-nonsense tone and points out your lack of self-care and the immense amount of stress you had endured
He makes you stay in the emergency room for a couple of days and cuts off all access to the outside world because it would further “harm” your mental health
With nothing to do, other than talking to yourself or Vyn when he occasional checks upon you, you end up falling deeper into a depressive state
You started to believe that maybe Vyn was right all along and that you needed clinical help
You feel like you’re going crazy and no longer trust your judgment of what is real or not
You ended up just depending on Vyn to tell you
He then claims that you’re clinically insane and needs immediate mental support
What a coincidence that he is your assigned doctor
Vyn makes a treatment plan but oh no your condition is so complicated
You’re going to be here for a long time
But don’t worry, Dr. Ritcher will take care of you
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kiskyz · 2 years
Halloween ToT Event
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This got a lot more suggestive than I planned and mean luke, happy late halloween! (to be proofreadlater)
“…Subduing willful, overconfident prey is what I’m best at.”
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Walking through the halls, a tray of food in your hands, you passed the animal heads you had previously killed.
You opened the door to the basement and made your way down.
“Perfect timing.” A man chained behind bars laughed at you.
You cocked a knowing smile at him, “Yes the full moon’s about to come out. I’ve always been curious about what happens to a werewolf during a full moon.”
“My consciousness is becoming blurry.” He responded.
You watch as he licks the cuts in his arms.
“Chains really suit me…” He laughs.
“As long as you're chained like that, you're as harmless as a puppy.” You tease him, setting down the food in his cell.
“Hah?!” He directs his view away with a look of anger.
You grab some cloths to treat his wounds.
Opening the cell he tenses. 
“Relax…” You dip the cloth in water.
“They’ll probably quickly heal themself, but if you want to.” He shrugs.
You dap his cuts and he lets a painful gasp. You continue your work when his ears catch your eye.
What would happen if you…?
“Hey, wait. Hold up! Put those hands down!” He yells out.
You stifle a laugh and continue to his tail.
“NO! The tail is worse!” He yells out.
“Is it the wounds?” You laugh. “No. That can’t be it, haha!”
“You know…” He goes off and turns away from you.
“Subduing willful, overconfident prey is what I’m best at.” 
You hear the breaking of chains and before you have time to react, your arms are pinned above your head.
Was he faking being caught all this time?!
You struggle against him, before giving up, “What are you doing to do?”
You can still find a way to get out of this. Preserve your energy, think rationally.
“What am I going to do? To… bite you, of course.” He laughed, before pain erupted from your shoulder.
“It looks like… we’ve become one.”
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“Fear not. I will not hurt you.” A person walked into the room. “Still not willing to eat? It has been several days already.” 
You looked at the man, no, the monster.
This monster forcefully turned you into… into being like him, all in the name of love. Your a monster. He’s a monster.
You looked away from him, but in return he got closer to you. 
“Look,” He slit his hand, “Just drink.”
You couldn’t deny how good he smelled. How your mouth salivated at the open wound. The blood oozing out.
“You need not restrain yourself.” He put his hand towards you.
You turned away.
Don’t move.
You can’t…
“Mmm..!” Vyn responded to your bite into his hand.
You couldn’t control yourself, but oh how you didn’t regret it.
It was absolutely divine. 
Grunts sounded through the room as you continued to drink.
You couldn’t stop. Drunk on the taste. Drunk on the feeling. It gave you a rush. 
How could you have been missing out on this?!
“Hm, are you not naughty? Slow down…”
You continued at your pace.
“So this is how it feels. Strength leaving your body, but so blissfully.” He smiled.
You finally pulled away.
You were disgusted with yourself.
It tastes so good. You're a monster.
“Have you had enough already?” He looked at you.
You cringed at his words and he wrapped his arm around you.
“You won’t be able to leave me anymore”
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How ironic it is for a succubus to be seduced by a human.
“How do I defend myself against succubuses?” You ask him.
“Oh? Where is this coming from?” Marius smiled amusingly. “Well… Look at me.”
You did as he said and in return he snickered, “Hmm.. Do you feel like you want something more?”
You flushed and grabbed his horns.
“H-hey! Mm…” His stutter caught you off guard. “Not the horns.” 
“Is that a challenge?” You smile, starting to caress them.
Oh, how enchanting you are. How arrogant.
He grabbed both your wrists, pulling them away. You let out a surprised gasp, slowly look at him.
“Devils are dangerous creatures, but they all have a weak point. Do you want to know what it is?” He asked you.
“U-uh.. Yes?” You tried pulling your hand away, but to no avail.
“When meeting their beloved, they’ll sacrifice themselves and…” He went off. “they’ll do anything to have their beloved.”
You, mistakingly, looked at him with confusion. Ignoring any hints he was trying to drop.
Looking straight into his eyes.
“Want to escape?”
A daze came over your mind. All you could think of was him.
“You won’t be able to leave me anymore.”
“After all… If I can’t control my actions it means that… I may harm you in the future.”
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You knew early on.
Your brand new android had… weird quirks? 
He reacted like a human. He flushed when you got close, tensed at times, etc. 
To be fair you confirmed your theories pretty quickly.
“Looks like you're right. My internal program seems to have caught a virus.”
Yet his confirmation just added to the thrill.
“What are you thinking, master?” Artem walked into the room with a book.
“What is that?” You asked coldly.
He was dejected at your reaction, but answered, “A book I wanted to try and read with you…”
You turned to the otherside of the bed.
“Hey I know you're mad about… all this, but-” 
“All this?!” You repeat angrily. “You're holding me against my will, Artem. You’re going against my orders!” 
“I warned you though.” Artem looked away.
He’s right.
You recalled your conversation from earlier.
“Are you sure you won’t get me fixed, master?” Artem asked setting down the breakfast he made.
“No, no… It’s fine! I feel more relaxed.” You take a few bites of his food.
“Thank you. After all… If I can’t control my actions it means that… I may harm you in the future.” He admitted.
“I’m sure you won’t.” You reassured him.
Oh, what an utter fool.
Never, would you have guessed you’d be handcuffed to a bed. 
You tried commanding him one more time, “Release me.”
Artem set the book on the table, looking sad.
“Artem. Now.” You struggled against the restraints.
“I’ve read before, a way to help calm humans… A way to…” He blushed, “Make them feel happy.”
You gagged at his words.
“I love you master. I’ll protect you from everyone, including yourself.”
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