#wildest dreams part 4
imaginedreamwrite · 2 years
Wildest Dreams: Part 4
It seemed like weeks since they had found you in the library and tried to trap you, the two massive alphas who had practically been dry-humping in the aisle that you were needing to get into, but in reality it was a little over a week.
You had exited one of your physiology classes only to be flagged down by one of the junior receptionists that worked directly for the dean. She had caught you before you could head to your second class, and had in not so many words, informed you that the dean needed to talk to you.
You’d thought that maybe there was a problem with your admittance papers, or there could have been a few issues with your classes since you’d been told they were reaching peak registration numbers. What you had been thinking was on an entirely different level and scope than what was waiting for you when you arrived at the dean’s office.
The first indication that the older alpha and dean were not alone, was the wavering and wandering scents of the two alphas who had cornered you in the library. The first integral notes that had infiltrated your nose were confusing at best, given that you had no reason to be here with them unless the head librarian had made a complaint about you from the week before. Still, it hadn’t eased you.
Still, as you had entered the office and had taken the seat to the far right of Bucky you were not unbound.
You were confused, you were anxious and you had been stuck between wanting to throw your book at Barnes’ big head and fleeing the room as the scent of alpha became overwhelming.
“Hey bean-“
“Don’t talk to me.” You cut Bucky off with a tense snap, your entire body and hindbrain firing off neurons that only added to your feeling of unsettled composure.
There were too many alphas in the office that wasn’t nearly big enough to give you ease or peace of mind. It was much too concentrated to focus on anything but the way Steve and Bucky’s scent had reacted in time with your own, and the dean was looking between you expectantly.
There was a moment of awkward silence that fell between the four of you, as you waited for the news of why you were here to come to light. You had no possible idea why you were called to the office or why the two meatheads were here with you, the junior secretary had revealed nothing, and with no given clue as to why you were called, you were becoming more agitated and put off the flurry of scents.
It was only after the dean of the university had leaned forward and rested his elbows upon the desk, tucking his hands under his chin, that he had addressed you with a clearing of his throat.
“Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes are in need of a tutor in order to continue playing with the football team, they need to maintain a GPA of 4.2 and they’re sitting at 3.9. You were recommended by a few professors here and because of your connection-“
You felt the heat, bubbling and boiling anger poignant under your flesh as you grit your teeth and sucked air in through your flaring nostrils. You had bounced your heels against the floor as you fidgeted while listening to the dean yammer on about the pride the university had in their football team, and the great importance that having two players like Barnes and Rogers on the team.
He had continued, applying pressure to you to give in without formally asking you, all while the sound of his voice and his grading scent was fuelling your internal engine that would eventually lead to an outburst. You were biding your time, you were positively stewing from the weight of this news.
And you couldn’t cognitively explain why.
“We need the help, omega bean.” Bucky had fixated his gaze upon you, watching you with widening eyes and a droop of his bottom lip into a pout that had simultaneously made you more irritated than before and empathetic to their cause.
“We can’t play if we don’t raise our GPA.” Steve had also allocated a pout, and his blue-green eyes had become wide and doll-like.
You knew they loved the game, you knew they were talented and incredible at the sport. You knew they had to be extremely talented to have made the team in the first place, but to then have the admiration of so many people in and out of the school? That kind of talent and skill was impressive and had stirred support that was as powerful as it was poignant. They loved it, and they needed you.
Still, you were annoyed.
Was it because of the insistence that you and the two alpha form a bond again? Was it the feeling that this was all contrived by your parents and the past you shared? Or were you so annoyed and triggered by their presence because you recognized the familiarity you shared when you were younger? Was it your stubbornness that wouldn’t let you get past this re-admittance into your life?
“-you’ll receive extra credit toward your degree for your hours put into tutoring Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes-“ The dean continued to speak even as you had shoved your chair back and stood with your bag resting on your hip, and Steve and Bucky looking your way.
“It would’ve been nice to be asked instead of coerced into it.” You slammed your hand upon the flap of your bag, feeling the weight of your physiology and biology textbook that you’d used no less than ten minutes ago while wondering if you could get away with bashing them over the head with it.
“Omega Bean-“
“I’ll help you, not because I like you.” You smacked Bucky’s hand away when he tried reaching for you, warmth and piercing irritation stirring your ire like hot coals. “You miss one study session and it’s over, I won’t let you waste my time.”
You were overwhelmed by the scents of alphas, you needed out and you needed to breathe in a more even mix. You had stepped outside and slammed the door behind you hard enough to rattle the doorknob and the windows in the office. You had stumbled forward while your legs shook, desperate to get rid of their heady mix and get outside into the fresh air, your feet carried you until you hit an invisible wall and found yourself unable to move any further.
“We didn’t do this on purpose.” Steve jogged after you, coming to a stop just as you had a few feet away, his scent coming unhinged and still as potent yet it made you feel less stifled and more invigorated.
You had slowly exhaled and pivoted partially toward him, your hands clenching and leaning in a slow rhythm, his eyes fixated on you while your eyes had bounced around his face and shoulders, unable to focus on one thing for too long.
“Bucky and I, we’re not….trying to manipulate you. I know what you’re thinking, both of us know-“ you turned and darted away from him again, taking the nearest exit with a fire under your ass.
You pushed open the fire door and let it slam behind you, the metal clicking into place only to be opened again a few moments later. The sound of the door opening for the second time had echoed in your head just as the sound of their footsteps on the concrete had called out to your hindbrain like some kind of siren song to take control of your body.
“Y/N, stop!” Bucky had spoke up, Bucky had given the alpha command that slid too easily into your hindbrain and was accepted far too easily by those primordial and basest urges.
“Can you just talk to us? We’ve barely been able to keep up a conversation with you.”
They encroached, they drew closer and you were enveloped by their scents like you had been in the office only there wasn’t such a tarnished concentration as before. This was easier than before, even if you hadn’t wanted to be in their presence at all, at least their scents weren’t aggravating.
“I don’t want to talk to you, have you ever thought of that? Have you taken a moment to think that maybe I don’t want anything to do with you?” You turned on your heel, quickly coming to face them head on while also leaning into the stubborn nature that was inflicting you with such strong resistance.
The truth was, that having them pursuing you, it made you feel weak. Having them actively trying to worm their way back into your good graces and into your life, in general, was more than you could handle right now. Steve and Bucky wanting to pick up whatever you had in daycare when you were five, it had felt like you were standing on the edge of a high board, ready to dive into the water but being too afraid to look over the edge.
You knew that eventually you would have to go over, eventually you would have to take the plunge but it was your fear and your anxieties that kept you from completely giving in.
“Come on, you know that’s not true-“ You screamed in frustration and slipped your bag off your shoulder, whacking Steve in the side with your physiology and biology textbook as you countered his claim.
“It is true! I don’t want to be around you! You and your annoying little posse of cheerleaders and constant fuck cycle!” you huffed and whacked him once more before you turned sharply and started stalking away, only to stop again and turn back to look at both of them.
“That’s what you’re so mad about? You think we slept around with the cheer squad? JellyBean, those girls are our friends-“ Bucky had begun laughing, a sweeping chortle making his shoulders shake while Steve had winced and waved at Bucky to shut up.
“And the other omegas? The other girls who like to comment on your stupid instagram page-“
“Steve and I only fuck each other. Occasionally we have a third but-“ Bucky groaned when Steve had smacked his chest with enough power to knock the wind out of him, but the damage was done.
You had groaned and huffed again, stomping your feet dramatically like you had when you were younger. They let you leave, they let you walk away while they watched you and the steam billow out from your ears as you huffed and puffed about the two alphas who were caught under your skin.
They waited a few minutes before they had begun trailing on after you, walking the same path you had until you turned a corner and headed straight into one of the coffee shops on campus. Bucky and Steve had watched and waited as you took a table near the back and dumped your bag onto the seat, sitting with another, silent to them, huff and a purse of your lips.
None of this was going like they wanted, none of this had played out like what was in their heads and given how excited they were for you to be back it had felt like a harsh blow. There had been a long stint between daycare years and university, with most of the time passing as you were across the country from Steve and Bucky while they had each other.
It was, in part, a necessary evil to save you three from being socially isolated in a formed pack, but while Steve and Bucky had each other you had no one.
“We have to talk about it eventually.” Steve had grabbed Bucky’s hand to yank him into the coffee shop, the bell above the door announcing their presence but you had sparsely lifted your head.
You had only glanced at them when they approached the table as a pair and remained quiet and solemn. You had leaned back against your chair and crossed your arms over your chest, giving the two of them a deeply seeded glare that was akin to something cute and sweet trying to look deadly.
“We’re sorry,” Steve had cleared his throat and attempted an apology, settling one hand upon the back of the chair, “for…being stupid.”
“That’s a lifelong disease, Rogers. Being stupid.” You snipped and bared your teeth, your ire and anger as an omega was almost as deadly as theirs as alphas and you hadn’t needed to get physically violent. Again.
“Can we talk, please? explain ourselves?” Bucky started to slide the chair out from under the table, only to cease his actions when you whipped your head in his direction and let out a soft little growl of your own that had sparked little noughts of desire.
“We’ll buy you hot chocolate, and something to eat.” Steve attempted to smooth you over, with a bashful smile and a wave of his hand toward the counter. “You still like crushed candy cane and whipped cream, right?”
“My next class got cancelled.” You huffed and grit your teeth. “You have two and a half hours, and if I don’t want to listen-“
“You can leave anytime.” Bucky had quipped, adding the little bit as he took his seat across from you and then craned his neck back, grabbing Steve’s wrist to stop him from moving. “Grabbing me something, Stevie?”
“Are you going to pout if I don’t?” Steve grumbled, yanking his hand from Bucky’s wrist and rolling his eyes when he fell silent. “Why do I even bother asking?”
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The cacophonous scents that had irritated you earlier had now dissipated and was replaced with the aroma of brewed coffee and slightly burnt sugar, the blend of teas and additives to the tops of their seasonal drinks that you had focused on.
And then Steve and Bucky’s scents crept back up and overpowered it all, leaving you feeling as if you could have purred and revelled in its comfort since your heart, brain and hindbrain all seemed to be discordance with each other.
“We didn’t sleep around, I should clarified-“ Bucky’s voice was akin to honey, laced with the kind of sweetness that was natural for an alpha trying to connect with an omega.
“Your friend…Rhys-“
“Rhys! Yes!” Steve spoke with overexcitement, knocking his knee against the underside of the table, a sharp whine falling from his lips.
“Rhys, the cheerleader, she found me after you left. But then I saw all these other comments-“ you sighed, your eyebrows furrowed. “We’re not friends, we haven’t been friends-“
“Steve and I have only been with each other, and occasionally we’ll sleep with an omega when our ruts are really bad.”
Bucky reached out and rest his hand upon yours, only connected for a moment before you yanked your hand back. “Sorry. Sorry…”
“She said you’re like their brothers, and that most of them are in relationships.” You steeled your gaze toward Bucky, yanking yourself and your coffee back to create more distance. “But you still have all those girls hanging off of you, your little fan club-“
“Omega Bean, we waited for you. We would never-“
“Yeah? Did you?” You snapped again, bearing your teeth with bite and ire. “You had each other. I had no one. You at least got to grow up together while I was ripped away and moved across the country.”
“You know what our parents said-“ Steve had reached for you again, his fingers grazing your forearm. “I’m sorry we had to leave, but you’re here and we can start off-“
“No,” you cut him off, confused by your feelings and the screeching of your hindbrain to just give in, “no we are not diving back in. Not where we left off. Absolutely not.”
“Friends then?” Bucky stole your attention, smiling charmingly and beautifully. “No courting, no dates. Just…friends? And a tutor..?”
“I’m so pissed at you, I could throttle both of you.” You growled, still as intimidating as a little bunny, but if it made you feel better they would’ve heard it all day.
“You got Steve already.” Bucky grinned, boyishly chortling under his breath. “I don’t remember you being so strong.”
“Yeah? You’re next Barnes.” You grabbed your bag and lifted it over your shoulder, letting it fall against your hip. You stood and grabbed your coffee and your untouched pastry, clinging to both as you stood but hadn’t left.
“Friends?” Bucky batted his eyelashes at you, pouting and pleading in a very un-alpha like manner.
“You really waited? You had no one else?” You questioned, your guard slipping for a moment.
“Of course we did.” Steve’s voice had grown softer, his eyes just as tender and sweet. “I can count on one hand-“
“We missed you.” Bucky grabbed your wrist, his thumb brushing against your veins as he scented you. “We missed you every day, omega bean.”
It brought you comfort and warmth, and you had to mentally berate yourself not to close your eyes and revel in it.
“Friends. Barely friends.” You jabbed your finger into Bucky’s chest, your eyes narrowing into a glare that was neither intimidating nor deadly. “And we start studying Thursday.”
“We have practice Thursday.” Steve spoke, sliding the calendar over to you. “Friday and Saturday’s are saved for games-“
“Fine. Wednesday then,” you spoke again, with a little more fierce, “I can only do Monday and Wednesday.”
“Since we’re friends…” Bucky slowly stood, trapping you between the next table and his chest. “Would you consider coming to our practices and games?”
“Our first game is this week. Start of the season-“
“-fine.” You stepped around Bucky and began walking toward the door, stopped once more by the sound of his voice.
“Would you consider friends with-“ you turned and looked over your shoulder, a laugh bubbling on your tongue as Steve slapped his hand over Bucky’s mouth to shut him up.
“Silence,” you laughed under your breath, “it’s a real good look on you, Barnes.”
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Permanent Tags List: @jennmurawski13-writes @beardburnsupersoldiers @daydreaminginthechaos @rebekahdawkins @supraveng @bookfrog242 @old-enough-to-know-better73 @loveitorleaveit20 @alexakeyloveloki @socalgem1124 @mogaruke @dreamlessinparis @frisky975 @dispatchvampire @hereforbuckyandsteve @jesgisborne @fairybnha3 @hallecarey1 @tang082646 @mrslokibarnesrogers @deputy-videogamer @posionivy0061 @loving-life-my-way @kaylamcd2000 @mercyy98 @undecidedsworld @rootcrop @whatinthestyles @slutforsteve @cornmousequeen @rededfoxy @yagurl-snow @glimmering-darling-dolly @patzammit @buckymydarlingangel @missusbarnes-rogers @andy-is-gay @nervousfandom @rileyloves5 @emi11ie @carelessreadersstuff @readingandwritingandreading @cynic-spirit @inkedaztec @gh0stgurl @cats-and-sheep @pono-pura-vida @seitmai @teambarnes72 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @miss-rebel-without-applause
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daily-hanamura · 11 months
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72 notes · View notes
imfromsixam · 1 year
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Tiny Playrooms: Kitchen and Music (CC Pack for The Sims 4)
I'm absolutely thrilled to introduce my latest creation – the "Tiny Playrooms" CC Pack! This pack is all about bringing some amazing and incredibly fun additions to your Sims' kids' spaces, and I can't wait to share the excitement with you!
This collection brings an array of whimsical toys, objects, and furniture for your littlest Sim kiddos. Picture this: Tiny kitchens, miniature music instruments, and a whole lot of imaginative fun!
From a charming functional toy kitchen set that will have your young Sims cooking up their wildest culinary dreams, to adorable decorative music instruments, including a functional xylophone, the "Tiny Playrooms" pack is designed to spark their creativity and make playtime a blast!
Special thanks to PandaSama for letting me use their incredible mods as part of this collection!
16K notes · View notes
aldebaranlune · 4 months
♊ ♃ Jupiter in gemini for the rising signs ♃ ♊
Jupiter is in gemini! Everyone will possibly be presented with multiple blessings and you'll have to make a choice between several good things. Some of them may be:
♊ For the gemini rising, it can mean a glow up, better skin, cosmetic procedures, increase in self esteem.
♉ For the taurus rising, an increase in finance and better organizing bank accounts and projects.
♈ For the aries rising, maybe new friends, better communication overall and your siblings may be blessed too.
♓ For the pisces rising , peace at home, new home decor, moving houses or relocation, or just a better feeling about who you are at your core
♒ For the aquarius rising, new love, better dating life, children or creative pursuits.
♑ For the capricorn rising, new jobs, improvements in career and pay, and becoming your healthiest version.
♐ for the sagittarius rising, marriage, love, better relationships and partnerships, new important and positive people come into your life.
♏ For the scorpio rising, you can also get money from other people, open investment accounts, do shadow work with great results, start therapy.
♎ For the libra rising, it's going abroad, writing or publishing a book, improving relationships with religion, joining or graduating university, open your mind to new knowledge
♍ For the virgo rising, also career, being recognized at your job, career chances going smooth, people seeking you out for your expertise.
♌ For Leo rising, getting famous, increase in your follow count, better relationships with friends, joining prestigious organizations, deciding to go after your wildest dreams.
♋ For the cancer rising, good year for shadow work, consolidating the work you've done on yourself, better sleep and mental health, a sense of general improvement or relief can arise.
Follow me on Instagram: @ aldebaranlune
Other ways in which you might be feeling the shift of Jupiter in gemini (4 parts post)
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
never too late
Characters: Jade, Kalim, Idia, Malleus
Synopsis: You shared a night of passion with your lover before you left for the other side of the mirror, but fate's cruel hands strike once again as you realise you have to raise his child alone in your original world. Thankfully, your child is incredibly drawn to magic, and they opened a portal...?
Tags: slight angst, fluffy end because im a sap, fem reader, reader gives birth to a child, reunions, bot proofread
Word count: 4.1k+
Notes: same as the last two, all the name ideas are in japanese. if it makes you uncomfortable, you can imagine that reader is japanese
also wow classical music makes me so inspired i wrote so much
Part 1✧Part 2✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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A few months passed as you settled back into your routine at home. Eventually, with the noticeable changes in your body, it dawned on you that you were with child—his child, your lover from the other side of the mirror whom you could no longer reach.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turn into months. You had adapted to the trials and tribulations of parenthood. Juggling the responsibilities of work, childcare, and household chores was no easy feat, but you found solace in the small moments of your child's growth and development.
Your child was a true joy to behold, a mirror image of their father in many ways, and you often see the ghost of your past lover in them. Having inherited his magic, your child experimented with their powers, leaving you to support them with what limited knowledge of magic that remained from your NRC days.
On one such experiment, your environment started to shift as a wave of magical energy engulfed you. When you opened your eyes again, he was there, right in front of you—
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Miharu (翠晴) with 翠 meaning "green, emerald, jade" and 晴 meaning "clear, fine, serene"
your daughter has straight teal hair and slightly angular eyes that are a complete replica of her father's
the name you chose for her has a strong connection to jade, also representing the peacefulness you found in Jade's presence
she's a quiet child who always has this calm smile on her face
she's loves being independent and hates asking other people for help
there are some times when you have to hold her and tell her "hey, you can rely more on your mother you know?"
she doesn't look like she wants physical affection, but when she's accomplished something, you'll notice her staring at you in anticipation
when you reach your hand over to pat her head for a job well done, she smiles so contentedly and just melts at your affection
loves playing around with plants and fungi, and thankfully she's quite good at managing them, so sometimes you can save money on groceries
loves swimming in the ocean, but much prefers clinging onto you in the water
will turn to her eel form if in bodies of water for too long, so you're careful about what times or places have fewer people
incredibly intelligent and good at quick thinking, always curious to learn more about fungi, magic, etc.
seemingly calm when you told her about her intelligent and sly father, but soon after learning about him, she'll ask questions about him a lot and start practising magic more
and when she finally accomplishes teleporting you two to him, you're in a pantry that smells of fresh tea leaves, and he's looking as elegant and charming as ever as he pours water into the teapot, his hair is sleeked back and the grace exudes just puts you in a trance
Jade's eyes widen as he beheld a sight that only seemed possible in his wildest dreams. There, standing before him, was the person he had loved so deeply and had thought lost forever.
"My love... is it really you?" Jade whispers, his voice quivering with a mix of disbelief and hope. His heart thuds in his chest, the sound reverberating through his entire being.
Tears glisten in the corners of his eyes as he closes the distance between you, his steps quickening with a sense of urgency. He envelops you in a tight embrace, his arms holding you firmly, afraid you might disappear once more. "Oh my pearl, how I longed to turn back time and not have let you go, to have kept you here with me," he whispers hoarsely, his voice trembling with a mixture of joy and sadness.
Jade is showing more emotion than you've ever seen and you're both crying and holding each other tightly
eventually, floyd barges in to tell Jade azul's complaint about how long he's taken to make the long-forgotten tea
when floyd sees you, he immediately tries to come over and squeeze you
but Jade is having his moment so he lifts you and keeps you away from floyd's grasp
pouting, instead floyd diverts his attention to Miharu, who's just curiously staring at him
eventually eventually azul shows up to see why everyone has disappeared and he's incredibly surprised to see you two
he complains that Jade will be busy for a while then, but you can see his eyes are teary and there's a soft smile on his face
for quite some time, Jade is incredibly alert when it comes to you, always paying attention to your needs, your feelings, and if you get up in the middle of the night for a bathroom break, he wakes up with you and waits outside the door until he can hold you again, and then he'll carry you back to bed
he didn't realise how important you had meant to him until you were gone, how lost and empty he felt, so best beware, he's never letting you go again
oh he's so cute with Miharu!!! building terrariums together and comparing notes and cooking mushroom meals together
father-daughter swimming sessions!!! sometimes floyd and azul join
definitely pranks azul as a trio, but azul can't get mad at her hahaha
you can tell Miharu is so enthusiastic about spending time with uncle floyd
Jade cries crocodile tears that his dearest daughter prefers his brother over him
and Miharu just tells him "well you belong to mommy, so i'll have uncle floyd"
the twin eels can't say they're unhappy with that arrangement, now can they
and don't forget mama and papa leech! they love spoiling Miharu with trinkets and treasures they find!
Jade's smiling genuinely more than ever, and you can't believe how lucky you are to have both him and Miharu in your arms
You direct your eyes towards Miharu, and his gaze follows yours, a tender smile tugging at the corners of Jade's lips. "And this... is she our child?" he asked, his voice filled with awe. He crouched down, his hands gently cupping her face, his fingertips tracing the familiar features.
"I'm so sorry," Jade confessed, his voice filled with raw emotion. "I've been such a terrible father, I've missed out on so much of your life,"
Miharu's hand instinctively rises to meet his, her small palm finding solace against his cheek. A gentle reassurance emanates from her touch, and her voice, soft yet resolute, pierces through his self-doubt. "It's okay, daddy," she murmurs. "It's not your fault.
Without hesitation, he pulls her into a warm and encompassing embrace, enfolding her in his arms as if shielding her from the world. "Oh, my darling, you are such an angel," Jade whispers against her ear.
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Hidaka (陽夏) with 陽 meaning "sun, sunlight, positive" and 夏 meaning "summer"
your son has spiky white hair, glowing tan skin, and ruby-like eyes that often sparkle with joy
you named your son after his father's sunny disposition, and the warmth in scarabia that you look back on fondly in your memories with him
hoo boy you got yourself a piece of bouncing sunshine
he's so bright and happy and warm and there's always a wide smile on his face that makes anyone who sees it feel re-energised
will often do things on impulse out of pure curiosity, but if you tell him off he's immediately apologising and hoping you're not mad at him
snuggles so much!! the first thing he does when he sees you is run up and jump into your arms
he's always willing to share what he has with others, and is friendly with everyone
though he has a big appetite, he's not picky about food and will happily eat anything you give him
he's not the smartest and is rather oblivious much like his father, but he makes up for it with how passionate and motivated he can be
but when he's determined, he can be surprisingly smart
when he heard about the kind and brave man his father was, he was visibly shaking in excitement, firing question after question
and before long, his determination to reunite his family brought the two of you into a dim room lit by a single nightside lantern
Kalim sat at the bed clutching a turban you had gifted him, his face has matured and lost most of its baby fat
Kalim's lips are parted, his breath catching in his throat as he sits there, rooted to the spot. "This... this can't be real," he murmurs, his voice barely a whisper, as he takes a tentative step forward, his heart pounding loudly.
His feet move as if guided by unseen forces. His eyes fixate on your face, searching for any sign that this is not a figment of his imagination. A fragile smile begins to form on his lips, the corners of his mouth quivering with a mix of disbelief and joy.
His steps quicken, echoing through the room, each one carrying him closer to the person he thought he had lost forever. And then, in a burst of exhilaration, he is by your side, his arms encircling you with a strength born from the depths of his soul.
"It's you," Kalim gasps, his voice filled with raw emotion. His grip tightens, his embrace both gentle and fervent as he twirls you around in the air, a whirlwind of emotions propelling him forward. Laughter escapes his lips, an expression of pure elation and gratitude. "Thank the heavens you're back! I never thought I'd see you again!"
oh he's crying waterfalls nonstop, you and Hidaka try to comfort him and wipe his tears but he only cries harder at your touch
at this point, jamil bursts into the room,
alert and thoroughly confused why Kalim is crying in the middle of the night
though when he sees you, his expression visibly softens and after asking a few questions to confirm your identity, he genuinely welcomes you back
his reaction to Hidaka is "oh no another one" but with the way he lifts him into the air and the teasing smile on his face you can tell he's not completely serious
after graduation, Kalim worked hard to inherit the Asim family business and has grown to become a successful businessman who cares for his workers and people
jamil willingly offers to take over Kalim's role for a while so that he can spend time catching up with you two, and it's clear from their exchange their relationship has improved a lot
Kalim, despite having seemingly matured, clings onto you like a child and you feel things haven't changed much at all
as the heir, he has been pressured to get married, but it didn't feel right for him when he still longed for you
so he's incredibly glad you can now permanently be the person who stays by his side, showing his affection by showering you with gifts and snuggling with you any chance he gets
he's great with Hidaka too! they're both super energetic and curious though, so occasionally jamil or you have to step in and be the reasonable person
so many impromptu trips on the magic carpet with the three of you just exploring places and going wherever you want!
he's also very very cautious about your security, all of a sudden he has a wife and a healthy heir, so undoubtedly there are some eyes turned to you
but Kalim has grown stronger and wiser to be able to protect what he cherishes, so he's not letting any harm come your way
Kalim gently pulls back, his eyes flickering between you and the little boy who bore an undeniable resemblance to him. "You've brought us such an incredible gift," he whispers, his voice tinged with awe. "A child, our child. I can't believe it..." His voice trails off, trailing into a breathless hush as he tries to comprehend everything.
Bending down gracefully, Kalim positions himself at eye level with Hidaka. "Hello there, little one," he murmurs, his words floating on a cloud of softness. "I'm Kalim, your...dad." The weight of the word lingers on his tongue.
Hidaka's face lights up like a radiant sun, a beacon of pure joy. Without hesitation, he lunges forward, embracing Kalim in a tight hug. Laughter bubbles up from within him, filling the air with a melodic symphony. "My daddy!" he exclaims, his voice a chorus of excitement. "I've always wanted to meet you!"
Kalim's tears fall freely once again as he wraps his arms around Hidaka, holding him close.
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Honoka (火華) with 火 meaning "fire" and 華 meaning "flower, splendour, brilliance"
your daughter had bright yellow eyes that seemed to shine in the dark, and seemingly normal curly blue hair, until it would act in a similar way to Idia's hair when she became emotional
you named your daughter after her father's fiery hair, his inner brilliance and potential, and of course, the idea of a flower blooming in the underworld (Persephone vibes hehe)
she's the child who's quiet and introverted on the outside, but has so much to say when she's alone with you
most of the time she's generally soft-spoken, mumbling and acting shy with strangers
but oh wait? there's a pop-up arcade of her favourite show??? gremlin child activated
ridiculously good at games, even if she just learnt the rules, it's very like she'll end up being the winner
you used to spend a lot of time styling her hair, but there were too many instances where soon after finishing styling, her emotions became too unstable and her hair turned into flames
still braidable, just not explainable to strangers
she's kinda like a cat in the sense that she'll act like she doesn't care or not want your touch, but when you pat her head or brush her hair, she just sits still and beams at your affection
definitely clings onto you when there are too many strangers and she's scared
ridiculously smart and good at math and technology, and she had no issues learning magical theory from you
when you told her about the brilliant but shy man her father was, she was dying to meet him when he sounded so similar to her
and after running some tests and calculations, she connected her magic to Idia and the next moment you know, you were in the Styx science lab, with Idia, his hair tied up, his eyebags worse than ever, standing right in front of you
Idia's heart skips a beat as he catches sight of your figure emerging from the radiant light, a surreal moment that defies all expectations. "OMG, it actually worked..." he exclaims, dropping his tablet to the floor, forgotten in his rush towards you.
With each stride, the weight of years apart seems to evaporate, replaced by a resplendent glimmer of hope that grows brighter with every passing moment. His palms grow clammy, but undeterred, he continues his determined approach, craving the warmth of your presence.
He finds himself standing in front of you, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. The room seems to shrink, narrowing down to just the three of them, the air heavy with anticipation.
Idia's voice quivers, his words delicate as they tremble in the air, like a fragile melody woven with threads of longing and regret. "I...I can't believe it's really you. I've missed you so damn much." His voice cracks with emotion, his vulnerability laid bare as he reached out to hold you.
Idia's crying and Ortho's right next time him congratulating his success, though there's a loving and emotional tone to his robotic voice
he's holding you so tightly and crying and he just melts into your arms and warmth
soon after graduation, Idia began working more and more at styx to inherit the family business
but a side project of his for the longest time was opening a portal where you could go back and forth between two worlds
and miraculously, his system connected with Honoka's magic and you were back!
idia's incredibly nervous and surprised he has a daughter, and he has a mild panic attack before he's a bit more calmed down with your and Ortho's help
but once things have settled down a bit, you'll start living comfortably with your family in styx
though idia may be busy at times, he always has ortho with you or some cameras near you so you won't suddenly disappear on him
you're basically irreversibly a part of the shroud family now, and in his mind, you really didn't get to choose
his anxiety about you leaving keeps him up at night, but when he wakes up from nightmares and you're the first thing he sees, he slowly calms down and curls his body into you to feel more of your warmth
gaming sessions with Honoka!! he introduces all sorts of his favourite games to her, though you make sure they're not too violent and inappropriate knowing him, and they bond over playing and introducing games to each other
family game nights with you four playing basically Mario party or co-op games!!
and though Idia's still working on breaking the family curse, even more motivated now because he doesn't want it affecting Honoka, he's so grateful fate has finally given him this happiness, to be able to live together as a family with his most cherished people
Trembling with a mix of excitement and trepidation, Idia knelt down to meet Honoka at eye level, his voice filled with a gentle warmth. "Hey there, kiddo. It's... it's really nice to finally meet you." His words carried a hint of awe, as if he couldn't quite believe that this precious little being was a part of him.
Honoka's eyes sparkled with a mixture of curiosity and recognition, her small hand reaching out to touch his hair. She uttered her first words, a tender melody that danced in the air. "You have the same hair as me... Daddy?" she asked curiously.
Tears welled up in Idia's eyes as he comprehended her words, a tender smile graced his lips. His voice choked with love and gratitude. "Yeah kid, I'm your daddy." He pulls her into a hug, "Let's play lots of games together, yeah?"
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Keitarou (蛍太郎) with 火 meaning "firefly" and 華 meaning "eldest son"
your son has black hair that fades at the tips to a blue reminiscent of the sky right before sunrise, and shimmering emerald eyes with a reptile-like slit in them
you named your son after the night you first met his father who manifested as fireflies, and a reference to the nickname you chose to call him
your son is very polite to strangers, but he struggles with getting along with his peers
he'd love to make friends, but his aura comes off as overwhelming to other people, so unfortunately he does feel a bit lonely
but he loves it when he's at home with you, when you shower all of your affection onto him and he feels so loved and cherished
he loves his mama so much he always wants to help you with chores and whatnot, but unfortunately he can be rather clumsy and oblivious which leads to more problems being made
but in those situations, you always show him the correct way of doing things, while also reassuring him it's okay he made mistakes, what's important is learning from them
super clingy and cuddly! sometimes he becomes territorial and his dragon tail appears and curls itself around your limbs
you have masterfully disguised his budding horns by wrapping his hair around them, explaining to others than he liked this Halloween costume so much he wanted it done everyday
being half fae, he's incredibly talented at magic and it really does come as second nature to him
when you told him about his charming yet fearsome father, he was really curious about this figure, but also a part of him wondered why his wonderful mama would choose someone like him?
well, mama seems to miss him a lot, and Keitarou loves nothing more than seeing you happy, and all of a sudden, you're standing in the throne room or the dark gothic castle, and right across the room was the King of Briar Valley, his expression stone cold and cautious until he met you eyes
Silver and Sebek, positioned in a defensive stance, braced themselves for whatever entity would emerge from the swirling portal. As the portal dissipated, revealing the figure within, Malleus gasped, his breath catching in his throat. A surge of emotions overwhelmed him, an electric current coursing through his veins.
His steps quickened, propelled by an overwhelming desire to bridge the chasm of time and distance that had separated you for far too long. The distance between you closed swiftly, his graceful stride carrying him closer to the embodiment of his deepest longing. The words that slipped from his lips were laden with a tenderness and longing that only you could evoke.
"My dearest Child of Man, is it truly you?" Malleus murmured, his voice a fragile whisper, as if afraid to shatter the fragile reality that had materialized before him. His outstretched hands trembled, yearning to cradle you once more, to feel the warmth of your presence.
A mixture of awe and reverence coated his words as he continued, his voice barely audible but drenched in profound emotion. "You came back. It's been so long, far too long..." His voice trailed off, swallowed by the weight of the years that had separated you.
he's so shaken the rain has cleared up to bring about a beautiful rainbow that hovered over the castle
silver and sebek go to get lilia, and it's a heartfelt family reunion
they've all seen how Malleus has returned back to his hollow shell of existence after you left, and they're so glad his eyes are glimmering with emotions once again
though some are more direct about it, and others felt the need to rant about how cruel it was to leave them (we love you sebek)
though he's been urged by his advisors to quickly marry and start producing an heir, he's adamantly refused because he firmly believed nobody would ever make him feel the same way you did
there are some advisors who are secretly unhappy with the fact that the queen is human and the new heir is half-human, but nobody would dare say a word when they see the Malleus Draconia act like an oversized puppy dog with his head in your lap
plus, Keitarou magical prowess and intelligence easily put them in their place
Malleus, with your return, has grown more openly dramatic and affectionate
for example, if you mention you like a certain flower, the next day the entire garden is replanted to that exact flower
do calm him down a bit so he won't be too extra with his love language
Keitarou and Malleus sort of have this rivalry between the two of them to get the most of your affections
but they do eventually reach a truce when they both agree you're the most important thing in the world
but you know, general lighthearted sabotage on both ends, Keitarou wants to sleep with his mama, so papa can sleep alone yeah?
no it ends up with the entire family sleeping together and you're sandwiched in the middle
well, at least it's a happy family of two possessive dragons and possibly a baby princess coming on the way?
Keitarou hid behind your legs, his small frame peeking out to catch glimpses of the man standing before you.
"Hm? Is he... our child?" His voice carried a soft tremor, as if he dared not let himself believe in the possibility. But your nod, filled with affirmation and a love that transcended time, set loose a cascade of emotions within him. A serene smile graced his features, radiating warmth and a profound sense of peace.
Malleus turned towards Keitarou, his eyes tender and gentle, a wellspring of paternal affection flowing freely. "Hello, young one," he began, his words carrying a weight of significance that only a father's voice could hold. "I am your father, and it is a pleasure to meet you."
Keitarou's wide eyes glistened with a mix of wonder and cautious hope as he listened to Malleus's gentle words. "Hello," he murmured, his voice filled with a blend of innocence and an innate longing for connection. "I... I'm Keitarou," he continued, his voice wavering slightly but growing stronger with each syllable. "It's... it's nice to meet you, Father."
Malleus's smile widened, mirroring the joy and relief that flooded his own heart. With open arms, he enveloped Keitarou in a warm embrace.
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Part 1✧Part 2✧Part 4✧Masterlist
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vettelsvee · 30 days
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HISTORY SERIES | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | ask me anything or let's talk!
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sebastian vettel x wife race engineer!reader | 2008 to 2022 f1 seasons
for more information to the reader: ❥ this series consists on a journey around the 15 years seb and y/n got to experience in formula 1. for this reason, this series (or saga, whatever you wanna say it) has a total of 15 independent series that will go from 2008 to 2022, and some other short fics that will be part of the story. ❥ it contains so many tropes, including slow burn romance, right person, wrong time, friends to lovers, enemies to friends to lovers, among others. ❥ some parts might include sensitive content. pay attention to trigger warnings at the beginning of each part. ❥ english is not my first language so apologies for any mistakes that you can read here!
started: AUGUST 25TH 2024 currently status: on going | last updated: august 25th masterlist of each independent series under the cut !
a/n: my maiden formula 1 and seb series with lots of modifications as it really needed it. love these characters, love every single plot and to sum up, love it, so i hope you love this as much as I do!
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Monster Mayhem: Donkeys & Dragons
Gender Neutral Reader x Malleus Draconia Word Count: 3.0k
Summary: In which your friends are idiots who think gallivanting around a haunted castle surrounded by lava is a great idea. And then there's a dragon.
ie. Or, I watched Shrek this afternoon and could not stop thinking about the memes of the Prefect being Donkey and Malleus as the Dragon.
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‘Treasure beyond your wildest dreams!’ Ace said.
‘Knowledge long since lost to time!’ Deuce corrected.
‘Yeah, okay, but what is it,’ you asked.
And neither of them had an answer.
Abandoned castles suspended over a sea of bubbling lava were not your preferred holiday destination. You’d told Ace this several times. You’d begged, pleaded, to please just be normal for once. But noooo. Both the snarky, ginger, bastard and the other half of his singular brain cell had apparently decided that suicide ala boiling rocks sounded like a perfectly lovely plan for your Saturday evening.
“I’m just saying,” you huffed as the rope bridge swung worryingly beneath your feet, “taverns are a thing. Faires. Market runs. Casual side quests that won’t wind up with us being flambeed alive.”
“But there’s treasure!” Ace complained, the muddled light off the lava below illuminating his pout in a way that made it look especially punchable. “I heard there’s this really awesome magical sword! Or maybe it was a shield or something—”
“Or something,” you grit out. “What if it’s a book, huh? You can’t even read.”
“We can try!” Deuce returned, a spark of that familiar determination zipping through his blue eyes.
“Or we can sell it,” Ace said, which was certainly the more likely option of the two.
One of the rickety, wooden, slats cracked beneath the low heel of your boot and tumbled down into the lava below. Maybe it hit the gurgling pool of death with a hiss, or a whump, or some other cool sound. But all you could hear was the ringing in your ears.
“Oh my god. I’m going to die.”
“I mean, maybe,” Ace shrugged. “But at least you’ll have a cool new sword propped up at your grave or something.”
You managed to make it all the way to the other side of the horrible death bridge without plummeting to your doom. Except now you were standing at the foot an equally horrifying castle. It was massive—grand on a scale that seemed entirely impossible for something constructed in the heart of a volcano. Its dozens of ebony spires clawed at the sky. The walls crawled with grey ivy and thickets of thorns so dense that you couldn’t see even the barest hint of brick beneath. It looked evil in the way that cursed tombs felt evil—eternal, and still, and oppressive. Like a creature in its own right rather than just an agglomeration of black stone.
Ace drew his sword and Deuce readied his axe. You sighed and plucked at the strings of your stupid fucking lute, and wished once more that you’d had the foresight all those moons ago to take the cushy internship position Lord Crewel had tried to offer you. But, no. You’d wanted to be an adventurer.
The massive double doors of the entrance swung open with an eerie groan. A pair of stern looking gargoyles stood guard as the three of you cautiously made your way into the castle. You swore you could feel their eyes following you—that you’d seen them flex jagged claws into their stone perches in an aborted attempt to dive after you.
The inside of the looming fortress was no more welcoming than out. Dark, emerald, stained glass windows lined the walls—smothering any of the warmer light from the volcano and tinting the entire hall a sickly green-grey. The stone floors and walls were elaborately carved with the faded stories of dynasties long since passed, but what had once surely been immaculate craftsmanship had shifted and cracked with age—crushing floors into tight slopes and littering already narrow walkways with heavy debris.
“We just have to find the tallest tower,” Ace hummed, swiping at a few dangling trails of thorns with the blunted edge of his blade. “And then the highest room in that.”
“The treasure is never in the highest room in the tallest tower,” you complained. “You just heard that in a drinking song once.”
“Is that true?” Deuce frowned, looking terribly betrayed.
“No way!” Ace snipped. “I told you! An old crone read my fortune in her bone dice, and she said to always check the highest room in the tallest tower! Because that’s where I’d find my greatest treasure!”
“Maybe the greatest treasure is the friends we’ve made along the way?” Deuce suggested helpfully.
So you split off from a grouchy Ace and dejected Deuce to try and find some stairs. Every room in this stupid castle was swimming in so many shadows that you could hardly tell right from left, let alone if there were any kinds of secret doors or passageways that may lead to an equally secret tower. The chamber you’d found yourself in now was gigantic, and each tentative step you took echoed discordantly through the ashy gloom. You kicked miserably at a loose rock and it skittered off into the darkness with a dull thunk. And then something… odd, began to happen. That darkness began to move—to rise and unfurl like a great set of wings on a beast. And—oh. Oh no.
“Would you look at that,” Ace whistled under his breath, neck craned all the way back as he squinted at what was most definitely the tallest of all the towers this creepy castle had to offer. “Guess what, nonbelievers. I found the—”
Whoosh went the great swathe of emerald fire as it exploded down the barren hallway and nipped at your heels. You dove out into the open courtyard just in time to avoid being roasted alive, and the gargantuan monster behind you let out a roar fit to shake the earth. A quick tuck-and-roll left you crouched behind a fallen pillar, and the dragon’s bright, green, glower turned on you and your garbage hiding spot with a rumbling snarl. Its rows of sharp, white, teeth closing just above your head—missing its mark by barely a hair’s width.
“Gotcha!” Deuce snarled, his armored fists dragging the dragon away by its tail. Or, well, tried to. Because the dragon was a hundred feet long at least, and your blue haired friend probably looked like nothing more than a pesky rat darting between its feet. It turned and snapped at him irritably, taking a great, big, step forward in a bid to get a firmer stance to attack. You threw yourself in the other direction to avoid being trampled.
“Go!” Ace called, charging in from the other side. “Quick!”
Because at the end of the day, they were still both your brave, tanky, warrior, friends. And you were just a very, very, squishy bard who really would not fare well against a particularly motivated goose, let alone a dragon. So you skidded through the rubble and onto your feet, and started to sprint back into the castle’s halls—hoping maybe you’d be able to find a bit more cover.
There was a great clatter, and both Ace and Deuce yelped. You looked back hurriedly to see the pair of them clutching onto the dragon’s tail for dear life as it whipped them back and forth through the ash and debris cluttering the ground. With one, final, great, sweep, the dragon pitched them into the air and sent them careening through the roof of that ‘tallest tower.’ You muttered a hasty incantation and the sparkling outlines of soft feathers danced along your fingers. You hoped you weren’t too far. You were probably too goddamn far. But you hummed frantically under your breath nonetheless and entreated your middling magic to give them a soft landing.
And then there was another wave of green hellfire raining down over your head and you turned and ran.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck—
Even if you’d been a champion sprinter, there was little good it would have done you against a beast whose stride was longer than you were tall. You made it back into some hall or other, and into another cavernous room, and then you were pinned into a corner—the dragon looming over you like a vengeful wraith come to take its due.
It was gigantic. Probably the biggest creature you’d ever seen. And it was sleek—all lithe muscle and glossy rows of black scales that glittered oddly in the dull, grey, light. Its wings spread wide behind it, spanning the entirety of the vast chamber. They looked like the sort of wings that could stir up a hurricane. The curling horns atop its head seemed sharp enough to gore a man or twenty, and the purple crests lining its skull were tapered down flat in a way that reminded you a bit deliriously of a pissy cat pinning its ears back before it swatted at you.
Its lips curled back over pointed canines as it snarled at you, and you were showered in a swathe of hot sparks.
“Oh, what large teeth you have,” you squeaked, and when the dragon dipped closer to bellow into your face, your reeled back with a splutter. “I—I mean white, sparkling, teeth!” you rattled, nearly incoherent. The dragon’s snout twitched away, almost like you’d startled it. “I mean, I’m sure you hear this all the time from your food, but—wow! Just! Very lovely! Definitely the prettiest smile I’ll ever be eaten by!”
Slowly it lowered its great head, and you could see the neon glare from its narrowed eyes.
“Not that you have to eat me,” you added hurriedly, hoping to whatever Gods could hear you that your smart mouth could finally be useful for more than just talking circles around assholes in bars or weaseling your friends out of shitty contracts. “I’d very much like not to be eaten. But all the same, we did intrude in your home—and it’s definitely a very nice home—so I’d totally get it. And I guess if I did have to die today, knowing that my life would be in the hands of something so magnificent is certainly reassuring.”
The dragon seemed to preen a bit at that. You could see the sharp crests beneath its horns soften as tension bled from the beast’s posture. It ducked in close again, and this time you felt a sharp pull of air rush past your cheeks as it sniffed you. Its nostrils were the size your head—bigger even, maybe. You didn’t want to think about it, but the dry heat of its breath puffing into your face made the entire thing a bit hard to ignore.  
“Did I mention what a charming home you have?” you rambled on. “Very aesthetic. The gargoyles at the gate were a lovely touch.”
The dragon made a low, warbling, noise in its throat that wasn’t quite a growl, but wasn’t particularly… reassuring, either. It made the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
It ducked away—not far, just enough to reach one of the large, carved, walls at the outskirts of the room. Its long neck slithered out before pausing pointedly over an archway. It took you a long moment to realize it was gesturing to something. Another gargoyle from the looks of things—this one almost entirely crumbled away under the strains of time. You could just barely make out the shape of its square jaw and taloned fingers.
You nodded so hard you nearly gave yourself whiplash.
“Yes! I see! Very beautiful! Such fine craftsmanship!”
The dragon cooed at you. Swear on your life and all the money in your back packet. An actual, honest to God, coo. Fuck, maybe you’d managed to charm your way out of imminent dismemberment and death after all.
It ambled closer once again, a curiosity lighting its eyes and warming those neon irises into something that was less poisonous-hell-fire and more mellow-evening-in-the-forest.
Amidst all the rippling waves of ebony scales, your eyes caught on the smallest smear of crimson. Just a touch of red—right along the spikes of its tail. Carefully, cautiously, slower than molasses, you stepped forward with your hands raised. You whispered a handful of familiar words under your breath and your palms glowed fuzzy and blue. Dragons were supposed to be inherently magical, right? So this one would certainly understand that the string of syllables you’d babbled out were good, and helpful, and not at all a provocation. The dragon was looking down at you with lidded eyes, its gaze a bit unfocused. You gulped.
“I’m sorry my friends messed with your tail,” you apologized, gingerly holding your fingers out to hover over the abrasions without actually touching. “They were just trying to protect me. If—if that makes it any better.” The minuscule wound began to knit itself back together neatly beneath the pulses of your magic. “I do tend to need a lot of protecting—I’m not much a warrior, if that wasn’t completely obvious by the everything about me—so I can’t really blame them for being a bit gung-ho about it.”
After a moment or two, the scratches had faded back into solid, matte, black and you drew back with a content hum.
“There! All fixed!” You gave your most winning smile. Please don’t eat me, your brain chanted on endless repeat. Please don’t eat me please don’t eat me please don’t eat me—
The dragon reared back and settled on its haunches with another heavy puff of sweltering breath. You could feel the heat of it prickling all the way up your arms. After a long, long, moment of silent consideration, the dragon leaned forward again and rumbled deep in its chest. When you only stood there, properly petrified, it huffed again and bumped its nose against your sternum, nearly toppling you over.
“I don’t—” you started, nervous. “I’m sorry. I don’t really get what you’re trying to say.”
With another sigh that sounded entirely too put upon, the dragon lowered its great head. The air itself seemed to grow heavy against your shoulders, and you could taste the cloying bitterness of strong magics on the back of your tongue. Black miasma oozed from beneath the dragon’s talons and melted along its scales. The caustic scent of ash and petrichor burned along your nostrils, and you had to pinch your eyes shut and cover your nose to keep from coughing. You managed to sneak a peek past your fingers just in time to watch the shadowed outline of the beast collapse. And out of that puddle of black goo emerged a man­. He was tall and lithe, just as the dragon had been, with glowing green eyes that were terribly familiar. They were framed with thick, dark, lashes and sat perfectly on a face that was nearly too handsome to be human (well, it really wasn’t human you supposed, so that little tidbit probably accounted for said inhuman beauty well enough). Recognizable eyes and stature or no, the curling horns atop his head would have sealed the deal plenty well enough on their own.
He shook off the shadows twining around his ankles with a lazy twist of the hand and then turned to you with a curious little hum.
And holy fuck Mister Dragon apparently had no sense of shame, or maybe just no qualms about social niceties and practicalities, because his human self was wearing about just as many clothes as his lizard form had been.
You squeezed your eyes shut with a squeak, and then double covered them with your hands for good measure.
A chuckle rolled through the air—as dark and pleasantly rich as the finest of chocolates. And then there was a clawed finger beneath your chin, tilting your head back, and back, and back until you were at least half-way sure it would probably be safe to open your eyes again without infringing on his decency.
“You are fascinating, Child of Man,” it—he—hummed, low in his throat. His thumb dragged down to hook beneath the curve of your jaw and support the finger tucked up under your chin. “And it’s been so, very, long since I’ve been fascinated by anything.”
“Uh,” you replied, like a perfectly functional human being.
The dragon’s lips curled up over his pointed teeth—still just as sharp and white as they had been when he’d been so much bigger and scalier.
“I think I’d like to keep you,” he said with a nod to himself, as casually as one may talk about picking up extra groceries from the market.
“Uh,” you said again.
“You did mention that you needed protecting,” he continued, tapping a clawed finger against his own chin. The small smile quirking his lips twisted into something smug. “And that is certainly something at which I would excel.”
Your head was swimming.
“I—I mean. I’m honored that you—that… you—” You couldn’t even think the words, let alone get them past your brain and out of your mouth. You cleared your throat and fought to keep your eyes level with his clavicle and nowhere else. “D-Don’t you think you’re moving a bit fast?” you laughed nervously. “I mean, I’m sure my friends will probably be on their way back down soon—and—I mean, we haven’t even introduced ourselves yet. I don’t even know your name.”
He blinked, slow and serpentine.
“Oh. I suppose you wouldn’t.” He canted his head to the side, long strands of that inky black hair of his spilling across his shoulder. An amused sort of grin worked its way along his mouth. “Dragons are not keen to give out our true names so readily, but you seem like a clever one. Tell me—what do you think I’m called then, hmm?”
You glanced up quickly at the horns atop his head and couldn’t help yourself.
He let out a bark of laughter that seemed to shake the walls.
“Oh,” he trilled, looking positively delighted. The hand not curled beneath your chin reached down to snag your own, and he brought your wrist up to his lips. You could feel the imprints of his canines against the soft skin there. “I’ll definitely be keeping you.”
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simp-ly-writes · 27 days
The Comment Section (pt.3)
─────── · · A Social Media AU Fic
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Pairing: Spencer Agnew x gn!Reader
─ · · SUMMARY: The drama continues and eventually cascades into other youtube comment sections. At this point, you and Spencer have no choice but to speak up.
─ · · TAGS: gender-neutral pronouns, jealous!Spencer, angst, attempt at comedy, more angst, light swearing, fluff, mutual pinning, irl celebrities.
─ · · A/N: I hope you all are having as much fun reading this as I am writing this! :D
EDIT: sorry, just noticed a sentence didn't save near the end: fixed it now!
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Smosh Live: (name) is going to Hollywood with Celebrity Guests Glen and Sydney!
Smosh Pit ✓ [Subscribed] Like 132k | Dislike | ... 8.29M subscribers 1.43M views 5 days ago #10 on trending (name) and their new costars act out your stories. click to read more
username27 5 days ago WHOEVER IS ON SMOSH PR NEEDS TO GET FIRED RIGHT NOW. DO THEY NOT READ THE COMMENTS OR CHAT!!??? username49 5 days ago Never in my wildest dreams would I think this collab would happen!!! username66 5 days ago ALEX I LOVE YOU. username01 1 day ago Stay strong (youshipname) shippers! We will not falter to ANY Hollywood Heartthrobs! Spencer come get your man/woman! username35 30 minutes ago (edited) I have no idea who these people are but they make (name) sound a lot funnier! Edit: this sounds way worse than I imagined. username14 3 days ago Okay, I am a major Glen x Sydney shipper but that chemistry with (name) has me looking the other direction... username33 just now So obvious that people did not watch the whole stream. Spencer ended up dropping off more material for them to read and he just stands there, hands gripping the papers, eyes fixed on the couch and then leaves as if nothing happened BEFORE Alex came in and "fixed" it. ▼ 100 replies ↳ username66 just now HOLY SHIT! This makes it even better RAHHHHHH> * [this comment has been flagged for interfering with Youtube's Community Guidelines; for more information press HERE] ↳ username51 just now Jealous Spencer was not on my Smosh 2024 Bingo Card. ↳ username08 just now (edited) I have been reading wayyy to many romance novels but I was screaming at my screen for them to kiss at that moment. *correction for Spencer and (name) to kiss you weirdos!! ↳ username17 just now God I love how Alex just picks up their arm and then walks back off with a thumbs up towards the camera. When you know- you know~
username20 1 hour ago (name) if you ever read this, can you please not take their offer and go out with Sydney? You and Spencer belong together, period. username51 just now That smirk Sydney sent to the couch has my knees weak, how did everyone else act so normal?!?!? username40 just now So proud of you (name)! no one deserves this opportunity more than you, I have been following your work for years now; will be there opening night for sure!
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We took (name) from Smosh
Rom-Com Interviews Plus ✓ [Subscribe] Like 10k | Dislike | ... 10.1M subscribers 2.4M views 4 days ago your favorite two actors interview (name) from Smosh on their upcoming film together. get all the details and find out when and where you can get tickets for the release! click to read more
username79 4 days ago Another Glen and Sydney rom-com? count me in!!! username01 4 days ago OVER MY DEAD FUCKING BODY YOU DID NOT STEAL THEE (name) FROM SMOSH, FROM MY BOY SPENCER. ▼ 34 replies ↳ username08 4 days ago @ spennser!!! Be a director and fix this! We are sick of it! ↳ username87 3 days ago Okay but (name) is their own person outside of work??? Like there is little he can do if they don't want to talk... ↳ username20 1 hour ago Well... with the amount of threats on Twitter and across all Smosh socials now... I think they have little choice now, people are LIVID (me included). ↳ username87 just now But what in the para-social bullshit is this guys? Like c'mon, who gives a damn if they are dating or not- they are ACTORS! It's their literal job to have chemistry on screen ↳ username33 just now Ummm, actually! Spencer and (name) were seen together long before they both were on camera. Sure, they both have some experience with performance work but the hundreds of photos of them spending time outside of work. [Ex. vacations, pet-sitting, and dining out]. Tell us that is not just a performance!! ↳ username33 just now OH AND don't even get me started about the "similar" shirts and hoodies they "both" have... ↳ username33 just now Also... @ spennser!!! @ spennser!!! @ spennser!!! @ spennser!!! RESPOND NOW. username49 2 days ago Great video! Can't wait to see (name) taking the next step in their career; a youtuber in a blockbuster movie- never thought it would happen! Keep up the great content! username51 1 hour ago What is with the Smosh community? Like who knew they were so toxic. Stay away from Glen and Sydney- they did nothing to you!! username19 30 minutes ago This is all getting out of hand now, like- downright ridiculous. What the Hell is going on at Smosh that has it spreading to other channels? username74 30 minutes ago Great interview! Don't know who this (name) person is but its great that they did so much charity work outside the office Rom-Com Interviews Plus ✓ just now Hello everyone, we have read through the enormous amount of feedback you have provided us and we will not be changing the title of this video. To clarify to those who might have skipped through some parts, (name) is NOT leaving Smosh but are going to be the co-star in Glen and Sydneys newest film together, coming out this holiday season! (name) is still very much content in their current position at Smosh and we here at Rom-Com kindly ask for all of our fans, the actors fans, and the fans of Smosh to allow everyone their privacy and to not further engage with hostility. ▼ 2 replies ↳ spennser just now Like hell they were leaving Smosh. * [this comment has been deleted on request of the user] ↳ username01 just now I saw that sir!!
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BREAKING: (name) seen in the background of Spencers recent stream!!
(Yourshipname) Updates [Subscribe] Like | Dislike | ... 1.12K subscribers 500k views 2 days ago click to expand
username01 just now I AM NOT FREAKING OUT- YOU ARE, OKAY?!>!>? cough, cough... ermm, I mean... it does awfully look a lot like them... username77 2 days ago Does not look like (name), has to be another friend, girlfriend maybe? sister? username04 1 day ago (edited) On twitter, Smosh Cast just tweeted that Spencer and (name) are scheduled for this weeks talk- makes me hopeful! ▼ 5 replies ↳ username01 1 day ago OMG REALLY?? ↳ username11 4 hours ago Can someone confirm this? ↳ username17 30 minutes ago Its real. Check it out: twitter.com/smoshcast12345. ↳ username11 just now Thank you! Sent from my iphone. ↳ username14 just now If this is not a video of them making out for a full hour then I am not accepting the apology. My heart has hurt too much BC of these two idiots.
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Every Apology... Ever.
Smosh Cast ✓ [Subscribed] Like 128k | Dislike | ... 582K subscribers 488k views 2 days ago #7 on trending (name) and Spencer swear this is the only apology video they're ever going to have to make. click to read more
⚲ Pinned by Creator SmoshCast ✓ 2 days ago Hi everyone, Spencer and (name) here. For those who don't have time to watch the full episode today. Please note that we are still friends and have been working hard on new content both separately and together, stay tuned and remember to drink water! ▼ 769 replies ↳ username03 2 days ago Will do boss! ↳ username54 2 days ago You guys dating yet?? username66 2 days ago Someone pinch me! A full hour of just (name) and Spencer? I think I have arrived in heaven! ▼ 18 replies ↳ username69 2 days ago Toasters and bathtubs never looked like a tempting combo till now. ↳ username24 2 days ago Get help please @ username69
username56 30 minutes ago It is a monuments day to be a (yourshipname) supporter, I can't wait for the besties to be back together! (yourshipname)updates ✓ Just got inspired from this video, will be making an edits reel stat! ▼ 199 replies ↳ username04 1 days ago YES PLEASE, FEED MY DELUSIONS.
username05 1 day ago (edited) 0:17 (name): "To start off, I am still very much single and am still employed by Smosh as a cast member and producer. I would also like to apologize publicly to Spencer, the team, and the fans for being so distant lately. I have been finding it hard to manage my work here at Smosh with my outside projects. My stress and mental health was affecting more than just myself, and I came to find too late those who I had hurt in the process of my self-destruction. Which is why I took a step back..." ▼ 5 replies ↳ username11 1 days ago Yes, you clap back (name)! ↳ username14 30 minutes ago I love you (name). But why did you do those interviews if you were so stressed? ↳ username12 15 minutes ago @ username14 They were probably booked before it all happened. You know PR tours and all that. ↳ username14 just now Okay, that makes more sense now. ↳ username77 10 minutes ago Yeah, not single for long! I swear if Spencer is gonna do nothing, I am going to step up.
username33 4 hours ago 1:01 Spencer: "It makes me happy to see everyone who supports (name) and I both on and off-screen. For those who need clarification though, (name) and I have never and are not currently dating one another. We are best friends, simply put and we forgave one another right after. All I ask- we ask is for you to please respect our privacy and relationship as well as those connected to us." ▼ 12 replies ↳ username43 30 minutes ago (edited) Spencer forgot to include, "at this time" to the dating part ;) It's okay sweetie, we know whats really going on. username12 2 days ago I can't wait to see more of (names)'s projects outside of Smosh! So funny to think we'll see them on the big screen now, those interviews with Glen and Sydney make so much more sense now! Take your time on making content, take care of yourself please, I can wait a bit longer. username17 30 minutes ago Still don't know how to feel about this. Sure I am happy they are still friends, but I just have too many questions left unanswered. Like Alex and the arm placement, that deleted comment under (name)'s interview with Glen and Sydney and them potentially sharing an apartment?? username39 just now HOLY SHIT, THEY ARE BRINGING BACK BORED AF AND NOBODY THOUGHT TO TELL ME??? username99 15 minutes ago Man I missed their banter and longing stares across the table. Nothin' hits harder than (yourshipname). username39 1 day ago Spencer looked so proud of (name) when they were telling us their dream of finally staring in a movie, and a large one at that. The stars in his eyes- I want that for me. username47 just now Everyone keeps talking about how Spencer should ask out (name) but like (name) could also do it too, they seem more likely to ask Spencer out themselves. IDK just makes me think that if they were to date, they would've done so already. Kinda loosing hope here... ▼ 2 replies ↳ username33 just now Don't ever loose hope! They are both still single, theres always a chance :) ↳ username01 just now I can FEEL they are the next Shayne x Courtney. They are following all the same landmarks, I would argue with even more chemistry. username33 1 hour ago Anyone else feel like (name) is taking a major downgrade somehow? They are going from rom-com main character here at Smosh to side-character, second love interest in a film. Kinda hoped that they would've starred in something else.
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─ · · A/N: alrighty! part 3 done, how we feeling about the slowburn and one-off pieces?- good I hope because I'm already working on some more hhahahhaha
─ · · TAGLIST: @lisiliely
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lacedinweb22 · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara Masterlist ⋆˚。⋆୨୧ 🕸 ୨୧⋆。˚⋆
taglist sign up turn notifs on --(tagging sometimes fails so turn on notifs to be safe >:D) 18+ Mature setting toggle on --to avoid missing the NSFW 18+ stuff 😼 Requests must be from 18+ AGE IN BIO 🤬 Wattpad- lacedinweb22 🏴‍☠️
Vampire Next Door- (Miguel O'Hara x fem reader) Your neighbor is strange, to say the least. Miguel O’Hara: Alchemax’s newest scientist, genius, most sought-after bachelor … and according to your wildest suspicions … a vampire?
Chapter 1: New Girl *✩ Chapter 2: Night Terror ✮༻ Chapter 3: and I remember her... ˚○◦˚. Chapter 4: Just a Dream °�� Chapter 5: watching her sleep ❦︎ Chapter 6: Noise Complaints *ੈ‧ Chapter 7: Seven Minutes in Heaven ♱☽🦇☾♱ Chapter 8: About Last Night °✧*:・ Chapter 9: Beginnings of Someone Else ⋆。𖦹 Chapter 10: Once Bitten, Twice Shy °❆˚₊⋆ Chapter 11: New Year, New Me ❅˚⋆୧ Chapter 12: ⊱From the Outside⊰ Chapter 13: A… vampire ♱❦︎₊°
Headcanons -
On Your Period nsfw 18+
Pudge and Cuddles nsfw 18+
Desperate to Breed, Desperate for Your Scent nsfw 18+
your neighbor, stoner Miguel nsfw 18+ ✥°o。
Miguel babies you when you’re sick ⁺‧₊˚ nsfw 18+
dirty, drunk blurb nsfw 18+
dirty, drunk blurb part two nsfw 18+
morning sex blurb ⋆:°* nsfw 18+
One-Shots -
Miguel talks you through it nsfw 18+
Miguel knows how to… nsfw 18+
Valentine’s Day ❦︎⋆˙ nsfw 18+
good kitty - Spidey catches Kitty. Miguel x Black Cat (reader) nsfw 18+
good girl - nsfw 18+ You're trying to study but Miguel has other plans. face r*iding included >:)
just a quick study break... - nsfw 18+ You've been studying for hours and decide it's time to rest your eyes and take a quick break. You're awaken to an even better study break.
daddy's coworker - nsfw 18+ Your father leaves you at home with his coworker (your little crush). He works in your father's office, and you... distract him.
clean me up - After your first time together, you and Miguel take a bath.
feeling guilty - pt.2 of ⬆️ Miguel feels guilty and cleans up your wounds.
rough night - nsfw 18+ Miguel comes home from work roughed up. You offer your care, but he really only needs one thing.
Entangled (university AU)- After years of friendship, Miguel's recent changes become increasingly noticeable and suspicious to Y/N, causing them to stumble upon the truth of Miguel's secret identity and the revealing of their feelings for each other.
Ch. 1 "are you... jealous?"
Ch. 2 "Drunk and Crushing" pt.1
Ch. 3 "New Ride" flashback
Ch. 4 "Knight in Glitching Armor" flashback
Ch. 5 "Drunk and Crushing" pt.2
Ch. 6 "Stung by Jealousy" flashback
Ch. 7 "Web of Lies"
Ch. 8 "You're... Spider-Man"
935 notes · View notes
luxeacademia · 8 months
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Brindleton Bay Taylors Version Pt. 01: Wildest Dreams Jewelry & Style Clothing Boutique by luxeacademia
So I am a big Swiftie and recently had this idea of making Brindleton Bay builds inspired by 1989 TV. Here is the first build. I have a few more planned and I am super excited about it! I also chose to photograph this build during the winter because it gave "snow on the beach' vibes. Hope you like it! -
Presenting "Wildest Dreams" and "Style" – where retail therapy meets Hamptons charm.
"Wildest Dreams" Jewelry: Discover an array of sparkling gems and accessories that will make your Sims' wildest dreams come true. From delicate necklaces to shimmering rings, this boutique is a haven for those who appreciate the finer things.
"Style" Clothing: Dive into the world of fashion at "Style," where coastal Hamptons aesthetics blend seamlessly with Taylor's 1989 era. Explore racks of chic outfits and timeless ensembles that exude sophistication and style.
Come explore our retail paradise, where Sims can indulge in shopping sprees that capture the essence of coastal luxury.
Lot Details:
Name: Wildest Dreams & Style Boutique
Value: 1,275,717
Type: Retail
Size: 20x20
World: Brindleton Bay
Location: Ragdoll Refurb
Other Info:
Thank you to all CC creators!
Enable BB.MoveObjects before placing
Please do not reupload or claim as your own
Feel free to tag me if you use it. I would love to see it!
CC list:
@pixelglam: Coastal Art | Ralph Lauren Folded Sweaters
@pinkbox-anye: Coffeeshop | Magorna | Senna | Sophie
@awingedllama: Nostalgia Living
@bbygyal123: Minimal Prints
@bergdorfverse Bags: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5 - 6
@charlypancakes: Lavish
@felixandresims: Chateau Part I. | Chateau Part. VI. | Colonial Part III. | Georgian | Grove Part II. | Paris Part I. | Paris Part II. | Paris Part III.
House of Harlix: Baysic | Orjanic Part II.
@harrie-cc: Coastal Part I. | Coastal Part II. | Coastal Part III. | Coastal Part IV. | Coastal Part VII. | Coastal Part VIII. | Spoons Part I. | Spoons Part II.
@joyceisfox: Hamptons Bar Counter | Simple Live Part II. | Summer Garden Part II.
@lilaccreative : LC Jewelers
@littledica: Letters
Max20: Poolside Lounge Pack
@peacemaker-icemaker: Seema Living | Adirondack Love Part I. | Elsie | Moroccan Cement Tiles | Hamptons Getaway | Hamptons Hideaway | Painted Brick | Splendid Narrow Paneling
@pierisimm : Davids Apartment The Bedroom | Domaine du Clos Part II. | Domaine du Clos Part III. | MCM Part I. | MCM Part II. | Oak House Part I. | The Office | Woodland Part I.
platinumluxesimsx :Dior Wicker Basket Bag | P-Luxe Stiletto Court Shoe
PralineSims: Concrete Floor
Ravasheen: Watt's Not To Love
Sims4Luxury: The Hamptons Collection
Simplistic: RH sink | RH Barstool | Luxe Dining Chair
@somik-severinkaSeverinka : Functional Champagne | Drink Tray
@sooky88: Hydrangea
@syboubou:  Sleek | Shopping | Rideaux | Paradis | Laundry | Hortensia
Ruby Red: Romantic Gazebo | Glam Bathroom
Gallery ID: luxeacademia Download on my Patreon here.
Enjoy ♡
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an-idyllic-novelist · 8 months
Angel Dust with Violet Evergarden!reader platonic fluff scenario
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Warnings: spoilers up to episode 4, possible triggers. If you do not feel comfortable venturing any further, please leave now and read something much more pleasant.
For everyone else, welcome to this small piece of fluffy goodness! You guys might know me from my other blog, @forbidden-sunlight . You have sent me your ideas for future Violet Evergarden!reader scenarios for Hazbin Hotel, and here is one of them! :)
Sit back, relax, and let us dive into a chaotic afterlife, where even a bit of reprieve from dishonesty and hypocrisy isn’t possible…until now.
Angel Dust's first impression of you is the following: a cute weirdo who dressed like a doll and didn’t smile much. What was even more tragic is that you actually believed there is a chance for sinners to be redeemed, and that the only to do that is complete Charlie’s half-assed rehabilitation program. You still do, even your progress hasn’t gotten you one step closer to Heaven’s pearly gates and the next Extermination is in six months. Five months actually, but who's counting?
That was around the time when he had to go back to work. He didn’t want to, but he knew if he didn’t…well, he didn’t want to think about it. Valentino is a psychopathic freak. He promised to make him, Angel, a big star in Hell’s entertainment industry, and instead fucked him over six ways from Sunday with false promises.
Long hours, shitty pay. No time to even take a nap in his dressing room because of course Big Daddy Val had his favorite toy’s schedule booked until he couldn't walk anymore and needed a stiff drink. When his afterlife seemed to take a nosedive for worse, and after Husk knocked some sense into him, he started finding letters under his door.
At first glance Angel could tell that they weren’t from his fans. No one’s gonna go out of their way and buy expensive paper to type it on, shove in an envelope, and put a wax seal on it just to praise him for his acting skills and share their wildest fantasies starring yours truly. No. This was….someone else.
He honestly didn't know how to describe the context of these letters because he had never received something like this from anyone who did not expect anything from him in PS or PPS. The sender would write either a short or long letter. The short letter was about half a page long; the sender would ask how he was feeling and ask him one question. What was his favorite food? What is the color he would never wear? The sender included a little about themselves too, as if to encourage him to respond. The longer ones started the same, with a greeting and almost the same stuff written in the shorter ones, but they shared how their day went with him, even the stupid, mundane shit they do every day as a part-time clerk at an antique shop and when they come home. The longer ones were at least two pages long. Some stuff made him roll his eyes, made him laugh…but it was the closing sentences, even as they vary from letter to letter, always jerked his heart in a way which made him both sad and happy at the same time.
I’m happy I’ve met you.
Thank you for being here.
Good night and have pleasant dreams.
You are stronger than you think, Angel.
I hope I can receive a letter from you someday.
You made a lot of progress today in Charlie’s exercises. I’m proud of you.
You’re doing great.
Angel might be a bit of a dummy….but he could tell right away who had been sending him the letters. The bit about Charlie’s exercises…there were only a few people attending that day. Vaggie, Sir Wet Noodles, and you. Vaggie wouldn’t write this kind of shit, and definitely not the wannabe overlord. You. You’ve helped him get through it with these letters and you never expected him to reply back. It’s as if you just wanted your words to reach him through Val’s sickly red smoke and hold his hand in your gloved one.
Naturally…the best way he can say thanks…for caring about him in your roundabout way…is to write a letter back. Maybe have a drink at Husk’s bar and talk about shitty coworkers or why Smiles never stops smiling? He’s not sure, but he’ll figure it out somehow. Sex isn’t the only thing he’s good at. And he’d like to get to know you a little more too.
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384 notes · View notes
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing(s): Dark!JJ x Reader, Sarah x Reader, Rafe x Reader
Warnings: domestic abuse, physical abuse, strangling, gaslighting, alcohol, mentions of blood, toxic relationship, controlling behavior, trauma, rape, 18+
Summary: Y/n trusted JJ, who initially seemed to be the love of her life, but ultimately became the source of her deepest fears.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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Part 1 - Broken Trust
It’s hard to believe you’ve become this person—the one whose boyfriend has abused her, both physically and mentally.
You used to see yourself as strong, independent. Yet here you are, trapped in a nightmare that feels impossible to escape. JJ’s actions have slowly eroded your confidence, your spirit, until you no longer recognize yourself in the mirror.
The bruises on your body are painful reminders of the suffering you endure daily, while the scars on your heart run even deeper.
Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d be making excuses for his behavior, hiding the truth from your friends and family.
How did it come to this? Are you somehow to blame? Questions swirl in your mind, but one thing is clear: you can’t continue like this.
You need help—someone who will believe you, stand by your side, and help you find a way out of this darkness.
You weren’t always this way. There was a time when you loved JJ deeply, willing to do anything for him. You cherished the moments together, the laughter, and the shared dreams of a future. But then, little accidents began to happen—his temper flaring unexpectedly, small outbursts that left you shaken and confused.
At first, you brushed it off, chalking it up to stress or bad days. But as time went on, the incidents became more frequent, more intense.
You found yourself walking on eggshells, trying to avoid triggering his anger. His apologies were always followed by promises to change, and you wanted to believe him, desperately clinging to the hope that things would get better.
But deep down, you knew something had changed. The person you loved seemed like a stranger at times, and you couldn’t understand why.
You tried talking to Kiara and Sarah, pouring out your heart and sharing the pain you were going through, but they couldn't believe that JJ would ever do such things.
Kiara, your best friend since childhood, defended her best friend adamantly, unable to reconcile the JJ she knew with the one you described.
Sarah, who had been like a sister to you, also shut you down, insisting that she had known JJ for years and couldn't imagine him behaving that way.
Their disbelief cut deep, leaving you feeling isolated and alone with your suffering. Little did you know that someone would eventually step in and literally save your life. And this is your story.
The first time you noticed a bruise on your face was after the night the Pogues came over for a games night and drinks. It started as a fun evening, with laughter filling the house as everyone enjoyed themselves. However, as the night progressed, tensions simmered beneath the surface, and JJ's mood grew darker.
By the time the others had left, you were very drunk, and it was just you and JJ alone. He had a bad day, you vaguely remember. The details from that point are fuzzy.
You remember feeling a sudden push, a jolt that sent you tumbling down the patio stairs. The next morning, you woke up groggy and sore, finding JJ beside you. His voice was gentle but firm as he assured you that you must have fallen on your own, too intoxicated to recall.
You wanted to believe it was just an accident, a consequence of being too drunk. Yet, a nagging feeling persisted—that push, that sudden fall—it felt deliberate, calculated.
The next time it happened was the week after, on Kiara's 21st birthday. You were in the kitchen, preparing dinner for everyone, when JJ came in from fishing outside. His mood was already sour, and when he saw you preparing chicken schnitzel strips, his temper erupted.
"What the fuck is this?" he yelled, storming over to you and pushing your body out of the way. Confusion and fear gripped you as he inspected the food.
"These aren't strips, they're like mini steaks. Can you do anything right, or do I need to show you how to do it properly?" His voice thundered in the small kitchen, and in his frustration, he waved the knife at you. As he went to set the knife down, the blade sliced your arm.
Pain shot through you like fire as the knife cut deep into your arm, blood pulsing out in hot, crimson rivulets. The kitchen air thickened with the metallic tang of blood, mixing with the acrid scent of fear. Shock and disbelief froze you for a split second, but then a surge of defiance rose within you.
"You just cut me!" you screamed at JJ, your voice cracking with pain and fury. His eyes, dark with anger, bore into yours, his face contorted with disdain. But instead of remorse, his expression twisted into a mask of pure rage.
"You made me do that!" he roared, grabbing a glass cup from the counter and hurling it at you with terrifying force. The glass shattered against the wall, fragments spraying across the room like deadly shrapnel.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, you psycho?" you yelled back, your voice trembling with a mix of terror and defiance. The accusation seemed to unhinge him further, igniting a storm of violence that was about to consume everything.
With a primal roar, JJ stormed toward you, his steps thundering on the floor. He shoved you brutally against the fridge, the impact jarring your already injured arm. Before you could react, his hands closed around your throat like a vice, squeezing off your air supply.
Panic surged through you, a desperate, primal instinct to survive. You clawed at his hands, your vision blurring with tears and lack of oxygen. But JJ's grip was unrelenting, crushing, his face twisted with hatred and derision.
"You think you can compare me to my father?" he hissed, his voice dripping with venom. "You're lucky I even put up with you, you worthless piece of shit!"
His words were like shards of glass, cutting through your soul. Darkness closed in around the edges of your vision as you fought for breath, for life.
In that terrifying moment, with JJ's fingers digging into your throat, you realized the magnitude of the danger you were in. Every part of you screamed for escape, for survival, as you battled against the monster you once loved.
The ringing of your phone shattered the tense silence, snapping JJ out of his violent trance. You collapsed to the ground amidst the shards of broken glass, gasping for air, your throat raw from his merciless grip. Through the haze of pain and fear, you heard JJ answer your phone with forced calmness.
"Yeah, she's not feeling well. We'll just get pizza tonight," he said, his voice unnervingly composed. The casual dismissal of your suffering sent a chill down your spine.
Weak and trembling, you struggled to your feet as JJ roughly grabbed you and shoved you into the bedroom, slamming the door shut and locking it behind him.
Alone in the suffocating darkness of the room, you crumpled to the floor, tears mingling with the blood from your wounded arm. Fear gripped your heart as you realized you were trapped, helpless against the man you once trusted, who now seemed capable of anything.
That was the day, you knew you needed to get out!
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impale-me-radio-daddy · 5 months
The Lookalike (Part 4)
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☒ Summary: The first thing you remembered after your death was an argument. “No, this isn’t one of my fucking sluts.” The man behind you exhaled, frustrated. “This is a present for you. Something to help you work through your Alastor fixation.” You awaken in Hell as the near-spitting image of a certain infamous radio host. Unfortunately for you, you immediately fall into the clutches of his nemesis. Even after your escape, Vox continues to obsess. 
☒ Warnings: hermaphrodite!reader, deer!reader, crying!reader, they/them pronouns used, explicit sexual content, reader is in Hell for a reason, Valentino, canon typical scenarios.
☒ Series links: Part I Part2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 6 BONUS SCENE Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Epilogue
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Ironically, at his console, surrounded by the feeds of thousands of cameras, was one of the few places Vox could be guaranteed privacy. Ignoring the emails that pinged in, and clearing his schedule for the next half hour, Vox loaded up the footage that had been tormenting him for the past week.
The camera wasn’t quite at your eye-level, but close enough. Alastor, leaning over you, his voice low and salacious, picked up crystal clear by the microphone at your lapel.
“Sweet little pretender, you are going to lay quite still and let me tend to you.”
Just the sound of Alastor’s voice was enough to send chills through Vox’s spine, and he swallowed, plugging the feed for the video directly into the back of his head as he unzipped his pants, his cock already hard, sore from the times he’d already beaten off to this. With the feed plugged into his head, the video was a true first person view. He couldn’t really feel Alastor’s body against his, but he could imagine, he could watch the Radio Demon getting hard, could listen to the soft, sticky sounds of kissing. Vox’s hand closed over his cock, pumping up and down as he watched. His arousal was a sick, dirty ache, but still it needed release; the tip of his cock wet and weeping.
A fake Alastor had been a sublime thing, hearing how Alastor would succumb, seeing from your expressions the way his ears would fold back when he was on the cusp of orgasm, hearing a voice that could double for Alastor’s whimper Vox, Vox, Vox. That had been great, but it wasn’t the real thing. It wasn’t “Are you really going to climax, just from a little kissing?” said in Alastor’s teasing tone. He’d heard that tone a hundred times before, paired with a sly tilt of the head, but never, not in Vox’s wildest dreams, had he imagined this. Alastor over him, the hard length of Alastor’s cock pressed against him, as Alastor teased.
“Fuck yes. Fuck yes, I’m gonna cum.” Vox swallowed again, his movements becoming more frantic as he played the footage again from the beginning. The Alastor in the video didn’t reply, but Vox was beyond caring. Shit, this was hotter than anything.
“I suppose I don’t see the harm. Hold still, now,” said Alastor, as the kissing noises began, the soft suckling and little distorted whimpers, all against the urgent plap, plap plap of Vox’s hand around his erection, close to the precipice despite his self-abuse. He imagined himself in your place, beneath Alastor, in Alastor’s fucking bed. Damn. The thought of that alone was enough to drive him wild.
“Fuck,” groaned Vox through gritted teeth as he came over his console, cock pulsing almost painfully in his hand. A thick line of cum hit the panel in front of him, spatter hitting the screens on each side.
Alastor had destroyed the camera, but he still had those few moments of footage. A sliver of what there might be. Alastor and you, sharing a soft, sensual embrace. The sound of kissing. Your breath hitching. Alastor’s breath, hitching in the same way. The hiss of static and the soft whine of a faulty capacitor discharging, the animal bellow of a stag in rut. The thought of all of these possibilities, of any of these possibilities was a fire in the corner of his mind. He wanted more. He needed more. But he couldn’t even get you back, let alone Alastor.
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“You mean you didn’t make them sign a contract?” Valentino peered at him over his big pink glasses.
“What? No! I thought you did! Fuck!”
Valentino waved an arm dismissively. “Just send someone to go get them, they can’t have gone far.”
“They’re in the fucking hotel, Val.”
“What? With Alastor?” Valentino laughed to himself.
“Yes with fucking Alastor.” Vox felt a spark run from his antenna to his neck, his eye twitching. “Fuck!”
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Vox thought of himself a resourceful man, however. When he needed something this badly, he always found a way to make it happen. Setting up a meeting with the King of Hell wasn’t easy, but it was the best way to get what he wanted. More.
He’d set up the meeting in the Voxtek boardroom, the most impressive meeting room he had, the long table in the center of it overshadowed by the windows on each side looking into his aquarium.
“Your majesty,” Vox beamed at Lucifer, hands folded behind his back. “Welcome to Voxtek. Can I offer you refreshments?” He inclined his head to the trolley he’d had brought in, loaded with carafes of drinks, plates of cake and fresh fruit.
“Yeah, I guess.” Lucifer returned none of Vox’s unctuousness, pacing to the meeting room table and sitting down. “Let’s get this over, shall we? I’ve got important… stuff.” He waved his hand.
Exactly what Lucifer’s important stuff was wasn’t clear to Vox, but it didn’t really matter. The important thing was that everyone at the hotel was either a friend or an employee of Alastor, except for Lucifer. Vox had it on good authority that Lucifer and Alastor had beef. And that was something he could use to his advantage.
“Nice sharks, by the way.” Lucifer gestured to the tank against the east wall of the boardroom, where Vox’s pets swam as Vox fetched him a coffee.
“Uh, thanks.” Vox took the seat across from Lucifer, the pitch for his proposal in his hands. “I raised ‘em.”
“Maybe I should get a pet,” said Lucifer, looking past Vox as he narrowed his eyes at the tank.
Maybe you should go fuck yourself, thought Vox, but he fixed his face into a smile instead. He really needed to win Lucifer over. “About the project for your daughter’s hotel,” he said.
Lucifer perked up at the word daughter, and Vox felt himself relax slightly. “I’ve put together a few proposals,” he continued, spreading the documents on the table. For someone younger, he would have done a powerpoint presentation, but bitter experience told him that the older generations were unlikely to sit through such a thing. Paper or bust. And unlike some people, Vox wasn’t entirely inflexible on the media he used. “Here we have the sinstagram banner ads, of course the targeted marketing, the sinfluencer sponsored content.” Vox spread out the glossy full-page promotional photos under his claws. He’d had his marketing team compose the entire pack, sparing no expense, and was pleased to see a spark of interest in Lucifer’s eye as the king looked at the bright, glossy images. “Then of course on the more traditional media, we can run newsreels, maybe even a docudrama!” He pushed the paper towards Lucifer, large text reading Hell’s Greatest Hotel.
“This looks very nice,” said Lucifer, pushing the paper back. “But what do you want for it?” Nothing in Hell was free, after all.
“A little favor,” said Vox.
Lucifer’s mouth twitched to the side. Doubt. “How little?”
Vox weighed his options. If he pussyfooted around the matter, that was likely to make Lucifer more suspicious, not less, and if Lucifer thought he was some kind of voyeur, he would never be allowed the hotel with Lucifer’s daughter in it again. “I want you to install some cameras and microphones in the bedroom of your facility manager, Alastor,” he said, as if this was a normal thing and not something he had been furiously masturbating over half an hour ago.
“What?” Lucifer made a face. “Why?”
“He’s my business rival,” said Vox, which was true.
“He’s Charlie’s friend,” said Lucifer, turmoil showing on his face.
“What your daughter doesn’t know won’t hurt her.”
“But if he loses his business…” said Lucifer, with a complete lack of understanding of how Hell’s media industry worked. Vox let it slide.
“Then you can swoop in and save the day,” said Vox, keeping his tone encouraging. “It’s a win-win.”
Lucifer’s gaze slid to the glossy photos, and Vox let him stew on the offer a little before he spoke again. “Just think of how many guests this would get you.”
Lucifer nodded slowly, biting his thumb. “Charlie would be pleased…”
“And it would be because of you,” said Vox, leaning in a little closer. “Like it should be.” And not because of Alastor, he left unspoken.
“Yeah.” Lucifer nodded again, with more certainty this time. “You’re right, TV man. It should be because of me.”
“We’ve got a deal, then?” asked Vox, with a sly grin. “Because it’s sounding to me like we’ve got a deal.”
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chosetherose · 2 years
Updated as of 6/30
The Eras Tour *Surprise Songs*
Taylor said her goal is to not repeat each show’s surprise songs so I thought it would be fun to track them as the tour goes on! Black strikethrough is included in the main set list. Purple strikethrough are included in the main set list but have been switched up at some show/s. Blue songs Taylor played but might be repeated due to messing up.
Taylor Swift
Tim McGraw (3/17) • Picture to Burn • Teardrops on My Guitar (5/5) • A Place in This World (4/22) • Cold as You (4/23) • The Outside • Tied Together with a Smile • Stay Beautiful• Should’ve Said No (5/19) • Mary’s Song (Oh My My My) • Our Song (3/24) • I’m Only Me When I’m with You (6/30) • Invisible (5/20) • A Perfectly Good Heart
Fearless • Fifteen (5/6) • Love Story • Hey Stephen (5/14) • White Horse (3/25) • You Belong With Me • Breathe• Tell Me Why• You’re Not Sorry (4/21) • The Way I Loved You • Forever & Always (5/13) • The Best Day (5/14) • Change • Jump Then Fall (4/2) • Untouchable • Come In With The Rain • Superstar • The Other Side Of The Door (4/28) • You All Over Me (6/3) • Mr. Perfectly Fine (6/16) • We Were Happy • That’s When • Don’t You • Bye Bye Baby • Today was a fairytale (4/22)
Speak Now
Mine (5/7) • Sparks Fly (5/5) • Back To December • Speak Now (4/13, Taylor restarted part of the song but did not confirm it could be played again) • Dear John (6/24) • Mean (4/15) • The Story Of Us (6/17) • Never Grow Up • Enchanted • Better Than Revenge • Innocent• Haunted (6/9) • Last Kiss • Long Live • Ours (3/31) • If This Was A Movie (6/23) • Superman
State Of Grace (3/18) • Red (5/21) • Treacherous (4/13) • I Knew You Were Trouble • All Too Well • 22 • I Almost Do (6/9) • We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together • Stay Stay Stay • The Last Time (6/16) • Holy Ground (5/27) • Sad Beautiful Tragic (3/31) • The Lucky One (4/2) • Everything Has Changed • Starlight • Begin Again (4/23) • The Moment I Knew (6/4) • Come Back… Be Here (5/12) • Girl At Home • Ronan • Better Man (5/19) • Nothing New • Babe • Message In A Bottle • I Bet You Think About Me (4/30) • Forever Winter • Run • The Very First Night • All Too Well – 10 Minute Version
Welcome To New York (5/28) • Blank Space • Style • Out Of The Woods (5/6, Taylor confirmed it might be played again) • All You Had To Do Was Stay • Shake It Off • I Wish You Would (6/2) • Bad Blood • Wildest Dreams • How You Get The Girl (4/30) • This Love (5/13) • I Know Places • Clean (4/1, Taylor confirmed it might be played again, 5/28) • Wonderland (4/21) • You Are In Love • New Romantics
…Ready For It? • End Game • I Did Something Bad • Don’t Blame Me • Delicate • Look What You Made Me Do • So It Goes… • Gorgeous (4/29) • Getaway Car (5/26) • King Of My Heart • Dancing With Our Hands Tied • Dress • This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things • Call It What You Want • New Year’s Day
I Forgot That You Existed • Cruel Summer • Lover • The Man • The Archer • I Think He Knows (5/21) • Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince • Paper Rings (6/23) • Cornelia Street • Death By A Thousand Cuts (4/1, Taylor confirmed it might be played again) • London Boy • Soon You’ll Get Better • False God (5/27) • You Need To Calm Down • Afterglow • Me! • It’s Nice To Have A Friend • Daylight (6/24) • All of the Girls You’ve Loved Before
The 1 (replaced IS multiple shows) • Cardigan • The Last Great American Dynasty • Exile with Bon Iver • My Tears Ricochet • Mirrorball (3/17) • Seven (spoken, 6/17) • August • This Is Me Trying (3/18) • Illicit Affairs • Invisible String (replaced by T1 multiple shows) • Mad Woman (4/15) • Epiphany • Betty • Peace • Hoax • The Lakes (6/2)
Willow • Champagne Problems • Gold Rush (5/12) • Tis The Damn Season • Tolerate It • No Body, No Crime • Happiness • Dorothea • Coney Island (4/28) • Ivy • Cowboy Like Me (3/25) • Long Story Short • Marjorie • Closure • Evermore (6/30) • Right Where You Left Me •It’s Time To Go
On 4/14 Taylor changed the rule: ALL SONGS ON MIDNIGHTS MAY BE REPEATED. I’m adding the dates to the midnights surprise songs but they will remain in black text since they can be repeated.
Lavender Haze • Maroon (5/26) • Anti-Hero • Snow on the Beach (3/24) • You’re on Your Own, Kid (4/14) • Midnight Rain • Question…? (5/20) • Vigilante Shit • Bejeweled • Labyrinth • Karma • Sweet Nothing • Mastermind • The Great War (4/14) • Bigger Than the Whole Sky • Paris • High Infidelity (4/29) • Glitch • Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve (5/7) • Dear Reader • Hits Different (6/4)
I don’t wanna live forever (6/3)
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ladykailitha · 1 month
The Caged Bird Still Sings Part 4
Just a heads up tomorrow is the start of my posting hiatus. I will still do WIP Wednesdays and will be posting headcanons and stuff like that during that time. I will begin posting again on Sunday Sept. 1st. I haven't decided which story will get each slot, or if I just post based on vibes. Most likely vibes if I'm honest.
In this we get the first of Eddie's presents to Steve, Eddie refutes the stupid Steve charges, and Steve remembers something important that he forgot.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Steve was living it up in the pool. His parents had an outdoor heated pool, but it was more for leisure than laps because of it’s weird oblong shape. But this? It had an outdoor pool, but the indoor pool was Olympic sized. Like proper with the lane lines painted on the bottom and everything.
So he practiced his backstroke and butterfly. And by the time he got out his muscles were deliciously sore and his skin was wrinkly. He showered and then padded over to the sauna to relax his ache muscles.
As he was the only one there, he set the temperature to slightly hotter than warm but not scorching. He wanted to rest his muscles not sweat out every toxin in his body. Once he was feeling good enough, he got dressed and walked back to his hotel.
He looked at the swimsuit in his hand and realized he wouldn’t have do laundry here if he didn’t want to. Wow. His mom always made him do his laundry even though they had a maid who would wash his parents’.
Steve looked at his watch and decided it was time for some dinner. He threw the swimsuit into the laundry basket and went to go blow dry his hair. He pulled out his but then noticed the one already on the counter. His eyes flicked between the two and there was no doubt that the one the hotel provided was way better than his.
He put his back in his bag and turned on the hotel’s hair dryer. It never overheated or would start to smell half way through the process. He ran a little gel through his hair and spritzed his hair three times with the hair spray.
He admired himself in mirror a moment. He was good looking. He knew that. But he never in his wildest dreams thought he had the looks to pull a rockstar. Like that was crazy levels of confidence. But looking in the mirror just now, maybe he could see what Eddie saw.
Steve walked up the table that had his wallet and picked it up. He pulled out his fake ID, the one that got him this cushy hotel room. He wouldn’t be able to use it for god knows how long, but he wanted to keep it. As a memento of sorts. God. He was already feeling melancholic about the whole thing and it had only been five hours.
That was when he spotted it. On the bed was a big white box. He frowned and walked up to it slowly. He wasn’t worried about people getting in. This was a hotel. It was probably put there by housekeeping or even the concierge. He knew better than to keep anything in his room that might interest a snoop.
He just wondered who gave it to him. He picked up the card and read it.
-To my little Canary
A parting gift from me.
Promise me you’ll wear it and think of me often
-Your Eddie
Steve lifted the lid of the box and inside was the most beautiful silk pajamas he had ever seen. It was a short-sleeved button up that stopped just an inch or so below the waistband of the matching shorts. The shorts themselves weren’t very long, not quite booty shorts level, but close. Both in a soft, light yellow color. Perfect for summer time.
He ran over to the phone and quickly dialed Eddie’s cellphone.
“Hello?” the warm, dulcet tones answered.
“Eddie?” Steve asked, even he knew it was. He was just so excited.
“My little Canary,” Eddie purred. “I take it you got your present.”
“I did,” Steve said, twirling the cord around his finger. “They’re beautiful. I can’t wait to wear them tonight.”
“Good,” Eddie said, a smile evident in his tone. “I hope I go the size right. Did you do anything fun today?”
Steve told him all about his day swimming and the sauna. He even told him about the hair dryer because he was just that excited about it all.
“That sounds great, little Canary,” Eddie said, his fondness oozing through in his tone. “I’m sending someone by with a card that I will load money on so that you can get things like gas for your car and other things for your personal hygiene, as I assume you’ll want to buy that stuff yourself.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Steve found himself saying, almost against his will. “Could have gotten by with the hotel toiletries.”
Eddie chuckled. “Probably, but I wanted to give you the option of a choice.”
Steve blushed deeply, glad that Eddie couldn’t see him in that moment.
“Look, little Canary,” Eddie purred, “we just got to our location and I have to go, but I’ll call you after the show and tell you all about it.”
Steve bit his lip. “Yeah, I’ll talk then.”
He hung up after they said their goodbyes with a sigh. He flopped on the bed and looked up at the ceiling.
Fucking hell. What was he even doing with his life?
His stomach growled. Well, for starters, he guessed he was going to dinner.
When Steve finished his meal, which was even better than breakfast...He never had a steak melt in his mouth like that before. It was so soft and buttery and the potatoes tasted of rosemary and garlic, the carrots were covered in a glaze that tasted of honey and something darker.
He shook his head.
When he finished his dinner he went back up to the room. He resolved that he would need to do more than just swimming to keep the delicious food off his waistline. He was going to have to check out the gym here.
Steve looked at the time and decided it was too early for bed, but he got into the new pajamas anyway. The shorts were pulled on first and fuck. Steve felt sinful just wearing the damn things. They cupped him in all the right places but when he moved or sat down they didn’t ride up or pinch. He seriously thought about not putting on the shirt at all. But the desire to see the full effect won out.
He pulled it on and buttoned it up. And just like the shorts, the top was form fitting but comfortable. The V in the neck from where the highest button went (it didn’t button all the way up) just showed a peek of his chest hair.
He admired himself in the mirror for several minutes before he forced himself to go back out to the suite.
Steve grabbed the remote and started flipping the channels. He was used to cable as his mother needed her HSN and his father needed the soccer score. Not because he was interested in the game, but because he’d bet on foreign games.
But either his parents only had basic cable or there were a bunch of new channels added recently. And he was willing bet it was the former.
He found a late night baseball game from a Japanese league and started watching that. He couldn’t understand the announcers and he didn’t know the players’ names, but it was still baseball, regardless the language.
Before he knew it the game was over and it was late at night, finally time for bed. He got all snuggled into bed when the phone rang.
“‘Ello?” he muttered sleepily.
“Oh, darlin’,” the warm tones caressed his ear, “did I wake you?”
Steve hummed in the negative. “Just getting ready to sleep. Tell me all about selling out Indy.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “I’d ask you how you knew Corroded Coffin sold out tonight, but you spent all of last night surrounded by my fans. Even the stupidest person on the planet would have had to pick something up.”
“Mhmm,” Steve murmured. “That’s me, stupidest person on the planet.”
There was silence on the line for a moment or two. “Who says you’re dumb, baby?”
“My parents,” he said softly, “my first girlfriend before I realized I was gay, my ex-boyfriend, you know the one my parents kicked me out for? And um...the kids I babysat for are all like super geniuses, so they get frustrated with me a lot.”
“Oh my little Canary,” Eddie cooed. “You’re not dumb. School smarts isn’t everything. I’m living proof of that.”
“That’s true,” Steve said, a little less sad. “I’m talking to a bona fide rockstar.”
“Hell yeah you are,” Eddie agreed. “But let me tell you about my night and see if I can’t lull you to sleep with the sound of my voice.”
“I’d really like that.”
So that’s what Eddie did, he talked and talked until he could hear the soft little snuffling of snores from his Canary.
“Good night, sweetheart.”
When Steve woke up the next morning, the phone was still dangling off the cradle from where it fallen the night before when he fell asleep listening to Eddie.
Eddie had a great talking voice. Dude should do books on tape or voice acting or something. Maybe he’d tell him the next time he called.
He stretched and yawned. He woke up just as well rested today as he had yesterday. Which meant that as good as the sex was, and it was amazing, it wasn’t as big a factor in his night’s sleep as he thought.
He got up and went to go grab a shower. He hadn’t had a chance to use it yet, as he had used the swimming pool’s showers yesterday. He ordered breakfast and then hopped into the shower, telling them to just come in and leave it next the sofa.
He dried off with one of the most luxurious towels.
Steve stopped for a moment. He really needed to stop comparing the hotel to the life he led before being kicked out. It wasn’t the same. It wasn’t even in the same state let alone ball park. His life here would always be miles away from the life he left behind.
New cage, same as the old cage really except real gold instead of merely gilded. Better food, furniture, amenities. Same limitations. Can’t drink, but he could smoke.
So he went out on the balcony to do just that. He brought his food out with him and just smoked, watching the busy crowd below him.
Oh shit!
He scrambled back inside the hotel room and fumbled around for his wallet. He pulled out a little laminated card and dialed the one on the top.
“Henderson residence, Claudia speaking,” the warm motherly voice answered.
“Mrs. Henderson,” Steve whined, almost in tears at the sound of her voice.
“Steve?” she asked gently. “Oh I was wondering when you were going to call. Dustin has been worried sick. He went to Family Video yesterday to return “Ghostbusters” and the snooty girl at the counter said you’d been fired for sodomy!”
He winced a little at the harsh word she used. “I–I’m gay, Mrs. Henderson,” he whimpered into the phone. This was it, she was going to turn him away too. Forbid Dustin from seeing him, then it would get around to the all the other parents and he wouldn’t be able to be around Holly or Will. And–
“Ah...” she said, just as gentle and warm as before. “Can you help it? Can you choose who you love?”
“No, ma’am,” he whispered, hanging his head between his shoulders.
“Then why would I care?” Claudia huffed in annoyance. “The first thing a mother should learn is to love your child no matter what, no matter who. Now, if Dusty gives you a hard time, you let me know. You hear?”
Steve felt a swell of pride in his chest, she might have not had been his real mother, but he should have known better than to bet against Claudia Henderson.
“Here, let me go get him,” she said softly. “Would you like me to explain it to him first?”
A lump formed in his throat as he choked down tears. He forgot he wasn’t isolated. He wasn’t cut off completely from people.
“Yeah,” he said, his lip quivering. “If you would.”
“Of course, sweetie,” Claudia said warmly. “I’ll be right back.”
Steve didn’t have long to wait. Soon there was the sound of Dustin practically screaming in his ear.
“Hey, bud,” he said when he could finally get a word in.
There was a sniffle. “Why didn’t you call me and Ma? We would have taken you in.”
Steve’s heart swelled again, this time in utter love for this butthead. “Because my dad would have seen to it that she lost her job at the library and with your dad having just passed, I couldn’t do that to you, to either of you, okay?”
There was another sniffle. “Okay...”
“Here,” Steve said, “I can’t tell you where I am right now, because no doubt my dad is trying to run me out of town, but I can give you a phone number to call. I might not always be there, but you can leave a message and I’ll call you back.”
“I guess that’s acceptable,” Dustin huffed. “Can I tell everyone you’re okay?”
Everyone meant his kids. Max, Elle, Will, Mike, Lucas, and Erica. And well, Holly, too. But she was too young to really understand what was going on. Technically Erica should be in that same category but she was too smart to be left out. Steve didn’t even bother trying most days.
“Yeah, bud,” he murmured. “You can tell people I’m safe. Just keep the number to yourself for now. I don’t want my dad knowing where I am.”
“Roger that!” Dustin said.
They talked for a few moments longer before Claudia took the phone back.
“I’m going to call the PTA calling tree,” she said, “and get the word out that you’ll be unavailable to babysit for the foreseeable future.”
Steve hummed. “I think that’s the part that upsets me the most about all this shit.”
“I know, sweetie,” Claudia assured him. “But we’ll figure it out.”
And he was absolutely certain if anyone could, it was Claudia Henderson.
He let out a sigh of relief for the first time since he was kicked out.
Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
1- @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog @beelze-the-bubkiss
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @sticknpokelightningbolt
9- @scoops-aboy86 @kurofuckingshi16 @watermelonmite @eyehartart @dreamercec
10- @little-birch-boy @yearningagain @micheledawn1975 @blondie1006 @sadisticaltarts
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solaireverie · 1 year
dr3 | deep blue but you painted me golden
part one — i polish up real nice
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[ series masterlist ] part 2 | part 3 | part 4
pairings: daniel ricciardo x f!leclerc!rbr driver!reader, lestappen
summary: [ social media au ] y/n joins red bull and stirs shit up! ft. lestappen's oblivious flirting and danny's impeccable pr training
warnings: language
faceclaim: barbara palvin + random faceless checo pics
author’s note: i first came up with the last post of this series (stay tuned!) and it kind of snowballed into whatever this is 😂 i played fast and loose with the timeline. suspend your disbelief. anyways, enjoy!
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Daniel Ricciardo Talks About Red Bull and What Comes Next — The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
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liked by charles_leclerc, redbullracing, pierregasly and 459,157 others
yourusername looking forward to racing with an undying commitment to winning 👊 thank you so much @.redbullracing for the opportunity to join the fastest team in the paddock
view comments
charles_leclerc super fier de toi 💙 mais ferrari est toujours la meilleure [ super proud of you but ferrari is still the best ]
↪ yourusername si ça te chante 🙄 🥰 [ whatever floats your boat ]
user not the caption 😭😭
↪ user she definitely saw the interview 😭😭
↪ user christian did say that rbr thought it was "right" to bring daniel back to the team 👀 which team and in which capacity though... 🤔
↪ user praying y/n isn't the next victim of the red bull second seat curse 🔮🧘🙏🕯
user y/n didn't hesitate at ALL with the speed comment huh 💀
↪ user i mean she's not wrong, red bull are currently the fastest and if they keep their momentum they'll completely dominate this season
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername, danielricciardo and 519,238 others
tagged: maxverstappen1, yourusername
redbullracing Pre-Season Testing sees us go fastest as Max and Y/n record fantastic numbers 💪
user holy shit we all know that y/n is a rookie but can we just appreciate her pace during testing??? that's insane for anyone, let alone a driver who's still getting used to the car
↪ user i've been saying it for months y/n could 100% be the next big thing for f1
↪ user can't wait to watch an actual race 🤩
liked by yourusername
user hear me out, rbr 1-2 in bahrain 👀
↪ redbullracing what dreams are made of! 🙌
user y/n proving all the haters wrong we love to see it!
liked by yourusername
↪ user danny would still do better though 😤
↪ user well he's not the one in the cockpit so wouldn't it make more sense to just support y/n as well?
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liked by redbullracing, charles_leclerc, danielricciardo and 1,258,976 others
yourusername never in my wildest dreams did i think this day would come. getting my first podium in my first formula 1 race is absolutely insane to think about. i don't have words to describe the joy i feel.
thank you to @.redbullracing for giving me this chance, thank you to the fans for cheering me on, and most importantly, thank you to my family for supporting me in chasing my dreams ❤️
i promise i'll keep making you proud. p2, baby!
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charles_leclerc that's my baby sister 😍
↪ yourusername we were born a year and a half apart.
↪ charles_leclerc yeah well max and i are only 16 days apart and he still calls me a baby
↪ yourusername i— you know what, you're hopeless 💀
liked by maxverstappen1, pierregasly, arthur_leclerc
maxverstappen1 congratulations y/n 😁
liked by charles_leclerc
↪ yourusername thank you max!
danielricciardo 👏👏👏
liked by yourusername
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