#when you hyperfixate for two vehicles
everydayarsonist · 1 year
I’m completely normal about the Yiga Zonai Vehicles I swear
(Hoverdoom MK.3 my beloved)
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loops-n-boops · 6 months
Seed Dump!!
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after a little unexpected turn to a DC hyperfixation that lasted roughly two weeks I'm back to my farcry shit (the usual) so imma give y'all a three for one, John doodles, Seed playlists and hcs in one post,, take your juice
Jacob Seed:
listens to cheesy love songs and some rock and metal
Most think John swears the most but that's a lie, it's him. Whenever Joseph isn't around he'll throw a "fuck this" every now and then
likes adult coloring books and crossword puzzles
if Joseph asks a favor that doesn't involve strength he always goes "I volunteer Johnny"
He opens doors for John and goes "ladies first"
can and will tackle John to the ground and yell "say uncle". He does all the annoying older brother shit idc
Tends to fight with Joseph. They always fought back and forth. As kids it was about how Joseph wouldn't 'man up'. Now it's about how he treats John, not knowing Joseph's been manipulating him to stay this whole time too
So in the past I hc that he's gay, I feel he struggles to come to terms with that. To this day he still is under the impression that it's wrong and makes him look soft, so he still tries to act like he doesn't
Rants to the judges. He is waits until he knows he's alone with the alpha of the pack and just dumps everything he has in his mind. That dog knows things no one else knows
His friendship with Eli in the past was a good one. It reminded him too much of his friendship with Miller (minus the possible secret romance part). They had similar inside jokes, Eli playfully punched him the same way Miller did. He hated it. He still hates it
Jacob is much more of a listener than a talker but prefers surrounding himself with people who talk a lot
Joseph Seed
Joseph doesn't hate John. He's hard on John so he learns. Johns become their father in Joseph's eyes and is making sure to shape him up. However he doesn't realize how terrible he's being to him as he does so.
His biggest fear is being alone. To combat that he almost subconsciously manipulates people to stay with him. He doesn't want to hurt them, but if he doesn't they'll leave. He'll be alone again
As a child Joseph wanted to be an author. He had notebooks filled with vibrant stories he made up in his head. Once a teenager though he found an interest in baking. Him and his wife's date nights consisted of them playing music as they tried a random recipe they found. It was a piece of happiness he never had as a child. They wanted to save money and open a bakery together. Still, to this day, Joseph gathers ingredients on Friday nights and bakes.
Has a heavy preference for Jacob. The man was with him the longest, helped him the most. It isn't that he doesn't love John, but he's detached. John wasn't there as long as Jacob was. John was raised by different people.
He hates winter. Winter was when Faith taken from him. He won't enter any vehicle. He won't go outside much. He hates it.
Puts everyone before himself. He could have not eaten at all that day but he will still be sure to make sure everyone else has. He will forget to eat unless someone else tells him to
His favorite song is Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac and whenever he hears it he gets a boost of happiness. He knows every word.
I don't care what anyone says, I think he's shockingly the worst with kids. He can't handle the tantrums, they stress him out. He doesn't yell or hit but he completely shuts down and won't really react
Doesn't put his hair down often. He sleeps with it down but beyond that? It's always up. Usually in a bun, but sometimes he'll go ponytail.
When angry he tends to quietly glare. He tells from time to time yeah, but he more often will glare at whoever upset him. A look that basically says 'you know what you did'
Hes actually much more of an introvert than people may think. He doesn't like being alone but that doesn't make him an extrovert. His idea on a relaxing day is sitting in a room with his brothers where they all do their own thing but they don't speak much. Comfortable silence. The idea that they're there makes him happy, and the fact that they can indulge in their own hobbies without judgment makes him even happier
John Seed
Much more of a talker than a listener. This makes him and Jacob a good pairing since he would talk a lot and Jacob would smile and listen.
He despises fast food. He tried it once and declared it as the grossest thing to every touch his mouth. He's also definitely the pickiest eater in general. He hates most seafood, broccoli, brussel sprouts, fast food, pizza if it's too greasy, chicken if there's too much tendon, the flavor of mashed potatoes and steak together but he'll eat it on separate occasions. He was picky as a kid and he's still picky as an adult
Actually needs glasses but will not wear them. Luckily he has contacts. However one time he lost one and had to wear his glasses and his chosen were staring at him confused. He needed them since he was little but he never got the appointment when he was with his brothers. Jacob did notice him squinting a lot. Joseph only had glasses because he got his prescription years ago (but they should've been renewed)
He went to religious schools from second grade onward. I'm talking the ones with uniforms and all your teachers are nuns. There's so many pictures of little John with one of those school uniforms and dorky glasses and a big smile.
Speaking of which I believe he was the cutest kid out of all of them. He had big ol doe eyes and got excited over everything. Joseph and Jacob used to call him sunshine when he was young because no matter how miserable and dark the world was around him he always was a happy little boy. He was bright, loving, innocent. An absolute sweetheart in his youth. He was the kid that waved to strangers on the street, his go to form of affection was hugs, and he comforted his brothers when they were upset despite not understanding why they were even upset.
The Duncan's viewed Johns innocent nature as why he was a tainted soul. He didn't understand accountability and the idea that not everyone was good confused him. They had to teach him. Besides, the Duncan's weren't too good themselves.
His adoptive parents were Henry and Amelia Duncan. They adopted John due to Amelia's infertility. John was the youngest there and was promising so they chose him not knowing they were taking a broken boy and breaking him beyond recognition. Johns obvious mental illness also made them feel he needed to be shaped. They were the type of people that thought praying could solve everything. John barely saw doctors, he never got therapy, and when they found out their son was bisexual they threatened to send him away.
However, Henry's mother: Evelyn loved John for who he is was. Accepted her little grandson. Henry's family was large, the man having four brothers and a sister. John was the baby, all of his newly adopted cousins being older than him. Not a lot of them were good, John wasn't even that good, but Evelyn had a clear preference for John, always calling him her angel. (I have too many Duncan hcs I'll stop there)
Johns behavior first began to plumiit near his sophomore year of high-school. He got a stick and poke tattoo when he was too young to have one from a friend. It did get infected but that was fine for him. It was a taste of freedom. A taste of freedom he never had in the past. He wanted a taste of the freedom of adulthood and was willing to rush his adolescence to get that. By the time he was a senior the little angel people knew and loved died, and in his place was a cold hearted snake that lacked any form of remorse for what he did. All he cared for was his own amusement.
As a boy he drew a lot, he quickly discovered art was something he enjoyed. He drew pictures of him and his brothers, but when he lived in Atlanta their faces started to become blurry. Were Joseph's eyes blue or were they green? Who was taller, Joseph or Jacob? What didn't help was the Duncan's wanted every aspect of Johns life before them to not exist. They tried convincing him that they weren't his family and that they hated him. They made him go into speech therapy to force his rural accent to go away. They didn't adopt a son, they adopted a pet.
I'll do a little softer one for the end: Johns secretly a bit of a hopeless romantic. He's always been fond of the idea of romance. He loves cheesy rom-coms, he reads romance books. All of it. Hes well aware that a romantic relationship is something he'll never have, but it doesn't hurt to wish for one. He falls too quickly, but then gets scared when he has to be vulnerable. He has issues, he's not a good person. His issues will scare everyone away. He has no chance. A part of him envies his brothers: Joseph for having a marriage and Jacob for clearly not being interested in romance at all. But some nights, he doesn't care. He'll grab a DVD player and watch his silly little romantic comedy movies (or say yes to the dress if he's feeling something dramatic) and will eat half a bag of gummy bears
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raspberrybluejeans · 10 months
TAZ Outre Space episode 1 reactions!!
I’m about to press play I’m so nervous. I’ve been beefing with Marvel for awhile 💀 But I love TAZ so I’m going in 🫡
Clint’s radio host ass voice lol
The theme song is pretty snazzy
omg werewolf guest star
no thoughts about Justin’s character yet i’m waiting to see what Voice he produces
I fucking knew it was gonna be Griffin. this is now at least the third dog character Griffin
“we’re going to fuckin petsmart”
“You take out a device that looks a lot like a baby monitor. Because it is a baby monitor”
I think I will be mystified by how this game system works the whole time
Don’t know wtf a Norn is but we will pick up context clues along the way gang
“It’s a Scandinavian translation of One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish” ah yes the Scandinavian language
Justin finally has the opportunity to scold Griffin like a dog
love that this prophecy includes the word “bullshitter”
wrow Miles Morales
I’m so conditioned from the character named Barbara in TAZ Balance (who was literally a very random side character) that I was surprised that this Barbara was a woman 💀
ough Kate Bishop….. character from ancient hyperfixation…. (I wasn’t hyperfixated on her specifically, but on the Young Avengers)
…….i need to google several things about starfox
I just realized when I came to make my next comment I didn’t say anything about Travis’s section. I’m a little confused about wtf he is but we will also pick up context clues along the way lmfao
I have no idea what the vehicle is so I’m just imagining the Mystery Machine
this was slightly confusing without having read the comics but not that bad. ok see u all next week
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berrypass-de-murdler · 3 months
11. The Case of the Coffee Shop Killer
Before that another design for previous character just dropped
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Here's Deacon Verdigris! I just made her yesterday, she's a stoat that looks like an angry grandma! She's not actually that old lol she just looks like that. Idk why her icon changed halfway through the book??
And... rip the minimurdle AU T-T Naw I'm still gonna draw baby them I just wanted them to have a noncanon spinoff too ;w;
Baby Slate going 'maybe next time, mudderfucker >:('
Right right the episode. Every character has a design in this episode, yaaaay!! <3
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COACH RASPBERRY - TIGER. He's a big, unruly idiot, unsurprisingly, and has the mental state of a 10-year-old boy. He is mortal enemies with Officer Copper, and odd friends with General Coffee. He's huge, but pretty pathetic. He loves playing with stereotypical boyish things like vehicles and weapons.
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BOOKIE-WINNER GAINSBORO - Fletch's PERFECT Bookie <3 <3 A book-bound butterfly! He's always angy and a nervous wreck, the poor guy sobs uncontrollably every time he's stressed ;; The photos on his wings display important moments in his life! He is friends with Agent Ink and Chairman Chalk and frenemies with Logico.
Bored of alcohol, Logico goes to Coffee’s shop instead, but there’s a dead barista.
COFFEE: Welcome to Coffee’s Shop! Have you seen the dead barista?
Two new folks are there too, Coach Raspberry and Bookie-Winner Gainsboro. Logi interrogates them.
COFFEE: It wasn’t me, I own the shop! GAINSBORO: I hate the outdoors, it makes me CRANKY. RASPBERRY: Hur hur, it’s COFFEE! Man alive, he was MY coach when I was a fumble! COFFEE: I was?
Logi gets a REALLY creepy phone call. ‘BOOKIE HAD A BRICK…’ 
LOGICO: I hate this person immensely.
Oh, do ya, Logico? Luckily the short man does it again, because he always does.
LOGICO: How the fuck do you kill someone with a straw?
Raspberry cackles as he’s dragged away. Logico sighs and gets a migraine.
The end!
It has come to may attention that my murdle obsession may be considered... problematic I haven't been this hyperfixated on something in a while and I don't think it's going away anytime soon-
I mean it's literally the ENTIRE blog lmao-
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The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See ya next time murdlers!
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biffbulliedmetoo · 7 months
Cringe isn’t a thing I’m currently hyperfixating on bttf but also PAW patrol…
Marty and Doc in PAW patrol. I have three ideas.
1: Doc’s just…doc (obviously his character would be dumbed down a bit because I mean my nine year old sister can’t even understand bttf lol) and Marty’s his pup companion. Think Jake and Everest, Carlos and Tracker. They still do science stuff and are close companions to Ryder and the pups.
2: the same thing, but Einstein is the pup companion and this time Marty is a human alongside doc!!! I can’t think of a time when there’s been a pup with two owners in the show so this would be interesting!
3: Marty and Doc are both pups. Well, dogs. Doc’s a fully grown dog which again, we haven’t seen any adult dogs in the series so far so this would be cool!!!
In all versions, they’re involved with science and would help invent new things for the PAW patrol. Also Pup!Marty would defo skateboard and I’m thinking his vehicle would either be his truck or the delorean..perhaps time travel could come into the picture?
Please vote on the poll which version you like best, and feel free to help me with this au sort of thing!
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randys-ranch · 13 days
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A whole slew of Nothing ahead. Proceed with caution. Or if you want juicy lore.
Two or Three years ago when i was kicked from the EPTG community i became severely isolated and started to wither more then i already have. I was already at my lowest point mentally because of school, personal relationship conflict, parental conflict and other such things- EPTG/Plainview were subsequently becoming huge pieces of comfort media and my biggest hyperfixations to date, you could say its "on me" for putting all my eggs in one basket, because i was bound to trip, fall and break all the shells.
Now, i do admit fault. I was a weird, horny kid- but from what i recall an enviroment was fostered briefly where that was a thing, i observed passively suggestive conversation and i had friends who encouraged it in private, one of them being a moderator. Its been years though, you dont need to know who it was.
I behaved abnormally, i would talk innapropriately, all sorts of weird shitty things. I deserved to get banned, but the subsequent fallout affected me poorly. I was okay with it for a long time but im beginning to realize this was kind of fucked up.
During "the purge" i believe only two people were banned.. me and Stella, i was never close with them but we spoke briefly- i eventually would distance myself from them however.. sorry Stella.
I was in the 'Gandhi Server' briefly, i was civil, tranquill(not quite), i tried to avoid the wrongs i had done in the past, i sat on my hands like this for awhile-dont know how long, but the damage was already done, i left of my own accord.
And i'd be isolated and tolerated by mutuals for about a year or so..
Some kindly folks would indulge me in conversation. If i were the one to initiate it. It was hard establishing relationships again, they were polite, very sweet, but not interested in conversation, thats fine.
People were allowed to not want to talk to me after all of that, but those folks seemed more sympathetic towards me.
I've largely been on twitter- before and after my first tumblr account was suspended because i beefed with who i believe to have had been the CEO or a tumblr mod on a private side blog during the Avery debocle- vehicles, smashing tools and combustion.
Im still alone. You'd be surprised to hear that feeling interest in Garten of Banban didnt get me very far, i only talk to a couple people weekly, im not in bustling communities, i can only try to find something akin to the past and hope i dont fuck it up this time.
Gyro is as good as dead, Gyro was my best friend. I loved them deeply. I miss them like a motherfucker but i cant have them back.
When what they've been doing came to light, i saw some people huddling together, discussing it in hushed whispers..
You recognized you were going isolate them, kick them to the curb- that it maybe wasnt a good idea. But you couldnt change their mind, we couldnt change their mind.
They were dead set on this pedophilic incestuos fantasy.
Im trying to move on from it, but i bring this up because People recognized what was happening, what treatment they were getting.
Frankly Gyros shunning was deserved and we couldnt feasibly keep them around-that much is true. But there is a selfish thought at the back of my head "did you learn this from the past?"
But Gyro has Mallory. They mutually enable this perversion, this sickening disease between them. Its going to be the death of the two of them. I dont want to think about them any more. I will brew in grief and regret and sadness for awhile, this is fine, im allowed to be angry and dissapointed. Im allowed to love something im not allowed to have.
I feel like im allowed to boil in anger right now. Kaz was exposed to be a self serving bastard- just before he was 'cancelled' i sent him an anonymous apology letter. I regret it. Frankly he doesnt need to forgive me nor do i need to continue to respect him.
I'd like to return to the media he produced that spoke to me so much, maybe the rose tinted glasses would come off and i'd see the stories for what they were? Maybe they werent that great? Haha i doubt it.
But due to general human decency..i think that approach to it is immoral. I promised myself to respect his wishes for me to promptly fuck off the second this all started, to stray from interracting with the media he produced and i'd even go as far as to stay from engaging with who he engaged with.
I respected the man for a long time, stayed away, thats good, i can pat myself on the back for that.
But i dont respect him anymore. I've seen claims this is all a smear campaign. Im not going to pick sides. The well of well wishes has dried up for me long ago.
Im trying to process everything, im trying to hold myself accountable for my past actions, i was a teenager now im a adult, but im also beginning to see the underbelly of the situation.
I think i deserve to be sour about the ordeal, its been long enough, and as people have said, Kaz is a bad person.
Maybe im being one sided. Maybe im being self serving in talking about it like that. Maybe people from the past with reemerge and remind me of my wrong doings.
But i'd like to make peace with it. There is a desire to return to EPTG and Plainview though..i think its been abandoned by everyone and noone cares anymore. But i do. I want to reread both, because i still love those stories, what they had to say, the characters within.
But i'd have to get his Good Graces in order to do that. I'd have to ask someone to let me speak to the man himself.
Thats not a favorable solution. Especially with the general perception that he is Bad.
Well atleast you still have people who love you, Diego. Someone to rally for you and advocate for you at your worst.
You, Gyro, have your new friends to worry about, pedophiles, zoophiles, "incest sexuals", yourself and Mallory. You disgusting, abhorrent bunch. You atleast have yourselves, in your endless digging of your own pit of despair. You will never crawl out. You will never be normal again. You chose a twisted perversion, you chose illegal porn over your friends. But you still have friends to call your own.
I hope you both can appreciate that.
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doubleddenden · 4 months
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Decided to indulge myself with another trainer sprite and trainer card for myself- once again using this site to help with team organization and overall for clean assets and clean asset sizing
More info under the cut
Something different I wanted to do was try to make myself comfortable with easing up my usual shading style.
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These two, for instance, are May and Tracey in my usual style (i forget if i uploaded these- these are from ny Ash AU basically). Personally, I think it can pop, but there's also a lot more work put into them and they come across as less authentic, not to mention I'd like to steer towards a simpler style that I can make pop with less shading.
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For a standard splice edit, i think it's not too bad. The outfit is based on a combo of clothes I own I wish I felt confident wearing in public, lighter weight clothes I wear in the summer to cool off, and I even gave myself the headband I wear when I do outdoor work. Also, I wanted to indulge a little- I'm getting a bit more muscular and slightly leaner lately, and I wanted a sprite to kind of reflect this.
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As for the card itself, it's a modified Academy Key I made previously for a bunch of OCs, and again, I kinda see this as a Keychain kinda deal. There's also sort of influence from a driver's license- grade indicating what type of trainer you are (and not grading percentage in school lol). Kinda like how real life licenses can show certification for normal cars are different vehicles.
I imagine you insert the pass key into a pc like a thumb drive to access your pc and your party that way, with your party being represented and changed digitally.
The team I chose is basically a mix and mash of Pokemon I've had on my mind lately and wanna use more often. It was actually kinda hard to narrow it down due to all the type clashes with my favs (for instance, having Hisuian Samurott, Scizor, Golisopod, Corviknight, Alolan Marowak, and Hisuian Typhlosion would have so much type overlap, and I'm way too picky about that).
They're all Pokemon I've owned and used and could see myself taking a vacation with em.
1. Doujikiri/Shiny Hisuian Samurott, the same shiny I shiny bred for in my Indigo Disk adventure. It was between this or my shiny Umbreon, but I ended up going with Hamurott because it's my favorite starter, and I can see myself walking with it like it's a big dog (which it does in SV) or swim with it.
2. Klamps/Scizor, my main ace in my last playthrough of Soul Silver. I've had a strange hyperfixation on it lately, and who could blame me? It's a cool design. I'd imagine this would probably be the "sakuga" Pokemon- or at least the designated close combat fight scene Pokemon.
3. Lightning/Jolteon, I own 3 but Lightning is the one I used in XD GoD in my first successful playthrough of it. Jolteon actually used to be my favorite eeveelution for a while, and I want a little spunky doggo to run around with
The next three were actually on my Teal Mask team
4. Yoginator/Blood Moon Ursaluna, who is easily one of my strongest mons. Idk, mine hates me lol, so maybe we'd bond.
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Nah for real he hates me. This was from a selfie I took in game
5. Hollabax/Baxcalibur. I dunno, he's not particularly strong and tanks hits like a missile through tissue paper, but I kinda wanna vibe with it again. Could see us using its ice to keep cool
6. Shogun/Hisuian Typhlosion. Again, kinda missed mine. Johtonian Typhlosion was my first Pokemon, and I vibed with the Hisuian variant a bit. Could see it as a stand in for my old girl. It was between this and Alolan Marowak, and I just like Typhlosion a little more.
That's all for them.
The team is made using the team maker link, the trainer sprites are a mix of editing from official sprites and scratch work, and the card is a template I made myself.
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okidokidev · 1 year
First fictional crush/character hyperfixation? (if this is too personal or you got none then hit me with a joke answer)
Both of these, while different answers, I feel like are things that only developed recently as I started to actually like, digest and internalize media? First fictional crush is Nico Robin from One Piece, I am in a constant flux between "I want you/ I want to be you" with her.
First character hyperfixation, pretend to be surprised now, is Maya Fey from Ace Attorney. When I played the games growing up, I really didn't even think much of any of the characters in that way, honestly. It wasn't until being on Alfred's streams and getting to reacquaint myself with the games and voice her that two wires in my head got crossed, and I like, became obsessed with her overnight.
A big part of it was definitely using her as a vehicle to navigate my budding identity feelings, so when I saw her I would just get this absolute rush of what I can only describe as gender euphoria. To the point that before I had landed on any concrete design for a sona or even Didi, I just asked people go draw Maya in my place in fan art LOL
That aspect has definitely faded with time, but even so I do still genuinely love her as a character and seek out as much art of her as I can. She'll always have a place in my heart.
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xoxoemynn · 4 months
19 and 12 for the fic writer ask game!
12. a trope you’re really into right now Okay going specifically with OFMD here, but right now I'm very much feeling innkeeper era fics. I want all of their ridiculous shenanigans, I want them learning to live together as a couple, I love them trying to figure out what their lives are going to look like, I love them having all the happy honeymoon phase sex in the world. READY FOR HAPPINESS!!!!
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic Okay I've got two. First, obviously, for the clock boys. Obviously, a lot of research about clocks and how they work and don't work, as well as navigational history. But I think my proudest moment there was how I managed to infiltrate a private Facebook group just for people interested in clock repair. It was 95% grumpy old men talking shop... and then me, peeking in, reading all their posts so I could make sure my clock-based smut had an air of authenticity. "Oh yes, I just BET you used too much oil... so slippery... such a filthy clock."
Second is for the Afterlight Boys WIP I'm still working on and was just a really cool moment! So in the fic Stede and Mary have a relationship loosely inspired by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (for those who did not have an old Hollywood hyperfixation at some point, 1930s actors/dancers famous for making a series of musicals together). I was writing a scene where Stede was going to talk to Mary in her dressing room, but I wasn't sure what film set dressing rooms were like in the 1930s. Were they trailers, were they bungalows, were they something else? So I did a lot of Googling, trying to find any information I could about where actors would get ready to film in the 1930s, and was striking out (mostly because Google kept thinking by trailer I meant advertising trailer, not the vehicle). Then by some small miracle I happened to stumble across a really grainy video with someone giving a tour of Lucille Ball's dressing room. I almost didn't click, because I figured it was the wrong era, but figured what the hell, I've found nothing better. The first thing I hear when I push play? "Before Lucille Ball, this dressing room was used by Ginger Rogers." Yep. Was striking out from finding dressing rooms from generally the same era as the actress I was basing Mary off of, ended up finding the exact dressing room of said actress. Sometimes the internet is really cool. (Also, there's a fun bit of trivia for you. Impress all your friends.)
Ask me fic writer questions!
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nateascendingskies · 1 year
Leaving a showing of Wes Anderson's latest film "Asteroid City" a few weeks ago, having pondered and puzzled over the anarchic, metatextual and science fiction vibes of the entire project, I was certain of one thing by the end.
I'm pretty sure that Wes Anderson is on the autism spectrum.
Like, there's really no other way to explain his quirky, offbeat, and matte painting filled style - the dude oozes hyperfixation and fascination with the strangest of details, and it's really proven by the way "Asteroid City" plays out.
Early on in the film, one of the three leads, junior astrologer and scientist Woodrow Steinbeck (played by Jake Ryan) is playing a name game of sorts with his fellow Junior Stargazer recipients, wherein one person mentions the name of a famous scientist or artist and the other person adds on to that, continuing in a Simon Says-like chain until it should, theoretically, be hard to follow.
After several names have been said and it's Woodrow's turn again, one of the other stargazers challenges him to name all of the people previously mentioned - in reverse order. He does it flawlessly. Since I know others on the spectrum that could do that with the entire alphabet at a young age, you can probably see where I'm getting at.
Later on in the film, following a military quarantine following the inexplicable arrival of an alien to the titular small town, we see the same stargazers - and what might they be doing now, you might ask? Continuing the same game with gleeful abandon and now throwing celebrities like Marilyn Monroe into the mix.
Of course, this isn't the only spectacularly bizarre detail that appears or re-appears throughout the course of the film. At three separate occasions, a slapstick worthy police chase and shootout involving no less than three vehicles passes through the main road of the town, with little acknowledgment from those who see it other than a shrug. It's not necessarily how the gag plays out in this case, though - rather, it's how it's set up and visually portrayed - almost with a sense of lucid unreality and focus on the particulars of what is happening. It's as if Anderson is relishing in the outright batshit insanity of it all - much like the entirety of the food critic hostage situation segment in The French Dispatch and the entirety of Fantastic Mr. Fox, two of his other works.
When you throw in various similarly odd running jokes involving a dancing roadrunner, someone burning their hand on a patterned griddle, a literal highway overpass to nowhere, real estate being sold from a vending machine, a Rod Serling style-guide who presents the play within a film setup in a loving tribute to the creation of such arts (and even intrudes on the "play's" narrative at one point by pure accidental happenstance), and nuclear bomb tests, it's easy to see why a case could be made for Wes' clear and uniquely neurodiverse position on the spectrum. Everything about "Asteroid City" might seem random at first glance, but there's a clear rhyme and reason to Wes Anderson's madness and how the entire narrative works and plays out.
Neurodivergent brains function in a state that is far from what might be considered societally normal or typical, tending to be drawn towards particular obsessive interests and playing with them in a style or voice that is uniquely their own. Over the course of a few decades, I have developed mine - with a love of films being among them. So, when I see a film like "Asteroid City" and admire its tonal consistency with such a wildly inconsistent set of characters and situations, having a clear love of well placed 50's and 60's musical needle drops and a song about the arrival of a benevolent alien told in an appropriately folksy style (Anderson even apologizes to the inspiration behind the song in the end credits for good comedic measure) in the same manner as my love of motorsports, Pixar films, and the scores of James Horner, I can only once again come to one conclusion.
I'm absolutely sure that Wes Anderson is on the autism spectrum.
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hankwizard · 1 year
Devlog #1: the basics
A rules-lite resource-management tabletop about taking your band to the stars!
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When I was a kid, I was obsessed with sci-fi! But my interest was definitely "silly space magicians throw lasers at each other's cool robots" way instead of, like, the hard stuff that actually tries to be scientific. I like green aliens, stars that twinkle, far-out words with no vowels, and copious amounts of goo in my futuristic works. I was also a massive fan of Scott Pilgrim... Well, the cool parts I hyperfixated on. To me, ideal young adult living consists of going to basement shows, crashing house parties, and smudging eyeliner on purpose. Of course, I'm now in my mid-twenties, so these are all parts of my life (though I'd never be caught dead at a basement show, they usually reek. free dive bar open mic nights are my ride now), and it's still a lifestyle I love writing about, grungy parts and all.
Startrip: Solar Tour! is the marriage of these two things. Set in a future where each planet in the Solar System is at least semi habitable (except for jupiter, fuck jupiter), the goal is to bounce from planet to planet, rockin' out and reaching the next stop in the competition to become the greatest band in the solar system.
I want to post about some of my progress with it :) So far, it's focused on resource management. Your resources are as follows for each individual band member:
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(however i may get rid of scrounging... or maybe add an item system? but adding an item system just to justify a skill seems like how you introduce a superfluous system. would love input)
The band will, to put it super simply, combine the scores of their resources to perform certain actions, or may use their own resources individually. Their vans (well, spaceship-vans) will also have resources to manage.
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(I'm making an ever-growing list of starter vehicles... Oh man, I should also add ways to switch out your van for a better one, huh? With extra abilities. That would fuck.)
There are some other mechanics too: "Groupies" essentially buff stats for a price, but you can only get so many. Fail states include starvation, getting your ass kicked in, and losing at one of the major band battles. I'm also planning to add a nemesis system for the game's rival bands (of which there shall be many), but that's on the back burner. I want to make a post going over the many different alien species, but i wanna at least have concept doodles to go alongside. Anyways, that's all for now!
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putuponpercy · 2 years
You want the angst, you get the angst. Two for one actually, one from both my AUs!
In The Sky AU (train people with wings): James doesn't know a thing about himself from his life before he got to Sodor (which he did by mistake, might I add). This includes family, childhood, what sorta school he went to, his own last name (why he has Gordon's last name despite them not being married yet), among many other things.
On Foot AU (aka my bus hyperfixation AU that I'll have to make a sideblog for, whenever I compile all the lore into something that makes sense): For a bit of context, in this AU, the bus drivers are almost like projections of their respective vehicles and are tied to them (think gold dust). So when a bus gets damaged beyond repair, the driver goes with it basically. And what does Volán (The AU's version of Volánbusz, Hungary's national bus company) do with the remains/scraps? There are "bus graveyards" scattered throughout the country, most of them closed off and out of view but some, like the Tab Bus Graveyard is.. right next to the bus station, out in the open for everyone to see. Just as a reminder for all the drivers showing up there that they too could end up like all those unfortunate souls in the graveyard. :))
In The Sky James 🤝 tjp Thomas
Can't remember shit about themselves
Also damn imagine turning up to the bus station and your dead friends are literally there
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skelletors · 2 years
MCYT as D&D Characters 1 - Tubbo
So, there has been a CRIMINAL lack of D&D content surrounding the MCYT community, so I have decided to throw my hat into the ring and go over how I would make various figures in the Minecraft community into D&D playable characters.
A few ground rules for this thing:
This will not be balanced and the builds may not be very good. This isn’t for the minmaxers (not that there's anything wrong with that), this is purely based on either stories these people have participated in or their overall persona on the internet
These characters will go up to level 20, but in no way do you have to play them to the max level to get all the mechanics that make up the character
There will be little to no homebrew in these builds, just for my own ease of use.
I will be using standard array for all of these characters (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) when determining the stats for these characters, also for my own ease of use.
Now, with those rules out of the way, let’s get this series kicked off with the person who started my hyperfixation on this concept, Tubbo!
Character Traits to Emulate:
Crafty and chaotic
Charismatic but naive
Goat lad
Race, Class, Background, Stats
Race: Satyr (This is the closest thing we get to how Tubbo is depicted, and I think the trickster aspect of the Feywilde fits Tubbo’s character very well.)
Ability Score Increases: +2 Charisma, +1 Dexterity Ram: You can make an unarmed strike with your horns equal to 1d8 + Strength Mod bludgeoning damage. Reveler: Proficiency in Persuasion, Performance and one musical instrument Mirthful Leaps: You can add a d8 to your jump speed whenever you jump, even if it’s from a standing position.
Background: Soldier (While Tubbox is fantastic, this is more aligned with the child soldier aspects of his character, from fighting against Dream at the start of the server to the L’Manberg revolutionary war.) Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation, One gaming set (Chess), Land Vehicles
Class: Fighter 10, Bard 8, Artificer 2 (Hopefully the Fighter class is self-explanatory, child soldier and a pretty good fighter. Bard is from Tubbo’s time as president and his attempts to settle issues through diplomatic means before the whole butcher army arc. Artificer should also be self-explanatory, man made nukes so of course he’s gonna be a bit of a tinkerer.
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 10 + 1 -> 11 (Racial Benefit)
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 13 + 2 -> 15 (Racial Benefit)
Level 1: Fighter
Fighting Style! One key way to flavor any fighter is through their fighting style, and I’m going to go with Interception. Essentially, if you’re nearby an enemy you can reduce some of the damage they’re dealing if you have a shield or some kind of weapon. I dunno, it just fits with his vibes.
Second Wind. Once per long rest, you can recover some amount of HP. Pretty damn good for a person who’s fighting a lot
Level 2: Fighter
Action Surge. The bee boy can attack more once per long/short rest.
Level 3: Fighter
SUBCLASS TIME BABY! And while there are many options for Fighter, I think that it’s best to stick with the classics
Champion Archetype! There’s no perfect fit, but I think Champion is good because of just how straightforward it is in concept.
Improved Critical! If you roll a natural 19 or 20, it counts as a critical hit!
Level 4: Fighter
Ability. Score. Improvement. You can either bump up one stat by two (or two by one) or take a feat. For this, since we’re still in fighter mode for Tubbo, we’re gonna bump his Str up by 1 and his Int up by one, leaving him with 15 and 16 respectively. He’s stronger, but he’s also smarter.
Level 5: Fighter
Extra Attack. You can take two attacks instead of one as one action.
Level 6: Fighter
ASI. For this, we’re gonna wanna add that to Str again, bumping it up to a 17.
Level 7: Bard
Jumping over to Bard now, you get a bunch of cool things from this class. Your spellcasting ability will be Charisma, so we’ll want to see about bumping that up soon
Bardic Inspiration! You get to inspire your comrades and give them a Bardic Inspiration die. Currently it’s at a d6 and you can do this as many times equal to your Charisma modifier
Level 8: Bard
Jack of All Trades. You can add half your proficiency bonus (Rounded down) to any skill you’re not already proficient in.
Song of Rest. During a short rest, if your allies are spending hit die to recover HP, they can recover extra HP. Currently, it’s a d6 worth of healing. Not amazing, but for someone who just wants to help even that d6 can go a long way
ASI. You already know, add 2 to Cha, bringing it up to a 17
Level 9: Fighter
Back to fighter, you get a cool Subclass feature!
Remarkable Athlete: You add half of your proficiency bonus rounded up to any Str, Dex or Con checks or related skills that you’re not already proficient in.
Level 10: Fighter
Nothing new here, but if you’d want to change your fighting style, you could. I won’t, but you could.
Level 11: Bard
What’s that time again? It’s Subclass time again! This time, we’re going with…
College of Swords! Now while Wilbur’s speech about how to get things done is through violence, I can’t help but feel like that rubbed off on Tubbo. Looking at you, Butcher Army.
You get bonus proficiencies, but as a fighter these are already covered. But you can also use a sword you’re proficient in as a spellcasting focus! Nice!
You can choose between two fighting styles, dueling or two-weapon fighting. I’ll choose dueling, since there’s not a lot of dual-wielding on the DSMP. This gives you a nice +2 to damage rolls if you only have the weapon in your hands.
Blade Flourish. If you use one of your Bardic Inspiration die, you can do some pretty shit! And some pretty cool shit, too. You can add to your AC for a turn, add extra damage or even push someone away from you. Certainly good at that last one, at least.
OH BUT WE’RE NOT DONE FOLKS! Bards get a lot of stuff at third level, who knew? This time you get Expertise. You can get a few more proficiencies, just to be EVEN BETTER AT THINGS, as long as things are skills.
Level 12: Bard
It’s that time again. Ability. Score. Improvement. This time, we’re taking a feat. More specifically, the inspiring leader feat. You can give allies some temp hp equal to your level + your Cha modifier. And let me tell you, Tubbo’s actually super good at giving speeches, it’s really fun.
Level 13: Bard
Font of Inspiration. You regain all your Bardic Inspiration after a short rest now, not just a long rest!
Bardic Inspiration: 1d8
Level 14 Fighter
Indomitable. If you fail a saving throw, you can reroll it! But be warned, you MUST use the new roll. While Tubbo may not be renowned for his PvP skills, he certainly has that indomitable spirit in the DSMP storyline.
Level 15: Bard
Countercharm. If you keep talking, you can create a countercharm that prevents your allies from being charmed so long as they can hear you and you’re awake. Tubbo has not only been able to keep quite a few of his allies close, but he’s also made more friends through his charm.
Extra Attack. You get to attack more? Honestly, not sure how this’d work with your extra attack so maybe they’d cancel out, maybe you’d get to attack three times. Still, it is nice to have.
Level 16: Bard
ASI. Let’s bring up that Intelligence to a 17, you’ll see why soon.
Level 17: Artificer
We won’t be taking many levels in this, just enough to get the cool benefits. 
Magical Tinkering. You can make tiny, nonmagical objects into magical ones with a handful of cool effects
Level 18: Artificer
Infuse Item. You can learn a handful of artificer infusions and put them into objects
While you won’t quite be making nukes at this point, these give you nice buffs to your spells that you might as well call them nukes with the firepower you’re packing.
Level 19: Bard
Last Ability Score Improvement. Take the Tough feat, significantly boosting your HP. Tubbo is very resilient and has gone through quite a lot of pain and suffering, so he’s probably bolstered his ability to take hits as well as his defenses.
Level 20: Fighter
Additional Fighting Style. This could go two ways, but I’m going defensive, giving you a slight buff to your AC. Again reflecting the bolstering of defenses after Doomsday with Snowchester’s walls and the making of nukes, all to keep himself safe.
And there we have it! The bee boy himself!
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theghostpinesmusic · 9 months
Alright, so this is my last Euro tour write-up, from the last show of Euro tour! I've had a lot of fun doing these jam write-ups over the last few weeks, which kind of surprised me at first, to be honest. Once I share my thoughts on a few of the jams from December's Goosemas run, I'll probably keep doing these, but do less of them (at least until the band starts touring again). Maybe I'll pick some favorites from earlier in 2023? Maybe I'll pick some favorites from shows I've personally attended? If anyone has a request, send it! I can't guarantee I'll get to it, but it would be fun to have audience participation.
Some relevant history: way, way back in the day, I had a Phish show review blog where my stated mission was to listen to and review every show of "Phish 3.0" (basically every show they've played since 2009). I wrote reviews in the blog from 2013 until 2018, and covered most shows up through the band's 2017 summer tour. It was a lot of listening and writing about one band. Maybe obviously in retrospect, what ended up happening was that the constant hyperfocus on Phish and essentially listening specifically to rate each show relative to the others ruined the music for me. I'd been seeing as many Phish shows as I could afford from 2009 through 2016, but by 2017 the music all sounded same-y to me (hint: it wasn't), and so I only saw one run apiece in 2017 and 2018 and then didn't really listen to anything from the band again until 2021. Nowadays, I'm enjoying the band that was my lodestar musical obsession for fifteen years of my life in moderation, but for a long time there I'd sabotaged my own enjoyment through hyperfixation and an insistence on comparing every song and show to every other song and show.
Long story short, for a guy who was born way too late too the Grateful Dead in their prime and slightly too late to see Phish in their prime, over the last four years Goose has become the band I was actually born at the right time for (if that makes sense). As such, I've always been really careful to not "burn out" on them by listening too much, by writing too much about them, and/or by endlessly comparing songs, shows, jams, etc. I was a little worried when I started writing these posts that I was taking the first step down a counterproductive path, but so far, like I said above, it's been fun. I've been trying to approach particular jams instead of entire shows or tours, and to write focused not on the question of "Is this good or not?" but instead on the question "What do I like about this?".
I think that might be a good change to make in areas of my life outside of my Goose fandom, too, but I digress...
Anyway, today's jam/video is a two-parter because that's how the person who posted this video on YouTube chose to do it (in case you didn't figure this out yet, I don't post the videos to YouTube myself, I just find them and write about them). It's a bit like the "The Whales"/"Butter Rum" Thekla post I already did, except this time around the jam comes out of the first song ("Hungersite" while it's the second (and third?) songs that are almost entirely composed rather than improvised.
So, "Hungersite" first. This tune is probably the closest thing Goose has had so far to a radio "hit." They even made a live-action, Office Space-themed video for it, like it's the 90s! It is a catchy-ass song, but it's also chock full of the weird, abstract lyrics and (post)modernist imagery that Rick likes to write so much (and that I like to hear so much).
"Hungersite" has been a jam vehicle for the band basically since it was introduced (2/26/22 first time played), but I feel like it started getting really out there frequently in 2023. The version from the Capitol Theater run in March was an early introduction to the (in my opinion) new tier of improvisation the band discovered this past year, and pretty much every version for the rest of the year that wasn't played at a festival show (fourteen in all!) was incredible in its own way.
I'd say this London version is actually one of my least favorite "Hungersite"s from this year, actually, and that's saying something considering how good it is. Maybe I'll cover some of the others some other time...
Now that I've done such a good job of selling the London "Hungersite," let's get into it!
While I won't wax poetically at length about the song proper here, I particularly love Jeff and Trevor's contributions to the composed parts. All the parts are well thought-out and it really feels like a great indie rock song that stands just fine on its own without a jam.
At the 3:45 mark, the song has a neat, built-in, very Phish-y guitar peak that I (and most people in the crowd on any given night) always look forward to, though now it's hard for me to hear it without thinking of Trey playing it at Radio City.
We return to the chorus one last time after this (love Peter on the organ here!), and then we get a reprise of the song's main riff at 5:25 that leads into the jam proper 5:55.
I might be hearing things here, but in this version it sounds like Rick changes the key of the jam right away, rather than staying in the song's key for any length of time. Regardless, the rhythm section drives things here initially, while it feels like Rick and Peter are both kind of circling each other, feeling things out.
Rick asserts himself a bit more starting at 7:30, and if you listen enough to actually hear Trevor (obligatory mix complaint!) you can hear him and Rick playing off each other here.
Right as things are starting (to me) to sound a little rote, Ben shifts up the beat to something more driving, and that pushes everyone to reconfigure a bit. Some tasteful shredding from Rick ensues. I love the blues riffing at 10:15 in particular.
Rick backs off at 11:05, and we quiet things down a bit. Peter jumping over to the clav over this driving beat is a perfect move, sending the whole jam into a much murkier space. I love how the lighting changes here to suit the sound, too.
The wall of sound that Peter is kicking up between his clav playing and his synths really starts to take center stage around 13:30. I feel like a lot of the jams I write about here feature Rick front and center (and, to a degree, that's because most of Goose's jams do feature him front and center), but I think this is a great example of how he can play rhythm and/or add effects to someone else taking the lead (Peter here, but Trevor too at other times). In fact, a lot of my favorite Goose jamming tends to have Rick in this "support" role, mostly because he's really good at it, but also because it usually means that they're heading somewhere weird and new.
Somewhere around 15:00, this jam turns into a full-band collaboration on a level that all of the best jams do, and then the shit that Rick starts playing at 16:00 just melts my brain and I die.
Okay, I'm being a little hyperbolic here, but this is what I often refer to in my setlist notes as "that baroque shit" and I am fully a sucker for it.
He returns to this riff a few more times (a la the Manchester "Thatch"), and the rest of the band rides the absolute groove they have going into the ground in the meantime. You know it's a good jam when the back-of-the-house camera is visibly shaking up and down.
Rick hits the riff one more time at 20:16 and then it's full steam ahead to an absolutely enormous peak. Unlike a lot of the other jams I've covered recently, "Hungersite" jams tend not to return to/reprise the song proper at the end, so we just crash to a triumphant halt at 21:10 and softly transition out of the noise and reverb into "Seekers On The Ridge Part One."
I don't want this post to get obnoxiously long, but I want to write a short thing about "Seekers." If you don't already know, Goose has a whole pile of songs that contribute to a larger mythology/legendarium (think Phish's Gamehenge, but less goofy). Of the ones I can think of off the top of my head, most of the songs that fit into this sub-oeuvre tend to be more prog-rock-style in their composition, and the lyrics vague, mysterious, and more than a little Joseph-Campbell-esque. I don't write about most of these tunes because, with the notable exception of "Elmeg The Wise" (which I'm sure I'll get to someday), they aren't typically songs that get jammed out. That said, "Seekers" is included in this video, and it's one of my favorite non-jammed things the band plays regularly, so I thought I'd share.
There are two "parts" to the song, and they have almost always been played back-to-back, though they've been separated on a few particularly memorable occasions. There's no long-form improvisation in either part, so everything you're hearing (except for the occasional, brief solo) is entirely composed. I don't have much else to say other than that if you've come this far in reading, you should give the rest of the video a listen!
I absolutely love the chorus to the first part. Peter's piano chords and Trevor's bassline just make it absolutely epic-sounding, especially in person. In fact, I'm tempted to say that Trevor is the MVP of the "Seekers" songs in general. I also never get sick of hearing the transition between the two parts (happens here at 27:30). Peter's Vibe tone at the beginning of the second part (similar to what he plays on "Red Bird") really makes it work.
Rick takes one solo during "Seekers," at in this version it's at 29:55. Sometimes this solo is kind of muted and sometimes he just rips it, presumably depending on his mood. This time, he chooses violence.
And that's all I'm writing about (for now, at least) from Euro tour. It feels like a nice, contemplative note to go out on. Next time, it's Goosemas: In Space!
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robotgirldisc · 2 years
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I posted 17,420 times in 2022
That's 7,534 more posts than 2021!
45 posts created (0%)
17,375 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,075 of my posts in 2022
#me - 20 posts
#gender envy - 8 posts
#worm - 8 posts
#unprepared casters - 8 posts
#nike - 7 posts
#😭😭😭 - 7 posts
#<- prev tags - 5 posts
#parahumans - 5 posts
#ingo posting - 5 posts
#pla train boys - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and not just in a ''spent hours hyperfixating on this 1 thing because of my own dysphoria. so now i instantly spot it in other people'' way
My Top Posts in 2022:
🦀 time for crab 🦀
today i summoned 101 crabs and then caught all of them! what a harvest
💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰
7 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Can you recommend any good egg stories?
Gonna drop a few egg fic recs, CW for internalized transphobia on most of them, other cws will be listed with the specific fic
I’m Currently reading To Own The Libs, by OfficiallyZoe: A conservative college student decides to go undercover as a trans woman to prove that self-id is a bad idea. The story is ongoing, updating every Friday, and contains content warnings at the start of every chapter. The prologue hit very close to home with me and my struggles accepting myself as a gay trans woman
Getting Into Character by Lotus17: A group of friends play D&D on stream, their newest campaign requires them to all play as female characters, and one by one they start to realize some stuff about themselves. CW for transphobic bullying. Still updating, at a kind of erratic pace. I really like the relationship dynamics in this one
Can’t Make an Omelette: a Chick Before the Egg Story by SapphicSounds is a comedy about two roommates who decide to magically transform into girls to “prank” their other roommates. contains smut, but it’s not the focus. I was laughing all throughout this fic, the main characters are too oblivious
Curse You, Magical Girls! A Flower Blooms in the Heart of a Villain!? by rooibos_chai: Follows the villain of a magical girl anime and her most trusted minion. I can’t really say much without spoiling the entire plot, but it’s <9000 words, so if you enjoy the Evil Queen x Trusted Servant dynamic and would like a somewhat comedic take on it, it’s highly recommended. This was the first egg fic I read, and the thing that got me into the genre
Plot Twist: It’s Gay by Elamimax: A college student is really uncomfortable when his lesbian roommate brings home girls all the time and suspects that he might be harboring some homophobia he wasn’t aware of. Turns out she was just jealous. I really like how the main character’s jealousy continues even after she figures herself out, and that it’s a vehicle for driving the remainder of the story
Trolls and Tribulations by rooibos_chai: An edgy wannabe-hacker hacks into a trans girl’s computer, and figures that the best prank would be to support her through her transition. CW for transphobic parents. I once described this fic as “Miraculous Ladybug for trans people” and I stand by that
Let The Devil Take The Rest by DerbyGhost:A guy searches for his former roommate who went missing, after finding her, she invites him to join her demonic commune. Content warnings at the start of each chapter, kinda horny.
Performative Masculinity by OfficiallyZoe: A closeted trans girl troublemaker runs into another troublemaker from her school on her way home from the gender clinic, who later comes out to her as a stealth trans guy, they form a truce/friendship and help each other stay out of the way of the superintendent’s son, a bully who faces no consequences. CW homophobic bullying, and bullying in general. I really like the relationships in this story, both the familial ones and the main romantic relationship are really good
25 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
47 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
girl who's only ever played disco elysium going to Brazil and seeing the money: getting some real disco elysium vibes from this
47 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
A mousegirl will walk out of the shower and be like "I'm squeaky clean"
867 notes - Posted June 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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agent-yolk-writes · 3 years
Team Prime + Reader who works at Monarch (Part 1)
A/N: Don’t look at me. These are just two hyperfixations that were dormant suddenly waking up again after watching TFP and the Monsterverse movies again around the same time. Then I got around to looking at tfp x reader imagines/headcanons/scenarios and oops! An idea was born!
Anyways I hope you like this! If you want to see more of this, or TFP imagines in general, please let me know! I love hearing from people and I want to get back into writing imagines/headcanons again!
Important notes: This is vaguely right before/at the start of the events of the 2014 godzilla movie where monarch was still kinda hush hush to everyone.
Warnings: I might’ve gotten carried away lol
So after an incident at the moth temple, you were more or less placed on a ‘mandatory vacation’ to recover. It’s amazing you even had this kind of job security since Monarch is, technically, a secret organization that the government cannot publicly acknowledge.
Luckily, you just happen to have family in a remote town in Nevada that you haven’t seen in a while. Two birds one stone, right?
You haven’t seen your nephew Raf since he was in kindergarten and look at him! He got so big! Not to mention he’s smart with computers! But at the end of the day, he’s still the quiet, shy kid you’ve come to love since he was born. Don’t tell his siblings, but he’s the favorite.
But when you offered to pick him up after school or go get ice cream together, he would refuse most of the time. At first you were upset, thinking you were breaching on his personal space. However, that sadness turns into fear suspicion when you see Raf climbing into a yellow camaro one day. You know for sure no one in the family drives such a flashy sports car.
He had mentioned having friends that were slightly older than him, but he made no mention about their ability to drive. Since he’s the only one that boards the vehicle, the possibility that it’s a parent of one of the friend’s is ruled out. Is he...being bullied? Or blackmailed? They’re the only reasons you can gather since confronting your nephew only gets you vague answers.
Since you have all the free time in the world, you tried to track the car whenever you see it in town. The keyword here is try. You would think spotting a brightly colored car in a very tiny town would be easy, right? Wrong! Sometimes it’ll make turns that lead to dead ends only for it to disappear when you round the corner! You would expect this behavior from the creatures you study, not cars!
Other times you would see it parked near either a huge green muscle car or a blue motorcycle, sometimes both. You take camp at a nearby establishment and wait for whoever is driving them. Unfortunately, you always lose the waiting game. Maybe you’re getting in over your head. Maybe Serizawa was right about you taking the time off.
Literally the day you were planning to give up the chase, you noticed there’s this...cybernetic purple car that seems to be following you. No matter how fast you’re walking, it seems to be matching your speed. When you enter a store, it would always be waiting for you. You don’t know what their end goal is, but you’re sure as hell ain’t gonna find out. If you’re at risk, then Monarch is at risk. 
You managed to convince the employees to let you exit out the back door after explaining that someone’s after you, which isn’t too far off. The main shopping center has an alley system that you vaguely remember, so you can easily shake them off there. As soon as you went outside, however, you were immediately greeted by an identical looking car just a few feet away from the door. Not taking any chances to wait around, you ran in the opposite direction. You didn’t even have time to figure out what could you use to throw at this guy to buy you some time.
As soon as you made it out of the system, another car stopped in front of you. What made this one different, however, was the fact that it was that yellow sports car you’ve been following for the past few days. It opened it’s door to you and you can see Raf sitting in the passenger door.
“I’ll explain later, just get in!” He urged you.
[to be continued...]
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