#weeps softly i have been working on this literally since u sent it i hope it is c oherent -
partiallystcrs · 4 years
                     @narrativeplaced said : yakko + felicity!
i swear this started off smaller , anyway read more for length . 
multi muse ask meme !!  //  accepting .
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their general personality *  yakko is childish .  he was designed that way . he loves popping out of places he literally shouldn’t be , & poking fun where fun is to be poked . he doesn’t do it to be mean , & readily apologizes when he should . he’s always trying to put a ‘ happy - go - lucky ’ face out , but he does in fact have his serious moments .  these moments are rarely , if ever shown to strangers , & if shown AT ALL , he deflects as quickly as he can .  
their hobbies *  yakko really loves to read , secretly knits , & karaoke 
things they like * he loves pop music , taking strolls down hollywood blvd & terrifying celebrities , disney princes bc they have That Look , & breaking the fourth wall . 
things they dislike * shrill noises , adults that treat him like a child ( a note : he’s nearly a hundred years old ( no really , he was created in the 1930′s )) when he’s NOT acting like a child , corporate america . 
some things people do that annoy them * children under five grab at his tail , that’s a big thing .  he also loathes being talked over. 
how easily they form friendships * very easily .  might be your friend way before you ever are his friend .  he’s a very caring toon , it takes a lot for him to make enemies . 
how easily they get crushes * easily . he’s a daydreamer , & also was designed to look for attractive people  (  times have changed since the 30s , he’s working on not catcalling & leaping into the arms of & kissing every attractive person he sees ). he’ll hold onto a crush for a long time .
the kind of person they get along with the best *  kind people . he really gets along best with those who are understanding of his situation . being locked in a water tower for most of your life stunts most forms of growth , & though he looks & sounds like a child , the people who treat him like an adult are the best kinds of people in his book . 
the kind of person they get along with the worst * greedy people . again , he was literally locked in a water tower for decades . though canonically it was because ‘ they were too zany ‘ it’s not a stretch to say it was the animator’s & studio greed that did this to them . bullies he can handle , he’s literally always carrying a mallet , but those certain , hateful , greedy people are those that get under his skin so badly he can’t even look at them . 
whether or not they could get along with your muse(s) *  abso-froot-ly.   he’s a very kind soul , just childish .  his human verse ( carlos valdes fc ) differs only in , you know , he’s not 90 - odd years old , & thus , he can get along with nearly everyone in your muse list ( aside from your twilight muses .   he can’t acknowledge twilight as a thing ). 
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their general personality * felicity is a quiet , kind soul . she’s also very chaotic . not in a bad way , but in a ‘ sitting in a diner wearing the spider suit without the mask ‘ chaotic .  she’s also once accidentally kicked off her boot mid swing . it hit a pedestrian . 
their hobbies * fighting crime , making care packages for people , reading declassified SHIELD files . 
things they like * the adrenaline rush of plummeting fifty stories only to yeet yourself up seventy more ,  once was a pole vaulter & now enjoys watching others , strawberry milkshakes .  showing off how physically fit she’s become since becoming spiderman ( search youtube for  video proof , an anonymous avenger posts weekly workout videos , felix bench-pressing avengers is a recurring thing ). 
things they dislike * ‘ hey it’s spider girl / woman ’. converse ( no real support !! ) , buildings with no wifi ( she is a Literal Student & no wifi = no classes ), vanilla milkshakes 
some things people do that annoy them * there’s the occasional person who tries to take a picture under her skirt while she swings by , a villain who monologues , the occasional heckler . 
how easily they form friendships * she’s the kind of friend you don’t realize you have as a friend because she slips into your life so easily .  she’s also the kind of person who really depends on her friendships & the trust built bc she’s so ? loose ? with her secret identity .  too many people know who she is , but she doesn’t realize this , & the people who care end up being her best friends , since they keep her secret better than she can . 
how easily they get crushes * she once got hit in the face by one of scream’s hosts’  & she still daydreams about her to this day .  she gets the type of crush where you think about them for every second , but never actually do anything abt it bc she’s so busy. 
the kind of person they get along with the best * people who can ground her , remind her to care about herself .  she spends an exhausting amount of time putting others first , & the people who help her to eat , sleep , get patched up , are the people she unintentionally sticks around with most .  
the kind of person they get along with the worst * is it a cop out to say villains / bad guys ?  
whether or not they could get along with your muse(s) * specifically she’d love to meet wanda , her universe’s scarlet witch died before she could really know her . also her universe’s bucky lets her bench- press him  , would yours ?  realistically , i think she could get along great with your muses , she’s a pretty friendly person , even under the mask .
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
My first Avengers Christmas; Bucky x teen reader plus avengers
Okay ya’ll this comes from one of my recent requestors here on Tumblr. The anon requested a Christmas theme oneshot with our fav. super soldier Bucky Barnes feat. the other avengers. Hope you all enjoy it and anon who requested this I hope I did u proud :)
Warnings: swearing, but over all Bucky fluff
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I really didn’t get this.  The Avengers are going around from shop to shop frantically like chickens with their heads cut off.  The tower has been decorated from head to toe with lights and a large tree in every. Single. Room including the bathrooms.  The reason because of this? Well it was the Christmas season once again.
Ever since we had been found and rehabilitated from HYDRA, Bucky and I have stuck to each other like glue, we’re like brother and sister.  But the difference between him and me is that he got to experience Christmas before Hydra, I didn’t.  I was created from a test tube and brought to life by science to become HYDRA’s perfect weapon to train and work along side by side with the Winter Soldier.
Bucky was the only one kind enough to me in our days with Hydra.  Whenever I was sad and needed a friend, when no one was looking, Bucky was there. Even though he only spoke a few words, they were first words of kindness I had ever received.
Anyways back to what I was discussing earlier, this Christmas thing.  Due to all my days in Hydra, I never got to experience Christmas or any other holiday for that matter but everyone seems to really make a big deal with Christmas.
I was currently sitting in the gathering room on the sofa going through my phone about what Christmas was really about when I heard Tony exclaim.
“Hey Mini-Barnes come help us with this”.  I quickly closed out of the internet and opened up a random app on my phone before standing up and walking up to Tony and Rhodey who were hanging up more mistletoe.
“How many of those do you really need?” I asked.
“Just enough to drive Rogers and your bro insane, or at least until Nat agrees to us at least one kiss under the mistletoe”. Tony stated.  I just looked at him confused.  Why would a plant that is poisonous be used to force people to kiss if they stood under it?
“Hand up that hammer and nail there (n/n)” Rhodey said.  I looked around to see it sitting there by the cabinet so I handed it up to Rhodey who passed it onto Stark who then proceeded to hammer the mistletoe up on the doorway.
I then decided to walk away into the kitchen only to see Wanda, Vision and Clint preparing a feast so large it could be for all of NY.
“Uhh guys what’s going on here?”
“We’ve been put in charge of the Christmas dinner”. Stated Wanda.
“Do we really need that much food though?”
“It’s part of the tradition to make a big feast, plus you can blame Stark for wanting so much food since he invited over 300 people for the party”. Said Clint.  I just nodded along then I left the kitchen to seek the one room that I knew that would be busy with activity. 
My room. 
I sat along on my bed looking up articles on Christmas, looked up all the Christmas stories to try and find what this season was all about but all that I found was that people get deals on merchandise and all about some figure named Santa Clause.
“(Y/n)!” I let out a scream and there I saw Bucky standing by the doorway. 
“Damnit Bucky don’t do that!”
“Sorry little sis but I’ve been calling you for the past five minutes, didn’t you hear me?”
“Sorry I guess I didn’t”.  Having been with me for so many years, practically raised me he picked up on when something was wrong.
“You okay?”
“I’m fine”.
“No you’re not. Come on (n/n) I know you, better than anyone else, so come on tell me what’s going on?”
“I—I don’t wanna talk about it right now”. Bucky sighed then he said.
“Alright, but you know you can always tell me anything right?” I nodded then he brought me in a one armed hug as he continued, “Whenever you’re ready, come on downstairs. The party will start in a couple of hours”. I nodded then with a final kiss to my cheek, Bucky stood up and walked out of my room.
Soon I heard Christmas music booming throughout the tower and thanks to my enhanced hearing I could hear people starting to come in.  I curled myself into a ball and buried myself within my covers and let the tears run down my face.
I feel so lost.  I don’t get why I’m suddenly thrust into being a part of this holiday when I don’t even know the first thing about Christmas.  I was created from a fucking test tube! I wasn’t taught anything other than to kill a person or grab Intel from a hard-drive of a computer.  Why can’t I grasp what this holiday is truly about?
I let out some choked sobs before I began weeping hysterically alone and ashamed of myself. 
*Bucky’s POV*
I looked all around for (y/n) but I couldn’t find her anywhere.  I scanned through the entire room that already had 200 people and not everyone was even here yet. Really Stark did you have to invite all of New York to this party? Why not also invite California and Texas as well and hell while you’re at it invite DC too.
I soon came to the bar where Steve, Nat and Sam were at.
“You doin okay there Buck?” asked Steve.
“Well not really, have any of you seen (y/n)?”
“You mean your little sidekick?” asked Sam.
“I’m serious Icarus I’m starting to get worried, especially after our conversation earlier”.
“What happened?” asked Natasha.
“She seemed a little sad, but she wouldn’t tell me what was wrong. I tried to get her to tell me without forcing her so much but she told me she was fine. Now I’m starting to regret not trying hard enough to get her to tell me”.
“Hold on, I think I know someone who can help,” Nat then pulled her watch and pressed a button and said, “Friday?”
‘Yes Miss Romanoff?’
“Locate (y/n) Barnes for me please”.
‘Miss Barnes is locked in her bedroom. I’m sensing levels of sadness and depression in her vitals’.  We looked at each other worriedly then without a second thought, I immediately took off towards the elevator and pressed the button for mine and (y/n)’s level.  Once the elevator dinged, I didn’t give it time to fully open as I literally ripped the doors open and ran towards her room before knocking on her door.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) are you alright!?”
‘Go away Bucky’ I heard her say.
“Not this time. I walked away from you earlier I’m not gonna do it again now open the door before I knock it down!”  There was silence for a brief moment when I heard her say.
‘Friday unlock the door’. I then heard the locks unlock and I opened the door to see a bundle under the covers.  I slowly walked up to her and sat down beside her and pressed my hand to the covers and rubbed it soothingly.
“(Y/n) what’s wrong? And don’t give me any ‘I’m fine’ bullshit, I want to truth. Please (n/n) you’re my little sister and it kills me to see you in this much pain when I know there has to be something I can do to help”.
*1st POV*
Hearing Bucky say those things made me feel even more guilty for making him worry so much about me even though I read that this isn’t a time of the year to worry about things like that.  God I am such a disgrace to this Christmas holiday.I removed the covers and sat up and finally confessed.
“I don’t—I don’t know what I’m doing”.
“What do you mean?”
“Christmas Bucky! I don’t get it. Ever since Thanksgiving I have been researching about Christmas and what it was but I still don’t get it! The big parties, the presents, the decorations I don’t understand!! You know I was made from a test tube and now here I am suddenly thrown into this holiday that I don’t get! You experienced Christmas before Hydra got you but I never have and I HATE IT!!! I HATE NOT KNOWING WHAT THIS SO CALLED FESTIVE HOLIDAY IS SUPPOSE TO MEAN WHEN I NEVER GOT TO EXPERIENCE ANYTHING HAPPY IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!” I sniffled and turned away from Bucky as more tears fell down my face.
“Hey, hey, Sora Mea no, no calm down, calm down, calm down, hey shhhh, shhhh. It’s okay, it’s okay”. Bucky stated as he brought me into his arms and rocked me back and forth.
“No it’s not…..I ruined everything”.
“No, no, no, no, no, no shhhh, shhh.” Bucky rubbed my back soothingly. “You didn’t ruin anything (y/n). No one can blame you for not knowing what Christmas is. I guess I was so caught up in being back into the Christmas season I wasn’t paying attention to how you were taking this. You had to experience so many new things already this past few months that when the biggest holiday of all came around, I didn’t prepare you for what to expect”.
“He’s right”. We both turned around to see the rest of the team standing there. Steve then came up and sat down on my other side as he said.
“Christmas these days have become such a big craze that we didn’t have enough time to see what was happening with you. We’re sorry we made you feel so lost in all the insanity (y/n). We would never do that to you intentionally”.
“I know” I choked out.
“So what do you say we give you a Christmas 101 lesson by starting off slow and then working our way up to the big stuff?” stated Natasha.
“But what about the party?”
“Taken care of sent them all home but promised them VIP tickets to the New Year’s Eve ball drop party and that I would be hosting it” Tony said.
“You sure this is okay with you guys? I mean I hate that I have to make you guys miss out on a party you have planned since November”.
“(N/n) you’re way more important than some stupid party, you can plan hundreds of those and have them whenever. But there is only one first Christmas and I’d hate to know that your first Christmas was you sitting up here alone crying while the rest of us were having fun” Tony said as he walked up to me and softly ruffled my hair.  I let out a soft smile and said.
“You guys are the best”.
“We know, now then who’s up for a little Christmas schooling?” I was then picked up by both Steve and Bucky as we all headed downstairs for our own private Avengers Christmas party.
There I was taught how to make Gingerbread houses with Clint, Vision, Bruce and Wanda.  Sam, Rhodey, Natasha and Tony taught me how to make traditional eggnog. While Steve and Bucky taught me the true meaning of Christmas that it wasn’t all about the gifts or parties, but being surrounded by the people you love and care about.  The one time of the year where all the world sees eye to eye and see each other as Brothers and sisters to all.  That there will be peace on Earth and Good will towards men.
By the end of the night, we were all huddled up in the theater room watching Christmas movie marathons and I fell asleep on Bucky’s chest as we watched “The Santa Clause” and as I slowly began to fall to dream world, I heard Bucky whisper in my ear as I felt him wrap a blanket around me.
“Merry Christmas (y/n)”.
“Merry Christmas Bucky”.
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