#unless they totally change Barbatos or Solomon
misc-obeyme · 9 months
I was a bit disappointed with what happened next, but I knew we'd be disappointed. I'm still hoping that we'll talk a bit more about what happened in the next lesson, it's pretty unpleasant to leave it like that. Also, I love the anon's idea that "Father" planned to put Lucifer in this situation to manipulate him into and "saving" him. it makes "Father's" intentions in this story a lot more coherent, it just makes me worry even more about the boys. 1/2
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My biggest issue was that everybody just seemed to forget about the events of the last lesson all together. It wouldn't have been so bad if someone had at least mentioned it?? It just seemed like okay, moving on! And I was like no wait but my feelings are still all wound up from the last lesson, you can't just move on like that! But really, I shouldn't be surprised.
I hope we get some more about it in the next lesson, too, but at this point I'm not counting on anything anymore. And I agree! That take on Father being manipulative and trying to coerce Lucifer into forgiving him and all that does make the whole situation make a little more sense. It's still incredibly annoying, but at least it wouldn't be completely out of left field.
It does make Father's character potentially more conniving, though. And that can't be good, as you say. My main consolation is that Lucifer, while still accepting Father's love and all that, wasn't like okay time to go home. He was still going to stay a demon. And the rest of the brothers will follow him, so even if Father tries to manipulate them, I think they'll be able to withstand it.
If MC gets to meet Father I'll lose my whole mind. So far it's all been Michael, I don't think MC has ever spoken to Father directly? Not that I can remember. But of course just thinking about letting MC straighten that guy out is pretty satisfying lol.
At this point I have zero confidence in their time travel writing abilities. Considering the dumpster fire that was Lesson 16, I'm not expecting this to go smoothly. Especially because I think this Nightbringer arc is more complicated.
I haven't been told anything by people with access to game files, but I've seen a few comments in the community and the general consensus is "prepare for disappointment."
So I am going into the next lesson with zero expectations. It's probably gonna make me crazy and I'll likely get on here and rant about it, but I've come to accept that this is simply the way of the world now. Solmare butchers their story and I write unhinged tumblr posts about it lol.
On the one hand, it's frustrating, but on the other hand, it keeps me on my toes! I can almost never predict what's going to happen in this story and that's a fairly unusual thing for me.
And in the end, as long as I get to read silly daily chats and kiss demons occasionally, I'm willing to overlook the rest. I just file that stuff away under the "Never Actually Happened" file in my brain. 😌
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bbnibini · 1 year
I saw your tags in the Solomon post about his pact with Asmodeus tbh I agree with you maybe because I played the old game and know how cruel demons were shown at the start before they started overhauling the dialogue.
It wasn't until the brothers realized MC is related to Lilith so they started becoming nicer too. I just think it's unfair to put these characters in a box and expect them to act consistently that's called caricature not characterization but hey it's just my opinion.
Hi there! Solomon seems to be even more of a polarising character than Belphie was even if the latter committed an actual murder while the former hadn't done anything as severe (for now...jk lol).
Joking aside, it's completely valid to like and dislike a character. And I can totally see your point. I guess your opinion on Solomon changes depending on how long you had known him or how far you are in the story. Sometimes it doesn't even have a reason at all and that's valid too. It always amazes me how we interpet scenes so differently. Like for example, the current lesson (lesson 17).
In my eyes, the vulnerability he had shown in the bar/tavern was NOT intended. He had even insisted numerous times that we should forget everything that he said. That it was shameful he had even reacted that way. That he was being emotional. He was not in his right mind and it's shameful and disgusting and he should have never acted like that. This is the same man who said that he couldn't stand the thought of being hated by MC, so I think he must have reacted so strongly because this is a rare chance we see him at his weakest point: his true self. Being out in the open to someone who he wants to be loved by so badly TERRIFIES HIM. A lot of unexplored self-loathing in this man that's for sure. He even said you can call him insane because emotions had never been a factor in his decision making process. He's usually very emotionally intelligent and composed but your involvement. Your existence is beginning to shake his values. Because in the end, that air of confidence. Superiority. Magical prowess are years of building up defences against others from SEEING THE REAL HIM. I really like how the person I RB'd the blog from worded it. He's trying, but he's not perfect. He's human. He's hurt but in the cruel world he lived in all his life, he only had himself to rely on.
And there's something tragically poetic about that. Could his desire to make a pact with Lucifer be because he sees Lucifer as a "what-if" version of himself that had fallen from grace WITH people who loved him and believed in him? That if he gains Lucifer's trust, he would also be healing a part of himself who never had the chance nor the privilege to connect with others? If you recall in one of his SSR cards (the Comiket one forgot the name), the Lord of Corruption is his favourite character (possibly because he relates to the Lord of Corruption the most?), and it's been shown in the game a few times how he and Lucifer are comparable to each other (the Cyber event, TSL quiz battle, etc).
He seems to really be clinging into his humanity despite being isolated and even scorned by humanity itself at some point. Is it a saviour complex? Survivor's guilt? Either way, Solomon had been through a lot and he didn't seem to have a reliable guardian to rely on which is why he was acting like that. A stark contrast to how he and Diavolo were treated by Barbatos when his role in their lives had obvious parallels.
That's what's bothering me too. If Barbatos made Solomon "the way he is", then why is he so hostile towards him compared to the guilt and subservience he exhibits with Diavolo? Is it because like Asmodeus, he was also tricked into a pact(highly doubt this tbh unless that's actually the reason for Barbatos' deep disdain towards him? Because he had once treated Solomon with trust and compassion until it had been broken at some point)? Or could it be something deeper than that? A blight to the Fountain of Knowledge? Some forbidden boundaries that Solomon had crossed?
In my case, I have a considerable amount of background knowledge on him based on his "real life counterpart" before Solmare retconned it :'), and it has guided me surprisingly well (almost too well) in understanding him. King Solomon in the Bible had many enemies. But he is also kind and wise and benevolent and fickle and lustful and scheming. Loved by his people. Even given a blessed name by God. He had 700 wives and 300 concubines. He was a player, a fool in love, but for some reason, despite it all only had one named heir and had only one official wife, and when his actual heir had even taken over the throne, the United Kingdom of Israel was close to collapsing...which is weird because he's supposed to be wise and discerning. He could have totally predicted that from happening by defying God's word but kept on building pagan temples and marrying foreign wives anyway (despite how seemingly loyal he is to Naamah??). It's almost as if he wanted it to fall.
Sorry if I rambled too much lol. For me personally I don't really care if you like him or not. I think it's good they're trying to flesh him out although I have very very mixed feelings about them abandoning what they already worked on for his character in the OG. I do want Solmare to at least give us an option to side with him by our own terms. Not as blindly as the limited options they sometimes offer. (Ex. Okay, I'm on your side but can we please deal with this with more heart and consideration? AND HUMAN DECENCY? Not everyone is out there to get you and not all demonic transactions have to be heartless and calculating. Do you want a hug? :( )
EDIT: Idk why people are still liking this but tl;dr - Solomon was morally grey in the original source/Biblical King Solomon already so him being morally grey here should be no surprise. The entire cast is morally grey (except Luke probably). They're demons. You can hate on a character, but you should not bring it to an extent where you're already hurting a real live person for differing opinions.
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plnkdemon · 1 year
rant on nightbringer (so spoilers!! even tho i’m only on lesson 1-10)
solomon is such a little shit!!!!! i wanna get down on one knee and propose and also punch him in the dick <3 diavolo gets so surprised if you insinuate that you and sol are more than just master and apprentice too pft
satan being such a feral cunt literally 24/7 is something i never knew i needed until i got it. his brothers are literally like “are you for fucking real? this rabid motherfucker is our new brother??”
diavolo being like “cute!” when we suddenly exert control over some of the most powerful demon lords in his realm, taking down satan in the midst of his rage which all of the brothers seem reluctant or concerned about doing themselves
mammon getting called fucking noodle boy. (that’s it. speaks for itself.)
mammon is so sweet and dorky when you give him the stuffie. satan reads it a story out loud!! in his lap!! and talks to it, almost like a cat sitting in your lap and having a one sided conversation. solomon (the bitch himself) straight up changes the stuffie’s bow to his iridescent type color!!!!!
okay but besides all that shit (and so, so, so much more), i’m so curious ab why solomon seems totally unperturbed ab us being sent to the past (and he found us awfully easily…) and according to dia, he already has a pact or relationship with barbatos at this point in time, so does that mean we get to see solomon and asmo’s first meeting?! and we’ve been told already the story of how solomon finessed a pact with him but i wonder how that’ll fit into the story or if they’ll retcon it to give them a more impressive backstory.
diavolo has repeatedly referred to mc as a demon, it’s weird that he can’t just… sense that we’re human. if you look at mc and just presume they’re a demon then why were we ever in danger in omswd? wouldn’t the demons we ran into just assume we were a demon from the get go unless there’s something that smells or looks or feels different about a human versus a demon? maybe because mc has the seven pacts (and some version of that through time travel), he can sense powerful demonic magic on us and that sort of cloaks us? but why would solomon take a regular ol’ demon as an apprentice?
also, super hyped to learn ab what mammon and satan were like immediately following the celestial war. mammon straight up isn’t spooked at all when asmo suggests the HoL being haunted by ghosts/curses, not like the acting-unspooked-but-actually-being-super-spooked that we’re used to. like i said, i’m only on 1-10 so i’m sure a lot of things will be cleared up or explained and lots of other things will happen to make me squeal and kick my feet in the air but i wanted to get this word vomit out lmao
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lancermylove · 4 years
Silence (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x fem!Reader, Luke platonic
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Could you do the Obey Me characters reacting to a happy go lucky and spunky MC who has a bad day. She goes from being a total pain in the ass to quiet as hell, seemingly thinking her usual self is annoying and so withdraws. This is hyper specific as all hell sorry 😭
A/N: Anon, I love specific requests! :) I tried to play around with different ideas to avoid making all of them sound the same. Hope you like it! Also, I can relate to MC~ I’m the exact same way. 
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Diavolo wasn't sure how to react when he saw the sudden change in your personality. He thought Simeon was scary, but seeing you quiet as hell scared him far more. 
"(Y/N), what's wrong?" He asked in a concerned voice, but you simply shook your head and didn't utter a word.  
The Ruler of Devildom didn't know what to do, so he went right to his usual solution to everything related to you; he wrapped his arms tightly around you and refused to release you until you told him why you weren't yourself. 
"I want to give you a break from my generally annoying self." 
Diavolo was shocked to hear your words and slowly released you. "Why would you say something like that? I love your cheerful and determined personality; if I didn't, then I wouldn't be with you." 
The prince pressed his lips to your forehead and gently touched your cheek, "Just be yourself, alright? I love you just the way you are. Now, please show me the bright smile that I simply cannot get enough of." 
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"What's wrong?" Solomon asked while taking a seat next to you. You shook your head, and he knew you were lying. "You better tell me, or else, I will be forced to use another method."
Even though he playfully threatened you, you refused to budge. The sorcerer crossed his arms and turned his head towards you, "Don't say I didn't warn you. (Y/N), what concert costs just 45 cents?"
You looked at him confused, "What?"
Solomon repeated his question, but when you didn't reply, he said, "50 Cent featuring Nickleback."
You stared at him with a blank face, but he continued talking, "Did you hear about the cheese factory exploding in France? Da brie is everywhere."
"Solomon, stop," you mumbled.
"Not until you smile and tell me what's wrong," he chuckled, "when I was a kid, my mother told me I could be anyone I want. Turns out, identity theft is a crime."
You bit your lower lip to suppress the urge to laugh.
"Did you hear the rumor about butter? Well, I'm not going to spread it."
Your laughter filled the room, "Those were horrible dad jokes."
"Hm? Dad jokes, but I am not a dad...unless you want to make me one," Solomon teased and enjoyed the various shades of red dancing across your face.
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Barbatos saw your face and knew right away that something was wrong. He headed to the kitchen before visiting your room with a tray filled with your favorite snacks and beverage. 
"What happened?" He asked, prepared for you not to reply. When you ignored his question and continued staring at the ground, Barb kneeled in front of you. 
He lightly placed his hand atop yours and said, "Being silent doesn't suit you." 
His words surprised you, and the butler was quick to notice. "Tell me, are you not fond of your usual self, or do you consider yourself to be...annoying?" 
Though you didn't say anything, the tears in your eyes gave him his answer. He softly wiped the corners of your eyes and smiled, "Your radiant personality drew me towards you. Your presence has the power to illuminate even the most lackluster of atmospheres. I see no reason for you to deem your personality as annoying; my dear, you are perfect as you are." 
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Simeon got an unsettling feeling when he saw your blank expression. He sat beside you and wrapped his arms around you, drawing you closer, "What's wrong, my angel? Please, don't say nothing." 
You explained to him that you were having a bad day. 
"I see, but why are you so quiet? It's odd to see you so...withdrawn." He said, resting his chin atop your head. 
"I thought I would give you a break from my annoying self."
"A-Annoying self?" Your words nearly made Simeon jump as he quickly released you from his embrace, "Why would you think you're annoying? Did something say something to you?" 
You shook your head, and for a moment, he studied your face. The angel cupped your cheeks and pressed his lips to your forehead, "If you think you're annoying, then you are wrong. Your personality is a breath of fresh air...you shine just as bright as the heavens. Do you know why I refer to you as an angel? You can bring a smile to anyone's face, and I truly love that about you. Please don’t ever change or speak so harshly about yourself." 
Simeon pressed a soft kiss to your lips, "Now shall we do something about the bad day? I heard eating sweets can help reduce stress, so what do you say we try the sweets Luke baked?"  
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As soon as Luke saw your expressionless face, his smile fell. He wasn't sure why you seemed distant, but he was determined to make you smile. 
First Luke came to you with a plate of assorted cookies and sat them on the table in front of you. When you didn't smile and stared at him, he returned to the kitchen for a few moments. 
He soon came back with a tray of cake slices. When you still didn't smile, he headed to the kitchen once again and returned with a tray of cupcakes. 
Then came the pastries, the pies, the eclairs, and ice creams. 
The young angel pouted seeing the smile still missing from your lips. He walked closer to you and wrapped his arms around you. Even though you didn't return his hug, he continued hugging you. 
"I won't let you go until you smile," he replied innocently. 
You placed a hand on the back of his head and giggled at his cute action. "Um...am I supposed to finish all these desserts?" 
Luke pulled away from the hug and nodded, "I heard the more sugar you eat, the happier you get, so eat up!" 
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When Belphie told his twin that you weren't yourself and something was wrong, Beel dropped everything and ran to you. The Avatar of Gluttony got even more worried when you didn't run up to him and bear-hugged him like usual. 
He quickly walked to your bed, sat down, and pulled you onto his lap. Beel pressed his index fingers to the corners of your mouth and tugged your lips up, trying to get you to smile. 
He pouted, "Why are you not smiling?" 
Wordlessly, you looked away from his face, prompting Beel to say, "I...will give you all of my food if you smile." 
"Why do you want to see me smile?" You asked under your breath. 
"I like seeing you smile, it makes me happy," Beel grinned, "and you look pretty when you smile. I don't know why but my heart beats really fast when I see you happy." 
His words were enough to make you forget your bad day and smile. 
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Asmo skipped into your room, excited to show you the new outfits he purchased, but his excitement vanished when he saw you. 
The Avatar of Lust dropped all his bag and ran to your side. "Sweetie, is something the matter?" 
You shook your head and stepped away from him, sending Asmo the message that you wanted to be left alone. He quietly gathered his bags and walked back to his room. 
Moments later, you heard a knock on your door, and when you opened it, you saw a letter with a rose on your doorstep. Picking up the letter, you read it to yourself: 
I never thought I would find something just as beautiful as me, but that something is nowhere in sight today. I wonder what I should do to bring it back? Should I kiss you? Should I hug you? How about going shopping? What will it take to bring back your beautiful smile?
After coming to Devildom, I never thought I would be able to see the light. Everything was always shrouded in the darkness, that is until you came along. You reminded us what true happiness felt like, to love each other for who we are, and most of all, you brought light into our lives - you brought light into my life. 
Sweetie, seeing you in this state upsets me. I am always here for you no matter what. Now, please tell me what I can do to help you return to your cheery self. 
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Belphie was heading to the attic and saw you staring off into space in the living area. He made his way to you, stretched his body on the sofa, and rested his head on your lap. Then, he saw your expression. "(Y/N)? What’s wrong?" 
When you mumbled nothing, he chuckled, "I know you're lying. Would you like to take a nap with me? It will help you relax." 
You shook your head. Belphie rested his palm on the back of your head and pulled your head down, capturing your lips in a kiss. "I miss seeing the sparkle in your eyes. What happened?" 
"I...had a bad day." 
"Would you like to do something?" Belphie asked, "What if we go out for a bit? Will that help you?" 
You blinked and asked, "What about your nap?"
"Your happiness is far more important to me than my nap." Belphie sat up and ruffled your hair, "Now, where do you want to go?"  
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When you didn't reply to Levi's message, he started panicking and thought something happened to you. He dropped his controller and rushed to find you. 
Levi saw your withdrawn state and felt a knot form in his chest. He wasn't sure if you wanted to talk to him since you didn't reply to his texts, so he took your hand and walked you back to his room. 
"Aside from playing games, do you know what helps me when I'm having a bad day?" He asked, fishing for a pair of headphones from his desk, "Music." 
Levi sat on his large beanbag chair and sat you between his legs, sliding the headphones on your ears. 
He wrapped his arms around you from behind and pressed your back to his chest. 
While you were busy listening to music, Levi's face was turning different shades of red. 'Wow, her hair smells so good. She feels so warm...being close to her makes me happy.' 
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When you didn't burst through Lucifer's door after classes, he knew something wasn't right. He set out in search of you and found you quietly staring out a window. 
He studied your posture and knew something was definitely wrong, but instead of asking, he decided to tease you a little. 
"The house feels quieter than usual. Ah, finally some peace and quiet," Lucifer spoke in a taunting tone, "would be what I would say, but for an unknown reason, I dislike it." 
"I know I'm annoying...sorry about that." 
He raised an eyebrow at your unexpected apology and rested his hand on your head. "Annoying? Is that how you see yourself? Then, do let me say I disagree." 
Lucifer paused and glanced at you, "Would you like to know what I deem as annoying? When Diavolo abandoning his work, and I've to complete it. When Mammon maxes out his cards, and I have to bail him each time. When Satan goes into rage mode, and I have to fix his mess. When Beel eats everything in Devildom, and I get angry letters from the other residents. When Asmo goes on a shopping spree, and the entire house is littered with shopping bags. When Levi locks himself in his room and refuses to interact with any of us."
"And...what about me?" You asked without looking at him. 
"What about you, my dear? Your presence alone is enough to make the people around you smile. Having you around is nothing less than a blessing." 
Lucifer gently gripped your chin and turned your head towards him. He flashed his renowned smirk and whispered in a deep voice, "If you dare to refer to yourself as annoying again, I will be forced to punish you." 
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When Satan saw your unusual behavior, he immediately thought someone hurt you. He rushed to your side, took hold of your shoulder, and looked into your eyes. "Did someone hurt you? Which demon do I need to teach a lesson?" 
You shook your head and mumbled, "I am having a bad day." 
The Avatar of Wrath sighed and began stroking your cheek with his thumb. Seeing your missing smile, he carried you to his room and asked you to wait for a bit. 
After a while, Satan walked out of his bathroom wearing a fluffy cat ears headband, a cat tail, and painted-on whiskers. "Will this make you smile?" 
You couldn't help but giggle at his cute look. "Satan...do you find my usual self annoying?" 
He looked at you surprised and questioned, "Why would you ask such a question? No one in their right mind would find a woman who makes others happy annoying. Don't ever think that...besides, your smile makes me happy like nothing else." 
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Mammon came running into your room and hid behind you, but he quickly turned you to face him when he didn't see you reacting in the usual manner. "Why are ya not smilin'?" 
You told him you had a bad day and don't feel like smiling. Mammon thought for a second and said, "I'll be back." 
Half an hour later, Mammon returned and led you to Lucifer's office, asking you to wait at the door. He handed Lucifer a tray with coffee, sugar, and a small spoon before walking out. 
He leaned closer to your ear and whispered, "The sugar is actually salt." 
Lucifer took a sip of his coffee and barely managed to swallow it. "MAMMOOOON!"
He ran to Asmo's room with you and told you to look inside. His younger brother was about to moisturize his face, and as soon as he opened the tube, the cream exploded on his face. 
Belphie was taking a nap, and Mammon squeezed shaving cream onto his youngest sibling's hand before tickling his nose. 
The Avatar of Greed led you to the kitchen next, where he handed Beel a bowl of frozen cereal and watched his brother struggle to eat it. 
Levi grabbed his game controller to play but the device got glued to his hand, and he couldn't get it off. 
Satan heard a meowing sound coming from his room and ran to find a tape recorder sitting on his bed with a "HAHAHAHA" note next to it. 
Mammon took you back to your room and started laughing, "Did ya see their expressions?" 
"Mammon, why did you pull those pranks? You will get into trouble." You mumbled, shaking your head. 
"I wanted to make ya smile. You find my prank funny, right? And...I don't care if I get into trouble as long as you are smiling." He whispered before embracing you, "I will do anything to make ya happy." 
➣ Obey Me Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
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ded-space · 3 years
Can I get an HC of the demon bros reacting to MC coming out as Nonbinary :> if- that's okay dhduehovduvd8bd and uhm, if it's okay can you include some non-dateables like Barbatos and Simeon <3333333 ouuu and Diavolo
MC comes out as Nonbinary! :)
Reblogging permission ✅
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
*You walk into his room looking nervous*
"What's the matter MC?"
"I have to tell you something.. *deep breath* I am non-binary"
"Is that all love?"
*eyes open wide you look to him confused.. you weren't expecting that reaction*
"You're my favorite human, and I'll always see you as just that. You're my human." *He embraces you in a warm hug*
*you tear up relived and joyful*
"How would you like me to address you from now on?"
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
*You walk into his room looking nervous*
"Oh! Sweetie is everything alright?"
"I have to tell you something.. *deep breath* I am non-binary"
*Smiles* "it's about time!"
"I've known for a long time honey! I'm non-binary too!"
"Oh no! Have I been misgendering you!?" :(
"Nope! I use all pronouns! Hehe"
"Well that's a relief!"
"Come here and give me a hug"<3
*The two of you hug tightly*
"How would you like me to refer to you?" :D
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
*You walk into his room looking nervous*
"MC! What a pleasant-.. is something wrong??"
"I have to tell you something.. *deep breath* I am non-binary"
"Thank you for informing me! I'm well read on the subject and will continue to support you any way possible. If you have a name change in mind I will happily change the name on your D.D.D. for you if you'd like."
*You didn't expect him to be so prepared*
"I hope you know that the way I care for you goes beyond gender" *He grabs your hand and holds it to his heart wearing a charming smile*
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
*You walk into his room looking nervous*
"Beel.. I have to tell you something.. *deep breath* I am non-binary"
" :( but cheese is so delicious.."
"No.. Beel that's non-dairy" 😰 "I said I'm non-binary.. I'm not a boy or girl.."
"..So you can have cheese?"
"Yes, I can have cheese"
[ (a/n) unless you actually can't pfft]
"Then that's all that matters :)"
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
*You walk into his room looking nervous*
*yawn* "MC?" *Signals you to lay next to him*
*You stand next to his bed too nervous to lay down*
"I have to tell you something.. *deep breath* I am non-binary"
"What name and pronouns should I use for you? :)"
"I go by (y/n) and use (*insert your pronouns here*)"
*He grabs your arm and pulls you onto the bed and grips you like a koala planting kisses on your forehead*
You felt safe and comforted
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
*You walk into his room looking nervous*
"Ey? What's up MC?"
"I have to tell you something.. *deep breath* I am non-binary"
"You do know what that means right Mammon?"
" 'course I do! I gotta bunch of enby witches, sorcerers and wizards up my ass all the time!"
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
*You walk into his room looking nervous*
*focused on his game* knowing it's you seeing as nobody else enters his room he asks: "Are you here to play 'Ruri-chan and the hidden legend of her fathers brothers friends cousins lost treasure of tetris mountain' with me?
"Another time, but.. I have to tell you something..
*He pauses his game and looks at you prepared to listen attentively*
*deep breath* I am non-binary"
"Wooahh! That's totally awesome! I'm happy for you!" :) "Do you have a name picked out yet? (If not I wanna give you some ideas!)"
"I have! call me (y/n)" / "Not yet!" /I'm not changing it :)" / "Still thinking about it 🤷"
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
*You walk into his room looking nervous*
"Is everything alright mi amor?"
"I have to tell you something..
"I'm all ears"
*deep breath* I am non-binary"
"Yes, okay go on"
"well that was really all I wanted to say.."
"Oh right! Hahaha I forgot this is a thing for humans. Sorry! It's just that in the Devildom most demons don't even have a human form and therefore are (super)naturally non-binary creatures, little D no.2 for example! The human world is the only one that ever sees it as an issue *sigh* Just know I support you!" *Little kiss on your forehead*
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
*You walk into his room looking nervous*
"What's troubling you dolcezza~ (sweetness in Italian)"
"I have to tell you something.. *deep breath* I am non-binary"
"I had my assumptions and insight, however I had decided to wait until you were comfortable telling me yourself as not to out you. Please inform me of any changes addressing-wise" *he gently caresses your jaw with a kind smile*
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
Purgatory Hall:
*you ask to have tea and cake with Solomon, Simeon and Luke to discuss something important with all of them*
*Simeon requests you meet them at Purgatory Hall*
*You nervously knock on the door and are greeted by all three of them*
*They can tell you're uncomfortable about something but they don't quite understand what*
MC: "So you're probably all wondering why I wanted to meet with you today.."
Soloman: "The thought had crossed my mind"
Luke: "Hush! Can't you tell you just interupted MC!"
Soloman: "Alright, alright, just stop barking"
Simeon: "*sigh* continue MC"
MC: "I-I'm Non-binary.."
*They all look at each other as if speaking telepathically* *They all nod and instantly know what to do* Next thing you know you're being attacked with hugs from the three of them! *Soloman ruffling your hair* *Simeon is rubbing his cheek against yours* *Luke is tickling you to uncontrollable laughter*
Simeon: We love and accept you MC :)
*They all giggle to show their support putting a huge grin on your face as you join them in the giggle fest*
🂲 🂳 🂴 🂵 🂶 🂷 🂸 🂹 🂺 🂻 🂽 🂾 🂱 🂼
(A/N) I really liked Bunching Purgatory Hall together, I think it made it very fluffy :) I'll probably be doing it again sometime! Also enjoy the rainbow playing cards! They took way to long (I'm gonna be really mad if some of the colors don't show up like last time :( cause it takes forever)
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Could you do the brothers + undateables comforting or helping an MC that deals which chronic pain. Chronic hip pain if you really wanna feed my projecting self. Please don’t feel any pressure, I know some people aren’t comfortable writing stuff like this! Thanks 💕✨
As someone with several friends with chronic pain issues, I would be happy to do this. I know I can never capture the true understanding and agony of a patient of chronic pain, but I hope this helps someone with CP reading this and also promote more understanding.
Obey Me Boys + Chronic Pain Reader
Not the best with it at first
Doesn’t have a concept or gauge for human pain. Initially thinks all humans are just weak when it comes to pain
He is aware he can come off gruff and has a ‘suck it up’ attitude. Which doesn’t help.
Will write you a note or let you stay home from class if you need to
Working on bettering himself and understanding of your condition
He doesn’t know what to do or how to be a ‘nurturer’
Seems every time he touches you or comes near you it just makes it worse
Which just makes him feel bad, when all he wants to do it help
Goes on Akuzon and buys you all the fluffy soft things he can find to make you feel better. He’ll take the heat from Lucifer later
Worried. Why are you crying??? Why are you in a ball on the floor???
Understand, a little, when you explain to him what’s going on
Makes you the best nest possible with his beanbag, noise cancelling headphones, and soothing anxiety reducing puzzle games to relax to
Torn between wanting to help more and leaving you alone. But he can’t leave you alone.
Reads every book, article, and paper on the subject of CP and your condition
Knowledge is power. That is how we’re going to overcome this thing. (Not how it works but cute)
Researches different stretches and exercises that can help with the pain. It hurts to move but sometimes that is the best solution
Let’s you pet his secret cat he keeps in his closet to help soothe you. Animal therapy is also a good solution for pain therapy.
In pain that you are in pain
Say what you will about Asmo, but for those that are important to him he’s very empathetic
Would let you use his tub and fancy floral soaps any time you wanted to soak the pain out of your muscles
Back rubs anytime you want too
Tries to keep it down, between himself and the others, so you can rest and recuperate in peace
Devastated your in pain
The most empathetic out of the bunch. He worries for all his brothers, and especially you
Also, his body is very important to him. He can’t imagine your body ‘betraying you’ like that
Would literally pick you up and carry you anywhere you need to go
Comfort food for days if you want it
Feels sad for you
Not pity. Just sad that you’re feeling bad
Initially thinks it has something to do with him, but comes to realize that it’s just a thing your body does
Your bed is his whenever you need it. He’ll even give you his prized pillow to snuggle with
Also snuggle with him. Yes. Do that.
Tries to remain calm and practical
Obviously, being as old as he is, he’s seen people in pain. It just hasn’t affected him this much before 
Looks into magical cures to heal your CP
When he can’t cure it, he looks into more pain management options with potions and salves
Has a killer sleep point that lets you conk out (finally) when you need to sleep
Obviously upset, but tries to keep a brave face
Worrying will only upset you. And he knows you’re self-conscious about your condition
Wonders why God would create such a beautiful creature, only to give it such pain
Tries to help by reading to you and spending time with you
Runs his fingers through your hair because you seem to like it when your head hurts
Obviously upset, and totally shows it
He’s very naïve when it comes to human. As well as pain.
He’s literally lived in heaven where there is no pain. So to see you doubled over, out of the blue, is scary and a shock to him
Questions of faith over why this is happening to such a good person like you
Bakes a lot of sweets to hopefully make you feel better
Concerned for your condition
Humans are weak, but he knows you wouldn’t make a fuss unless it was really serious
Summons the finest doctors in all the Devildom to try and help with your CP
School is cancelled for you until you feel better. You’re not to get out of bed except to pee until you feel up to it
Comes to see you, and check on your condition, every free moment he gets. Why did he have to be so fond of a weak little human.....
His calm, serene presence is actually really soothing
Doesn’t change his behavior much, but does seem to ‘drop in’ frequently when you are having bad days
Always seems to know for some reason. *wink wink*
Will sit with you. Bring you rose hip tea and fennel biscuits
Provides an update to Lucifer and Lord Diavolo so they will leave you alone
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise of the Demon King ~ Chapter 2
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so..., Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence.
AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
“Alright. Sorry, Solomon, I’ll see you tonight right?”
“Of course. See you tonight.”
With that, he said his goodbyes to both Barbatos and I, then left. I took a deep breath and followed Barb into the palace.
CHAPTER 2 - Meeting the King (1,626 words)
“Why does the king want to see me?”
“Honestly I’m not sure..”
“Umm, what’s he like? I’m a little scared of meeting him.”
Barbatos turns to me cupping my cheek gently as if to reassure me.
“Honestly, he looks scarier than he really is. You don’t have any reason to be nervous. He may not be like Lord Diavolo but all he requires is for you to be respectful. I have the utmost confidence that you will be just fine. It’s not just you by yourself either, the brothers, as well as my Lord and I, will also be present.”
“Thank you Barb” I gently leaned into his hand cupping it with my own.
“As long as the rest of you are with me, I’ll be fine.” A small smile formed on my face as he let go and continued walking. We stopped in front of the west sitting room. After knocking twice Barbatos let us in. The king sat on a raised dais. Diavolo was kneeling on a cushion to his right. Lucifer was on his right with the brothers sitting in accordance to their rank with a spot free in the center. Not really knowing what to do, I decided to bow from the waist and address the king.
“Your Highness”
“Thank you your Highness” I walked over and knelt down mimicking the brothers' postures best I could with my gaze respectfully lowered as the king began speaking.
“Y/N, correct?”
“Yes my king.”
“I have heard a great deal about you from both my son and his Lords. Tell me Y/N, what makes you, a human with little talent for magic so special?”
Taking a breath, I thought about it for a little. Thought about how the brothers were when we first met. How overtime each one of them started to warm up to me. I thought about Mammon and the schemes we pulled off together. The all-nighters Levi and I would pull when he found a new game or anime to binge. The countless hours I would spend reading with Satan and the book talks we had afterwards. The spa days I’d have with Asmo. The number of times I’d try to stop Beel from raiding the fridge only to join him instead. The strange places I’d find Belphie napping and trying to get him to move, only to end up being pulled down and start napping alongside him. The endless genuinely terrible but always-proved-to-be-a-fun-time ideas I humoured Dia with. The times where Barb would make time to teach me how to make different Devildom desserts. How Lu started out being so cold. Only caring about me because I was Diavolo’s exchange student. Now though, he learned to accept me into his family. The late-night talks we had in his study, watching the fire and talking about everything and nothing. Our time to unwind. Away from his brothers. Away from Diavolo’s crazy ideas. Away from our responsibilities. Just Lucifer the demon and me, Y/N, the human who managed to wind their way into the hearts of 9 of the most powerful demons in the Devildom. Meeting the eyes of each of the demons in the room, I turned to the king.
“I’m not. I’m not special because of any abilities that I may have, or how strong I am as the weaker species. I’m nothing more than a human who was thrust into the world of demons, over time connecting with them and accepting them as the demons they are. As a family I never had and over time, they accepted me as well. Not as a weak human, but as the human that accepted them not for their status or power but for their personalities and love for each other. I’m not special, I just accepted them for who they are, flaws and all.” After I finished speaking I looked at each of the brothers noticing that some of them had tears in their eyes. Asmo who was seated next to me threw his arms around my shoulders in a hug. Dia looked so happy I thought he’d jump up and hug me at any moment, and Barb had the most genuine smile I’ve ever seen on him. I then turned back to the king.
“It seems you’ve made quite the impact here during your short time in the Devildom. I can’t say I approve of my strongest demons turning soft for a human, although it seems I can’t do much about that seeing as how you are pacted with 7 of them correct?” The king questioned with a hard look in his eyes.
“Y-yes that is true. I have made pacts with the 7 brothers.” I replied tentatively. At once, the atmosphere in the room seemed to change. The temperature dropped and the king was emitting a very strong aura. Had I not been used to Lucifers or Diavolo's aura’s whenever they would get upset I might have fainted from the king’s. Instead, I just felt a cold shiver and the gravity alter ever so slightly. Looking at the brothers, I realized they all had a look between fear and dread for what might happen next.
“Tell me Y/N, why should I allow you, a mere human to hold such power over 7 of my most powerful demons?”
“Father, there is no need for this. Those pacts were made with the consent of the brothers. They weren’t forced into them and Y/N has never abused them. They serve as protection for them and the symbol of a deep bond between them and the brothers. There isn’t a reason to -”
“Silence Diavolo. I have humoured you by allowing this program of yours. However, we are still demons. It doesn’t matter how things are now, humans have no place here nor do they have a right to hold this much power over this many powerful individuals. It doesn’t matter to me how close this human is to you or the Lords. In my eyes, the power they have pose a threat to the crown and the Devildom. I did not raise you to be soft hearted to something so weak!”
My face paled and I started feeling lightheaded at the implications of the king's words. Diavolo visibly winced at those words. Asmo held onto my hand a little tighter and before the king could continue, Mammon spoke up with a look of disdain on his face.
“With all due respect your Highness, none of that is true! Y/N may just be a human but that doesn’t mean they're a threat!” Lucifer immediately interjected, reeling Mammon in trying to save his brother before he dug the hole even deeper.
“My apologies your Highness. Mammon can get quite protective over Y/N. I assure you he won’t speak out of turn again.” The king narrowed his eyes at Lucifer then Mammon as if he was debating whether or whether not to punish them both here and now. Eventually, he turned back to me.
“Your pacts with the brothers will be dissolved and you will not be allowed back into the Devildom. I am showing you mercy and allowing you to keep one pact as the brothers have claimed your soul and they are entitled to at least that much. Be grateful that I’m allowing you to leave with your life at all.” He stared right through me as he said those words watching my expression change with his words. It’s as if a switch got flipped and every brother lost it while Diavolo and Barbatos looked at the scene then each other in what can only be described as impending horror.
Each of the brothers save for Lucifer who’s also looking at the scene in shock started yelling out trying to protect me.
“My Liege, the bonds we made with Y/N were our choice and we trust them with it. They have helped all of us time and time again. We cannot ju-”
“Enough” I activated my pacts and silenced him and the rest of the brothers with a whisper. I looked directly into the king's eyes.
“I won’t be dissolving my pacts. They were forged out of love and loyalty. I will not let them go unless they do first. They may be your Lords but they are my family. I will not be leaving them nor will I choose one over the rest. These bonds are our choice and not once have I ever abused them. It is as Lord Diavolo said, they represent the deep bonds I have made with each of them and no one can get rid of them!” I stared at the king with the most hardened gaze I could muster as I protected the brothers. “They are my family and you can not separate us!”
“Y/N…” Asmo said in disbelief as he wrapped his arms around me burying his face into my neck as the rest of the brothers slowly made their way over to me.
“Y/N is right. They became a part of our family. The pacts symbolize our deep bonds, ones that we will never break.” Satan said calmly though anyone who knew him would know he was anything but. The king smiled though it was anything but comforting as he slowly stood. Diavolo and Barbatos slowly backed up in shock.
“It seems you 7 forgot that you don’t dictate what goes on here. You are but a guest to the Devildom and the Sins, my subjects. MAKE NO MISTAKE! I AM YOUR KING AND YOU LOT ARE NOTHING!”
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*I wrote this days after the lesson was first posted and never bothered to go back and edit it so meaning there will be me theorizing about the next lesson as well
*I write a small para for each chapter and I write it immediately after finishing that chapter so there’ll be theorizing about the next chapter too
*I swear more than usual here
*Some of the dialogue is heavily plagiarized and a few is lifted directly from the story, the game is to figure which is which.
*Summaries and Discussions/theories for all the other lessons can be found on this blog under #obey me spoilers or #my theories or #my headcanons
This has two locked chapters. So I usually play one chapter and then write a summary for it and then play the next and so on, I don’t come back and edit the summaries or theories I write but this lesson is special enough that I had to come back and write a special intro to it. Hoo BOY! is this something! You think it’s gonna go the usual way with MC solving the problem demon by demon with each of them having some wacky fear and it is like that for a while until it nosedives into TRAUMAtm and ISSUEStm territory and becomes surprisingly dark. And for someone who loves speculating and coming up with theories this whole lesson was a goldmine, Enjoy!
Black mist swirls around the hall, Mammon & Levi shriek and the hall starts rattling until the mist forms pissed off demon Lucifer which makes Asmo yelp (and this is what I mean, the greatest common fear in this group (if you don’t consider Simeon and Lucifer) is probably pissed off demon Lucifer but on their own they’ll probably have different fears.) Levi stutters out that it’s lucifer and real lucifer tells him to calm his tits cause the he is actually with them. MC identifies it as the bogeyman (genius) and it starts shrieking for Mammon and Levi, which leads to Mammon screaming and Levi closing his eyes and chanting ‘no’ as they cling on to Belphie as the entire hall rattles again. Solomon happily tells MC ‘Welp there’s your exam, deal with it.’ Simeon’s slightly more helpful and tells them staying calm is the key. MC says they can do that. Solomon laughs and says that’s the answer he’d expect from his talented apprentice. MC uses a spell “light born of shadow” to repel the spirit, the spell and the spirit makes the wind howl and the hall shake and the spirit growl/groan. To escape the spell it flees into one of the hotel rooms and the hall suddenly becomes eerily quiet. Mammon collapses to his knees and Levi, with his eyes still closed, says he lost 500yrs of his life. Neither of them have still let go off Belphie. Lucifer calls them pathetic for being demons scared of a bogeyman (bro they’re scared of *you* akjdvkdfjjjkdn) Mammon snaps and says he ain’t scared of the bogeyman and Satan asks how he can say that after what they all saw. Levi says it’s not the bogeyman it’s a fully pissed off Lucifer he’s scared of. Mammon still insists he’s not scared. Levi tells him to shut up cause he was so scared he couldn’t stand, Mammon says he just wanted to sit down for a bit. Lucifer calls them pathetic again and Levi protests. Lucifer then says they must find a way to get rid of it for good cause it’ll start to come after each one of them individually. MC says maybe they can admit what they’re all afraid of so that they’ll know what they will be facing ahead of time. Solomon agrees with this plan and tells them to start with the oldest and work their way down, listing their fears. Asmo calls Solomon out on using this as an excuse to find Lucifer’s weaknesses to use later. Solomon smiles and says he’d never do that, Belphie says the look on his face suggests different. Beel says that there’s probably nothing that scares Lucifer and Lucifer says that nothing comes to mind (and this feels like when you’re a child and think your parents are all knowing and invincible only to get a sometimes painful reality check later). Mammon says he doesn’t get scared, Levi calls him a liar and says pissed off demon Lucifer scares him and then he goes on to list fears based off being an otaku (eg: the final ep of a series he loves and etc). Simeon cuts Levi off as his list grows and asks Satan. Satan straight up says “Nothing scares me.” And Simeon smiles and says it takes a lot of confidence to say that (yeah even Lucifer said that in terms of a greatest fear “nothing comes to mind” implying he’s felt fear before and probably had moments of ‘greatest fear’ too. Satan just straight up says nothing at all scares him and I think that shows his age and experience gap compared to Lucifer. Even the way Simeon smiled and said the confidence line felt like he was indulging Satan rather than believing him). Asmo jumps and says being ugly scares him. Beel says he thought about it but he really doesn’t know (with the saddest expression on his face) but he also says a pissed off Satan and Asmo are also pretty scary. Asmo yells at Beel for calling him scary (didn’t Asmo very seriously threaten to rip MC’s heart out in S1? I feel like a lot of people forget this… I’ve seen people say Asmo and Mammon were the only ones who didn’t attack or seriously threaten MC and I’m just like no??? Asmo was definitely ready to kill them and he gets even more pissed if MC says they don’t think he’s the most attractive person. MC doesn’t get the chance to talk back when Asmo threatens them either which makes it seem all the more serious. When Mammon first threatens to eat MC after they first meet he says it in that same over the top way he said he wasn’t scared in this lesson – completely unbelievable. And MC probably catches that too cause they get to talk back and tell him that they literally give no shits about whatever he’s talking about.) Belphie says he used to be afraid of the alarm clock satan gave him which wouldn’t snooze or stop, which he threw away (I feel like they’re greatly underestimating what ‘greatest fear’ means…) Solomon asks MC what scares them the most and the chapter ends. (I HC MC as having heavy abandonment issues, of waking up and finding out this was all a dream and that they’re alone but I doubt OM!’s gonna let them say that)
Asmo’s very excited to find out about MC’s worst fears but Levi says when MC came face to face with the bogeyman and chased it away it didn’t transform which means… Levi smiles and Mammon laughs and goes ‘holy shit you’re scared of Lucifer too!? Asmo points out that Mammon said ‘too’ implying… Mammon vehemently protests. Simeon says that that Luke’s blessing is still active despite it being given some time back and it makes the Bogeyman have no affect on MC. Asmo’s shocked and asks if that isn’t really impressive. Simeon says it is and that Luke’s blessings are so powerful that it even rivals some angels’ higher up in the hierarchy (do you think that’s why Michael has such an interest in Luke despite him having no ranking?) Simeon says Luke himself doesn’t realise how special his power is and MC’s amazed by what a bright future he’ll have. Simeon says he’s looking forward to it. Belphie says once that once Luke grows up he’d be able to banish Mammon with a snap of his fingers (and ansknvjbkdc BELPHIE!? Isn’t this also a self burn you fucking idiot???? Considering Mammon’s the 2nd most powerful and you’re the 7th?????? They really do genuinely forget Mammon’s ranking don’t they?) Mammon asks why Belphie had to pick him to shit on and Levi laughs and says Mammon will totally deserve being banished by an angel. Mammon goes to murder Levi but Lucifer cuts them off saying Barbatos just messaged him saying ‘don’t fucking stand there like fucking idiots kick out the bastard that you lot are responsible for unless you’d rather me come there and rip your fucking innards out you fucking assholes’ MC picks up on a very key fact and says “He’s fucking spying in us!???” Satan says he’s probably watching them at that very moment which creeps Asmo out. Solomon says they should go after it then which has Mammon yelping and Levi protesting. Lucifer says if they all go barging in everything will devolve into chaos and that just a couple should do. Levi laughs about MC being OP cause of Luke’s blessing (love the self awareness) Solomon tells MC to pick who’ll go in with them.
Asmo’s demanding why he got picked and Mammon, smiling happily, says Asmo should consider getting hand-picked by MC an honour, Asmo says they just happened to make eye contact and MC picked him and he can’t help it if MC’s eyes are naturally drawn towards his beauty. (I just realized considering Mammon’s the one MC usually picks for stupid, dangerous adventures so he probably thought he’d get picked and he’s so smiley rn cause he’s relieved). Satan tells Asmo to suck it up and Asmo says it’s easy for them to say since they aren’t been made to go in the room. All sparkly and teary eyed Asmo cries about how his beauty ended up being his undoing. Simeon wishes MC luck and says that should anything go wrong he’ll come in. MC tells Asmo they’ll protect him, Asmo throws himself into their arms and calls them the best. Lucifer tells them to keep their guard up, even with Luke’s blessing. The hotel room looks like someone has used a negative filter on it. Inside Asmo screams and says he can’t take it and that he knows what he’ll see and that an ugly version of himself will be so bad that he’ll have a heart attack and die adding on “I’ll DIE, MC!” at the end for emphasis (wait so bullets won’t kill them but heart attacks are a possibility? Or is this Asmo just being melodramatic?). With tears in his eyes he says he gives up. MC tells him nothing will change how beautiful he is, he agrees but still struggles to argue with it. The black mist then starts forming and Asmo squeaks. With a rumble it shakes the room and transforms. Asmo starts screaming and sobbing about how ugly he looks and how it hurts his eyes. To stop Asmo’s oncoming mental breakdown MC shows him a mirror and he starts cooing over how beautiful he really is but he still says he can’t take it and runs out the room (I like to imagine the bogeyman had to do the bare minimum to make Asmo see a hideous version of himself, like anything less than perfect flawlessness would freak Asmo out.) Back outside Lucifer sounds disappointed that these are some of the most powerful demons in the devildom, Satan calls the whole thing pathetic, and Levi laughs about how they should have known not to trust Asmo with this (..I mean you wouldn’t have done any better either), Mammon mocks Asmo for calling himself a demon, Beel says he’s hungry. Asmo tells them if they’re so much braver than him they should go in. Solomon tells MC to pick the next one. MC happens to make eye contact with Belphie. Without MC even saying a word Belphie realizes what has happened. About Asmo’s fear maybe I’m making it too deep but in S1 and in other places too Asmo talks about how beautiful he was in the Celestial Realm and I always wondered if part of his obsession with his beauty now is because it’s a way to cling on to that, the last thing that he can keep unchanged after his whole world was turned on his head. I think in the very early drafts of OM!, back when the brothers had canonical demonic demon forms as well the writers said Asmo hated his, so it’d make sense after how even his actual form changed he’d cling so desperately onto the human form he shared with his past angelic self.
Belphie asks if they really need him to come, Satan says it’s not like they can let MC go in alone, Belphie says they have Luke’s blessing so they may as well throw them into the sharks (I want to say I really like sharks and am always somewhat upset by the misconception of them as these ruthless killing machines when at most they’re just idiots with bad eyesight) Lucifer says that there’s always the possibility things won’t go as planned, Belphie says then Simeon will just step in (Belphie’s trying so hard guyssss. And like I imagine a majority of it is cause he’s lazy and doesn’t want to deal with this but I also feel like a small part of him knows that something worse than an annoying alarm clock could be waiting in there. I mean your greatest fear can be very personal and for emotionally constipated idiots like this who’ve lived millions of years and fought two wars? I imagine they’d be very private about it.) Simeon says that though that’s the plan it would but an end to MC’s exam. Cause he isn’t part of their additional materials the way the brothers are, says Solomon. Beel begs Belphie to do it for him and that he wants Belphie to keep MC safe. YO! Mammon brings up my point immediately. God I love him. Looking smug, he asks if the truth is that Belphie’s trying so hard to avoid something other than an alarm clock. Belphie looks shocked, then looks to the side and says “No…”. Mammon says then Belphie should be just fine, that it’s an alarm clock and it’s not a big deal (You know and I know that Mammon knows well that it’s not gonna be just an alarm clock, what a shithead picking up on Belphie’s weakness like that and manipulating him when nothing else worked. I love him so much). Belphie agrees to go. Inside the Bogeyman is already forming and a shrill alarm clock starts ringing, until it suddenly stops and everything goes black. Belphie makes a small noise and MC calls his name. He starts asking what’s going on and where MC went, sounding more and more distressed with each question. The wind keeps whistling through. MC says they’re right there. He can’t hear them. He’s now screaming for MC to answer him. Then he starts screaming for MC and Beel. Then for Asmo, Satan, Mammon and Levi. Then for Lucifer. When he gets no reply he says, “This can’t be happening…it can’t be…I…I…” He screams that he can’t take it and that he’s scared, asking where everyone went. MC moves towards his voice and hugs him. He screams for MC and Beel to help him. The chapter ends. This whole scene is haunting. From the bitch black screen, to the whistling wind being the only thing you can hear, to hearing Belphie who’s usually so unaffected start screaming for his family just? How it all started with the shrill screams of the alarm clock which just abruptly stopped. It came outta nowhere. I honestly didn’t think they’d do something like that and I’m shaking imagining what the others might see. I’m 100% sure that Belphie used all his energy to focus on the alarm clock so that the bogeyman wouldn’t pick up on this darker fear and that’s why the alarm clock went off at first. I initially thought Belphie’s real fear will be something directly related to the second war but this makes so much more sense, it makes sense that after losing Lilith his biggest fear would be losing the rest of his family and being alone and just wow I’m??? I love that they did this. It hurt to see but it was desperately needed.
Back outside Asmo and Belphie are both silent and depressed. Beel quietly calls Belphie’s name, saying all the colour has drained from his face and asking if he’s okay. Asmo whines about how Beel only cares about Belphie and hasn’t even checked up on him. Mammon says they both do look pretty awful and Satan says they look like Levi and Mammon did after seeing Lucifer’s pissed demon form. Levi says not to even bring it up. Beel asks what happened inside the room and Belphie says nothing. Beel orders (the key word here is ‘orders’ and it’s so different from his usual self that it was great to see what he becomes when the people he loves are hurt) that MC tell him what happened (and look on one hand it’s important to keep Belphie’s privacy and to not say anything without his consent, on the other hand he will NEVER tell anyone this, something he’s been bottling up for thousands of years, and he really should talk it over with them. Personally I think they should take him aside later and talk it over with him and then if he wants let him approach the others). MC can say “the truth is that…” or “…”. For the first he gets really pissed off and yells at MC to stop. He then takes a step back and apologizes and says he doesn’t want them telling the others anything. For the second Belphie quietly thanks them. He then says it wasn’t a big deal and something happened that he wasn’t expecting. He smiles and tells Beel not to look at him like that. Beel still can’t get over it and still looks furious, saying that he doesn’t know what happened but he knows it really messed Belphie up and he’s not letting it get away with that. He says he’s gonna destroy it and calls MC after him. Inside the room it’s dead quiet. Beel says again he’s not sure what he’s scared of but even if it turns into an angry Asmo or Satan they need to attack it without any hesitation. He says that whatever that thing did to Belphie it terrified him and that they need to make it pay. All of a sudden there’s a flash of light and long groans as the room shakes and the mist forms. Beel tells MC to attack it using his power before it can transform and MC commands him, Beel says his power is theirs to command and everything he does is for them and Belphie. Beel uses a spell to send a bolt of light towards it and for a second it seems to shrink into itself before it comes back stronger and holy shit holy shit holy shit GUYS!!!!! There’s a flash of light and they’re in front of the Celestial Palace except everything is on fire asdjkjdfjcusjosdsjdj FUCK. The bolt Beel had previously sent to the bogeyman instead pierces through the chest of angel!Belphie (FUCK!!?) Beel screams and then screams for Belphie. “Don’t take away my brother too! I can’t bare to lose anyone else…!” MC tries to tell him he hasn’t lost anyone but Beel protests saying he’s attack hit Belphie and now he’s… Beel’s unable to finish that sentence. He then looks at MC and starts pleading with them not to go, again saying that he’s begging them not to go anywhere. They tell him that they’re right here with him. He tells them he’s scared. The chapter ends. AND WTF!!!!????? They really went there huh? I’ve been screaming about the trauma Lilith’s death would have lead to since maybe Mammon & Luke’s train lesson but they really are bringing it up now huh!? I’m just holy shit.
They’re back in the hotel room with the mist swirling around them and at the screams Belphie comes running into the room and tries to span Beel outta it (and isn’t it sweet given how reluctant he was to go in and how shaken up he was after that he’d come tunning in for Beel). Levi comes in next with his eyes closed and stuttering but wanting to be there for Beel, then Asmo with tears in his eyes saying they’re not gonna abandon their “adorable little brother” despite how scared they are. Mammon comes in next, red faced and also with his eyes shut and asking Beel where he is, Lucifer comes in after telling Beel to focus and stay with them. (guys they’re all such good brothers I can’t deal). Beel seems genuinely touched that they all came for him. The Bogeyman flares and seems to grow again and Satan puts himself in between it and the others, angry that it had messed with his brothers and saying it was up against him now and he wasn’t scared of anything. The think groans and the room shakes and they’re in the coliseum like place in the Devildom (the place where Diavolo said he found Lucifer with Lilith after they fell) and everything around them is on fire again. Mammon asks if it’s turning into Lucifer again and Belphie says it looks like it is. It turns in to angel Lucifer (oh boy…I actually stood up and walked away. Satan…….dude….holy shit?). Satan gasps as the reveal and I genuinely think he didn’t know it was coming unlike Belphie. The name reads Lucifer (?) and I’m gonna just directly quote what he says. Also Angel Lucifer surrounded by fire and this pale purple aura with a kinda blank yet pissed off and judgmental expression while tense lowkey creepy music plays is actually kinda scary? I think it’s the fact that he’s supposed to be an angel but he looks genuinely scarier than when it transformed into demon Lucifer… Anyway: “…Satan, you fool. It’s time you learned your place. Because in the end, you’re nothing more than an inferior copy of me. You must already realize that.” Satan growls at him to shut up but he continues, “I know you, I know how you think. Because you were modeled after me. I was the original.” Satan says, “…Stop it.” It laughs and says while smiling, “It seems you don’t want to admit it, do you? You don’t want to but you have no choice. You hate it and you hate yourself. You’re consumed with self-loathing, aren’t you?” Satan screams at it to stop. Screaming that it’s not true and then screaming shut up over and over at an increasing volume. Lucifer, real Lucifer, tries calling Satan’s name, telling him to get ahold of himself. This shocks Satan out of it for a while. Lucifer goes up to him saying, “Satan, I need you to listen to me. You and I are not the same. You’re not me, and I’m not you.” He says his hobby is music while Satan prefers reading and that Satan loves cats but Lucifer would pick dogs. “You’re not a copy of me. No… You’re my brother.” He says he’s the brother to Lucifer, the avatar of pride and that he’s Satan the avatar of wrath. He asks if that isn’t his name. Satan is speechless after that. He turns to MC and asks them to tell him who he is. “You’re Lucifer’s younger brother, Satan.” This makes him laugh. He agrees with them. Saying he’s Satan. “No one else, just Satan.” He tells MC to use their pact. MC uses a spell to lend power to Satan and he uses that for a spell to banish the bogeyman. There’s a bright flash and everything turns white. (Holy shit Satan….the fact that it was angel Lucifer who was his worst fear and not normal Lucifer, that it was angel Lucifer’s judgment he feared? And I think I said this in two of the other summaries too but Satan’s the only brother Lucifer didn’t choose. Lucifer as an angel chose all his siblings and practically adopted them into his growing family. Satan was the only one who just came along and who Lucifer had no choice but to keep. Do you think that could be one of the reasons why it was angel Lucifer he specifically feared? Everyone else was with angel Lucifer in the celestial realm and fought by his side except Satan, Satan was never even an angel. He was always a demon who angels were taught to hate. Do you think it’s possible that he thinks that if angel Lucifer had the choice he wouldn’t have chosen Satan and brought him t the family? And that’s why the fairies thought he needed to meet angel Lucifer and hear him say he wished he had a brother like Satan. Also is it just me but does Satan have imposter syndrome vibes? Like the feeling that everything he achieves is cause he’s a shade of Lucifer and Lucifer’s just naturally perfect so he always has to work even harder to be better than Lucifer to prove he’s his own person.)
They’re back in the hotel room, except now all the colours are back to normal. Mammon asks what happened, Beel asks if it was destroyed and Belphie tells Satan his last spell was really impressive, Asmo tells Satan that he’s amazing and that he made his heart race, Lucifer says it was excellent and says well done. (lowkey disappointed we didn’t see Lucifer’s greatest fear but whatever). Satan dismisses all of it, saying it wasn’t a big deal and trying to move on and turn attention on how he’s gonna convert all the leftover emotion he has after having his vulnerabilities forcefully displayed in front of everyone into anger so he can murder Levi and Mammon. The two yelp and make a break for it. The other 3 also give chase, with even Beel saying he wants to take a bite outta them, while Mammon and Levi scream about how they’re gonna get eaten (…what would the other guests think…). Solomon follows the 6 of them happily to watch the carnage. Simeon asks if Lucifer wasn’t going to chase after them and he says he’d run himself ragged if he chased after them each time they fucked up. The two of them then congratulate MC and they say they couldn’t have done it without a.) Satan. Simeon says it was them who was able to draw such immense power from him and that their talent was impressive. B.) all of them, Lucifer laughs and says that some of them weren’t any help at all. Lucifer’s smile then slips and he tells them to wait a minute and sike that bitch is back! It has barely any strength left and is making one last attempt. Everything flashes white and it transforms into a bright light streaming from the window. The next two are direct quotes. Simeon: …! That light- Lucifer: Simeon, calm down. This one’s “mine”. Lucifer transforms into his demon form, saying something that transforms into your deepest fear is something he could live without. He says, “And here I’m thinking we would never meet again.” And I feel like he’s talking to the ‘light’ and not the bogeyman they thought they killed. He tells MC to use his power. They do and Lucifer uses the same spell as Satan and the bogeyman is finally killed. Simeon is silent and looks upset. Lucifer says they killed the last of it and they should be safe. He says it’s a good thing MC was there next to him or it might have ended very badly. Simeon’s still silent and Lucifer refuses to make eye contact with him. He says he’s going to check on his brothers and says he’ll see them later. Simeon’s silent and now looks thoughtful and MC can ask him a.) If something’s wrong. He apologizes and says he’s fine and then sighs and says “Oh, am I?” b.) they wonder if Lucifer’s okay. Simeon says he’ll be fine because Lucifer is strong and then quietly adds “…unlike me…” C.) they ask what that light was. “Not what.” Says Simeon, “who…”. Okay there’s so much to talk about I think my brain died. 1st – Simeon is stunned when the light first appears and Lucifer has to tell him to calm down that the light was his fear. Which meant Simeon thought the bogeyman was reacting to him and showing him his own fear and that means Simeon and Lucifer’s worst fear is the same thing and Lucifer knew this as well. Now you could say Simeon thought this light was the real deal and not the bogeyman and that’s why he reacted that way and that’s why Lucifer told him it’s just his fear BUT Lucifer said beforehand that the bogeyman had not been killed an they all see the mist forming and the room shaking and the thing groaning before the light is formed so it’d be hard to make that mistake. Plus simeon’s “unlike me” line seals it and pretty much confirms that Simeon and Lucifer share the same greatest fear. And I said earlier that I believed the bogeyman acted on the common fear of everyone it could affect but both Simeon and Lucifer were sure it was their own fear that was taking shape, plus the bogeyman only had enough strength for one last target, so yeah the ‘light’ is definitely both of their individual greatest fears. 2nd – who was it. MC’s being talking with a voice in the light every once in a while and I always assumed it was Michael cause he seems to have the same position in the celestial realm that Diavolo has in the Devildom. But why would Michael be Lucifer’s greatest fear? It’d make more sense for Lucifer’s greatest fear to be his Father but that’d mean MC’s being chatting with God this whole time and that’s absolutely fucking insane and I’m not even gonna consider that further. So Lucifer’s greatest fear is (probably) Michael but why? Because of what he represents? Because of what happened with Lilith and their Fall? Because he could threaten Diavolo’s plans for harmony? Because of some other unknown trauma? 3rd – What happened to Simeon? We know he was a seraphim who was demoted for some reason. We know he stole from Michael and was caught and Michael called him back to face some sort of consequences. We know after this he was stationed semi-permanently in the human world for some unknown reason. We know he’s meeting with angels (probably raphael) here in the human world. But what happened that made the angels or Michael his greatest fear? What did he mean by Lucifer being strong unlike him? Personally I think despite the Celestial Realm saying they cast the brothers out, the brothers actually fled after Lilith was struck. I think Lucifer asked Simeon to come with him and I think Simeon denied him and instead helped them escape and this lead to his demotion. We know from that one devilgram that after meeting Diavolo for the first time Lucifer realizes the Celestial Realm nor his Father particularly care for peace with the Devildom, while Diavolo’s actively seeking it and that demons and the devildom are not like what he believes they are. The more Lucifer meets with Diavolo the more he learns about the Devildom and the rest of the world, as Mammon said about Luke, he learns about the real world, how the angels aren’t always right and how there’s more to everything than the Celestial Realm and so the more disillusioned with the Celestial Realm he becomes. As Simeon was his closest friend he might have relayed this all to him, or at least given a vague idea of what he’s starting to see and Simeon in turn starts seeing things from Lucifer’s perspective or more accurately he starts seeing the whole picture (and this is what Barbatos means when he says Simeon is likeable because he’s different from the other angels) unlike Lucifer though this doesn’t make him angry at or resentful of the celestial realm – it just opens his eyes up to its faults but that doesn’t mean he loves all the good parts of it any less – So when Lucifer offers him the chance to leave (the way Simeon himself sees it) he’s never strong enough to take that leap. Or that’s at least my theory of what happened till the next lessons clear it up.
Simeon is still silent and looking upset and then he laughs and apologizes because he can’t seem to stop trembling (and okay first wtf? Also so the theory about Lucifer and Simeon sharing a greatest fear was right. But also what the fuck did Michael do that’s made Simeon tremble? Though the first time the brothers spoke of Michael Mammon said he still shook thinking about his punishments… But would Michael do anything like that to someone who used to be a fellow Seraphim? Was that light really Michael or was it the Big Guytm cause that’ll be terrifying I don’t want to deal with that…). MC asks him if he’s okay. He says he appreciates their concern ands says it’s just that the light was just a sight he hadn’t seen in a long time AND WAIT!? SO IT WASN’T MICHAEL!!??? IT ACTUALLY WAS GOD!!!??? I’M WHEEZING AND NOT IN THE LAUGHING WAY WTFFFF HOLY SHIT SERIOUSLY!!!??? AND WAIT SO MC’S TALKED TO A VOICE IN A LIGHT ABOUT THRICE NOW??? WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT!??? PLS TELL ME AT LEAST THAT WAS MICHAEL!? I’D LOSE MY SHIT IF IT TURNS OUT MC’S BEING COMMUNICATING WITH GOD HELP-  I’m okay. I’m good. I took a walk. Simeon’s still trembling and MC hugs him. Simeon blushes and says humans have a strange warmth to them. He says that sometimes he wonders if MC would make a better angel than him (which supports my ‘not strong enough’ theory in the previous paragraph). He holds them back tightly. He says there’s something he wants to tell them and says I- before Asmo screaming for MC to come watch them torture Levi & Mammon cuts him off (would he confess to them again? He did it before and it seemed done when they rejected him and he backed off. I guess emotions are more complex than that). He looks upset at the interruption but covers it with a smile and says it seems like they’re wanted. He asks them to drop by the café later and says they can continue the discussion then. The two of them are hung up upside down, Mammon’s screaming to be let down and Levi’s sobbing and screaming at Mammon not to throw a temper tantrum right next to him. Diavolo says they make an interesting chandelier but that they don’t fit with their interior design. Mammon screams at him to then fucking let them down. Barbatos suggests a muzzle. Satan suggest shutting them up with their fists and Belphie says it’s too much work and that they’ll juest wear themselves out. Beel says there’s a style of cooking in the human world like this. Lucifer says these two don’t look appetizing and that he’d rather have actual churrasco. Solomon welcomes MC back and gives them the star of humility. He says they are now officially a sorcerer. Diavolo and Barbatos both congratulate them. Asmo says they’re amazing and that he’s even more smitten with them. Belphie says he’s really impressed and says good for them. Beel says he’s really happy for them and says nice going. Satan says “MC the Sorcerer” has a nice ring to it. Lucifer says well done. MC thanks them all. Solomon says nothing makes him happier than seeing his apprentice become a full-fledged sorcerer. Mammon yells that he wants to be part of the celebration too and to let him down, Levi says he’s going to be sick. And the chapter and the entire lesson ends.
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uwumessenger · 4 years
random headcanons i have for each om! character teehee
hi it's been a while since ive posted some hcs bc uni has been kicking my a$$! luckily i only have a few papers to tidy up and im done. here r some hcs for each obey me character that ive accumulated over the past few months wink wonk
most are random but some constants you'll find are what i think they smell like, languages they can speak (other than their native (demon/angel) and eng/jp), and music tastes !
i have a strong feeling that he showers twice a day: in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed
his cologne is probably the type that will last in an elevator for like a week after he uses it once. i dont think this mf ever smells like anything other than his cologne
has a secret folder on his phone of semi-nudes and other scandalous pics from when he felt sexy at the time omg
aside from demon language/eng/jp he can speak french and knows latin
listens to classical stuff yea but he also listens to diavolos mixtapes (re: diavolo's section)
not a fan of sweets but will eat sweet things when craving
really bland sense of humor...borderline cringey 😭✋🏻
has gone to google images and searched for "inspirational quotes tumblr" "gold aesthetic tumblr" & "relatable crush post tumblr" then reposts it onto his socials or just taps thru them and giggles bc he relates
his cologne doesnt last as long as lucifers and probably smells common. he has to reapply a lot but it's a people pleasing smell. it's cheaper hence the constant reapplying
he probably does have an expensive bottle but is the type to totally overspray...eek
he is canonically a car guy 🥲 and probably tells the one in his room good morning & good night + kisses the hood every once in a while. has tons of car magazines
he doesnt really speak other languages but has attempted to learn spanish before
listens to whatever is on the radio. doesnt rly stan anyone but he eventually will listen to mc's playlist and mc's playlist ONLY
lurks on mc's socials ALL THE TIMEEEE like he will rewatch ur stories and scroll thru ur feed and overanalyze ur tweets/rts or blog posts. if ur mc isnt the type to use sns much he still googles ur name all the damn time just to find any sites u might be on fjdjdjdjskks
probably streams on whatever youtube or twitch devildom site equivalent there is, but only has like 40 or so followers. which he is okay with!
until he sees someone else who gets more attention than him. then the envy starts kicking in bad. especially if they suck 🧍🏻‍♀️
classic gamer boy smell. you know, sweat, tears, must, and (sometimes) axe deodorant. lucifer has to do a scent check before he goes out to any event & lets him use his cologne. how sweet!
kpop stan!! more girl groups than anything and his ults are probably GIRLS GENERATION, wonder girls, twice, loona, & red velvet
cried when ioi disbanded and refused to leave his room. the only thing u could hear was downpour on loop at full blast
can also speak korean & communicate in echolocation like dolphins 😏
listens to country music you cant change my mind
smells like whatever environment he is in. he doesnt really have a designated smell just throws some deodorant on and goes about his day.
he's sooooo bad at driving...gets road rage way too often so his license has been REVOKED
but hes totally a backseat driver. needs to be sedated on long trips
do not let him watch finding nemo when luke asks to watch it. it's not worth it. he will cause mass destruction.
if he was a human or lived long term in the human world he totally has the ability to be a doctor
is studying as many languages as possible, but he mostly knows latin & french & german etc etc. wants to learn all the dead languages out of curiousity
dont think this mf has ever held down a relationship. ever
he doesnt compromise much & is not willing to change his lifestyle to fit an s/o into it. you keep up with how he lives or it just isnt meant to be (but dont worry! he'll eventually learn...maybe,,,,)
has the hardest time out of everyone when it comes to breaking bad habits
his smell varies bc he uses a variety of perfumes (whatever is the most popular at the time) but he probably sticks to floral and fresh scents. he never uses generic people pleaser scents like mammon
listens to electropop, mainstream pop, & some alternative rock
as for languages he too knows french, spanish, italian, etc. in general, if it's a romance language he knows it!
opposite of lucifer in the sense where he loves sweets and will refrain from eating too many bitter things
i think we all know that asmo is the biggest rockstar of the group! he's probably been in a boy band at least once, but now he makes his own music
has tried to teach mammon how to sing once. ended up in a broken piano and bleeding ears...
i feel like he is SO SHY
like unless ur close to him he will not start conversations or anything
i think he listens to r&b a lot ! and jazz 😎 maybe rock as well
smells like ur typical athlete with undertones of wet wipes. he carries them around bc he likes to clean his hands before he eats & is prepared for when theres no sink nearby
he can drive and he drives really well. no rough turns, parallel parks perfectly, and never has problems with merging
driving with beel is probably really soothing. left hand is steering the other is gripping ur thigh 😫
dont think hes really fluent in any other language but hes probably semi fluent in korean because levi wanted beel to help him out
definitely know how to order food in practically every language tho HAHAHA
he reminds me of randall from monsters inc
smells kinda musty IM SORRY but not the way levi does hes more like the kind of musty u feel or smell when it's a shitty morning
but that's only because hes so lazy, when he cleans up hes like satan
has definitely murdered multiple people before. mc is not the first 😐✋🏻
with that being said belphie has been put into prison at least twice when visiting the human world, the mf had such a strong hatred for humans theres no way he never got into trouble before
lucifer probably broke him out and they used the pen thingies from men in black to erase everyones memory of that 🙄
dont think he listens to anything other than music that'll put him to sleep. really likes lazy song by bruno mars but thinks that bruno mars put too much effort into the song. should have been one acapella verse and then finish
similar to beel hes only semi fluent in one language, probably french bc of lucifer. doesnt remember much but knows a couple of lullabies and bedtime stories
the sandman used to be his bff until they drifted. they do, however, like and comment on each other's sns posts.
once he found out who nicki minaj was he became her #1 stan
def an ariana grande stan too 😌
choreographs dances when hes stressed...idk just seems like a diavolo thing to do
also makes rly bad soundcloud rap music sometimes. turns to poetry when hes feeling emo but only lucifer knows this. barbatos is suspicious of him but doesnt have enough evidence to confirm.
his dad is like hudson abadeer from adventure time aka marceline's dad? something must have influenced him to want to unite the 3 realms + he would need the approval to do so, so his dad must be more chill than all the others before him 🧍🏻‍♀️ IDK ok anyway
currently going through his hamilton phase bc of mc. whether mc's intent was to get him hooked onto it or just to explain it bc of something he saw online, he tells everyone that he found out abt it bc of mc!
this man cannot drive his skills are only second to jumin han
not too fond of many languages but knows the widely spoken ones like spanish, mandarin, etc. if it's taught in high school he knows it
smells like a las vegas casino. not sure why but i feel like he does. but there's also an interesting & nice smell to him if he embraces you. it's a smell you cant quite identify. but it smells nostalgic, it's mysterious, and it's tempting.
very calm demeanor but underneath hes WILD hes probably done everything at least once oof
he just has a lot of control and stability over himself (must be nice!)
on a more angsty note i feel like he might have had his heartbroken sO BAD IDK he is hurting and maybe that's why hes so willing to obey diavolo and not abuse his time lord power thingies bc he learned his lesson the hard way
mans is so smart he knows every language you could switch languages mid conversation with him and he wouldnt be thrown off. he'd probably start speaking it too.
listens to the same stuff as lucifer but also likes eminem. likes the movie 8 mile but criticized it heavily
have you ever been to a chinese herb shop? naturally, he smells like that. his room probably smells like it too. he doesnt really have a significant smell like some of the others
when he bakes he smells like whatever hes baking tho
one of the few out of everyone listed to have been able to travel to literally everywhere
was probably on kitchen nightmares once, but only to get feedback from chef gordon ramsay. then he used his magic to prevent the episode from airing...
was in an orchestra, one of the best times of his life. played the violin. asmo watched him in the audience once, but didnt approach him until well after that performance.
he CANNOT sing. he can, however, rap.
doesnt listen to music. he listens to podcasts! but every now and then he turns on background music, but prefers it to be instrumental stuff
never wears sunglasses. also does not have a driver's license. cannot drive a regular car. could maybe fly an airplane.
due to his immortality he has learned almost every language to exist, but finds himself speaking mandarin the most. knows most dialects too
similar smell to barbatos but u can also smell some sunscreen on him too. like, generic beach day suncreen
he has a lot of pact marks, so he once had the idea to match foundation to his skin. it took him two weeks but he eventually perfected a combination. yes he will help u find ur perfect shade if u ask him to
another country music man. has also made a tiktok or two to that one song that goes "he cant even bait a hook." they are private tho
angel country music exists and simeon invented it
if he visits the human world and wears more causal clothing he probably tucks his shirt into his pants
wears a speedo at the beach i tell u, speedo at the beach
he can speak german...i can feel it
uses his pointer finger to type and holds the phone like 2 inches away from his face so sometimes his nose will push a key hence all his typos
has no signature smell. he simply smells like your favorite scent all the time. if multiple people are around him at once, everyone smells a different smell. it's pretty rad
"what does he smell like to himself?" u may be asking. hmm...a church? 💀
his first pet was a goldfish and a few months before the exchange program happened, he was given a koi pond!
secretly likes hanging out with levi sometimes just to play with henry. makes him miss his pet fish back home
so his favorite movie is probably finding nemo and he threw a fit when nemo touched the butt
luke is probably learning german bc of simeon, though he'd like to learn more of the dead languages just for fun
i dont think he listens to music often or has any preferences, he just listens to whatever is playing on the radio
but he finds himself listening to the music mc listens to
smells like freshly baked goods all the time. or fresh laundry. but like, not combined. just depends on the day
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rose-lord-of-simps · 4 years
🌹100 Followers Special!✨
Oh my gosh! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Thank you guys so much for my first 100( 133 at this time now) it means a lot and I’m glad you enjoy what I write! Originally I had a different prompt list planned but as I thought about it, it didn’t really fit into the ship that won very well! So we got the fluff alphabet instead!
I present to you~
Solomon x MC x Barbatos
Fluff alphabet edition!
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Mischief. You and Solomon will try new spells and potions or go out to town and prank random demons by adding something that will make them turn into a frog in their drink.
On Barb’s days off he’ll actually join you! He only let’s you two do simple things though, even if it’d be hilarious to see one of the great demon dukes turn into a worm and get eaten by a bird.
Barbs will take you two ice skating whenever he gets the chance to. He enjoys having an excuse to hold both your hands because Solomon can not skate to save his life-
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Solomon loves both you guys’ hands. He loves to hold them and see your faces when he kisses them. He also adores watching you use your hands to cook or cast spells, maybe help with potions. He finds it wonderful how your hands enact the intricate movements for spells.
Barbs loves your waist. No matter what size you are he adores being able to hold you by the waist and pull you close. He also loves to be able to run his hands along your sides, he enjoys feeling your shape in his hands. On Solomon though he loves the place where the pact mark ended up. He likes kissing around the mark whenever he gets the chance.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Separately, Barbs would have the most gentle touch and try to get you somewhere private to help calm you down, away from prying eyes. He’d do whatever he could, he’d offer to hold you if you’d want him to but if you prefer not to touched when you’re sad he will take you to the kitchen or garden, whichever you prefer but if you choose kitchen he is baking you something and letting you vent as he works.
Solomon alone would wrap you up in his cape thingy and keep you hidden from the world. He’d ask what’s wrong immediately and try to distract you if he felt that’s work better. He’d do a few tiny performance spells for you like maybe tiny fire works or zapping a demon in the butt.
Together though they are the best team. They’re taking you to somewhere more private and engulfing you in a group hug if you let them. You can cry your eyes out for however long you wish. If you don’t want to be touched then Barbs will go get you a water bottle for when you’re done crying or panicking while Solomon goes through breathing excersizes with you.
If it’s something less serious though and you’re just having a bad day, barbs will bring you a treat and a kiss before he has to go back to working and Solomon will snuggle you both up for cuddles.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Barbs has accidentally seen many realities for the future with you two and his only hope and plan is to make sure the ones where you break up don’t happen in your realm.
Solomon wants to get a small house in the human realm with you. He knows Barbatos can’t exactly leave his job and he also knows there may be people in the human realm who you want to see. If you’re okay only making weekly-monthly trips to the human realm though then he wants to have a house for all three of you in the DevilDom. Not a very big one, just enough room for the three of you. Totally not because he wants to horde you two away so he can just love you.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Solomon imitated dates and affection more. He’ll let you and Barbs plan whatever you want but he’ll be the one to mention that it’s been a while since you’ve gone on a date. He’ll also be the person who starts kissing Barbs before pulling you in for your own affection.
Barbs is more passive. He’s up for anything you two want to do but knows Solomon isn’t good at making plans so he’ll pick a date and help you plan what you three are going to do. Sometimes he gets in an extra affectionate mod though and will kiss your cheeks while he is working. He tries to remain professional in sowwy! However he ain’t gonna stop you if you or Solomon start kissing him.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Barbs doesnt like to hold grudges especially when it comes to you two. He adores you both and already saw everything would turn out okay. This of course can sometimes lead to him forgetting he still has to make things up in the present though. He doesn’t like to fight, he prefers debate and will only tell you two his truth of the situation, trying to diffuse anything else bubbling up.
Solomon would need to be alone and be mad for a bit though. He doesn’t forgive and forget immediately and tries to calmly talk things out first. If he is getting too mad though he will start raising his voice and trying to leave so he can cool off without hurting someone.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Barbs is so grateful. He feels so lucky to have you both and will always give you kisses when one of you brings him food for lunch (even if it’s Solomon’s cooking) and please give this man a self care day- can we just- this guy is always stressed with the Peince’s antics and on his feet all day, if you and Solomon make him a self care day and pamper him right back he will actually cry a bit. He is fickle aware of everything his partners do for him.
Solomon is similar. He never lets something either of you do go unnoticed and always makes sure to return the kindness. Barbs made him food? He’ll make Barbs dessert! You’re helping him with a potion? He’ll make you a charmed necklace!
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Look Barbs kinda can’t share all the futures he sees with you two. He’ll tell you about past futures you could have landed in if you ask. But other than that he tells you two everything he can. He doesn’t like keeping secrets from either of you however some royal business matters he can’t share yet.
Solomon will tell you everything, if you ask about it. He doesn’t intentionally keep secrets, especially not about his past, but sometimes he forgets that you and Barbs don’t know all the stories of how he got all the pacts he has and will just causally mention one as if it’s nothing. Newer secrets though he doesn’t keep. If someone needs to tell him a secret they have to specify if they don’t want you and barbs knowing. He tells you two everything and if he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to share someone’s secret, he knows you two will keep it safe for him.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Barbs takes more time off because of you two. Not a lot but a little more. He’ll always make sure he has time to spend with you two on big dates like anniversaries and holidays. Because of you two he’s also tried a lot more stuff than he ever thought he would, like human world candy.
Solomon sees more beauty in life because of you two. He didn’t want to die to begin with but because of you two he’s found even more reason to live. He loves being able to count you as a reason to coming home the next day.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Barbs gets jealous he can’t spend as much time with both of you as he wants. When it comes to others flirting with you though he can’t help but get a little protective. If it’s at one of Dia’s parties and he has to work he’ll kiss you and Solomon’s cheeks. Something subtle saying you’re both taken by one hell of a butler. If the other goes too far though and neither of you have dealt with them yet then he’ll take care of them himself.
Solomon isn’t jealous at all actually. He knows you’re hot. He knows Barbs is hot. And he knows you’re both loyal. He trusts you two. If he sees someone flirting with you though and notices you’re getting uncomfortable he’ll come and see if you want him to step in and swoop you away.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Barbs... look I just-... just kiss him. Just do it and see how perfectly his lips feel against your’s. Your first kiss with Barbs is gentle and full of care, he treats you and Solomon with all the love he treats his plants so of course that kiss is going to be sweet as a rose.
Solomon is a little more forward with his kisses. He’s a good kisser, kiss him and find out for yourself hehe, but your first kiss with him is more passionate, his hands pulling you closer to him and not letting go unless it’s to hold your hand.
Their first kiss with each other was months before they met you. They had been going on dates and Barbatos asked if he could kiss Solomon. It was honestly adorable. Barbs wasn’t shy he just didn’t want to make a Solomon uncomfortable. But when Solomon just kissed him instead of giving an answer, well hey Barbs wasn’t complaining!
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
They confess to you together. Of course. They invited you to their lunch date, Barbatos cooked and made everything look super cute, heart shaped cake! Solomon didn’t stop flirting with you and Barbatos COULDNT help but join him. They did directly tell you their feelings as well of course.
Barbatos confessed first. Solomon was visiting him, as a friend not a date, and tried to help Barbs cook. Barbs decided to best distract Solomon he’d have to confess his feelings. It worked. Solomon immediately asked Barbatos on a date and started planning it in his head, claiming he had to leave so he could make it perfect.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Barbatos is okay with anything. Marriage isn’t important to him, he could happily live his life as whatever you and Solomon want to be, even if it means eternally being fiancés. A Barbatos proposal would be in the garden. He’s have everything planned out perfectly for you two, flowers would be in bloom, no distractions, and romantic music playing while the scene happens under the closest thing they have to moonlight. It was amazing. Barbs as a husband is the literal best. He’ll take care of you and Solomon better than Dia. He makes sure you bothe eat, take your meds, drink water, get enough sunlight from the human world, he’s so caring.
Solomon would like to get married but it’s not required for him if you don’t want to. He’d propose with magic. He set up a light show for you and Barbs and finished with the proposal, also had note cards with how much he loved you two on them but got so embarrassed at the cheesy stuff on them that he left them out. You found them a week later and he tried to change the subject but when Barbs saw them he knew he was done for. Solomon as your hubby is fun! He always makes sure you’re mental health is doing good and takes you on adventures to get potion stuff with him. He’ll make you and Barbs little gifts, has been banned from the kitchen though.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Barbs calls you dear. “My dear you look stunning as always.” He calls Solomon sugar. No I will not take arguments. Solomon gets confused to be salty at first glance and too much of him can be a problem but we love him so it’s okay. Sugar.
Solomon calls you dove. You’re gorgeous and such a symbol of love to him. You also bring him peace of mind when you’re next to him so, dove! “Dove I’m going on an expidetion, come with me?” He calls Barbs darling. It started as a lady and the tramp joke, Jim dear and Darling, but it kind of just stuck. Barbs surprisingly likes it a lot.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Barbs realizes he is in love he is so discreet about it. The only person who immediately notices, is Diavolo. He smiles a genuine smile more and his stride is just more float like. He genuinely looks like he is enjoying the day. He expresses his love through words. He’ll say it and compliment you whenever he sees you. He’ll always ask Solomon about his spells and stuff. He just talks and pays attention as makes sure you know he adores both of you.
Solomon is descreat about his feelings to someone just passing by. If you’re someone he knows, he is openly telling them about how much he adores his boyfriend and partner. He likes to flirt with you two, especially when you’re doing tasks and Barbs is at work. He’s also big on physical touch, hands will always be held!
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Barbatos won’t initiate affection while he is on the clock. The most he’ll do is blow you two a kiss as he leaves or smile at you. Sometimes he’ll make a heart with his hands if he’s feeling extra sappy. When he isn’t on the clock though, he mostly just holds your hands. Cheek kisses whenever he wants though. He’ll be kind of shy to directly kiss you for too long in public but hey if you or Solomon want real kisses and not just pecks, he’ll never push you off. He’ll just happily reciprocate!
Solomon doesn’t care where he is, if he wants kisses then he wants kisses. He’s respectable about it when Barbs is working or a serious meeting is going on but that won’t stop him from holding your hand or linking your arms together. He enjoys holding you two close when he can.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Barbatos is one hell of a butler. And he knows how to make you and Solomon feel special in all kinds of situations.
Solomon is entertaining. If you’re sad or need a distraction, he has the perfect flirty comment or small spell to take your mind off things.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Barbatos is the cliche one here. Flowers, chocolates or sweets if you like them, candles, love letters, mood lighting, the whole shibang. He also most definetly has a playlist of romantic songs he hears. He’ll do anything to make you smile. If he sees you over working yourself or Solomon hasn’t taken a break in foreve he gets you water and makes you stop for a minute or two to just enjoy a moment or relaxing. Will also happily give either of you a massage.
Solomon tries! He gets creative with light show spells and he has a list of you and Barbs’ favorite things! He’ll remember little things you mention but he also likes to make sure you two know it’s not from anyone else. He’ll always sign cards more over dramatically than required. Any “grand gesture” he makes is either way over the top or super quiet but DETAILED- THIS MAN PAYS ATTENTION TO DETAIL. And it’s- worth it.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Barbatos will always support you two. He adores you and will help you achieve any goal you set. Solomon needs a spotter in case a spell goes awry? Got it. You just need a cheerleader to bring you food? He’s already making your favorite! He believes in both of you 100% but isn’t afraid to give you two a reality check when he deems it necessary. (When you two may be getting overwhelmed or there is a time crunch) if you’re stubborn about it though and not backing down then he’ll help get whatever it is done.
Solomon helps make schedules for when you or Barbs have a project of some sort due, he attempts cooking, he brings the energy drinks and wake up spells, if you’re going through something rough then he’s going with you. Barbs is having a tough time at work? Time to prepare the snuggle fort. You’ve been studying too much? He’ll quiz you then make you take a nap. Best cheerleader.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Barbatos requires some form of routine because of his work. He, unfortunately, can’t just wake up and say he is going to go to a movie that day. The rare times he does have a day off he makes sure there is a plan for the day. If you and Solomon planned a surprise, that’s fine he won’t ask you just need to tell him to keep the day free of plans. Within the relationship he doesn’t need to try new things but he always is up for whatever you want.
Spontaneous. He’ll plan when he needs to actually get work done but when he doesn’t, it could be a day of just doing nothing for hours before he decides he wants to surprise Barbs at work or you at HoL. He likes to try new things in the relationship, he is up to try almost anything but there are a few things he won’t do.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Barbatos knows you both like the back of his hand if you let him. He’s very observant and knows how to tell when you two aren’t happy and when you two are having the best days of your lives. He knows how to read you well but he isn’t very empathetic. He knows what to do when he sees a certain look on your face and he know exactly how to make both you and Solomon fee better. He’ll listen and tell you what he thinks you need to hear.
Solomon is the empathetic one. He doesn’t recognize when you or Barbs are sad by looking at you, he knows by talking to you. He’s able to hear it in your tone or how you two are speaking. When you vent to him he knows exactly what to say to make you feel better and cries with you. But he knows exactly how to make you and Barbs feel better in every situation.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You and Solomon mean everything to Barbatos. He doesn’t have to be anyone special or any kind of butler for you two, he can just be himself and not be afraid to ask for something he wants. He has to admit that sometimes he needs to put work first and he feels incredibly bad about it. However if it’s an emergency he doesn’t hesitate to tell Diavolo he has to leave and rushes to you two as fast as he can.
Solomon adores your two. He puts his relationship with you two first more often than he puts most other things. He doesn’t let it distract from his goals and dreams but you two become a part of that dream that he isn’t willing to compromise.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Barbatos secretly loves being in the middle of you and Solomon. He love being held by you to Solomon behind him and then having one of you in his arms or be snuggled in your chest. He’s warm and relaxed and safe.
Solomon takes you two ice skating on a date once. If you don’t know how he will very happily teach you because he was also the one to teach Barbatos how much fun ice skating is.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He isn’t big on PDA. If you come up and kiss him he will happily kiss back and if you initiate affection then he isn’t going to push you away, unless he is in the middle of cooking at work and Solomon is trying to steal him away. In private he will always reciprocate affection but at first has a hard time initiating it in fear you don’t want him to be affectionate. He does love to snuggle though.
Solomon just wants to constantly hold hands or have an arm around you both. He loves getting kisses from you and Barbs and loves holding the two of you in his arms even more. Sometimes if you’re busy and Barbs is cooking he will help one of you with whatever task you’re trying to complete just so he can have your attention faster.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
When Barbs is missing you he is slightly extra affectionate towards Solomon. When he is missing Solomon he is slightly more affectionate towards you. When he misses both of you? He’s too busy trying to distract his mind with his work and the task at hand. He will also remind himself that it won’t be long until he sees the two of you so it’s going to be okay. If he isn’t able to see you two for a few days then he just tries to focus on his work even more.
Solomon doesn’t like to miss you. When he misses either of you he just goes to see you. If he is busy or trying to focus on something that needs to get done he’ll get as much of it done as he can before he needs to at least call you. He’ll call you if you’re not in class and just start up a conversation about anything, listening to your voice as he finishes what he was working on before. If Barbatos is at work he will send him something flirty or funny, something he knows will get a reaction out of Barbs even if he doesn’t text back.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Barbatos aims to please. If you or Solomon want to do something or see something or try something or just want something, he does his best to make it happen. If there is a problem or a fight he is usually the one to diffuse the situation and make things better. There have been rare times where he has gotten overwhelmed and just didn’t know what to do and then he just tries to get everyone apart to cool off and collect themselves. However sometimes Solomon wants to take the mischief a little too far and Barbs has to real you two back in.
Solomon adores both you and Barbs so he does what he can. If an argument breaks out he does his best to remain calm and try to just talk instead of yelling. He tries to make you both feel special and makes sure you both know how much he cares but he stays firm on his boundaries. He knows how far he is and isn’t willing to go on certain things and you’re going to need to be persuasive if you want to change his mind. While his boundaries aren’t loose, they are open so if you suggest something he’s probably going to be fine with it.
Oh my goodness, thank you guys so much and I’m thrilled you enjoy what I write! I hope you liked this, sorry if Solomon sees a little too high energy it was a challenge writing him but I think I’m gettin gn better at it! Have an amazing unbirthday everyone and I hope you sleep well!
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obeymeluv · 4 years
Forever and Always
Story-wise, I’m stuck near the beginning of lesson 21 :(. So I’m taking a break from leveling up cards and everything to pop out a few of those ideas! The weekends are really the only time I have to do this, so it slows me down a bit.
Hope you enjoy! This time: some angst.
Lucifer’s part may be a little triggering because the reader’s been semi-sedated. I’ll basically put the warning out that these are all near-death scenarios. I have no idea what could trigger people so I can’t really tell anyone what to look out for.
P.S: I’m totally down for writing Barbatos and Diavolo but I don’t really know anything about their personalities. If any of you have made it farther into the game or have uncovered things and would like to share them, please let me know!
P.S.S: I headcanon that Mammon has a messed up or mostly broken wing. I’m very suspicious that NONE of the bros had any wing damage from when they fell. Yeah, Lucifer ripped off two of his wings but SOMEONE had to end up with broken wings. I picked Mammon.
These got super long (as always) so I’m working on part 2 with the rest of the bros right now.
It’s rare anyone gets a text from Barbatos (unless it’s on Diavolo’s behalf), and even rarer when it’s just instructions. A date, a time, and a place.
And a warning.
If you’re late, they die.
He couldn’t believe it when he read it.
Lucifer had been on edge about it. The message was enough to break him, a warm-blooded demon, out in a cold sweat
The text message had woken him up in the wee hours of the very morning you were to die
Judging by the stars outside his window and the silence in the house, he was the first up
The eldest crept along the hallways to check on all of you--starting with Mammon, Beel, and Satan, and ending with you.
His gut twisted guiltily as he confirmed Satan was fast asleep in a nest of books, slowly unwinding from the chair and slipping into the floor. It pained him to think Satan, something of his creation, would be his first guess. The main worry.
If not Satan, than who?
The question haunted Lucifer into the early morning, the exhausted demon mulling the question over a cup of coffee.
He had breakfast delivered to the house, far too concerned to cook.
It wasn’t until you decided to portion off your treat to give some to that blossoming love of yours that it hit him like a Celestial Blade
That DEMON! Lucifer stood so abruptly he nearly snapped the handle off his mug, chair shooting back with a groan.
He could hear little splinters under his feet, brain barely processing that everyone was looking at him with concern. Suspicion.
“I’ve dawdled too long. I must get ready.” he excused himself.
Lucifer disappeared to his room, collecting everything for RAD.
Everything circled back to his D.D.D. He checked his pocket two, three, four times before he was convinced it’d stay with him while he went to the academy
Everything from then on was a countdown to the time in the text message.
The message wasn’t clear if you’d be dead at that time, or if he should arrive at that time. It was the farthest thing from his mind, Lucifer kicking the classroom door open so hard that it snapped off the hinges and tumbled awkwardly into the room
The room was hardly used but had recently been cleaned. With a slice of the gardens in the window, it would have been a darling picnic spot. If it were being used for a picnic, that is.
What he stumbled into was most certainly NOT a picnic. Far from it.
He recognized your lover, the cretin, but not the other three who’d crashed this little picnic. But there they were, studying books and hissing amongst themselves as they plotted out which pieces of you to take for themselves.
Humans were the rarest of delicacies among all the delicacies, after all.
Lucifer hadn’t yet unleashed his demon form and it was the arrogance of young demons that led the four to stand as if to challenge him.
“I am no longer an angel,” Lucifer removed his gloves as he glared at them sternly. His rage, the pride of being your protector, was getting the best of him. His fangs were growing, grinding against his words and making them pointed. “But you will beg for my mercy.”
Then he flew at them with all the rage he thought he’d given to Satan. Three of them had jumped on him; he could feel them trying to bite at him and scratching his skin with their claws.
There were hazy memories of snapping, tearing, biting, and all manner of chaos. The only clear thing he remembered was the perfect stillness in the room, the tang of blood, and scooping your drugged body up as gently as he could.
“Those vile creatures,” his soft, naked hands shook against your head as he fixed your hair and picked gore from your face. You were still awake, and could still look at him. Just enough light in your eyes to process things. To endure the agony of what would have been.
All of this would’ve been avoided if he could’ve just told you first. But his pride was too great. And he was the bearer of his sin.
“You are safe, beloved.” Lucifer walked quietly from the destroyed room, shoes squelching into the hallway as he took you to the infirmary.
He treated the text like a prized secret.
Reading it was enough to give him an anxiety attack, honestly
He’d texted Barbatos back but the butler said he could give nothing else. ‘The text must be followed’ was all he would say.
Mammon is suspicious and observant by nature. For a brief moment he considered that Diavolo was playing a prank on him and had simply stolen Barbatos’ D.D.D., maybe even put him up to it
But the prince of the Devildom wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize the human transfer. Quite the opposite.
He went to go see Barbatos in person to try and squeeze some extra details out of the attendant, but was met with a stern face and narrowed eyes. Though Barbatos’ face was basically unreadable, Mammon could tell he thought about putting that silver serving platter upside his head (maybe even putting him in the stock pot)
“The text must be followed,” the butler insisted, brushing past him to reach for some spices.
Whatever it was, it was happening at Majolish
Mammon was getting ready for a shoot and his brain was frazzled.
He’d been irritated and jumpy all day.
What was he supposed to look for when he didn’t know what he was looking for?!
How is he supposed to protect you when he doesn’t know what will kill you?
Mammon sets an alarm on his D.D.D for when you’re supposed to meet your fate, and doing so almost makes him sick. He puts on a watch for extra measure.
Mammon’s in the middle of figuring out how to get you to Majolish when he hears Asmo trying to butter you into going shopping. It’s either an ‘I didn’t get picked’ pity trip or he just wants to steal you for himself
It makes Mammon think of something: do you die trying to go see him at Majolish? Do you originally go with Asmo and convince him to watch his shoot?
“Go ask Solomon,” Mammon throws his arm around your shoulder as he stares Asmo down (even though they’re the same height). “They’re busy.”
He tunes out of the usual banter, the standard names, and just gives you a gentle squeeze to start walking in time with him. Mammon ruffles Asmo’s hair for good measure, sure his little brother will spend precious time fixing it. That will give him enough of a lead to get you to Majolish.
Shoots can be laborious, Mammon is well-aware. There’s time in hair, makeup, wardrobe being painstakingly selected, and then it comes down to posing.
There’s re-shoots, different angles, all sorts of things.
He’s starting to wonder what the HELL the danger is or if Barbatos saw the wrong time. Nothing’s happened, you’re fine!
Mammon has trouble relaxing in the shoot because they keep moving you around to avoid shadows. Just keeping you out of the way, off to the side.
His hyper-fixation is starting to burn out. He checks his watch in-between pictures, ignoring all the help as the scuttle around to change lighting and reposition things.
It’s about five minutes until the accident. Mammon clutches his D.D.D. so hard it almost cracks.
He strong-arms the photographer into some couple pictures (’For the human. It’d probably help the issue sell better, anyways!”) when it finally happened.
No one hears it, of that he’s sure. HE didn’t even hear it. Mammon saw it before he heard it, the odd flicker of light. Mammon’s demon form takes over as he surges forward, blowing the photographer onto his back as he shoots overhead.
There was a huge set light plummeting towards your delicate little human head. A demon-made, Devildom brand set light that would surely turn you into a pancake.
He scoops you up and crushes you to his chest, veering around as best he can with his good wing.
The light whizzes past you both, scraping the thin skin of both wings. He stars the choppy descent down as the light crashed to the floor in a blaze of sparks and glittering glass.
“Dammit, human....” Mammon breathes into your hair, petting your head as his feet finally touch the ground again. His arm lingers around your waist a little longer than it should, but he doesn’t care.
The shoot ends there, everyone needing to clean up the mess. And your main man is now busy taking care of you, so he’s done for the day.
Mammon gets a preview issue almost a week later and is stunned to find a shot good enough for an action movie on the cover. It’s him holding you against him, barely in the air, framed by the sparks of that crashed light. A kiss would’ve made that shot worth a million bucks, is all he can think as he rolls himself out of bed to go brag about the cover.
Levi takes the text with absolute seriousness because Barbatos has never reached out to him. Ever.
Their relationship was a strained one, his and Barbatos’. Upon hearing of his ability to look into the future, Levi tried (and failed) multiple times to nicely/subtly ask for winning numbers on various raffles and ‘take a guess!’ premium giveaways.
He envied the butler for having such a cool power and hated that he was so stingy with it. But he was also afraid of being perceived as an annoying otaku and didn’t want to be whispered about as the ‘weird’ brother, so he took to avoiding him like the plague.
When he gets the text, he immediately hunts down the place where you’re to die.
The Devildom gets traveling acts every now and then. Rarely is there one that makes Levi want to come out of his room. He’s so stoked at the idea of a pop-up aquarium that he forgets he’s supposed to be investigating it and figuring out what could go wrong.
He’s familiar with all manner of sea creatures but these people have collected for centuries and there’s varieties he’s never seen!
Admittedly, he failed the objective of scoping out the place. Levi decided it was cool and would definitely come back to check it out some more.
He goes back a second time to see if he can connect with any of these creatures. There’s a link but it’s all vague. Some have nothing to show, others feel aggression, and some are waiting to be fed, and some have accepted this as their life.
It leaves him with mixed feelings, as does meeting the owners and curators. Levi gets the impression that these people don’t know how to care for these creatures, or have been doing the bare minimum for centuries.
He goes home, wondering how hard Diavolo looked into this traveling show. What if it was actually a ring con-men with stolen animals pretending to be a traveling aquarium?
Levi’s not surprised to hear Lucifer encourage the group to go see the aquarium on the day you’re supposed to die. Levi shyly tags along and intends to stay close by. He’s convinced he knows the best route through the aquarium
He’d prefer to take you on a tour by himself but doesn’t know if he has the guts.
It takes almost an hour to work through the whole aquarium, what with the groups and everything, and Levi is starting to feel socially taxed and mildly people claustrophobic.
Unexpectedly, the owner rushes everyone into a room he’d never seen. It’s a small arena speckled with chairs all facing a floating stage. Levi wants to write it off as a last-minute cash grab but can’t bring himself to say anything.
It’s almost like a weird carnival game. Pay a couple of Grimm, get a handful of feed, and see if the shadow below pops up to feast. You’re swept up into the feeding like--by Asmo? By accident? WHY. HUMAN, WHY?--and Levi knows THIS is where it happens.
He rushes onto the bobbing stage as you start tossing feed like the owner shows you, attempting to grab you around the waist and get you to FLAT, NORMAL, NICE, LAND
The creature bumps the stage and it bumps HARD. To a human it would be a small earthquake. Or like that nature documentary he and Satan watched about the killer whales knocking stuff off of icebergs.
Levi barely finishes going into his demon form when you hit the water. You’re tangled in his tail (that’s on purpose) and Levi’s trying to figure out WHERE THE HELL THE TEETH ARE.
The stage hasn’t settled enough to grab and all he can do is shoot through the water to throw the two of you onto land.
It has tendrils; he can feel them trying to figure out what he is and how to grab him. Levi wants to bite it as a defense mechanism but doesn’t know what drawing blood will do.
Your air is precious and running out. He coils and weaves himself together so you’re near his face. Levi breathes air into your mouth as the water churns and moves the two of you around.
His head breaches the surface and he does something he’s always threatened to do and probably hasn’t done in thousands of years: summons Lotan.
The creature comes when called, plopping down in the arena and generating a colossal wave that heaves the two of you onto dry land.
Everyone is understandably panicked. His brothers are dragging him away into a corner as visitors flee the room.
The owner is missing, the stage is in shambles, and the room is starting to fall apart. Lotan emerges victorious, as Levi knew he would, and eight people sit in the ruins to let the moment pass as everything falls into silence.
You plunk your head gratefully onto his chest, the two of you quite waterlogged, and Levi just pats you with a wet tail as Lotan leans its seven heads down to investigate what’s become of their master.  
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misc-obeyme · 10 months
It’s me I’m back with Lesson 34 spoilers below. (including the hard lesson)
I always try to write these posts shortly after finishing the lesson so that it’s like… my immediate and unfiltered thoughts lol. Sometimes I change my mind about stuff after I see other people’s interpretations of things. So if you were wondering why I’m taking the time to write this at 2 am, that’s why. I totally forgot about the lesson during the day due to the whole Thanksgiving thing.
I feel like we got SO MUCH BARB in this lesson?? He was barely in it. But we had other characters talking about him and that honestly makes me happy, too. Probably because I like when they give us some perspective into his character.
Belphie. We were actually playing the role of Lilith in his little Celestial Realm dream sequence, right? And then at the end it’s all but we’re not siblings.
Listen. I just think that Belphie has a lot of unresolved trauma surrounding Lilith and I really don’t feel like having MC play hide-and-seek with him in a dream is going to be enough to help him move past it. Enough to make him want to help MC? Maybe. But I dunno.
However, I also think I probably shouldn’t expect anything more intense than that from an otome game. They were just trying to give us SOMETHING to explain why he was cool with making a pact.
WHICH WE FINALLY DID. With Beel, Belphie, AND Levi. I get Beel & Belphie doing theirs at the same time, but I’m still a little baffled about why Levi waited so long. There probably isn’t a reason, but who knows maybe they’ll surprise us with something lol.
Ah. Lucifer.
This was my favorite part:
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I love Mammon, he always just says exactly what he’s thinking (unless it’s how much he loves MC lol).
But we all knew it wasn’t going to be that easy, right? We knew Lucifer would be last. We knew that Lucifer would be the most difficult one to make a pact with. Remember what happened with him last time? Of course he doesn’t want to make a pact with us now. We’re likely going to be going through some kind of long drawn out drama that will eventually lead to Lucifer giving in and making a pact with us.
However, I found both Solomon’s and Diavolo’s reactions to this absolutely hilarious:
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Can the two of you take this seriously, please?? I know you both find Lucifer highly entertaining and yeah, I'm usually laughing at him most of the time, too, but I need that pact to get back to where I'm from, thanks.
But we’re only on Lesson 34. So I think we still have plenty of time to make a pact with Lucifer, learn the truth about Nightbringer, and return to our timeline (or have the timelines merge or whatever nonsense they’re gonna do).
I’m still hoping for all that to get resolved by the end of this season lol.
Now, I found this exchange from Belphie’s Celestial Realm shenanigans especially interesting:
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Assuming this is accurate to what actually happened when Lucifer was still an angel, this means that the angels knew Barbatos. They know him by name, they clearly think he’s a big deal, and they’re surprised that he’s agreed to be Diavolo’s butler.
I was always under the impression that the demons and the angels didn’t really know much about each other. But now I’m wondering if maybe Barbatos had something to do with the end of the war that happened before the Celestial War. The one that was between the Celestial Realm and the Devildom. I have no reason for thinking this other than the fact that as angels, Lucifer & Simeon clearly know him. And what else would they know him from? Though I suppose anything could have happened lol.
And then there was all of this:
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What does it MEAN?! (Obviously I chose the second option for MC's dialogue, which increased Barb's intimacy.)
Barbatos my true love. Why did you give MC a real piece of paper from your grimoire? He’s always been cautious, always keeping MC at arm’s length, and now all of a sudden it’s here’s a piece of my grimoire? There is NO WAY he doesn’t have all of the build up from the OG. I can’t believe that he would actually give MC a piece of his grimoire if he had only just met them at the beginning of Nightbringer. So I’m tacking this on as additional evidence that Barb knows all.
Also can we just appreciate Lucifer in 32-A? All his brothers are completely out of it and he single-handedly motivates every one of them back into action.
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It sure worked, huh? Do you think the credit card is in the freezer yet?
It was everything. I LOVE the Little Ds. I LOVE them hanging out with Diavolo. I LOVE that Barbatos couldn’t accompany MC because Diavolo requested some fancy human world dish. This entire hard lesson was *chef’s kiss*
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GOD I love Barb's knowing look and Dia's little frown. I love them so much it's almost painful lol.
Okay that’s all I’ve got to say about this lesson. In general, I enjoyed it. They coulda played up Belphie’s yandere tendencies a bit more. I felt like his change of heart was rather rushed, but they really can’t put him through the therapy he needs. I don’t think the lessons are long enough for that.
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bbnibini · 2 years
ahh solovers who were there around the time of launch for obey me (or at least, were there when season 1 was the only season) seem to also have had a knack for satan it seems~ me too! the very first posts i made on obm tumblr were analyses on what we knew about satan. how his unicorn symbol on the RAD council room banner might represent the loss of purity through the consumption of knowledge in the garden of eden; how he may feel less real than his brothers due to his birth being inherently tied to their loss of purity, being born of ever-growing hatred and misplaced “righteousness”.
pretttyyy sure solovers may have a thing for bringing justice to those who cannot speak for themselves, but enough about satan...
when season 2 rolled around and solomon showed us the dagger in the very first chapter i was begging for it to be for diavolo </3 now that i have a broader picture of diavolo as a person, i no longer harbor hatred for him, but i am still a bit wary. he hasn't had the chance to properly interact or connect, but no one seems to hold him accountable for the things that he's done wrong. i can also blame that on the poor writing from the devs, though—unless he's purposefully machiavellian underneath his lightheartedness... which he is, imo. he's lovely in all of his rightful glory but a lot of the things he's done don't sit right with me. curse that angel event that traumatized everyone once it came out like wtf sjdbksjw, good food tho! it just makes me think back to lucifer's chapter A ur devilgram where diavolo actually sounds fairly reasonable with his views. similar situation as satan before the devs changed...him...all for the fandom at the time :((
you're right, though! barbatos is someone who will turn his head away and choose to not speak with you, and we've seen how sharp-tongued simeon can get. solomon hasn't shown an ounce of bitterness towards anyone, if i recall correctly--even demons. he holds a reasonable perspective on them, and doesn't really force mc into that perspective, either. he only tells them what he believes and nothing more.
seeing so many mischaracterized posts of him makes me go [enter infinite negative keysmash here], but then i remember that i can just create my own fanfic & art content whether it be for the fandom or for my mc's lore, huhu
on another note, do you remember when the first april fools rolled around and everyone unanimously agreed that satan was the cause of all of the apps and profile pictures turning into cats? or how solomon didn't get a birthday event due to the then undateables turning into nowdateables a few days prior, but he still had his woeful birthday dialogue? good times... (╥﹏╥)
also!! never apologize for writing too much because i'm someone who has too much writer's brainrot for both the media I'm into and oc lore (whether it be my own or someone else's), so i totally get the “i want to say everything that i could possibly talk about in 6 hours and condense it into bite-sizes portions so i won't scare my new friends away” phase ♡ because me too tbh
Ooh, that's interesting! My reason for liking Satan back then was a lot more shallow--he just looked like my ultimate favourite character in one of my favourite franchises: Proto Arthur from the Fate series. I had a phase when I was really into Fate and the Arthurian legend, and Satan just managed to stay my favourite for a while because we share a lot of similarities and hobbies (reading books, liking cats, being obsessed with puns etc haha). He isn't my favourite now, of course. But I still really like him as a character. I really love the lore about him being a part of Lucifer gaining his own individuality, and his parallels with Arthur where he's insecure about being "boring", similar to how some Fate fans who did not read the light novel series and played the Prototype games assumed Arthur is just some "pretty boy with a boring personality".
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(spoilers for Obey Me main story and devilgrams under the cut)
I am still quite baffled about that too, though I like everyone in the Obey Me cast now. I did notice Diavolo's machinations are not really seen negatively in the fandom, along with some inconsistencies with his character--one of the more recent events where the cast grew animal ears when they lie being one of them. I vaguely recall Diavolo saying that he hated lying and never lied, so I just found that weird because that isn't true at all. And the term "hating lying" is just really vague. Either way, I think one of the reasons why the fandom is a lot more forgiving with his schemes is because he left a favourable impression at the start. Solomon and how he was introduced wasn't the same.
Personally, I like how nuanced each of the cast is. The examples you described are actually the reasons why I think I personally like them, or perhaps why a lot of their fans like them as well. I love the OM cast because they're neither good or bad people. They're just people--they make mistakes. They're not perfect, they hurt each other etc. That applies to Solomon as well. What I don't like is how unforgiving the fandom is to Solomon's own nuance when all the other characters are also purposely morally grey. They always assume the worst of him when there's so much evidence that suggests he isn't a bad person. Questionable actions and decisions? Maybe. But all of the cast (except Luke perhaps) were the same.
I believe Solomon had been distrustful of demons before the MC changed his perspective. In hard mode, I recalled he made a pact with Asmodeus because he found out he was Lucifer's brother. There's also an official chart that the official OM social media posted where it showed how the cast members think of each other and Solomon's chart labelled all the demons as "toys". I don't think that applies now, but I am assuming OM didn't know what to do with Solomon and fumbled on his characterisation, hence there's so much inconsistencies about him. I feel like he was meant to be "seemingly questionable but misunderstood" and he had always been planned to be romanceable at some point (I mean...he's always been looking after the MC since the earlier main story), and they might have planned to give an explanation on why he acted the way he acted from the start, but by the time he was romanceable, it was too late. The fandom already formed impressions of him (of the unfavourable kind) and they started doubling down...with ambivalent results.
HAHAHA imagine trying to hide your love for Solomon for years. Couldn't be me. c': Back then, it was harder to defend him because everyone unanimously agreed he's "shady". I'm glad he's getting more appreciation now.
Haha! I was actually so sad he didn't get a birthday event when he became romanceable. I was sad for a while and got even sadder he was barely present in events. So when the circus event dropped, I swiped my card hard and ranked xD. It was a crazy time haha. I'm still mad I held back and didn't get his top-up card before. I'm curious what the "You are Evil" devilgram is about. I'm assuming DnD, which I have no clue about.
Same here! I like seeing you rant here in my ask. Glad to see another launch player because most of my friends who played with me since launch quit. :( And thanks for sending an ask! <3
EDIT: I forgot to mention I agree that the potential for a deeper plot in the Chapter A devilgrams was an opportunity lost. Belphie's Hide and Seek was one of my personal favourites. I believe the only chapter A UR I'm missing is Luke's.
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prideful-sins · 4 years
You asked for it sooo Barbatos doing cockwarming with MC Lucifer punishing MC with like spanks Diavolo ravaging MC he has a breeding kink because heir so he just does MC till she’s full Levi with his Admiral of the Navy uniform fucking MC being a TOTAL dom Levi getting pegged Beel Belphie sandwich Beel and Dia too, big boi sandwich Asmo being a slut for Solomon, Dia or Simeon Solomon using spells to keep MC in certain positions he also sits there watching while using spells to do all the work
Okay so much to work through but I’m gonna fuckin do it! I also changed the pronouns to be GN!
Barbatos doing cockwarming with MC- Barbatos barely gets time to sit down so when he does he wants to be able to do more than one thing to keep on to of his work. So his enjoyment comes from MC sitting on his lap, dick sheathed within them, while he rings up any business meeting, suppliers for the palace, or just anyone he needs to. If MC is good and doesn’t move their hips around too much he fucks the life out of them before kissing and returning to work.
Lucifer punishing MC with like spanks- lucifer loves spanking MC but won’t go too far unless MC begs for it, and I mean BEGS.
Diavolo ravaging MC he has a breeding kink because heir so he just does MC till they’re full- Diavolo has a breeding kink and I have a cum kink, it just works. Even if MC can’t have kids he just loves pumping them full of his cum and you KNOW he can go multiple rounds until all of MC’s holes are raw and dripping out semen.
Levi with his Admiral of the Navy uniform fucking MC being a TOTAL dom- the mood’s really gotta strike Levi to be this Dom, but cosplay is a big thing for him so Levi finding our that MC likes him in his uniform makes me go crazy with pride
Levi getting pegged- So valid, and you can imagine the amazing faces and noises he would make. I ain’t no Levi stan BUT-
Beel Belphie sandwich- The only brothers I think that would be okay with sharing MC so yes I 100% agree
Beel and Dia too, big boi sandwich- you are fucking me up so hard right now anon. You know they got the biggest dicks aswell as the biggest chests, sandwiched between those two glorious men hhhhh
Asmo being a slut for Solomon, Dia or Simeon- All of them and I don’t blame him
Solomon using spells to keep MC in certain positions he also sits there watching while using spells to do all the work- I can imagine he’d use spells to lubricate or stretch holes, or maybe even overstimulating MC while reading a book. Hearing them moan and beg for release as he edges them further and further until they’re nothing but a sobbing mess, and only then will he let them release. He is in control.
Thank you, Anon, for this food
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bbnibini · 3 years
Hi! I really love your works but it gotten me curious if you also read fanfics? Do you have any fanfic recommendations?
Thank you, anon! That's really kind of you. 🥺💕 I do read fanfics, but not as much anymore. I'm assuming this ask is for Obey Me fics? But if not, I will include some of my absolute favourites in a future post. Fair warning: I gushed. A LOT hahaha. Please support the authors and their works! I included the fics in the hyperlinks~
NSFW fics are marked appropriately, so please click the links at your own discretion (some of them are in my public bookmarks in AO3).
Elle's Obey Me Fic Recommendations
🌸Your Coal by Angrish(LettuceBean)
Truth be told, I belong to the "forgive but don't forget camp" in lieu of what happened in Chapter 16; reading Angrish's YC and how their MC coped with the aftermath(+ how others coped along with them) felt really powerful, raw and so so emotional. It made me think and really think about how I processed the whole thing that happened. While it didn't really change my outlook on how I have forgiven Belphie for what he had done, Angrish shedding light to the unanswered questions and lingering doubts the main story have left most of its readers was done in such a thoughtful and poetic way that I found myself binge reading the whole thing.
Given that I read this whole coping with a lot of stuff as well (and may have contributed with sympathising a lot more to the vindictiveness of the MC), reading what Angrish had written was really cathartic. Their writing style is also beautiful--the way the words string together, simple, elegant, yet impactful really made MC's emotions a lot...tangible, real and sometimes, frustrating (in a good way, mind you). I also liked how they had fleshed out the other characters, especially Belphegor, Satan and the Purgatory Hall members.
🌸You'll Have to Ask Your Dad by DefenestrationProtestration
I remembered clicking on this fic because of the author's punny name, stayed for the pretty writing and reread a few several times for the characterisation and THE WRITING. I'm pretty sure I left a litany of praises and incomprehensible gushing on the comments section because of how much I've devoured this piece of art.
Even as I'm typing this review, I can't seem to organise my thoughts haha. You can tell by the writing style that the author had a lot of fun writing their prose; it permeates through the screeen...my "screen" of imagination at least. I am not joking--the writing is so pretty and vivid that I literally saw it as a movie in my head lol. I chatted with them a bit on the comments and they said the prose is more of something they had written subconsciously; it reminded me of James Joyce and how he had masterfully perfected the same technique. Of course, their writing styles differ a lot from each other, but I can see what they meant.
...as I'm typing this, I didn't realise how I haven't talked about the plot of the fic at all soz. This piece is the author's character study of Lucifer. It talks about how he was before, during and after the fall. He is a bit of an unreliable narrator, which I'm not sure if the author intended, but he has all these presumptions that miss the mark so so much, particularly at how his brothers, Lord Diavolo and the others perceive him--but reading the whole thing would make you understand why he had gotten to that kind of self-perception in the first place. And honestly? It really, really hurt to read. But was it bad? The total opposite of that, in fact! I loved how they had written the angst in this piece. So many things in the fic are "show, rather than tell" and I really really appreciate that.
Most of my brainrot about this fic is better to be explored on your own. Overall, 10/10: a definite, recommended read.
🌸Fairy Tales for the Fallen by indiavolowetrust
I haven't fully devoured all of the stories in the collection yet, but the ones I've read (Her Name Was Thousand Eyes is my favourite) was such a really good spin on dark fairy tales (Obey Me style!). It reminded me of my childhood Little Mermaid picture book for some reason. Probably the writing style(the author's writing reads a lot like a storybook) The one I had was Hans Christian Andersen's (aka the OG) version and the ending was rather...dark for a 5 year old lol. It was a big part of my life though and was probably the precursor for my affinity with sad stories haha.
🌸TieGuanYin by Taciturn
Like tea on a tiring day, Taciturn's writing style feels very homey, cozy and familiar. I love rereading this oneshot when I'm having a shitty day and imagining myself having tea with Barbatos haha. Ever had pieces of art or literature that just...relaxes you when you consume it? This one is one of my, as the youngsters say, "comfort fic" haha.
🌸glass half empty; glass half full by unagis
I love unagis' fics.♡ I also love her Childe fics. The concepts she comes up with, as well as how she delivers it is *chef kiss*. Admittedly, I read this one when I was still a Satan stan, with all the suspicions and doubts about Solomon's intentions still rampant within me. Reading him blush and become flustered is CUTE and aaaaa this whole fic is just really cute.🥺♡
🌸The Eternal Storm by @sondepoch
Sondepoch's Satan oneshot was the very first fic I read in the OM fandom so it has a special place in my heart~ I remembered how awkward it was to skim through the Satan filters, looking for a gen fic/SFW fic because around that time, most OM fics are smut (no shade on smut ofc, I'm just super uncomfortable reading them unless the writing is really pretty or there's something else going on in the story). Finding GEN AND A WELL-WRITTEN CHARACTER STUDY about my (former) favourite OM character was like I hit the jackpot. I remembered that feeling really well haha. My bias with one of my favourite forms of fic (char. study) aside, Sondepoch's writing is easy on the eyes and is definitely a great entry for anyone who wants to be in the OM fandom.
🌸Read Me by GENE515
One of my more recent reads and definitely worth a mention!♡ Read Me was a beautifully written, heartfelt two-shot about Lucifer's love, which he tried his best to express in penned words. Probably because of my own love letter-themed OM series, this one really stuck to me haha. The author is also really sweet. :3
🌸Schrodinger by fickleminder
I read this one around Halloween and it definitely fit the occasion. Schrodinger was such a great thriller/horror fic with how it set its unsettling atmosphere from the very beginning--the way fickleminder's writing just sucks you in and makes you bystand the whole ordeal between Belphegor and MC was just...so suspenseful? Nail biting? Creepy (in a good way ofc)? I won't spoil the ending, but the process and way they tackled it was a lot scarier than what I was initially bracing myself for.
🌸Siberia by @polandspringz
Seeing another Obey Me mystery in AO3 really hyped me up! Polandspringz did a spectacular job in writing this series and I can relate so much with their experiences in writing for mystery. Their writing style is easy on the eyes--I also really liked how they characterised the OM characters I have read on their series so far. There's still quite a lot of stuff left in speculation (from my most recent reading at least), and I really look forward to see how everything unfolds!
🌸Tetris Syndrome by apocketfulofposies (NSFW)
I am very very uncomfortable with smut content, so the smut I've read can be counted on one hand. ;; That is to say, TS is one of the few smut that I really, really enjoyed. First of all, Levi's characterisation is on point. It was really really interesting to get in his head and read about his thought process. What is envy? And how much does the sin of envy really define him?
I really enjoyed Levi's internalisations, as well as the author's writing style. If you want smut with a brooding, jealous otaku boy, I really recommend this one!
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