saintedfury · 4 years
((Ooof! Once again, I miss the muse’s birthday! I’m a horrible person.
Thank you so much. She’s incredibly appreciative.))
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thetwobosses · 5 years
@underangelswing replied to your post: megafreeman replied to your post: As a welcome...
((faith recommends flowers and also candlelit dinners.))
Meryl: *scribbles it down next to doodles of chickens and recipes for salsa and better burning molotov cocktails*
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bossangelique · 5 years
underangelswing replied to your post: also me and amanda own a house now
We’re totally going to green this house the fuck up
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cats-and-code · 6 years
Warning: Cute with Sharp Bite.
“Looks are deceiving, I suppose...”
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3rdstreetmac · 7 years
play a game with my muse!
send 🃏 to play a card game with my muse
A deck of cards slapped onto the granite tiled bar in front of her. “Alright. I went digging in the closet for board games and this is all I could find.” He said, taking his place besides her. “ I figure since we’re stuck here, we may as well have some fun, but ah…You may have to teach me how to play this damn game.”
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hunnybadgerv · 7 years
underangelswing replied to your post “I have a resume!!!”
((KICK ITS ASS! /o/))
block-of-writers replied to your post “I have a resume!!!”
It took a week but I finally made that thing my bitch. And it looks pretty badass.
Already sent it out a dozen times. Though I’m still working on the cover letter for this one place. Though I’m starting to feel a little iffy about it because I know I’m probably 14+ years older than every person in that place.
Been there done that, not sure I really want to go there again.
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☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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saintedfury · 4 years
underangelswing replied to your post “underangelswing  26: What are you craving right...”
((...my brain went to 'basically whipped cream, but coffee flavored,' as something in me keeps insisting Language Make Perfect Sense from Context, despite the fact that I grew up with the absolute worst language in the history of creation for that.))
underangelswing replied to your post “underangelswing  26: What are you craving right...”
((basically a milkshake.))
((Kind of. I’ve been told it is delicious. Don’t know personally. And as much as she loves coffee. Seems like something that would be right up Furia’s alley.))
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thetwobosses · 5 years
underangelswing replied to your post “hippiefricked replied to your post: What’s a girl...”
I couldn't even. I just can't see Johnny as holding a vendetta against Dex at that point, especially when he's suddenly okay working with Vogel. Especially when one of Dex's lines is 'I don't wanna fight you.' (I mean: Dex is one of the few characters who could and did get in Johnny's face without fear of retribution. This is Dex, who kept his ass out of the line of fire as often as he could, who was perfectly comfortable in the company of a spree-killing sociopath. That gives a pretty good read on how good of friends they were....)
Exactly! And by SR4/GOoH, Johnny’s not the same angry guy violently lashing out at enemies as he was in SR1/2. He’s matured to the point where he can work together with Dane Vogel, and he seems to have not made any more attempts on Troy’s life during or after SR2 (you can even have the two of them as homies at the same time, so I think that speaks volumes of Gat’s restraint and/or forgiveness). I think Johnny could have feasibly put Dex behind him after several years.
Also def agree that from what we saw in SR1, Johnny and Dex seemed to get along a lot more than Johnny and Troy did. Dex could chastise Gat and call him out on his reckless plans and for the most part get away with it. Dex even got Johnny to follow his plans, which is no small feat. We didn’t really see Troy and Johnny interact much, but I get the feeling Gat would have been willing to take a lot less guff from Troy.
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bossangelique · 7 years
Muse Trust Test!
❤  I think I trust you, but I am still cautious around you.
“Understandable pet, after all, you didn’t exactly meet me under the best circumstances,” Ang said with a chuckle.
“Hey anyone want a taco!?” Johnny shouted from another room.
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cats-and-code · 6 years
"Never have I ever understood... that... thing that Matt does with his computer."
As he goes to toss back his shot, he stops, shooting her a look of concern and questioning.
“I...I don’t understand. Which...thing? He does quite a lot of things with a computer...too many things...”
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hunnybadgerv · 7 years
painterofhorizons replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
bosselimitchell replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
((You are amazing! Congratulations!
bossangelique replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
scribblesofel replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Yaaaay! Congrats! :D
thetwobosses replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Whoo! Congrats! *hugs*
nightmareon3rdst replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Congrats! So proud of you!
asoulonfire replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Congratulations!!! That's fantastic!
underangelswing replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
ladyamesindy replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
Go you!!! That's awesome!!!!!!!!! *bounces and hugs*
inuy21 replied to your post “I PASSED!!!”
*hugs* CONGRATS!!!!!
Thank you all. Like tons and tons. I’ve been chilling for the last few days just trying to really relax for the first time in months.
It was a great feeling to see that message on the screen. I can’t even explain it. 
Now to start the job search with a renewed outlook again.
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saintedfury · 4 years
underangelswing replied to your post “underangelswing replied to your post “underangelswing  ...”
((...I was going over the 'hot or cold' bit and contemplating why whether linguistically there ought to have been a distinction like tea and iced tea between them and somehow my mind got to 'but I wonder if you could make something like hot chocolate with instant coffee' and... coffee. that's just coffee. logic center of brain r u ok?))
((Furia would give it a go. It could be interesting and quite a rush.  I love that whipped coffee is just twisting up your head. Also, sorry for the same. 
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thetwobosses · 6 years
underangelswing replied to your post: GAT ISN’T ANSWERING ALL OF A SUDDEN, AND IT SAYS...
((Um. Yeah. If you didn’t revive him when he went down, he may have, uh… “gotten abducted by aliens” a couple of years early there. I’ve never tested it, but my understanding is that SR2 has homie permadeath.))
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cats-and-code · 6 years
Odin; Tree; Apollo & Dianna; Minerva
Odin: What is your family like?
“Oof. That’s…a…hard one for me to answer…
Growing up, I suppose you could call them pretty ‘hands off’ in terms of affection or support. Mum was always stressing bout how I was too…sensitive to really make it in the ‘real world’, and Dad was just…a placeholder, more or less…business trips took up most of his time there…
The only real family I can claim is…was…my nan, who was always there for me, until she left for the States, and I joined her shortly after…when the family decided I wasn’t really going to go the way they wanted me to.”
Tree: What have you done with your life? What are you going to do with it?
“Well…past associations…aside…I suppose I’m comfortable enough devoting my time to my programming and coding career,…and seeing where that takes me…considering I have nothing but time to see where technology progresses…
…God, that sounds boring, doesn’t it? 
No. What I really want is to be back out in the field. Help take down dodgy organizations by moonlight. Help fight for those who can’t fight for themselves; save cats from trees while undercutting a trafficking ring, EAT ̧AN A̸SS̨H͡OL͜E̡ A̶L͞IV͞E͘.̨
…er…never mind that last bit.”
Apollo & Dianna: Do you prefer to be up during the day or at night?
“I could go into the details of why I greatly prefer nighttime over daytime, but it has less to do with favoritism and more to do with how much I dislike sunburns on my….sensitive skin.”
Minerva: Do you generally give good advice?
“I would like to think so, but I also once advised someone to ‘collect a thousand cats about it’ and punch the offending asshole after, so I might not be all that reliable.”
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hunnybadgerv · 7 years
thirdstreetshackles replied to your post “Test Day”
((you totally got this! o/
heartsnbruises replied to your post “Test Day”
bosselimitchell replied to your post “Test Day”
((Break a leg! We're behind you :)
bossangelique replied to your post “Test Day”
((I believe in you!))
underangelswing replied to your post “Test Day”
((KICK ITS ASS! /o/))
Thanks guys! The support really helped. 
Just for the record. Saints Row RPers are the bestest.
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