#tup joins the bad batch
tup-ika-5385 · 1 year
Taking a nervous breath, Tup approached the hangar bay, gearbag slung over his shoulder, all packed for his new mission. Recently, Captain Rex recommended him as a potential ARC candidate, which had him nearly vibrating in excitement. However, he didn’t have as much experience as some of the other applicants, so he’s been assigned a mission, a trial run of sorts, to see how he’d do fighting alongside someone outside the 501st. All this to explain Tup’s anxious anticipation as he approached the Omicron-class shuttle currently parked in the Resolute’s main hangar.
TLDR: Tup has a joint mission with The Bad Batch, and nothing goes as planned.
__________________________ “Okay… here we go.” Taking a nervous breath, Tup approached the hangar bay, gearbag slung over his shoulder, all packed for his new mission. Recently, Captain Rex had recommended him as a potential ARC candidate, which had him nearly vibrating in excitement, but because he didn’t have as much experience as Jesse and Fives, he’d been assigned a mission, a trial run of sorts, to see how he’d do fighting alongside someone outside the 501st. 
All this to explain Tup’s anxious anticipation as he approached the Omicron-class shuttle currently parked in the Resolute’s main hangar. Training on Kamino, he’d heard stories about Clone Force 99, breaking nearly every training record (along with a few dozen regulations), but he’d never actually met them. So when he saw a trooper in non-standard gear staring him down, he squared his shoulders and tried to look more confident than he felt. Their helmet was pretty unusual, with an asymmetrical visor and a target sight over the right eye.
He gave them a sharp salute, unsure what to expect. “Reporting for duty, sir. My name is Tup.”
The trooper scoffed before calling into the ship, voice dripping in disdain. “Hunter, the reg’s here.”
“Reg?!” Tup blurted out before he could stop himself. 
“Crosshair, don’t antagonize the kid.” A voice called from inside before another trooper stepped onto the ramp.
The first trooper, Crosshair, apparently, removed his helmet with a scoff, rolling his eyes. Tup blinked, surprised at his unusual appearance; Crosshair didn’t look like any clone he’d ever seen. But he pushed down his initial reaction to look back at the other trooper, gear much closer to standard, with a few added weapon sheaths, Tup noted appreciatively.
Tup crossed his arms, huffing. “I don’t know what you mean by “reg,” but I’m not a kid either. And my name is Tup.” He repeated, frowning under his helmet.
The new trooper lowered his hands in a “stand-down” motion. “Alright, Tup. No offense intended. The name’s Hunter. Come on inside and we can get started.” Hunter waved him inside, and Tup moved to follow him. Crosshair refused to move out of the way, shoulder-checking him slightly as he walked past, but Tup refused to rise to the bait. Rex sent him here to prove he could work well with others, so that’s what he’d do. He’d handled worse than Crosshair before.
Once inside, Hunter removed his helmet and Tup followed suit. He made a small noise as he saw the other trooper’s hair; long-haired troopers were few and far between. Tup himself was one of just a few in the 501st, and the only one who actually took care of it like he should. Hunter kept his back with a bandana, but other than a small case of helmet-hair, it actually looked pretty well-cared for. 
As his eyes adjusted, Tup noticed two other squad members in the combined briefing room/mess area. One was wearing goggles and fidgeting with a datapad of some kind, and the other, bigger than any clone Tup had ever seen, was inexplicably doing bicep curls with a gonk droid, of all things. 
Upon seeing Tup, the big one gave him a grin that reminded him of Hardcase after a particularly successful barrage of blasterfire. “Hey reg, catch!” All of a sudden, he hefted the gonk droid like he was going to toss it to Tup, eliciting a full-bodied flinch, but Hunter stepped in at the last moment with a look of warning. Crosshair snickered, and Tup sent him a glare.
“Awh, man! ‘Was just a joke!” But thankfully, Wrecker relented, putting down the gonk droid and standing up to give Tup a friendly pat on the back, which would’ve sent him sprawling if he wasn’t prepared. “The name’s Wrecker! Guess you’ll be working with us on this one!” 
Tup returned the greeting with a wary smile. Wrecker, at least, didn’t look like he was intentionally antagonizing him; probably just a little unaware of his own strength. “Tup. Good to meet you.”
Wrecker took a moment to survey the other trooper, grinning when he noticed his hair. “Hunter! He’s got long hair like you! Reminds me of when you used to put your hair in a nerf tail!” He went in to ruffle Tup’s hair, which Tup quickly noticed and sidestepped, just barely stopping himself from lashing out on instinct. 
“Oh, sorry!” Wrecker tensed slightly, realizing he’d overstepped.
The trooper who’d been sitting quietly until then spoke up, adjusting their goggles as they began. “You displayed an atypical response to Wrecker’s actions. Am I correct in guessing that you’re more protective of your hair than most standard troopers?”
“Yeah, maybe. I’ve had one too many bad experiences with the trainers on Kamino, if you know what I mean, so I’d appreciate it if you asked first.” Tup rubbed the back of his neck as he willed his heart to slow back down, surprised at the other’s perceptiveness. 
Crosshair, who’d given Tup a hard time earlier, elbowed Wrecker in the ribs, eliciting an apologetic look from Wrecker as the rest of the group sat down around the holotable. Maybe they’d just gotten off on the wrong foot earlier, Tup considered. 
Hunter’s gaze fell on Tup for a moment longer before starting the briefing, noticing his heart-rate going back down and deciding not to intervene. “Alright, here’s the mission parameters. Medical supplies have been going missing at the supply depot on Lothal. First we’ll be doing surveillance, learning who’s responsible and then taking them out.” He turned on the holotable as he continued, bringing up a projection of the supply depot.
“A stakeout? I hate stakeouts!” Wrecker grumbled.
Hunter ignored him, turning instead to Tup. “This is the layout of the depot. What do you think, kid?” He gestured to the table, curious what Tup would suggest.
Biting his lip again at being called a kid again, Tup took a closer look at the map, zooming in on a couple taller buildings. “Hmm… ideally we’d have two teams; one to watch the entrance and another to monitor the supplies in question. This building is a pretty ideal vantage point for most of the city. You’re the sniper, right?” He asked Crosshair, who grunted in assent. “This would be a good location for you, and the other group could be here.” He gestures to another building right across the street from the depot with a clear view of what’s inside. “You know your own men best, but Wrecker seems like a hands-on type, so keeping him closer to the fight would be best, and maybe your technology specialist would be able to tap into their security feed from there; sorry, I don’t know your name.” He nodded at Tech.
“Tech,” Tech offered. “And you seem to have deduced our typical division of labor. Usually, Hunter will spend time with each group as-needed.”
Tup grinned, happy to hear that he was on the right track. “Affirmative. I’m generally more of a forward-fighter than a marksman, but I can go wherever you want me.” He addressed Hunter.
Hunter gave a small nod of approval. “Sounds like a solid plan. Crosshair, you’ll be watching entrances and exits while the rest of us stay closer to the supplies in-question. When you need a break, either Tup or I can relieve you.” 
They continued to plan logistics for a bit, but soon it was time to head out, so Tech went to the cockpit while the rest of the squad got the ship ready for takeoff.
“You might wanna hold onto something.” Hunter called in warning, but nothing could’ve prepared him for Tech’s rapid takeoff. If it wasn’t for Wrecker’s steadying hand, Tup would have fallen flat on his shebs. 
“Thanks for the save, vod.” He grinned sheepishly at the larger trooper. Wrecker sent him a beaming grin in response, scooting closer to Crosshair with a stage-whisper. “He called me vod!” To which Crosshair rolled his eyes before getting up to find somewhere with a little more personal space. 
The flight itself took a few hours, during which time, Tup busied himself by cleaning his kit, eating a ration-bar, and sneakily admiring Hunter’s assortment of vibroknives as he cleaned his own kit nearby. From what Tup could tell, these troopers basically lived on this ship, so he tried to respect their privacy. It wasn’t long before they were touching down on Lothal, and this time, Tup was safely strapped into his seat for landing. Exiting the ship, Tup takes a deep breath in preparation. His first real mission outside the 501st; hopefully it’ll be off to a good start.
It’s been about five hours since they got settled for their stakeout. Wrecker’s taking a nap (something about his overactive metabolism), and Tech’s been spending his time monitoring the security feed while Tup and Hunter take a turn on lookout.
From his perch in the window, Tup sent another glare towards the flickering lights outside the small apartment. They’d been making a faint buzzing noise for the past hour, and Tup was about five seconds away from chucking one of Hunter’s vibroknives at them. Looking around the apartment didn’t immediately reveal any switches to turn it off, but after a little investigation, he found a metal panel in the wall with rows of breakers. It didn’t take long to identify the correct one, and he let out a sigh of relief as the buzzing finally stopped. 
Glancing around the room, he grinned at Hunter, who had a twin look of relief on his face followed by brief confusion. “Wait, you could hear that too?”
Tup nodded with a groan of annoyance. “Yeah, I’ve got pretty sensitive hearing, but nothing like yours, I’m sure. Back on Kamino, the warning drill lights used to make the absolute worst noise, and I was the only one in my squad who could hear it! My batcher, Dogma, took my word for it, but the rest thought I was crazy.”
“Ugh, those were the worst! When we got our own bunkroom, Tech was able to adjust the frequency, but the rest of the facility was a nightmare.” Hunter complained, happy to commiserate with someone else who understood, even just a little bit.
Tup sat back down, a little closer to Hunter, giving him a sheepish grin. “I’ve, uh, been meaning to ask you… I don’t see too many vode with long hair. Mine’s always a disaster if I leave it down instead of putting it in a bun, and most civvie hair product just makes it stiff and itchy. How do you deal with it?”
Huffing in amusement, Hunter responded. “Heh, well… for me, my hairstyle’s the lesser of three evils. Regulation haircuts need to be maintained nearly every week; I used to scratch myself raw when I was an adiik, trying to get rid of all the little hairs after it was cut, so I started growing it out, which helped a lot. I’ve tried the whole bun-thing, and a couple other hairstyles, but they’d give me pretty bad headaches. The bandana is the only thing I’ve found that really works for me.” He ran a hand through his hair, returning Tup’s grin. 
“Huh, makes sense. My batchmate, Dogma, used to get annoyed when I complained about headaches from pulling my hair up too tight. Said if it bugged me so much, I should just cut it off.” Tup shook his head with a grin. “So do commando’s get better soap rations than the rest of us?”
Hunter shook his head with a smirk. “Not exactly, but we do have a little bit more freedom with our mission stipends. Sometime in our first couple missions, we had to make an emergency landing on Nal Hutta, which if you don’t know, is one of the worst-smelling swamps in the galaxy, and none of the regulation stuff helped at all. Tech found a holonet article recommending this, uh, adiik shampoo, and it worked. Plus it’s supposed to be hypoallergenic, unscented, all that, so we’ve just kept it in stock since then.”
Nodding seriously, Tup made a mental note to look at the specific brand when they went back to the ship. “I’ll have to look into it. Thanks, vod!”
Hunter quirked his head in assent, lips curling into a small smile. It’s been a while since anyone outside the Bad Batch referred to any of them as a brother, but Tup didn’t seem to hesitate. Commander Cody had hinted at integrating them more with the other troopers for future campaigns, and if they were anything like Tup, it might actually be bearable.
Meanwhile, in a nearby alleyway, a shadow lurks in the dark, cloaked by experiemental tech and a local perfume shop. Taking out a pair of scopes, it closely monitors dual silhouettes in a nearby window, partially obscured by a curtain. They can just barely see the barrel of a rifle poking out of the local chrono-tower, good as invisible to the naked eye. An hour passes, and one form disappears, closely followed by a door opening and someone exiting the building, extensive gear poorly hidden by a poncho. Bandana and distinctive tattoos turn away and start walking towards the chrono tower. He disappears from sight, and the shadow is quick to follow.
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masterjedilenawrites · 9 months
hello there. could i request the bois and tbb for their reaction that they would have when they see their s/o wearing a dress, as their s/o normally wears pants and shirts.
Fox, Fives, and Tup eat it up. They start with an endless string of Wow-s, then they'll remember other words exist and insist their S/O spin around or pose for them so they can admire all the angles. They may even insist on some photos, or maybe grab whoever's around so they can show off their partner's look. Otherwise it's praises galore. Regardless how comfortable or not their S/O initially feels in the dress, they're definitely getting a confidence boost.
Jesse, Kix, and Wrecker instantly turn mischevious. They're whistling, they're teasing, they're even getting handsy. It's just too big of a change to pass up an opportunity to have some fun with it. If their S/O's not fully comfortable in the get-up, they'll help make them laugh and loosen up a little. It's just clothes, and at the end of the day they're still the beautiful person they fell for no matter what they wear. But this outfit sure is fun.
Hardcase, Dogma, and Tech honestly won't notice. To say they're oblivious to things like fashion is an understatement. Their S/O will try to casually draw their attention toward it, swaying around or saying things like If only I had pockets to put this thing in... Still nothing. They'll have to stand right in their line of sight and specifically say Hey look! I'm wearing a dress! Then these guys will have a little moment of dazed blinking before giving a shy smile and a nice compliment.
Rex, Hunter, and Crosshair will stop dead in their tracks, mouth agape, speechless at the sight before them. Bonus points if their S/O is really feeling themselves, rather than being awkward or embarrassed. The confidence they exude is more mesmerizing than the dress itself. They never really snap out of it either. They may put on a face, act cool and collected, but inside they're still freaking out. They simply cannot look away. And when the dress comes off and it's back to pants, they'll low-key pout about it.
Cody, Wolffe, and Echo have a less obvious, but no less appreciative reaction. Their face will light up with a smile, their eyes will grow soft as they take them in. If their S/O is walking awkwardly they'll rush up to offer their arm and help put them at ease. Or if their S/O is really enjoying the change of attire, they'll help them find ways to wear dresses more often. They will always be supportive - and enamored - of their S/O's choices in appearance.
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nahoney22 · 6 months
Tagged by @the-rain-on-kamino 🩵
NPT: @photogirl894 @moonstrider9904 @eyecandyeoz @tups-teardrop @reader6898 @arctrooper69 @stardust9905 @starqueensthings @im-no-jedi @l-lend @nunanuggets s @id-rather-be-a-druid and whoever else wants to join in!
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Recently became obsessed with cowboy au's again so I did what any reasonable person would do and made a silly Clone Wars au for pure self indulgence.
Please enjoy my silly little headcannons and maybe one day I'll actually write the thing (I've said this several times before...but one day!)
•Usually with modern au's I try to justify why Jango has so many damn kids but not this time. The man just does okay? Also he's not attracted to women so like..who knows! My favorite plot point is Jango just has a bunch of kids and no one knows why and they just have to accept that
•Jango/Myles supremacy. They're married, thank you. Silas is their third wheel that's just always sorta there.
•Good dad Jango! Always good dad Jango. I just love him okay? It's like a little treat for myself.
•Ages are like...semi...cannon? For the clones the alphas are all adults, as are the commanders. After that, Rex, Kix, Jesse and whoever else I deem to be in that like age range- are 18/19/20. Domino squad, are teenagers. Tup, Dogma, Wooley, Comet are like..ranging from preteen's to 8. Boba is the baby at 3 years old. Don't ask me about Omega or the bad batch please I haven't decided what I'm doing with them yet, probably gonna make them Arla's kiddos like the other modern au of mine. These are also like..just a general guidelines of ages I haven't really fleshed anything out.
•Boba LOVES animals. It's a good thing they live on a farm. He just..befriends all of the animals even the ones that he isn't supposed to (raccoons) Jango nearly had a heart attack. Boba was fine though, just a little grumpy that Jango took him away from the raccoon.
•It's a miracle Boba knows how to walk because he's just constantly being carried/demanding to be carried. If he has the option to be in someone's arms he will be. Spoiled little thing. Honestly all of the Fett kids are probably spoiled, but they like to tease Boba about it cause he's the baby.
•Real talk though, I think Boba is a little sweety. He just loves his aliit(family) so much and wants to spend all his time with them.
•Mando'a is a language because I said so. Mandalorians are still a culture. That's just my go to for all modern au's tbh.
•Jaster is the best grandpa EVER. He's the reason they're all spoiled. Auntie Zam ALSO spoils them rotten. Uncle Bossk does as well it's just a lot less. Hondo...is Hondo let's be honest here. They're spoiled sure but Jango would really like to know WHERE Hondo got everything from (he would not like the answer)
•I haven't figured out how or anything but Codywan IS happening. Same with Blyla (is that Aayla and Bly's ship name?? Gonna pretend it is-)
•In the vain of keeping ages semi cannon Fennec is 19 and a farmhand 👌. She's like..not legally adopted but she might as well be. Jango's baby girl right there. Boba follows her around like a puppy and it only annoys her a little. She's definitely the reason he knows bad words let's be honest.
•I'm leaning towards most face tattoos are just birthmarks. As far as names go those are just their names. No one ever said Jango was good at naming things. Isn't there a comic in legends where they have a pet eel and it's name is just eel?
•Everything I know about 3 year olds comes from the times I have babysat actually 3 year olds and google. So in that spirit, Boba does have a paci in the art depicted below simple because I wanted to draw a pacifier- but Jango is also trying to ween him off it so he doesn't mess up his teeth.
This au has consumed me like..ugh I'm obsessed with it. There may or may not be a pinterest board just entirely dedicated to it. You don't understand how in love with this silly little au I am-
If you made it this far through the post- have some traditional art that may or may not get turned digital eventually! (There was one of Myles and Jango but I literally cannot decide on Myles hairstyle and couldn't erase it anymore for fear of ripping the paper so...)
Join me next time (maybe-) for when I inevitably think of more headcannons for this au.
In order: Jango and Boba, Jango braiding Fennec's hair, and Cody!
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year
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Stars Beyond Number. (AO3 link, complete)
Soldiers. Heroes. Deserters. Traitors. They've been called many things. As the Galactic Empire rises from the ashes of the Republic, a small group of clone troopers and their allies will find a new identity: Rebels.
Echo, Rex, and Gregor are on a mission to save as many of their brothers as they can. The task is daunting, and their friends are few. But from these small and desperate beginnings will come a spark of resistance that will set the galaxy ablaze.
Cerra Kilian GAR Personnel Datafile
Cerra Kilian Portrait and Character Info
Martyrs and Kings. (AO3 link, complete) Star Wars meets light academia. A post-stasis Kix longfic. Clone medic Kix is a man displaced in time. Captured by Separatists and put into cryostasis when he learned the truth about the clones' inhibitor chips, he awakens fifty years after the end of the Clone Wars. The Republic is gone. The galaxy has changed. And now, the last clone trooper searches for answers with the help of a New Republic historian.
🍋 "Martyrs and Kings AND ZOMBIES!!!" 🍋 - a spooky, sexy one-shot sequel.
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Cal Kestis
Request: "Cuddles of consolation after a bad day" (GN)
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501st Legion
Rex x Reader
🍋 "No Sleep Till Coruscant" 🍋
Request: "Soft looks while cuddling" (GN)
Jesse x Reader
Jesse First Kiss Ficlet (GN)
🍋 "In Which Jesse Gets What He Deserves" (AKA the cuddlefuck fic) 🍋  
🍋"She's Such a Scream"🍋  
Hardcase x Reader
"A Question of Seman-dicks" (GN)
"Hey, Sunshine 💙" (GN)
Dogma x Reader
Quote prompt ficlet (GN)
Tup x Reader
Tup fanart!
🍋 "Do It Again" 🍋
🍋 "Tup à Trois"🍋
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The Bad Batch
Hunter x Reader
First kiss ficlet (GN)
🍋 "I Wish All Readers a Very Hunter Life Day"🍋
Crosshair x Reader
"I Know." (GN)
"The Plant Prowler of Pabu" (GN)
🍋"Too Early"🍋
Tech x Reader
Request: "Feeling the rumble of their chest when they talk while cuddling/Needing their cuddles even though they have something else to do" (GN)
Request: "Putting your ear against their heart" (GN)
Wrecker x Reader
Request: "Trying to crawl under their shirt" (GN)
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212th Attack Battalion
Commander Cody x Reader
"Someday" (GN)
🍋"The Night Before Someday"🍋 (GN)
Boil x Reader
"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 1)" (GN)
"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 2)"
"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 3)"
🍋"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 4)🍋
Art: "Boil deserves to feel pretty" (mildly 🍋. Let's say 🍊)
🍋"Double, Double Boil and Trouble (Part 5)"🍋
Waxer x Reader
"The Sixth Language (part 1)"
"The Sixth Language (part 2)"
"The Sixth Language (part 3)"
🍋 "The Sixth Language (part 4)" 🍋
"The Sixth Language (epilogue)"
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104th Battalion - Wolfpack
Wolffe x Reader
"Sweet as Summer Rain"
🍋"Just a Little Bit More"🍋
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Other Clones
Alpha-17 x Reader
🍋"Who's the Alpha Now?" 🍋 (GN)
🍋"Who's the Alpha Now? Part 2"🍋
Hound x Reader
🍋 “Watch and Learn, City Boy 🍋
T version | 🍋 E version 🍋
Neyo x Reader
🍋 "Everybody Hates Neyo." 🍋
🍋 "Everybody Hates Neyo Round 2: Matchmaking Boogaloo" 🍋 (reader got converted to OC)
Neyo first kiss ficlet (GN)
Mayday x Reader
Accidental first kiss ficlet (GN)
"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 1" (collaboration with @nika6q)
"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 2" 
🍋"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 3" 🍋
🍋"A Match for Mayday, Chapter 4" 🍋
O'Niner x Reader
🍋 "Nine Lives for Sergeant O'Niner" 🍋 (cowritten with @anxiouspineapple99) 
Sev (RC-1207) x Reader
"Are You Sure About This?" (GN)
🍋 “Turn It Up When You’re Gone.” 🍋 Part 1
🍋 “Turn It Up When You’re Gone.” 🍋 Part 2
🍋 “Turn It Up When You’re Gone.” 🍋 Part 3
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Jango Fett x Reader
"Promises and Pastry"  
Fenn Rau x Reader
🍋 Fenn Rau Thots 🍋
"The Protector of Chopper Base" (GN)
Request: Falling Asleep in Each Other's Arms (GN)
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mistatsunrise · 1 year
Condemned to Jealousy
Fandom: Star Wars, but where Fives was listened to, Palpatine is gone and the Republic is winning the war once and for all.
Pairing: Fives x Reader, unrequited Crosshair x Reader
Content: Angst and a little bit of fluff.
Warnings: Mentions of blood.
Word Count: 1642
A/N: Mando'a translations are 'mesh'la' = beautiful, and 'ner kar'ta' = my love. I wrote this in an evening so it's rather messy, but I've had this idea on my mind for a couple of days and actually wrote it for once.
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When he hears that the 501st are on shore leave too, Crosshair bristles. All he wants is some quality time away from the front lines with you, and now he knows that his chance is squandered. Whilst you had been working with Clone Force 99 since Echo joined, as his personal medic (keeping his biomechanics running smooth, as well as helping with the trauma of Skako Minor), you were previously assigned with the 501st. That meant that you were going to meet up with Troopers that you had once served with and Crosshair would be deprived of your presence. He tried to push down his annoyance at the fact, but the sniper barely lasted an hour pretending to be fine. The grumpiness of his amplified over the days before their shore leave, culminating to the present moment: sitting with his brothers in a booth at 79s, brooding over a glass of whiskey and staring daggers into the table surface.
The music around the bar pulsed with energy, the floor filled with various clones who were moving with the steady beat – either with each other or with a nat-born who’d taken interest. Some clones still wore their plastoid, some wore their blacks, or a mix of the two. Some clones even wore civ clothes, although it was somewhat rare. Most of the colour adorned by the clones here tonight was, of course, blue. Too much blue, Crosshair thought to himself as his eyes shifted over the crowd, looking for you.
It took him a while to find you, for you and those you were currently with were hidden by the throng. By then he saw you; the first glimpse he saw was of you with a wide grin spread across your features, eyes crinkled slightly, laughing at something one of the clones around you said. There are three of them with you, Crosshair identifies. Two of them are bald and tattooed, the other with slicked back hair, a vaguely anchor shaped beard, and a tattoo upon his temple. Crosshair narrowed his eyes to get a better look at the tattoos. Bald Trooper No.1 has blue lines wrapping around his scalp and onto his face; he is dancing near you, shimmying quickly and with no rhythm. The sniper actually recognised Bald Trooper No.2: Jesse. He was on Anaxes and they had a mutual dislike of each other, making Crosshair wrinkle his nose as he observes the close proximity of the clone to you… Even if Jesse is laughing at Bald Trooper No.1 and now seeking to playfully tackle him. However, Crosshair’s distaste at Jesse’s presence quickly diminishes as Bearded Trooper wraps his arm around your shoulders, turning his head to reveal his tattoo in greater detail to Crosshair – an aurbesh five. He knew this clone too, but had met him only briefly after the rescue of Echo, for he was his batch-mate, Fives…
The ARC Trooper with aurbesh tattoo looks down at you, a toothy smirk spreading across his features. His honey hued irises sparkle in the throbbing lights and you realise as your eyes lock that you have missed this man so much.
Before being assigned to the Bad Batch, before the rescue of Echo, you had served with the 501st. You got on with all of them, Rex, Jesse, Tup, Hardcase, Kix, and even Dogma, who was a little hard to like at times. But Fives… On your first day with the legion, and after being introduced to Rex’s squad as their non-combat doctor, Fives had come up to you with that smirk of his and hit you with the cheesiest pick-up line you’d ever heard. Yet, you still blushed. Not because of the line, but because of the one who’d delivered it. From then on, you’d harboured a small crush on the ARC Trooper, who flirted with you any chance he got. He visited your medbay upon the Resolute often – most clones tended to stay away, save for their regular health check-ups, but Fives seemed to like the place more than Kix. It was through these visits that you began to get an inkling that you were not the only with a slight infatuation. It lead to the moment, in the middle of Fives’ routine health check after some time in the front line, where you both ended up acting on those feelings towards each other. From then on, the pair of you had been together, in secret, not because of some rule against clones and nat-borns being together, but due to violating the rules of the workplace. Yet, now that you served with the Bad Batch, not with Fives and the 501st, it was becoming more and more tempting to be not so secret about your relationship.
That is why, as you look into Fives’ eyes, his arm about your shoulders, you decide to raise a hand to loop around to the back of his head, your fingers slipping between his brunet locks. He raises a brow slightly, although as his eyes become hooded it is clear that he is having similar thoughts to yours.
“Mesh’la,” he mutters in his deep baritone, “I don’t want to keep this secret anymore.”
“Fives… Neither do I.”
In that moment, Fives pulls you in for a kiss, his lips encompassing yours softly. In that moment too, you hear the smashing of glass. You break away from Fives, who groans with frustration, yet too looks towards the source of the noise. You both expect it to be nothing much, maybe overly drunk patrons. It’s not nothing, as the table where your current squad sits is now in disarray and a certain member of Clone Force 99 is staring deadly daggers at Fives. The said clone makes an awkward sound in confusion, eyes flicking towards you with a hint of panic within them as he whispers in your ear, “Ner kar’ta, why is he glaring at me?”
You shake your head slightly, partially in disbelief, but also to indicate to Fives that you don’t know. “He’s usually grumpy, but I’ve never seen him like… this. Let me deal with this.”
As you talk with Fives, Crosshair is swiftly stomping over. Before Fives gets a chance to respond to you, a fist lands directly in the side of his nose, causing him to stumble and nearly pull you over with him. You untangle yourself from Fives, seeing red in the corners of your eyes as you turn to face the assailant, Crosshair. He looks enraged. However, your expression gives him a run for his credits.
“Crosshair! What the kriff was that?!” The entirety of the bar has their eyes on you as you shout, many of the 501st in the bar moving to gather around. Jesse and Hardcase, who were with you in the moments before the incident, have stepped in to check on Fives, who is holding his nose that gushes with his own crimson blood. Rex, who was sitting with the Commanders, has stood up and approached slowly, ready to step in to be the mediator, and alongside him is Cody too, the pair ready to work the dynamic duo as always. Kix is currently pushing his way through the crowd towards you as well, seeming to go full combat medic mode at the commotion. The Bad Batch have reacted too, all slightly differently. Wrecker has leapt from his seat, ready to fight. Echo has quickly moved to grab the oversized clone, and Hunter too has stopped his brother from starting a whirlwind of chaos, although seems to be more relaxed about potentially letting Wrecker off the leash if there is good reason to. Tech still sits in the back of the booth, awkwardly looking over his datapad at the situation. All of them wait, however, to see how Crosshair responds.
The silver haired sniper hisses an exhale, before snarling his words, “The reg kissed you!”
In your eyes, it is a pretty poor excuse. “So?!” You call out, your anger bubbling up with the increasing heat.
Crosshair narrows his eyes, taken aback by the question, yet this time he has a better response, spoken quietly this time, his words now laced with venom, “It looks like you’re being taken advantage of…”
If you hadn’t been drinking then maybe you would have said something better, but what comes out of you is spat that the sniper with frustration at his apparent blunder.
“I’m dating Fives, I ain’t being kriffing taken advantage of!”
Crosshair’s expression falls for a moment, a look of abject horror upon his features. Yet it disappears as quickly as it appears. He seems done, done with everything now. Turning around, to head towards the exit of the bar, he growls, “Kriff you…” He leaves then, storming out. Hunter drags Wrecker along with him after their brother, whilst Echo lets go to rush across to you and Fives, whose nose is now clogged up with napkins from the bar to stop the bleeding.
It is as Echo comes towards you and Crosshair steps out the door of the bar that the realisation of what truly happened hits you. All those around you disappear as your entire focus turns to Fives. You rush over towards him, the shouts of the clones about you trying to disperse the crowd falling on deaf ears as you throw yourself against Fives, wrapping your arms around him.
“I’m sorry, Fives-“
“Ssssh, ner kar’ta, not your fault. He was just jealous.” Fives wraps his arms about you, engulfing you in his warmth and comfort, placing a gentle kiss atop the crown of your head.
Meanwhile, Crosshair storms away from 79s and into the night of Coruscant, he realises that he will always be jealous in regard to you. Jealous because you are the one thing he cannot have, for Fives has already claimed you.
Thanks for reading!
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jillianfahey · 4 months
Bad Batch Crosshair - Modern AU (Family is Annoying in any Universe)
A short look into the reception for Crosshair and Lyni's marriage.
Crosshair felt joy in his chest waking up next to Lyni. So much so that he dreaded his next deployment because it meant he had to take a break from being next to her. But Riyo promised that by his next leave the adoption papers for the twins Brutal and Shadow would be though then he could take all three to get military IDs.
And after the adoption goes through we'll take a vacation just the four of us, he promised himself. It was a promise that was keeping him from murdering many of his family members at this reception. They were testing his patience with the entirety of the Fett clan turning out to meet who one of their party boys was settling down with.
Looking around he could see his brothers talking to their cousins Cody and Rex, with a few of their brothers standing close by. Wolffe with his eye patch was giving stern stares at anyone who was headed his way so most steered clear of him. Shadow and Brutal were playing with some of the younger members of the clan, and Lyni was keeping a watchful eye on them.
Soon Jango started walking over, and Crosshair could feel the anger build up in him at the sight of the man. Most of his brothers had a strained relationship with their father, who was rightly called a dead beat. Jango had done little to raise them, preferring to leave them with the women that he slept with only to turn up later with gifts to try and mend the rift. One of the reasons Crosshair had slept around so much was because he was tired of fighting the expectation with Jango Fett as his father.
Lyni's slender hand slipped into his and Cross felt his anger melt away with her touch. Turning he smiled at his Riddur, his wife, and tried to ignore the man coming towards them. Jango had not gotten the hint, "Crosshair, why didn't you tell me you had such a lovely Cyre?"
Because my sweetheart is none of your business he wanted to say but didn't. Instead stating, "You have never been interested before."
Lyni squeezed his hand with her left as she extended her right, "It is nice to meet you Mr Fett, I'm Lyni."
Smiling the flirtatious smile he turned on all of his children's partners Jango answered taking her hand to shake, "What a lovely name for a lovely lady."
Raising an eyebrow, "A compliment that will never be returned to you sir." Crosshair snorted at the look on his fathers face but Lyni gave her practiced smile, "Now if you excuse us I have other members of the family to meet." Giving him a short nod she and Crosshair walked away and continued meeting members of the family.
There was Alpha and his generation, Colt and the rest of the uncles, Cody and the rest of the older cousins and then Tup and the rest of the younger cousins. Not to mention the spouses and partners of many of the older ones. Colt wife Shaak Ti stepped forward and took Lynis hands into hers, "Do not worry young one." With one of the tougura woman's gentle smiles, "Everyone will fall in place given time." Lyni just nodded and followed Cross some more.
Finally they had mad the rounds and settled at a picnic table for some lunch. Lyni relaxed a bit when Shadow and Brutal joined them with Wrecker following. He had also been playing with the kids but stopped when the twins wanted to rest. At this table for a moment they were just the Bad Batch and the Dathmarian trio. Lyni leaned her head on Crosshair's shoulder and sighed, "Is it always like this?" Her hand motioned to the chaos of the family unfolding around them.
Crosshair wrapped an arm around her shoulders while Hunter patted her shoulder comfortingly, "Only on a full get together. Otherwise there are less people." Lyni nodded once but sat up with with her practiced smile on her face when others joined the table.
I'm sorry if it did not have as much interactions with the clones as wanted and/or expected. I am just trying to stay writing on a regular basis and this is what came out.
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
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🍭= fluff
🔥🍭= spicy fluff
🌋= smut
🌋🖋️= smut with a plot
❤️‍🩹= angst
💭= headcanon (🔥💭= spicy headcanon)
🎥= in progress/on going
🎞️= complete
💡= coming soon
🛠️ = under construction
Requests are: Closed
Request Guidelines are: Here
If you wanna join the taglist, here’s the form to do so 🥰
Links under the cut 😎
The Bad Batch
Headcanons Pt. 1 💭
Focus (Crosshair) 🔥🍭
Distractions (Tech) 🔥 🍭
Accidental Hand Touching (Wrecker) 🍭
Looking at their lips as they talk (Tech) 🍭
Sharing a blanket when it’s cold (Echo) 🍭
Discovering common interests (Echo) ❤️‍🩹🍭
Asking them about their family (Tech) 🍭
The Bad Batch Reacts to a ticklish S/O 🍭
Remind Me of Us (Echo) ❤️‍🩹🌋🖋️
How would Echo propose? 💭🍭
The 501st
Admiring them from afar (Fives) 🍭
Exchanging secret smiles (Dogma) 🍭
Exchanging gifts for the first time (Tup) 🍭
Visiting them at their place of work (Jesse) 🍭
First conversation alone (Hardcase) 🍭
Kiss and Tell Them You’re Mine (Dogma)🎥 : part 1 🌋🖋️
Captain Rex HCs part 1 💭
Kix thots part 1 🔥💭 part 2 💭
Reacts to a drunken ‘I love you’ 💭
Cody & the 212th
Eye contact across a crowded room🍭 (Cody)
Fly The Night 🍭 (oc Blizzard)
Wolffe & the Wolfpack
Fox & the Corries
Fox Thoughts/Thots Pt. 1 💭 and 🔥💭
Fox Day HC: pt. 1, pt. 2, pt. 3
Fox Kisses pt. 1/? 🔥🍭
Thorn HC pt 1 💭
Bet on Red 🍭 (oc Flicker)
Dating Kanan and Hera part 1 💭
The (New) Rebel Romantics 💡
Absence//Fonder 🎥
part 1 ❤️‍🩹🍭
part 2 🍭
part 3 - Hunter 🌋🖋️
part 4 - Crosshair 🌋🖋️
part 5 - Tech 🌋🖋️
part 6 - Echo 🌋🖋️
part 7 - Wrecker 🌋🖋️
part 8 - ??? 👀
In Pieces 🎥
The Hype 🌋 🖋️
Pressure - one shot 🔥🍭
(Never Had A) Friend Like Me 💡
Right to Love Matchmaking AU 🎥
Thorn 🎥: part 1, part 2, part 3
One Call Away (Fox x Daria Trace-ofc)🎥: part 1, part 2, part 3
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knightprincess · 3 months
Forgive Me (Echo x Medic Reader) - Epilogue
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Words: 2.5k Warnings: Suggested injuries, paralyzation. Fluff, family. Pronouns Used: She/Her - Used of Y/N - Reader is nicknamed Snap.
Pabu was peaceful once more. With the return of those who’d gone off to Tantis came the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. The fight against the empire had just begun, and at the call of Echo, Rex, Gregor, and Howzer joined the group on the peaceful island. Each greeted with the news of (Y/N), the truth about the CX Troopers, and reunited with old friends many believed to have been lost. By far, Fives’s reappearance was the most shocking, especially for Rex, who’d been there the day he was supposedly killed.
Although the rebellion against the Empire grew, it was put on the back burner for a few months. With the scattered information (Y/N) had managed to give, Comet fully recovered, although he chose not to fight any longer. Instead, he settled for a quiet life on Pabu, helping to protect the people. By the time the battle of Yvain took place, Comet had become known as the “Old Uncle” who told the best stories.
Dogma, too, made a full recovery. Although he’d been unaware of what had occurred after his imprisonment during the war, he had been aware of Order 66. A once rule-abiding trooper, his heart almost broke to learn the Republic was no more, being replaced with the cold, unforgiving Empire. Wanting nothing more than forgiveness for his previous action, Dogma joined the Rebellion to fight for all the brothers lost during and after the war. He wrote the names of those he fought for on his armor, ensuring they would never be forgotten.
Among the names were Tup, Kix, and Jesse. He’d helped Rex with his rebellion until the Empire launched a crushing blow on Barton 4, the base of operations at the time. There, Dogma gave his life to protect what remained of his brothers and the innocent civilians hoping to escape for a better life. Among those he saved were Hera Syndulla and the former Jedi Caleb Dume.
Although Cody physically recovered from Tantis and the empire, his mind never did. Plagued with nightmares of the past, of guilt for what he’d helped bring about, and grief for all those needlessly lost. For a while, he stayed on Pabu, helping the rebellion every now and again. After a while, he decided to search for Obi-Wan. Unknown to Snap, she’d helped him. Her repeated word of “Tattooine” was all he needed.
Once he’d found Obi-Wan on Tattooine, he apologized for what happened and asked forgiveness, volunteering to do whatever was asked of him. Although hesitant initially, Obi-Wan eventually came around, asking Cody to bury his and Anakin’s lightsabers in the Dune Sea. Cody would leave Tattooine in 3BBY when Mon Mothma called for aid in her rebellion. He became a pilot and later an instructor for the Rebellion, helping to train those who bravely volunteered and prepare them for battle.
Fives, on the other hand, was a different matter altogether. Hemlock had taken an interest in the former Arc Trooper, claiming him as his personal project. After much research it was revealed Fives was supposed to be phase two of the CX troopers, aimed to be more like the Bad Batch members, enhanced physically and mentally. Because of that, his programming was far harder to reverse. Although thankful, he was able to recognize those he’d previously known.
Like with Dogma, he wasn’t aware of the Republic’s fall nor Order 66 and the destruction of the Jedi. All of it came as a cruel shock to the former Arc Trooper, even more so when it became clear all of it was a part of the plot he’d discovered before his believed death. It took several years to reverse what Hemlock had done, but it had come at a cost. With the removal of the implants, Fives was paralyzed from the waist down. However, that didn’t stop him from living a full life on Pabu, free from the war, both past and present. Fives would spend his time in the island's gardens and with (Y/N). His favorite time of day was sunset. The sight of the island lighting up never ceased to amaze him.
Gregor, Rex, and Howzer stayed on Pabu for a while after Tantis and joined the others. Howzer had taken a liking to Emerie, and thrust went on several assignments with her. The pair eventually reunited Jax, Eva, Baron, and Sami with their families. Like Cody, Howzer would join the Rebellion, being inspired by the words of the young Jedi Knight, Ezra Bridger. Sadly, Howzer and Emerie both perished at Scarif, helping Jyn Erso with her surprise attack and retrieval of the Death Star plans.
As everyone knows, Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor went into “retirement” briefly. But before that, they fought in many more battles, including Barton 4, The first failed Battle of Scarif, and The Battle of Anaxes. The latter resulted in the destruction of the planet due to the old volatile bomb Admiral Trent had once planted exploding.
All three great commanders would rejoin the fight many years later, likely many brothers they each joined the rebellion in varying degrees. Rex joined the Phoenix Squadron and later fought in the Battles of Lothal, Yvain 4, Hoth, and Endor. Rex would also be reunited with R2-D2, and told Luke stories of his father, Anakin Skywalker.
Gregor would fight and fall in the Battle of Lothal, finally being able to fight for a course he believed in and a battle of his own choosing. He’d later be laid to rest on Pabu, under the watchful eye of (Y/N)—the civvi medic who became family.
Wolffe was a different story. Although he fought in the Clone Uprising, he joined later than many of his brothers. Refusing to leave Snap until he was sure she’d be okay, the civvi medic all put throwing him on the ship, showing shades of her old self when she swore to bring hell if he didn’t keep in contact. Wolffe kept his promise throughout retirement and remained in contact with (Y/N), the Bad Batch members, and Comet.
Following the loss of Gregor and the battle of Lothal, Wolffe continued to fight, joining the Havoc Squadron, which was made up of Omega, Mox, Deke, and Stak. Many times, he commented they remained him of the boys, his wolf pack. When the Civil War ended, Wolffe retired once more, becoming a permanent Pabu resident. When returning, he took Omega and the rest of Havoc home.
What happened to the family of Clone Force 99, you may ask? Well, simply put, they retired. With all the jokes, antics, and family drama, one might expect. During the quieter moments, Omega’s training continued, with Deke, Mox, and Stak joining. Over the years, Fives, Comet, and (Y/N) were pulled into the family unit, ensuring none of them were alone. Wolffe would begrudgingly become a member of the makeshift family when the Civil War ended. Omega nicknamed him Gruffly Uncle Wolffe and occasionally Growls, depending on her mood.
Wrecker turned his love of fishing into a day job, joining the fishermen on the tides for days on end. Of course, he’d always come back with elaborate stories to tell and always greeted those who were part of his family with a bone-crushing hug. By the time the “kids” joined the war effort, Wrecker was confined to a wheelchair, but that didn’t stop him from playing games with the kids and being there to see Stak off the night he joined the Rebellion.
Believe it or not, Crosshair decided to open a little carnival of shooting games, everything from throwing things at targets to water guns. For the fun of it, he’d added hook-a-duck and give prizes. The former sniper also loved cooking and drawing, often experimenting in the kitchen and engaging in banter with Hunter and Wrecker. His artistic skills were something of a legend on Pabu, his keen eyes allowing him to capture the details others missed. Eventually Crosshair took up photography, capturing the beauty in both people and the simple things in life.
At some point, he “adopted” Deke, ensuring the former cadet had a family to rely on. He passed down all his skills as a sniper, unknowingly preparing him for the rebellion to come. Although reluctant to let Deke go, Crosshair would see his boy off the day he left Pabu and greeted him with a fatherly hug when he returned. The two were in constant contact through the war, with Deke never being afraid to pester his dad for advice, needing a confidence boost or a reminder of home.
Tech had quite the journey. At first he avoided almost everything to do with his life before Tantis and becoming a CX Trooper. Instead, focusing on helping (Y/N) recover and reversing the reconditioning each trooper, including himself, had been put through. For the most part, Tech recovered; although his mind remained the same, he could never steady his hands again. There were always tremors and spasms. Along the way, he’d also lost his confidence, becoming self-conscious about his scars and mismatched eyes.
Wolffe helped with the scars, while Phee and (Y/N) had worked together. Phee worked on the present and future, while Snap helped Tech process the past and became the project he wanted to fix. Eventually, Tech joined Phee on her adventures across the galaxy, reigniting their previous spark of romance. Tech and Phee would adopt Mox and eventually marry; although they’d go on all kinds of adventures, they’d always return with priceless artifacts from across the galaxy.
Sadly, Tech eventually lost his sight. No one knows for sure what happened. He’d woken up one day, and his normal golden eye was nothing but black. His cybernetic was damaged not long after, resulting in partial blurred vision. Despite losing vision, Tech still enjoyed the peaceful life on Pabu, becoming a flight instructor after retiring from going on adventures with Phee. Just like Wrecker, Crosshair, and Hunter, Tech was there to see Mox off when he joined the Rebellion, a proud smile knowing the next generation was ready to take over.
What happened to Echo and Y/N, I hear you ask?
Echo stayed on Pabu for a while, enjoying the peace and helping where possible. He was there for Cody when the reversal process started and Tech when the exceptionally minded clone allowed him to help. Likewise, when the struggles began with Fives and (Y/N), Echo was there to offer a hand.
The challenge with Snap truly started upon finding out how much she remembered. She did remember some things from the war, joining the efforts: Fox, Thorn and the Coruscant Guard, Master Plo, Wolffe, and the 104th. She remembered everything, right up to the day Fives had told her of Echo’s supposed death at the Citadel. Then nothing. Anyone she met after that point had to reintroduce themselves, hoping something, anything, would retrigger her memory of them.
Over time, other things came to light. At first, (Y/N) struggled to speak outside of a selected few repeated words: Tech, Help, Thank you, Love, Necklace, and Free. Eventually, she was able to speak almost perfectly, with a stutter and sometimes long pauses, as she took the time to allow her mind to catch up. Hunter took the time to help her speak with Tech and Wolffe's assistance.
Retrigging (Y/N)’s memory wasn’t easy. Certain words seemed to bring things back, as did actions and objects, but it didn’t always stick. Sometimes, it was as if her memory reset every night. As you can gather, Snap was never able to return to her previous role of Medic, her mind too broken to allow her to continue doing her previous job role. Although she did patch the boys up from time to time.
No one knows for sure what triggered her memory of Echo’s rescue. Every time she’d seen him before that, it was as if she didn’t know who he was. He’d introduce himself as if they were strangers. Then, one day, she recognized him. That day, her first words to him were simple enough: “You’re alive.”
Echo hadn’t smiled as much as he had done that day. To hear her utter those words, knowing she remembered something more, meant the galaxy to him. However their relationship never returned to what it was, mainly due to Echo’s guilt for what happened. He blamed himself even if no one else did, even if (Y/N) didn’t.
Instead, The pair built up a strong friendship; Snap would offer the encouragement needed to continue his fight against the empire while reminding him to stay safe; his family still needed him after all, even if he didn’t realize it.
The hardest part for Snap was relearning all she forgot, sometimes, many times over. Her family, the war ends, the fall of the republic, the Jedi purge, and even her own actions. The latter of which (Y/N) was determined to put right. Eventually succeeding, first with Cody, then Comet, Tech, after he finally deemed she was able to complete the necessary steps sufficiently, and finally Fives, with Tech assisting, and Rex along with Gregor to provide a helping hand when needed.
Of course, Wrecker kept to his word; he contacted Devika when the ship landed on Pabu. The young Senator visited at every chance, helping where she could and thanking with gifts and knowledge. When away, Devika would also call at every opportunity, updating those stowed away on the peaceful island on the goings-on of the wider galaxy.
As for retirement, Echo never really did retire; when the uprising failed, he helped Devika with her plans in the senate, eventually leading to a bigger rebellion. For the most part, the former Arc Trooper worked as an analyst and battle strategist. However, when the others retired, he remained in contact with the bad batch and the family on Pabu, along with Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe. Echo lived to see the empire fall, settling down on Coruscant when it all ended, along with Rex. However, he’d visit Pabu when able.
(Y/N) never left Pabu, instead settling on the island along with those who became her family. Although she could never aid as a medic again, she did train the next generation. And helped to raise the kids. At first, she lived with the Batch, mainly with Hunter and Tech, if only so they could keep an eye on her and help when needed. Eventually, though, she tried to live on her own, something that they all discovered was disastrous, even more so upon discovering (Y/N) no longer had the mental capacity to live alone.
By the time Mon Mothma called for the rebellion to unite, Snap was living with Fives and Comet, running a little stall at the island market, selling flowers from her little garden and handmade clothes, blankets, and trinkets. She never got tired of hearing the stories the others would tell, and although her memory never truly recovered, she still enjoyed listening to the others, whether it be about past adventures or about their day. They were her family, salvation, saviors, and rocks when she needed them most—her reason for continuing when she lost everything, including herself.
A/N - Thank you for coming on this little journey with me. May the force be with you, always x
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tup-ika-5385 · 1 year
Fic Complete!
Chapter 3 Summary:
A rescue attempt for Hunter occurs, Wrecker provides some tlc, and Tup has a heart-to-heart with a couple members of the Bad Batch.
Chapter 3: Petals and Rube-Goldberg Machines
“Crosshair reporting in. Two internal cameras inside. They look like they’re activated.” From his perch on a nearby building, Crosshair’s enhanced vision let him see through the tinted windows into an empty storage facility. Like Tech had said earlier, the walls were heavily fortified, with very few visible entry-points.
Tech gave an affirmative hum, parked in a nearby alley with his datapad and a “borrowed” speeder. “Copy that. They must have their system hardwired into the building. I’ll try to intercept the feed from here. Wrecker, what’s your status?”
Comm crackling, Wrecker responded. “All good here! Your transceiver doo-dad is plugged in, and the light’s blinking green! Hah! And they thought a few layers of duracrete could stop me!”
“Yes, it is quite fortunate that the building’s internal systems shared a common wall with the alley. Regroup with Tup until we have more intel.”
“Gotcha! Be there soon!”
A few moments passed with Tech tapping away at his datapad before he made a noise of success. “I’ve managed to connect to their security feed, but it doesn’t appear that they have audio capabilities.”
“Hey Crosshair, just how good is your aim?” Tup asked, keeping a lookout near Tech’s location.
“What’s it to you?”
“Well, if you have any more of those surveillance rounds, I see some vents up in the roof. They’re not big enough for us, or any detonators, but we could probably slip a mic through one if you can get the angle right.” He suggested, looking through his scopes.
Crosshair smirked, proceeding to do just that. “Next time, give me a real challenge, reg.”
Tup grinned as he saw the tiny surveillance mic careening through the air and right into the pipe he’d been talking about. On comms, he asked, “Tech, are you getting anything?”
“Affirmative. We now have eyes and ears in the building.”
“Do ya see Hunter?” Wrecker asked, just now arriving back with Tup.
“Possibly. One moment while I look for a better angle.” Tech said, scrolling through the different views on his datapad. “It looks like he’s being held in the back, in some kind of enclosure. Upon further analysis of his holding area, it is unlikely that he is their first captive... I’ll try and contact him through the mic.” He grimaced; interactions with slavers and mercernaries were never his favorite.
“Won’t his captors hear that?” Tup asked, concerned.
Tech shook his head, making his way back towards the rest of the group. “Unlikely. Given Hunter’s advanced hearing, we are able to utilize soundwaves that are entirely inaudible to most known species. Hunter, do you copy?” He spoke into his comm, now connected with the mic Crosshair had shot into the vents. On Tech’s datapad, they could see Hunter give a small affirmative nod, followed by a few odd taps and coughs.
Tup grinned, recognizing the signal for what it was. “Is that dadita? I’ve seen some of the ARCs use it as some kind of code. It’s originally Mandalorian, right?” 
Tech nodded, easily translating Hunter’s message. “Indeed, although we have modified it slightly for our own purposes. Hunter is saying that there are five assailants inside, and a number of battle droids. Thankfully, it sounds like he managed to disable their stealth tech when he was taken, otherwise our incursion would be decidedly more challenging.” 
Comms chirping again as Crosshair spoke, his voice betrayed his earlier impatience. “Alright, you’ve got your intel. Let’s go save Hunter so we can hold it over his shebs for the next tenday.”
Wrecker grinned, a vicious glint in his eyes as he pounded his fists together. “Let’s do this! Any ideas, Tup?” He asked, turning to their honorary member.
“How about Plan 56?” Tup responded, adjusting the sheath of his vibroknife. Wrecker and Tech nodded in agreement, and even Crosshair had a sense of smug satisfaction as he voiced his agreement.
The incursion went about as smoothly as they could've hoped for, with Wrecker blasting through the front door and Crosshair behind him, just far enough from the entrance that he didn’t become a target while he took out the three forward assailants. Meanwhile, Tech and Tup went in through the back, with Tup taking Hunter’s usual slot in the formation and slicing through Hunter’s cuffs with his own vibroknife (a gift from Fives), covering him until the last of the droids was taken down. 
The two remaining assailants were competent fighters, with one managing to slash Tup’s arm with their knife, but they couldn’t match Tech’s brutal efficiency or Hunter’s close-quarters-combat training, even while he was sporting a head injury. It had taken Tech less than five minutes to get the proof they needed to confirm that these were the supply thieves, and another two to contact the Republic and tell them where to find the rest of the stolen goods. It wasn’t long before the facility was quiet and the mission objective was complete.
“No offense, but I didn’t really take you to be the medic of the group.” Tup commented, wincing as Wrecker carefully applied an antiseptic spray to the cut on Tup’s arm. He’d already checked Hunter’s head injury, giving him a bacta patch and a surprisingly gentle hug before herding him towards his bunk, now safely back on the Marauder.
“Oh yeah?” Wrecker asked, curious.
Tup grinned sheepishly. “Heh, yeah. I originally thought Tech, or maybe Hunter, but you’re pretty good at this stuff.”
Wrecker laughed, “Hah! The Kaminoans thought the same at first, but Tech’s a little… uh, squeamish. Doesn’t like looking at blood and stuff. ‘Course, if I ever got hurt bad enough, he has the training to figure it out, but I don’t mind takin’ the rest of it.”
He got out a smaller bacta patch, continuing. “Took a couple tries to pass the certification tests, but it’s more hands-on than book stuff, so I did alright. Plus, I injured myself often enough during training that it just made sense to learn how to patch myself up, ya know?”
“Hmm, makes sense.” Tup nodded, giving Wrecker a grateful look as he finished wrapping his arm.
“Thanks, vod. Looks great!” He stood up, patting Wrecker on the arm, now knowing to brace himself for the returning slap on the back before going to look for Tech.
“Hey Tech, how’s the ship?” Tup asked, stepping into the cockpit. “Not that I don’t love spending time with you all, but I was wondering what the plan was for meeting back up with the 501st.” He grinned sheepishly.
“The ship is functioning optimally. We will be rendezvousing with the 501st at a base near Sullust, although we should arrive a few days before them.” Tech nodded in greeting, keeping a cautionary eye on the controls.
“That’s good. Hopefully Hunter should be feeling better by then.” Tup said, sitting in the copilot’s chair. An awkward silence followed for a moment before he spoke up again.
“I, uh, couldn’t help but notice that our takeoff from Lothal was a lot… smoother than our first one. Was that for Hunter’s benefit, or…?” Tup hedged, asking but not quite asking the question.
Tech’s gaze met his, searching for a moment before coming to some sort of decision. Tone hesitant, he responded carefully. “When Clone Force 99 first started getting sent out on missions, we experienced a number of… miscommunications between ourselves and ground crews. Landing strip designations would be changed, supplies would be mislabeled. One time, Crosshair had a rather troublesome injury, but we were prevented from landing for nearly two hours due to a… clerical issue.” His tone suggested that these occurrences were more than just simple accidents, and Tup grimaced.
“However, I found that these difficulties were easily rectified by landing before our identities were confirmed, as long as we were not mistaken for enemy forces. Thus, our penchant for… flashy entrances.” He flashed Tup a self-satisfied look. “I am unsure if this strategy is still necessary, given our growing reputation for battlefield efficiency, but it makes for efficient supply pickups, and the repercussions have been relatively minor.”
“Ask for forgiveness, not permission. Right? I get it. Pretty smart.” Tup nodded, appreciating the strategy for what it was.
Tech didn’t reply, but his shoulders loosened slightly at the approval, lips quirking into a small smile. Another few moments passed before Tech spoke again. “May I ask a personal question?”
“Shoot.” Tup nodded, giving permission.
“What is the meaning behind your tattoo, if it’s not rude to ask? I admit, common knowledge of that particular tattoo seems contrary to your constituent personality traits.” 
“Oh, yeah, sure. I don’t mind sharing.” Tup grinned sheepishly before explaining. “I got it after my first mission with the 501st, for a couple of reasons. I’ve always been a little more… emotional than most troopers; it used to get me in trouble with the trainers, but the one time I really met General Ti, she told me not to be ashamed of my tears– that they… made me human, you know?” 
He gave a self-deprecating smile before continuing. “Then on my first campaign, all but one of my batchmates got killed. On that planet, I can’t remember the name, they had these flowering trees that would bloom for about a month each year, filling the streets with these little blue petals, shaped kinda like the mark on my armor… but the people there would take a day or two to remember their loved ones, those who had marched away…” 
Shaking his head, his voice took on a bit of an edge. “... Lucky us, that the Separatists invaded at just the right time that we got to see it… but I always liked that idea, keeping them in mind so they’re not forgotten…” He clutched his helmet in his hands, giving Tech a bittersweet smile. 
“The more I thought about it, I realized how fitting it was. The tears for me, and the flowers for my batchmates. It’s hard to tell, but the shape’s a little different between my tattoo and my armor... It wasn’t until later that I learned this symbol is used by civvies to signify that a death has been avenged… but that fits too, I guess.” He took a slow, shaking inhale, clenching his hands into fists.
“When I fight, I’m not out there for the Republic. Sure, I care about keeping civvies safe, but they have choices my brothers never got, and it makes me so… angry, if I stop and think about it for too long. So whether it’s blasting droids or Separatists, I’m fighting for them, even now that they’ve marched on.” 
Tech was quiet for a long moment, contemplating Tup’s words, more than a little surprised by his openness. “I must express… I do not know what I would do if one of my brothers was… t-taken from me… you have my greatest sympathies.”
Tup rubbed at his face, warding away any forming tears. Only the roughness in his voice betrayed his thoughts.“...Thanks…”
“Your remaining brother, what is his name?”
The reflective look on Tup’s face morphed into a small smile. “Dogma. If you guys stick around long enough, maybe you could meet him.”
“I would be honored to make his acquaintance, Tup.”
Once they’d arrived back on base, the group had quickly settled into their temporary barracks and slept for the next twelve hours. Even if it was mostly a stakeout mission, the stress of having one of their members taken had left them pretty exhausted. Even Tup had buried himself in his blankets and slept for a good long while. After waking up and joining the others for first-meal, which had gotten him a few weird looks at first but he ignored them, he found himself sitting in the barracks, checking his comms more out of boredom than necessity.
He didn’t notice that anyone else had stepped into the room until Crosshair was standing right in front of him, knocking on the bed frame to get his attention. 
“Hey, Reg,” he called out. “I’m headed to do some target practice. You can come if you’re not too annoying.” 
Tup’s eyes widened and he gave the sniper a surprised grin. “Really? Thanks!” He hurriedly grabbed his blaster, along with a hair-tie to fix his hair, and followed after Crosshair, trying not to look too excited. 
Crosshair huffed, shaking his head at Tup’s enthusiasm. There was… a much needed apology he was very actively avoiding. He slid a toothpick in his mouth and led the way to the base’s meager shooting range.
“How’s your arm treating you?” He asked noncommittally, watching Tup take aim, wanting to see what the kid– the trooper could do.
“It’s alright, more of a surface wound than anything. Wrecker helped me clean it up.” Aiming for the targets, he tried not to feel self-conscious about the sniper’s attention.
 All things considered, he was a pretty good shot, and he managed to hit most of them pretty close to center, except for the last one, which he hit in the second ring. He’s nowhere near Crosshair’s level of accuracy, but not half-bad.
“Your aim isn’t precise enough. Widen your stance and square your shoulders. Imagine like you’re tucking them into your back pockets—It’ll help with your aim.” Crosshair said gruffly as he watched Tup shoot, eyes narrowed.
Tup huffed slightly but adjusted his stance. From what little he’d seen of Crosshair’s sniping skills, it was obvious that he knew what he was doing. “Uh, okay. I’ll do that next time, thanks.”
He tried again, more mindful this time, and took aim. This time each one of his shots was a kill shot, if the targets had been made of more than flimsi.
The ghost of a smile slipped across his face and he tipped his chin up, putting a hand on Tup’s shoulder. “Not bad,” he said. “Could be better, but not bad at all. Try it again, but relax. You look like you’re sitting on a live-wire. You’re holding too much tension and it’s making you shake, just slightly. Loosen up, kid.”
He gave Crosshair a small smile at the compliment, the tension in his shoulders relaxing automatically at Crosshair’s touch. “Thanks, I’ll try that…”
Aiming once again, he managed to hit all the targets, but he couldn’t feel much difference between this and the way he usually did it. “Looks about the same as last time, but if you say it helps, I believe you.” He grinned sheepishly, gesturing for Crosshair to take a few tries.
Crosshair huffed, but raised his own rifle, coolly taking aim. “You can’t see it, but I can. You’re more precise this way. Your accuracy isn’t terrible, but your precision could use work. It’ll help to relax.” This firing range looked almost too easy for him, as he not only hit center every time, but fired a couple more shots that lined up perfectly with Tup’s slightly-off center marks.
“Nice.” Tup admired, impressed. 
Crosshair smirked, chin tilting upward in pride. “This is nothing. You should see the tricks Wrecker and I get up to when we’re ship-side for too long.” 
“Have you ever heard of a Rube-Goldberg Machine? It’s a civvie thing where a lot of precise actions wreak havoc, causing different chain reactions; think dominoes, but with more… flair. Anyways, Tech’s always got a million gadgets hanging around his bunk, and if you aim a credit just right, his whole bunk turns into one of those.” His self-satisfied smirk widened, prompting a grin from Tup.
“Sounds like you four have a lot of fun. I’ve been wondering, what’s the age-order for your squad? I’d assume that Hunter’s the oldest, but…”
“Yeah, Hunter’s the oldest; only brings it up to boss us around, but he’s not a bad Sergeant. Then there’s Wrecker, Tech, then me.”
“You’re the youngest?” Tup blinked in surprise.
A faint smile quirked at the sniper’s lips. “I am, and I made sure everybody knew it, back when we were cadets. I was always getting my batchmates into trouble— it used to drive Tech crazy. He nagged and nitpicked at me at every turn. Utterly obnoxious.” He said, without bite.
Tup rolled his eyes, starting to get used to Crosshair’s prickly attitude. “Sounds about right. I was the oldest in our batch, but for some reason I’d usually end up being treated like the baby of the group… “ He looked mildly grumpy at the memory, but mostly nostalgic. “… and Dogma was number three, right in the middle.”
He grinned at Crosshair’s description of Tech. “Heh, sounds a little like Dogma. He’s always been a stickler for the rules, especially since we were around six, I think... We had a rough time with one of the trainers at that age... It felt like he was just waiting for us to make a mistake so he could get us in trouble, so Dogma would bug us a lot if we didn’t do things right, because then someone could get in trouble... o-or maybe taken... but he did it because he cared, even if he expressed it differently... sounds like your batchmate might’ve been similar in that way…” He offered Crosshair a small smile.
“Hm, maybe.” Crosshair hummed before changing the subject. “If you’re done takin’ a nostalgia trip, square up. We need to work on that shab’la aim of yours.” He grumbled, but Tup could spot a hint of a smile in his eyes.
Eventually, the 501st arrived and Tup returned to his squad, getting an enthusiastic hug from Hardcase and a scolding from Dogma for injuring his arm. As the Bad Batch took off, as chaotic as always, he gave them a wave goodbye. He wouldn’t mind seeing those brothers again someday.
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masterjedilenawrites · 4 months
Heyy 🌸🩷 I’ve been a really big fan of your Headcanons about the boys <3 I wanted to request something as well and it’s
,,what are their favorite fragrances on you“ or what fragrance really attracts them I know for a fact Crosshair would go for something strong
This is a fun one, thank you! I went with smells in general, so it could apply to a perfume on a partner or a fragrance they'll smell in their environment that makes them happy 😊
(I actually have a different HC for Crosshair, but I could see him enjoying a good strong scent every once in a while.)
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Fox and Jesse love sweeter smells, though only Fox would ever actually admit this. Anything sugary, flowery, or fruity is their jam.
Kix and Crosshair tend to go for clean smells, something fresh like soap or ocean breeze, or more sharp like citrus or lemongrass.
Wrecker and Mayday prefer natural aromas, whether it's someone's B.O. (no joke, they don't mind a little sweat), or something woodsy and mossy. 
Wolffe and Hardcase go nuts for something dark and heavy, especially if it has a hint of spice. They want to feel surrounded by the scent.
Cody and Tup are classic vanilla guys. They like the simplicity and homeliness of it, making them feel like they're wrapped in a cozy blanket.
Fives and Tech enjoy complex fragrances, things that keep them guessing. Like an aged wine, blended incense, or a layered perfume/lotion.
Rex and Echo have a thing for lavender. It's calm and refreshing, but it also has an herbal tone to it that gives it just the right kick.
Dogma and Hunter don't really have a preference, just so long as it's not too strong/thick. They are rather sensitive to smells and don't want to be overwhelmed.
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clownery-and-fuckery · 4 months
For the wip ask game, Tech and 501st babysitters and the really long modern au title lol
Tech and the 501st babysitters is a little fic I'm writing heavily based on this fantastic fic by KellyBelly!!!
In this fic, during a mission with the 501st (no one is dead, Echo still joined the Bad Batch) Tech is separated and placed with a group of regs, they fuck around, find out. The usual.
Tech is cursed, the only real explanation I have is Jedi magic, but its great!!!! So, the 501st have to watch him while Anakin and Ahsoka try figure out WHAT the hell happened and how to fix it.
Chaos ensues, they try to keep it a secret, Tech is absolutely adorable. They're all horrible babysitters(lovingly) and they have a great time!!! Here's a snippet!!!!:
"What are you doing?" Fives can't help but laugh as he watched.
"Rex said holding him would calm him down!" Tup all but whined, holding the sniffling baby to his chest as he rocked them.
Fives snorted into his hands as his poor little brother struggled to hold the kid properly.
"Maybe if you hold 'im right," Jesse chimed in unhelpfully, standing up and stretching his arms. "Alright, give 'im here—"
Jesse wrestled the baby from Tup's hands, and nestled him calmly in the crook of his arm. "You have to support the head," He explained. "And make sure he's comfy- see? Isn't that better?"
The baby finally calmed, sniffling and yawning as he settled. "There we go," Jesse cooed, nodding to Tup. "Take the goggles, before he gets too comfortable –"
Fives watched them take the goggles off, and Jesse smiled wide. "I'm a natural at this," He gloated, smug. "You losers dont know the first thing about—"
Something dropped, and Jesse jumped, losing his hold for a brief moment. The whole barracks sighed as the kid began to shriek again, completely startled.
Jesse winced. "Whoops?"
Babysitter 501st has my heart and soul. So does little baby Tech (he's only a tubie here)!!!!!!
And the long title is: "Distraction- It Wasn't Meant To Be a Full-time Job" which is QUITE the mouthful 😭 it's a three-chapter fic that focuses on Tup, Hardcase and Dogma!!!! And, coincidentally, Fives and Jesse, too!! They're cuties <3
The description is:
"In which Fives made a life changing decision while he mourned his twin, finding life in three kids he swore he wouldn't get attached to during shore leave.
Jesse called bullshit, and ended up dragged along for the ride."
And that'll be coming.... eventually. I'm in the process of it rn. I just love Tup, and I wanted to give him a little spot in the Modern!AU 😭
WOW this got so long. I'm so sorry!!!! But I hope this answered your question >:]
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gospelofme · 1 year
Seeing a Ghost
Part 1
It had started out as just a quick flash, Echo thinking he was imagining it. Perhaps it’s just a random vision from a memory. The torture the Techno Union had inflicted had caused such things in the past. During many of those sessions, he had seen visions of his brothers, both living and dead. It had started with Hevy and Cutup, then progressed to Rex and Kix. Sometimes it was Tup or Hardcase that visited him. Jesse showed up too, sometimes alone and sometimes with another. At first, it had been really traumatizing. Especially when he saw those he knew were dead. He had called out to all of them, thinking perhaps they were real. Maybe they could help him. Of course, none of them did. How could they? They weren’t really there.
He never saw any of the Jedi, not Anakin or Ahsoka. And he had never seen Fives…at least not until now. Echo had been certain the visions he saw were just that, not real. An echo of the past if he felt so inclined to call it that. He had started seeing Fives not long after he had joined Clone Force 99. He had been informed by both Rex and Kix of his brother’s death. Perhaps him seeing Fives was just a manifestation of his anxiety. He had a lot of self-doubt. Was he doing the right thing by leaving the 501st? Did he even belong with the Bad Batch? Was Rex upset with him for leaving? Was he even ready to be back in the field? Of course his new team had never made him feel incapable or not ready. They had trusted him after that first mission together on Admiral Trench’s dreadnaught. They wouldn’t have extended the invitation otherwise.
For a while Ghost Fives didn’t say anything. He just watched Echo. At first it was unnerving, but eventually Echo found it comforting. He wouldn’t speak to Ghost Fives if his other teammates were around. No need to make them concerned about his mental state. But when he was alone and needed some advice, he would ask his dead brother quietly. Again, Fives would never reply.
Until he did.
“Ugh, why won’t you cooperate?”
“Did that thing come with a manual?”
“Shut up.” Echo said reflexively. He was used to the jokes and brotherly digs. But as soon as his words left his mouth, it clicked. That voice. It didn’t belong to any of this new brothers. He had been tinkering with his scomplink attachment, he was alone on the Marauder. He quickly stood up and turned, expecting an intruder. But instead he saw Fives leaning against the bulkhead by the cockpit.
“So can you really link up to the computer with that thing?” Fives spoke again. Echo’s lips thinned as he pressed them together tightly. It’s finally happened. He’s snapped. The visions are talking now.
“Echo! You ready? Hunter said you’d take me to get Mantell Mix!” Omega’s voice came from outside the ship, Echo could see her standing at the end of the landing ramp.
“Yeah, I’m coming.” Echo called back to her, not taking his eyes off Five’s smirking vision. He turned and left the ship, shoving his helmet on to keep his startled expression away from Omega.
Echo continued to see Fives as he took Omega to the street vendor she liked. She held onto his hand, swinging their joined hands as she skipped along next to him. She was completely oblivious. Echo tried to entertain her by lifting her up one-handed over street curbs and puddles. He kept Fives in his peripheral vision at all times, cautious. He wasn't sure what this was. They never talked to him.
“What are you looking at?” Omega asked at one point, catching Echo staring to his left.
“Nothing, sorry.” Echo replied.
He got Omega her treat and sat with her while she ate it. Echo watched as she tossed pieces up and tried to catch them in her mouth. She was getting good at it, she was tossing them quite high now.
“I had a brother who was good at that.” Echo said. Omega was suddenly interested.
“Really? How high could he toss it?” She asked.
“Oh pretty high, but you’re getting close to his record.” Echo replied.
“Is he with Rex? Perhaps I can have a contest with him when we see Rex next.” Omega said innocently. She had noticed the use of past-tense but had assumed the best.
“No, he’s….he’s been gone for a while.” Echo replied quietly.
“Oh…I’m sorry. Do you miss him?” Omega asked softly.
“Every day. But you all remind me of him in different ways. So that makes it easier.” Echo answered, his throat tightening with emotion. Even though she couldn't see his face, Omega knew he was upset. Echo ruffled Omega’s hair with his hand, trying to lighten the mood. She smiled and went back to tossing and catching her snack.
Echo glanced at the vision of Fives sitting across from them at the table. Unseen to all but him.
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{A/N: this is shortly after leaving Kamino in season 1}
It was late night...or very early morning. They were on board of the Marauder and everyone was asleep. Well, almost everyone. Echo was laying on his bunk, staring into nowhere. A single tear was running down his cheek. So he has lost another batch-mate. As if four weren't enought! As if loosing his closest FAMILY was NORMAL! AS IF HE WAS MENT TO LOOSE THEM AND ALWAYS STAY ALONE AND- Somebody came in. He realised he has been crying. He just wanted to hide his face and shout he was FINE even thought he wasn't. Gentle hand touched him. It was so warm and small...Omega. It had to be her. "Are you alright, Echo?" He closed his eyes. "Are you hurt?" "Some injuries can't be treaten, child." He told her. "May I- may I hug you?" He smiled. "Yes, Omega, you may hug me as long as you want." She layed down next to him and hugged him tightly. He put a blanket over her. His mind recalled a memory...
/"Oh, Echo, don't tell me you are awake!" He just turned on his other side. "Dreams?" "Yes." Echo answered bitterly. "Come here, Echo, you'll sleep better in warm environment." Fives added cheerfully. "If you call 'warm environment' your embrace, then I agree." He stood up and layed onto Fives's bunk. "Look, we are both grieving for them, not just you. At least we have each other, don't we? There are people, who came alone." "Promise we stay together?" "Promise, vod'ika."/
He didn't want to cry but he did again, trying his best to not wake Omega. It was Echo's fault Fives stayed alone. Or at least he thought it was. He fell asleep  but it was restless sleep. He woke up with a scream and concerned Tech standing over him. To be fair, there was so much adrenalin in his blood and fear in his head, that he almost punched him. "What's wrong?" He internaly sighed. "Nothing, Tech." "Then that 'nothing' woke up whole crew, Echo." Oh no. No no no no NO! "Well, exept Wrecker, but he's sleeping like dead." "Sorry, just a nightmare." He told apologisely. "From which you were screaming for dear life, Echo. Come here." Echo sat awkadly up and Tech sat awkadly down. For Echo's surprise, Tech pulled him into a hug. Omega joined. Another memory flashed trought his mind.
/During his first nights with the Bad Batch, he was having nightmares very often. Firstly everyone was coming to check on him, but after some time they stopped exept Wrecker lended him Lula a lot. Well, but one very bad night, the most unexpected member came. Crosshair. Echo was awake. Crying his eyes out but awake. And then he showed up and sat down. He didn't offer comforting words, like Rex or Hunter would. He didn't mumble nonsences in calming voice as Tup, nor did he cuddle him to sleep like Fives, neither asked him if he needs something as Tech...He just sat there and offered his silence. And the presence itself calmed him. Crosshair didn't tell him to stop crying. He let him get it out untill he was calm again. And it worked. Because he maybe didn't know how to help, but he gave everything he could. Then he gently helped Echo up and they talked. Better say Echo did and he just asked occasional question or hummed in answer to the man leaning against his shoulder. Echo fell asleep. They fid it few times and...the nightmares were more...tolerable afterwards./
He came for breakfast. Well, if you could call half of a ration bar like that. With no explanation, Hunter embraced him. And Wrecker too. He enjoyed it untill the moment, when he started to be worried for his spine and ribcase. He was getting random hugs from everyone whole day. Even from Tech, who always kind of struggled with it. And then he got to a cuddlepile at evening and wasn't even mad he fell asleep in weird position next morning.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
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I posted 6,763 times in 2022
That's 638 more posts than 2021!
875 posts created (13%)
5,888 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,295 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 4,023 posts
#the clone wars - 3,057 posts
#captain rex - 514 posts
#funny - 460 posts
#humor - 460 posts
#rex - 455 posts
#clone ocs - 433 posts
#commander cody - 412 posts
#the bad batch - 397 posts
#arc trooper fives - 391 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but end up causing a massive problem instead because they didn't consider the fact clones name themselves after either animals or concepts?
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I've seen a lot of people headcanon that Echo would have his iconic handprint tattooed on his chest after joining the Bad Batch, but I personally think if he got a tattoo that's not gonna be visible, it wouldn't be his one link to the 501st. If anything he'd want to display the handprint proudly like he had in the past.
After thinking hard about it, I finally decided on a tattoo that felt in line with Echo's personality specifically. Something personal that mostly stays hidden away but that he knows is there and is comforting to him.
Fives's Rishi Eel design is thusly tattooed on his back, and painted over his spinal cybernetic implants. That way he can, in a way, always have his closest brother watching his back. Even from beyond the grave.
350 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
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Saudade: A deep emotional state of nostalgic or profound melancholic longing for something or someone that one cares for and/or loves. Moreover, it often carries a repressed knowledge that the object of longing might never be had again.
As much as the Coruscant Guard may have become Dogma's found family, a part of him will always long for his 501st brothers. Especially a certain clone with a teardrop tattoo...
Tulpa may not be Tup, but he sure reminds Dogma a lot of his lost twin... The renegade rookie will make sure his ad'ika grows up to be happy and free.
353 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
The other day I was looking at some screenshots from the Umbara Arc because I was trying to get a lay of the land, so to speak, as I wanted to write about Lich's experiences prior to finding his way back to a now fallen Republic and rising Empire... And three specific frames caught my attention due to very small details.
The first one is when Krell threatens Fives with his lightsaber.
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Lightsabers are plasma conduits. They can slice and cauterise at the same time. Using them to threaten someone into compliance like this is a promise to use them rather than a bluff.
Even with his armour on, Fives can likely feel the heat of the blade against his neck and shoulder. This is more than enough reason to go from mild apprehension around Krell to full on distrusting him, because the clones know the Jedi only use their lightsabers when they need to. And only against what they perceive as hostiles that are unwilling to negotiate surrender.
Krell using his lightsaber to threaten someone was an immediate red flag, and Fives knew it.
The second screenshot that caught my attention was when Rex was holding Krell at gunpoint to execute him.
See the full post
548 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
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Commander Fox on his way to get some caf!
A discussion on discord ended with this lovely image that I had to materialise into the digital plane. Sometimes you just gotta shred it on a board while wearing an animal onesie and severely sleep deprived.
729 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sometimes I think about how Kix had a near mental breakdown in Umbara due to the stress of trying to keep his brothers alive, only to realise he can't do anything to save them.
I also think about how we saw Rex collapse in near tears after he realises Krell tricked the clones into killing each other, just because he could. How, after Umbara, his next destination was Kadavo...
I think about how Dogma went against his own beliefs due to betrayal, and subsequently went into a state of shock because of the weight of the situation he suddenly found himself in. How Rex nodding at him in approval and respect was likely the last kindness anyone ever extended to him.
I think of Slick acting out violently against both Jedi and clones alike, working into the hands of the Separatists because he didn't feel like there was any other escape against the chains he suddenly saw around his neck and wrists.
I think about how Fives struggled uselessly against circumstances well outside his control when it came to protecting his brothers from certain doom, knowing fully well that he had very likely never gotten over the loss of Echo, and that he'd taken it upon himself to be a protector at the expense of his own relatively short life.
I think of Jesse in the aftermath of Maul's invasive mind probing, of how weak and vulnerable he sounded when talking to Rex because he felt like a failure in that very moment. How he was struggling against the chip when Rex was practically begging him to spare Ahsoka and that maybe, just maybe, had he not been captured by Maul his mental shields would have been strong enough to resist like his captain had...
I think of how Echo who was blown up, tortured, abused, left to look like a shell of his former self that he barely recognises, and who's struggling but pushing forward despite having lost almost everything and everyone he once knew and loved. How it's very likely that he'll eventually die never coming to terms with what happened to himself, and that he'll always feel like less than a man because it's how others treat him.
I think of Wolffe, years after Order 66, struggling with intense fear, guilt, and paranoia, trying to keep his only remaining family safe and accidentally hurting them and others in the process, because he's stuck living in a past that's yet to be explored but that we can assume is crushing him. Wolffe who is, without a doubt, a shadow of the former commander that had served proudly besides his Jedi. Who had always been and always will be a survivor of terrible things.
I think of Gregor who's suffered head injuries at least thrice, got blown up and been left with mental health issues, and who was still very willing to extend his aid and kindness to those around him because he took what he got and accepted it with a smile and a defiant spark to the very end...
I think about all these and more. And it makes me wish the clones had had better than what they ended up with...
1,029 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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22hemi12 · 2 years
Requests (and TO-DO)
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Been awhile since I posted anything so here is a request page!
Requests are OPEN!
What I write: 
oneshots, Headcannons and full fics. 
Everything I write are Gender Neutral OR written with a trans man in mind! But I will write any Pronouns!
Fluff and Angst
All I ask is you add some detail to what you want! so don't just say “character x reader” Actually add some detail!
The Owl house
Emperor Belos/Philip Wittebane
The Bad Batch
The Clone Wars
Other clones (Just ask! I’ll write anything for our copy paste boys)
The Mandalorian
Din Djarin
Mass Effect Trilogy
Others (Just ask)
Hannibal Lecter
I will add to this as I re join fandoms and/or leave them
Request :) (pls)
non requested
Wings au bad batch (oneshots and headcanons) (Writing)
Werewolf bad batch (Full fic and headcanons) (Writing)
Fantasy AU (Crosshair x Reader, He/Him Pronouns, 2 Full Fics)(Storyboarding)
(empty rn, but it can change with you <3)
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