#this isnt really daily but
isat-drawing-kid · 9 days
( You clear your throat.. )
hey hey! this blog is run by jasper/eirene, i do have another blog with my normal stuff but i rather just share my discord instead: @/only_jasper._
all i do here is post silly little doodles made by the isat drawing kid! ( or me actually. because i’m literally the isat drawing kid. right )
i use they/them
you can ask me stuff, ask me to draw stuff ( i am more than happy to! ) or even just say something nice about my art ( or something mean if you’re feeling a little mean )
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( Is that all? That’s gotta be all.. ok yeah phewwwwww )
edit: jasper here! im still happy to do asks but i have no idea how to handle a lot so maybe just slowww dooowwwnnnnn guuuuuuuuyssss
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dailyjokerp5 · 1 year
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today's joker is doomed by the narrative
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pinchan · 8 months
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day 5 / six eyes x4
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pineappical · 10 months
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dont ask me about the first one 😊
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cemeterything · 10 months
As a fellow tumblr veteran, do you think tumblr's handling of mental health and therapy has changed for the better? I was here when the overall stance was anti-therapy/ anti-medication, now I'm seeing the language of therapy used to vilify mentally ill people who may not have the same chronically online knowledge about their problems. I've been feeling like as much as tumblr likes to believe we're progressive and chill adults, we took it all for granted and now the site is overrun by self-righteous bullies.
i think it's overgeneralizing to say that "tumblr's" attitude towards mental health and the practice of therapy has changed for better or for worse because it really depends on who you interact with and your own personal experiences. but i think that it's important to always be aware that no matter how progressive you are you will make mistakes and hold harmful beliefs that you only realize had the potential to cause harm when it's pointed out to you, and to try to recognize and address the same behavior in others in your community if you feel able to do so. i can't honestly tell if things are "better" or "worse" than they used to be, or just different, but there's always progress to be made and room to improve.
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tennessoui · 1 year
Obikin body swap idea: getting to see how the other half lives. Anakin just being super flustered by the idea that when he touches himself he's touching his master even for innocent things like running his fingers through his hair or getting to touch his beard.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan is trying to cope with how overstimulating Anakin's connection to the force is and even the best shields only dampen it slightly. Inner peace? He doesn't know her.
ooo i feel like when we talk about obikin body swap, this is always what we go with (overwhelmed by his master's body! anakin and overwhelmed by how anakin experiences the force! obi-wan), and it's good it's great i think these are great interpretations of the characters and i can see why it's such a popular take on obikin body swap
so what if that but also:
anakin overwhelmed by how little time obi-wan actually has to himself and how busy he is and him realizing that it's not that obi-wan purposefully doesn't spend as much time with him as he wants it's that obi-wan's body walks down a corridor and two younglings want him to give them a sparring demonstration, four Council meetings are scheduled, and one archives padawan is coming incessantly wanting to ask if he's ready for book club this week because she has thoughts on the last chapter
obi-wan unused to how strong he feels, how easy the Force suddenly is to manipulate; sure it's loud and i have a soft spot for that sort of headcanon about how anakin experiences the force, but i think we can't forget it wouldn't just just be overstimulating for anakin: it makes him powerful as fuck. obi-wan feels tired and the mechno arm hurts and it's straining his shoulder so he decides to use the force to call his datapaad over from its charging spot, but it zooms over so fast it shatters on impact with the wall
anakin overwhelmed by the new and unfamiliar aches and pains of obi-wan's body, the way he hurts when he wakes up, the way long space travel makes him feel sick and stiff
obi-wan realizing how persistent the chancellor is when it comes to comming and meeting anakin for lunch--oh lunch won't work what about tea oh tea won't work what about opera----
anakin trying spicy food for the first time in obi-wan's body and he's.... actually fine???? cue realizing that obi-wan was just pretending when he was younger to not like spicy food the bastard. (upon confrontation, obi-wan says, 'well it just seemed to mean so much to you on a personal level that i wouldn't be able to handle the heat of tatooinian food, i didn't want to disappoint you but you should really try stewjoni cuisine')
obi-wan realizing quite quickly that uh. anakin was not ever faking his very low alcohol tolerance
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beeduoo · 2 months
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will he burn down the kitchen
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igneous-crocnroll · 2 months
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Earth shattering revelations were had during japanese class last week.
Looking at this, I probably shoulda used deepl to help me with the grammar, but I wanted to challenge myself x)
Here's what I meant to say - under the cut
Me: In my country's culture, for plenty of festivals we-
Me: uh, "mask"? (Attempt to say the english word, if it was written in katakana)
My teacher: You'd say "kamen" (mask)
Me: Ah, kamen? Okay, understood. So, we make masks...
Mr. Rider: dragon how did you not figure this out by now
My teacher: hahaha yes, that's right.
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icedpee · 4 months
Hashtag rarepair posting,,,oouurrgh
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+ thing this is referencing
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dailysquiddo · 3 months
"the harsh sun beats down on dirt roads full of pebbles and dust.
its harsh rays peel the paint on the slowly decaying houses. all of the grass has long since died in the heat.
most of the houses are empty, and they have been so for a long time. some of the houses have sun-bleached curtains flapping in empty wind, shattered glass from once clean windows now littering the ground in thousands of dirty, yellowed shards like fallen, tarnished stars."
or, squiddo and ashswag go ghost hunting.
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one-bunny-a-day · 1 year
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today's bunny knows many languages!
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lunarharp · 11 months
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hope whispers and i will follow, til you love me too
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pinchan · 9 months
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daily gojoken until one of them dies: day 53
i wonder what kenjaku's first defeat against the six eyes was like
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this is really stretching the 'shitty' in the blog title but fuck it the 'daily' is already a lie
keychain design :thumbsup:
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everdreamart · 9 months
Drawing random FNAF characters every day till the movie comes out :D
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DAY 2: Spring Bonnie
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call-me-pup2 · 1 month
Looking through all the pics on my work phone to what I would post (and what tumblr will let me post lol) and I'm like 'oh I am actually stupidly hot' I think I messed up making content for myself 😅
Looking at my stuff from like 2021/22 I was soo much more relaxed with it, random phone pics and a lot of ones where I didn't bother with make up/outfits and lighting but I got it in my head that I really needed to be posting bd videos twice a week and everything needed to be as high production as I could make which made it difficult since I had to try and set up 'filming nights' to avoid my flatmate, pets making noise, neighbour, ect instead of just taking pics on the fly. That era was also when I made the most money in the site so like why did I switch up?
I'm rambling and questioning all the things now 😶🙃
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