#the ranking is criminal btw
acebender · 3 months
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gaywatch · 11 months
Have you seen taemin’s new mv guilty?
Many, many times, yes. I reacted to it (and the EP) for patrons, actually! It's going up in the same post as my reaction to his 2019 tour, if not tonight then tomorrow.
I really love it, it's yet another strong single/mv/concept from him and Guilty is definitely going in my Taemin playlist. It may not hit the highs of my absolute fave releases from him, but it's still fantastic and single worthy and I can't believe what he's done etc.
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thorndrool · 1 year
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ousama ranking spoilers
ranking of kings spoilers
episode 16 is wrecking me
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nuadaargetlamh · 3 months
One is a convicted criminal that wants to institute a dictatorship “on day one only” (with majority support from his party!), would give a greenlight to Project 2025, use a weakened Schedule F to install THOUSANDS of cronies, was just given immunity for “official acts” (what counts as “official”? whatever his Project 2025-instituted judges want, of course), wants to institute military tribunals for his enemies (and allies!), will 100% support Russia in wiping Ukraine off the map, will use the combo of the removal of the Chevron deference/the Supreme Court allowing people to openly bribe them/Schedule F to extend the far-right’s reach into every government agency and deregulate everything to the benefit of his rich capitalist buddies, has already taken away so many freedoms from racial minorities/queer people/women/anyone-that-isn’t-a-rich-white-man that it would take hours to list them all in this post, and so so so so SO MUCH MORE.
The other is a typical neoliberal politician.
Remember also, you’re not just choosing a president, you’re choosing their cabinet, potential Supreme Court justices, federal employees as well. With Project 2025 ALONE, Trump would do so much more damage than just what he can do himself. That’s not including everything else his Federalist Society Supreme Court would and have given him on a silver platter.
Project 2025 really deserves a part to itself just to list some of what it includes: complete abortion/contraceptive ban (no exceptions), destroying worker’s unions and protections, remove Social Security/Medicare/Affordable Care Act, eliminate the ENTIRE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, end civil rights protections in government, ban teaching the history of slavery, remove climate protections while gutting the EPA, end equal marriage and enforce the “traditional family ideal”, use the military to gun down protests, mass deportation of legal immigrants (especially Muslims), ending birthright citizenship, pack the lower courts, and plenty more. The far-right wasn’t able to take full advantage of Trump’s presidency the first time since it was so unexpected. They’re preparing so that they won’t make the same mistake again. THERE ARE OVER 900 PAGES OF POLICIES AND PLANS THAT THEY ABSOLUTELY WILL IMPLEMENT IF THEY WIN. READ IT.
Not to mention, if you care about Palestine (like I do, a lot), Trump would be MUCH WORSE for Palestine than the other candidate, supporting Bibi going “from the river to the sea” and already cut off millions in aid to Palestine in 2018 (which Biden reversed!). If you support a free Palestine and don’t vote blue, you have categorically hurt them more than if you did. There is no quick and bloodless peace deal that both Palestine and Israel would ever agree to. The road to an end of the Palestine-Israel conflict is going to be long and difficult, probably decades of dedicated de-radicalization in both states, and will involve far more than one person’s decisions in the end. Unless Trump takes power, and avoids all that by sending enough bombs to turn the Gaza Strip into dust.
There are a few reasons you would choose to vote third party in a FPTP system (support ranked choice voting btw) or not vote “in protest” while ignoring all the state and local elections that affect your area more than the president. Either you’re privileged enough to not be affected by what Trump would bring, you’re ignorant of the consequences, or you care more about doing nothing perfectly rather than doing something, anything that isn’t 100% ideologically “pure” to fight against the far-right fascist movement.
Every voter that still supports Trump is energized by every cruelty he enacts, while thousands of Democrats care more about purity tests and manifesting socialist revolution tulpas than avoiding a fascist dictatorship.
Have a brain, touch grass, and vote blue all the way down that fucking ballot.
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lostandbackagain · 1 year
suju is such a fun group to stan they've got a subunit for their worst vocalists
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seri-tonin · 2 months
For non-bsd fans
Reblog for sample size etc etc
The fake one is based on one of my oc's btw :3c
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matan4il · 4 months
Hello! What kind of power does the recent ICC statement hold, and what kind of precedent will the arrest of Netanyahu and other several high ranking members of the Israeli government set? I'm genuinely frightened, as I can't imagine that the consequences will be anything but utterly disastrous
Hi Nonnie!
Honestly, I've read and heard so much about this topic, I will do my best to convey what I've been exposed to and processed, but keep in mind that I am not a legal expert.
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First, I just wanna point out that for the time being, the ICC's chief prosecutor Karim Khan has only asked for arrest warrants against Hamas' leaders and Israeli ones. They've not been granted yet.
Second, a short explanation on the difference between the UN's two international courts.
The ICJ (International Court of Justice) is where states can be "judged" and "be sentenced," with some judicial outcomes having more real life consequences than others. This is upheld through conventions these states are signed on to (apparently, this is somewhat problematic, because it means the judges are not necessarily using established laws, rather they go by loose and open to interpretation statements that exist in the conventions), while the ICC (International Criminal Court) can only be used to prosecute individuals, not states, for their own crimes that they personally committed or oversaw.
The ICC's record in actually bringing major human rights violators to justice is... rather poor. It's not very good at getting these leaders extradited, so the court can put them on trial (because it's really easy to not travel at all to avoid extradition, especially for a wealthy tyrant who got rich from their war crimes, or to only travel to countries the criminal has reason to believe won't extradite him... shall we talk again about South Africa not extraditing Omar al-Bashir when he was on its soil, despite being responsible for countless murders in his country of Sudan?) and then, even on the rare occasion when they do get a leader extradited and put on trial... more than one ended up being exonerated by the court. Most people prosecuted there are NOT brought to justice.
In the case of Israel, it is NOT a party to the Rome Statute, which established the ICC. It initially wanted to join, but then had reason to believe the ICC might end up being used to wage political warfare instead of justice. I think seeing this proves Israel was right. BTW, the US ended up not being a party for the same reason. The ICC can only investigate and prosecute for 1 of 4 possible crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes against peace. This means if you want to prosecute someone at the ICC, you HAVE to accuse them of one of these crimes, giving people motivation to make false accusations if need be), and only if that person's own country is "unwilling" or "unable" to do so.
That means Israel has several reasons to point out that the ICC's chief prosecutor is abusing his power: Israel not being a party to the Rome Statute means he has no jurisdiction over us (which means Israelis prosecuted will not even "get to" appear in court and plead their case, because as subjects of Israeli law, they can't recognize the court), it has not yet been established beyond doubt that any of the aforementioned crimes has actually been committed (how do you prosecute someone for a murder that might not have been a murder?) and lastly, Israel as a democratic country has an independent judicial system, which is both willing and able to investigate and put on trial its leaders (this is demonstrated by the fact that several of our past leaders have been put on trial, some even found guilty and imprisoned, and that our current prime minister, one of the two Israeli men the ICC is targeting, was and still is on trial in Israel, and is under threat of imprisonment).
On top of that, there's of course a few more signs that point to the prosecutor's behavior not being "kosher." For one thing, there's the fact that by requesting arrest warrants against Hamas' Sinwar and Israel's Bibi and Gallant, Khan created a moral equivalence between Hamas, the antisemitic, genocidal terrorist organization, which we KNOW carried out on Oct 7 (as well as before and since) war crimes, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity, and the elected leaders of a democratic state, waging a defensive war started by said genocidal terrorist organization. There's also the fact that Khan was supposed to come to Israel for the stated purpose of collecting evidence, but he canceled the trip, and made this move instead. What is he basing his request on, if he hasn't completed the measures that he himself thought were necessary to have a proper idea of what's happening here? This is also a precedent, because this is the first time ever when a democratic state's leaders are prosecuted by the ICC, something that as an idea shouldn't happen at all, since democratic countries have judicial systems willing and able to prosecute their leaders.
Now as an idea, if the ICC prosecutes individual Israeli leaders, not states, that shouldn't have an influence on Israel as a country. In reality, it does.
Because the prosecutor's move creates this false moral equivalence between Hamas' leaders, men responsible for insane death tolls for both Israelis and Palestinians for decades through their violent, extremist, genocidal antisemitic ideology and corresponding actions, and Israel's leaders, who are waging a defensive war, in which Israel is providing the enemy controlled territory with water, electricity, humanitarian aid, does its best to differentiate between civilians and terrorists, and even has a legal team to make sure all orders and struck military targets comply with International Humanitarian Law. This moral equivalence plays into every anti-Israel lie and dehumanizing propaganda, and enables the antisemitic wave we've been seeing around the world, so this is def gonna affect Israel for the worse, not to mention Jewish communities everywhere.
But it will also have consequences for Israel as it's painted as more and more of a pariah. "Why did you overstep your own jurisdiction and prosecute a democratic country's leaders?" will get twisted around to "this is proof that Israel is not a democracy and is committing war crimes!" which will make many wanna stay away from us, even though they'd be wrong. If Israel does become more and more shunned on the international stage, not because of actual crimes, but due to public perception, then this can hurt its financial, commercial, scientific and cultural ties. Basically, anything that requires international collaboration can be hurt, and the people who will pay the price will be the regular people in Israel. Ironically, this might also come back to bite the regular Palestinians in the ass. The Palestinians have never done anything (not under Hamas and not under the Palestinian Authority) to develop their own financial system, independent from Israel, so when Israelis will suffer financially, so will the Palestinians. The regular ones, the Hamas leaders and terrorists will continue to enjoy the donated money and stolen humanitarian and financial aid.
Lastly, the ICJ in its case against Israel (submitted by the same South Africa which has failed to extradite al-Bashir, and which enables its own political party guilty of genocidal chants) might be able to now quote Khan's request as "support" that Israel is committing a genocide. Just notice the possible loop between these two courts. The ICJ will take years to decide on this case, but in the meantime, can decide on provisional measures, which will punish Israel as if it has already been found guilty. The ICC, as an idea, is supposed to rely on the ICJ's findings and not prosecute anyone on a crime that hasn't yet been determined to have happened. But by requesting these warrants anyway, the ICJ can rely on the ICC to justify even further provisional measures against Israel.
This is a mockery of justice, a political weaponization of courts against a democratic state whose greatest crime is being misjudged based on the same ignorance and hatred that in the past have led to the type of genocide (against Jews) that these courts are meant to help prevent.
(for the record, several states have condemned the prosecutor for its moral equivalence of Israel and Hamas, but they also seem to understand that this blatant violation of some core principles regarding how the ICC is supposed to operate means that one day, that court can be used against others, too)
Footnote: Khan has never prosecuted anyone for crimes committed in other human-created disaster areas, including Bangladesh, Myanmar, the Philippines, Afghanistan and Venezuela, despite investigations there, and to the best of my knowledge has never ordered investigations into other areas where HUNDREDS of thousands have been murdered, such as Yemen and Syria, or regime leaders whose states sponsor global terrorism, like Iran.
Yeah, one day people are going to look back on this and try to figure out how the ICC and ICJ went so terribly wrong.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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berensteinsmonster · 5 months
coverted Toppats to Cowwoys for the hv au
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The Cowwoy Posse are a group of cowboys, usually on the outskirts of Red Mesa, who do everything in their power to do good.
Usually they're sent on missions to go help people :) They regularly fight petty criminals or more bust organized crime factions. Or they travel to other locations if trouble arises there. Though not all Cowwoys use the airship or train, if they're skilled enough (such as being of ranger rank) they ride their own horses. Crease and Piercings have their own and they're named Crane and Hoops respectively, those horses are also lesbians.
All Cowwoy members are also required to learn basic survival skills, such as foraging or hunting, for when they take trips across the Red Mesa that'll quickly deplete their resources.
If there's one crime syndicate that have really gotten the most of their attention towards dismembering, it'd be the TVOGXART corporation. And all Cowwoys hate the TVOG.
They're not swindled or easily tricked by promises of riches, because they REGULARLY beat up rich people who are affiliated with the TVOGXART corporation. They've all sworn to do good because as bleak as things can be they want to prove that there is a beating heart of kindness in a world that regularly profits off of misery.
They are kind and they are good. because the hv au society wants people to believe that is no longer possible.
Thank you to @digital-roots for sending me 5 toppats to turn into cowwoy members :) I had a lot of fun doing these, I really love making good-ified mirror characters just as much as I like making evil dopplegangers. I'm so proud of how these guys turned out. like look at them. Theyre so cool and awesome and theyre gonna save the fucking day. even though the world they live in worsens, it's in Cowwoy honor to still try and make it a bit more bareable.
Bonus: original draft sketches
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btw just take the messages as like, unpolished draft only for the descriptions of the characters. I was just playing around with the idea process. I think Piercings knows how to use a phone and Ms Hero is (eventually) fine with the Regal Bronzeage since that guy's an actual superhero. The more the merrier. two cakes
Also ignore the message where it says ms hero ues he/him cuz i updated it. ms hero uses he/she because while his pronouns may interchange, her sense of JUSTICE!!! does not :)
Bonus: hey its her sidekicks The Fairy and Wilhelm Krieschen!!! they will get their own post eventually
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Gay wrongs tournament, round 2 of the losers bracket
For Vegas and Pete:
Evil babygirl & stealthily evil babyboy. Vegas, known committer of atrocities, and Pete, who didn't rise up the ranks of being a mafia bodyguard for nothing. Never forget how Pete brutally shot and killed his coworker who dared to shoot Vegas in front of him.
I mean. They both kill people all the time. They even have evil gay BDSM sex. It's all right there.
it's plainly obvious to anyone even looking in their direction how murder husbands they are. both have canonically killed multiple people, often on screen. Not to mention the onscreen scene of Vegas literally torturing someone. 
For Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu:
you've got the founder of the fantasy ancient Chinese CIA and the leader of what is essentially the mafia and then they're soulmates and in love. they're both willing to kill anyone who dares hurt the other while also just wanting a soft domestic life together
Zhou Zishu is an assassin and spymaster who put the current Emperor on the throne, and then quit his job by faking his death (kinda, hes still dying but not as fast as he was supposed to). Had done A Lot on his old job, including murdering children (more than one, and at least one of them in a way I can't even describe without several trigger warnings), exterminating whole families, war crimes (and i dont mean this in a buzzword way, i mean "organized a public execution of foreign diplomats during war time")… btw he doesn't feel particularly bad about any of this, because he believes it was necessary. Like he wouldn't do it for fun, but he thinks the ends (putting a good Emperor on the throne) justified the means (all of the atrocities). As a retiree, he definitely cut down on the amount of morally reprehensible murder, but not murder in general. He still routinely kills ppl, he just doesn't go out of his way to kill more. Wen Kexing, meanwhile, is the Ghost Valley Master - Ghost Valley being a place where the worst of criminals are exiled. Even in such a place, he has reputation as a complete lunatic, owed partially to the fact that he either skinned a man or fed him his own flesh or both at one point, and partially to him having a rule where he would kill anyone who came closer than 3 meters to him. But in truth, everything he'd done was to survive the Ghost Valley and eventually take revenge for his parents, who were brutally murdered when he was only nine. By the start of the novel's timeline, he put his plan in motion - the plan that would drown jianghu in blood, but also deliver poetic justice to all responsible for his parents' deaths, as well as all who'd commit the same crime given the chance. And these two men, these two murderers and schemers, meet - and unexpectedly, find in each other the person who /understands/. The person who is just as ruthless and whose hands are just as bloody, but also the person who knows standing at the top of the world is not worth it, who seeks the same freedom of leaving it all behind, and who is still, underneath it all, a human, with human heart seeking connection. So you have this couple who understand each other with barely a word, and who want the same things - who are so hungry for domesticity and for people they can just goof around with when all their lives they had to measure every step and word - but ALSO where one half a couple is like "i gotta go murder hundreds in revenge" and the other half is like "ok pick you up at 6". (This btw is why I'm submitting novel's iteration of the couple in particular. Show wenzhou with their ridiculous breakups over morality could Never.) Also they were both hiding who they are when they first met, and later flirted about having figured each other out. Finally, I'll leave you my favorite quote that just. perfectly sums up their relationship: "And just like that, they fell asleep in each other's arms, steeped in the smell of blood."
You’ve probably already had submissions for them but I’ll add on. One of them founded an assassin’s guild and killed a staggering number of people. His malewife is the leader of a sect of insane murderous outcasts, and he attained his position by proving to be the most crazy and murder happy of them all. Most of the plot involves him wandering around watching his schemes get more people killed. Together they adopt a kid that was only orphaned due to said scheming (oops). They’re terrible and I love them.
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butchhamlet · 1 month
Since you read the entire Shakespeare canon according to your bio (assuming that's what "canon completed" mean), I'm curious to see your tier list ranking of the Shakespeare plays. Here's this tier list template I found btw; https://tiermaker.com/create/shakespeare-677439 If you already did a tier list, can you link to that post when answering this ask please?
i have done it twice before at various times! but my opinions have changed again so i made another one. all opinions mine and no judgment to those who enjoy or dislike each play etc etc etc
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happy to provide my reasoning behind any of these, but in short:
s tier = i will straight-up call this one of the best things ever written (hamlet, king lear)
favorites = not quite as good as the above two but my beloveds (JC, R&J, macbeth, 1H4, twelfth night)
jail box = this is placed between favorites and great for a reason but we're not talking about it (a&c)
great = not my personal favorites but fairly objectively really good (the tempest, othello, richard iii, much ado, midsummer)
good = doesn't quite match up to the "great" tier for various reasons, but i like em (AYLI, richard ii, henry v, coriolanus)
underrated = we should talk about these more (king john, 3H6, troilus & cressida, titus andronicus)
not my thing but i respect its merits (measure for measure, merchant, winter's tale, 2H4)
eh / forgot it exists (pericles, timon, cymbeline, all's well, 2H6, merry wives)
criminally boring (love's labour's lost, henry viii, 1H6)
ten thousand demons = this one used to be "criminally boring AND misogynist" because i can forgive misogyny in a play from the 1600s but i can't forgive boring me. but i renamed it because comedy of errors isn't quite on the misogyny level of the other two but unfortunately i despise it because i hate farces and i hate fun
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BPP what is your honest view on Jimin biases?
A lot of y'all are down bad for that man. Down something horrendous my goodness.
Not that I blame you though.
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Btw, I was watching fancams with friends again last night and we played this one:
How does he move the way he does? /gen. You can see the strength he infuses into every move, down to his fingertips when he dances.
Do you see that form?
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There are many dancers in k-pop who impress me, some I'd place in the best dancers globally, but Jimin is easily the top ranked in nearly every category IMO, no matter the context. He's a real artist. It's not in him to half-ass a performance, no matter his condition. He gives his all and that's something that both inspires and troubles me about him.
I don't even bias him and Jimin induces some insanity in me from time to time. It's just what he is. Nobody who pays attention to him can react normally to him, everyone gets drawn disproportionately to him. Imagine how tiring that must be for him to know sometimes. And no offense to Jimin biases but I genuinely believe you have to be a little bit off kilter to be able to commit to being chosen by him.
Because Jimin is the sort of person you need... space to love.
Jimin is..
Jimin uses whatever misalignment is in you, eases his way into you to fix that offset, remove that imbalance. The way he is... when you fall under his effect it's like he takes up space inside you. As though he deserves and will take nothing less. In my honest opinion that's one way I perceive him. But then you open your eyes and realize the man is the softest marshmallow, a kind and truly measured person with exceptional emotional and practical intelligence. A Slytherin to the bone, a living shape-shifter, so attuned and sensitive to everything.
And he doesn't really demand anything. He's just so loved people want to commit to supporting him. His charismatic idol persona is just as attractive as his naturally shy but mischievous personality off the clock. It really doesn't get much more perfect than this for any celebrity ever.
Like, sometimes I wonder if Jimin goes to bed at night fearing he might one day destroy k-pop. In real practical terms. I wonder if Jimin agonizes over the fact that he's the most dangerous person in the industry. Knowing him, he probably doesn't but it's still something that as I've said before, needs to be said.
(Between you and me, I think he's yet to come to terms with it. Poor lad.)
Anyway, Jimin biases are actually in love with the man and I'd like to present some evidence both as a self-confession, and in support.
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(Do you remember where you were the first time you noticed he has a dimple?)
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(His look for this shoot is criminally underrated. He had easily the best chic styling for any idol in 2021.)
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(Orange, yellow, and bright mustard are all good colours on him.)
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(Yeah.... he's something else.)
Alright, now that I've answered this one, that's enough of the Jimin bias asks for now. I'll be ignoring all the rest for the next while.
Remember to keep streaming. :)
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glitteringsunshine · 2 months
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Gibbs’s Gal
Part 1
Pairing : Leroy Jethro Gibbs x Reader
( crossover with madam Secretary)
Reader’s POV:
“Okay the reports done.” Jay said. “ You think these joint task force reports would be easy, but getting approval from all the departments is a real headache.”
“ So what’s the final title of the report?” I asked.
“ Corruption in selected foreign military and the difficulties in building Infrastructure” Phew. Err some parts of the NCIS report has been redacted. I don’t know why.” Blake said.
“ Well we need to find out. I mean the it’s their marines who are working for the state building infrastructure. But state has the right to know ground data.” I said.
“ Yeah ,I tried to talk with the NCIS Director but he shut me out. “ Nadine said.
“ Well its not only State’s development money , but it is also the funding of many international Agencies. We can’t put up redacted reports to the UN.” I stated.
“ Well I will ask Russell Jackson to look it up. After all nothing is Privy from POTUS”. As his chief of staff Russell Jackson will know what to do.
“ Y/N , come with me to Russell Jackson”. The Msec said.
“ About the Corruption report?” I asked .
“ Yes”.
I quickly hopped in with Msec in her motorcade.
“ Ohh wow aren’t we going to his office?” I asked.
“ Apparently a top secret meeting is going to happen here.” She said.
“ Really ! In the Men's Restroom.” I rolled my eyes.
“ Well not my first choice” she chuckled.
“ Apparently Henry is coming in too” she said.
“ What’s DIA have to do with the report?” I asked.
“ Yeah I would like to know why I am meeting my husband in a men’s room too Y/N, sorta reminds me of college” she chuckled.
“ I heard the door open and saw Tony and McGee walk in.”
“ Hello Y/N, nice to see you”. McGee said.
“ Hello” Tony said warmly. “Gibbs asked us to come here, any idea why?”
“ Vague one. BTW meet the Secretary of State”
“ Huge fan” They said in unison. “ Ma’am you are my favourite politician” Tony said.
“ Don’t say that . She hates the word” I chuckled.
“ Done being a fan, Dinozzo ? Then we can discuss stuff.” I heard Gibbs say as Henry ,Gibbs and the Director of NCIS walked in, followed closely by Russell Jackson.
Introductions were made. Though all of us knew others by reputation.
“ This is Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs” Henry said. He is a fellow marine. He served under me in the marines. I believe you two have met before.”
“ Yes we crossed paths a few times related to work” I nodded.
“OK”said Russell Jackson. “In a Joint mission by NCIS and DIA we have uncovered alarming human rights violations in the countries mentioned in the report. The part redacted is actually the source that helped us uncover this.”
“ We studied the file” . “ Well State knew we were fighting Corruption, but this is cruel”.
“ Yes” Henry said. “ They kept it so hushed up , even CIA did not catch wind.” One of the translators working there when we were deployed as Marines has now rose in their military ranks. He brought this to us.”
“Henry, I mean Dr . McCord worked extensively with him, the asset ,our source. . Henry was not only my superior officer in the Marines, but we hung out together. Anyhow that’s how we met him , in a bar while we were hanging out. He was young , idealistic and Dr McCord hired him . We were in dearth of translators and he helped us. Anyhow we are planning to present the military leader in the international Criminal Court.”
“ We have frozen some of his assets. However he got wind of it. The dictator thinks there is a leak. Before we can pursue the dictator , we need to get our asset out. Now the state is visiting to Geneva right , to sign a trade deal?”
“ Now the asset trusts only Henry and Gibbs” Russell Jackson said. “ The asset is visiting Geneva with the dictator. We can take him in safety there. Henry and Gibbs have to go. Henry’s cover is as Msec’s arm candy. Gibbs will your date Y/N. Since the event in WTO mentions that staff could bring dates, he will be yours.”
I nodded.
“ Oh one more thing. The week in Geneva, you will be sharing a room with him. The dictator suspects we might to do an extraction. If by any chance he gets to know a staff’s date is in a separate room, he will get our plan. We need to be careful. “
“ I am Okay with it if Special Agent Gibbs is” I said , to which he nodded.
“ While Henry and Gibbs works the extraction, your job is to get the trade deal signed by him. It’s a multilateral agreement and when we present him to the International Criminal Court, there will be instability in the country. We don’t know if we could get his successor to agree to the trade deal. Since they control vital maritime routes , it’s important we get them to sign the deal. “
“ Now that his assets are frozen, he might use the trade deal as a leverage to unfreeze it. We can’t unfreeze the assets. Then the dictator would escape before we could get to him.” Russell said.
“ So Y/N” you would have to drop into NCIS once to work on your cover.” Henry said.
“ While you are at it familiarize Jethro with the protocols okay.” Msec said.
Jethro’s POV:
I saw Y/N walking in with a huge binder. How on earth does she work in those heels. Well they were sexy though. I would like to fuck her with those boots on. Wow from where did that thought come from. I blinked to get that image off my head.
“ Well here are the protocols. Covers the banquets ,dinners etc. There are pointers on the meet and greet style for people from different countries. Learn them” she said taking off her coat.
“McGee pointers” I said handing the file over to him.
“ Gibbs protocol is important. Go through it.” She said leaning against my desk.
As she did ,I could see her cleavage peeking out from her blouse. I suddenly had this urge to cup her voluptuous breasts, knead them. She was inches from my mouth. I wondered how her lips would taste. Her dark red lipstick looked so enticing. I got this urge to brush my thumb on her lips, to kiss her with a passion she has never known. Her eyes beneath her glasses spoke of wild seduction and pure temptation. Like the finest whiskey in a crystal glass, it sparkled against the light. What attracted me more was the inherent kindness and exuberance that was reflected in her eyes, like hot chocolate on a cold December night. I couldn’t look away from her. She held my gaze until she blinked. “ Gibbs you have to read them okay. I don’t care if Mcgee helps with a framework or something , but get it done, okay. McGee I will highlight the important points.”
As she bent down to talk to McGee, I couldn’t help but stare at her ass. The loose skirt she wore did not really highlight her body, but as she bend down, I could see her attractive curves, the voluptuous beauty if it, from the bent of her hips and ass to her lovely thighs. I heard her laugh with McGee. Suddenly I was filled with an insane jealous rage.
“ Do your job McGee. You can laugh and fool around later. Y/N in Abby’s lab now. Let’s get it over with the cover story . I have other cases to solve.” I said.
I barged out ,Y/N following me.
“ Gibbs Gibbs Gibbs” Abby said. “ Look I went through the Admiral’s journal.He was going through a divorce right. So I finally managed to read through it , not easy because of the codes , but look he found out that his lawyer arranged for someone to roofie his wife and take suggestive photos , making everyone believe that she had cheated. That’s when our missing Admiral wanted to confront the lawyer.”
“ I need more Abby.”
“ See the lawyer meets her clients out of her office. She has this weird jamming programme where we can’t triangulate her cell location. But if we get her to meet , I can access her cell data, her client list , her records of who she set up , how she got the roofie, who she used a photographer, everything.”
“ We need to get the location of our kidnapped admiral. Or else she would leverage that for a deal.”
“ Well Gibbs you can go in as a client. You can tell her to meet at a bar my friend owns. She has great tech that breaks signal jammers for video games. She uses them in her bar ,so she could play video games without any interference. I can put in someone undercover as a waitress . In that way while I attach a chip on you to hack her phone data, someone can get her phone locations.”
“ Well, Ziva, Kate, Jessica and Ellie have all interrogated and talked to her. So who to put.” I ask.
“ Her” Abby says looking at Y/N.
“ You can go undercover right?” I asked. Why didn’t it strike me before.
“ What me? Hmm ok” Y/N says.
“ Stop fidgeting Y/N” I said, looking at her in her waitress uniform.
“ The skirt is too short and tight” she said pulling at it.
“ Ohh God. I don’t have the body for such an outfit. I look awkward. There’s no way I can pull it off. Your lawyer will know something is off.”
“ Relax. You look wonderful. You can’t pull it off. “
“ Uhh huh keep the coat in the van and walk. There is no way a waitress can afford such a coat.” I said.
“ Got the data Boss” we have her. McGee said.
“ Yeah got all the locations she had been. “ Abby said.
“Okay Tony ,Nick follow the lawyer.”
“ Jessica , Ellie get to location 1 ,Ziva and Kate to location 2”.
As I walked Y/N to my car, I realised she disnt have her coat. She was shivering. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her.
“ Thanks” she said.
“ Good Job” I smiled at her. Dropping the menu to get close to her for the signal. Brilliant” I smiled.
“ You know you should smile more often Gibbs. It really looks good on you.”
“ Says the woman who forgot to smile in her year book photo” I chuckled.
“ So you did a background check on me” she laughed.
“ Well I needed to know who I am sending undercover. Plus I was curious . I wanted to know you, understand you better.” I confessed.
“ I was trying to portray the bold mysterious enigmatic look in that yearbook photo” she chuckled. “ You know typical teenage rebellion phase.” She laughed. “ I was a need but a rebel too, breaking rules , being a brat, resisting authority. In some sort of way I thought not smiling in my yearbook photo was an act of rebellion. I was a brat then, pretty mischievous. But my grades were really good. Plus I had this knack of avoiding suspicion, so didn’t get into trouble.”
“ You are still a brat.” I chuckled. “ It has worked Well for you though, helping you think out of the box.”
“ You have your fair share of out of the box thinking, disregard of protocol too, cowboy.” “ Yeah I looked you up too.”
I didn’t realise when I have gotten so close to her, her lips centimetres away from mine. It will be so easy to brush my lips against hers. She leaned in slightly. I leaned in too. Suddenly her phone rang.
“ Yeah , thanks Blake. I would look into the keynote speaker for the International Women’s Education Summit.” She said.
If only that stupid phone didn’t ring right now. I was so close to kissing her. I would have loved to hold her close to me, kissing her ,exploring her, feel her heartbeats against mine. Get a grip Marine.
Reader’s POV:
“ So how do you two meet?” “ Uhh Dating website, that’s a good cover.” Abby said.
Gibbs was standing behind me , bending down to look at the computer screen. His close presence made me feel butterflies in my stomach. “ Nope, find a better one” Gibbs said.
“ Maybe in a coffee shop, while we were getting coffee?” Gibbs continued.
“ Boring” Abby said.
“ Maybe at a bar. Two complete strangers. Fucked behind the alley. Had on and off casual sex. Then started dating.” I mused.
“ Wow , Hot.” Abby Exclaimed.
“ English Lit major here. I know how to write a good story. You should always be specific when you lie you know.” I chuckled.
“ That’s one of my rules too” Gibbs laughed. “ So who made the first move? How many times in the alleyway ?”
“ What?”
“ Specifics remember?”
“ I Will let you two work that out” Abby laughed.
We were going through our covers. We saw the lawyer being escorted out. Suddenly she took out the gun of an NCIS agent holding the entire squad room at gunpoint.
“ I will not go to prison” the lawyer said.
“Okay ,Okay ,we can talk” I said.
“ I will walk out from here, you will not follow me” she said. “ Get me that box of money and fake passports you confisticated now”
“ OK, Ok I said . I am bringing it.” Then looking at my shoes, I looked at Gibbs, a silent understanding passing between us.
I took the evidence box and approached her . Then jammed my foot on her, my stilleto shoes causing her real pain and she dropped her gun. Gibbs immediately slipped it away as Ziva tried to handcuff her.
“You bitch” she shouted at me, and she attacked Ziva, snatching her knife and throwing it at me. Gibbs immediately pulled me down on the floor , protecting me with him on top of me before Ziva subdued her. The knife however hit the window and a piece of glass cur my shoulder. I gasped at the pain.
Jethro’s POV:
I looked at Y/N. I saw the blood from the glass that had cut her shoulders.
I pulled her up. She looked shaken. I pulled her in a hug , holding her tight against my chest.
“ Get Ducky now”. I said to Kate.
“ You know Y/N it’s okay to say it hurts while getting stitches.” Ducky said. “ You don’t have to grit your teeth and put up a brave face.”
“ You gave me painkillers Ducky. Plus the Alcohol you made me chug helped me with the nerves, as you said.”
“ You gave her painkillers with alcohol Ducky?”
“ Well it helps with the nerves . Though I suggest she doesn’t drive today.” Ducky said.
“ I will take her home Ducky.”
Ducky finished doing her stitches. “ Well you can take her home now Jethro.”
“ Come Y/N , let me take you home.”
“ But I don’t want to go home. I wanna see the world” she pouted.
“ What painkillers making you loopy kid?” I chuckled. “ Come.” I said as I took her hand.
“ Ahh such a gentleman. You don’t have to be so kind. I won’t sue NCIS for the damages” she giggled. “ I am sorry about your jacket though. I can buy you another.”
“ It’s okay Y/N.”
She tiptoe on her feet ,suddenly brushing her lips against mine and softly sucking on it. “ Kind of wanted to do that all day long” she giggled.
I lost my self control then. I crashed her lips against her passionately. She gasped at the sensation and as she parted her lips I shoved my tongue inside her . I felt so close to her. She responded eagerly. As we broke for oxygen I looked into her eyes. “ I have wanted to do that all day along too”.I said . Her eyes reflected the desire I felt. I picked her up and carried her to my car. I buckled her seatbelt before driving.
“ That’s not the way to my home.” She said.
“ I am taking you to my place?”
“ To your bed” she giggled.
“ I would be lying if I said I don’t want you in my bed Y/N. You have no idea what has gone through my head from the morning, Ohh the things I want to do to you.” “ Well how drunk are you?”
“ Drunk enough to really have the nerves to go to bed with you.Not enough for you to think guily of taking advantage of me.” She said dazed.
“ Ohh Y/N I want to be with you tonight. But you have alcohol and painkillers in your system. I don’t want you to do anything you will regret in the morning.”
“ You don’t want me?”
I took her hand into mine placing it against my crotch. “ You feel the hardness Y/N . You did that. I want you so much Y/N. But it’s not fair to you. I would like to take you when you are fully sober.”
“ She rubbed her hands against my crotch. I did that .” She giggled. “ I would like to feel more of that hardness.”
My cock throbbed against my pants. “Y/N , you are making it difficult for me to concentrate on the road.”
“ Oops Sorry. She withdrew her hands and started biting her nails and sucking her thumbs.”
This girl is really gonna test my patience and my honour. I have to keep my self control control.
“ Don’t bite your nails. It’s a bad habit.”
As a response she stuck out her tongue at me, making me laugh.
We arrived at my place. I carried her to my bedroom , put her down on my bed. I gave her one of my hoodies to change into.
When I came to the room again after changing to a hoodie and sweatpants , I found her half asleep. I gently tucked her in, kissing her forehead and Patting her forehead.
“ I wish you would stay” she mumbled.
“ You really want me to?”
“ Only if you are comfortable”
“ Good. Cause I want to.” I said . Then I laid down beside her, pulling her close to me ,cuddling her as we both drifted off to sleep. The sensation of her against me really turned me on , but I also felt a comfort, a warmth I did not want to lose. Her touch was like a drug to me.
“ I woke up in the morning. Y/N laid in my arms fast asleep. I have never felt so much peace ,so much bliss, that I felt at that moment. Gently I nuzzles at her neck. “ I think I maybe falling in love with you” I whispered. Gently kissing her forehead, I got up.
I was rock hard and needed a cold shower. I willed my Dick to go down, but it had a mind of its own. I imagined Y/N’s mouth and fingers around my cock and stroked my Shaft. I thought of how it would feel to be inside her. I shot my load in my hand and floor. Then taking a cold shower , I went to cook breakfast.
“ Hi good morning” she said. “Smells delicious.”
I offered her some coffee. “ So how would you want your eggs? Runny or dry.”
“ None. Cause I think your pan’s on fire.”
“ Shoot fuck I said” putting it out.
We both ended up laughing together. At that moment I felt so whole. I moved towards her. Then holding her gaze I cupped her face before claiming her lips.
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charkyzombicorn · 6 months
Accidental mob boss au
Modern au
Luffy is the target of multiple yakuza due to his connection to multiple high power people (ace - a meber of white beard crew. Dragon and crocodile and shanks. Along with being the grandson of a high ranking chief policeman’s (garp))
So in order to protect him, (crocodile, ace and shanks) Send a bodyguard to keep him safe. (Non of them know about the other doing this btw)
Shanks sends sniper king (usopp. Who uses his cover as a cowardly kid to hide his identity as teenager sniper)
Crocodile sends miss all Sunday (Robin, a killer assassin)
Ace asked Jinbe a powerful yakuza to keep and eye on Luffy (since Luffy lives in his territory)
Long story short. Somehow Luffy became a yakuza with former yakuza bosses (Jinbe and franky) serving under him and 2 would be assigns (Nami and chopper) as his new gang members.
Also Sanji was sent to whatch after Luffy by zeff and a favorite to garp. (And Luffy just found zoro dying on the street and decided to keep him like a stray dog)
I. Do you know how this has been festering in my brain, anon? Do you know?
Zoro is in fact Luffy's dog that's canon, Zoro decided to fuck with Mihawk (an assassin that's close with Shanks, he might be an undercover cop but Shanks doesn't mind everyone has flaws) because Mihawk was really good at Kendo back in the day and Zoro wanted to be The Best, used a real sword and got stabbed for it. He couldn't go to a hospital because he was wanted for assault on multiple police officers so Luffy took him home, threw a med kit at him and said Zoro was his now. Zoro would kill and die for this man
Nami wasn't Really an assassin, she was more like a crook, stole money, weapons, information from all the crime families to give to a budding crime family that branched away from Jimbe, because they had her sister. Luffy was a means to an end, Arlong put a price on his head three times what he was holding Nojiko for because Luffy was tied to almost everyone - and how could someone tied to every criminal in their city be anything but terrible? So she got close, she didn't mean to but she did and eventually she didn't want to hand him into Arlong because he wasn't who she thought, he helped her finish getting the money not even knowing what it was for. She tried paying Arlong, but he said money wasn't good enough, that Nami was seen fraternizing with the city's top bargaining chip and Arlong wanted him. Nami left, intent on finding another way, doubling the money she spent her life hoarding, tripling it, she would dissappear from Luffy's life because she would never stoop as low as Arlong - but then Luffy came to her. She had no choice but to hand him in because she couldn't play it off anymore, he went willingly, she got Nojiko, then Zoro and Nami teamed up to bust Luffy out, then Luffy forewent the stealth of the break out and beat the tar out of Arlong. Nami would kill and die for this man.
Luffy immediately recognized Usopp because they met as kids (back when Usopp was sure he was wimpy and useless, but Luffy just said he was cool) even if they hadn't seen eachother in a decade, and Luffy is immediately and adamantly like 'this is Usopp he's the best sniper ever we're keeping him because he's my best friend' and Nami and Zoro both look Usopp up and down like '... Sure...' because Usopp is all blubbery because Luffy hadn't even seen him do anything cool yet he was going purely off the kid that not even Usopp thought deserved the time of day, Luffy not only thought that kid was worth it, he had so much faith in that kid that he's sure the man he's seeing is the man that kid said he would be. Usopp would kill and die for this man.
Sanji thought Luffy was going to be a spoiled brat - and he definitely is. He also saved Nami and Zoro without a thought because they were his and Sanji isn't going to lie and say Luffy calling him his as well doesn't hit Sanji pretty hard. Sanji would kill and die for this man.
Chopper is Kureha's assistant - his parents were mostly absent, and pretty ableist (he's autistic and has chronic pain with his spine - part of why he's kinda tiny, also why he walks with a cane) and Hiriluk took him in for a while before he got sick, then Kureha took him in but only if he worked for her (he was happy for it, Kureha's a doctor - well she had her license revoked but that doesn't stop patients from crawling to her door from every crime family because she's neutral and an amazing doctor) he makes friends with Luffy pretty quickly because Luffy thought it was metal as hell that Chopper was a doctor at 14 (well he said 8 but Chopper loudly corrected him and Luffy said that was still super cool). Luffy also beat the absolute shitfuck out of a cop that was interrogating Chopper by shittalking Hiriluk (Walpol recognized Chopper) And Chopper? Chopper would kill and die for this man.
Robin got close to the crew pretty easily. She was surprised, especially since she knew who Usopp and Sanji were, but she wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. It was fun hanging around with them a while, watching these kids kill themselves for eachother, pretending she was a part of it. But she had a price on her head, and staying stagnant long enough made the wrong people notice. She tried to act like she betrayed her friends, but Luffy didn't listen, started causing havoc, getting hurt for it, getting the whole group hurt for it, and Robin tried to tell him she wasn't worth it but he just told her to say she wanted to live, and she did, so he made it so. Robin would kill and die for this man.
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deathdetermineslife · 29 days
hi 👉🏻👈🏻 have you already done a list or have one for general criminal f/o?? +/or who works a shady job UNDER a shady boss? like. . hitperson, but does their own things sometimes too like mugging, pickpocketing, stealing cool cars/motorcycles, etc.?? other crimes too, they probably do other things.
thx u for these btw theyre so fun!!
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so i did just post this one earlier of a crime boss (which I know yours isn't but you may want to take inspiration!)
make a list of their best steals! their absolute favs!
look into different tactics muggers and thieves use to extort people!
WATCH A DOCUMENTARY ON PICKPOCKETING I know I sound enthusiastic but pickpocketers from around the world are absolutely crazy and talented(?) its so interesting
how do they prep for a hit? make a collage of things they bring with them when they go.
adding onto this, make a tier list of weapons they use when on the job. how would they rank them? how effective are they? are some of them just a nuisance to have?
make up a fake wrap sheet. look up a list of criminal charges and assign them to your f/o
draw them in that silly bank robber pose. you know the one. where they're all sneaky with the sack of money
get one of those handcuff necklaces to wear!
if they've ever been arrested, maybe write dialogue for a fake courtcase. how do they plead? do they have a good defense? or, do they just look like a bafoon the whole time?
okay chat. its bed time now. yippie! i hope you like this one you can tell I got very tired by the end tho
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celestial-fang · 2 years
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Haldron-44 Stroika is extremely hot, a gay icon, husband material, and the original Twinkarii. My little meow meow blorbo war criminal, best boytoy, trans awakening, muse, induction into my cyborg obsession, favourite lewding subject
As the commander of an entire Skitarii army, a master combatant and tactician, he was permitted free will to coordinate millions of soldiers and extra weapon limbs to deal out the wrath of the Omnissiah, uncommon for his kind. While handling all this, he is in a gay polycule with Magos Omnid Torquora (kind of a toxic relationship here), Victro-10 Tiberiax (wholesome boyfriend) and Nalo Deka 871 (protective yandere boyfriend who would sacrifice anything for him).
Being such a high ranking military officer and wearing the characteristic attire of the Legiones Skitarii also makes him look extremely handsome. His body has been described as tall but lithe which sounds quite bishie to me especially when you consider that most beings in Warhammer are built like brickhouses and can easily close their hand around his tiny cybernetic waist (impossible beauty standards for regular humans btw). The canon description of his face is strangely devoid of any off-putting features- no radiation scars, missing teeth etc. that you would find in most Skitarii Vanguard. Stroika is so pretty that the radiation refused to touch him in fear of damaging his beautiful twink features and flawless skin.
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In fact Stroika is so canonically hot that every antagonist tries to tie him up or tease him to a point where I am just side eyeing the author wondering if he knew what he was doing. I mean for the Omnissiah’s sake he was put into bondage on 3 different occasions throughout the Admech duology while enemies whisper how they can’t wait to torture him and show him true suffering which is just suspiciously horny
Personality wise, Stroika is a loyal and steadfast warrior who sacrificed his entire life to protect what he believes in and no one can disagree that’s hot and partner material. Just think of a tall, dashing androgynous cyborg general kneeling before you. He takes your small hand in his armoured steel grasp, the crimson robes of Mars billowing in the wind as he swears allegiance to you until the stars burn out. A tragic hero, discarded like a tool by the vast machinations of this cruel galaxy, who still screams out his hate for the enemies of the Machine God long after his mind has been broken by indescribable enemy torture. His flesh may have melted away but his faith and strength surpasses any steel.
That’s Stroika and he’s the best.
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girllblogging777 · 1 month
Sorry if someone's already asked this, I'm fairly new to your page but what are some of your favorite Taylor Swift songs or albums or your thoughts in general about each one?
𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑓𝑡𝑖���� 𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑘 !
↳ honestly i’m so so happy you asked because it gives me an opportunity to talk about taylor’s music so i’m just gonna rant a little bit
my experience as a swiftie :
✩ my first memory of listening to taylor was when i’d watch the shake it off clip with my sister RELIGIOUSLY, even though we were really young at the time
✩ i started listening to her music a little after fearless tv released and became a swiftie during red tv (best era ever imo, i miss streaming atwtmv all day long and romanticising fall)
✩ i had the chance to go to the eras tour back in june, which was the BEST experience of my life. i traveled to london just for the concert and it was so great !
✩ london n2 btw, i feel like we had the worst show of all wembleys and i can’t believe i missed gracie abrams by a day, but i’m still super grateful (i got thank you aimee x mean and castles crumbling)
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my opinions on her music :
✩ i’m personally more of a fountain pen songs swiftie than a glitter gel pen one, although i love all of her albums and songs (all bops idc)
✩ i have absolutely NO idea how to rank her albums because it changes everyday and based on my mood
✩ in my opinion, taylor’s most “taylor” album is red, which is why i have a particular attachment to it
✩ folklore and evermore are BOTH masterpieces and evermore deserves to get the folklore treatment (dare i say it’s better than folklore ?)
✩ debut is criminally underrated and i can’t wait for people to realise that when taylor’s version is released
✩ ttpd is a perfect album, and probably in my top three of hers (i do like the anthology better than the album in itself)
✩ her only album with NO skips (again that’s my opinion) is reputation….
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about ME! :
✩ she truly does have a song for every situation, it’s insane
✩ i’m a this is me trying/the archer girl through and through, that’s for sure
✩ as for my favourite songs, i do have a particular attachment to cowboy like me and you are in love (yes i cried when she did a mashup) and my most streamed song of hers is haunted
✩ OKAY WAIT i’m gonna do a little playlist with taylor songs that describe my “romantic life” (you’ll get the lore pretty easily, try to guess what happened)
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♪ the playlist ♪
“my boy only breaks his favorite toys”
“now that we don’t talk”
“gold rush”
“better man”
“the 1”
“the smallest man who ever lived”
“girl at home”
“down bad”
“right where you left me”
“foolish one”
pretty sure no one is gonna read all that but i had so much fun ! thank you for your question <3
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