#the nurse log
constantlyfalling · 3 months
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We could run away
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orofeaiel · 4 months
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Mossy Roots
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Sometimes in a northwestern conifer forest I come across a tree that sprouted on a nurse stump which has long since decayed away. The silhouette of the stump can still be seen in the contours of the living tree's roots; I often call these ghost stumps. This picturesque individual grows on the Red Fox Trail at Tryon Creek State Natural Area in Portland, OR. You can read more about nurse stumps here.
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captainjonnitkessler · 9 months
I understand if you want to stay out of it but I’m curious as to you’re thoughts on this discourse
Anon, I'm going to be entirely honest with you. I have been waiting for an excuse to put my thoughts about this down. Forewarning that this is going to be long and take a dim view of organized religion.
TL;DR: I think everyone in that thread is maliciously misinterpreting evilsoup's point, which is basically that they think Gene Roddenberry was right about what a post-utopian society would look like re: religion. And you can agree or disagree about whether a post-religious utopia is likely or desirable, but to say that anyone who thinks it is is actively calling for and encouraging genocide is a gross misuse of the term (especially coming from at least one person that I'm pretty sure is currently denying an actively ongoing actual fucking genocide).
@evilsoup can correct me if I'm misinterpreting their points, but as far as I see it there are two main points being made:
A) In a perfect utopia with absolutely no source of oppression, marginalization, or disparity, religion would naturally whither away with no outside pressure being applied.
B) This would be a good or at least a neutral thing.
As far as A) goes - a lot of the responses evilsoup got were basically "well *I* would never choose to be nonreligious, so therefore the only way to create that world would be by force, and therefore you are calling for literal genocide". But aside from the fact that evilsoup was very, very clear that they thought this would be a *natural* event and that trying to force people to be nonreligious would be evil - we're not talking about (general) you. You can be as religious as you want but you don't get to make that choice for your grandkids, or your great-great-great grandkids, or your great-great-great-great-great-etc. grandkids. Just because religion is an integral part of your identity doesn't mean it's something you can pass down, and if you're not comfortable with the idea that your kids might choose to leave your religion, you shouldn't have kids.
I personally don't foresee religion disappearing entirely, but it is pretty consistent that as a country becomes happier, healthier, and wealthier, it also becomes less religious. Religiosity is inversely correlated with progressive values. And the more democratic and secular a nation is, the less powerful religious authorities become - In the 1600s blasphemy and atheism were punishable by death* in Massachusetts and today I can call the Pope a cunt to his face** on Twitter with no repercussions whatsoever. Political secularism is an absolute necessity for true democracy and it necessitates removing power from religious authorities, which has and will likely continue to lead to a decline in religiosity - not just a decline in how many people identify as religious, but also a decline in how religious the remaining people are.
*Blasphemy laws and death penalties for blasphemers/apostates are still VERY much a thing in many places. It's hard to see a path where those places become more democratic but don't become more secular and repeal those laws.
**Well, to the face of whoever runs his Twitter account, but the point remains.
I also believe that many religious communities have been held together for so long via coercion - either internal coercion like blasphemy and apostasy laws, shunning, and threats of hell or other supernatural punishment, or external coercion like oppression from the majority religious group or ethnic cleansings. In a perfect utopia, neither form of coercion would exist and I don't think it's crazy to think that religiosity would drop severely and become a much less important part of people's identities, in the way I think the queer community would not exist in a world where queerphobia didn't exist.
ANYWAY, all this is actually kind of moot. It could happen, it could not, nobody is calling for it to be forced so we'll just have to wait and see. The real point of disagreement is on B).
I'm gonna be honest - I think a lot of the responders are rank hypocrites and are really hung up on the idea of cultural purity, which is something I'm wildly uncomfortable with.
First of all, the idea that a deeply-held religious belief could be diluted until it's just a cultural thing that nobody really remembers the origins of isn't some evil mastermind plot evilsoup is trying to concoct, it's just how cultures work. There's tons of stuff about American culture that are vaguely rooted in what were once deeply-held beliefs and are now entertainment. Halloween is rooted in sacred tradition and now it's a day to dress up and get candy. Christmas is one of the most sacred holidays in Christianity but nobody bats an eye if a non-Christian puts up some lights or decorates a tree just because it's fun. I have no doubt that every culture on Earth has traditions that used to be deeply sacred but are now just fun family traditions. People in Japan use Christian symbology as an "exotic, mythical" aesthetic the exact same way people in the West use Eastern symbology. And if you're okay with it happening to Christianity, why wouldn't you be okay with it happening to any other religion in the absence of oppression?
And there's the idea that if a culture fails to get passed down *exactly* as it is now, it's a terrible loss and the result of malicious outside influence. But . . . cultures change over time. No culture is the same now as it was two or five or eight hundred years ago and I don't believe that change is inherently loss. The things that are sacred to you may or may not be sacred to the people of your culture in the future. That's just the way things work, and I don't think it's inherently good or bad.
And finally, people keep accusing evilsoup of "just wanting everyone to assimilate to your culture", but it absolutely does not follow that a lack of religion means a lack of diversity. Different nonreligious cultures are every bit as capable of being diverse as different religious cultures, so it's weird to insist that evilsoup wants there to only be one culture when they never said anything to indicate that.
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pnw-forest-side · 1 year
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A ghost stump and what's left behind.
~ Watershed Park ~
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kaptainandy · 6 months
the best way to contextualize the difference in herbert's and dan's flavor of unhingedness is this: herbert commits outright medical malpractice while dan commits egregious HIPPA violations.
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lionfloss · 1 year
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suburbanscrimshaw · 15 days
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Logwalk NB
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sherrylephotography · 2 years
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@sherrylephotography 5/23/2022
Posted 2/2023. My photo
Those are trees growing on that fallen decayed tree.
A nurse log is a fallen tree which, as it decays, provides ecological facilitation to seedlings. Broader definitions include providing shade or support to other plants. Wikipedia
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medicillin · 3 months
In honor of pride, my Aid is a transwoman! 🏳️‍⚧️💕
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literatureandtrees · 1 year
a little walk during goldenhour
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rebeccathenaturalist · 8 months
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It’s Tell a Friend Friday!
Please enjoy this photo I took of a nurse log covered in lichens and mosses.
Then tell someone you know about my work–you can reblog this post, or send it to someone you think may be interested in my natural history writing, classes, and tours, as well as my upcoming book, The Everyday Naturalist: How to Identify Animals, Plants, and Fungi Wherever You Go. Here’s where I can be found online:
Website - http://www.rebeccalexa.com
Rebecca Lexa, Naturalist Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/rebeccalexanaturalist
Tumblr Profile – http://rebeccathenaturalist.tumblr.com
BlueSky Profile - https://bsky.app/profile/rebeccanaturalist.bsky.social
Twitter Profile – http://www.twitter.com/rebecca_lexa
Instagram Profile – https://www.instagram.com/rebeccathenaturalist/
LinkedIn Profile – http://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccalexanaturalist
iNaturalist Profile – https://www.inaturalist.org/people/rebeccalexa
Finally, if you like what I’m doing here, you can give me a tip at http://ko-fi.com/rebeccathenaturalist
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quirinah · 1 year
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knocked out a sketchbook recently here's some old spreads i still like 😁👍
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king-ludwig-ii · 1 month
I got invited about to plans that start at 10pm on a Tuesday 🫡
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dimensionalspades · 11 months
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@nursc said: ( hold ) : sender hugs receiver from behind (to Julian)
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- affectionate || accepting -
. He heard footsteps he recognized as Christine's before he heard her, though his focus remained on his project for a moment longer. He was carefully weighing out a compound and needed just a second more of focus.
. When her arms wrapped around him, he'd just finished, and he chuckled at the tight embrace. He made a bit of room to turn around, wrapping his arms around her shoulders tightly in return.
. He leaned back just enough to rest his hands on her shoulders, broad grin on his lips.
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. "How are you? I heard Temporal Investigations is officially stumped on what to do with you," he replied. He should be concerned, of course, but by now, he was used to Christine's presence, and he greatly enjoyed their escapades. If and when she was returned to her own time, he'd rather miss her. "Luckily, I know. This little project we've been working on could use another eye on my measurements for a new compound I'm trying out."
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attex · 4 months
Happy birthday Fraud! Hope you get your favorite corpse delivered at your doorstep for complete destruction (gone sexual) :)
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