#the air quotes around “diona” are intentional btw
ponds-of-ink · 7 months
Before I go offline for a few hours, I want to make two posts. First is this one: The official-unofficial designs (and names!!) for two of my characters in Of Lyres and Lapins.
I’d like to thank MargoTheTwi/TheTwi’s Fantasy OC Picrew for helping me finally figure out how these guys are supposed to look. Couldn’t have done that without it.
First up is “Diona”, one of the wizards in the Lyre and Lapin world. Her main wizard skill is creating healing (and tasty) drinks in multiple ways, as seen below.
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The only reason why she’s not smiling here is because she hasn’t really used this certain method before. Altering spring water through mere air manipulation is harder than it looks..
Anyway, here’s Sabine— An Elvin Bard whose songs can cheer the heart or calm the mind in an instant. Looks like she knows what exact song to play…
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Fun fact: She, like many bards here, are required to memorize certain riffs in order to do certain things. For example: A well-timed galloping riff can improve the stamina of a horse in battle.
I’d like to delve deeper into either of these two, but time is against me.
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