#that way which makes me think that maybe she had a brother who didnt treat her well ?? maybe ??
eerna · 3 months
I think the big problem witht the fan service in TPT was that it was to throw in your face.Fan service is good when you fell natural but simultaneously you could tell that is fan service.I rolled my eyes at taryn divine punishment it felt like she gave the fans what they wanted since qon(the whole taryn didnt got a punishment was always funny to me they were acting like having locke as a husband wasnt one)
I understand why HB tried to please as much people she could with it since from what i saw even people who enjoyed her other faerie books weren't big fans of TSH.I agree with J and C don't make good mcs anymore thei arcs endet and most of their problems were solved in a good note.
TPT tried to be a lot of things at once:
1.Fan service
2.the conclusion of the story
3.a bridge for her undersea book
4.Romantasy( marketed like this)
And fails at being a good structured story.(for a book marketed like a romantasy the romance was so little and rushed at the end)
From what i saw a lot of people started hating wren after TPT wich i understand in a measure since she was so little and most of her scene were not in a favorable light.(shes still my fav Tsh character and i love her but her arc was practically non-existent)
I enjoyed oak a lot maybe bc im a sucker for his type of character but i think it could have been done more with his character.
I don't know how a undersea book in jurdan pov will be but i dont think it would be a good one since what they will narate especially in the undersea!
Yeah, you laid it out very well. I am NOT above fanservice. I friggin love the stuff. Case in point: the way I was SO INSANELY HYPED for TPT because they promoted it with Madoc household content which are words to my heart. But the issue is when the fanservice overshadows everything else. Case in point: Wren becoming a side character in her own duology so that Oak's main storyline can happen with Jude. I legit can't blame anyone who hates her after TPT because oh my god her writing was SO BAD in that second book. You can't just have your character do the vilest cruelest thing in the world to her love interest and then remove her from page and later say that she was just manipulated and blackmailed into being mean and is ready for love now. Imagine if the everapple scene happened and then Balekin convinced Cardan to give him an oath of allegiance that kept Cardan on Madoc's side for the rest of the plot except for romance scenes and then in the end he and Jude still got together. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED TO WREN. Well not exactly because she had a POV book first BUT YOU GET WHAT I MEAN.
Even the Oak-Jude storyline was not all it could have been. HB tried to give them a similar dynamic that Madoc and Jude had, where Oak isn't sure if Jude truly loves him and if she would sacrifice him if she suspected he worked against her. But there is no real tension because we KNOW Jude would never do that because like. That's the entire point of TFotA. I think that Oak slowly growing to resent his family was a fantastic concept, but the book barely gave it any screentime before it was solved. It's like HB didn't want to do anything too uncomfortable because this time around she would have to make Jude and Cardan his problematic parental figures, and that goes against every single rule of fanservice. So we get the worst of both worlds: Oak is a messed up kid doing very self destructive things that Jude is responsible for, but we can't explore them or treat them as very bad because that would make Jude look bad, and who wants to read a book about their fave girlboss accidentally ruining her baby brother's life? (Me I do oh my god I was looking forward to it so much I am still heartbroken)
There's still hope that the Undersea book won't be Jurdan POV, and I am manifesting it so much, because you're so right I have 0 confidence that I would like it.
(Marrying Locke was all the punishment Taryn needed fr. Rest in pepperoni loser)
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While it's understandable why they are telling him to stop the Todorokis including Shoto never make it seem like they want Toya back but only ever project the family's problems onto him. Like even when Endeavor finally sees Toya it is only when Toya can't really see him anymore and is in a delusional state due to his fire frying his own brain. I know they are finally releasing their pent up feelings but why is Toya always on the receiving end?
BTW I feel they see Shoto as the family hero because he actually puts in the emotional labour into actually reuniting the family and NOT looking away while the rest of them always looked away until now.
I hope Toya gets a happy ending and not simply seen as the family scapegoat/regret.
@rainygirl2399 Yeah.
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Though, i think they all want Touya back, i think Shouto and Rei are the only ones who actually have hope for this. Fuyumi and Natsuo love their brother and they clearly were traumatized by his death. Thats why Fuyumi said she doesnt want to lose anyone else and thats why Natsuo felt guilty for not listening his brother even after all those years. For them, Touya is still dead.
I do understand why they couldnt help Touya in the past though, Rei was loosing it because she was treated as baby making machine and kids were just kids. They did their best in their own way at that time but i hope they can start seeing that Touya being Dabi is hope for them to become a family again.
But for Rei and Shouto, its different. Which makes sense. For Rei, she is not Touya's sibling, its his mother. She had a mentalbreakdown and hurted Shouto without meaning it so she know what its like to loose yourself. She knows that she let him down, and she wont make the same mistakes again. Thats why she still refered him as his son and apologised for his actions. Thats why she is here to save him.
And with Shouto, one because he was Earlyroki before so he knows that 'dark, revenge feeling' personally. He is hero who has job to save people so for him dealing with villains is part of the job, especially if it his brother. And once again, he is hero because he is familiar to the world of villains more than his family. Meanwhile his family are just civillians, normal people.
I think they all want Touya back, even Endeavour but they dont seem to have much hope, except Shouto and maybe Rei too. And once again, he is the black sheep of the family.
'Dont take them away too, big brother because you are dead anyway'.
'Stop causing any more trouble, brother!'
'You are not gonna hurt any more people!'
'Just kill me, Touya, make me the only one you kill'
Like, if they really want to stop him, they should use better words to reach out to him, instead of leaving him behind again.
And Rei's Shouto is our hero speech....even though, Fuyumi and Natsuo did their best to help their mother all of those years....they should be considered as hero too. Touya is the only one who stand up to Endeavour and the world that Endeavour get away so he is a hero in a way too. Not only they are putting the burden on the 'golden child of the family' but also, making others seem less heroic only because they didnt become hero as job or because they didnt born with right power. This is why Rei and others going to help Touya together is a lot meaningfull than Shouto's doing everything alone because anyone can be hero.
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windywriter · 1 year
I mean, MC being Lilith's descendent was to set up their ability to bypass certain wards and such as well as allow them to communicate with her, as far as I'm aware it's the reason they're immune to Asmo's charm as well. MC wouldn't have the ring either if they weren't born with the power of angels.
The game never solved anything by "we have our sister back technically", the entire first season is MC helping the brothers with their problems, including the fact that letting go of the constant grief isn't letting go of Lilith and getting that understanding that moving on isn't bad, you still have her in your heart.
If you're talking about the fandom idea that the brothers only think of MC as Lilith then I'll let you know that was an angst au type thing. If one of the canon brothers treated MC as Lilith or her replacement then I'm almost certain that the others would beat some sense into him and make him apologize.
The brothers love *MC*, not Lilith's descendent. Belphie could be argued but the reveal was more about Lilith getting the life she always wanted in the end (living proof standing in front of him) and that hating *all* humans would be hating her too. And the reason he knows this now, the reason he's back with his brothers, the reason everything's going to be okay is MC. Maybe Lilith's descendent played some part in him wanting to get closer to them at first but I really don't think that'd last, his brothers and even MC would catch on quick and shut that down (saw a fic about that a while ago). After all, he also knew MC before any reveal, they were only "friends" but that meant he did know MC before "Lilith's Descendent".
MC being Lilith's (reincarnation's) descendant just solved certain plot holes with things like their abilities and why Lilith could talk to them but not her brothers.
Sorry if this is messy I'm not great at communicating my points or ideas. I've also got a really bad headache which isn't making it easier--
I actually used to think the same as you in some ways but I've been obsessed with this game for over a year and between rereading the story and reading fandom analysis, I've come to firmly believe that it wouldn't matter if MC wasn't Lilith's descendent, it was just an easy explanation for the plot holes and a typical otome wrap up for what was (iirc) supposed to be a 20 Lesson game.
(Not part of my take but I think the idea of Lilith being so done with the boys' shit and unable to knock some sense into them that she uses "power of fate" to knock around the papers so the boys get to deal with her most chaotic fucking rizzmaster descendent is absolutely hilarious and the entire plot point is worth it just for that)
Hi Anon, Yeah, the whole thing of Lilith being the reason MC can bypass certain stuff could easily be changed with the fact that the divine fruit Lilith gave her lover allowing them immunity against shit, plus my newest post about Lilith as a concept of love protecting MC (check it out here!) I think i mentioned it? idk, but if i didnt here it is.
As for the "technically we have out sister back" because its so ambiguous with the relationships lilith had with the other brothers, its hard to tell, except lucifer who i think mentions holding MC's hand reminds me of when he would hold lilith's hand which is a weird thing to say on a date. As for Belphie's situation, yes it does make sense that if Belphie were to hate MC who is a descendant of lilith he'd be hating her as well, but I think it would be much more interesting if we got him to forgive humanity or at least make steps towards it by confronting the one who he blames for it. And by seeing that they still have lilith's blessing it would mean that Lilith still loves them, and by hurting MC belphie is basically spitting in the face of his beloved sister's wishes.
Also overall, I made this version purely because Lilith being the brother's Sister, and MC being her descendant has some really messed up implications (going back to the lucifer part i pointed out) and technically they arent related by blood but if you have to put "technically" in front of something like that its still pretty strange. But im glad to hear your input! I hope you feel better!
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Okay now I’ve sort of managed to calm down a bit
and to help me calm down more
All the Good Things ™️ from yesterday ^_^ (not necessarily in chronological order because we jumped the tracks of a dozen different conversations XD)
- getting to talk to people my own age from the same background as me
- childhood friends!
- cat mom talk 🥰
“You were there for mine?”
“What no-“
(🤭 I’m lowkey like hey I got the Moment ™️, the bit where you all know without explaining the Drama from the Old Days 🥲)
- accountability - I think she was a bit too harsh on herself but like, talking about how we were when we were younger and acknowledging how she could have been nicer and more considerate to me, like that was really reassuring even though I’ve always thought quite well of her but it was nice to have someone acknowledge it. Like no one from the old days has ever actively sought out my friendship let alone talked honestly about how they treated me so it’s so so so heartwarming, ESPECIALLY WITH THE INCIDENT
- new perspectives! Like my friend telling me her perspective of the Incident and aunties being very protective of me WHICH I DIDNT KNOW and I was so embarrassed but it’s like, heartwarming to know how people care for me.
And perspectives outside of apparently the lad talk, which is in general “Star is a Good Girl” and I was very surprised but pleasantly so about that. Like their mums love me and would encourage them to hang out with me like oh Star’s so nice ^_^ and the way they’ve always talked about me, like even talking to me they were really admiring and kind and just 🥹
- learning about their lives and really getting to know them. Growing up together is quite passive as opposed to knowing them, and now I feel I know them a lot more and being trusted with their lives and wow we have a lot more in common now as grown ups
- shared passions, talking about art!! I feel like I’ve found people in my real life that I can talk art with!!!!! MAYBE ART SESSIONS TOGETHER? 🥺
- THEY BROUGHT UP NEURODIVERGENT CULTURE AND KNEW WHAT IT WAS IM ???!!!?!?!?! BONDING OVER SOCIAL ANXIETY AND BEING BIG TALK PEOPLE AND INFODUMPING AND UH WE MIGHT ALL BE NEURODIVERGENT THE FEELS I AM FEELING I felt very comfortable in casually going like yeah I might be autistic and they were like awesome!! And that really makes sense!! 🥹 I’m-
- bonding over shared trauma :D religious and otherwise
- Gen Z casual therapy sessions over coffee and dessert LESGO
- being mindful of breaking generational trauma
- KINDNESS AS A CHOICE MENTALITY THANK YOU FINALLY PEOPLE WHO UNDERSTAND I AM NOT A UNICORN OR I AM BUT I AM WITH OTHER UNICORNS other people who understand unconditional kindness 🥹 and also standing up for yourself. Just… the validation like no not just that but the *understanding* and the way we all look at our struggles the same way like yeah people may wrong you but it’s with Allah and we aren’t wrong for being kind
- When You Actively Choose Religion. Like yes any kid raised Muslim gets this but like they GOT it the same way I did the caring about it and practicing and struggles and similar struggles
- Laurie Drama and again, perspective like they heard about it and they were happy for me and then when talking they were like oh that’s your side (abridged) and being respectful and supportive! And like yeah our brothers LOVE the guy but clearly not right for you GOOD ON YOU FOR LISTENING TO YOUR INSTINCTS
- I must extend on this, the emphasis they had on being supportive without even knowing a fraction of the full story despite the fact they know the perfect image of the guy, knew him better growing up around him or the guy’s side only just no it wasn’t right and they immediately understood and didn’t need justification because it’s enough to listen to my opinion because 1. my choice 2. Star’s judgement LIKE DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THAT MEANS I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT
- Talking about marriage stuff and when it’s Right you are comfortable, I will say these girls are a bit more perceptive in like nah I think you’re definitely a marriage person apparently my detached anti marriage vibes never stuck with them XD which like, fair maybe so surprisingly being honest like sure I’m up for it when I am sure and ready and most importantly trusting.
- Girls need to stop rushing into marriage (just cos we say we want to doesn’t mean ANYone and it doesn’t need to be right away and like THANK YOU SOME PEOPLE WHO ARE NORMAL ABOUT IT honestly all through this meet up I just kept feeling yes oh my gosh same page 🥹 girls who get it’s a friendship for life)
- critical over men AGAIN THANK YOU FOR BEING NORMAL IT AINT JUST ME lamenting over yeah those stupid rumours were probably just GUYS being guys “you know if you smile at a guy he thinks you want to marry him”
- defending me again like no completely not your fault people are silly
- critical of suitors the same way I am (IT IS NOT JUST ME THANK YOU IT’S COMMON SENSE i mean same with the rest of my friends but they’re not as aggressive as me these girls get it)
- friend’s cousin saying how her brother wants to marry me or her mum wants her brother to marry me and I was like nooo and she was like THANK YOU NO WAY WAS I HAVING THAT
- racism talks and the Coffee Cup Story XD nah cos like their FACES when they realised how FIERCE the good girl is “I’m too shy to run after like islamophobes” “I have a story for you”
💜💜💜💜 general warmth and comfort 🥰 it was unexpected and to be seen and understood is so rare and to find it in people who I grew up with it just feels special
Insha’Allah I think we’ll probably get together more and I’m planning to share stuff with them about their fundraising and art I’m doing in Ramadhan Insha’Allah, they come from these families of really strong, awesome women who started a lot of support systems and organisations and charity work for Muslim women in loads of different ways, women’s help escaping abuse, mental health support, career support, nurseries for underprivileged kids and so much more and I’ve always had this great respect and admiration for their mums/grandmother and they really get it too I mean that’s WHY they get it on some level and why I felt comfortable to share my Unicorn Feelings so yeah it’s been a long time since I felt so… comforted by a friendship ^_^ and it’s really heartwarming
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karnakian · 2 years
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anyway  after  nearly  five  years  of  running  this  blog  i  finally  have  a  mostly  satisfying  answer  to  my  age  -  old  question  of  ‘  what  the  fuck  was  maria  actually  like  lol  ’
she  was  a  tsundere.
SJLFKJF  LISTEN  hear  me  out  !!  ...  (  lftp  spoiler  screenshots  below  cut  )
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1.  her  being  a  spoiled,  bossy  kid  who  would  cry  whenever  she  didn’t  get  what  she  wanted  when  they  were  children,  leading  to  leon  constantly  trying  to  appease  her  and  the  infamous  promise  they  made 
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2.  her  harsh  -  exterior  -  but  -  secretly  -  soft  -  interior  leading  to  other  people  always  thinking  of  her  as  being  frigid,  hence  why  leon  seemed  to  be  the  only  one  who  was  close  to  her  and  why  he’s  so  quick  to  defend  her  from  being  called  cold  even  years  after  she’s  gone,  as  well  as  why  people  avoided  her  after  he  was  sealed  away.  who  would  want  to  spend  time  with  that  mean,  aloof  woman  who  never  speaks  to  anyone  and  spends  all  of  her  time  alone  at  the  tower  all  day  ??
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3.  this  would  also  explain  why  he  never  realized  her  feelings  toward  him  given  how  vehemently  she  would  be  bound  to  deny  them  if  asked.  i’ve  always  kind  of  wondered  how  someone  as  perceptive  as  leon  wouldn’t  have  noticed  the  person  closest  to  him  pining  after  him  for  20+  years,  and  while  this  isn’t  a  perfect  explanation,  i  feel  like  he  would  have  trusted  her  enough  to  respect  her  answer  without  prying  /  looking  too  deeply  into  it.  
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the  dots  ...  i  am  connecting  them  ....  !!
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artreider · 3 years
My take: not sure why there is so much unhappiness and hate about Marina and Carina in the episode.
Yes Carina is an obgyn but is also a doctor who has basic medical condition from before she became specialized in obstetrics, so its feasible she would be able to treat more than mamas.
That being said maya said she volunteered to help. My guess she saw a need and though she was upset with her wife - she probably still wanted to be around her (24 hour shifts are no joke) but also wanted to be around to support her wife and the team for the push in.
The hat for carina being bitchy with sullivan surprises me because i remember over the summer i saw many people wanting carina to go off on him in defense of maya. Now yes there was a time jump but i think this was the only time she was around him closely because i believe the pandemic ended just before the first episode. So them just now being around him to express her displeasure with him, feeling like he has contributed to maya not wanting kids and maybe being a bit ruffled that he started explaining for her to the dad as if she wasnt the doctor, she wasnt in control and maybe feeling like he didnt respect her as a woman and doctor in that moment - makes her comment, and interactions with him completely understandable.
Further i think what carina was trying to accomplish with the sex qnalogy is to convey to maya her displeasure that they did not discuss kids instead feeling like maya just shut it down much like miller said.
The sullivan and carina italian exchange didnt bother me or come off as rude despite maya not understanding it. Like im sure by this point maya is learning basics but is not fluent enough to follow wants though she does understand tones. Sullivan approached carina and chose to speak in Italian when it wouldve been reasonable to thank her in english, instead approaching her like they were close. So im sure that further pissed her off. I mean lets consider who she speaks to in italian; her lovers, her brother and her friends and noone else we've seen.
I also don't think the kid is what "turned maya around on kids", as i was saying last week the way which her voice cracked when she said she cant have kids makes me believe she wants to but mulitple fears are impacting her desire for them. So instead i think her bbn interaction with the kid showed her that maybe she could do it and that she is not her dad and should not give up on what she wants.
Meanwhile carina's behavior towarss the dad may have seemed harsh but i understand it. She was seeing it two ways and have an emotional response. She saw his behavior towards his son as abuse and im sire she thought of maya and her father as well as how her wifes past is coloring her decision even now. But carina also had genuine concern for her patient.
People also seem upset that carina was not working with addison, but why? We have a whole season for it and grey's was about addisons return and dealing with the past which carina wasnt involved with. So my question is do we not want carina on station 19 ingeracting with her wife and the team??
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prelovednikaidou · 3 years
Okay lets imagine MC is alive after all them fiasco right? The baby is safe right? so heres the thought. What if MC got divorced with Toji and still keeping the baby. Lets leave it at that. Oh yeah Toji doesnt get killed in this thought, that mf doesnt deserve anything and even death. So why stop the suffering there right?.
Fast foward to many years later, The MC died, Megumi and Toji doesnt know, the rejected child get a hold of MC like idk a diary, MC wrote everything like from her happy self on the wedding day, to how the fushiguro treated her, RC(rejected child) felt how broken she was, how sad she was, and how she still suffer about it all, the way it traumatized her and all. Now RC know why their mother sometime called out a name (megumi or toji), how she would call the RC tge wrong name, how often she would stare into nothing( shes still there like care for the RC and everything but like its not the same shes traumatized here people). That is where the feeling of hatred grow. Heehee.....
Now fast foward again(lets aged up the jujutsu first year too second year kay?), RC are cursed okay, so they attended the jujutsu school in tokyo, they met megumi, theyre like "wow this you?, no wonder she left..i couldnt even look at you" ya know this type of attitude but just like purd hatred but still RC like care for megumi but it just doesnt show and denied it just like how mwgumi to MC.
Megumi doesnt know if RC is his half sibling, but i imagined the scenario where megumi know because he notice when RC like gasligthing him in a spar or something and megumi have a moment of realization like "your my brother", i imagine that the RC hit him so hard till he fell to the ground, imagine it was raining as RC stand above him like i dont holding a weapon or like stick or something, megumi thought RC is going to end him but instead RCs weapon stabbed the groud beside megumis ear which makes it bleeding and RC like looking a down a stunned megumi and said "im not your brothe. Not now and not ever".
Then megumi like try to talk to RC about their mom right and one day RC just said " SHES DEAD ALRIGHT? SHES GONE. now get lost and dont fucking bother me" megumi maybe broke down in the middle of the hallway and cry or like he sits in his room looking through the sticky notes that MC gave him when hes a child and cry his eyes out. RC came back and sees megumi, sits besides him and tell the story, how MC loves him and his dad, how sometime she mistake RC as megumi and all that stuff.
"Thats why i hate you.i despise you. I wanted to kill you that day, i wanted to kill you for everything you put her through, but i didnt because i know for sure mom could have comeback alive just to kill me. She left this for you-" RC gives megumi a letter and like "she may forgive you for everything that youve done. But i dont. So dont even try to get close to me, fushiguro. Or i will literally kill you"
"She wouldnt let-"
"Shes not here now is she? Brother."
Now move along to toji, i think RC would like find him ya know?, hunt him down or something like that and toji knows who RC is and hes like "where is she?" "come with me"
RC took toji to MC grave "i have nothing to say to you, fushiguro. But i hope you suffer for the rest of your life hating yourself and blaming yourself." RC threw MC diary to the ground beside tojis feet.
"She was happy you know." And then he just left
IM SO SORRY ANON. It isnt within my attention to not reply as fast as I could but I took my time to read this one and PLEASE GIVE ME PERMISSION TO LINK THIS UP AFTER THE LAST PART BRRRR THIS IS SERIOUSLY LIKE A WHOLE PLOT 😩😩☝🏻☝🏻 YALL READ THIS
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starglow-xx · 4 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada & port mafia (part 1)
platonic! edogawa ranpo x f! reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting these fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them! but only at the cost of your peace and sanity. 
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
author’s notes: this will be a multiple part series of head canons and this is only part one! this series will include both the agency and port mafia members, and then something special for the end. maybe i’ll even write a real one shot/scenario for it. if there’s enough interest, i might open up a tag list for this! i hope you all enjoy!! <33
also, ranpo is 25 in this part; kenji, atushi, kyouka, and the tanizaki siblings aren’t part of the agency yet, only yosano, kunikida, and dazai are, but in the next couple parts, it will be established that the tanizakis are
and (n/n) means nickname :)
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meeting the greatest detective
your bakery, Sakura’s, which you named after your late grandmother (who was also your guardian), went into business when you were 18 right after graduating high school
who needed a culinary course when you were trained by dear ol grandma?
your grandmother died when you were 16, just as you started your second year of high school
you were devastated of course, but you knew she wouldn’t want you to wallow over it too long
so in those last two hard years of high school, you took part time jobs at other bakeries and saved lots and lots of money
by graduation, using your life savings, the money your grandmother had left for you, and all the money you earned working, you were able to buy the small building—with a reasonable amount of money left over to survive— you and your grandmother had been eyeing back in her hometown, yokohama, to start your bakery
the building was a bit run down, but you were planning to give it a makeover anyways
it was a bit smaller compared to other buildings around, only having two stories, but on the plus side, the second floor had taller ceilings and was an apartment
is that realistic? probably not but bare with me here 
you finished putting your bakery up in about 4 months, then finished up your apartment 2 more after
you opened Sakura’s at 7 in the morning then closed at 8 in the evening
when you first started, you did quite well!!
especially with those who went to work on early mornings and families
the time when you first opened was the most peaceful, but you admitted that it was a bit boring, and you wished for a bit more excitement
and boy, the day edogawa ranpo stepped into your bakery was the catalyst for the chaos and excitement that was soon to come
not that you knew that
if you did you would’ve never let him in
you were 19 when ranpo discovered Sakura’s, and it was completely accidental
he finished solving a case and was on the way back to the agency, and he—not surprisingly—got lost and then it started to rain really hard
it was pouring; there was even the cliche thunder strike and everything
you saw the brown clad man across the street and you ran out with two umbrellas (almost getting hit by a car mind you) handed one to him and practically dragged him inside
with the heavy rain on the forecast, Sakura’s was empty, so you gently pushed him down on a chair and you rushed away to find towels
even though the two of you had umbrellas, the two of you were still soaked 
finding said towels, you quickly dried yourself the best you could then you draped your towel over your back and rushed over to give him his as well as a warm pastry and your special hot honey lemon tea
ranpo laughed as you placed down the refreshment and snack, thinking that you knew who he was and was giving him special treatment
poor bby blinked and went :0 when you said you didn’t
“you don’t know who i am?”
“no. am i supposed to?”
the 25 year old blanked and you worried that you broke him and started to apologize profusely 
he cut you off claiming that he got over it he didnt but seeing as the bakery was empty and it was pouring pretty badly, he demanded you give him all your attention sit with him so he could tell you all about himself and what he’s done
the two of you got along quite well
you were amazed with all the stories he’s told you 
you honestly acted like a cute little kid listening to fairytales
he told you that and in response you threw a napkin at him
“wow ranpo-san! that’s amazing!!”
“you look like a little kid”
cue the napkin
he was happy with all the attention, praise, and sweets you gave him
the agency gave him praise sure, and made sure he had a lot of snacks but it was refreshing to have someone give him this much and your treats were the best he’s ever had
after he told you all his most interesting cases, the two of you just rambled about the most randomest things; going from the best desserts and snacks to the stupidest things his coworkers have done
you guys were on that last topic for a while
you two talked and rambled for hours, and when it hit hour two and the rain was still pouring, you just went ahead and slipped the “we’re open” sign to “closed” even though it was only 2 o’clock
you thought that this was probably the loving goofy older brother relationship that you missed out on
“ranpo-san, you’re kind of like the brother i’ve never had”
“and you’re still like that little kid”
cue another napkin to the face
don’t worry, he already adores you <3 
he just likes to make fun of you </3
*cuts you off as you’re talking to squish your cheeks* “(y/n) you still have a lot of baby fat and you’re pretty short...are you sure you’re still not in high school or smth??”
*incoherent talking due to pressure on cheeks* “ranpo-san you have 3 seconds before i kick you out”
at around 6, the rain came to a stop and by then, the both of you were all dried up
before he left, you gave him a map so that he hopefully wouldn’t get lost again and gave him a couple boxes of treats for him to have and to share with his coworkers
you closed early so you had to give away at least some of the remaining treats somehow
he wanted you to go to agency with him so he didn’t have to carry everything but you declined saying that you didn’t want to bc you wanted to rest
and for payback for calling you a little kid
you were 19 goddamnit
you already placed everything neatly into two bags so it was easy to carry but this bitch still had the audacity to pout and whine at you
and he calls you the little kid, jeez
you never told him but, you almost gave in
you never told him. but he probably already knows
ranpo san knows all after all; even you knew that by now
the two of you had also exchanged phone numbers and when the two of you showed each other what you each put for a contact name along with the note below, the two of you broke out into grins
you named him “the greatest detective <33″ & put the note “new nii-san <33 & bully </3″ and he named you “cute bakery girl” with the note “best follower, sweets supply & annoying little kid”
when he left, you properly closed the bakery and taped a sign to the door saying that you closed early for personal reasons
when everything was cleaned up, you marched up into your bedroom, plopped on your bed, and took a nap
you deserved it
at the agency not too long after that, ranpo had arrived and when he opened the door, everyone rushed towards him in concern asking if he was okay
he waved them off and walked towards his desk and plopped down in his seat
he placed the two bags in front of him and took out a box of cream puffs and started to snack on them
his coworkers watched him blankly as his scarfed down one after another
after finishing that box, he rummaged through the bags to look through the different kinds of pastries you’ve given him 
noticing that there were people still staring at him he paused before sighing in exasperation
he began to whine at his coworkers saying that no one told him it was gonna rain and that they were lucky that he happened to be in front of Sakura’s
“why did no one tell me?! it was pouring and i was soaked! you guys are lucky that (n/n)-chan’s bakery was right there! you would’ve probably lost me! how would the agency even function without me here?!”
no one wanted to be the one to tell him that they had no idea who he was talking about and that they did in fact tell him that it was gonna pour
they can save that, and their questions for another time
next >>
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worminstuff · 4 years
The Balcony of the Treehouse pt.3
sleepy bois x reader au
“I want to preface this, I do love you all so much, but I'm incredibly disappointed.” Phil stared at the 4 kids in front of him. He knew his words struck as deep as they would to any kid hearing that from an adult important to them. Especially Techno, he strived to make Phil proud even more than Will. Y/n on the other hand, he wasn't sure of. She often was a chaotic wild card, and she didn't get much parenting from anyone other than him from what he's seen over the many years. Phil believes he's disciplined her more than her own guardians, and she listens to him. But she's also gotten herself in many tough situations all the same.
She's not necessarily his own, but he treats her as if she were.
Out of Techno and Y/n she was definitely not the mediator. The only time he's seen her relatively responsible, is when it comes to being home alone, and interacting with Tommy. Which both impressed him greatly, but not enough per say.
“I know all of you are stubborn, some more than others,” he directed his gaze to Techno, whos eyes seemed to hold more self loath than before, “but unless you all talk even a bit, it's only going to get worse.” he turned to Y/n and placed a hand to her shoulder, “i want you around. I know you don't tell me everything I should know, especially about home, but I know enough and I see enough. I want you here with us when you need us. And we need you too.” he watched as her eyes welled up with tears.
Y/n turned her head slightly to glance at Techno, who was finally looking at her for the first time since the night prior.
She watched his lip give a small wobble as his eyes seemed to fight back a bit of tears.
“He's not wrong.” Techno mumbled out.
Y/ns brows furrowed, “why would you need me?”
Techno looked at Tommy in Y/ns lap not wanting to look at her. Tommy realized he was looking at him, and upon seeing Technos teary eyes Tommys started to get a bit watery even.
“You're my only friend.. Who's gonna sit with me in the treehouse? Who's gonna listen to me ramble? I wouldn't get good morning hugs..i wouldn't get anything you do for me on a daily basis and i don't wanna think of that.” his voice was barely audible but Y/n could hear him. She felt a tear run down her cheek. Tommy looked up at her too, now wondering why everyone was crying. His face started to contort in baby-like sadness, smacking a hand on her leg, but not harsly. He was reaching up at her face. Y/n looked down at Tommy and her heart melted, she leaned down slightly and he set a small hand on her face.
“No more crying!” Tommy didnt often speak, he very much could, pretty well sometimes, he was just more physical usually when conveying his thoughts. Which made this situation all the more meaningful.
Phil was the only one who had looked at Wilbur yet, who was sitting silently watching Y/n and his little brothers, Wilbur had more tears on his cheeks than all of them. Well maybe not Tommy, but he was rivaling him.
Wilbur was realizing how Y/n really meant to Techno. But all the same, he was realizing how much she meant to him too. She was everything to him since he was 12 and realized he liked her. Since he was 15 and realized he loved her.
“Even Tommy needs you. Trust me, we all do.” wilbur said softly. Y/n looked over to him, her eyes softening, her heart hurt for him. Wilbur was really getting the worst of this situation.
Before she could say anything, he spoke again, “Techno i know you don't like how i feel but we're both being selfish. It very much isn't our decision to make for her.” he said to Techno but quickly looked back to her, after wiping away a tear, “not that i want to force a decision on you any time soon,” she nodded as she rubbed tommys back to calm him a bit.
“I just..it's..she's my Y/n” Techno looked at Wilbur, it was the first thing he'd said to him through all of this, and everyone was a bit taken aback.
“Your?” Y/n said, the most taken aback.
“I know that sounds bad but, but it's been us since..since forever!” his voice cracked slightly, he looked at her, “were us! Y/n and Techno! You're my person!” he was getting angry, “and you!” he looked to wilbur, “and you're my brother! You shouldn't get to try to take that away!” his face was growing red.
“That's not what i want! I don't want to steal her, she decides how she spends her time not me! If she wants to spend time with me shouldn't she be allowed to?” wilbur scowelled.
“I don't like this at all'' Y/n mumbled towards phil. “This is like some stupid cheesy movie with two brothers fighting over a girl. Its stupid to be frank. I think we should just..we should just get over ourselves yeah? Wilbur i..im not commenting on either of our feelings cause i don't want to. And Techno, I get that we are us and all, but I'm still my own person. I love you, and you're my person too, which is why you need to talk to me.” she wiped away all the tiers from before, as did Techno, and he nodded at her.
Wilbur was solem, he figured he was setting aside their problem as to not talk about it infront of Techno. At least he hoped that much.
“You're right, i'm sorry I was mad Y/n.” he felt entirely better.
“It's okay, no biggie.” She offered him a smile which he returned. “Treehouse?”
Techno nodded excitedly.
Y/n looked at tommy in his lap, he seemed less upset now, “see Tommy, not more tears,yeah?”
Tommy seemed to lighten up at that, so she looked to Phil who gave a silent nod and picked Tommy up from her legs.
Techno stood, looking at her to follow,
“I'll be a be up in a bit, go ahead.” she smiled and nodded towards the backyard. He nodded back and turned to go.
Phil left the dining room, leaving Wilbur and Y/n alone.
He looked at her with a small smirk, “do you still have my sweatshirt?”
Y/n's face reddened slightly, she pouted. “I wanted to apologize, you know.”
“You don't have to, Y/n” he chuckled.
“I slept in it actually.” Y/n mumbled, not looking into his eyes.
“In what?”
“Your sweater.”
His stomach felt queasy.
“Y-you did?”
“Erm..yeah. It was comfy. And i felt close to you..” she looked up at him, only to see the widest grin shed saw on him in a while.
“Well, i have a lot of them.” he leaned back in his chair, gaining a bit of confidence.
Y/n smiled shyly and stood up, “yeah because you're obsessed with spending money.”
“I'm so not!” he laughed slightly.
Y/n gave him a small giggle, “i'll see you later wilby.” her voice was soft and smooth, she leaned over the table and placed a small kiss to his cheek. Leaning back she watched as his eyes grew wide and his cheeks burned a faint pink before she turned to make her way to the treehouse.
Before he could get another word out, she was already outside.
Phil poked his head into the room, letting out an airy laugh.
“Yeah?” he said to wilbur, laughing at how shocked he still seemed.
Wilbur looked up at phil, “Dad?”
Phil nodded, “mhm?”
“I love her.” he had a starry look in his eyes. “Shes-she's-..” he was trying to think of a word when suddenly Tommy spoke up from phils arms again for the second time that evening.
“Pwetty!” he grinned and looked up at phil.
Wilbur and Phil both laughed softly.
“That's for damn sure..” wilbur smiled to himself and shook his head slightly.
Once Y/n had made it into the treehouse, Techno immediately pulled her into his arms. Y/n quickly hugged him around his shoulders.
Techno was tall, not as tall as Wilbur, but definitely taller than Y/n and tall for his age. He leaned down to rest his head on her shoulder as he hugged her.
Looking over his shoulder she noticed the contents of her bag on the floor, “so you found the book?”
Techno nodded into her shoulder, “can we sit?”
She nodded and slowly pulled away looking up at him, moving to the rug.
He sat in front of her, but reached his arms out. She smiled and moved to be in front of him, leaning back against him. They usually sat this way when he was reading, so he could either read to her or she could just sit close to him while he read.
Techno leaned his head on top of hers, and slid his arms around her waist pulling her close.
“Thank you for the book by the way.” he mumbled.
“Did you cry?” she smirked.
“I did cry. But not because of the book specifically.” he said.
“Oh.” her smirk fell. She put one of her hands on top of him, pulling it from her waist to hold on to his fingers. “Did you..sleep here?” she saw the way the blanket was on the rug and the book around it.
“Uh..yeah. I did.” he picked his head up to look at their hands. He flipped his hand so it was facing up, Y/n traced small patterns into his palm.
“I almost came up here..” she turned to look up at him.
Techno stared down at her, his eyes tracing each feature on her face. His free hand came off of her waist to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, “I wish you had..”
Both of their eyes were lazy. “Will you tonight?” Technos eyes weren't on hers, they were watching her lips, and his hand was resting at the base of her neck, he could feel her pulse quickening.
“Yeah..of course.” she tried to contain her nerves at the way he was staring at her.
He stared at her a little longer before she moved his hand from her neck up to her cheek.
“You signed that letter “your Y/n”..” he mumbled, looking at her eyes for a split second.
“I did, yeah.” her eyes almost seemed glazed over.
“You're mine?” his eyes were wild, unlike hers. Her head lulled more to the side, into his hands at his words.
“Say it..i need to hear it please..” his words were so soft, but they felt like he'd just knocked the wind out of her all the same.
“I'm yours.” she stared at him, as he seemed to tense at her words. His eyes drifted to her lips again as he slowly leaned down to her, his face less than inches from hers.
“God..” he mumbled as his lips clashed with hers. She reached up behind her to rest her own hand on his cheek, pulling him closer.
Y/n could barely think clear with the way his lips felt on hers, he was being so gentle.
Meanwhile Technos thoughts were running rampant. The way her small hand felt on his jaw, the way her pulse was going so quick, the way her face felt so warm, the way she was still holding onto his other hand grasping it so tightly. And it was all his doing.
He pulled away for a moment, needing to know how she was feeling and what she was thinking.
As he pulled away Y/n gave a small whine, unhappy with how he moved away from her. Her eyes were still closed even as her brows furrowed.
He smiled softly down at her, he couldn't believe he'd kissed her.
Her eyes opened for a moment, finding his loving gaze.
He was about to pull her face back to his when they both suddenly heard a knock to the doorway of the treehouse.
Wiilbur was standing on the balcony outside the doorway. His eyes seemed almost empty.
“Dinners em..dinners ready. Dad sent me up to get you two.” he turned quickly, getting away from what he'd seen as quickly as possible, before they could see any sort of tears that had formed in his eyes.
This time it was Techno that had messed up royally.
pt 4
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ninjas-and-coffee · 4 years
WU SUCKS but not the reason you think
I'd like to preface by saying Wu has made a lot of mistakes and should be held accountable. But like the main arguments against Wu be like.
1: Morro
2: Traumatizing kids
3: Keeping secrets
4: Mot treating his nephew like is damn nephew.
5: Flirting with his brothers wife.
And the thing about that needs talked about. 1:Morro. First off getting kids hopes is not cool. It can be detrimental to development depending on the age of the child. BUT. Not a single soul told Morro to train tirelessly for 60+ years after his death to take revenge and be the green ninja. Absolutly no one. Wu had compassion for his failings and wanted to show Morro he could still he great without being the green ninja. But the little brat ran tf off and got trapped and died. And he got cursed, how- we dont know. But its implied that it's either intentional entrapment or you have to be a terrible person, guess which category he probably falls into. Mind you Wu also told our OGs that they could also be the green ninja and none of them went off the rails to settle some invisible score. Morro made his choices and he made shit ones. Wu was an influence but not the problem. Morro is unstable, dramatic, and holds grudges Wu didnt cause that.
2: the traumatic experiences the nina go through are also not exactly his fault. He didnt just pick them off the streets. THERE WAS A PROPHECY. Ok? Yall with me. Fate isnt uncontrolled by anyone the ninja needed to be trained to help Lloyd fight the Overlord. That wasnt his decision. And yall act like the ninja couldn't leave whenever they wanted to. He didnt gaslight them or belittle them in anyway that wasnt for teaching. Please bring me receipts if you think otherwise. I do admit he could help a little more, be more clear, but when has a old magic teacher character ever been straightforward. With that logic fuck Dumbledore, and Gandalf, and any wise old teacher that goes to find chosen one who once again are chosen by fate not the master himself. Yall literally cant blame Wu for Child's Play and you cant blame Wu for their experience with Nadakhan either. The enemies that go out of there way to attack the ninja are not a direct cause if Wu himself. Usually. It be like blaming Garmadon for Chen. Yes they had history but it's still not his fault
3: Secrets. I will admit there is next to no reason for keeping secrets from the ninja. Considering history always has kind of score to settle. But considering his age and the apparent imprisonment or death of his past enemies there no way to predict every problem that comes back to screw him over. The Time Twins for example. Yes they came back for Wu. But he did remove their powers and separated them over 20+ years ago. They were not exactly threats to his new students now were they? Again with Aspheera, who was literally locked in a tomb why take the time to educate the ninja on a problem he had no idea was going to come back for him. Same with Morro to a more confusing degree. MORRO DIED. How was he to prepare the ninja for that? Yes please tell me how they were supposed to prepare for a dead guy. I'll wait.........k. he should be more forthcoming with the ninja, about things he knows could harm them, like the Serpentine after Lloyds released them, Chen, the Overlord, the effects of Travelers Tea, Tomorrow's Tea, Oni, Etc. But most of the time the ninja go and do it first then wonder why Wu didn't warn them.
4: His nephew. Wow his parenting sucks. Morro is not his damn child let's start there. Comparing their relationship is unfair. Wu cared for Morro the way he cares for Kai and Nya. He never accentuates a paternal relationship with then. Cause they are students, students he has to train with he intent to send them out onto dangerous battle fields and mind games. He was alone so yes it looks different but it's also a leap to just assume that Wu viewed Morro as his own despite treating him the exact same way as his 6 other students. Now back to Lloyd. Why didnt he get his nephew from Darkleys where it was known he ran away from multiple times? I DONT KNOW. No one does. That is a bad move I can only theorize about. Maybe Misako said something about staying away, maybe he wasnt kept in the loop about his nephews whereabouts due to idk KICKING HIS FATHER INTO HELL. C'mon yall. Now in the later seasons my best guess is that he doesnt know how to differentiate his nephew from the chosen one side and the goofy child side. Hes never had a child and his early relations with Lloyd were scarce and when Lloyd came to live with him. It's not due to some familial obligation, destiny literally called for it. Putting some definite strain on their relationship. I'm not excusing it he should try better, but he'd have to build a relationship from nothing and most people know their immediate family upon birth or during childhood which is not the case here. Wu treats his nephew more like a vessel of power than a person which isnt cool but knowing that the kid might not come back after every fight is a good damper on happy relationships is it not?
5: Misako. Good lord I don't have to explain this one. No excuse. It shouldn't be happening. BUT. After Garmadons death she was a free woman as gross as it is. It's more a flaw on her than it is him she chose to have a baby with one brother and still try to get with the other. And I know it takes two to tango but dont get mad at the idiot that the cheater is cheating with. Be mad at the cheater. The thing people really dont get about love triangles. The "other guy" brings on the questions/options but the person who cant choose or screws with both parties is the one in the wrong. Lloyd seems ok with it. Because Tommy said so. I dont particular give two shits about his take on the show half the time. If Lloyd were actively against it the Wu would probably stop. If the Fsm family acted like a normal ass family we probably wouldnt be here. But their priorities are a little screwy compared to typical nuclear families. Not an excuse just some perspective
NOW, why he is a bad character despite all of those arguments. he chooses to train soldiers rather than care for impressionable teens. Yes the situation called for it but the pressure could he alleviated if he decided to actually help before the world was on fire. He chooses to teach by experience than be upfront. Which works sometimes but not when actual lives are at stake. His trial by fire teaching works but the possiblity it could go wrong is to big to be brushed aside. His seemingly unreachable vault of empathy is hard to swallow. He rarely actually feels things for other people, his lack of enthusiasm when they pull through something hurts to watch. His lack of empathy about raising his nephew to attempt to kill his father is frightening. The pride he demonstrates by choosing not to disclose his past until it's too late is dangerous. He doesnt directly put down the ninja unless he has to and its more implied than anything and is on his students and this fandom for taking it so harshly. He trusts them a lot because he doesnt see them as kids anymore. They are warriors and it was necesary. He should have more compassion. He should be more straight forward, he should try to act like a person and not some ethereal being of elsewhere that doesn't have time to appease feelings or care about people until after hes wronged them. His values are off kilter sometimes which is whatever until it starts to hurt people
But yall need to stop blaming him for other people actions. Morro was a mess to begin with. His problems are in the past because he took care of them already. Misako came onto him. (He should have resisted but he didnt start shit she did). He needs to try to be an uncle alongside being a teacher. He needs to act like a fucking person more than the infinite cache of wisdom and unforeseen unused power that he acts like. And also it's a kids show. How many children think the way yall do?, we're teens/YAs we're reading into things. A LOT which makes everything more complicated. Comments rebuttals open. There's a collection of little mistakes hes made along the way that dont fit into these categories but these are the main reasons I know people hate him and the little things add fuel to the fire. I will legit talk about anything Except for the morro thing I am so tired of seeing it Morro made his choices hes a fucking Villain Wu didnt make him that way being a bitter asshole did that. Thanks for reading!! :3
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Milk Bread
Oikawa!Reader x Ushijima
a/n: bahahaha oikawa would literally disown yall though
anon request:  Hiii if your request is still open could you also do an Oikawa's lil sis!Reader x Ushijima please~ fufufufu
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ushijima and i could go get our own farm and have our own cows and horses and uggghhh
this entire,,,,, fiasco was an actual accident
it all started when you were so hungry that you ended up eating tooru’s milk bread
you were part of the girls track team in seijoh and competitions were starting soon so the team has been making practice mandatory during lunch as well
this caused you to only be able to survive off of snacks rather than your normal bento so you were blazing hungry when you got home
and when you are hungry, you go on a rampage
your brother was staying later practice so he wasnt home when you arrived
the fridge door almost unhinged and out the window by how roughly and quickly you opened it
the only thing in there was bottles of water and vegetables and you were not hungry enough to eat freaking raw onions
then you searched all over the cabinets for anything edible until you stumbled upon a clearly hidden milk bread
you guessed that tooru hid it bc he knew either you or takeru would eat it but heh, he didnt hide it good enough 
finders keepers, right?
and as long as he doesnt find out it was you, itd be fine
you giddily opened the bag and ripped off a piece before smiling at how delicious it was 
but this was cut short
you were so caught up in your happiness with the food that you missed iwa and tooru coming home until you heard your brother scream
your eyes flew open and you froze, mid-bite 
his eyes were wide and his mouth was agape as he watched you scarf down the rest of the bag quickly before dashing upstairs
but tooru’s shout for iwa-chan made the buff guy snatch you from the hallway despite you kicking and screaming at him to let go of you
‘IWA-CHAN NO!!!!!’
you yelled but he just tightened his hold on you
‘i bought oikawa that bag, y/n’
you pouted then crossed your arms
‘you bought it for an oikawa, not a specific oikawa though’
so tooru ordered you to go to his favorite bakery, which was all the way out there like an hour away, and buy him a dozen bags of milk bread
*offended oikawa*
‘hm, explains why you have no cake’
y/n stop thats so mean !!!!
but doorkawa though
so there you were, shoving all of the stock they have in the store into the big cart 
if someone were to walk by you right now, theyd stare at the cart then at you weirdly for being a milk bread addiction
and thats exactly what happened
ushijima went to the bakery bc tendou won a bet and demanded a milk bread from this specific bakery
so he was entering the building, a single milk bread in mind, when he saw you, literally shoving all the bags down with an arm into the cart
he paused, like 5 feet away from you, just watching as you continued to take all the bags they had in stock into the cart
but he just wanted one bag so he went up to your cart and wordlessly took a bag which you saw and caught his arm
‘um, excuse me, what are you doing?’
he gave you a stoic face
‘i walked 30 minutes for this bag of milk bread. im sure you can leave one for someone else’
you were about to retort when you saw who this guy was
ofc if your brother was oikawa tooru, youd know his hatred for the apparent ‘farmer idiot’ ushijima wakatoshi from shiratorizawa
the familiar eyes and the furrowed eyebrows
yep, this had to be him
‘you,,,, ushiwaka’
he nodded
‘yes. now if you’ll excuse me, ill be going’
but you again held him back
‘ushijima-san! take this-all of this! i dont need it anymore!’
you pushed the cart in his direction before bolting out the store in a hurry
now ushijima is known to predict almost anything that came his way
but never has he even THOUGHT that a girl would give him a cart filled with nearly 50 bags of milk bread
the store lady pushed the cart to the cashier and only did he finally snapped out of it when she told him the total
‘oh, um, you forgot this bag too’
what was he going to do with all of this bread?
you pedaled your bike home and when tooru saw you empty handed, he started shouting
but you just faked a pout
‘ushijima wakatoshi-san took it from me’
his ears turned red
and all he could see was red
i see RED! rED! ooOOhH rED!!!!
he got his phone out and dialed a number before shouting into it
ngl, you didnt really think that he would completely forget about it but he fell for it
you planned to use tooru’s hatred for him and just a single utter of his name could completely brainwash him from the milk bread stealing situation
the entire situation completely slipped your mind a few weeks later and you even forgot that you met ushijima and left him a cart of the treats
but that was quickly remembered
similar to your brother, there was one day per week where you have no track practice so you found yourself in their gym at wednesday, just waiting for iwa and tooru to finish practice
you were just busy doing your homework and trying to help kyoken with all of his missed work when kindaichi shrieked from the side
‘ushijima wakatoshi!’
at the mention of his name, everyone turned to him and followed his line of sight where indeed, the tall farmer boy stood at the door
oikawa tooru was so shocked to see him and his nerve to show up at HIS TURF that he didnt say anything
‘hello. is oikawa y/n here?’
then all hell broke lose
tooru was screaming at you in betrayal
iwa was shouting and hitting oikawa to stop and holding him back from lunging at you
the others were yelling at how you knew this famous player
while kyoken just sitting there all chill
‘you know that guy?’
you quickly packed up your stuff, confused and surprised, before bolting down the bleachers to the door where you grabbed ushiwaka’s hand to drag him away from the gym where tooru couldnt find you
you finally stopped by an alleyway about a street away from school and turned to him with scrunched eyebrows
‘ushijima wakatoshi-san! what are you doing here?!’
you whisper-yelled 
but he just unzipped his gym bag and handed you a bag of milk bread
you were so caught off guard that you just held it on your hands and stared at it
ushijima noticed your expression and pointed at the food
‘i have a lot of it at home. i figured you wanted one’
you slowly looked up at him
‘ushijima-san,,,,, i,,, why-’
‘you seem to like milk bread seeing your cart full of it. i thought you still wanted one and i need to get rid of all of it anyways’
‘but,,,, you shouldnt have come all the way to seijoh! nii-chan-’
then you stopped
wait, hold on
how did he even know your name
‘how do you know my name, ushijima-san?’
he blinked
‘youre a known track runner in the prefecture in both the girls and boys. a friend of mine wanted to recruit you for the school team but you turned it down’
you paused and chuckled
‘ah of course. i actually wanted to go but nii-chan considered it a betrayal so i couldnt go’
‘but you should’ve come to-’
tooru’s figure was panting a little bit away from behind ushijima and he was pointing at him heatedly
you sighed and face-palmed but you flinched when ushijima placed an arm around your shoulders and held you close
‘she has talents that could take her to far places. i understand that she refused it but you might have greatly influenced that decision and never asked her opinion about it. im here to ask her to re-think this decision and join us instead’
tooru raged and ran forward before grabbing your arm roughly to pry you away from the dirty touch of ushiwaka
‘we’re leaving, ushijima. and you better not talk to my little sister again’
he hissed and dragged you away but you turned your head and raised a hand
‘later, ushijima-san!’
after that, ushijima knew to approach you in secret
you saw him by the gates after practice and you hurriedly hid him away from sight bc the moment someone saw that familiar purple jacket, theyd know immediately
‘ushijima-san! what do you want now?’
you whispered and again, he reached into his bag to give you a bag of milk bread
‘i need to get rid of them. and i also want to hear your opinions about joining shiratorizawa next year’
you laughed, softly clutching the bag
‘in truth, the bread was for nii-chan. and regarding next year, i dont think im leaving seijoh, ushijima-san, so sorry’
he nodded
‘i understand. but i do hope you will think about it, oikawa-san’
you cringed at the formality coming from someone as important as him
‘please, call me y/n. it sounds really weird from you’
‘okay, y/n-san’
‘no, just y/n’
then these meetings turned to another, then twice more, then everyday
it was becoming a routine at this point
track practice ended at 6, about 30 minutes before the seijoh volley so you could easily slip away from tooru, and ushi’s ended around 5 so he was able to meet you at the alley by your school
tbh, you didnt understand how you were meeting as such a shady place and you didnt understand why he would take such a long trip just to give you milk bread and ask you about the school
however, that soon changed
soon, you just talked about school and life in general while munching on food
he would occassionally talk about this first year goshiki and some setter shirabu and how they fought constantly
you knew a little bit of his best friend tendou and his dorm life back in shiratorizawa
he knew that you weren’t exactly in track for fun, but for scholarships since you werent exactly smart
part of you wondered if he used the dozens of milk bread in his house as an excuse to see you and make you eat them as compensation when he couldve just sent them back
yet eventually,
your conversations helped you know a little bit of each other without the title of fastest runner oikawa y/n or u-19 japan ushijima wakatoshi
‘tori accidentally broke a hurdle and sprained her knee so she had to sit out during practice. it was a mess because she was screaming about the pain and caused practice to end early’
you whined while chewing
he remained quiet so you turned to look at him, who was just staring at you
‘ushijima-san? you okay?’
‘waka,, toshi. call me wakatoshi’
you tilted your head to the side
‘i,, i can’t call you that, ushijima-san’
‘please, call me that. we’re friends, right?’
a genuine laugh escaped from you
‘oh dear. i mean, yeah, we’re friends, i guess. but nii-chan would not appreciate this friendship’
‘but doesn’t he like you having friends?’
he was confused as to why tooru’s even in the conversation
‘no, ushijima-san. i meant, he would not like me being friends with you’
‘why does he have a say in this?’
you paused
he was right
why did tooru’s opinion matter?
why did it matter so much that you’ve been hiding in this stinky alleyway with ushijima wakatoshi for a few weeks all because you were scared someone you knew saw you?
‘wakatoshi-san, do you have a brother?’
‘hm, makes sense’
you laughed then looked away, straight at the dumpster that stood behind him a few feet away
‘my parents,,, are always working. even when i was young, they were constantly working so i dont really have good memories with them since they were rarely home. my sister, she was already in high school when i was born so the only person i really had was my nii-chan’
ushijima’s stare on you never wavered as he remained looking at you, inspecting you almost, the way your nose curved or your lips looked a little chapped or that crumb that stuck itself on the corner of your lip
‘he has always done everything for me,, in a way, he raised me and i appreciate everything hes done for me, yknow? and i want to repay him for all of that but im sorry to say this, but he doesnt exactly like you, wakatoshi-san. and me being friends with you, him not even knowing we’re meeting up like this, he would get very angry with me. and i dont to disappoint him’
you looked down at the remaining bread and softly sighed
it annoyed you a little that you cared so much for what tooru thought
why couldnt you live your life?
why couldn’t you just be your own person and meet people that you like?
‘we have only have 3 bags of milk bread left’
ushijima’s comment took you aback bc its not like you just told him something so personal or anything
‘i need to buy some more’
you shook your head and waved your hands around
‘wakatoshi-san, i just told you, like, something really personal-’
‘but i dont care about all that though’
he blinked, confused as to why it mattered to him
‘y/n, havent you noticed that you’ve been calling me by my first name?’
his question made you stop and realize that you were saying wakatoshi
‘oikawa tooru is simply a person who helped raise you, he didnt make you nor does he have control over you. your life was given to you to live and create, not to be molded or shaped by someone else’
you nodded and patted his arm in appreciation, still awkward about having interactions with the guy
but he reached behind you and patted your back, averting his gaze forward
‘you have talent in track so i think you should keep running for a team that shares your skills. like your brother’s talents deserve to be played in a team full of undefeatable players’
you chuckled and shot him a confused glance
‘wakatoshi-san, youre over here telling me to do what i want yet youre telling me to do something else’
he seemed completely innocent to his hypocritical statement as he just looked at you
‘im just influencing you. theres a difference’
you shook your head and continued eating your bread, throwing the entire topic behind your mind
‘youre right, wakatoshi-san. we do need to buy some more milk bread’
little by little, you started to stray away from your brother
like you started coming home late and your wednesdays were now booked up with someone else
ofc he noticed and he went straight to iwa-chan to complain about it
by the second wednesday, he got fed up and actually cancelled practice which caused iwa to beat him up for stopping practice for something stupid
‘let your sister be, shittykawa!’
tooru pouted and rubbed the now sore spot on his head
‘somethings wrong, iwa-chan! i can sense it! shes hiding something and if its kept from me, of course i want to know!’
this led iwa to be dragged along with him as he followed you walking to somewhere
he remembered you getting flustered and smiling at him when you refused his offer to get ramen after practice with the guys
‘i have plans, sorry, nii-chan’
this caused oikawa to be very sus bc no tea, but he knows you dont hang out w other people outside school
so this led him to stalking you instead of talking and asking you like a normal adult
iwa was also there bc he lowkey sus and worried for your safety if oikawa does decide to lunge at your boyfriend
the two boys were huddled behind a car as you were just walking cheerfully, skipping every step
‘iwa-chan, she doesnt have a boyfriend, right?’
‘shes pretty and kind, it would be hard to believe she doesnt have one’
but as they continued to follow you, they started getting confused as to why you were walking in such an unfamiliar neighborhood
this wasnt exactly their turf and when they noticed a familiar looking uniform a boy was wearing as he walked down the street, oikawa almost busted a blood vessel
aw look at him tremble-
‘what in the ever-loving god of anime is she doing in shiratorizawa!’
he whisper-yelled
‘iwa-chan! is she transferring there?!’
‘shittykawa shut the hell up!’
you heard a familiar voice behind you and quickly turned around but saw nothing
you swear you heard hajime’s voice
but it couldve been just your imagination since you’ve heard him call that for nearly 6 years
you continued walking forward and you jumped to wave when you saw ushijima leaning against the school gates
you greeted and he nodded, acknowledging your presence
‘y/n, you were late’
you giggled
‘why? did you miss me wakatoshi-san?’
‘hm, yes. the milk bread bakery is going to close in 15 minutes’
he said and held out his hand which you gladly accepted
tooru was basically strangling iwa by how he was so ANGY that his little baby sister was fraternizing with the enemy!!!
back on you though!!!
you still blushed when you held his hand but you knew there was nothing about it bc you ltr almost got ran over once
so basically,
you were finally opening up to going out in public w him as long as it was far away
and he suggested going to some ramen shop that they frequent at for some food
you were just walking side by side and humming a tune when you were interrupted by a loud honk that freaked you out and freeze
but ushijima, being a volleyball player and developing quick instincts, grabbed your shoulders and pushed you both to the side, away from the car
youve never had that experience before so you were quite freaked out and you were just hanging on to his jacket for dear life, hiding your face in it
he sensed your panic and placed a hand on top of your head to provide some comfort
‘its okay, y/n. dont worry bc ill always be there to protect you’
you turned red at that statement but ushijima was known to be very naive and he didnt understand that underlying suggestion in his words
‘thank you, wakatoshi-san’
you mumbled and he gently pried you away but he held your hand
‘this will allow me to pull you quicker and to make sure you dont wander too far’
you pouted
‘hmph, im not a child, wakatoshi-san’
he smiled, surprising you bc wowza was he showing emotions?
‘you need to be taken cared of, do you not? no matter what age, ill still look out for you’
to this day, he still kept your hand on his grip and your heart kept beating really fast
all these hangouts were really showing you the real ushijima wakatoshi that was so different from the court and you really liked it
from the strong and cold and cruel player to the awkward, funny, and naive schoolboy
he was an enigma and you were attracted to the remaining iceberg that maintained being hidden under the waters of his physical appearance
focusing on something else, you were tugging him along excitedly bc you forgot your bento at home today and you STARVED
‘lets get sweets!’
you cheered excitedly and with his hand still laced into yours, he looped it around your shoulders so he pulled you closer
‘semi told me he does this to his girlfriend when she gets too hyper’
um, sire, where did that come from?
from oikawa’s spot, he was starting to get hurt by how harshly he dug his fingernails in his palms while iwa was getting angry at how carelessly this farmer was handling his sister
but you werent bothered by his weird oblivious comments
‘im very hungry so we must hurry, wakatoshi-san!’
‘yes, yes’
unbeknownst to you, he kept looking down to observe your faces
when you would see a store, your eyes would widen and youd mumble about wanting to go there sometimes
when you saw a baby in a stroller, youd coo and unintentionally squeeze his hand
it was cute
and it made his heart jump every time
today was no different occasion
and he was finally able to put a pin into this weird action from his organ
lmao im so tired bruh im cackling as i type
earlier today during practice, he felt that jump when you whined to him about leaving your bento at home and expressing your excitement to get some food
that jump returned and he was so focused on texting you that he didnt notice his teammates watching him in shock
tendou even started hitting semi, confused and flabbergasted
goshiki started but shirabu smacked him to be quiet
‘oh, i might not come to practice on friday since im going to the doctor’
the mention of the doctor, everyone freaked out bc they cant have their prized player injured or hurt
‘what,, whats wrong?’
semi asked and ushijima finally locked up his phone
‘im having weird random jumps in my chest and slight tickles in my stomach. google told me to go to the doctor if it persists so i made an appointment’
they all sweatdropped
goshiki uwu babie was biting his lip to stop himself from sobbing and thinking his senpai and rival was having an illness
but semi and tendou knew whats up
‘wakatoshi-kun, who were you texting?’
they all noticed the slight widening of his eyes and the sprinkle of light that shined through
‘oh, oikawa y/n. we’re friends now’
everyone shared a look bc he didnt really have friends outside the team and didnt bother himself with unnecessary relationships like these
‘oh god’
tendou mumbled and his grin widened
‘i,,im no doctor, ushijima-san, but i think youre experiencing the symptoms of a crush’
shirabu was basically the smartest than the others combined so when he said something like that, they believed him immediately
ushijima wondered
‘dont tell me you dont know what that is’
goshiki muttered in disbelief
‘im familiar with the definition of the attraction to another person. but ive never experienced it myself’
yall why am i writing him to talk like this
‘youve been so busy with volleyball your entire life that you probably havent had time to actually admire the girls we have in school’
tendou reasoned so ushijima went to go wait for you by the gates and observed the females that passed by
nope, they all didnt strike him for anything
he just gave up until he saw you waving for him all enthusiastically and there it was
a simple glance at your smile and it leapt
it only got worse when you giggled and he clenched his fist to keep his heart from leaping out of his chest
the entire time, he felt it, especially holding your hand
to really be honest, he only did that after what happened and his mother used to do that to him to protect him from other cars
now that he had someone to protect, he was doing the same thing
you clearly didnt mind and just swung your hands along the entire time
eventually, yall arrived 
the lady at the front was now accustomed by your appearances and she waved at you
‘hello ushijima-kun! oikawa-chan!’
you greeted her happily while ushi just nodded at her
your brother and his best friend decided it was best to stand outside to not garner suspicion ltr yall are stalking and everyone knows since the bell rang whenever it was opened
tooru felt his heart clench at the thought of you being on a date with this,,, !!!! farmer boy!!!!
the sister complex in this one is quite strong
it got even worse when he saw your giggling form and ushijima holding you close with your shoulders
next thing he knew, he entered the bakery and ripped you away from him
ofc you were surprised bc wtf why was here?
‘oh, hello, oikawa’
^^ 2 types of people
‘didnt you hear me when i told you to stay away from my sister?’
he seethed
‘yes, i heard you. but i dont care’
you whisper-yelled bc his answer clearly made your brother angrier
‘well, i need you to start caring bc you are not welcome to be a part of our family! i will never accept you as my brother-in-law! i will never visit! you hear me?!’
your eyebrows furrowed and you flushed in embarrassment
he didnt bother to hear you and started dragging you by the arm
but you wrenched out of his grip and ran to ushijima, who held you close
‘hes my friend, nii-chan. i dont care if you dont like him but hes nice to me and he hasnt given me any reason to not be friends. now try to be a grown-up for just a few minutes and leave me alone so i can go hang out with my friend and you go back home with iwa-chan’
you firmly stated, glaring at him and tooru felt sad at this entire thing
were you growing up?
despite only being a year younger, you were always that ran to him for everything bc you looked up to him so much
but now, you were refusing and becoming your own person
you were still his baby sister but now, you were a grown woman who could make her own choices
and he had no choice but to accept that
‘okay. but come back home soon, okay, y/n?’
tooru’s quiet voice made your expression fall and you made a move to go to him but he already made his exit
you mumbled but ushijima placed an arm around your shoulders
‘you can go to him, y/n. we can-’
‘no. im,,, happy that he finally realized it. so lets continue’
you smiled up at him and he nodded, going back to looking through the cupcakes
‘how do you think hed take it if he finds out i like his sister?’
he off-handedly asks to no one but you heard and jumped
okay, you were used to his random comments and questions but this one had to be the one that took you aback the most
but he doesnt seem bothered
‘my teammates told me that i have a crush on you so if i were to act on that feeling, would you accept me?’
your eyes flittered everywhere and you grabbed him by the shoulders and leaned him down to his level
‘ar-are you seriously confessing to me right now?’
he shrugged, so nonchalant
‘yes. before getting your brother’s approval, i should get yours first. will you let me be yours, oikawa y/n-san?’
your face scrunched up and you nodded, pulling him in for a hug
‘i like you a lot, ushijima-san. like a lot’
he softly smiled and buried his neck in your neck
‘i noticed when you didnt care about your brother’s dislike towards me’
‘yanno, for someone who is so against us together, hes the reason we even met in the first place’
he pulled away and looked at you
‘yep. i told you this, didnt i? i came for milk bread yet left with a boyfriend’
‘over a span of a few months’
you rolled your eyes but still laughed
‘yes, a few months and nearly a hundred bags of milk bread later’
the old lady was watching the whole thing and only made her presence obvious when she squealed
you and ushijima shared a look before busting out laughing, you freezing when you heard his chuckles
he noticed your stare at him and he asked you whats wrong
you shook your head before grinning
‘im already already looking forward to falling in love with you. so make me fall really hard, okay?’
you just unlocked blushy and flustered ushijima wakatoshi
when you went home that night with bags full of milk bread, your brother practically forgave you
but you accidentally blurted out of your new official relationship and you knew what he did?
oikawa screamed
a/n: sorry if i was gone for 2 days bc selling sunset came season 3 came out on friday !!!! but heres an update and i might post another later bc tomorrow’s my first day of school and id be too busy to update but id probably update in wednesday so feast on these in the meantime!!!!!!
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omegawolverine · 4 years
Plesse tell me about queerness in the get down!!
okay okay queerness in the get down let's fuckn goooo
disclaimer: I havent watched this show in full for like 5 months at least, probably gonna get something wrong and/or forget some more important bits. also this wasnt proof read I just word vomited
tws: period typical homophobia, abuse mention, f slur use, bury your gays trope, overdose mention, mention of a creepy possible age gap (the age gap hasnt been confirmed so that's why its possible), cops
going from least to most prominent queer characters, let's start with mylene cruz!
so, from the beginning of this show she has an established romantic relationship with ezekiel (although the status of their actual relationship changes frequently throughout the show) and though this was a relationship she was hesitant to pursue, it is clear that she does have romantic feelings for him and if not for them both having growing careers in very different music genres (zeke specifically working in a genre that she repeatedly labels as bad because she thinks they're ruining records + that it isnt real music because they're using someone elses piece and rapping over it, that's not really important here tho lol) they probably wouldve had a much healthier, smooth sailing romance. that being said theres a few things that happen in the show that, while not explicitly clear, or even really good coding at that—to the point where you wont catch if you really arent looking for it (and trust me, I always look for coding, hers was just so little that it flew over my head until I saw someone else mention it)—are still cool to think about!
so, for starters, I wanna mention the toy box performance, which was performed by mylene and regina, who are best friends. that's all cool and shit, and you dont really think much about it...until you hear about the fact that the show runners purposely colored a lot of the scenes in that performance with the bi colors. like. the writers after the show ended basically said "oh yeah there was plans to make her coding more explicit, but our shit got cancelled soooo" and then dropped the fact that she was gonna be bi (or at least implies bi) in the series, which puts a new twist on a few things.
now, besides the bi coloring in the background of the toy box performance (which was mostly on scenes with her and regina, which involved a lot of uh,, lowkey lewd dancing. with each other. in very revealing outfits. wooooo), there's her music! I dont tend to read too much into this one bc, like I said before, her coding is fucking light and the writers themselves said they didnt really get to do much with it, but I think some stuff with her music is interesting. specifically how her, yolanda and regina's song set me free blew up because dizzee, resident (lowkey enby coded) bicon, got their song played in a queer club. also that the song was majorly important to dizzee and started playing literally right as he kissed a boy for the first time and realized "oh shit I like boys that's bonkers". also that the song can be taken in a gay way since literally the entire thing is about becoming your true self, fully and unapologetically, which is what both dizzee and mylene's entire character arcs are about. dizzee (and a lot of other queer people, apparently), heard this song about being set free and it resonated with them so much that they got that shit most of its popularity.
speaking of dizzee and mylene, they parallel each other a lot in the way that their arcs are about them realizing who they are, coming into themselves and no longer just letting people treat them like shit in a sense (dizzee starting to tell people essentially that they can call him weird all they want, they can make fun of how he acts, what he likes, how he dresses, etc. but he likes how he is and quite literally saying "it's okay to be an alien" as he has consistently compared himself to one throughout the show vs mylene learning that if she wants to be a disco singer she needs to put her foot down, not let anyone, not even the love of her life, not even her abusive father, stop her from achieving her dreams, etc. and continuing to pursue her career with or without their support). one more little parallel that I think is interesting is during I think s2 towards the end of the show is when dizzee and thor are shown together having fun with each other, painting all over the building and each other and are basically just being happy and in love together and then they have these clips of them being interspersed with clips of mylene at a party where she is starting to realize that if she wants to get anywhere she needs to be her own main priority and that she needs to put her career and her dream, which is what makes her the happiest, above all else if she wants to succeed. idk I just think how the show made these two into a weird parallel, accidental or not, is neat. maybe not an explicitly queer parallel, but I think at least how her music and whatnot helped dizzee, the main queer character in this show, blossom, is important.
moving on we got shaolin fantastic also known as "oh no your internalized homophobia is showing-"
so, heres a quick list of...interesting shao facts:
Consistently referred to as fag/faggot (shaolin fanfaggot is my personal favorite); he gets really defensive about this despite nobody actually thinking he's queer, it's just people being assholes to be assholes, and he is the only character consistently referred to using a slur, especially a homophobic one, especially for a "straight" character. dizzee, a canonically queer character, is called a fag less than shaolin is even though dizzee actively goes to gay clubs, has a not so secret dude he "hangs out with" and wont let anyone properly meet, paints his nails, wears less than straight clothes even by the 70s standards and is just all around the definition of fucking queer (and I mean like in the weird way, not the gay way). in fact theres only like once I can remember him being called a fag and it had nothing to do with him actually being gay it was literally just like thrown out there the same way you would call someone a bitch.
Has only shown sexual interest in women, yet refuses to have deeper relationships with women in general (possibly because of trauma but who knows) but takes his relationships with his "brothers", specifically zeke, very seriously
Tells zeke and zeke ONLY his real name when zeke was planning to stop being his friend bc shao more or less got boo boo, a like 14 year old black kid, arrested for selling hard drugs; he was clearly scared and trying to do anything to keep zeke around, literally chasing him down the street and hounding him until he got zeke to stop and argue with him
Kept threatening to beat up zeke in the end but couldn't actually bring himself to do so, instead saying that zeke is "fucking lucky" before walking away
Let's zeke get away with things that nobody else can, in general just has a weird soft spot for ezekiel that he shows with nobody else
when shao found dizzee with thor in a vaguely compromising situation (like they were just shirtless covered in paint sleeping next to each other but shao had also seen everything they painted on the walls ((which some of it was sus)), it was clear they had painted on each others bodies and dizzee had been routinely disappearing with this guy for weeks now yet not producing nearly as much art, at least, as far as we audience members know) he didnt judge him but instead, waited for him to get cleaned up and then told him something along the lines of "theres a reason why im so secretive blah blah blah [not everyone needs to know everything about me]", which, in context, kinda implies that he might be a lil. a lil homiesexual. jus a lil.
whenever even the possibility of zeke leaving him comes up he absolutely loses it. he has literally cost ezekiel life changing opportunities because he thought zeke would just up and leave him for them. this could be abandonment issues bc he's a severely traumatized character, and that probably does contribute to it, but it also is just not a reaction he has to any of their other friends just randomly dipping in and out of his life soooooo
generally speaking, this mfer has got either bisexual with a big hard on for zeke coding or homosexual with terrible internalized homophobia and still a hard on for zeke coding. either fucking way, that nigga gay. he gay as hell. gay as fuck man. there wasn't really much to analyze here tbh bc the coding is just so fucking obvious if you look for it or you are/have been a gay person who's dealt with at least a little bit of internalized homophobia.
also, just a sidenote, idk how fucking old shao, but I'm praying hes like at max 19 bc I'm pretty sure zeke is a minor in this show and shao definetly is not so the whole him being heavily implied to have a crush on ezekiel thing is kinda. oof. not oof if zeke is like 17 but any younger than that? OOF.
edit: apparently the characters are only supposed to be a year apart in age but i had no clue about that before writing this post and since shaos age was never actually stated in the show i naturally assumed he was an adult since his actor Looks Like An Adult. this is definetly on me to a certain extent, but i also never saw anything about this when trying to find our their ages so 🤷‍♀️ maybe i just didnt look deep enough, sorry!
now moving on to the main event...marcus dizzee kipling :]
so, first things first, let's talk enby coding bc him being bisexual was already confirmed!
um, to start off, I just wanna say I dont think this enby coding was intentional or even really coding, it's just moreso me being a dizzee kin on main and knowing as a transmasc enby he has very transmasc enby vibes. for example:
cool, gender neutral nickname that everyone calls him
paints nails various different colors
the whole wardrobe is just a transmasc enby heaven...fishnet shirts, jean overalls, jackets and cuffed pants galore, the big colorful pins, etc
gender neutral hairstyle (when I had my fro it was very sexy and made it easy to transition between hyper masc and vaguely fem, which is pog)
comparing himself to/representing himself consistently with an alien character (though this is meant to represent his sexuality, it could also double as a gender thing too, not neccesarily bc of the whole nonbinary alien trope but bc an enby who likes aliens might heavily identify or compare themselves to whatever their idea of an alien is, whether that just be a genderless entity or a motherfucker with fly style and no need to be perceived as anything other Wacky As Hell)
moving on from there, let's talk about how his queerness is presented to us and how, while it may be a really good piece of representation, especially coming from netflix, it still lacks in A Lot of places.
so, let's start with good things!
i personally really like the get down's queer rep with dizzee bc it's (for the most part) nonsexualized and very very soft, about dizzee figuring himself out and realizing there is a place where he fits in, and about two teenagers in the 70s falling in love over their shared passion for street art. it also features an interracial couple where both boys challenge stereotypes both about queer men and men of color, which is epic poggers and very sexy. this piece of rep specifically is very important to me bc I am a queer black person and even tho interracial relationships are mostly normalized now, I've still had people give me shit for primarily dating white people in a town that is...primarily white lol
mm anyways, I can also appreciate how in the get down, dizzee being represented by rumi the alien is not a thing specifically related to gender (as it often is) and instead is about his sexuality and just in general weirdness and how it has led to him being alienated amongst his peers, poc or otherwise. him seeing himself as an alien is not about just his queerness, which is important, it is about him being a queer black man who talks different, acts different, dresses different and is "soft"—he isnt a walking black male stereotype and he wouldnt have been seen as masculine back in the 70s by any stretch of the imagination. this can be relatable to a wide spectrum of queer poc, from queer black men currently who still have to deal with this shit or to people like myself who are afab neurodivergent mixed race enbies that have always been signaled out as weird and alienated for it. dizzee is god rep bc while he has a small part in this show, his parts are very impactful, hard hitting and show queer poc of all ages that they arent alone and that it's okay to "weird", you just need to embrace it because somebody will love you for you, as thor did for dizzee.
that being said theres um. some minor problemas here,,,
dizzee and thors first kiss
the lack of development this pairing got
the way dizzee was confirmed bisexual off screen, he never said the words himself, just showed interest in both genders
the way dizzee and thor were never even confirmed boyfriends or just fwb so most of the fandom just calls them boyfriends bc Why Not
dizzee was implied fucking DEAD??? AT THE END OF THE SERIES?????? AND THOR WAS IMPLIED ARRESTED?????????????
now, these might have been things that wouldve been fine had the show been given it's full run but it wasnt which is why we are now left with probelms.
so, from the top, let's go over these: dizzee and thor's first (and only "on screen") kiss was one that was shown in a montage of other queer people making over and doing other vaguely romantic/sexual things, one of those things being a whole ass naked titty being mouthed at, but the actual kiss...was just not shown? like they really did just say "yes they kissed <3 you know this from the context clues of it being in a montage with kissing, hickey giving and titty sucking <3 but no we will not show it <3" LIKE HELLO? I SAW A NAKED BOOBIE BUT NOT TWO MEN KISS??? HUH????????
also, dizzee and thor were both fucking high as hell during this bit like this isnt a terrible thing but it's also like sometimes you do shit when you're high that you wouldnt do sober and they just never kissed again on screen so like?? like idk that's not that bad but it does kinda irk me since they deadass got no other on screen intimacy after that unless you including painting on eacher other or sleeping next to each other on a shitty mattress but not touching at all during it bc they were both at opposite ends of the mattress like half way off it
so yeah, that was trash. then we got lack of development, which kinda goes with the "dizzee being a bisexual but he never says it in canon" thing cause like...okay dizzee was already sort of a side character from the get go like he wasnt the mc by any means, but he became way more of a background character as things continued until we basically only saw him for performances or when he was with thor, yet they got no fucking development as a pairing other than "dizzee realize he gay, he like thor, he and thor spend time together and ig probably do some gay stuff but we dont really know bc we only ever see them do graffiti together now" like?? tf am I supposed to do with that shit. answer. quickly. and then theres dizzee not being confirmed bisexual, which is just a running problem with shows literally doing everything to say a character is bi except for having the character just...say they're bi? which would be so easy? like a good way dizzee and thor couldve had some development is by thor teaching dizzee things about the queer community that he didnt even know existed, thor couldve helped him understand what being bi meant and helped him label himself and whatnot but instead we got an off screen confirmation that the writers had bisexual in mind when writing him. which is garbagé.
the whole thor and dizzee never having a confirmed relationship status is also a development problem cause like literally nobody knows if they were just friends who made out, maybe fucked, who knows, or if they were dating bc dizzee does give a love confession but a love confession doesn't mean there is a relationship, especially since thor didn't say he was in love either (as far as I remember, I could be wrong, plus whether or not that really happened or was apart of dizzee literally overdosing during a performance is unclear so 🤪)
and now for the biggest issue...bury your gays trope.
during the season 2 finale, dizzee and thor are chased by cops after they are found doing graffiti, one of the cops is able to catch thor while the other chases dizzee into a train tunnel and there is a train seen headed straight for him before the show cuts to black on a train horn. the show writers claim that if they had gotten another season, dizzee wouldve been alive but since they didnt and since that's essentially super fan trivia knowledge, most people dont fucking know that and instead had to watch a black queer teenager chose death over being fucking arrested by a white cop. on top of that, thor didnt see any of that shit because he was caught and the cop started hauling him off while dizzee was still being chased so thor literally has no clue where his friend/possible boyfriend fucking is or that he's likely dead in a goddamn tunnel all alone, unless you count the fucking pig that chased him in there who wouldve died too. this shows rep was so fucking good as far as most shows go on not having major fucking problems, on not being toxic and over sexualized, etc, etc. and then they just. killed a black queer teenager for no fucking reason. like it was literally the last episode ever, it would add nothing to the plot, it would just devastate fans and devastate it fucking did. I dont cry easy but seeing a character I identified with, who I had hyperfixated on, die because he'd rather that than be arrested is terrible. it fucking sucked.
so yeah. that's my all too extensive thoughts/analysis on the get down's queerness. theres definitely stuff I missed, or misinterpreted, or looked too much into, etc, etc., but this was a fun thing to spend time writing sooo yeah!! thanks for the ask anon, sorry this was just a big rambley info dump, but hopefully you get some enjoyment out of it since it took like 3 hours at least 😭😭 feel free to ask clarifying questions lol
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yellowbluemoonshine · 4 years
The Wrong Way to Put Out Fire
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I wanna talk about some details about Touya, Todoroki family and the different situtions Touya and Shouto had.
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Touya is introduced us as innocent, nice kid who just wants to enjoy his father.
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Thats actually first difference we saw between Touya and Shouto. Sometimes children fond of one of their parents more than other one. For Touya, he was daddy’s boy. Shouto is more like mommmy’s boy. (Even their clothes are parallels. Fire, ice. Daddy, mommy.)
And let me say this;
This marriage was wrong to begin with. Quirk marriage, the fact that Endeavour decided to put his ambitions on his children is wrong.
But as a first born, for Touya, his family was normal. Children dont magically understand what is right or wrong.
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He simply saw that he got his father’s attention and it made him really really happy. Training was the bond he had with his father. Touya’s thoughts probably like; I am daddy’s son, my father is really happy when i become more strong etc etc.
Even he realize his family is different from other people, he probably simply thought that it might be different but its their thing. This is why we saw Touya as happy. Touya felt special when he got his father’s all attention.
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And Touya saw his mother is okay with it. He probably saw that many times even when father being disrespectfull, mom doesnt seem to mind that much. This is probably why he starts to looks down on his mother too. Its just children dont respect adults who dont respect theirselves. If child think he can get away with it, they would simply do it. Mommy allows daddy to be the boss of the house, mommy allows daddy’s to be disrespectfull to herself so its ok to disrespectfull to mommy too. Thats how children think in those situtions.
What was Shouto’s difference then?
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Shouto as last born, he never think his family is normal or this sitution is okay cause when Shouto is born, everyone in family already starts to break down. Mommy wasnt okay at all.
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Endeavour put his own ambitions on Touya’s shoulders, he gave him impossible expectations which is literally name of the chapter. Wrong way to put out the fire. Those impossible expectations is abuse, btw.
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Everything started cause Endeavour put out fire on wrong place, his family.
And after Touya failed, he was thrown away. Touya probably felt like; his father took him to the highest hill of the building, made him feel special but then threw him down.
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Touya started to get the attention he had at first place to the point he started to burn himself over and over again. Look at how terryfying he looks when his brothers were born...
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At this point, he understand he is replacable which made him question why was he born at first place.
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Of course, Touya wouldnt listen Endeavour when he said ‘there is a life outside of being a hero’ cause Endeavour himself doesnt live his life like that. Children arent stupid, they observe adults’s actions too. Endeavour’s words condract with his actions thats why his words didnt reach out to Touya.
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Touya was in a lot of pain to the point his heigh stopped growing (Look how he is shorter than his siblings), burns himself, his hair starts to change probably cause he used his quirk too much, he even starts to pull his hair which is sign of suicide. He was literally small kid who was mentally breaking down and he expressed his pain every way he can do but he was ignored.
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Fuyumi-chan didnt understand him. Natsuo-kun doesnt listen him either. (Touya thought Fuyumi-chan didnt understand her cause she is girl but the reason she and Natsuo doesnt understand is they didnt have the same expectation at first place.)
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And mommy is at fault too cause she is the one who allowed daddy to raised him like this at first place. She is the one the accepted this marriage, she is responsible too.
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For a child, to be understood is very important thing but they didnt get it. He realized his siblings dont understand him. Even though, Touya was so mentally unstable to the point he attack his baby brother, his parents still didnt get him help or didnt specifically take care of him, instead they constantly ignore him. They kept telling him to forget what happenned and look other way.
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This is exactly why Touya couldnt hold on something else cause in deep, he knows only way to be seen is prove himself.
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For Touya, his mother didnt there for him. His mother allowed this to happen too. This is why his situtions are opposite of Shouto’s.
Touya thought family is normal, his daddy loves him, this is why training was fun.
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This is why he end believing everything Endeavour taught him. Even he uses same words, literally in same chapter.
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‘I live in different world from others.’
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Shouto realized family isnt normal and father is the one who make everyone unhappy. This is why he hated training cause he realized father is forcing him.
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For Touya, mother wasnt there for him and ignored his pain.
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For Shouto, his mother was there for him, this is why she became his emotional support.
This is also why Shouto tried to protect mom cause Rei at this point was really in pain and she was reaching her breaking point. Mommy is there for me, i love mommy but dad make mommy upset, dad is the bad guy here.
Meanwhile for Touya, he didnt really see his mom as sad, he saw her being okay with sitution, thats why he probably think that the way Endeavour treat her as normal cause she accepted this sitution.
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All those opposite situitons made them think opposite way. Not because one is good or bad, its just they had different kind of abuse. (Also hair symbolism is nice parallel too).
Though despite opposite situtions, they were also similar too. They were so cold child soldiers who only think about getting revenge from father, just opposite way cause Shouto has.
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Touya waited his father to come forest to watch him but Endeavıur didnt come until Touya was burn to death.
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Touya’s death wasnt just an accident but its both also suicide and murder. Touya was suicidal, he kept burning himself but parents didnt look at him and Endeavour is the one who push him this mental state. Even Touya says himsef;
 ‘After all, the only  thing he taught me was how to turn up the heat’
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Touya had to burn and reborn to get daddy’s attention again but even after his death, he was hardly mentioned by his family. I mean if Dabi never become a villain, they wouldnt even discuss this case as family.
And i honestly dislike how Todoroki handle this sitution.
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Rei says everyone is responsible but Shouto, Fuyumi and Natsuo were children, its not their fault. Rei is at fault for not being there for Touya and Endeavour is the most at fault for making Touya mentally unstable. I hate how children carry the mistakes of Endeavour, it wasn their fault.
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And with their talk, they made it sound like Shouto is better than Touya cause look, he became a hero and he forgave them!
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I mean, Shouto didnt have much choice cause Endeavour forced him to be a hero. Even Endeavour wasnt there, Shouto had emotional support (mom) and inspiration (allmight) to be hero, he also has strong qurik so no wonder he can be hero, you know. But Touya didnt have any of it. He didnt have emotional support, inspiration to be better or strong quirk.
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Not even need to mention how both Early-Shouto and Dabi obsess with revenge, cold child soldiers who dont pay attention to people around them. Just Shouto was in better environment and then he met Deku and he started to heal.
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Even Shouto saw himself in Dabi, how he could be like him but he was lucky to be saved. Even their wound smbolically shows their pain. For Shouto, it was boiling water but for Touya, it was very strong fire that will burn him to dush.
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Yeah, Dabi is villain but even so. To Deku, Shigaraki is completely stranger but he still thoguht that he needs to be saved. Meanwhile, Todoroki family knew what happenned to Touya. They are personally involved with him but i found it weird it how they didnt mention about ‘saving him’.
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I mean maybe thats what they will try eventually but still....i think heroes are good, villains are bad sitution contnues even in this sitution cause they say Dabi is the one who needs to be stopped and Endeavour is the one who take a hand.
Shouto needs to offer that hand to Dabi, not Endeavour cause the one who needs to be saved is Dabi/Touya, not Endeavour. 
Not to mention how Best Jeanist and Hawks coldy listen sitution.
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I guess, even after this, they still dont really look at Dabi’s pain cause if they saw it, at least they would talk about helping him more than stopping him...what a tragedy.
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Touya, after everything he had been through is still ignored, even by his own family, remind me of Tenko’s sitution :’))).
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Halloween- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader
Summary: It’s Halloween time, which means the Weasley twins are up to no good. They play a prank on Y/N that goes to far.
Warning: panic attacks, cursing, soft Draco, mature themes
House: Slytherin 
     Halloween, one of Y/N’s favorite holiday’s. She loved everything about Halloween. Down to trick or treating and carving pumpkins. She used to love to spend time with her parents on Halloween, but after they died while fighting Death-Eaters in her home. The holiday was never the same, but she still enjoyed it nonetheless.
     The twins had left her a note on her dorm room door. How they got into the Slytherin dorms was beyond her, but the Weasley twins always found a way when it came to there pranks. The note read “Princess, we have something to tell you in the room of requirement, come after breakfast” she stared at it for a couple seconds before shrugging.
     The twins were her best friends so she figured what ever they needed had to be important. With it being a free day at Hogwarts she wore Draco’s green jumper. It had his name on the back and she loved to wear it and he loved to see her in it. with it always being cold in Hogwarts she wore black leggings to keep her warm. She headed out the common room and to the great hall.
     When Y/N got there her eyes wandered until they landed on her Boyfriend. She walked slowly until she made her way behind him, covering his eyes with the palms of her hands. She leaned down “Guess who?” she whispers in his ear with a giggle. Draco smirked lightly as he put his hands over her’s “Hmm let me see? Parkinson?” he teased making Y/N huff and go to pull her hands away, but Draco gripped them and pulled her to sit down next to him.
     “Awe love, i'm only joking” He fake pouts at her angered expression. Y/N puffed her cheeks out in annoyance before a evil iea popped in her mind “When i did it to Harry he knew it was me” Draco’s eyebrow raised slightly and his hands let go of her hands and gripped her waist “You did what?” he seethed. Yes, jealous Draco. “Awe love, I’m only joking” she mocked his voice. He glared at her before dipping his head into her neck “You know better then to tease me, love” he muttered against her skin.
     Draco suddenly bit her neck, Y/N gasped and covered her mouth with her hand careful not to drawn attention to them. “Draco, n-not here” she whimpered as he gave her waist a light squeeze “You know i don't like when you mention saint Potter” he bit her neck again giving her the same reaction as the first time. Removing her hand from her mouth “You know i don't like when you mention Pansy” she retorts. He smiled slightly before moving his head to look at her “Fine, im sorry” he says and leans into capture her lips with his i a sweet kiss.
     Y/N smiles like an idiot as he pulls away, “Apology excepted, i won't talk about Harry again” Draco smiles and he lets go of her. She moves her body to lean against his and they began to eat breakfast.
     As breakfast ended Y/N sat up straight and stretched her arms. Draco stood up from his seat and held out his hand for his girlfriend, which she happily took and stood up as well “So, wanna head to my dorm so i can give you more then those two bites” he says in a low tone, his hand pushing the hair from my neck to gaze upon his work of art. Y/N’s face heated up at his words and playfully hit his chest “I have to meet up with the twins first for something” she shrugs.
     Draco frowned as he wrapped his arms around her torso “But you’ve been so busy lately. I want Y/N time too” he whines like a five year old who has been denied his favorite toy. His actions make Y/N giggle a bit “It’ll only be a minute then im all yours for the rest of the day” Draco perked up at the words and grinned happily “10 minutes okay?” he says and Y/N nods “10 minutes” she repeats. She gives him a short kiss and pulls away from his grasp.
    Y/N waves to him before she leaves the great hall, leaving a lovestruck Draco behind to smile stupidly before heading to his dorm to wait for his lovely Slytherin girlfriend.
     Y/N pushed opened the doors to the room of requirement to see no one there. She’s very confused but walks in just in case they were just behind something and that's the reason she couldn't see them. “George?” she calls out, but no one answered. “Fred?” no answer as well. She sighs. Those idiots forgot about there meeting that quick. Y/N would definitely would deal with them later, but a very handsome boy was waiting for her back at the dorms.
     Just as Y/N was about to turn around towards the door it shuts with a loud sound. She jumps slightly and looks around frantically “Guys, you better not be messing with me!” she snaps. The lights started to flicker making her shudder and think back to that night when Death-Eaters came to her home. Suddenly the lights were out. Leaving her in the pitch black. Her breathing sped up and she instinctively backed up until she hit something hard. 
     Thinking it was a wall Y/N sighed, until it grabbed at her making her yelp and push away. Loud sounds cam from everywhere. Crashing and shouting, taking her to the darkest corners of her mind. she fell to her knees and held her hands over her ears. Trying to drown out the noise. Her heartbeat was going extremely fast and her breathing was erratic. “George i dont think this is funny anymore” a voice came from the darkness “Turn the lights back on Fred” 
     The lights were switched back on and the twins were seen holdinmetallicic objects that they used to bang together and create the loud noise. Y/N was rocking back and forth in her place making the Weasleys worried. “Princess?” George crouched beside her and touched her shoulder. She screamed and backed away, shutting her eyes “It’s just us!” Fred exclaimed.
     Y/N was to far into her mind to process that she was safe and no one was going to hurt her, George was now extremely panicked and looked at his brother “Get Malfoy maybe he’ll know what to do?!” he suggested. Fred nodded hastily and ran out the room. George turned back to Y/N and frowned
     Fred ran up the stairs, doing his best not to fall, he saw a couple of Slytherins outside the common room door. He made his way to them out of breath “What do you want Weasley?” Pansy sneered, crossing her arms “I...need....Malfoy......Y/N” he sabetweenent pants for air “What?” Pansy laughed, making the two other Slytherins laugh with her. 
     “Your not bullying Gryffindors again are you Pansy?” A voice came from the stairs. Blaise Zabini. He looked at the Weasley and nodded towards him “Why do you need to see Malfoy?” he asked. He knew Y/N was friends with them so he wanted to be somewhat respectful. “We played a prank on Y/N, but she’s freaking out and we need Malfoy to calm her down!” “You what?!” Exclaimed a blond Slytherin who had just walked out the common room.
     “Were so sorry we didnt!-” “I dont care for your shitty excuses, take me to my girlfriend now, Weasley!” Draco snapped with an angered expression. Fred nodded slowly before they both ran down the stairs. Leaving the shocked Slytherins behind them “He really loves her” Blaise chuckled with a smirk.
     Fred pushed the door open and Draco rushed in quickly, he saw his girlfriend against a wall with her hands in her face. Her loud sobs and rough breathing made his heart tug violently. George spotted them and walked over quickly. “Don't be loud, it’ll only freak her out more” he said in a hushed tone. Draco growled and pulled his wand out, pointing it at the both of them. They raised their hands quickly “What. Did. You. Do?” he hissed, venom lacing his voice.
     “We brought her here with a note and let her walk in, when she went to leave we shut the door, turned out the lights, made loud noises and grabbed at her. It was supposed to be funny but she started freaking out so we stopped” George explained quickly. Fred nodded in agreement. Draco glared at them before pointing to the door with his wand “Out now” the twins nodded and left in a rush.
     When Y/N and Draco started to get serious she told him of the story on how her parents died. Every detail. He knew what triggered you, he knew why you were so upset now. His first thought was that he wished he talked you out of coming, but how could he have known. He pocketed his wand before crouching down next to you.
     Draco reached out and grabbed your hand, your body started to shake and you pushed away “Love, open your eyes it’s me. Draco your boyfriend” he said, but you weren’t listening. Despite your flailing body he wrapped his arms around you “Y/N just listen to my voice” Y/N could smell his cologne and the scent of green apples suddenly. It made her feel safe, and at peace. Her breathing started to slow down as Draco whispered reassuring words into her ear.
     Y/N pulled her head away from his chest to look at his face. He looked worried and was that a tear? “Draco?” she whispered. He looked at her and smiled “There you are” he said sweetly. She reached up and wiped the tear from his face “Why are you crying?” she asked, her voice rough from sobbing. “You have no idea how much pain it brings me when you are like that” he whispered, his voice cracking.
     “I may never be able to know what goes on in your head, but i will always be here to pick you up when you fall, my love” Y/N smiles at his words as she grabs his face. She moves her body to wrap her legs around his torso “Thank you so much Draco” she leans her forehead against his. He smiles and put one hand on the small of her back to push her body flush against his while the other cupped her face.
     “Like i said, always” Draco’s hand slithered from her face to the nape of her neck to pull her into a deep kiss. She responds instantly and kisses back with the same amount of love he does. They pull away out of breath making him grin “Want to take this to my dorm finally?” he says, his head dipping into her neck to bite at the sensitive skin. Y/N whimpers softly and smiles “Yeah”
     A/N: Kinda spicy, but not a smut. I could write smut if you guys want. My requests are open for anyone that wants to ♡
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stagwhisker · 4 years
Actually this brings me to another gripe and warriors vs the fandom and that theres chunks of this fandom who can't understand framing vs context and think that because the book frame a character as good they can do bad things at best and be garbage at worst and vice versa.
I see this mainly with Bramblestar but it applies to others like Breezepelt, Blossomfall, Bluestar, I swear it's more than B names these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head.
The books want you to think these characters as great or having good reasons for doing the shit they did and they just don't. They try to do this by having other characters refer to them in good light or stand up for them in a good way and just no???
Bluestar was always paranoid and possesive (and WILDLY hypocritical) then when she began to fall apart she chose to let her clan rot instead of stepping down. Also naming a traumatized woman after the thing that she felt ruined her? Good job asshole maybe your warrior name should have been Deadmom. Also idk how many people remembered this but she was a dick to her kits when they were still in the nursery. Instead of trying to explain to Mosskit that food was short she said, and I QUOTE "I'm your mother. If I've said you've had enough to eat, then you have." When Mosskit responds "That's not fair!" Bluestar replies with "Life's not fair." Which is so bad fucks sake.
Blossomfall is just plain asshole and it honestly blows my mind that IvyBlossom is so popular considering she spent just about any page time with Ivypool bullying her and treating her like shit. Then later on she grows up to be an adult who comes off as genuinely Xenophobic(as applied to wc) and that ends up alienation her son who ends up dying over this shit.
Breezepelt was manipulated by the Dark Forest into beleiving what they TOLD him Crowfeather felt about him. Was Crwofeather a good dad? No. Did he hate his son? No. The neglect Breezepelt had was no excuse to do the shit he did. This leans more towards a section of the fandom thinking his action were justified because uwu sad backstory I can relate to, but no they were not. Breezepelt was an adult for all of the bad shit he did outside of aggravating Thunderclan cats, it was entirely his decision independant of what Crowfeather did and for once the books actually acknowledged this through Crowfeather himself of all people.
Bramblestar falls into "The Erins are misogynistic and will blame women for the problems caused by men" category. I'll bite and tell you BrambleSquirrel was a terrible idea from the first book of New Prophecy because Bramblestar set in his mind an image of Squirrelflight and seemingly carried that his whole life. Brambleclaw saw Squirrelpaw as an annoying apprentice and got pissy when she tried correcting him. This follows them until they are grown ass adults when The Sisters came into play. Bramblestar refused to listen to Squirrelflight and actively made things worse by not doing so which forces Squirrelflight to go behind his back to try to SAVE other cats. When all hell breaks loose the fandom wants to blame Squirrelflight when all she did was try to make sure these cats and pregnant woman didnt get fucking killed which ended up happened anyway because guess fucking who. When Fireheart did it to Bluetsar for similar reason it was "brave" and "the right thing to do" but because it's Squirrelflight now it's "backstabbing" and "betrayal".
Real talk, if you are with a parent, loved one, or friend and had the thought "I want to tell them this, but I don't want them to be mad." comes to mind first, that's a sign you've been abused. When you are afraid to share information or talk about things because they'll get angry, they've blown up at you, blew things way oit of proportion, and belittled you for shit they shouldn't have. Squirrelflight's Hope is littered with this and it deeply concerns me that the fandom wants to look at this textbook example of an abuse victim and say it's her fault she feels this way.
I'm not gonna go over the reveal of the Three because I'll level with you if I was put on the spot like Holly did to her parents I probably would have panicked and said some dumb shit too. But then it's up them to talk about it and work through it.
Another thing that Bramblestar does that really irks me in regards to Squirrelflight is how he always wants her to listen and consider his feelings but doesn't always want to do the same for her. This refers to Moonlight too but mainly Hawkfrost. All Brambleclaw had to do was assure her that he hears her and considers her feelings but would make his own decision. Thats IT, it's not that hard. She may not had had solid proof Hawkfrost was evil but he doesn't hide his abuse of Mothwing very well either and if your boyfriend is willing to side with his brother who abuses his own family you'd drop his ass too because that's pretty telling of a person.
The Hakwfrost situation was wild on it's own anyway because he was so onviously bad to begin with and Brambleclaw just went with it until he couldn't anymore and then never ahd any concequences for it when other female characters do way less and get way worse.
Whatever this has turned into a mile long rant but the point is teh Erins can't write characters and then treat them as they are and it's most noticable with Bluestar and Bramblestar. Anyway I'm gonna make some coffee so I can chill.
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nieladasdenani · 4 years
supercorp promt lena going over all the times kara/supergirl saved her life and how many ways shed be dead without her and realizing all the times kara/supergirl stood up for her/defended her in public and private and how she would have been treated like a luthor and put in jail without her help and just coming to the realization that kara didnt use her like she said she did because kara would not do all that if she had been using her and just all around having a big impact realization about it
Hello and thank you, Anon! This will be a challenge because I have seen very little of the show since season 3 and none of the last season whatsoever. All my knowledge comes from Tumblr posts. And because I have strong opinions of how the reveal was handled by both canon and part of fandom. So I hope it still meets your expectations.
You can read it in AO3 if you rather.
Lena’s hand trembles as she reaches for the bottle, so she clenches it in a tight fist and tries to take a deep breath to calm her mounting anxiety, though it doesn’t seem to have any effect. A sense of paranoia has her focusing her attention on the office door, expecting to hear the thunderous sound of trained boots rushing to get her, but nothing meets her ears. She sighs and tries to breathe deeper again. Then chances a look over her left shoulder at the balcony door, wide open, like a dare... or an invitation. If she turns completely, she’d be facing her desk, and on top of it lays Myriad, inactive. She knows she should have gone to Lex’s lair, where Hope in Eve’s body awaits to complete the mission. Would she be worried Lena hasn’t arrived? Confused?
“But, Miss Luthor, I am not your friend.” Lena scoffs at the memory and snatches the bottle and a glass.
“Neither was the person whose face you’re wearing, so I guess the integration was flawless.”
She drains the first glass of whiskey entirely in the first gulp and sits heavily on her pristine white couch. Mistake. There, on the floor, is the framed, cracked picture showing her smiling face, impossibly close to Kara’s own radiant expression. A stark difference to the one she was wearing when Lena left her in an iced kryptonite cell, inside her piece of home away from home: terrified, devastated. Some call it karma... Others call it revenge.
“Lena, please.”
Lena sighs again and closes her eyes after pouring a second glass, that she holds loosely in her right hand. Both her elbows rest on her knees, and her head hangs low. Was Kara scared for National City, the world? Or was she afraid Lena’s trap would kill her?
“Are you going to kill me now?”
Was she scared of Lena or for Lena? No doubt the DEO has a dark, hidden dungeon waiting just for her, where they can lock her in isolation, like her demented brother was before he escaped and wrecked havoc. Before she killed him... Of course Kara would be fine. Lena made sure the trap was safe. That the kryptonite was non-lethal. She made sure of it. It’s still an alien radioactive substance, though. No, no, she made sure. She studied Lex’s journals exhaustively. She’s working for good.
“I’m not a villain. You shouldn’t have treated me like one.”
So why does it feel like she’s doing something wrong? Non Nocere was conceived to remove one of humanity’s biggest flaws, to remove one of the primary reasons for suffering. She’s doing it for the greater good. She’s doing a good thing. So, why is she here and not finishing it up? Maybe because deep down she knows that, no matter how good her intentions, this is not the way, deceiving everyone to achieve her goal.-Using Kara. -Like she used me! -Did she? -Yes! She lied for years! -Do you realize you’re trying to convince yourself of this?
Lena’s whole head hurts from how hard she’s clenching her jaw. Kara lied for years. A Super and a Luthor. She must have been using her, why else would she have lied for so long? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, and all that. The Luthor way. Making sure Lena walked the line. Saving your life, protecting you. Enough! Lena shakes her head again, harder, to silence the voice inside. It works, so she closes her eyes and sighs.
Then images start flashing: A helicopter spinning out of control towards the ground. The pilot unconscious, limp next to her. Bracing for a certain death that never comes.
“You’re safe now.”
Feeling suddenly sick. Knowing too late that something’s wrong with the coffee. Someone has posioned her and succeded at it. She clinging to consciousness, barely, dreaming of Kara saving her. Taking her in her arms and flying her up to safety.
“You were flying, and you were carrying me.”
Lena determined to protect Kara as they both face Mercy inside L Corp. They somehow managed to avoid the rain of bullets from the intruders and are now trapped in the labs with the armed enemy. But Lena’s armed too. She’l protect Kara, who seems eager to leave, which confuses Lena, she’s seen Kara square up to people before, especially to stand up for Lena. But she let’s her leave, she’ll be safer anyway. And then Supergirl is there, neutralizing Mercy in the blink of an eye.
“The Luthor name doesn’t deserve Lena.”
A half machine half man monstrosity trying to storm her newly rebranded company. She, braving an attempt at defense. An enormous metallic representation of said rebranding flying towards her, promising a sure, painful and fast death. She, bracing for the impact that never comes. Looking through her hands to see the Girl of Steel stumbling from the force of protecting Lena from it.
“Get out of here.”
She confronting Edge, who poisoned children in an attempt at getting back to Lena. She almost going through with killing him. Instead getting knocked out and strapped onto a doomed plane. Not only is she going to die, all her work to be good would be erased, her reputation. But, once more, it doesn’t come.
“No, I’m not going to drop you!”
Kara, sweet and dorky, suddenly stony facing Detective Sawyer, who’s come to take Lena into custody. Conviction in her blue eyes, sure of Lena’s innocence. Willing to face off with her sister’s girlfriend over it. Lena shocked at the protective display.
“Hold on, Maggie. Slow down. Just, let her explain.”
Supergirl trying to warn her of her mother’s terrorist endeavors. Not as in warning Lena to stir clear of it. Not as in warning her that she’s being watched. But as if to telling her to be careful, that she may be in danger. As if telling her Supergirl herself will protect her, if she’d let her.
“Be your own hero.”
She deliberatedly jumping off a cliff, after facing off with a terrorist organization. Pushing the buttom on the watch Kara gave her, to protect her, alway. With not a trace of doubt in her system that Kara would come to her rescue. Feeling the power of the lasers coming out of Kara’s eyes.
“What was that?”
Lena falling from her office balcony, thinking of her fear of heights, her fear of flying. Thinking of Kara listening to her falling to her death after a couple of her mother’s goons accidentally toppled her. Clutching to Kara’s voice as the last thing she hears. Until arms of steel catch her and making it feel like falling onto a cloud. Freezing breath rushing past her face, and still feeling warm.
“Dropped something?”
“I was having coffee with Kara Danvers.”
Lena, flanked by the Danvers Sisters coming into a dream realm to confront Sam’s demons. A monster wearing Sam’s face attacking them, lifting Lena by the neck, threateing to break it.
“Let her go! Take me, take me instead, please!”
Being kidnapped onto an alien ship. And invader alien ship. Almost forced to get married, to Kara’s boyfriend, no less. Getting rescued by Supergirl. Joining forces with her mom, who had previously joined forces with Supergirl, both putting their difference aside to save Lena. Creating a device that would eradicate the invading threat, but that included Kara’s love. Kara, devastated, but reassuring Lena that it was not her fault, that she did what she had to.
“Lena, you helped Supergirl save the world.”
Kidnapped by her mother, after being framed. Used to get to Lex’s arsenal of anti-alien weaponry. Supergirl crashing the site, knowingly risking her safety with Lilian, Metallo and Cyborg Superman surrounded by weapons designed to defeat a Kryptonian. Supergirl on her knees, in pain. Warning them of the risk of Metallo’s unstable kryptonite’s core. A potential explosion that could kill her. And still staying to carry Lena out of there, just in the nick of time.
“Kara Danvers believes in you.”
“You’re good, Lena.”
“So, my office is overflown with flowers.”
“That’s what friends are for.”
“I’ve never had friends like you.”
“I trust you.”
“Supergirl might have saved me. But you, Kara Danvers, you are my hero.”
Lena’s gasping, just now realizes she’s crying. What have I done? But there’s no time to think about it further. A crash coming from her balcony captures her attention, and she stands, drink still in hand, tears still rolling down her face. Supergirl struggles to keep upright: she’s pale, panting. Her eyes, as wild as her hair, searching her surroundings, until they find Lena. And it’s palpable how the relief fills Kara. Her shoulders sag and her eyes close.
But Lena has not gotten over Supergirl, Kara’s state. And then she sees her hands. There’s blood and bruises there. There’s blood on Kara’s hands. Lena can’t take her eyes of the damaged limbs. She takes a couple of steps towards the hero.
“You’re bleeding.”
Kara seems to not have heard her. She looks at Myriad and lingers there. As if she’s trying to see through it. But can’t. She’s helping herself stay standing by bracing one shoulder on the balcony door. Turns to Lena again.
“Please, Lena. Don’t do this. Please.”
“Kara, you’re bleeding.”
“If you do this, Lena, if you do this there’s no going back.”
“Why are you bleeding?”
“Not like, for humanity. We’d be able to fix that. We’ve done it before. With Myriad. But for you, Lena. You’ll be devastated when your anger subsides.”
“Please, Lena, you’ve worked so hard to leave your family’s bad name behind. It’ll be so much harder to come back if you do this.”
“Kara, stop.”
“No, no. You gotta listen. You can’t do this! It will hurt you!”
“Kara. You are bleeding!”
“What?” And finally, she looks down. At her hands. “Oh.”
Lena closes the distance between them. Takes Kara’s hands in hers. Inspects the damage. Her mind racing to understand what she’s seeing. Kara is Supergirl, she should not be bleeding. Now Lena can see that Kara is also shivering. From exertion or cold, Lena isn’t sure. Both, maybe. She’s still catching her breath.
“You punched your way out.” She says this and looks up at Kara’s face, she knows her eyes are wide with shock and her mouth is, too. A little. Lilian would be appalled. “Kara, why? The trap would have turned off in a couple of hours. I would never...”
“I know. I know but... it was so tight in there.”
“The space was so small.”
“Oh. Oh! You’re... Are you claustrophobic?” Oh, no. No.
Kara shrugs, looks sideways at the desk. At Myriad. But she’s not trying to contain Lena, to restrain her. She’s not rushing to take Myriad, either. She’s trusting Lena to do listen, to do what’s right.
“Why? Kara why didn’t you... I didn’t know. I didn’t know if I would have. I would’ve not put you in there,”
“We both did things. Lena, I promise. I’ve only lied about my secret identity. And I know there’s no excuse, but I have plenty. And I’ll tell you all of them when you’re ready to hear them. But, please, you have to believe me: I never lied about us. I swear I was not using you. You must believe me, Lena, please!”
“I think I do, now. I’m... I’m still hurt and angry. But, I know. I realize you didn’t need to work so hard on protecting me. From experience, I know that masks fall faster than that. I was just... Hearing i from Lex, while I killed him was overpowering.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I gave him the chance to take that away from us. I’m sorry that yet again I was robbed of the opportunity to tell someone I love. And that it gave him such a way to hurt you. I’m sorry that it made you feel used and unloved. I love you Lena. I love you.”
Lena’s vision is blurry with tears. And it gets worse when Kara’s words paint a smile on Lena’s face. At some point she has dragged Kara to the couch, have them both sat down, and she’s yet to let go of the hero’s bruised hands.
“You do?”
“I do. Of course I do. I love you. I’d say it as much as you’d need.”
“Hold on.”
Lena stands despite Kara’s throughly confused expression. She raches for the first aid kit in the bathroom and sits back next to Kara. Starts tending to the wonds, a little worried that hey don’t seem to be healing by themselves. But not wanting to draw attention to it. Kara watches her work in silence, with the occasional flinch or hiss of pain.
“You may want to reconsider your offer. I don’t think I’ll ever tired of you saying it.”
Kara looks lost for a second, until her face clears of all confusion. She smiles.
“I don’t have a problem with that.”
“I’m going to have to work on myself and my issues, though. Before we can really start to explore our relationship. In whichever form you’re willing to have it.”
“I’ll have to work on my issues, too. And we’ll work together on our relationship. I’ll have whatever you’rewilling to give me.”
And Lena almost says I’ll give you everything out loud. She finishes up tending to Kara’s wounds. And sighs.
“When should I expect the DEO to come and get me?” Kara frowns at her.
“Why would they come and get you?”
“I imagine Alex wants my head after wha I did?”
“Ales doesn’t know.” But Lena’s is too shocked to respond. “We’ll go and stop everything about the Non Nocere project. You’ll get Hope out of Eve, and we’ll deliver her to the authorities. Then we’ll all work together to stop Leviathan. Then, maybe after we worked through our stuff anough, we can tell the story as a funny story.”
“There’s not one funny thing about what’s happened.” Lena deadpans, because...
“I’m sure I can make it funny. I’m charming like that.” And Lena loves her cocky side. Lena loves all of her sides, she’s come to realize.
“Yes, you’re hilarious.”
Kara’s phone goes off before she can sass back and Lena can hear Alex voice through the speaker.
“Kara, finally. I was getting worried I couldn’t reach you or Lena.”
“We’re ok.” She says while holding her eyes to Lena’s. “I told her.” There’s a sigh on the other end of the call. Not dissapointed, nor angry. Just a sigh.
“Ok. I know you’ve wanted to tell her for a while. And I know you feel like your secret affects more than just you, Kara. But it’s ultimately yours to share. We’ve all have done it for you enough times. I also know you’re worried about the DEO trapping Lena with the excuse of confidentiality. But I promise you I won’t let that happen. How did she take it?”
“Well... I mean, she’s hurt. And I think we’re goin to have to work that out. But...” She let’s the sentence hang for a second, looking at Lena, who nods. “But, we’ll be all right.”
“I know you guys will. Now, enough sentimentality. What about the plan?”
“We found Eve, we’re about to intercept her and bringing her into cosudy. Then we can start working on the rest of the bad guys.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you guys soon. Would you need back-up?”
“No, we’ve got it.” She ends the call and stands, walking towards the balcony. Lena stays put, an eyebrow lifting in amussement.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“To get Eve? Hope? Both?”
“We’re not flying, Kara. You can barely walk.” She can see Kara about to argue, so she activates the portal and gestures to it, expectantly.  “Shall we?”
“Show-off.” Kara grumbles as she walks through it and Lena and her laugh follow her. Yes, they’ll be all right.
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