#stray kids x reaer
queenofdragons12 · 1 year
Spellbound [Pt.1]
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paring: wolf! Stray Kids x Wolf! Luna! Reader x wolf! bts
summary: a pack gathering might turn out differently than you thought. After all, under a full moon, anything can happen.
wanring: lil but of angst. bts being jealous (not gonna happen until the next chapter.
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You can't believe it. Never. You stand before the stage you thought would always hold the most perfect, untouchable idols like BTS, BLACKPINK, and many more. But tonight, it holds you, and you are far from perfect.
You have the biggest scar on your back and two smaller ones under your lip, and, unfortunately, one over your left eye. These were left from a fight you had with the rival pack's alpha, and she didn't exactly allow you to go unscathed.
Your pack has been in hysterics since then, but now you are finally showing yourself to the public. It hurts to reveal this vulnerable side to those who love you, but they must accept it. That's how love works.
"Ah, tonight we have the warrior queen Y/N from the Moon Pack. Please welcome her with us tonight," said the host, and everyone clapped. You felt a bit queasy but stayed polite; this annual gathering was significant, and a must for every wolf pack around here.
It had to be done, no matter what had happened.
Your deputy, Yeji, had offered to go in your place, but that would show weakness in the Moon Pack, and you couldn't allow that. So confidently, you strode to the stage and greeted the other packs, all their alphas. The scent of the males was festering around, and a few females had come here, too, to look for mates.
However, you weren't looking for one, but that didn't seem to go through those thick skulls.
A rival alpha named Wojin stepped up to you and smirked, "Hey, Y/N, I'm Hung Wojin from the Sun Pack," he greeted, taking your hand and kissing your knuckles. Usually, this would've been a sweet gesture, but you knew you were far from being a queen, even if the public and your pack saw you as one.
You drew your hand politely back, "Nice evening to you too, Mr. Wojin. I never knew the Sun Pack would dare to show up," you said, your tone polite yet cold. Wojin's eyes twitched, "Ah well, the last year's accident isn't that big a problem anymore," he said, waving it off.
"I perceive," you remarked, allowing a cold grin to grace your countenance before departing to offer salutations to your allied pack, the Wind Pack. "Namjoon," you addressed the alpha of the Wind Pack, who bestowed a respectful bow. "Welcome back, Y/N," he responded, embracing you. The two packs have stood as allies since your inception, and his father serves as the pack's leader.
"Are you certain that your presence here tonight is prudent?" he inquired as both of you were served drinks by a waiter. You dismissed his concern with a scoff, gently tracing your fingers over the scars beneath your lips. "I shall be unscathed, Joon. I traversed the entire distance from my territory to this eclipse spot," you stated, nonchalantly brushing aside his solicitude, oblivious to the depth of his concern, surpassing the boundaries of mere friendship.
Unaware of his scrutiny, your keen (e/c) eyes alighted upon Stray Kids and their leader, Bang Chan. "Approach and engage him in conversation," Namjoon suggested abruptly, catching you off guard. "I-" you attempted to interject. Still, he swiftly intervened, "Come now, this gathering is intended for finding suitable mates and embracing authenticity. It is not as fraught with tension as previous ones. Relinquish your reservations a little," he encouraged, gently nudging you towards the Rain Pack. The pack was dubbed Stray Kids or Pups, having once been a conglomerate of strays until they integrated into the territories of the existing packs, eventually becoming one of the most formidable and esteemed packs in the vicinity. Their combat prowess garnered universal admiration.
You sighed and walked over, still holding your wine glass.
The pack's deputy noticed you and nudged Chan, and soon you had eight pairs of eyes fixed on you. It made you feel somewhat uneasy, but you gave the males a deep bow. "I am Y/N," you introduced yourself. A grin emerged on one of the younger ones, and he grabbed your hand. "We know; we saw you when you came," he said smoothly, but Chan nudged him away, giving him a stern glare, before taking your hand and kissing it instead.
"Apologize for Hyunjin's behavior; this is his and the pups' first pack gathering," Chan explained. You simply smiled and then realized he hadn't let go of your hand yet.
"Ahem," someone cleared their throat behind you, and you whipped around to see your rival, the female alpha Thea. She wasn't precisely well-known, but she was undeniably pretty and possessed a diva-like confidence.
"I see you're with our Stray Kids," she snapped. You gave her a glare, still not having forgiven her for the wounds you suffered because of her. Chan stepped in beside you, and the rest of his pack followed suit, aligning with their alpha.
"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Chan inquired, and you felt a reassuring hand on your back. You grinned wolfishly, as it seemed this pack was already captivated by your presence.
Let us hope they remain enthralled.
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yup-thats-me · 4 months
"let's see kids who can hug mamma the first!" Your husband told or rather commanded your twin boys as the three came back from their grocery run.
Your two sons giggled as they ran towards the house and the thirty-something-old kid (your husband) too ran with them. The only visible difference being was that he was taller and was carrying three to four bags with him. He, same as his kids, had that stupid little smile on his face.
When the door barged in and her kids ran to your side, Y/n couldn't help the smile that made its way to her lips. Putting down the cup of coffee she was holding, she stumbled back a little by the force as the two little humans hugged their mother like their lives depended on it.
Smiling, Y/n was caressing her two boys lovingly. What she did not expect was to see her husband as well to join in on the group hug and forcibly make his way into the middle making the kids grumble in dissatisfaction.
"That's not fair, dad! we came first!" Your kids whined.
The man gave them a smug grin. "You think? You little seaweeds wouldn't be here if I did not come first, you know." He blew raspberries at the kids. "Also, did you not know your mother loves me the best?"
His comment earned him a smack on the head from his beloved wife. The man held his head in feigned hurt and looked at Y/n like she just betrayed him in the worst ways.
The boys laughed at their father but were quick to ask, "Do you really love Dad more than us, mama?"
Smiling she pecked the two on their cheek, and her husband too to make him stop pouting. "Well...it may be partially true."
It was the kids turn to look betrayed. "But mom!"
Y/n giggled. "I do love you boys. I love you two so much. How can I not when you are literally a part of me? I love you two." She caressed their cheek.
"But as much as it's true that you two are a part of me," she continued, "I wouldn't be able to have you with just myself. It is thanks to your father that I am given such a beautiful gift." she smiled, her eyes shining with a sadness that is not melancholic. It was the realization that her kids would someday leave her. Of course they would, they are bound to. And when they do, she'd be thankful to her husband who stayed.
Her husband smiled at her and gave his kids a nod. Upon the command, the three hugged Y/n out of the blue and greeted, "Happy mother's day momma!"
Y/n was brought back to the present, she smiled, a few tears pricking her eyes. "Thank you, boys," she kissed their cheek. "We have brought you some food as well! We'll go bring it!" The two got up and ran to the kitchen to bring whatever they brought as a gift for their mother.
In the meantime, Y/n's husband snaked a hand around her waist, pulling her close. "Thank you, baby, for being the mother of my children. Really, thank you." And this time, her husband was speaking from the bottom of his heart
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kimistorm · 3 years
Dancing in the rain [Bang Chan]
Fandom: Stray Kids
Pairing: [Chan x GN! Reader]
Warnings: mentions of thunder, but it's depicted in a more serene view and not scary
Word count: 1.5 k
Requested by: SKZ8BLACKPINK4 on Quotev
Prompts: “Thanks, it's the insomnia."
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Chan blinked awake when he heard the soft closing of the door to your shared room. He tiredly reached a hand towards your side of the bed and came up empty, but still slightly warm. It was one of those miraculous nights where the two of you were able to fall asleep at the same time, but it seemed like you had other plans.
He let out a yawn before sitting up in bed and looking around through nearly-closed eyes as he tried to figure out what was happening. It was still dark, and turning on his phone (through even more squinted eyes) told him it was a little after 4 am. He let out a groan from the fatigue still weighing down on his bones before falling face-first into his pillows. He was sure you’d come back, you were probably just getting water.
His eyes closed fully and he readjusted himself to get more comfortable, but it was no good. His mind was already awake. Felix said he was going to swing by later to drop off some cookies. And he needed to pester Changbin about sending him a sample of the rap he was putting together. What were you doing? He couldn’t hear the sounds of anything awake in the rest of your shared apartment. A cool beat started playing in his head and he tried to commit it to memory to transpose once he woke up. Maybe it was a beat that Han could use, he could imagine Han doing some lyrical rapping to it. Were you okay? It’s been a while. Oh, and is that thunder outside?
A groan of defeat emitted from his throat as he sat up fully and pulled himself out of bed. If he was awake, may as well try and do something productive. The carpeted floor was soft against his feet as he pulled open the door to the bedroom and headed out into the living area. He was going to head into the kitchen to grab a drink, but he noticed the door to the patio open, and that stopped him in his tracks.
He nearly let out a shriek when he saw someone on the balcony, but his brain caught up at the last second and realized it was just you. There was a warm smile on his face as he crossed the living room to see you on the balcony. Aided by the fact you left the door open, he silently slipped his arms around you and rested his chin on your shoulder in a back hug. “Sorry,” you rubbed at his arms that were around your waist, “did I wake you up?”
“It’s okay,” he murmured back in his warm, low voice. “What are you doing out here? It’s like 4 am.”
“As if you can argue against that,” you teased with a smile, “Mr. disastrous sleep schedule.”
He rolled his eyes at your jab, “thanks, it’s the insomnia. But,” he pressed a quick kiss to your cheek, “I’m still asking.” There was a flash of light followed by a rolling rumble that made him realize that yes. It was thunder storming outside.
“It’s raining.” He hummed in agreeance and nuzzled his face into your neck, “it’s wonderful.” You took in a deep breath and smiled as you inhaled the wet earth smell. The gentle pittering of the rain interrupted by thunder was all you could hear as down below, there was hardly a car on the street. There was another flash of lightning and you gasped as you saw it fork through the sky before there was a crack of thunder. “I kind of want to dance in it.”
That got Chan to open his eyes fully as he looked at you with concern and shock barely illuminated on his face. “You want to dance in it?” he repeated, not sure that he heard it in his still-waking-up state.
You stuck a hand beyond the balcony to let raindrops cover it and you were pleased to find it cool, but not hard. “It’s not bad. And tomorrow’s Saturday anyway.” Chan himself wasn’t super keen on getting wet in his clothes, especially because it was cold and he was definitely not going to wear swim trunks out there. “Do you want to dance with me?” But he was totally whipped for you. “It’ll be less than five minutes...probably.” He couldn't say no.
“Right now?” he couldn’t help but ask as he glanced down at his outfit to confirm that he was shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants.
You glanced at him with a bit of a spark in your eye as you nudged him, “after you put on a shirt.” You turned back to the rain wistfully, “it might pass soon.”
He gently tugged you back inside and you looked at him in confusion, “grab your keys.” You grinned at his small confirmation as you hurried to put on one of the light jackets you had left on the couch and your keys from the little box at the door. Chan emerged from your room with a light jacket covering his bare chest and the two of you slipped out of your apartment.
When you got outside, you let out a giggle of delight as you spun around under the downpour. It may have gotten harder, but you didn’t mind. Your sandal-clad feet stepped in several puddles and your joyful shouts seemed out of place in the otherwise silence of the night. You noticed Chan still standing apprehensively under the overhang in front of your apartment complex, “may I have this dance?” you asked as you extended a hand out to him.
His face melted into a smile as he looked at you nearly perfectly illuminated under one of the streetlights. “Can’t leave you hanging, can I?” he asked as he confidently stepped out to take your hand, “that wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me.”
You smiled as the two of you did a janky version of the waltz under the falling rain. Your feet were soaked as you breezed through puddles and the sky continued to be punctuated with bursts of lightning and thunder. “Thanks Chan.” You murmured as you leaned into his chest, the two of you swaying in place.
“Anything for you babe.”
It was a gust of wind that caused you to sneeze that finally pulled the two of you back into the safety of the building. Your fingers were cold and clumsy as you shoved the key into the lock to gain access to your apartment and you couldn’t help but burst into laughter once the door shut.
“What?” Chan asked gently as he pulled you into another wet hug.
“Nothing.” You smiled, “just happy.”
Chan felt a smile grow on his face as well, your joy was just infectious like that. “I’m glad you’re happy.” He started pulling the two of you to the bathroom, “but let’s get dried off.”
It wasn’t long until the two of you were in dry, warm clothes and back in bed. You cooed as you ran your hand through his hair, as it got curly from the rain and the somewhat aggressive towel dry. “Felix is coming by later today.” Chan reported as the two of you cuddled and began to drift into sleep.
Luckily for Chan, he was able to fall asleep. Though it felt like only minutes as he was woken up by rapid knocking and his phone vibrating wildly.
“Is that Felix?” you squinted as you stared at his phone. Your room was a lot brighter now that the sun had risen.
“Probably.” Chan groaned as he pulled himself out of bed. “You can go back to bed,” he protested when he noticed you were also crawling out.
“I’ll make breakfast.” You smiled as the two of you emerged from your room to answer the door.
“Took you long enough,” Changbin couldn’t help but bite in annoyance when Chan finally opened the door.
"You're not Felix."
Changbin scoffed, "feeling the welcome."
“Sorry,” Chan replied as he rubbed his face. "I thought Felix was coming over today."
“He is," Changbin agreed, "he was baking enough cookies to feed an army earlier today. Hey (y/n)!” your guest waved his hand as he noticed you in the kitchen making coffee.
“Hey Changbin, how’ve you been?”
“Did the two of you just wake up?” he asked as he looked between the two of you with slight eye bags and general ‘I just woke up’ vibes.
“Yeah.” Chan replied as he searched through the apartment for his laptop.
“Rough night?” Changbin asked with a smirk.
“Seo Changbin!” you shouted and threw a pot holder at him who easily ducked and ran away laughing.
AN: Oops, I did not mean to disappear for over a month. I'm sorry!! Haha but inspiration struck (as usual) in the middle of the night, so apologies if this is a little messy as it's completely unedited (I didn't want to leave you guys hanging ^^;). On another note more related to skz, NOEASY! So excited!! I'm loving Felix's big hat and Chan's been getting way too comfortable with crop tops. Are you sure you're foive sir?? xD
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lixiepeach · 3 years
Red Moon, Part 10
Summary: Hana’s life was planned out perfectly. She would marry the pack alpha, become Luna and do her duties. But the appearance of a mysterious stranger turns her life inside out she finds herself outcast and alone. Will she find her new home in Chan and his pack of strays? Will she find what she’s been looking for all along in the mysterious alpha? Or will everything crumble under her again?
Warnings: Alcohol, a small breakdown, some light language
A/N: Two updates in one day? Y’all are spoiled. I have no excuse. My muse is singing loudly right now. 
Part 9 | Masterlist
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Hana sits bundled between Felix and Jisung on the couch. They’re covered with a fluffy blanket, all three of them watching out the windows as the rest of the pack moves around outside. Felix has a hold of her hand under the blanket. She’s still on edge, still tense from the events just a couple hours ago. 
Hana’s breath is shaky as she looks up at Chan’s face. He’s holding onto her, brow furrowed as he looks down at her. It had been him who’d grabbed her. Jisung and Seungmin are a few steps behind him, both of them looking at her with concern as well. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” Chan says, brushing a hand over her head, pushing the hair from her face. 
There’s a stampede of feet down the stairs, Changbin appearing with Jeongin on his tail. Minho and Hyunjin appear behind him, Felix more hesitant bringing up the rear. 
“We heard the door slam.” Changbin says, both alphas and both betas picking up the distress immediately. 
“I thought...” Hana tries to get her breathing back to normal, stumbling over her words in fear. “I thought I saw...eyes.” 
Chan jumps into motion immediately, carefully pulling Hana to her feet. “Minho.” She’s passed to the older beta, Chan directing the other pack members. 
Hana doesn’t hear much else, Minho wrapping himself around her, forcing her face against his neck. She can barely breathe but she doesn’t care, her nose pressed right up against his scent gland. His rich scent washes over her, soothing the tenseness, the trembling in her limbs, the fear still making her heart race. He holds her so delicately, but with enough strength to ground her in that moment, to remind her she was secure. 
The pack moves around them, the betas reassuring the two omegas, no doubt affected by her intense distress, the alphas already out the door. 
Minho holds her until she’s calmed enough, the three betas bundling the omegas together on the couch for comfort before heading out the door as dawn begins to break through the cloudy sky. 
“Nothing.” Changbin says, pulling on his shirt. He and Jeongin had taken Minho and Hyunjin and run the perimeter of the pack’s land while Chan and Seungmin had crossed the clearing and searched the treeline. “The area’s clear.” 
“There weren’t any scents.” Jeongin says, taking a seat next to Chan. “No prints either.” 
“The rain could have washed the scent away. Same with prints.” Minho says. 
Hana feels like she’s going to cry. Now that her fear has been abated, she suddenly feels silly. There was a high possibility she had imagined the whole thing. There could have been lots of things that it could have been. It could have been a deer for all she knew. It had all been in her head, and here she was stressing out the pack over nothing. She wants to cover herself completely, disappear under the blanket for a while. 
Instead she wiggles herself free, climbing over the back of the couch to escape the blanket prison before beelining her way up the stairs back to the omega’s room. A few of Jisung’s things are back in their places, no doubt having been brought up while she was out on the porch. He was through his heat now, the betas supposed to be cleaning and airing out the room in the garage today. But her outburst had put a damper on that. 
“Hey.” Hana jumps slightly as Chan enters the room, coming to kneel on the floor in front of her. “Why are you upset?” He asks, thumbs brushing her heated cheeks. 
“I made a big deal out of nothing. I stressed everyone out for nothing. I was just so sure I saw something.” 
“I believe you.” Chan’s words shock her. “I believe you did see something out there. You know we don’t patrol our borders often. Lots of nomads pass through our land to avoid Mountainside’s territory. Most of them don’t come close to here, but sometimes they do. Usually they only stop if they’re desperate, so they probably only stopped cause they smelled you out there. I doubt most of them would approach a female omega on her own so openly with the rest of the pack so close though. So don’t be upset, okay? Just cause we didn’t find anything doesn’t mean there wasn’t someone out there. I want to know when stuff like that happens. If they’re not friendly, we’ll chase them off. If they need help, we can track them down and help them.” 
Hana nods, trying to avoid looking at the marks littering Chan’s neck and shoulders, disappearing under his shirt. Jisung had matching marks, his darker and more noticeable. Hana’s body tingles as she thinks of Chan biting her like that, marking her skin, sinking his teeth into her shoulder marking her as his.
“Relax, okay?” Chan shakes her gently, giving her a smile. Hana swallows the lump in her throat, desperately trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach. “We’ve got you.” 
He presses a kiss to her head before leaving her, Hana all but running to the bathroom to dunk her head in cold water and rid herself of the thoughts racing through her head. 
Hana sits on the couch, having been shooed from the kitchen by Minho and Felix. Changbin had let her confession from a couple days ago slip to Chan, and Chan had called for a celebration. He’d even gone to the store that afternoon to pick up some things and came back with arms full of bags. Hana hadn’t seen him since he’d returned from the store. Hana was worried about him. Jisung had all but collapsed in bed once things had settled down, and despite his exhausted look, Chan had refused to settle down and celebrate another day. 
Seungmin is at the other end of the couch, Hana grabbing a book not wanting to disturb him. 
Despite her attempt he still cracks an eye open. “You can turn on the TV.” 
“Aren’t you exhausted?”
He smiles. “Monitoring a heat isn’t as exciting as it sounds.” 
“What is it like?” 
“Mostly just sitting around, entertaining yourself, trying not to hear. I’ve never had to intervene in a heat before, but you know better than anyone there’s not a lot that can be done if something happens.” Hana looks down at her lap, nodding. “Mostly it’s just making sure they stay hydrated and fed. Making sure nobody passes out. The alpha will do most of that, but when omegas ride it through on their own, it’s a bit more involved.” 
“You sound like you’re very experienced.” 
He shrugs. “It was my job before I joined Chan’s pack.” 
“The pack I came from was a lot like Mountainside. Less totalitarian, but still very structured. I started working with omegas when I was young. Mostly just making sure they were cared for, had everything they needed, everything was clean and ready for them. I only helped one omega through a heat before I left. She was young and scared and I was inexperienced, but we got through it.” 
“‘Every beta is capable of caring for an omega, but it takes a special person to really do it.’ That’s what they used to say anyways. I was never interested in it, but then again I never really was a beta.” 
“It really does take special skills. Minho and Hyunjin have done it, and they’d willingly do it again, but it’s something I’m good at so I volunteer to go down there.” 
Hana fiddles with her hair. “How...how did you...” 
“Wind up here?” Hana nods. “The same as a lot of the others. Decided to go out on my own, explored for a while. I ran into Chan, Changbin, and Jisung in town. Chan offered to let me stay with them. The house was still being built at that time so they were camping. I declined at first, but after running into some of the other packs in the area, I decided to go back and take Chan up on his offer. I originally wasn’t going to stay, but I felt bad leaving Jisung with two alphas. They needed the balance, so I hung around.” 
“Been here ever since?” Hana says, resting her chin on her knees. 
Seungmin nods. “Yeah. Chan just...has that effect on people.” 
Hana nods. “I know. I thought I wasn’t going to stay. Not permanently. But it’s scary out there.” She chews on her lip for a moment. “I don’t want to think about what would happen if I ran into Mountainside again alone. I like to think they’d just leave me alone, but they openly approached me with Chan and Changbin there. If it was Dong-ho who found me...” 
“Hey.” Seungmin takes Hana’s hand, squeezing it gently. “That’s never going to happen. You’re one of us now. If any of them try to touch you, they’re not going to like what’s going to happen.” 
“I’ve never had anyone defend me like that before.” 
“Well, now you have eight of us who will.” 
“Food’s ready!” Minho yells, Hana jumping slightly at how loud he is. 
Seungmin stands, offering her a hand. “Come on. Time to make you official.” 
Hana joins the boys around the table, Hyunjin pouring everyone a glass of Soju. Chan picks up his glass, raising it in a toast. The others follow, Chan smiling at Hana. 
“A toast to our new omega. No matter where you came from, or what happened in your past, I hope your time with us brings you nothing but good memories and happiness because you deserve it.” 
They all drink, Hana’s nose crinkling at the taste. 
“Speech!” Changbin yells, everyone taking up the call as well. 
“Oh, um...” Hana gulps, not entirely sure what to say. “Well, two months ago I didn’t think this was what my life was going to be. Even two weeks ago I couldn’t have imagined that everything that happened would happen. But...I’m glad you’re the ones who found me, and that you so willingly took me in. You could have left me out there, but instead you’ve offered me more kindness than anyone ever has and I’ve only known you for two weeks.” Hana feels the tears starting to form, Seungmin wrapping an arm around her for support. “So, really, I...thank you. For everything. You’ve all been so kind and understanding even when I didn’t think I deserved it.” 
“You do deserve it.” Chan says, kissing the top of her head. “Enough emotional stuff, let’s eat!” 
Hana enjoys the feast that was prepared, all of them burning through a few bottles of Soju. Hana had only drank once before, and it had been nowhere near as much as she was drinking now. She was warm and content, watching the boys joke and tease each other. This was her new home. This was her new family. 
A knock on the door has the entire room dropping into silence, all of them looking at each other suspiciously. Hana can feel the alcohol starting to burn off as her adrenaline kicks in, her memories flashing back to that morning. 
Everyone moves at once, Seungmin herding the three omegas to a corner, standing defensively in front of them. Minho and Hyunjin put themselves between Seungmin and the door, Jeongin and Changbin flanking Chan as he makes his way to the door, peeking out the window before opening the door. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” 
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turtleshrooms · 3 years
includes felix being perfect as usual, whipped reader, mentions of insecurities, little drops of sexual talk.
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the dim light of the lamp gave me the perfect view of him. he was perfect like this; fast asleep next to me, his freckles spilled across his cheeks giving him a comforting glow. he opened his mouth slightly before closing it, releasing a gently moan from him. i smiled softly at him, stroking his hair lightly. i didn't deserve him, he was too perfect; physically and mentally. everything about him was just so... perfect. he had an arm slung around my waist and the other tucked behind his head, propping himself up slightly. "beautiful" i mumbled to myself. he was so so beautiful, it made my heart ache with so much adoration. he was such a work of art that it made everyone around him feel insecure, even me. i often found myself feeling like i wasn't good enough for felix, wasn't pretty enough. he deserved to be with someone like wheein from mamamoo or ryujin from itzy, not someone who looked like me. even though felix reassured me consistently that i was perfect for him, i never believed him and part of me still doesn't. "what are you looking at, baby?" i rubbed his cheek lovingly before moving down to his lips, outlining them. "my perfect boyfriend." i replied. felix giggled slightly, kissing my thumb. "you know, since we're not doing anything today how about we have some early morning fun." he smirked, nibbling on my thumb. i burst out laughing at his oddness before leaning down to give him a forhead kiss. "sure, why not." i replied, wanting nothing more than to see him on top of me once more. "perfect."
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straylightdream · 3 years
Waste the Night: h.js (m)
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featuring: han jisung x f.reader
non-idol verse au / neighbors to lovers
word count: 9.6k
↳ He was the boys next door with a heart of gold and she was a girl who had learned to love herself but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to let someone love her.
Warnings: angst, fluff, smut, and self conscious feelings.
an: this one of my stories I have reworked from my old tumblr spidey-babe-paker. This day 1 of my 8 days of SKZ posts.
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Clumsy hands roamed your soft sides as sloppy kisses were placed up the base of your. Closing your eyes you bit your bottom lip holding back a moan. The only sounds in the car that could be heard were the sound of wet kisses against your skin and the heavy breathing between the two of you. 
As his hands reached for the button on your jeans your eyes popped open as you looked at Jisung who’s pupils were lust blown but he still sported a lopsided grin. 
“Jisung, I have ten minutes until curfew.”
“I can’t believe you still have a curfew,” he leaned back against the back seat. 
“I think the reason I have curfew is so I keep my pants on.”
“Babe you’re giving me blue balls,” he let out a soft chuckle. 
Leaning forward you pressed your lips to his cheek, “I’ll make it up to you Sungie.”
“Let’s get you home then princess.”
Jisung crawls over in the center console and you follow behind him. Jumping into the passenger seat you looked over at Jisung and watched as he pushed his hair back. It was times like this that you couldn’t get over the fact that a guy like Han Jisung likes you. 
“Sorry you didn’t get laid tonight Jisung,” you said as he started the car. 
“I’m hoping when the stars finally align and we do have sex it’s not in the back seat of a cramped car.”
You started this game of cat and mouse three months ago. In high school you and Jisung had known each other but you weren’t friends or anything like that. You had gotten to know each other when your parents got divorced and your mother moved into the house next to his. These late night make out trips started first by some witty banter back and forth that turned into flirting.
“So does your mom know about us?” He asked as he pulled up to the curb in between your houses. 
“She's too wrapped up in herself at the moment to even notice that I’m hanging out with you,” you looked up into the living room window to see your mom talking to a man. 
Since your father had left your mother had thrown herself into the dating scene. Attempting to prove to herself that she didn’t need your father. 
Getting out of the car you turned to see Jisung standing by the driver's side smiling at you. 
“Thanks for the ride,” you smirked. 
“Anytime princess,” he walked over to you and pressed his lips to the top of your head. 
You walked up to your porch and looked over to Jisung standing on his porch smiling. He gave you a wink before walking inside. You slowly opened the door to find your mom’s lips connected to a random man you had never seen. You looked at them for a second before quickly saying, “I’m home, I’m going to bed.”
You took off running upstairs, not even bothering to wait for your mother to respond. You walked over to your bedroom window and looked across the way into Jisung’s window. You watched as his shirtless figure walked across the room. He turned to look at you and walked over to the window and slowly slid the window open. You opened your window and leaned against the window seal. 
“Hey princess,” he raised his eyebrows. 
“My moms got a date over,” you said. 
“This is when I wished you had a bedroom on the bottom floor so I could sneak in.”
“What Romeo can’t climb up to the second floor?” You joked. 
“One of these days it’s actually going to happen between us,” he leaned against the window seal smirking. 
“Is that a promise?” 
“You bet princess.”
You felt butterflies in your stomach at his promise. The thought of having sex with Han Jisung drove you wild, but you couldn’t help but be nervous. Over the years you had grown to love your soft body, but part of you was worried that Jisung wouldn’t want to be with you after he saw you naked. It was the main reason that you had never done more than have some extremely handsy make-out sessions in the back seat of his car. 
The sound of the front door opening caught your attention. The faint sound of your mother giggling let you know that your mother was saying goodbye to her mystery man. You knew you had maybe two minute until your mother came upstairs to ask you where you were. 
“Goodnight Jisung.”
“Night princess,” he said to you before you shut your window. 
Quickly you moved across your room and sat on your bed about ten second before your mother walked in. Her pink lipstick was smeared letting you know that her mystery man had received a kiss goodnight. 
“Where were you?” She asked you. 
“I went out with Yeji,” you lied. 
Yeji was your old neighbor who you were still friends with. She was a good friend that wouldn’t have a problem lying saying you were out with her. 
Your mother glanced across the way and saw Jisung still shirtless. 
“Does that Han boy ever wear a shirt?” 
Your mom wasn’t a huge fan of Jisung and you weren’t even sure why. It might have something to do with the huge house party he had thrown the first week you had moved in. 
“I don’t really pay attention,” you lied once again. You were well aware of the fact that Jisung walked around his bedroom shirtless at night. 
“Did you at least have fun with Yeji?” she asked, turning her attention back to you. 
“Yeah I had a great time,” you smiled thinking back to your make out session with Jisung. “Who’s the guy who just left?”
You saw a smile creep across your mother’s lips as she looked down attempting to play coy. “Minyoon, he works at the hospital with me.”
Your mother was a nurse at the local hospital and you weren’t exactly shocked that your mother was dating a man she worked with. 
“Is he a doctor?”
“Yes he is,” she smirked. 
Your mother was a beautiful woman who was in shape. Men would always flirt with her even when she was still with your father. It amazed you that your father who was married to a woman out of his league would have an affair with his secretary. 
“Well that’s cool,” you leaned back on your bed. 
“Honey, have you thought about finding someone to date?” Your mother asked completely unaware of what was going on with you and Jisung. 
“It’s crossed my mind,” you smirked. 
“Well goodnight honey,” she walked over and pressed her lips to the top of your head. 
As your bedroom door closed you stood up and walked over to the window to see Jisung sitting on his bed. You stared at him for a long moment before walking back over to your bed. Things between you and Jisung were great and you couldn’t help but be worried that when you did finally sleep together that he wouldn’t like what he saw. 
You didn’t sleep too well that night. The sun shining through your pale pink curtains woke you. Rubbing your eyes, a soft yawn passed your lips as you stretched your sore body. Standing up you walked over to your bedroom window and saw a shirtless Jisung standing by his bed yawning. He looked over across the way and gave you a half smile. He walked away from the window and you left your bedroom to go to the bathroom. 
You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth, washed your face, and worked on taming your messy bed head. Walking back into your bedroom you looked out at Jisung’s window to see that there was note taped to the window. Walking closer to your window you saw the note read “see you tonight at 7”. You couldn’t help but smile at the promise of seeing him tonight.
Walking downstairs you found your mother making breakfast, walking over to the fridge you pulled out a container of orange juice and sat it on the counter. You reached into the cupboard, pulled out a glass, and proceeded to pour yourself a glass of juice. 
“Good morning honey,” your mother said as she put a plate of pancakes in front of you.
“Morning mom,” you reached for your plate of pancakes.
“What do you have planned today?” She asked you.
“I have a shift working the lunch rush. What about you?” 
“I’m going to be working a late shift at the hospital.”
You couldn’t lie it was times like this that you were happy that your mother was a nurse and worked late night shifts. She wouldn’t be home to question where you’re going when you go out for a drive with Jisung. You didn’t want to bring Jisung over at the off chance she came home from work early. This just meant you didn’t fully have to be home by curfew and you wouldn’t have to tell her that you were going out. It saved you from lying to her and telling her you were with Jisung.
You ate breakfast together making small talk. When it came time for you to head off to work you looked over at the spot in between yours and Jisung’s house where he normally parked his car, and saw that it was empty letting you know that he had a shift at the video store.
You worked at a local café as a waitress.
- & -
You headed into work for your shift and you weren’t sure if it was your excitement to see Jisung or the fact that you didn’t have a ton of customers, but your shift just seemed to drag on. The moment you got home from work at six you took off running upstairs to get ready to go out with Jisung. 
Running over to your dresser you pulled open the top drawer that had all your underwear. You went to the back and found your “cute” underwear that you wore at the chance that something did happen between you and Jisung. You had about eight pairs of these that you wore every time you went out with Jisung just to be safe. The first time you did have sex with him you really hoped you wouldn’t be wearing your very comfy “granny panties”. Rushing into the bathroom you quickly pull off your clothes and change into your cute panties, before pulling on your tight jeans that make your soft body look good. Walking back into your bedroom you looked through your closet for the perfect top to wear. You found a mustard and white striped top that you loved. You reached into the bottom of your closet and grabbed your very worn white converse high tops.
Walking over to your window you found Jisung at his window waiting for you. You opened your window and Jisung opened his and leaned on the window seal.
“Hey princess, are you ready?” He asked.
“I’m ready whenever you are.”
“I’ll meet you at the car in two,” he said before shutting his window.
Shutting your window you walked over to your bed and grabbed your purse. Heading down stairs you grabbed the note pad that was on the counter and wrote your mother a note telling her that you were out with Yeji and would be home by eleven. You placed the note on the fridge and then walked outside to find Jisung standing by his car waiting for you. You walked over and gave him a soft kiss before he opened the car door for you. He shut your door and then took off for the driver's side. 
Starting the car he reached over and squeezed your hand before he started driving. These kind of nights always started the same with you driving with nowhere to go. This is the time that you two would talk about whatever you had wanted to talk about. After driving around for about twenty minutes he would drive out to a spot in the woods that you hung out at. You shared your first kiss with Jisung at this spot, and it was now where you would go for some alone time and to make out. 
Pulling up to the spot Jisung shut off the car and looked over at you and smiled. He was always subtle when it came to hooking up. He would always give you a flirting grin and make a small comment attempting to make small talk before he would kiss you.
Silently he stared at you for a long moment like he was examining you.
“What are you thinking about Jisung?”
Reaching up he pushed his fingers through his hair and looked forward into the dark woods, “I’m thinking about the fact that I think I’m pretty stupid for not hanging out with you in high school.”
Biting your lip you thought back to your time in high school that wasn’t that long ago. You couldn’t lie to yourself you had a crush on Jisung back then, but honestly how could you not. He was king of high school. Boy idolized him and all the girls had a crush on him, he was charming and funny. He was still charming and funny to you, but you couldn’t lie. You liked that you didn’t have to worry about all the mean girls from high school judging your whatever your relationship was with Jisung. You were well aware that Jisung was out of your league, but you didn’t need people constantly pointing that out to you.
“Maybe we weren’t meant to be friends back then.  I would have gotten invited to your house parties.l
“I was stupid to not invite you to those,” he reached over and rested his hand on your thigh. 
“Well I’m glad we’re friends now.”
He looked over and gave you a smile and said, “I like to think that we're more than friends.”
Leaning over he pressed his lips to yours for a soft kiss. The thing with your relationship with Jisung was you had never really discussed what was going on between you. You knew you were more than friends because people who were just friends didn’t make out like you did, but you had never actually discussed what was really going on with you. You had never been on a date or anything like that, you guys would just go on late night drives and make out a bunch.
“Come on,” you smiled before crawling into the backseat.
Silently he followed behind you he sat back in the seat and wasted no time connecting his lips to yours. His lips tasted of minty chapstick and you couldn’t get enough. Your hands held his face and his hungry hands moved to your soft sides. He pulled on your body signaling for you to move closer to him. You always felt uncomfortable putting your body weight on him.
He must have sensed your hesitation because he pulled his lips away from yours and said, “I think you’re so beautiful.”
His kind words help push away your self doubt. Connecting your lips to his again you moved so you were straddling his tone body. His hands moved against your soft sides and one of your hands was tangled in his hair, and the other held his face. Jisung’s kiss was intoxicating to you and you couldn’t seem to get enough of his lips.
The windows started to fog up and the only sounds that could be heard were the soft moans passing both of your lips and the sound of your heavy breathing. Your lips danced for what felt like an eternity, only parting to catch your breath. Jisung’s hands stayed glued to your sides just under shirt. Your body was pleading with you to tell him to touch you, but your brain was telling you otherwise. If your hormone driven body was in control you and Jisung would have been naked in the backseat of this car long ago, but your brain knew that wasn’t a good idea. 
With Jisung’s lips placing wet kisses across your jaw you asked, “what time is it?”
Pulled away from your skin he looked at his watch that was on his wrist, “ten minutes to eleven.”
Your eyes went wide knowing your mom would be home from anywhere from eleven thirty to midnight, “oh shit I need to get home.”
He leaned back against the leather seat and wiped his mouth smiling, “your curfew is constantly giving me blue balls.”
“I’m so sorry Jisung,” you leaned forwards and pressed your lips to his cheek.
“I know princess.”
You both crawled back into the front and Jisung drove you home. You shared a quick kiss goodnight outside of his car. It was about eleven fifteen and you knew you had probably around twenty minutes until your mom was home. Sprinting upstairs you went straight into the bathroom to wash away the scent of you Jisung’s cologne and your smeared lipstick.
After showering you walked back into your bedroom wrapped in a towel. Looking across the way you saw a note taped to Jisung’s window that read “Goodnight Princess” you couldn’t help but smile and shake your head. 
You got dressed for bed and turned off all the lights in your room except for the one on your nightstand. Crawling into bed you picked up your book you had been reading. You read about ten pages before your mother walked in your bedroom still dressed in her work clothes.
“You’re up late,” she said, completely unaware of the fact that you hadn’t been home very long.
“I was staying up to make sure you got home okay,” you lied.
“Oh that was sweet of you,” she walked over and pressed her lips to the top of your wet hair. “Goodnight honey.”
“Night mom.”
She walked out of your room and you jumped out of bed to your window to see Jisung’s shirtless form walking towards his bed. He turned around and looked out the window and winked at you and gave you a smirk before mouthing “goodnight”.
Crawling back into bed, you lay there wondering how you got lucky enough to find someone like Han Jisung.
Walking outside onto the lawn you found Jisung leaning against his car. His hands were shoved in his pockets as he smirked at you. Your mom had already left for work so without a thought you walked towards him and pressed your lips to his. He held onto your denim jacket holding you close to him. Pulling away you rested your nose against his smiling. 
“How did you sleep princess?” 
“I guess okay,” you pulled away from him fully. 
“You think you would have slept better if I was with you?” He raised his eyebrow suggestively. 
“How come I feel like if you were there I wouldn’t have actually got much sleep. 
“I couldn’t guarantee much sleep would happen,” he let go of your denim jacket. 
“Did you need a ride to work?” 
“Yes, please.”
The ride to work with Jisung was short as he leaned in to kiss you. He pulled away and he looked at you with a confused look.
“I worked with some of the mean girls from school and I don’t want them gossiping about us,” you reached down and squeezed his hand.
“I don’t care about their gossip,” he said with one hand still on the steering wheel.
“I know you don’t, but I do,” you sighed.
“Okay I respect that, I’ll be here at five to get you,” he said softly.
“I’ll see you at five Sungie.”
You jumped out of the car and as you reached for the door to the café you turned back to Jisung who was still parked waiting for you to walk in, you gave him a wink before walking in.
You made it about an hour into work before one of your coworkers walked up to you. You weren’t friends with her so you assumed that she wanted something from you.
“Is there something going on with you and Han Jisung?” She leaned against the wall by the coffee maker.
“No,” you lied.
“Why did he drive you to work?”
“He’s my neighbor and my car wasn’t starting so he offered to take me to work,” you weren’t sure why you were lying. It wasn’t like Jisung had asked you to hide your relationship, but for some reason you didn’t want people to know about whatever was going on. It might have had something to do with the fact that you knew damn well that Jisung Han was out of your league. All the girls he had been with before you had always been skinny pretty girls. 
“Do you happen to know if Jisung is single,” your coworker asked as she twirled a piece of her hair around her fingers. 
“I think he’s seeing someone,” you turned and walked over towards the cups. 
“Who?” your desperate coworker followed behind you quickly. 
“I don’t know. He mentioned having a date tomorrow.”
As work went on you went out of your way avoiding talking to Jennie. You didn’t want to deal with her asking anymore questions about you and Jisung, and also who Jisung was dating. Work dragged on and the moment you clocked out at work you ditched your apron and took off outside. Walking out of work you saw Jisung’s car parked near by. You walked over quickly and jumped into the passenger seat. Jisung leaned in for a kiss but you pulled away. His eyebrows knit together in complete confusion. 
“Let’s go somewhere,” you reached over resting your hand on his. 
“Okay,” he sat back and started the car. 
He started driving and looked over at you for a second before saying, “is everything okay?”
“My coworker Jennie is very interested in you.”
He gave you a weird look before looking back out the front window, “well I’m not interested in Jennie. I’m more interested in the girl sitting in the seat next to me.”
“Why are you interested in me?” You asked needing know why someone as good looking as Jisung would like you. You knew you were a pretty girl but you had been told so many times that you were pretty but if you lost weight you would be gorgeous. You had grown up hearing that and even though you told yourself that you were beautiful you couldn’t help but doubt yourself sometimes. 
“Did you want the long list of reasons?” He pulled off the road by an area that is lined with trees. 
“Like why are you hooking up with me when there are lots of pretty skinny girls that want you?”
He unbuckled his seat belt and looked over at you with an annoyed look, “hey princess.”
“Yeah Han?” You unbuckled your seat belt and looked over at him. 
“I don’t want anyone else other than you. I know that you don’t understand how amazing you are and how pretty you are. Also I don’t know anyone who makes me smile quite as much as you.”
“I think that’s a lie, Jeongin makes you smile more than me,” you smiled. 
Jisung rolled his eyes and leaned forward and connected his lips to yours in a sloppy kiss.
Pulling away from you smiling, he rested his forehead against yours, “Jeongin doesn’t make me smile nearly as much as you.”
“That’s debatable.”
“Why don’t you let me take you out?”  
Pulling away you pushed your hair behind your ear and leaned back against the car door. 
“What do you have in mind Jisung?”
“Well I was thinking maybe we could go see a movie and grab dinner, and then maybe I could sneak you into my bedroom.”
Your heart raced at the thought of being in Jisung’s room completely alone. Biting your bottom lip and stared at him with worried eyes. 
“Hey we don’t have to do anything,” you knew that he could tell you were suddenly freaking out. 
“I’ll go out with you,” you gave him a small smile. 
“How about I pick you up from work tomorrow night?” 
“Okay it’s a date Han Jisung.”
You drove down the road for about five minutes when Jisung asked, “where do you wanna go princess.”
“You wanna go to our spot?”
“That sounds like a great idea.”
You drove fifteen minutes to the edge of the forest that was a way from the town and far away from anyone who would catch you together.
He turned the car off and leaned his head against the headrest. Looking off to the side he smiled at you and you just gently shook your head. He raised his eyebrow suggestively causing you to let out a laugh.
“You’re so dumb,” you laughed.
“You’re the one who likes kissing this dumb guy.”
“You’re lucky you’re a good kisser.”
“I’m a good kisser?” He leaned over so his face wasn’t too far from yours.
Without another word you leaned forward and connected your lips to his. Your lips moved together for a moment before you pulled away from him.
Silently you didn’t say anything, you just crawled into the back seat. Sitting back against the leather seat Jisung looked at you for a moment before he crawled into the back seat to join you. 
“Come here princess,” he reached out to take your hand.
Crawling over you sat on his lap and stared at him for a moment before you pushed his hair back with both hands and smiled. 
Leaning forward you held your lips less than an inch away from his and whispered, “you’re something else Han Jisung.”
Leaning into your lips his lips brushed yours for a second before he spoke, “is that a good thing or bad thing?”
“It’s a good thing.”
Your lips crashed against his, and you kissed him as if you needed him to breathe. Your movements were filled with desperation and his were the same way. This kiss felt like something different then you had ever experienced.
His hands were gripping your soft side as he dragged his lips down your jaw. His hands help guide your body to grind against his. Reaching up you tangled your fingers in his hair. His teeth gently nipped at the base of your neck as you continued to grind your hips against his jeans. 
“Jisung,” you quietly moaned. 
“Princess you’re killing me,” he groaned with his lips ghosting your skin. 
You could feel his growing length straining against his jeans. His clumsy hands moved under your shirt so they were gripping your bare skin.
Pulling his lips away from your skin he looked up at you with a lopsided grin and you felt the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Leaning forward he pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was sloppy but filled with passion. Your hips continued to move against Jisung and he couldn’t help but moan into your mouth. Reaching down you grabbed his hand and placed it on your breast. He pulled his lips away from yours and stared at you for a long moment as if he was asking for permission. 
You nodded your head and gave him a soft smile. 
His hand massaged your breast over your bra. His eyes stayed locked on yours. Your bottom lip was captured between your teeth as you stared back at him. Your hips stilled as you enjoyed the feeling of his hands on you. You didn’t want your first time together to be in the back of his car, but at that moment you weren’t sure if you could stop. 
“Princess if we don’t stop now I can’t guarantee we can keep our clothes on.”
“I don’t wanna stop,” your voice was breathy as you stared right at him. 
“Are you sure? We don’t have to go all the way back here.”
“Jisung I’m not a virgin I don’t need candles and rose petals,” you leaned forward resting your forehead against his.
“I know I’m not a virgin either, but our first time together doesn’t have to be in the back of my car,” he held your face in his hands and gently pulled you back so you were looking into his kind eyes. 
“Han Jisung you’re way too charming for your own good,” you reached for the bottom of your shirt and slowly pulled it off. 
His eyes were suddenly wide with amazement as he stared at your bare skin. Reaching behind you unclasped your bar and let it fall to the floor board. His mouth was slightly open as if he was trying to figure out what to say to you. 
“Cat got your tongue Han?” you teased. You were trying to make light of the situation even though you were sitting on Jisung’s lap completely bare from the waist up. 
“You’re beautiful,” his voice is low, reaching up to take your face in his hands again. 
“Promise me that even if this isn’t great and you don’t like what you see you won’t stop hanging out with me?” You stared into his eyes with a pleading look on your face. You trusted Jisung with every part of your soul and you needed him to understand that. 
“Hey, no matter what I’m gonna love what I see. Also anything I do with you is amazing,” he leaned forward resting his nose against yours. He slowly slid his hands down your face down to your neck and rested on your breast. His eyes were filled with wonder as he pulled back staring at you. You knew then that the feelings you had for Han Jisung were unlike anything you had ever felt before. 
Reaching for the bottom of Jisung’s sweater he pulled his hands away from you and nodded his head before tugging his sweater off. You were both completely bare from the waist up and your heart was beating so fast you felt like your chest was going to burst. 
“Please touch me,” you whispered.
He wasted no time connecting his lips to your collarbone. You closed your eyes taking in the feeling of his lips on your bare skin. He placed a trail of wet kisses down to your breast. Your eyes just about rolled in the back of your head when his tongue swirled around your nipple. Your bottom lip was captured between your teeth holding back a moan. You rolled your hips against his jeans-covered legs. You needed some kind of friction as his lips were against your skin. His lips moved from one breast to the next as his hands gently massaged the other. Your fingers tangled into his hair and gently tugged on his hair capturing his attention.
“Yeah Princess?” He asked with his lips still near your skin.
“I want more,” you whispered.
“Okay,” he nodded, reaching into his jeans pockets and pulling out his wallet. He opened it and pulled out a foil packet and handed it to you. “Whatever happens here is completely up to you.”
The corners of your mouth tugged up into a smile as you took the foil packet. You looked at it for a moment before sitting it down on the leather seat. Crawling off Jisung’s lap you sat down on the leather seat and took off your flats and then worked on getting out of your tight jeans. Jisung watched you for a moment before taking the hint and started working on getting out of his own jeans. You sat on the leather seat next to him in nothing but your “granny” panties. You were quietly cursing yourself for not wearing your cute undies. He sat back in nothing but a pair of plaid blue boxers and a smirk that gave you butterflies.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked.
You glanced down at his boxers that were tented with excitement and you nodded your head, “I’m very sure about this.”
He lifted his hips and pushed his boxers leaving him completely naked in front of you. You handed him the foil packet and watched as he tore it open with his teeth. The only lights around was the night sky but you could both still fully see each other. Slowly he slid the rubber down his length. You kicked off your undies and leaned forward connecting your lips to his.
Pulling away Jisung reached down, taking your hand. He helped you straddle his legs, he leaned you up with his length and you slowly slid down. You gasped as he filled you fully. Reaching up he pushed a piece of your hair behind your before resting his hand on your cheek.
“What we have is really special,” his voice was raspy.
“How special?” You were still resting against his thighs. You hadn’t moved because you were giving yourself a moment to adjust to his size. You hadn’t sex in a while and your body wasn’t fully used to the feeling.
“I think I love you,” a lopsided grin was on his face as he stared at you.
Your stomach felt like it suddenly flipped upside down at his words. You had never been in love before so you weren’t exactly sure how it would feel to be in love but you were pretty sure that you were also in love with the boy who you were naked in the backseat of a car with.
“Are you sure about that Jisung?”
“I think so,” he leaned forward, connecting his lips to yours for a sweet kiss. 
“I think I might love you too. I haven’t ever been in love, but you give me butterflies,” you pressed your lips to the tip of his nose. 
A huge grin took over his face as he leaned back nodding his head, “cool cool cool I’m glad we're both on the same page with what’s going on.”
You smiled trying not to laugh at Jisung’s reaction. 
“You know I didn’t expect to have this conversation with you inside me,” you let out a soft chuckle.
“I didn’t plan for this to happen this way either,” he leaned towards and rested his hands on your soft sides.
“Should I maybe start moving?”
He nodded his head rapidly, “yeah.”
Slowly you slid up his length and gasped at the feeling. Reaching up you gripped his shoulders as his hands continued to hold your sides. 
“God you feel good,” his words were rushed as if he was trying to hold it together. 
You continued to move against his length, soft pants left your mouth. Jisung leaned forward connecting his lips to your collarbone leaving a trail of wet kisses. Hungry hands roamed up your sides. One moved up to your breast and played with your nipple as his lips dragged up the base of your neck.The feeling of each thrust leaves your body feeling warm and fuzzy. 
“You’re so perfect,” he murmured against your skin, sending goosebumps across your skin.
“Jisung,” you couldn’t think of any other words, just his beautiful name.
Leaning your head back you moaned as his lips continued to work their way up the base of your neck.
Reaching down you grabbed his face pulling his lips away from your skin. He stared at you with lust blown eyes. He groaned, lifting his hips to help meet your movement.
“Please kiss me,” you whined.
The feeling of tension grew in your stomach as your lips danced with a very sloppy kiss. Your finger tangled in his long hair racking your nails across his scalp receiving a moan from him. 
“Princess I’m close,” he groaned with his lips brushing against your skin.
“Same here,” you moaned as you continued to slide up and down his length. 
Your bodies continued to move together. Pushing you closer and closer to the edge. Suddenly you fall and a warm wave takes over. Your wall contract as your whine, his sweet name. You high washed over you Jisung followed behind you. Leaning forward you rested your head on his shoulder giving yourself time to catch your breath. His strong hands rubbed your back as his head rested against yours.
“I’m sorry our first time was in the back of this cramped car.”
Pulling away from him you smiled, “it was perfect.”
The corners of his mouth tugged up into a big smile, “you’re amazing.”
“You’re not too bad yourself Han Jisung,” you leaned forward to give him a gentle kiss.
“Tomorrow night be ready by six because I’m taking you out on a proper date.”
“I’ll be ready,” you crawled off Jisung’s lap and sat down next to him. 
Reaching on to the ground you grabbed your underwear and worked on pulling them on. Jisung followed your lead and disposed of the condom he had been wearing before pulling back on his boxers. You both got dressed and Jisung drove you both back home. 
Arriving at the spot between your and Jisung’s houses he jumped out of the car and walked over to open your door. Getting out of the car you looked over into your living room to see that your mother had her doctor friend over. 
Leaning down Jisung gave you a soft kiss and said, “I’ll see you at six tomorrow princess.”
Walking into your house you looked into the living room to see your mothers lips attached to the handsome doctors. Sound of the front door shutting caught your mothers attention and she pulled her lips away from his lips quickly.
“Honey I didn’t expect you home so soon,” she jumped up off the couch.
“Sorry to interrupt your night. I’m just gonna go up stairs and take a shower and do some reading.”
You took off running upstairs and walked over to your desk and grabbed a piece of paper and pen. You wrote, “I think I love you.” Grabbing a piece of tap you walked over and taped it to your window. 
You walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower and walked back into your bedroom only wrapped in a towel to see a shirtless Jisung holding a piece of paper at the window. The paper read, “I think I love you too.”
Butterflies fluttered around your stomach as you smiled at a man who just gave one of the best nights of your life.
Walking into the kitchen your mom was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and holding up some random cheesy romance novel she had been reading lately. Sitting down next to your mom you reached over for her cup, but she smacked your hand away from and smiled at you.
“Get your own cup,” she sat her book down and let out a soft chuckle.
“Fine,” you sighed, leaning your head back.
Your mom’s eyes narrowed on the side of your neck. Reaching out she rubbed your skin with her thumb, “who gave you a hickey?”
You bite down on the inside of your cheeks trying not to smile. Reaching up you covered the mark on your neck that Jisung had left the night before. In all the times you had made out with Jisung he hadn’t ever left a hickey on you.  
“I dropped a curling iron on my neck the other night,” you lied.
Her eyes stayed narrowed on your skin and the corner of her mouth turned up into a slight smile, “okay well whoever he is tell him not to mark you.”
“I’m going to put some aloe on it,” you jumped up attempting to get away from this conversation.  
“Honey I don’t think aloe is going to help that,” she said before taking another sip of her coffee.
You took off running upstairs attempting to get away from your mother's knowing gaze. Walking into your bedroom you sat down on your bed staring at your closet. You weren’t even sure what you were supposed to wear on a date. You had only been on like two dates prior to this, and neither of them were with someone you truly cared about like Jisung.
You ran your fingers through your hair and sighed. Standing up you walked over to your closet and started looking through your clothes. You knew if you were going on a date you couldn’t just wear your normal jeans and shirt. Wearing a dress felt like it was way more appropriate for a date. Reaching out you grabbed a peach colored dress you had bought but had never worn. You found a pair of flats that were a pretty peach color as well and put them on.  
Walking into your bathroom you put some light makeup on and curled your messy hair, and pulled half of your hair back.
Walking downstairs you found your mom sitting at the kitchen table still drinking a cup of coffee. Her face lit up at the sight of you.
“You look pretty, why are you getting all dolled up to go to work?” She asked.
Shrugging your shoulders you lied, “I just felt like getting dressed up.”
“I’ll see you later tonight,” she said as you walked out of the front door.  
You had your keys in your hand but put them in your purse when you saw Jisung leaning against your car smiling. Tilting your head to the side you smiled and walked towards him.
“Can I drive you to work?” He asked.
You nodded and followed him towards his car. You got into his and looked over at him as smirked as he started his car.
“I didn’t plan on seeing you before our date.”
“I couldn’t resist taking you to work,” he leaned over the center console and pressed his lips to your cheek.  
He drove you to work and told you he would be waiting for you when you got off at five. Work was luckily pretty busy and went by quickly. Once again Jennie noticed that Jisung took you to work, and she wasn’t really believing your lie that nothing was going on with you and Jisung. You kept brushing her off and trying to work without her bothering you.
The moment the clock struck five you clocked out of work and took your apron off. You rushed out of work and ran out to Jisung’s car where he was waiting for you. Quickly you got into the car and looked over at Jisung and smiled.
“What’s the plan?”
“Well I was thinking maybe we could grab some dinner and then maybe see a movie,” he seemed kinda nervous and you weren’t exactly sure why. Jisung had always been charming and known for being able to get any girl he wanted.
“Why do you seem so nervous?” You asked, needing to know why he could possibly be nervous.
He bit his bottom lip and pushed his fingers through his full hair. He didn’t look at you, he just looked at the window and said, “because you’re special and this is just different.”
Reaching over and you rested your hand on his thigh and he looked over at you. His eyes were soft as he looked at you.
“Where’s that cocky Han Jisung from high school that all the girls use to lose their mind over?”  
He shrugged his shoulders, “he’s fallen in love with a girl who makes him nervous.”
Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and you couldn’t help the smile that took over your face, “well I fell in love with this nervous guy.”
“Are you ready for our first official date?”  
He reached over and started his car. He drove down the road and took you to a little café that was near the new movie theater. Your dinner together was nice. Your waitress was one of the popular girls from school and it was obvious that she found Jisung attractive and gave you an annoyed look when Jisung leaned over and kissed you. As you ate you could tell that Jisung was still nervous and you couldn’t lie. You found it pretty adorable that you managed to make him this nervous. After Jisung paid for your dinner he took your hand in his and led you out of the café. The February air was cool and you regretted not bringing a jacket. A small shiver passed through you as you were hit with a cool breeze. Jisung must have noticed because his hand released yours and he threw his arms over your shoulders and pulled you into his side. Resting your head on his shoulder you walked towards his car.  
Pulling away from you Jisung looked over at you and kissed your forehead before opening the passenger door for you. He drove you a short five minutes away to the new movie theater.  
Parking the car a few rows from the theater Jisung looked over at you and smiled, “you look really pretty.”
“Thank you,” you couldn’t help the blush that creeped across your skin. 
Reaching over his hands held your round face as he leaned over the center console. The kiss had started out so innocent, but the way his lips were moving against yours it was anything but innocent. Reaching forward your hands held onto his sweater wanting him as close as possible.
The sound of knocking on the window behind you caught both of your attention. Jisung’s eyes were wide as he stared at whoever had just knocked on the window. Turning to see who interrupted your kiss with Jisung, your eyes bulged out of your head at the sight of your mother's disappointed gaze.
“Shit,” you said looking back as Jisung was wiping the lip gloss away from his lips you had just left.
You stumbled around attempting to get out of the car to talk to your mother who stood outside Jisung’s car with her arms crossed.
Closing the door quickly, you leaned against Jisung’s car waiting for your mother to lose her temper. Looking at the ground you cursed yourself for being so careless to make out with Jisung somewhere where you could be caught.
“(Y/N) what the hell is going on?” Your mother said finally speaking up.
“I’m out with Jisung,” your voice was quiet and low.
“Why are you hanging out with Han Jisung?” She glaring at Jisung who was watching you and your mothers discussion from inside the car.
“Because I really like him.”
“You’re not dating that boy,” she said as if Jisung wasn’t able to hear everything that was being said.
“Mom, I'm an adult and Jisung treats me really great,” you defended.
“I don’t care.”
“Why does it matter?” You wanted to know why your mother was so against the idea of you being with Jisung.
“Because he’s going to do nothing but break your heart. I know men who are exactly like Jisung. He’ll act like you’re his world but the second something better comes around he’ll break your heart in a second.” Her words were harsh as she spoke from past experiences. You couldn’t help but want to cry at the mention of your mother thinking that Jisung could find someone better than you.
“Does that mean I’m not good enough for him?” You asked as your sad eyes were brimming with tears.
“No he’s not good enough for you,” her words were pointed.
“Mom I love him and he loves me…” you paused and turned to look back at the car to see Jisung’s sad eyes staring back at you.
“You don’t love him honey,” your mom reached out and rested her hand on your shoulder.
“No mom I do love him, and he loves me. I’m begging you to not get in the way of me being happy,” you pulled your shoulder back away from your mothers touch.
She looked down at the ground before looking back at Jisung and then you, “okay I’ll see you at home.”
You knew as you watched your mother walk away that your conversation with her wasn’t over, but you didn’t want to think about it anymore. Opening the door you hopped back in the car and leaned across the center console connecting your lips to Jisung. Pulling your lips away from him you rested your forehead against this and closed yours for a moment.
“Are you and your mom going to be okay?” He asked, breaking the silence that had formed between you.
“Yeah we’ll be okay. I’m not a child anymore, she doesn’t get to have a say in who I love.”
“I lucked out when you moved in next door. I don’t understand how I didn’t fall for you in high school,” he pushed a piece of your hair behind your ear.
“Because you were busy falling for girls like Chaeyoung.”
“Even after Chaeyoung and I were over I should have seen you.”
Shrugging your shoulders, “maybe we weren’t supposed to be together until now.”
Nodding he said, “maybe you’re right.”
“Let’s go see that movie you promised me,” you opened your door and slowly got out of the car.  
Jisung jumped out of the car and walked around the car quickly and took your hand in his. You walked up to the box office together and Jisung got you tickets to see a new teen romance called Lavender Skies. Jisung convinced you that there was no way you could see a movie without popcorn so he went up to the concession stand and bought you guys a popcorn and a soda to share. You found the perfect seats and sat there together enjoying the movie that played in front of you. Jisung had one arm thrown over your shoulder. You both were constantly eating the salty popcorn, and every so often you would feed some to each other. As you watched the movie you couldn’t help but love it.  
Walking out of the theater Jisung still had his arm over your shoulder, “why didn’t she get with her best friend?”  
“Because Changhyun was ultimately a good guy,” you stated.
“I just felt like the whole movie built up for her to be with Jun.”
“I mean I guess. I personally would have picked Changhyun,” you smiled looking up at Jisung.
“Is that so?”  
“Oh yeah did you see how handsome he was,” you laughed.
“I don’t think he was that great looking,” he stated.
“Don’t be jealous, I know someone who is even better looking,” you leaned up and pressed your lips to his cheek.
“I’m not jealous, but I totally have better hair,” he said proudly.
“Oh there is no doubt you have way better hair,” you said, pulling away from him as you got to his car.  
Jisung opened your door and you got in slowly. As you started buckling up Jisung got in the car. He drove you home the short distance home. He parked his car in the spot between both of your houses.
“Are you going to come over,” he asked as he turned the car off.
“I think I need to talk to my mom tonight. How much I want to share a bed with you? I need to have a chat with my mom,” you knew your mom was waiting for you to come home.  
“I understand,” he leaned over the center console and gave you a gentle kiss on your lips.
Getting out of the car you couldn’t help but feel nervous about talking with your mom after the talk in the movie theater parking lot. You took a deep breath before opening the front door. Walking into the kitchen you found your mother sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of dark red wine. Your footsteps caught her attention and she looked up at you with a saddened look. Pulling the chair out you sat down at the table across from her. You honestly just wanted to get this conversation over with. You and your mother really never fought and you didn’t want your first really big fight to be over the fact that you had fallen in love with Jisung.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered even though you weren’t sorry for being with Jisung, you were sorry you hid him from your mom.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you in the parking lot,” she said, holding her glass of wine in her hand. You went to open your mouth to speak and she held up her free hand. “I need you to know why I reacted the way I did. In high school I dated a guy just like Han Jisung, he was charming and cocky and girls fell at his feet. He broke my heart when he dumped me for the head cheerleader. I told myself after Chanhee broke my heart I wouldn’t let it happen again and then I married your father. A man who was too charming for his own good. Your father was my everything and he left me like I was nothing for another woman,” she paused and took a deep breath. You could tell that all this was really hard for her to talk about. “I know you think you love him, and you think he loves you, but I just need you to be careful. I don’t want you to get your heart broken like I did.” She took a big drink of her wine and sat it back down at the table.  
You took a deep breath and said, “Mom, I know both the men broke your heart, but Jisung’s not like that. He got dumped for someone else by the first girl he loved, and he's told me that I’m different and that he loves me. I need you to trust me when it comes to him. I trust him and I really love him.”
“Okay I’ll try my hardest to trust you when it comes to him, just please be careful.”
You nodded your head and stood up and walked over to your mom. She stood up and wrapped her arms around you pulling her close to your body.
“I love you mom.”
“I love you too sweetie.”
You went up stairs and took a shower and got ready for bed. You laid in your bed for about an hour when the sound of something hitting your window caught your attention. Getting out of bed you walked across your room and looked out at Jisung’s window to see his light was off. Opening your window you looked down on the lawn and you found Jisung standing there with his hands in his pockets. 
 “What are you still doing?” You asked.  
“I wanted to come see you,” he smiled.  
“I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to sneak out,” you sighed.  
“That’s okay because I’m going to climb up.” He said as he walked over towards the house. He hiked his foot up on the trash can that was there and worked on pulling himself onto the roof. You watched as he carefully made his way across the roof until he was at your window. He leaned into the window and pressed his lips to yours. You stepped away from him and he crawled through your window. You walked over towards your door and locked it. Leaning against your door you stared at Jisung who slowly pulled off his sweater. Your eyes locked on his toned body as he stood there shirtless in front of you. You swallowed before reaching for your pajama shirt. Before you could remove it he walked towards you and pressed his lips to yours. His hands held your face in his hands as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against yours.
“You’re so pretty,” he voice was low as those sweet words left his lips.
“We need to stay quiet,” you said softly.
His hands reached for your nightshirt, his hands shook slowly as you pulled it off. Standing in front of him in nothing but your undies he stepped away from you and quickly took off his shoes and jeans. He stood in front of you in nothing but his boxers. Stepping away from him you walked over and sat down on your bed. A smiled went across his face as he took a few strides across your room. Sitting down on your bed next to you he pressed his lips to yours. With his lips connected to yours he leaned you back so he was hovering over you. His lips moved from your mouth down your jaw and left a trail of wet kisses down the base of your neck.  
It wasn’t long before you were both naked and Jisung grabbed the condom he had in his wallet and slid that down his hard length. His eyes were locked on yours as he slowly slid into you. Your lips danced as his hips slowly rolled into yours. Your hands gripped his tone back trying to hold him as close as possible to you. His mouth muffled your moans as he hit just the right spot with each thrust. As his thrust grew more frantic as he was getting closer and closer to his high. A clumsy hand reached between you and made quick circles against your sensitive nub.
As you high crashed over you your lips were pressed against Jisung’s neck. He got in a few more thrust before he hit his own high. He rolled over and laid on your twin size bed next to you. Pulling your comforter up he covered both of your naked bodies. He curled up against your soft body and pressed his lips against your bare shoulder. He whispered with his lips ghosting against your skin, “I love you so much.”
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@straykisz @kosmoskookie @changbinscypher @planetdemon @ifhyun  @jeyelleohe @rindomo @diamond-system-central @butterfly-skinnylegend @i-am-silver​ @stay-here-dont-stray @secretwhisperer @seunglob @jiggyjeon​  @bythesunnotbythemoon​ @http-hxn​ @straytannies @undiscov3r3d-soci3ty @hanjisungsstuff​ @starrylino​ @hoshloml
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Stray Kids Reaction|| Snapping At Parents [Request]
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SKZ X GN!Reader
A/N: I hope that it’s okay I changed it a little, I wanted to make it different for each member so I did it this way!
As soon as the insults about you began to fly from family members mouths Chan was ready to stand up for you and defend you but you told him not to, that it would only make matters worse.
"We can leave in ten minutes, I was told to show my face for half an hour and it would be enough," You whispered to him as you remembered what your father had asked of you. It was your great-grandmothers birthday and he wanted everyone to be there, it didn't matter that you didn't get along with family members you at least had to show up.
"They're being rude to you," Chan's voice was filled with pity and you looked at him, shaking your head. 
"I'm used to it, I just have to wait it out-"
"Look who it is! The little family drop out and their cute little boyfriend," Your cousin's nasally voice rang through the air, so far you'd managed to avoid her but now she had found you, you knew the insults were going to continue to get worse.
"We were just leaving," You told her with a giant smile on your face, killing them with kindness was how you were raised but some days it was harder than others.
"I don't know how much they're paying you to pretend to be their date but I bet I can triple it," She nudged Chan who seemed to stare at you, he didn't want to say or do something that would upset your family members. 
"He's my boyfriend, Chan, we've been through this before," Your cousin simply rolled her eyes placing her hand on his chest, 
"Look, Y/n is boring and ugly, call me if you ever want to have a good time," Chan opened his mouth to say something but you beat him to it, 
"I'm so fucking sick of you, always coming in and insulting me...Hitting below the belt and because of what? Because I had the guts to walk out of a toxic family?" You shook your head at her, 
"Grow the fuck up, if you hate it so much here and want to make my life a living hell...Leave and then maybe we'll talk in the real world." You snapped, looking at your father who was skillfully avoiding your gaze, you dragged Chan out of the door as he kissed your cheek, whispering in your ear how brave it was.
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The family dinner hadn't gone as expected by your mother, family members were all insulting you as you brought Minho with you. It was supposed to be a "family" event but you had bought a date, all of them ignoring the fact that your siblings had done the same thing as you. 
"You're just a troubled child, you always have been and you always will be. You know the rules! Grandmother said no dates," Your mother yelled as she aggressively washed the dishes in the kitchen sink. 
"Everyone else brought dates and she didn't care," You grumbled as you dried up one of the plates,
"They brought someone she approves of! You brought someone she's never met and you know how she feels about you-"
"I'm the black sheep, the disappointment," You told her as you remembered everything your grandmother had ever told you about what she thought about you. 
"She's wrong. I'm not a disappointment or the black sheep...I'm just as good as my siblings," Your grandmother came into the kitchen as she heard you complaining and scoffed, 
"You're nothing more than someone who should be abandoned by the family, the last born and the one that should have been given up." There was always a mystery as to why she hated you, you did your best to be the grandchild she wanted but nothing was good enough for her. 
"Why do you hate me so much?" You questioned as you placed a plate down onto the counter, Minho came into the room as heard your voice crack. 
"What did I do to make you hate me? I've been a perfect grandchild from the day I was born and yet you still chose to hate me...Why?" She scoffed, 
"Perfect? You're a brat who thinks you should get your own way, who always got their own way-"
"Got my own way?! My siblings were raised with brand new clothes and toys while I was raised on their scrabs, given clothes with holes in, broken toys and scraps of food!"
"You talk back to your elders and you wonder why we hate you?!" She snapped but you ignored her, throwing the towel you were using to dry the dishes down onto the side. 
"I'm done. I'm fucking done with everyone," You stormed past her, Minho rushing after you as you walked out of the house and into the driveway. Tears were rushing down your face as you stared at him, his hands on both your arms as he made you face him,
"T-Take me home, I can't be here anymore." You whimpered as he nodded, dragging you into a hug as he kissed the top of your head.
"You'll never have to come back if you don't want to." He promised.
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Changbin was never a violent person but the way your family spoke about you when you weren't in the room brought out the worst in him. They were always talking down about you or insulting you to his face and he didn't know you knew everything they were saying, you weren't dumb. You knew how they spoke about you behind closed doors but you let them get on with it, deciding to be the bigger person. 
"Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound?" Hearing Changbin yell in the living room made your stomach drop to the floor, you rushed into the room to see him yelling at your siblings. 
"Y/n is one of the most amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting," He told them as he looked over at you,
"Babe, don't they're not worth it." You tried to remind him but he was already pissed off as it was, ready to fight your brother who laughed loudly. 
"Yeah babe, it's not worth it...More like Y/n isn't worth it," It was a stupid joke, something he always said about you, that you weren't worth the air you were breathing and anything like that. He would ay anything and everything to get under your skin but it seemed to be working on Changbin and not you. 
"Y/n is worth everything to me,"
"Y/n is nothing more than a waste of oxygen," Your brother cut him off and you lost it, 
"Stop it!" You yelled out, everyone turning to look at you as you took a stand, 
"You can say what you want when we're alone but not in front of Changbin." You told him as you began pulling Changbin towards the kitchen wanting him to be out of their way. 
"They shouldn't say it at all," He whispered to you as he cupped your face in his hand, running his thumb over your cheek and sighing. 
"I'll get you out of here, take you to my place and we'll get you away from all of this." He promised when he knew no one was listening, you nodded at him kissing his lips softly. 
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You were doing your best the whole time you sat in the restaurant with your family and Hyunjin, it was the rehearsal dinner for your brother's wedding but it felt like it was a "Bully Y/n" dinner party.
"All we're saying is, you're getting older Y/n. Your time is running out," Your mother complained about you not being married the whole time you sat there, complaining that you'd never even been engaged and she was sick of it. 
"I'm not that old-"
"Old enough to be married, why hasn't he popped the question? Does he even love you," Hyunjin was pulled from his conversation with your father when he heard your mother question you like that. Of course, he loved you, he was head over heels in love with you but the reason he hadn't asked you to marry him was that neither of you was ready yet. 
"I don't have to marry him because we're together...Yes, we love each other but that doesn't mean we have to marry right away-"
"In other words, you want to whore yourself out before settling down," Hyunjin felt his blood boil at the thought of someone speaking to you that way but it was something you were used to getting from our mother. 
"I suppose he's going to do the same, whore around with everyone until you've both contracted enough STD's to start your own collection," Your mother laughed loudly until you slammed your hand down on the table staring at her, all eyes were on you as family members turned to see what the commotion was about. 
"Don't. Don't you dare insult him like that. You can insult me but never him," Hyunjin's eyes widened as he heard you yelling, never in your three years of being together had he heard you raise your voice at anyone, not even him when you got into small fights.
"Don't speak to me like that, I am your mother I can say and do whatever I please-"
"To me, yes, not to Hyunjin. Never to Hyunjin." You pushed your chair out from under the table, hearing enough from her. 
"I'm leaving, if you can't respect me or Hyunjin I never want to see you again," She scoffed as she didn't back down from what she had said, 
"I'll see you next weekend Dad, I'll be at the back of the church," You smirked feeling petty towards your mother but not caring as you and Hyunjin left the restaurant hand in hand together, a giant smirk on Hyunjin's face as he realised he had met the one that was going to protect him the way he wanted to protect them.
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Family photos were the worst thing to happen in your opinion, all of your family showing Jisung all of the embarrassing photos that they had of you leaving out the nice ones. They were on the teenage photo albums, showing photos of you when you got your first spot and when you were woken up late one morning and went to school in your PJ's. Everything embarrassing they could get their hands on was being shown to Jisung who was looking at you sensing how uncomfortable it was making you.
"Hey, do you wanna see an embarrassing one of Y/n when they-" You stared at your brother, you already knew where the sentence was going to go. He had a photo of you being stood up on prom when a prom date asked you out on a bet. 
"No. He doesn't. Why don't you ever show him nice photos?" You complained as your mother laughed at you, 
"Nice photos? We don't have any, you were an ugly child." Your heart felt as though it clenched inside of your chest and Jisung's mouth fell open, 
"I bet Y/n was just as beautiful as they are now." You thanked him with your eyes for sticking up for you but your mother and father laughed loudly, telling him how wrong he was. 
"Leave it, they're always going to be that way." You whispered to him as he got angrier at your family for acting this way in front of you. 
"You can't deny it, you were-"
"I get it, I was the black sheep of the family can we drop it? This is the first time you're meeting my boyfriend and you're doing everything you can to push him away." You finally snapped and your mother looked at you a little shocked, 
"We weren't trying to push him away,"
"Really? Because showing him bad photos and telling him how ugly I was, seems like you are," Jisung's hand touched the top of yours giving it a light squeeze trying to get you to calm down and you looked at him. 
"I love him...I don't want him to see all of these things," Jisung shook his head at you, 
"Nothing can push me away...No matter what," Your mother smiled at you before reaching behind her and pulling out an album you'd never seen before, filled with cute photos of you from the ages of a baby until your early adult life. 
“Testing to see if he would still love you for even your embarrassing moments,” She winked at you as you felt a weight being lifted from your chest.
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FELIX: (These opinions are not mine!!)
When you introduced Felix to your family you thought they were going to be happy for you but instead they sat around the dinner table insulting you and making jokes about your sexuality. None of it had bothered you, from a young age you had learnt to brush everything off like water off ducks back but you could see how much it was bothering Felix. Felix hated whenever someone was rude to you and to hear it coming from your own family just made him angrier, 
"We always knew it was a phase, look at you now with Felix. He's so good for you, straightening your head out the way it's supposed to." You saw Felix's knuckles whiten as his grip tightened on his glass, 
"It wasn't a phase, I'm still bisexual I just happen to be in love with Felix-"
"You're not, you're just confused." Your mother snapped but you slammed your hand down onto the table having enough of her always saying things like that to you. It was always the same. 
"I've had enough! You didn't do this when my brother wanted to come out to you. You never said it was a phase-"
"Because he choose one sexuality to be attracted to, he wasn't greedy-"
"Enough!" You screamed out slamming your hand down once again, the drinks on the table shaking as you stood up. 
"I'm not someone you can sit and take your dislike out on! Just because I chose to love someone and still have preferences does not make me greedy!" Felix looked up at you proud that you were standing up for yourself, he'd never seen this side to you before but he liked it.
"We were just expressing out opinion-" Your mother tried to speak but you cut her off
"Your opinion is wrong, I know everyone is entitled but not when it's a rude one," You took Felix by the hand and began walking away from them, ignoring their pleas for you to come back while Felix smirked squeezing your hand as he told you how proud he was.
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Your whole life it had always been you that had to do everything around the house, you had to do all of the chores as if you were some kind of Cinderella, cleaning, cooking, waking up everyone up for work or school and repeating it over and over again every day. 
"Babe, I have to go and make breakfast." You whispered as you slipped out of Seungmin's grip that he had on you, he'd spent the night but you were running late. 
"Make someone else-"
"Y/N! Why is the food not ready?!" Your father's voice felt as though it was going to start shaking the entire house and you ran out of the bedroom door, heading into the kitchen to see him shaking with anger.
"I overslept, I just got a little-" You froze as Seungmin walked into the kitchen behind you, your whole body felt as though it was about to crack and fall into millions of pieces in front of your father. 
"You were busy playing happy families! I told you, you weren't allowed to have someone stay over it makes you sloppy." Seungmin was ready to stand up for you when you looked at him, 
"You should go..."
"No, why would I-"
"Because Y/n has things to do around the house, it's their job." Your father yelled at Seungmin and that was when you lost it, he could yell at you all he wanted but as soon as he brought the person you loved into it your blood boiled. 
"You will not yell at him!" You snapped turning to look at your father who was shocked at the sudden tone you were giving to him, 
"Seungmin is the one I love-"
"Give it a month and it'll change, you'll be in love with someone else," Your face fell as you stared at him in complete shock, 
"You will never speak to Seunmgmin like that! Ever again! Do I make myself clear?!" You yelled out as you grabbed a coat from the back of the door, pulling Seungmin towards your bedroom. 
"Where do you think you're going?!"
"Out! Find someone else to do all your bullshit," You snapped, slamming the bedroom door and looking at Seungmin who was smirking at you. 
"What?" You laughed softly as he shook his head, 
"I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself...Get some stuff you can come and stay with me and the boys," He reassured you as he kissed the top of your head.
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Every time you came it was always the same thing with your parents, constantly comparing you to your siblings and everyone else in your family that had done something you hadn't. It didn't matter if it was something as small as your brother getting engaged or your sister moving out you were always being compared to them and just because Jeongin was around didn't mean it was going to stop.
"Your cousin got engaged, she has this huge diamond ring and you should see the dress she's chosen," Your mother said as she began cutting up the food on her plate, placing it into her mouth without looking at you. Your grip on your fork tightened as yo could already sense where the topic of the conversation was about to go, 
"Your other cousin just moved in with her fiance, you know you should think about doing something like that Y/n." You stared at Jeongin who was trying to keep himself calm, he knew everything that you went through with your parents. 
"I'll move in with Jeongin when I want to, but I have my own apartment mum and we're doing perfectly fine at the moment." You reminded her as you reached for the wine glass in front of you. 
"Your mother is just saying, everyone else around you is moving on with their lives and you're still that silly little person obsessed with music and who you're dating, it's pathetic." Your father interjected and you felt your stomach sink as you accidentally let the wine glass slip from your grasp, spilling onto the white table cloth. 
"Look at that, fucking everything up like you always do," Your brother laughed loudly making everyone join in but you stood up suddenly, the table shaking in the process. 
"Stop it!" You screamed out as you looked at all of them, Jeongin's hand held onto yours trying to tell you to calm down but you'd had enough of all of them. 
"Stop! I'm sick of this every time I come home! You're always comparing me to everyone else but guess what!" You snapped as you stared at your mother who seemed shocked that you were talking to her this way, 
"I'm not everyone else, I don't move into a house with someone I barely know and I don't marry the first man or woman that comes along!"
"You will not speak to your mother-" Your dad tried to yell at you but you'd already had enough, 
"But you can talk to me that way? No...I'm done," You got out from behind the table, Jeongin following you as you headed for the front door of the childhood house you grew up in. 
"Don't you walk away from me," You scoffed at your father before walking out of the door, taking Jeongin with you as he held onto your hand tightly. 
"You okay?" He questioned as you both got into the car, squeezing your hand to show you his reassurance. 
"I'm fine...I'm sorry I snapped in front of you I'm-"
"They shouldn't treat you that way, come on...We'll go get something to eat." He whispered as he started up the car, leaning across to kiss you before driving to your favourite restaurant together.
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Tagline: @taestannie @sw33tnight @kneel-begyourpardon @acciocriativity @mwitsmejk @anxiousbobatea @minholuvs​ @justbangtanthingz​
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