#stragner things season 3
mrtwizz · 3 years
The Plan - S.H.
Paring: Steve Harrington x fem! reader
Warnings: canon violence, not proof read
Category: Angst/fluff combo
Work count: 8.6k  
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Y/n had not planned to spend her entire summer with the group of young teens who called themselves “The Party”, yet here she was with Eleven and Max in Max’s room. They had spent the day prior shopping, Y/n had made plans to hang out with Steve Harrington later that day. 
“Oh! Yeah I’ll call you after my shift, and we can…” Steve didn’t know what they would do. 
“Go for a drive and look at the stars.” Y/n finished for him with a smile. 
“We can do that.” Steve nodded his head, wanting to spend time with the girl. 
To anyone else that was a date, but for Steve and Y/n? It was their usual, they would go out for a drive and Y/n would take him to a spot where you could see the sky and the stars the clearest. She would point out the constellations to him, over and over and he would always pretend that he forgot. Everyone thought Steve Harrington and Y/n L/n were dating, but they weren't, they were “just friends”. Friends who wanted more but would never admit it. 
“Great, I’ll be at Max’s awaiting your call.” Y/n smiled, and left with the two girls. 
Only the call never came. 
“Boys are stupid.” Eleven declared from her spot on the bed. 
“So stupid,” Y/n agreed, “he said he would call right? I thought I made it very clear where I was. Let me call home again.” 
She dialed her home phone once more, “No Y/n, Steve hasn’t called. Are you staying over at Max’s?” Her mother had picked up for the fourth time that night. 
“Yeah, Nancy hasn’t answered either so, and it’s too late for me to be driving anyways so…yeah I’ll stay here. Make sure the girls don’t get into any trouble.” 
Her mom said her goodbyes and hung up. 
“He said that he would call you after his shift.” Eleven recalled. 
“Scum, all of them.” Max said. 
The three girls stayed up gossiping and spying on people through El. Before they finally passed out on various spots on the bed. 
“This is a code red, do you copy? I repeat this is a code red. Max, do you copy? This is a code red.” Lucas’ voice came out from the walkie talkie on the ground next to Max’s bed, she sighed and grabbed it off the floor. 
“Shut up.” Max said aggressively, and pushed the wire down and turned it off. 
A few minutes go by and the phone rings, “You’ve got to be kidding me!” She gets up and picks up the yellow phone, “I’m sleeping! Go away!” She’s about to hang up before someone says something. 
“What are you talking about?...What.” Then Mike hangs up. 
“What did he say?” El asks, all of a sudden the annoyance Y/n had felt moments earlier turned to dread and anxiety. 
“One summer. One summer is all I asked for.” Y/n muttered, before getting up. 
The three got into Y/n’s car and went to the Wheeler’s. 
“Hi Y/n, Nancy isn’t here.” Mrs. Wheeler said as she answered the door. 
“I know…I’m here with these two. Keep them all out of trouble.” Y/n explained. 
“Oh, okay thank you?” 
The three went to the basement where three of the boys were, “Where’s Dustin and Steve?” 
“Don’t know.” Mike rolled his eyes and Will explained that the Mind Flayer isn’t gone. 
“The demodogs died when El closed the gate.” Y/n put her hands in her hair, “Just a few normal months. This wasn’t a part of the plan.” She muttered to herself. 
“How do you know if someone’s flayed?” El asked. 
“Billy?” Y/n asked, Eleven nodded her head wordlessly in reply. 
“Alright in the car, let’s go. Don’t tell my parents how many I can fit in here.” Y/N muttered, heading up the stairs towards her car with the Party in tow.
“This is kinda creepy.” Y/n mentioned as they watched Billy Hargrove from outside the pool's gates. 
“What do you suggest we actually went to the pool?” Mike asked snarkily. 
“Well…it would’ve been less creepy.” Y/n stated, rolling her eyes at the curly haired boy's attitude.
They continued to watch Billy to see if he did anything…abnormal? But to Y/n Billy was all around abnormal, he shows up from California in the middle of the school year and becomes the biggest bully. He takes Steve’s posse of idiots, and turns them into his own in a limited amount of time. That was abnormal. 
“I don’t know, he looks normal to me…” Max said. 
“How many times have you seen him with his shirt on?” Y/n commented on the clothed lifeguard, “If he has an excuse to not wear it, then he won’t.” 
“Okay I guess that it’s not that normal…but-” Max tried to defend her stepbrother. 
Y/n notices that within the almost year she had known Max, she had changed. She went from downright hating Billy to having a sort of love for the boy. 
“More than a little!” Mike cuts her off. 
“He was in a pool of ice.” Lucas adds. 
“The mind flayer likes it cold. Plus everything else,” It was Max’s turn to cut Mike off. 
“He’s lounging at the pool, which is like the least mind flayer thing ever.” 
“Not necessarily.” Will speaks up, and everyone turns to the boy, “The mind flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It’s like you’re dormant, and then when he needs you, you’re activated.” He looks at Billy. 
“Okay so we just wait until he’s activated.” Max says.
“No, what if he hurts someone?” Mike asks and looks at the redhead. 
“Or kills someone?” Will asks, really not helping Max’s case. 
“We can’t take that chance.” Mike turns back to face the pool, “We need to find out if he’s the host.” 
Then he gets up to leave, “Where are you going?” El asks. 
“I have an idea, boys only.” 
“Seriously?” Max asks, annoyed as the other two boys follow Mike. 
“Just trust me on this one.” 
Max and El groan, “When does that ever work out?” Y/n asks. 
The three girls sit there waiting for the boys to return. 
“Boys.” El sighs. 
“Boys.” Y/n and Max agree. 
“Okay here’s the plan, we’re going to lure Billy into the sauna. And crank it to two-hundred twenty degrees, and burn it outta him.” Mike says, running back to where the three sat. “You two, stay here and watch Billy.” Mike instructed, and El followed him when he left. 
“I can’t believe that I let a thirteen year old boy tell me what the plan is, yet here I am.” Y/n muttered to herself, mentally cursing Steve for never calling her back. And mentally cursing herself for never outright telling Steve her feelings, but first she wanted to chew him out for saying he’d call then never calling. 
Max and Y/n waited next to Y/n’s car to keep a lookout on the potentially flayed Billy, “This isn’t creepy at all.” Y/n muttered. 
“Mike, are you there?” Max asks in the walkie talkie. 
“Where are you guys?” 
“I’m coming. Just hold on a second!” Mike sounds upset. 
“God, I hope it’s not you.” Max mutters, looking through the binoculars again, “I really hope it’s not you.” 
There’s a sound of desperation in her voice and Y/n feels sorry for the girl. Not being able to imagine the heartache she must be feeling. 
“Hey, even if it is him. We can get it out of him, we did it with Will remember? Joyce was able to make an inhospitable host for the mind flayer, and we can too.” Y/n tries to comfort the red haired girl. 
“You think so?” 
“I know we can, you really don’t have hope in them? I would put all my trust in El, maybe not Mike or Lucas. But El and Will have this, got it?” 
Over the next few hours the teens get ready for their test. 
“I should go give him a piece of my mind.” Y/n mutters, pacing back and forth in front of her car. 
“No, wait for him to finally call you. Then drag him through the dirt, tell him you were waiting for him. You got all ready, only to be stood up.” Maxine said. 
“Yeah-  no. I don’t want to hurt him, Max. I love Steve.” Y/n muttered. 
“We know.” The boys groan. 
“Ignore them, they’re stupid.” Max shushes the boys. 
“Is it really that obvious?” Y/n asks, sitting back down. 
“Yeah.” El said instantaneously. 
“Mhm.” Mike agrees. 
“Definitely.” Lucas says. 
“Kinda.” Will mumbled. 
“Great! So all of Hawkins knows that I love him, except for him?” Y/n groans, throwing her hands up. “Whatever, the pool’s about to close, let's go.” 
They lock Billy in the locker room, phase one complete. Mike calls out on the walkie talkie, taunting Billy and laughing. 
“Come and get me you piece of shit.” Mike says, and Billy opens the door to the sauna. Where the dummy with the walkie talkie strapped to his chest lays in wait. Billy lifts the dummy by the throat, “I’ve got you.” 
Billy turns around to see El standing there, “Hi,” 
She quickly throws him into the sauna wall, cracking the tiles and making him groan in pain. 
“Now!” Mike calls and they all rush to lock Billy in. 
He desperately tries to break out, and starts crying for Max. 
“Do it.” She says, and Y/n cranks up the heat. 
“Max! Let me out of here. Let me out. You think this is funny?” He taunts the girl. 
“You kids think this is some sick prank?” 
Nobody says anything, just looking at one another. 
He spits on the window, “You little shits think this is funny?” He yells.
Y/n jumps and moves away from the door, still standing between Billy and the children. 
“What is this?” His voice gets softer, “Open the door.” 
The next time he repeats himself it's louder and he bangs on the door, “Open the door! Open the door! Open the goddamn door” He’s pressing his face against the window as spit flies out of his mouth.
Then he falls to the ground, screaming. 
“We’re at two-twenty.” Y/n says, walking closer to read the thermometer.  
Billy starts crying, “it’s not my fault. It’s not my fault Max. I promise you it’s not my fault.” 
Max walks to the window to look at Billy, crying on the ground of the sauna, “What’s not your fault Billy?” 
“I’ve done some things Max.” He puts his hands together like he was going to pray, “Really…” he takes a moment to sniffle and his hands shake, “Really bad things.” He shakes his head and cries, “I didn’t mean to. He made me do it.” His voice is barely a whisper at that point. 
“Who made you do it?” Max asks. 
“I don’t know, it was like a shadow. Like a giant shadow.” 
Y/n turns to look at the kids, all of whom were behind her except for Max. 
“Please, Max.” He cries out to his younger sister. 
“What did he make you do?” Max’s voice shakes, and Y/n reaches out her hand to hold Max’s. 
Neither can tell if it’s for support or a protective gesture, but Max allows it.
“It’s not my fault, okay? Max, Max, please.” He rocks over onto his side and leans onto the bench for support, “Please believe me, Max. It’s not my fault.” 
Max begins to cry at seeing him sob like this. 
“I tried to stop him, okay? I did. I really did. Please believe me, Max.” 
Max presses her free hand up on the window, “Billy, it’s gonna be okay.” 
“Max, please.” He pleas again.
“We want to help you. We want to help you.” She repeats, tears falling down her face. “You just have to talk to us, okay? You have to talk to us.” She croaks out, “I believe you, Billy. We’ll figure it out together, okay? I need you to trust me. Please, trust me.” “Max, get away from the door.” Mike says. 
Y/n feels her stomach drop hearing the words. 
“What?” Max asks, not looking away.
“Get away from the door!” Mike screams, and Y/n tugs Max’s hand as soon as he does. Just as Billy busts the window open. 
“Let me out you bitch! Let me out!” Billy screams like a feral animal. 
Y/n tugs Max further down the wall away from Billy. 
“I’ll fucking gut you!” He breaks a part of their lock away, “Let me out!” He roars again. 
Y/n pulls Max closer as she cowers and lets out a sob. Lucas then shoots a rock with his slingshot, hitting Billy in the face. Y/n pushes the red head back to her friends, and stands protectively in front of all the children. 
Sure she didn’t have powers like Eleven, but she would be damned if he hurt a hair on these kids’ heads. The lights in the changing room flicker and Billy sounds like he’s choking on his own saliva. The kids are looking around but Y/n doesn’t take her eyes off of the door. 
Billy gets back up, the skin on his arms tinted a gray color. He roars and the sound is more animalistic than before, and sends chills down Y/n’s spine. 
“He can’t get out can he?” Max asks as Billy rams his body into the door. 
“No way.” Lucas answers. 
Y/n has her doubts at the way the chains move, but doesn’t voice her concerns, and Eleven stands next to her. Billy runs at the door again and smashes through it with some sort of superhuman strength the mind flayer must have given him. 
Y/n yelps in surprise and shoves the kids, minus El, further behind her as he does. Eleven picks up a weight with her mind and screams as she throws it at Billy. Which knocks him into the brick wall. 
Lifting both hands, Eleven grunts and sloves the weight further into the wall, Billy alongside with it. Y/n moves away, moving the kids with her
With the weight up against his throat and his toes lifting up off of the ground, Billy chokes. 
Then he starts pushing back against the weight with his hands, the lights start flashing more rapidly and Eleven’s screams get louder as Billy throws the weight. Hitting El down, Y/n felt helpless as the metal clanged against the ground. Billy moves and grab’s El by her hair, who screams, and uses his other hand to grab her by the throat. 
“Let her go, you fucking cunt!” Y/n screams, frantically looking around for an object that she can lift to hit Billy with. 
He lifts El into the air by her throat. She spots a metal pole and rushes to grab it. It makes a “clang” sound as it hits Billy in the head. He drops El as he falls to the ground. 
“Go to hell bitch!” Y/n screams, lifting the pole to hit the flayed Billy a second time. He reaches out and grabs the pole as she does so, and rips it from her hands. Throwing it to the side. 
Billy backs her into the wall that he had previously been thrown into. 
“Run!” She screams. 
Billy grips her jaw in his hand and slams Y/n’s head against the wall. Once and then twice before suddenly dropping her. Y/n sees Eleven lifting Billy into the air with her telekinesis, both of them yelling. El slowly struggles to get to her feet as she lifts Billy higher, she moves to stand in front of Billy who is foaming at the mouth and saliva falls from his mouth. 
Eleven is standing in front of Y/n who fell to the ground after Billy had dropped her. With a final scream,she throws Billy through the brick wall where nobody was standing. Y/n catches El as she crumbles to the ground, sobbing. Y/n helps hoist El up with Mike’s help. 
The younger teens walked over to the hole where Billy had been thrown through, to see him running away into the forest. Y/n on the other hand put a hand to her gaping head wound. 
“I’m assuming we’re not going to the hospital…and none of us have gause? Okay cool.” Y/n muttered, mainly to herself, and took her shirt off. 
She ripped it into a few pieces and folded it up to put against the wound, and tied it around her forehead to keep it in place. 
“If I die from a fucking head wound, I’m haunting your asses.” Y/n said to the kids who turned to look at her. 
“You look ridiculous.” Max stated.
“Yeah I know, but I need to stop the bleeding or else you fuckers are walking home.” Y/n said. 
“Come one, let's go.” She pulled out her car keys from her pocket and made her way out of the mens changing room. They went back to Mike’s house and avoided his parents, Y/n went and took a shirt she had left in Nancy’s room. 
“You just have spare clothes at my house?” Mike asked. 
“You don’t at mine?” Y/n joked.
“He’s in the woods, with Will’s mom.” Eleven spoke and a little bit of blood dripped from her nose. 
“He’s with my mom?” Will questioned, leaning forwards with his arms on his knees. 
“What are they doing?” Max asked, also leaning forwards. 
“Ill…annoy, they’re going to Ill-annoy.” Eleven sounded confused. 
“Illinois,” Y/n said right as Karen Wheeler banged on the basement door. 
“Mike! Breakfast!” 
“Not now, mom!” He hollered at his mom. 
Y/n scrunched her face at his tone, her mom would have backhanded her for using such a tone with her and then grounded her for the rest of the week. 
“Illinois? Illinois like that state? The state of Illinois” Mike asked. 
“No Mike, Illinois like the country in Africa.” Y/n rolled her eyes. 
“What there’s an Illinois in Africa?” Mike asked, turning to look at the older girl. 
“No dumbass, well I don’t know. But what other Illinois do you know of?” Y/n sighed and got up to get a wet washcloth for El’s bleeding nose. 
Max and Eleven followed the girl into the bathroom, Y/n turned on the water and gently wiped the blood from under El’s nose. 
“Does it still hurt?” Max asked, and El lifted her hand to her throat where Billy had held her. 
“Only when I talk.” She smiled meekly. 
“Good thing you’re not Mike then. Blah blah blah blah, you’d be in constant pain.” Max joked, making Eleven laugh and Y/n smile. 
Y/n rummaged before finding some sort of disinfectant and poured some on the back of her head where the wound was. She winced and patted the area, only dry blood coming off onto the rag. She sighed and rolled her eyes at the boy’s attempt to be quiet. 
“It wasn’t! You realize we can still hear everything you’re saying right?” Max asks. 
“See? Conspiring.” 
“Not now mom!” Mike screamed again. 
“My mom would have beat my ass by now.” Y/n mutters. 
“Mike, open the door!” It was Nancy’s muffled voice. 
Nancy and Johnathan explained what happened to them, and Y/n and the kids explained their night. Both events took place at the same time. 
“Bad screams.” El said. 
“What’s a good-?” Lucas gets cut off. 
“Doesn’t matter,” Y/n and Max interrupt. 
“Y/n said.”
They all climbed into Nancy’s car, shoving the boys in the back. Y/n sat next to Max who was sandwiched between her and El. 
“Seat belts.” Nancy said and backed out of the driveway hitting the boys’ bikes in the process. 
Nancy drove them to Heather’s house where nobody answered, and Eleven broke into the house for them. 
“Light B and E, no big deal.” Y/n mentioned as they entered where it was freezing and there was a bunch of opened and split cleaning supplies. 
Looking around they also noticed the table was still set for four and there was blood on the ground and an empty wine bottle with blood on it. The group pieced together what happened and opened the door to the garage where they concluded they had taken the bodies. 
“Why don’t we let the old lady go back to wherever it is she wants to go.” Y/n says. 
On the car ride back to the hospital Y/n’s mind goes back to Steve. She can’t help but hope he’s not in some kind of danger, that he and Dustin are just blowing them off. But Y/n know’s that there has to be something more at play here. She hasn’t heard from him in two days now, the only time this ever happened was when they were fighting. And they sure as hell weren’t fighting right now, and they had plans. Steve never blows off their plans. Even if something comes up, he never ignores her. 
Nancy leads the group into the hospital and past the front desk where the lady is on the phone. She stops Nancy and the group as they walk by. 
“Where do you think you're going?” 
“Oh, I’m just here to visit my grandma. Again,” Nancy lies, “and this is my family.” The nurse doesn’t buy it, “Extended.” Lucas adds with a smile. 
“I don’t care who they are. You know the rules, two visitors at a time.” 
“Yeah, but-” 
“Two.” The nurse cuts her off and holds up two fingers, “Girl this child lost her mind.” She says getting back to her phone call. 
Nancy and Johnathan leave Y/n and the kids behind to visit the old lady. Y/n takes a seat in one of the chairs in the waiting room. Her thoughts turn back to Steve, she smiles at the fond memories they shared together. Thinking back at the numerous times they had gone on what anyone else would consider dates. Or the late night phone calls discussing their future. 
“I’m going to fucking kill her,” Y/n growled hearing what Nancy had done to Steve. 
“Don’t, just drink. Stay with me.” Steve said, they were at Tina’s Halloween party. 
“Fine, but I better not remember this in the morning..” Y/n muttered the vague threat. 
The two kept drinking and Y/n was feeling more drunk by the moment. 
“You look really pretty, Stevie.” Y/n was standing and facing Steve. 
“You look pretty too doll. But I think you’re drunk.” Steve tried to laugh it off, but Y/n wouldn’t have it.
“If I were drunk, would I do this?” And then she pulled him into a kiss. A long awaited kiss, a kiss that was cut too short by Steve. 
“Yes, you’re drunk and you’re going to regret that in the morning.” Steve tried to ignore the way her lips felt on his, and the butterflies in his stomach as he wished the kiss lasted longer. But he knew she was drunk, and that she wouldn’t have done that any other time. 
Boy was he wrong. 
The flickering lights snap Y/n out of her daydream, and Will gets up from where he was sitting getting the attention of the others. They gathered around one another. 
“He’s here.” Will said, touching the back of his neck. 
They ran to the room where the thing was over Nancy and Eleven broke down the door. 
“Jesus.” Mike said surprised. 
“What the fuck?” Max yelled. 
Before the thing could get close, Eleven threw it against the wall, then to the other one, smashing it off the ceiling, down into the floor and then out the window. She screamed as she did so. 
“Go! Go!” Y/n yelled, pushing the children to leave as Johnathan checked on Nancy. 
When they got outside, the creature was morphing or something as it crawled down the sewer drain leaving behind what Y/n only assumed was human bones. For the first time, Y/n threw up. She ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up everything she had eaten that day. Nancy rushed over to hold her hair out of the way. 
“What happened to your head?” Nancy asked, fully noticing the girl's wound. 
“Oh uh…Billy smashed my head into a wall.” Y/n said, before throwing up again. 
Once she was done, they all went to Hopper’s cabin. Where they got cleaned up, and changed. 
“He loves you, you know?” Nancy said to Y/n as she helped wash her hair. 
“Who?” Y/n asked. 
“Steve, he loves you. Like really loves you.” Once she was done getting the soap out of Y/n’s hair she let her finish getting clean and changed. 
Y/n stays in the bathroom, ignoring the arguing until it went silent. 
“I found him.” El says. 
“Found who?” Y/n asked, leaving the bathroom drying her hair with a towel. 
El uses her powers to connect with Billy, to find the source of the mind flayer. Jonathan gets up to get the phone work to find the address. When she leaves their minds, she’s screaming and panting like she woke up from a bad dream. 
“He said he was building something. Something for me.” El mumbled. 
“He also said he was going to kill all of you.” El said. 
“Oh…well that’s nice.” Max said. 
“In this room? Oh god, he knows where we are.” Y/n said. 
Nancy goes out to the shed to grab a few shotguns, and Y/n and her posse of pre-teens board up the house. 
“Hey, away from the windows.” Y/n pointed at Mike. 
They stood in a circle as the lights flickered and the ground shook. Knocking mugs off the hooks they were on, and then suddenly it went silent. Y/n’s skin prickled with fear and anxiety awaiting its attack. It burst into the cabin with its flesh tentacle. 
One grabbing Y/n around the wrist, she looked down to see where the thing had its teeth sunk into her left wrist. She screamed in horror, her body not yet registering the pain.
It’s sticky, malleable flesh gripping her arm as its hard teeth sunk into her skin. She screamed at the knowledge that this thing was a multitude of other humans’ flesh morphed into one. And then came the pain, hot searing pain. The pain made the time she spilt boiling water on herself feel like a pinprick. The pain was blinding compared to when Billy smashed her head into the wall. Eleven was quick to destroy the thing latched onto the older girls arm, 
Everything else that happened was a blur, as Eleven destroyed two more tentacles. Then another burst from the ceiling to grab Eleven by the ankle. Max was quick to grab Eleven’s arms to prevent it from taking and killing her. The rest grabbed onto Eleven to fight against the monster threatening to take their friend as Nancy shot at the thing. Lucas chopped at its arm tentacle thing until it was detached from the monster. 
Mike grabbed the remaining arm and ripped it from Eleven’s leg, who stood up and used her powers to tear the thing apart. 
“Out! Everyone out!” Jonathan yelled as everyone piled into Nancy’s car once more. 
This time they went to a store and busted out its windows to get cleaning supplies for the wounds. With everyone’s focus on El, Y/n wandered off to grab more disinfectant and something to wrap it. Y/n’s arm was leaking blood everywhere from the puncture wounds, and her fingers on her left hand were tingling. She didn’t need to be a medical professional to know that that wasn’t good. 
She poured a bunch of disinfectant onto her arm, tears slipping from her eyes as she did so. Y/n put pressure on the punctures. 
“Will, can you uh help wrap this.” Y/n asked the younger Byers’ boy. 
“Oh, yeah yeah.” He was quick to help tightly wrap her arm, worried he was going to hurt her. 
“Will, if we don’t stop the bleeding I’m going to die. Okay? Hurt me all that’s necessary to not kill me.” 
Y/n slumped down against the shelves and closed her eyes, still holding her wrist tightly in hopes of stopping the bleeding. She must have passed out because the next thing that happened was Max shaking her awake. Jonathan helped her up and into the car, 
“I’m getting real sick of this car, keeps dragging me to doom.” Y/n mumbles as she trips over her feet. 
When they get into the mall it's eerily quiet. El messes with a car alarm to get the Russian guy’s attention. She then throws it at the two men. And four people emerge from behind a counter. Y/n sees Steve, Dustin, Robin, and Erica. 
They all rush to get to one another. 
“I’m going to kick your ass Steven.” Y/n says as she flings herself at Steve, wrapping him in a hug, “No call? You promised you’d call. We had plans, Steve.”
She pulls back from the hug, only for Steve to pull her into a kiss. The second long overdue kiss. 
“I love you, Y/n. With my whole heart, I’m in love with you.” Steve repeats over and over again once they part. 
“I love you too, Steve. Now what the fuck happened to your face?” Y/n asks, cradling his face as he holds her waist. She runs her thumbs over his bruised and bloody face. 
“Russians, what happened to yours?” Steve asks about the grime. 
“Monsters.” Y/n laughs. 
“You win, holy shit what happened to your wrist?” He shouts and grabs her wrist, pain shooting up her arm. 
“Monster.” Y/n says again, this time with no laughter. 
The two stand entangled together until Robin clears her throat. 
“Oh, um right.” Steve is quick to introduce Robin to everyone. 
“Y/n, Robin.” He gestures between the two girls. 
“Yeah I know, she was in our English. The one you were always late to.” Y/n points out. 
“Right, right.” 
The conversation is cut off when Eleven collapses to the ground. A part of the monster, still in her leg. 
“Oh my god, is that thing in me too?” Y/n asks. 
“No it doesn’t need you.” Will said. 
“Wow, way to make a girl feel special.” Y/n said. 
Robin starts going on about a soccer injury some girl had, “Hey Robin?” Steve says. 
“Not helping.” 
Eleven screams as Johnathan cuts open her left and puts his fingers in the crude incision. El stops him and uses her powers to get it out, shattering windows in the process. Hopper stomps the monster bit. They caught each other up to speed, 
Y/n and Steve stood next to each other with an arm wrapped around one another. Both scared that the other is going to disappear for days on end again. Or worse die. 
“If you ever leave me like that again, I’m beating your ass.” Y/n muttered, leaning her head against Steve’s shoulder. 
“Won’t be too hard, Dustin claims he’s never won a fight.” Robin laughs at Steve. 
Hopper gave Steve the keys to the stolen car, “Now this is what I’m talking about!” 
“Toddfather?” Robin read the plates. 
“Oh screw Todd, Steve’s her daddy now.” Steve said, getting in the driver's seat. 
“Did he just call himself daddy?” Erica asked. 
Robin looked at Y/n, “I’ve handled him all I can, your turn now.” 
“How’s he my problem?” Y/n asked. “You kissed him.” Robin said. 
“Just drive.” Dustin told Steve. 
And he did, like a madman. 
“If we make it out alive, I’m driving here on out.” Y/n told Steve. 
“Anything you want dollface.” Steve looked at her. 
“Eyes on the road.” Robin groaned. 
“Could’ve sat in the back.” Y/n was squished between Steve and Robin. 
“Suzie must be pretty special if you lugged this thing all the way up here for her.” Robin ignored the other girl.
“I mean nobody is scientifically perfect but Suzie is as close as it can get.” Dustin said with a smile. 
“She sounds made up to me, she sound made up to you?” Erica interjected, looking at Steve.
Steve didn’t say anything 
“Why’re you hesitating Steve?” Dustin asked. 
“Yeah Steven, why’re you hesitating?” Y/n teased. 
“I’m not! I’m not! I think she sounds real. You know, totally absolutely real.” Steve lied. 
Dustin continued to give directions, “There’s no road here!” Steve yelled.
Dustin yelled to turn left once more, and they went off the road. And up a steep hill. 
“Where the hell are we going, Dustin?” Y/n asked. 
Dustin just yelled that they were going “up”. The engine begins to sputter. 
“We’re not going to make it.” Robin yells. 
“Yes we are, come on baby come on!” Steve pats the steering wheel. 
The wheels of the Toddfather keep spinning, stuck. 
“Looks like even the Toddfather has its limitations.” Robin observers. 
“Well we still need to get to the top, so out, out.” Y/n says, shoving Steve out of the car to climb out after him. 
Steve smiles at her, “You’re bossy, I like it.” 
Y/n rolls her eyes at the boy's antics, “Yeah I’m bossy in life threatening situations. Now up the hill, sailor boy.” 
“Aye, aye captain.” Steve saluted. 
The five made their way up the steep hill to the radio tower that Dustin had created for Suzie. Y/n looked around, noting that it would be a beautiful spot to lay and watch the stars…if the made it out of here. 
“I told you we would take a drive and see the stars, and we are.” Steve joked, the effects of the drugs still not wearing off. 
“When this is over, I’m beating your ass.” Y/n glared. 
“Bald Eagle, this is Scoops Troop. Do you copy? Bald Eagle I repeat this is Scoops Troop do you copy?” Dustin asks over the radio. 
“Yes, I copy.” Murray’s voice sounds over the radio, sounding annoyed by the name. 
“Call sign?” Dustin asks enthusiastically. 
“Bald Eagle.” Murray sighs. 
“Please repeat.” Y/n laughs at the boy sitting on the grass. 
“Bald Eagle. This is Bald Eagle!” Murray yells out. 
“Copy that.” Dustin smiles, “Good to hear your voice Bald Eagle, what’s your twenty?” 
“We reached the vent, I’ll contact you when I need you. Until then, silence.” Bald Eagle was not in a good mood. 
“Roger that Bald Eagle.” Dustin said into the radio, “This is Scoops Troop, going radio silent. Ten-ten, over.” 
Steve patted Dustin’s shoulder. 
“Who pissed in his cheerios this morning?” Y/n asked, eliciting laughter from the Scoops Troop gang, “So…where have you four been. And Erica, does your mom know where you’ve been?” 
“Hey Scoops Troop, this is Bald Eagle,” Murray says the code name as if it leaves a bad taste in his mouth, “I’ve reached another junction.” 
“This is the fourth one.” Erica says. 
“All right, so if memory serves then this is right after the My Little Pony thesis,” Dustin says, making Y/n look at the young boy very confused. 
“We went left, so he needs to go,” Erica remembers. 
“Right.” Erica and Dustin say at the same time, telling Murray to go right. 
“What’s the My Little Pony thesis?” Robin asks, and something catches Y/n’s eye making her walk a little ways away from the group. 
“Hey guys…” Y/n calls out getting everyone’s attention, “I don’t mean to alarm anyone but there’s something going on in the mall…are we sure they got out of there? Because I’ve kept those kids alive for three days now, and if something happens to them the moment I leave. I’m kicking all of your asses.” Y/n started rambling, her hands shaking as every worse case scenarios runs through her mind. 
Dustin runs back over to the radio, “Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over.” He repeats himself multiple times sounding more and more terrified each time they don’t respond. 
The monster cuts him off with it’s gut wrenching screech, “Griswold Family, do you copy?” Dustin yells again. 
“Please confirm your safety! Griswold Family this is Scoops Troop, please confirm your safety.” 
Y/n feels terror rising every second there is no answer, “Fuck it, we need to get back to them. Make sure they’re safe.” She takes off towards the car. 
“Where the hell are you going?” Steve yells. 
“To get them out of there, stay here and contact the others.” Y/n trips over herself, and Steve follows her. 
Dustin tosses Robin the radio as she follows the two down the hill as well. Y/n starts the car the second she gets into the car, and barely waits for the other two teens to get in after her before she’s flooring it to get the kids, Nancy and Johnathan out of there. 
Y/n almost takes out multiple mailboxes on their way back to the mall, the incident reminding her of a few months ago when Max was driving Billy’s camaro as she tried to get Steve to wake up. 
“We’re all going to die.” Y/n muttered, in the back seat, “Come on Steve.” She stroked his hair begging him to wake up with no brain damage. His eyes began to flutter open, “Nancy?” He was facing Mike who looked at him with disgust. 
“No Steve, it’s Y/n. And the kids.” “If you’re back here then who’s driving?” He flipped out seeing the redhead in the driver's seat. 
“Hey no, it’s okay we only took out one mailbox.” 
“Does this thing go any faster?” Y/n yelled. 
“You’re pushing eighty-five…” Robin sounded concerned, but didn’t say anything if she was. 
“Well it’s clearly not fast enough, what if Billy gets to them. Or worse the monster itself? El had difficulties fighting it off at the cabin, and she’s exhausted.” Y/n rambles, slowing down only enough to take the corner and not flip the Toddfather. 
After rounding the corner she speeds back up, the Starcourt mall in sight. Y/n tears through the parking lot seeing Billy’s blue camaro speeding towards Nancy and the kids. Without thinking, Y/n crashes the stolen car into Billy’s. 
“You okay?” She asks Steve and Robin. 
“As for tomorrow?” Robin asks. 
Y/n nods her head, before hoisting herself up to look at the monster climbing on the mall.
 “Holy shit.” Robin mumbles at seeing the monster. 
“Get in!” Nancy yells from inside her car. 
The three hop out of the newly destroyed Toddfather, and climb into Nancy’s trunk. 
“Go go go go go.” Lucas and Steve yell as Steve closes the back. 
The monster follows the car as they drive off. Y/n took a moment and laid her head on Steve’s shoulder. Steve panting hard as Dustin’s voice comes through the radio. 
“Suzie.” Robin says. 
“See she’s real.” Y/n laughs, her eyes closed not wanting to see the monster chasing them. 
Dustin and Suzie burst into song, singing “Neverending Story”, which would be endearing if there wasn’t a monster chasing their car.
“It’s turning around!” Steve screams. 
“What?” Jonathan asks. 
“It’s turning around!” Steve repeats. 
“Everyone hold on!” Jonathan yells and flips the car around. 
“And I thought my driving was bad.” Y/n muttered, eyes opening when she was flung around in the back. 
Y/n was starting to feel the consequences of the last few days, the injuries and lack of sleep finally seeping in. 
“We need to get to El, Billy doesn’t care about Max and Mike so they’re fairly safe. But El is in mortal danger.” Y/n voiced her worries out loud. 
“Hey, hey we’re going to get there in time and we’re going to kick ass and save her. Got it?” Steve pulled her closer into his side. 
They made it to Starcourt mall soon after the monster did, Robin, Y/n and Steve hopping out the back and making their way inside. Lucas and Will grabbed the fireworks from on top of the car. Everyone took a box of fireworks and ran to different parts of the balcony. 
Looking down Y/n saw El laying on  the ground and Billy standing between her and the monster, not in a protective manner that she had when standing between the kids and Billy. 
“Flay this you ugly piece of shit!” Lucas screamed and tossed a lit firework at the flayed monster. 
The firework flying into its mouth and exploding in an array of yellow and orange bursts. Nancy and Johnathan threw fireworks from another angle at the monster.
“Hey asshole, taste this!” Steve yelled, throwing fireworks at the fleshy creature. 
Y/n took her chances and ran down the now unmoving escalator to grab Eleven. 
“Robin, where's Y/n?” Steve asked, looking around on the balcony not seeing the girl he had been in love with for years. 
“Uh…” Robin looked around, “She’s down there. With El.” She pointed to where the girl was rushing to the younger girl. 
Y/n was running to where the girl laid on her back, staring at the monster in horror. Billy had fallen on his knees next to the girl. Y/n reached the girl, and tried to help her up. But Billy was quicker, and stronger and grabbed Y/n, throwing her to the side like a rag doll. Y/n’s already damaged head hit the ground, and she was out. 
“Y/n!” Steve screamed, seeing her body laying off to the side. 
“Not now Steve, we have to get the monster before anything.” Robin reminded him. 
Steve nodded and kept lighting and throwing fireworks at the monster.
“We’re out!” Pretty much at the same time everyone ran out. 
Max and Mike ran into the food court to see Billy on top of El, before he got up. As the monster struck and El flinched, Billy stuck his arms out and the monster got him instead of the young girl on the ground. 
Billy screamed and the monster impaled him, through the chest. 
“Billy!” Max screamed in horror as she watched the scene in front of her unfold. 
Joyce must have closed the gates because the monster’s tentacle/arms started flinging everywhere and it finally collapsed. Max ran over to the dying Billy, begging him to wake up. 
Steve ran down to where Y/n’s limp body laid, “Come on Y/n, you can’t die on me.” He mumbled while pulling her body onto his lap and began checking for a pulse. 
A sigh of relief left his mouth when he felt her faint pulse. When the paramedics came in they practically had to pry her body out of his grasp. 
“What are you doing with her?” Steve yelled, not trusting that they were here to save them.
“We are trying to help your girlfriend here. Now, if you would let us that would be great. Or we’re going to have to sedate you.” The paramedic finally got to him and Steve let them lift her body onto a stretcher. 
They rushed her to the hospital, Steve left the food court with Robin to get checked out by the paramedics. 
“I can’t lose her.” Steve said to Robin as they sat on the back of a firetruck. 
“You’re in love, Dingus. And she loves you too, not sure why.” Robin joked with the boy. 
“She’s my best friend,” Steve continued. 
“Best friends don’t kiss like that, Steve.” Robin mentioned.
“She’s everything to me, she got me through highschool. Y/n is the only reason I passed any of my classes. She wouldn’t let me go until I finished my homework.” Steve rambled. 
“Hey, isn’t that her mom?” Robin asked, seeing a worried older woman searching around. 
“Oh god, yeah.” Steve got up to go talk to her. 
“Steve! Oh thank god, where’s Y/n?” Ms. L/n asked, looking around. 
“She’s alive, they uh…took her up to the hospital. Her head, it uh…got pretty banged up. And her arm…she lost a lot of blood. But she’s okay, alive I mean.” Steve rambled to Y/n’s mom. 
“Steve, are you okay?” Y/n’s mom cut him off seeing his injuries. 
“Um, yeah yeah.” Steve forgot about his own injuries.
“Let’s go to the hospital okay? Go see where she is.” Ms. L/n said. 
“One moment.” Steve said, looking back at Robin. 
“I’ll be in the car.” 
Steve ran back to Robin, “You’re okay right? If you’re not I can stay until your parents get here, or-” 
Robin cut Steve off, “Go see Y/n, I’ll call to check up on her tomorrow.” 
Steve nodded and ran to find Y/n’s mom who was waiting in her car. The car ride was silent, even though Ms. L/n had so many questions she decided it was best to not ask any until later. Steve’s right leg bounced up and down nervously in the passenger seat, and he picked at his nails. A habit that Y/n would always scold him for. 
The car had barely turned off when Steve and Ms. L/n were making their way into the hospital. 
“Hello, how can I help you?” The receptionist asked. 
“What room is Y/n L/n in?” Her mother wasted no time in asking where her daughter was. 
“Visiting hours are over.” The reception said. 
“I am her mother, I demand to know what room my daughter is in!” Y/n’s mother yelled. 
“Ma’am, I understand that you want to know where she is,” 
“No, I haven’t heard from my baby in days only to find out from her boyfriend that she has been taken to the hospital!” Ms. L/n screamed, losing it. 
If Steve weren’t scared for the receptionist, he would have blushed from being called Y/n’s boyfriend. They hadn’t talked about that, they were still best friends for all Steve knew. 
“She’s in room 204.” The receptionist said, and Ms. L/n took no time rushing to her daughter’s room with Steve close behind. 
When they entered the room they saw Y/n laying in the bed. She had an IV stuck in her right arm, and fresh bandages on her left. Her head also had fresh white bandages wrapped around her head, much better than the job she had done. 
“So, what all happened?” Ms. L/n asked, taking a seat on Y/n’s right in one of those white plastic chairs. 
“I don’t know if I’m at liberty to say, I wasn’t with her the whole time. Um…Robin, Dustin and Erica were kidnapped by Russians. Russians, can you believe it? And they drugged Robin and I, and uh beat us up. We didn’t get out of there until a few hours ago. Eleven saved us from Russian guards with guns, Eleven can do telekinesis, ya know with her brain.” Steve took a moment to pause, still standing in the doorway of the hospital room. 
“Right, uh you didn’t know that. The lab, you know the Hawkins lab? It was experimenting on people, El was one of those people. But she escaped a while ago, and Mike, Lucas, and Dustin found her one night when they were looking for Will. Y/n helped house Eleven, without your knowing of course. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that…don’t be mad at Y/n she was just helping out.” Steve rambled. 
“Steve, I’m not mad. But get back to what happened tonight.” She told him, looking away from Y/n only for a moment. 
“Right, so Y/n and the kids came into the mall to save our butts. And uh…we went to the highest point in Hawkins because Dustin built this radio tower to talk to Suzie. Suzie is his girlfriend who lives in Utah. And then we saw the lights at the Starcourt mall going crazy, and Y/n said ‘we have to go save them’. Because Nancy and the kids were still at the mall, they were supposed to be going to Murray’s as they closed the gate, but Billy messed with Nancy’s car so they couldn’t leave.” Steve continued, only occasionally losing Y/n’s mom. 
“And so Y/n drove like it was the Indie five-hundred or something, and she crashed the stolen car into Billy’s. Because he was going to hit Nancy and the kids, Y/n really loves those kids ya know?” Steve looked at Y/n for a moment, “Um and then we got into Nancy’s car…to draw the monster away from the Mall. We left Mike, Max and El behind so they were out of harm's way, because the monster was after Eleven because yeah. And then the monster turned around to go to the mall, and when we got there Billy had gotten El and the monster was ready to kill her. So Y/n went down to try and save Eleven…but Billy threw Y/n and she hit her head really hard…” Steve trailed off remembering the terror he had felt less than a hour ago. 
“Thank you, Steve.” Y/n’s mother whispered. 
“Why? For what?” Steve was very confused. 
“For protecting her, I know she’s hurt but I also know that you did your all to make sure nothing happened to her.” Ms. L/n started to tear up, looking at her daughter. 
Steve finally making his way into the room and sat on the other side of Y/n. 
Both of them ended up falling asleep, Steve leaning his head on her bed but being careful to not bump her injured arm. Her mom dozing off every once and a while but mainly staying up, worried Y/n will suddenly disappear again. 
Around seven in the morning Y/n woke up, panic filling her body from the unknown room. Steve shot up when Y/n started thrashing around. 
“Hey, Y/n it's okay you’re in the hospital. The flayed are gone.” Steve tried to calm Y/n, who just nodded. 
A few hours later the doctors came in to check her out again and to inform them that she will be able to leave the next day. Y/n had visitors come and go. 
“Steve, please go home and shower.” Y/n begged, Steve hadn’t left her side the entire time. 
He was still covered in grime and in his Scoops Ahoy uniform, “I can’t, because if I leave now…what if something happens? I can’t lose you Y/n.” 
“Steve, I’m not going anywhere. But darling, you smell and your hair is sticking together.” Y/n said, running a hand through his disgusting hair, “Even my mom has gone home.” 
“Y/n,” Steve pauses, looking her in the eye, “I love you.” “Steve, I love you too.” Y/n smiles. 
“No, Y/n. I’m in love with you.” Steve’s voice got quieter. 
“Steve, I’m in  love with you.” Y/n continued to smile. 
“Now kiss, or let us in.” The kids had shown up and Dustin was fake gagging. 
“Whatever, come on in.” Y/n rolled her eyes. 
“Thank god you’re alive, we like you better.” Lucas says to the girl sitting in the bed. 
“I’m flattered, you guys only like me because I buy you extra candy at the movies.” Y/n smiles, happy to be surrounded by the whole gang. 
Maybe this wasn’t the plan, but it sure was a lot better than the plan.
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siren-of-the-cortez · 5 years
Stranger Things 3 Ep 1 {SPOILERS}
So we’re back at it with season three. Shocking the Entity is even letting me see this, but I’m not complaining.
A bunch of white coats sciencing up trouble, guessed they were Russian. Go ahead and totally validate that conspiracy guy in season 2. But, they are WILLINGLY opening this gate again?!  Bunch of PHD Dumbasses always fuck it up. And they let the Flayer out. Great job! 
It’s kinda great to see how everyone’s doing; felt meh to open on Mike and Eleven just making out. Always feels weird being like adult age watching kids swapping spit. But, Mike and El are cute together and bless Hopper trying to keep his cool even with Mike being a little shit. 
Can I just say; there’s something kinda sexy about Papa Bear Hopp?
Steve Harrington is still bae AF even with that cute sailor’s uniform~ love that man.
It’s cool that he hooks the kids up with the movie theater and the movie picked was a classic. 
I do pity Nancy for essentially being the secretary’s secretary. Not even really getting desk work. Just their errand bitch. Hopefully she’s more likable this season than last.
Knowing that the Flayer escaped thanks to the fucking PhDumbasses, this fucker’s had a whole YEAR to rest and grow strong. Now, I know it’s not ENTIRELY demonic, but anything of that nature left on its own for that sort of time is gonna be a bitch and a half to take down. I’d say leave my kids alone but the Duffers love to make us suffer.
Speaking of suffering; LEAVE WILL ALONE! I WILL SET YOU ALL ON FIRE! DON’T TEST ME! And that drawing of Bob, while sweet, literally hurts my heart. Seeing Joyce even have flashbacks of their short time together hurts. She deserved him. They loved each other so much! 
And all my love to Winona. Still looking like a queen and Joyce Byers is Mom of the Year for life. I don’t make the rules, it’s just a fact of life~
My big issue at the moment is the adulterous and PEDOPHILIC potential affair between Karen and Billy. I do not condone adultery in any manner; an open relationship is cool. Consent or I stop your jaw. I’m well aware Karen is in an unsatisfied relationship. But, seriously honey? A SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD RACIST AND BULLY?! You saw him bully a kid and your pussy still wet for that greasy mullet?! Standards woman! If you’re gonna cheat, at least make sure they’re of age. Ugh.
Dustin is my son. I love him and he is so clever. I’m proud of your Cerebro my boy. And uhhh big fuckin props to tapping into RUSSIAN COMMUNICATIONS! That won’t backfire at all. But still proud of you, baby!
I’m onto episode 2 now! This felt disjointed but i JUST finished episode 1. It feels like a really good and solid start. 
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mrtwizz · 3 years
Stranger Things Masterlist
Last Edit: January 23, 2022
None of the Gifs are mine 
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Nothing here yet...
Max Mayfield-
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Nothing here yet...
Nancy Wheeler-
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Nothing here yet...
Robin Buckley-
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Nothing here yet...
Billy Hargrove- 
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Nothing here yet...
Steve Harrington-
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The Plan -
Summary: After a hectic few days of life threatening situations, Steve and Y/n realize they can’t live without each other and confess their love
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