#sorry toshi
stingrachelmha · 3 days
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My dumbest comic yet but seeing his eyes agin was quite a shock for me. I’ll get used to them
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chocoboco · 3 months
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Dropping this demon vice commander here before I'm off to bed
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boss-the-goofball · 9 months
Reunion never to be: who did Izuku kill in Kamino?
Someone that All for One would be very very happy to have dead
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amaranthdahlia · 12 days
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all might mom yuri GO
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cowboypoisons · 5 months
we need to talk abt noritoshi kamo more and no i don’t mean kenjaku btw!
his character is SO fascinating and he’s literally so doomed by the narrative and i wanna kiss him so hard bc of it!!! :3
from the time his mother decided it’d be silly to name her son after the most notoriously evil sorcerer in history all the way up until kenjaku basically saying he’s useless and would be a horrible clan head, this dude has NOT had a good time 😭😭😭
bc imagine your entire life trying to be this PERFECT perfect heir. your mother literally left you because she believed you’d thrive more without her and you decide to be this perfect heir for HER. and come to find out you were never really meant to be the clan head .
do u know how SICK that is??? especially considering he never knew who he was named after and how much of a stain the previous noritoshi kamo left on not just the kamo clan, but the whole damn sorcerer world…
like shit toshi fight BACK! 😭😭😭
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askadelcatty · 7 months
Toshi the white espeon from @blueespeon as a delcatty, perhaps?
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thanks for being patient!!! gave her a little circlet so she could keep her gem
Skitty-ify and Delcatty-ify requests are closed!
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pocketramblr · 8 months
Next movie villain seems to just be another man who is insane about All Might.
thing about all might is that men in love with him cannot act wisely. its getting genuinely tragic tbh.
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itsashowtime · 11 months
What kind of personality does Toshi have and what backstory?
I am still in the process of fleshing out his story but! Here's what I have so far...
(Art by: Aixen )
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Japanese Name: 時紫 雨花
Surname: Toshi 時紫 (violet hour)
First Name: Ukuwa (rain flower)
Alias: White Rabbit (By most), Eighty-Six (By Sho after they breakup) 
Birthday: June 8
Age: 19
Gender: Cis Male
Height: 190cm (6'2")
Noise Form: Jackalope Cantus
I designed him next to Rindou so they looked super hot together but then Shou swiped him like the asshole he is - I have yet to play Neo so maybe UkuRin will be able to recover but rn the Shou living rent free in my brain doesn't seem to want to share
I made Ukuwa's motif Hydrangea after a trip to the Hydrangea Shrine.
He's extremely picky about food and drink tempretures, like, it has to be just right or he'll tear you a new one
Loves Chai flavour
Every barista's nightmare, he'll yell at you if you don't pay attention to his laundry list order
He fiddles with his ear piercings when he's nervous
He thumps his feet like a rabbit when he's pissed
The neediest fucking bottom
A hardworking, judgemental and esteemed horologist. Time means everything to Ukuwa and he always seems to be in a rush! He is nicknamed 'Shibuya's White Rabbit' since he is often spotted dashing around the streets mumbling about schedules.
Ukuwa is strict and harsh but especially towards himself. He hates relying on people and prefers to get things done on his own. He is extremely counter dependent. If absolutely necessary, he takes extreme care in picking who to have around. He mostly sees people as tools for his own convenience. He calls people 'cogs'.
He has a very good eye for art and is passionate about design. He doesn't get excited often but when it comes to art, that is the one time his eyes light up.
Ukuwa's character arc is about slowing down and embracing the moment, being able to acknowledge your progress, allowing yourself to accept help and allowing friendships with unconditional love to blossom.
tldr; He is the CPTSD haver ever - Trigger warning for: child abuse, neglect, divorce
An only child who did not have his emotional needs met. Ukuwa was raised by an abusive, alcoholic father who was a electronics technician and a neglectful mother who was a highschool teacher. Both his parents had high expectations towards him right away. Failure to perform with the best outcome would result in: solitary confinement + hitting/whipping as punishment whether that be in school, house chores, or even going out. He has scars all over his hands as a result which is why he wears gloves all the time.
Ukuwa would be locked in an empty room after a rough beating to 'reflect on his actions' for hours, his only company being clocks. This is where his obsession with clocks started. Curious and bored, Ukuwa would start to disassemble clocks at a young age to figure out their workings. One could’ve gone insane, but Ukuwa was grateful that the clock would tell him when the pain was over and he could see the light again.
His parents divorced when he was in middle school, both of them getting newer partners with other children. This applied extra pressure onto him to perform well. Unfortunately, Ukuwa was often casted aside in favour of his step/half siblings. He is desperate to prove that he isn't a burden. In fact, that's a really big fear of his.
Ukuwa functions on guilt and shame. His fear of being a burden and a failure is what causes his workaholicism and lack of care towards himself. He pushes forward and only forward. He does not allow himself to rest. Time only moves forward, and so he wants to move only forward too.
This means that he's chronically counter dependent and refuses help when it is offered. He avoids connecting with people unless it's absolutely necessary and for business purposes. Because one less person to be around means one less person to be a burden and disappointment to.
Ukuwa saved up a lot as a child just to move out and to escape his family. Once he graduated from high school, he immediately moved out to Tokyo and has been living in a sharehouse.
He currently attends a college of jewelry in Shibuya, learning how to make clocks of all kinds. He is obsessed with Il Cavallo Del Re and dreams to design clothes and watches for them.
Now, I don't usually have my OCs getting TOO involved in canon but this is sort of an exception (though Ukuwa does not effect TWEWY mainplot) *puts hands together* So where does he fit into TWEWY? WELL-
One day, when he was rushing around mumbling about time and being late, he got caught up in a sinkhole and he dies. (Haha, ironic bc of his nickname which references the rabbit in Alice in Wonderland) He was already feeling terrible because his clock design didn't get included in this competition he had participated in.
But he lands himself in one of Minamimoto Shou's earlier Reaper Games. At this point, Shou hasn't discovered Taboo bullshittery. This game takes place a while before Neku comes along.
His entry fee was his concept of time. This means that he cannot even see the timer on his phone and can only recieve missions. Ukuwa is hyper vigilant (thanks cptsd). That means he's extra sensitive to light and sound. He has several clocks on him with different 'voices' that soothes him. Suddenly, he can't hear them anymore and that throws him off real bad.
He gets grabbed by a straight-for-pay lesbian hostess and party girl, Hana, admist the panic of Day 1. She grabs him because he looks 'reliable' and wealthy. (she was wrong. Ukuwa is gay and he only looks wealthy because the clothes he wears is what he designed and he's good with his hands)
Hana forms a pact with him, wanting to take advantage of him like she usually does with men because she treats them like wallets. Her entry fee was money, so she cannot spend money throughout the game and has to rely on stingy Ukuwa. Ukuwa has to rely on Hana to keep track of the time.
They start off pretty rocky at first because Ukuwa doesn't have patience for her antics and Hana gets frustrated by how Ukuwa is so careful with how he uses his money and how he doesn't seem to know how to have fun.
Ukuwa's pysch is cryokinesis. Because you know. Time has literally stopped for him. He can summon icicles and walls of ice. Hana has immense strength and smacks the shit out of noise with her purse. They become quite a good team throughout the week.
Ukuwa starts to enjoy the moment instead of trying to push forward and ignore his feelings, and Hana learns that partying and drinking won't solve all of her problems.
Tldr, he falls in love with Shou so hard and he already struggles with feelings of uselessness in the RG so he ends up becoming a reaper. Their relationship happens very quickly and it's veeeery toxic (but that's what makes it tasty)
If you wanna know the deets about UkuShou-
Ukuwa x Shou
Ukuwa is immediately intruged by Shou's trash heaps. The symbolism and the cynycism towards humans speaks out to him. It's the first time he really feels connection towards someone. The precision of the trash, how it's held up so sturdily and is obviously so deliberate is impressive to him. Hana tries to snag a piece of trash that looks useful as a weapon and Ukuwa yells at her and puts it back. He calls it an art installment.
He doesn't know that Shou is the artist behind the heaps. Not until the trash cat turns up anyways. He actually finds Shou insufferable and annoying at first. The yelling into the megaphone is pretty triggering to him and he doesn't hesitate to throw an icicle at Shou. When he finds out that Shou is the artist though, he can't help but grow more and more curious.
When Shou hears Ukuwa praising his art, he's pretty confused at first. He normally doesn't care if measly humans can't understand his art's brilliance and beauty, so hearing Ukuwa reading his piece like a book is different and a little unsettling. One part of him is happy? But the other part of him just doesn't want to admit that he's understood.
So throughout the week, he makes more unhinged art pieces and challenges Ukuwa to guess the symbolism and he denies how correct Ukuwa is every time. It's annoying how bright Ukuwa looks when he talks about his art. But it's also really endearing too.
Anyways, Shou grows curious about Ukuwa and it's a running theme that he tries to interrogate him in closed spaces like alleyways, the phonebooth of love (where they share their first kiss) and changing rooms. They bicker, argue, talk about art, the mission, etc.
Ukuwa is a stupid baby gay and he starts seeing Shou as a person and he starts to understand and speak in maths lingo too. Shou becomes so fascinating and beautiful to him so he makes the extra effort to get to know him. He has the biggest crush and Hana notices too- Even trying to set them up in her own silly way.
I should prolly mention that I hc that Shou is colourblind and has protanomaly colour blindness (weak to red/green) and like.
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Shou vision Ukuwa is vibrant and pretty it's insane.
I fully agree with Kiga's Shou HC and I think Shou had his art criticized in the past due to his questionable colour choices which lead to him making more sculpture stuff than paint. ANYWAYS-
Shou eventually accepts that he is understood by Ukuwa and by the time it's day 7, he realizes that actually, he kinda doesn't want Ukuwa to die in his hands. Luckily, Shibuya's Reaper's Game rules at this point aren't exactly solid yet and Shou being Shou finds loopholes. On the last day, there are a few surviving duos that reach the top of Pork City to fight Leo Cantus. This is when Ukuwa tosses humanity right out the window and he essentially erases all remaining players aside from himself and his partner Hana.
He's under the impression that one of them will have to die so he tells Shou that he'll gladly 'give him his movement' and die in his hands, but Shou cannot bring himself to do that and asks him to stay and add art to this world with him.
Tldr, thanks to the loophole of mission mail wording, Ukuwa is able to become a reaper and the two become even more inseparable.
They are very horny and very obsessed with each other. Ukuwa drops everything for love. Unfortunately, Ukuwa is a needy bitch and he relies on Shou for his dopamine. Shou is a free spirit and he likes his space so the relationship falls apart after a few months.
Ukuwa is actually the one that dumps Shou because he was 'five minutes and twenty three seconds late to our date'.
This hurts Shou's pride a lot because how DARE he get dumped. But here's the thing- they keep banging anyways. They are like magnets. And Shou is SO smug about it too. Because Ukuwa is in denial about still having feelings but he keeps going back!
I have yet to play NEO but after Shou dies in TWEWY Ukuwa acts like a fucking widower and he has a relapse with his workaholism. Kariya really helps him loosen up and enjoy the moment.
When Shou is revived in NEO, Ukuwa is like a sobbing mess. I imagine by then, Ukuwa has grown as a person more and he has learnt to give Shou space so they end back together. Shou also learns to have some empathy and stop being so selfish and finally apologizes (shocking) and they get back together. With their bond stronger than ever, they end up having a daughter (light puck baby) named Miu who is almost as unhinged as they are. She LOVES physics. She's a genius. And also a super powerful angel but I'll explain that another day LOL
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ok-i-draw · 1 year
Introduction of the Silver Fang Gang: The Crew
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Marcos & Maria: the bosses of the organization. The two have their own part of the group that they run. Maria being the more active role with enforcing their power around their territory and Marcos dealing and manufacturing the product.
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Bobby: Marcos right hand man and bodyguard. Since Bobby has an extremely hard plates of skin, it makes him the perfect body guard for Marcos. He takes absolute pride in this fact and is not afraid to show why. He helps marcos deal and sometimes helps his brother, Benny at the bar.
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Benny: Right hand man of Maria. He owns buzz bar, a bar that caters specifically to insects of all kinds. While incredibly strong, Benny is definitely the more relaxed than the rest of the group, which helps Maria not be so aggressive all the time. The bar helps introduce people to certain drugs that only the Silver gang can produce and get them addicted to it. With his easy going personality and charm, he is the top person to go to for drugs in the gang.
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Toshie: The left hand woman of Marcos. She’s famous designer who never shows herself in public. She was bored and needed some excitement in her life. After meeting with Marcos, she decided to join the group and experiment with the multitude of drugs, even creating a line of drugs. She’s a networker and helps pass on drugs to famous people, helping them get hooked.
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Ellie: Maria’s left hand woman. A past illegal fighter champion who joined the group after meeting with Maria and challenged her to a fight. After losing, she respected Maria for her strength and asked to be trained under her. Maria agreed to take her in the group. She became her third in command and helps collect money from buyers and enforces the groups power. She was nicknamed “The Bloody Empress” due to her helmet being stained red.
Members of the group have to have silver canines or at the very least have piercings of sliver jewelry. The only exception was Toshie since the spots of her skin looks like pools of melted silver.
Thank you so much for your support and patience during this time! As an apology for not posting last night here’s a sneak peak of another character vital to the Gang.
Bonus art:
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??? : [static]
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kfrances · 9 months
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these two. these two. these two. THESE TWO.
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psy-ay-ay · 2 months
hi so mitsuba okita huh
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lordichamo · 1 year
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emojis for talking about decapitation :)
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toshiomoyagi · 11 days
Being in a rush to leave the apartment to eat dinner because you got a reservation, so Toshinori wasn't able to use the bathroom because he forgot to keep track of time.
Arriving at said restaurant and ordering drinks. Going straight to ordering food, not minding if it'll take longer. Toshinori unable to help himself from sipping his drink when it arrives, soon remembering that he needs to go since he wasn't able to before
Allowing him to go because you wouldn't want to hurt the poor guy. But he ends up coming back nearly as quickly as he left because he can't go. Poor guy is too shy because the sound of people outside the bathroom makes him nervous
It's a family one: only one toilet and a locking door.
Watching and listening to him trip on his words, a sad attempt to ask if you could help him. Sighing and agreeing since your food is taking too long
Reaching the bathroom and locking the door, watching him pull down his pants and attempt to use the restroom. He lets out a little whine because he's trying, but can't because he's so nervous. What if someone knocks on the door? What if a line starts to form? Why won't it come out?
You shush him as you walk behind him, trailing your hands up his stomach and feeling him shudder in your arms. You talk gently to him, telling him to relax because he feels so tense. Putting your hand on top of his on his dick, placing your other soft on his bladder, making him move his other hand up to his mouth
He's muttering and whimpering because he has to go bad, but oh no... He doesn't want other people to hear him, not when it's about something as lame as having trouble to use the bathroom. The noises he makes are muffled as you press onto his bladder, shushing him because he's being too loud
Finally, his piss hits the toilet water as he relaxes, a stupid sigh leaving him because it was that much-needed
(Bonus :3c telling him midway through the meal that he owes you after you helped him... Poor guy knows you're going to be mean and have him hold it)
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moduloxii · 9 months
⋆「Cont. ☾ @leoxcantus 」⋆
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Did Minamimoto not see himself? He was being disgustingly unceremonious. Like a misplaced crown wheel. Ukuwa could feel the corner of his eye twitching in frustration at the sight. Truly, an eyesore.
"Isn't it uncomfortable? There are plenty of seats to occupy, why this?"
He gestured to the Reaper before him with a wave of his gloved hand.
"At least have the decency to remove your boots. The Pool Table isn't your couch."
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quiveringdeer · 2 years
Toshi, I'm so sorry in advanced.
My subconcious: "So this is your mans? Seriously???"
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rexscanonwife · 10 months
I've been thinking lately about how much I miss Toshi and it's just as well bcs me and my partner are going to a con in December where Chris Sabat Toshinori's dub voice actor is gonna be there 0_0!!!
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