fodlansbestmom · 2 months
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“How can you bother to drink that stuff?”
“It’s bitter,” Hubert replied after he took a sip of his coffee. A daily drink he consumes. It feels energy, it’s habitual. An eyebrow arched. “Perhaps you should broaden your horizons before you dislike mine.”
Sothis let out a disapproved hum. She had tried coffee in the past but it wasn’t to her liking, even adorned with cream and sugar. The smell was decent, at least. But the taste.. bitter indeed.
Hubert took another sip of his coffee. Before he had a chance to set the cup down Sothis was already half over the table that separated them, and captured his mouth in a kiss. She leaned back and gave another hum. She licked her lips.
The action had caught the Black Eagle off guard and he quickly set the cup down. Somehow he hadn’t spilled. “Lady Sothis, if you told me before hand, I would have made room for you.” There’s a soft blush on his cheeks from the kiss. Something he should have anticipated but why would he in this case? It was made clear how much Sothis disliked coffee.
“Mm. I shall next time. It.. I will admit, coffee tastes better from your lips.” A cheeky grin spread across ruby lips and she leaned in for another kiss. This time Hubert was ready, and he managed a chuckle before their lips met.
“Should I be expecting you more frequent when I partake in my morning drink?”
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dduane · 6 months
"Escape at Bedtime"
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The lights from the parlour and kitchen shone out Through the blinds and the windows and bars; And high overhead and all moving about, There were thousands of millions of stars. There ne’er were such thousands of leaves on a tree, Nor of people in church or the Park, As the crowds of the stars that looked down upon me, And that glittered and winked in the dark. The Dog, and the Plough, and the Hunter, and all, And the star of the sailor, and Mars, These shone in the sky, and the pail by the wall Would be half full of water and stars. They saw me at last, and they chased me with cries, And they soon had me packed into bed; But the glory kept shining and bright in my eyes, And the stars going round in my head.
The poem is by Robert Louis Stevenson: one of those ones that just resonate...
The image is a bit rare. I was delighted to stumble across it online in the NYPL Digital Collections, as I've got a framed copy of it—a greeting card from the time when the Green Tiger Press (now doing business as Laughing Elephant) first started doing note cards featuring the work of little-known children's illustrators.
The artist is Henriette Willebeek le Mair, who was known in the early 1900s for her precision and delicacy of line and the beauty of her colors. She was the illustrator of the 1931 edition of Stevenson's classic A Child's Garden of Verses; the image above is her illustration for "Escape at Bedtime."
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waffle-cookies · 5 months
ART DAY!!!!!
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And here's squid ink and a Qustionlbe jester cookie behind them :}
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Art of my fav youtube group :]
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And finally the cutest children's cookie in the game!!!
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32-p3nn13s · 2 months
I am nevwr goitr ouftwide ever agsin wgy do I aleays fucj everrythgin up
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brittle-doughie · 22 days
It is two am right now and my adhd will not leave me alone at all. So here’s some constructive criticism on CRK specifically in an area where I don’t see other people point out other than it’s rigged gacha system (I haven’t played in a while so I don’t know if it’s been fixed) towards pay to play players
I really do love the game, it’s probably one of the only mobile games I have played for such a long time. But the thing I really hate is how many new characters they constantly introduce. The roster of characters is getting bigger and bigger and it’s getting harder for me to keep up. Now, introducing brand new characters into a game like this is fine, but not when you already a giant roster of already existing characters. These existing characters are also really good characters with incredible designs and I want to see more of them, but the only thing we get is the story their update provides or a small event, then there thrown to the side for the next new character. I wanna see more of rebel cookie, raspberry cookie, cherry blossom cookie, tiger lily cookie, and much more cookies that already exist. I don’t care if it’s a back story, a small side plot just for a mini game, cookie shenanigans, or related to the current story, I just want to see the cookies I’ve learned to love when I first joined the game. I will also bring up that I also don’t like how most of the screen time and story mostly goes to the legendary cookies along with gingerbrave. I understand their importance to the story, but it’s a lot and I feel really sad that other epic cookies will never get that kind of treatment when it comes to their stories. Heck!! Kumhio cookie’s description says that she wanted to be a cookie even though she was a fox and managed to do that, but we don’t get to see that at all. No event, no back story, just a description you have to read. The same is also applied to sobert shark cookie, there’s so much potential for an event or something related to these cookies and yet we get nothing. Black pearl cookie has mentioned seeing Sobert shark cookie which means they have canonically met and I would love to see the time when they did. Or even them just seeing each other again, I can just see black pearl cookie looking at sobert shark cookie in his cookie form and hearing him go “OoooOooOooOooOoOo” and giving him the most judgmental and disgusted look you will ever see from her and going “What in the mighty seas??” I loved the playing the beginning of the game just from how many stories of cookies you got from the islands, expanding the land, meeting certain points, but now that I finished all of those, it feels empty and sad. I hope CRK will improve in that aspect, while I wait, I’m going to enjoy the new characters we are getting. They are still very nice and love the work they get put into them. Other than that, bai bai!! Thank you for listening to my Ted talk
I think they just want to stick making a new cast of characters rather than just being a complete 1-1 roster of CROB. It makes the Ovenbreak characters all the more hype when they do come to CRK.
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necroneri · 4 months
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Now I've noticed that I've never posted this drawing here! Well here we go… a bit about the lore of Cannoli (my jojosona/OC) A LITTLE ABOUT MY JOJOSONA Cannoli are non-binary just like me, they are the break in the non-binary pattern that leaves you in doubt as to whether they are male or female! Feel free to use the pronouns he/they with them. Some other time I'll do a post about their stand, which has a lot to do with their gender. ATTENTION: DUE THE MEMBERS OF LA SQUADRA DON'T HAVE A LORE OR ANYTHING DEEP TO SAY ABOUT THEM, THERE ARE A LOT OF MY HEADCANONS! About Sobert and Gelato: Cannoli was best friends with Sorbet and Gelato, they already knew about them being together, Illuso just wanted to “hint” about them as a form of provocation, since Cannoli told him. About Illuso: Cannoli's older brother. Illuso, aged 18, had to take care of his sibling alone since the death of their father in 1992. Unable to find money to support himself and his sibling, Illuso ended up joining Passione to get easy money and became a hired assassin for La Squadra.
Cannoli and Illuso spend most of their time together, one being very protective of the other, taking the motto of "family first" to heart. His unpleasantness often expands into Cannoli, often both mocking Formaggio's stand, calling him useless.
Illuso was Cannoli's tutor during 1 year of training on the La Squadra team, being responsible for awakening his sibling's interest in becoming an informant, as he always told them that their stand had a very large and destructive potential, even if it didn't was made for conflicts but for stealth actions.
The only disagreement between Illuso and Cannoli during the events of GW was due to him acting as the least sensitive towards Sorbet and Gelato's disappearance, wondering ironically if they weren't spending time together and openly mentioning the rumor of them being a couple, which he already knew due to Cannoli being Gelato's best friend. About Risotto: Risotto and Cannoli have an ambiguous relationship, even though they have been in a relationship for two years, in front of others they only act as subordinates and leaders, sometimes exchanging glances in public. In four walls, both are completely different; This was a way that they both found to keep the relationship safe and not be used as a "weak point" to be attacked ( Cannoli is 21 years old at the time of Golden Wind).
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shakesey-p · 3 months
opinion on pineapple on pizza?
there’s a right answer here, you can win or not lol
- :)
EWIIEEWWWEWWEWEWIIEIW NO WYYASYYASY!! Itsd so incredcuvbly wring. this dis ssdie (adddmin )speaking btw i masdy edit this when im sobert ot give an apppropriate answer for will hhhhehhe
but oaisnape on pizza is BAD!!!!!!!
bust :)) anoasn ru so cool u sedn fowers they make me smiel
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lollytea · 4 months
New robbing sobert chapter tomorrow I am holding myself to that
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pettyrevenge-base · 7 months
Friends called me a Fake Engineer, I bought their dinner.
My daughter 17, asked me to post this here. And Im the Dad who does as the women in my life tell me, which is how I ended up in a restaurant tonight with snobs. So the characters, my wife, wife’s coworker 1 and her husband arrogant engineer 1(AE1), wife’s coworker 2 and her husband my CPA, and Lastly AE2 and his wife. Each couple has two teenage children with us.
We are at a Japanese steakhouse in America where the chefs cook in front of you. CW1 and AE1 invited all of us for their youngest daughter’s birthday. Since their daughter is close with our daughter. So the parents are at one table and the teens at another. At the teen table my daughters (17 and 14) order sushi appetizers, mocktails, and shrimp with scallops. At our table the Sake is flowing along with a few top shelf drinks. My wife and I order our appetizers, drinks and dinners. We are all paying for ourselves and I see AE1 and AE2 seem to in competition for who can spend the most. My CPA and I chuckle at them and stay out of the fray. Until AE2 hears my daughter order and says to her, “careful now your daddy is only and agricultural engineer. He doesnt make as much as us real engineers.” For context they are structural engineers with Bachelor degrees, Im an agricultural engineer with a PHD. I work for governments, private investors, and several agro corporations. I own my own consulting firm. I help build sustainable reusable gardens. And this work allows me to travel to poorer countries and help them use what they have to start growing their own food. Apparently these men thought All I did was travel to impoverished places and teach people to dig in the dirt. They believed I did all this work for free and therefore made very little money. Im not “rich” by any stretch, but Im comfortable. We dont do extravagance, so we have savings and my wife works. However in 2023 I was awarded a handsome contract to design tower gardens in several states. Its a seven figure contract over three years. Back to dinner These guys ask me about the most ridiculous things. Like “is it good to grow onions and carrots in the same garden?” And were laughing at me and my work until their wives told them to stop. I chalk it up to drunken arrogance and dont even bother to answer. My CPA was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair. Apparently, he is AE1’s CPA as well. And knows the ins and outs of both our finances. AE1 taunts CPA to tell the table what he brought home last year after bonuses. CPA pulled up the figures on the phone and tells us. Its about 1/3 of what I brought home in 2023. The CPA says “I have yours up want me to share?” I decline. And he nods. Que another round of taunts. I go to the restroom and find the waiter. I pay for the whole check and leave a generous tip on top of what they added for a big party. After our sobert the waiter thanks me in front of everyone for the tip and wishes everyone a good night. AE1 and AE2 stare at me for a moment. I smile nod and tell CPA to tell them my income last year. After which I simply said goodnight. Petty absolutely, gratifying damn right.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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fodlansbestmom · 3 months
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”Your scars are nothing to be ashamed of.”
The familiar voice broke the silence that hung in the air. Sothis had been so lost in her thoughts she hadn’t heard him approach. How long had Hubert been there? Standing in the shadows, watching her. Observing.
“I - I am not ashamed!”
A lie. A terrible lie. A quiver in her voice confirmed the lie. Sothis shifted upon the stool she sat upon, her gaze focused back in the mirror that she had been using to get ready for the day. Their eyes met in the reflective surface. Her dress was only half on, the top pooled at her waist, thick mossy green hair resided over to one side. In her daze she repeatedly swept her hair from the middle of her back, to the side, and back again as if undecided where she wanted it.
Sothis truthfully was more than ashamed of the scars. Not of the wounds themselves, but more so how they happened. She couldn’t recall how she received them entirely but from the glimpses of nightmares, ghost pains, the reactions she had when near the cursed sword Byleth now wielded. She can piece it together. A horrid memory she rather forget completely.
“You don’t have to hide it.” Hubert voiced as he crept into the room and revealed himself fully. A light pink dusted his cheeks as his attention was on the goddess. He nearly left when he noticed her state of undress but the sight of the scars he sees.. “I never would have assumed you bore something so.. extensive.”
One wouldn’t expect the goddess to be so heavily scarred but for some reason the injuries sustained never healed. They all resided along her back. Two decorated her shoulders right beneath the blades, the spots where wings use to reside, after they were ripped out. Along her spine was the more gruesome one, thick, ghastly, that ran from the nape of Sothis’ back down to her tailbone. The duration of a spine. One that was brutally ripped from her living body.
“No.. I don’t believe anyone would.” Sothis answered quietly. She gestured to the space beside her and after a moments debate, Hubert moved. “Perhaps history wanted to forget about my demise, or they were never told to begin with. Though I think it is the former, considering most knew of the sword.” The wretched sword created from the very spine that was torn out. One that -
An audible gasp escaped as she was snapped back into reality. Fingers ghosted along the angry scarring of her spine, and Sothis arched her back in response. “Forgive me,” the Black Eagle apologised, his hand now hovering over her skin. “I could not stop myself from touching you.” A bold move from the mage and he retracted his hand, but paused midway when she spoke up.
“You.. can touch. It does not hurt much today.”
A turn of her head and their eyes met. She hardly allowed contact on her back, but she trusted Hubert. After all she didn’t tell him to leave. Another pause before his hand was back on her skin. Tentatively did he glide fingers along her spine once more. The action was intimate, the moment they shared. “How did you receive this one?” The ravenet asked though he knew the answer.
“It.. is a long story.”
“I have time to listen, my lady.”
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Level Up- LSAT Prep/Mental Glow Up
I’ve finally been crawling out of a 2-year long depression and I’m putting a list together to hold myself accountable and keep myself from becoming unmotivated and sad again. I’ve already started doing some of these things, but the list is to keep myself on track. I need to start using my time wisely. 
LSAT | Law School
The MOST important thing in my life right now. I’m taking the November and October LSATs. Goal score is a 165+, hopefully a 170. But this won’t happen unless I put in the work. I need a good score to reflect the GPA I spent 4 years working for. Still doing 100 days of LSAT prep, just trying to find a study schedule that works for me. 
6 days a week: Focus on 1 section each day for 3-4 hours. Split up into two blocks of studying. First block will be a timed section. Do one-two timed section PTs for the chosen subject. Focus on timing and blind review for two hours. Second block is 2 hours and is untimed/strategy. Go through a PT and study each question. 
1 day a week: Full PT and blind review. 
EX: Section is Reading Comp. Do 1-2 timed 35-minute PT sections. Go back and analyze answers. Then come back a few hours later and do an untimed PT and thoroughly analyze it. Also do two 30-minute drills for the two subjects not being focused on (LR and LG). 
Reading | Journaling | Mental Health | Physical Health
I want to read 1 book chapter a day. Doesn’t matter the length of the chapter. I have so many books I could be reading instead of spending hours online. 
I need to actually work through my issues rather than hope they’ll go away. I’m going to try to journal regularly every day. 
GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA. I spend so much of my time and energy comparing myself to people online. I could be putting this energy into myself and working on me. I deleted tiktok and any other app that is toxic. I’m keeping tumblr (obviously) but I’m trying to replace everything else with brain games like crosswords, audiobooks, or podcasts. 
Replace unhealthy snacks with fruits. I’ve been doing this by replacing breakfast burritos with smoothies, ice cream with sobert, cookies with fruit, etc. Need to keep at it and eat good to feel good.
Walking/ exercise every day. 3x a week doing workouts with resistance bands and 4x a week walking for 30 minutes to an hour. I feel so much better after I start moving and I’m more motivated to study. 
Working | Money
I’ve been out of work for a bit (paid work at least, I’ve done some unpaid internships in the past few months). I want to at least start doing something part time so I can save up to move out of state for law school. I’m aiming for 10-18 hours a week and until I get a job I will send in 3+ applications a day. 
I need to start cleaning every day. My space gets messy really fast and I need to stay on top of it. Cleaning for 10-30 minutes a day will keep me from cleaning for 3-4 hours one day a week.
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waffle-cookies · 2 months
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wadewilsonposting · 1 month
Believe the sobert anon fella you’re looking for would be @bo-roman, heard he don’t mind having folks drop into his corner
He ISN’T made of sorbet :(
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t-pigs · 2 months
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Got to doodle this morning! [ e…e]>🖍️
* bonus I got free oranges from work again, I get to try my tempt at sobert*
Total score!
back to the board!
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jozstankovich · 2 years
lockscreen, last song listened to, last saved photo, last photo taken check - tagged by @elliethesuperfruitlover 💚
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lock screen art by @/sobert-rheehan
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tagging: @stellamancer @eddiemunsonmeltdowns @santacarlahorrorshow @boosyboo9206 @alwayzthere
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seanfalco · 2 years
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had the great privilege to commission @sobert-rheehan for a piece of Nathan & Win and I’m crying it’s so good TvT 💚
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