#silly mc
rizdoodls · 1 day
I like Savanaclaw.⛓🐺⛓
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nurukiki · 5 months
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I drew all versions of my Perfect Love MC Toki in my chibi art style!!! They were really fun to draw and I can’t wait to draw more of them
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cheesemenace · 7 months
Corpses, Walkers, Zombies, Ghouls- Oh Whatever
Chapter 1 - Corpses
“It would be helpful if you told me where you came from,” the bearded man across from me stated.
I blinked stupidly at him. We sat in awkward silence for a moment before he broke it.
“I get it. Well you best be on your way.”
My belongings were neatly placed in an old leather messenger bag. A canteen of water, a few non-perishable snacks, a lighter, and a small first aid kit. Not much. My pistol was strapped to the thigh of my brown cargo pants I was currently wearing. In one of my pockets I had my hidden switchblade. I was as ready as I would ever be. Or something like that.
“I appreciate all your help,” I said courtly, with a small bow of my head.
“I didn’t do much.”
“More than most,” I said as I was guided to the door.
The man who helped me was located in a trailer near a large river, it looked permanent. Hiding under natural sound seems to work for the most part, at least in his case.
The sun hung high in the sky. It was about mid-day, at least as far as I could tell, I am still looking to get my hands on a watch that works. Lately it has been difficult to find anything with the rotten corpses roaming the land of the living. You heard me, corpses.
I don’t know what to call the corpses. Most people call them zombies, the undead, the living dead, walkers, or even ghouls. I haven’t quite decided yet. Perhaps I never will. I don’t process them as a name, they just are. Maybe it is the disbelief that has caused me to not accept this new reality. It doesn’t matter, this is my life whether I believe it or not.
The man was nice enough to give a map of the area, he must have been living out here for part of his life before the apocalypse. It was helpful, that much is true. The paper was yellowed and had a coffee stain that blurred the top right corner a bit. It’s ok, I don’t plan on going out that far anyways, not yet at least.
The mud from the ground caked my combat boots and each step made a loud squelching sound, it rained last night. Usually when it heavily rains there are less zombie hoards, they get split up due the loud sound. This makes traversing the land much more difficult due to their unexpected placement. A corpse could just wander up and attack me. But that won’t happen since I am traveling after the rain.
A loud groan gurgled out from behind me. Well… there goes that.
1.3 Pages - 458 words
Check out my master list for other chapters poster on tumblr
You can find the rest of the story on Quotev
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bugganox · 2 months
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ryllen · 3 months
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l3viat8an · 4 months
MC: Careful now. If you keep being sweet, I'll start thinking you're in love with me.
Solomon: What could I have possibly done to make you think I'm not??
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zephyrchama · 2 months
Asmodeus likes to wear his favorite things.
MC is one of Asmodeus' favorite things.
Asmodeus picks MC up one day and drapes them around his neck like a feather boa. The ultimate accessory that pairs with every outfit. The two walk around like this for five minutes or so, until MC gets too uncomfortable.
This has the unfortunate side effect of causing demons across the realm to don human skin scarves for a while. Asmodeus apologizes to MC profusely and will only do this at home anymore.
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rosalindasupremacy · 29 days
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So sillyy
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dammjamboy · 23 days
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bill and ford in minecraft! what will they get up to?
based on minecraft shenanigans w my friends @2bencats @m0nkeych0w @boohooberry !
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Mammon: Wait, wait, wait. So you're tellin' me that if Lucifer had been nicer, you would've never tried goin' up in the attic a second time?
MC: Yeah.
Levi: Wait, what? How…?
MC: Alright, look. There were two reasons why I wanted to go into the attic. One: I was hearing Belphie's voice from there asking for help, and two: Lou was acting suspicious as fuck about it with the whole threatening me and shit.
Lucifer: I-
MC: Shh, let me explain!
Lucifer: …
Belphie: Pff…
Satan: So what, you're saying that if Lucifer hadn't acted the way he did, you would've just given up? No trying to go into the attic, no suspicion, you would've just ignored Belphie's voice and went on with your day?
MC: Absolutely. I mean, think about it: I had just gotten here, and someone not wanting a stranger to go into certain parts of their house is kinda reasonable. And like I said, it wasn't the "not letting me go there" thing that made me want to go there, it was the suspicious behavior!
Because again, you threatened me and just started being an overall dick after you caught me trying to go upstairs.
Lucifer: MC-
MC: But I understand your reasons, you were worried, wanted to protect your family, and bla-bla-bla. Don't worry, it's fine. We've come a long way, I love you, you love me, and there's that. But going back to the topic…
Asmo: 🤭
Lucifer: 👿
Asmo: 😦🤐
MC: So the point is, you catch me going to the attic, and you threaten to kill me if I try doing it again. You don't try to explain, don't try to convince me I shouldn't go there, you just go: "I have this tea that will put you to endless sleep, muahahahaha."
All brothers (except Lucifer): *try not to laugh*
MC: And in my head, I go: "Bet. Imma see what the fuck's up there, and you old man, you ain't stopping me."
Asmo, Beel & Mammon: 😨😦😳
Belphie & Satan: *wheezing in silence*
Lucifer: *glares at them*
MC: But that could've been prevented! Like, if you hadn't threatened me, and tried to explain why I shouldn't go there in the first place-
Lucifer: I couldn't tell you the truth.
MC: Well, you could've come up with anything! Because remember, I had just dropped here, in literal fucking hell. So you could've told me literally ANYTHING and I would've believed you. Like, you could've just told me the room was cursed by an evil spirit or something. Because I'd hear that and go: "Alright, have a nice day. I'm never stepping foot on these stairs again."
Beel: Pff...
MC: But nooo, Mr. Pride had to go: "I won't give you ANY explanation, and I will KILL you if you try going there again." And that combined with the strange voice asking for help? It did not give you a great look, I gotta say...
All brothers (except Lucifer): *already laughing their ass off at this point*
Lucifer: …
Belphie: Wow...
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the-travelling-witch · 7 months
Mc: *sneezes*
Mammon, leaning towards Levi, whispering: What does it mean when humans do that?
Levi, whispering back: I think they just took a screenshot
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
Unhinged Dates with the Obey Me Cast.
AN: This was just a silly haha but I had way too much fun with it. It was supposed to be one line each...
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Leviathan takes you to go see a whale fall in person. He uses magic so you don't die, obvi, but come on guys!!! Whale fall!!!
Barbatos will take you back in time to witness some of his favorite historical events. You can have a picnic while watching Pompeii from a safe distance.
Satan takes you to a real murder mystery party. Someone sold their soul to him and it's time to collect. Why not make a date of it and kill the poor fool at their own party?
Asmodeus takes you out for the Elizabeth Bathory spa treatment. Virgin blood does wonders for your complexion!
Belphegor will pull a Freddy Kruger and take you with him to haunt some poor shmuck's dreams.
Lucifer is a classy guy. You can sip demonus while watching a Shakespeare reenactment of your choice. When a character dies, so does the actor! Don't worry, love. It's just the souls of the damned. Part of their punishment, y'know?
Beelzebub takes you to a restaurant that used to be all the rage before it was shut down just prior to the exchange program. But the locals kicked up such a fuss it reopened. Just... ignore the fact the menu looks like something the Sawyer family would be offering.
Mammon had a phase where he was really into jumping off of buildings. If you find old Devilgram pics of him divebombing the ground before flying off at the last minute and give your best puppy dog eyes, I'm sure Mammon would be delighted to hold you close as he indulges in an old pass time!
Diavolo will let you join while he sentences souls to damnation. As his future co-monarch, it's your right to learn about the ins and outs of the kingdom. You can even wear a crown made of bones if you want!
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goodnight-whore · 1 month
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ryuubff · 1 year
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mc and sol’s weekends out of cocytus hall are spent doing this or going to different restaurants to fake a proposal and get free food
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ryllen · 10 months
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sebek who cares
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the demand on the board is always heavier at the other side
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l3viat8an · 9 days
MC: On a scale of one to ten, you're a nine, because I'm the one you need~ *winks*
Asmo: You’re a ten.
MC: What? No… Asmo it’s a pickup line-
Asmo:*cupping MC’s face and giving them a kiss before each word* You. Are. A. TEN.
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